#but norm should have done more for spider
"I was thinking about a neteyam x fem!human!reader. Reader is a short girl, maybe 4'11 (1.48) and Neteyam takes advantage of it and corners her to the wall..."
This was my request. Sory for misunderstanding
Paring: Neteyam X Fem!Human!Reader
aged up Neteyam(26) Reader(22)
Word count: 5K
Synopsis: You’ve been sent to Pandora as a researcher. Constantly having your head in the books, swabbing cultures, and learning more about the world you’ve been sent to. Grace would occasionally mention the different Na'vi, but you had no clue who anyone was. Little did you know someone had been watching you this whole time. 
word bank: Lawr=melody
Warnings: no use of Y/N, smut, Dom!Netyam, semi-oblivious reader, size kink, teasing, slightly possessive Neteyam, P in V, cock warming, creampie, breeding kink, hair pulling, male receiving oral, 
a/n- This definitely took longer than I thought it would, but I finally got it done. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy.
“Can you get that for me?” You asked while letting out a sigh accepting your defeat. Grace raised her brow and shook her head. “You know there should be some sort of high requirement for these job positions.” You playfully rolled your eyes and took the stack of books from her. “If they did that it would be discrimination! And thank you.” 
“Mhm, you’re welcome.” She started walking away but turned back on her heels. “Oh, Neteyam and Lo’ak are stopping by.”  You placed the books next to the microscope, looking up with a confused face. 
Grace scuffed. “Do I need to make a damn PowerPoint for you? Come on quark!” You rolled your eyes at the nickname she gave you. It was the name used once protons and neutrons are broken down. Making them the smallest particles. 
“Are they the ones that come in here with spider?” She nodded her head and lit her cigarette.  You weren’t too familiar with the Na'vi… You tried to speak the language but only managed to grasp a couple of words, phrases, and some sentences if you were lucky. 
But most of the time when the men came through you just minded your business and stayed to yourself. 
“Yes with Spider… seems like he’s the only one you remember?” 
“Weeell he’s the only one who’s here often.” She shook her head “What are they stopping by for?” 
“Not sure. Anyway, I’ll be in the village.” 
You’ve seen pictures from when Grace was in her human form but that was many years before. She talked about the war many times and it still shocks you how she survived….how anyone survived. 
You nodded my head and started pulling out the necessary agar dishes and instruments for culture dishes
Many scientists passed by not paying you any mind. It wasn't until you heard Norm logging on his tape recorder that you finally looked up from the microscope.  He noticed he was looking and waved while finishing up.  “Hey, how’s it going Quark?” You let out a sigh making him chuckle.  “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but you have to admit the name catches on fast.” 
‘At least it wasn’t an insulting name I’ll give Grace that’ you thought. “Yeah yeah yeah. I heard Spider and his f-
“ NORM! What’s going on!” You turned your head quickly hearing his loud voice bounce off the walls of the lab.  “Never mind it seems they have arrived.” You said 
Spider looked at you and instantly ran almost tackling you! “Umph… dude, we talked about this! I’m not a damn target stop tackling me like I’m a runaway!” 
“Shit- I’m sorry” he pulled away and fixed your hair…. Well, I attempted to fix it. You swatted his hand away and properly fixed it. The other scientist always would comment how you two were meant to be siblings with how you interacted with each other. The two Na'vi men were in the back watching the whole thing. 
“Spider is that your girlfriend? You sure ran to her like she was.” 
Spider spun around and gave the slightly shorter one the finger while the tallest one watched the two banter….until you felt his eyes on you. Your breath hitched causing a smirk to appear on his. You watched as he looked away and walked towards Norm. 
“Oel ngati kameie olo'eyktan.” Norm said while bringing his hand up to his forehead and extending it. This was a common greeting they used but of course, you struggled with it.  The really tall one returned the gesture and began speaking the language you struggled with the most. 
“What’s this you’re working on?” Spider asked causing you to jump. You’d been so caught up in staring at the man you forgot the name of to notice Spider was next to you along with the other man. “Shit! Spider, you have to stop doing that!” You clutched your chest and let out a huff of air. “And it’s swabs from the animals on Pandora…then once they are incubated properly I’ll be able to see the different bacteria that live on them.
The pair chuckled. “He didn’t do anything you were distracted by my brother.” You raised a brow and looked back between the one talking to Norm and the one standing next to you. 
You hummed and nodded your head. “ I see the resemblance.” 
He scoffed and shook his head while fiddling with the various books on your table. “Resemblance my ass! You’ve met us about a dozen times yet forget what we look like and our names.” 
You huffed and placed your hands on your hips. “Well, I’m sorry smart ass I have things to do and complicated names that I have to remember for reports…..and I do remember now you’re Lo’ak you always come in here and talk rather loudly if you ask me.” 
He scoffed and knitted his brows together mimicking your hand placement. “ I do not talk loudly you should see a doctor if your ears are sensitive you mouse.” You gasped and picked up one of the books getting ready to throw one at his head. 
“Oh, so you want to throw insults at my height?” 
His eyes widened “ n-no no that no-“
“Listen here you damn giant take another jab at my height and I’ll make sure to knock some inches off of you!”  You went to go throw the book as his mouth opened again but you were stopped by a large hand. You looked up to see the man called Neteyam smirking down at you. 
“Looks like you got yourself in some trouble brother.” He let out a deep chuckle sending chills down your back. The Na’vi accent was very thick on his tongue but you understood him clearly. Neteyam looked down at you again and let your hand go. You slowly let your hand drop and he smiled. 
“ I’m sorry Lawr, my brother tends to make trouble everywhere we go.” He said softly while squatting down. I took a step back surprised by how close he was. “Allow me to make it up to you…. I’m hosting a party well it’s more of a celebration for a hunt we had earlier this morning.” 
‘A celebration? How…what would I even wear’ you thought. “ I-I well I don’t really-“ 
“Bro look at her she can’t even speak properly,” Lo’ak said. You knitted your brows together gripping the book, and swiftly threw it at his head. Of course, he didn’t see the coming so it got him right above his eyebrow. 
Lo’ak let out a loud yelp and held the injured area. “ I have several more books if you want to keep talking ass hat!” Everyone started laughing and I turned back to Neteyam. 
“ I’ll take you up on that invitation thank you… Is there anything I should wear?” He smiled giving you a once-over. 
“You can come as you are or you can wear something nice, but I think you look beautiful as is.”  He smiled, making the heat rise to your cheeks. “Gosh ha-well I’ll wear something nice. It’s a celebration I don’t want to look raggedy.” 
I let out a small chuckle and sat back on my chair causing him to do another once over. He smirked before my attention turned back to Spider. 
“So no candy?” Spider chuckled and dug into his pouch. “If I didn’t bring any I’m sure you would have thrown a book at me.”  You playfully rolled your eyes as he placed the candy in the drawer on your research table away from your swabbing one. “No that’s only for people who have smart mouths.” You said taking a jab at Lo’ak who was still rubbing his forehead.  You heard Neteyam chuckle as he stood up. 
“Well, I will leave you to your work. I have duties to tend to until later….I’ll see you then lawr.”  You bit your lip subtly noticing his eyes not leaving you. He smiled before walking away.  You felt a little jab to your arm and it was Spider. You looked over to him and shook your head as he winked and wiggled his brows. 
“Will you stop? Now go, I’m sure Kiri needs help with something!”  Lo’ak gasped bringing your attention to him.  “So you remember my sister's name but not mine!” You laughed as you pulled out more agar dishes for swabbing. “Yes, because she is nice and I enjoy when she comes in!” It was the truth. Kiri truly was nice to have around and occasionally would bring little snacks. Most of the stuff on Pandora you couldn’t eat but some stuff you could. 
“You’re ridiculous you know that right? Am I not nice to have around?” You looked up at him and got up from your chair, you couldn’t help but feel a little bad for throwing the book at him. You went into the first aid freezer and grabbed one of the ice bags. 
You walked back over and handed it to him. “Here… and yes sometimes when I don’t have work to get done and you're not being loud.” He hesitantly took it and muttered a thank you before putting the ice on his brow. 
“Hm, maybe I’ll consider being quieter…or maybe you can take a break from work and come back with us.” 
You hummed while sitting back on your stool. “ I’ll think about it.” Is all you said he accepted the answer and nodded his head. They said their final goodbyes and you finally could go back to work…well at least you tried to but all you could think of was how intense Neteyam's gaze was.
After many hours of working you finally made your way back to your room to get ready for this ‘celebration'. This was the first time in months you’d gone to any sort of party so you were going to go all out and by all out it meant putting on some lipstick and mascara. You let your hair drop to your shoulders from its previous hairstyle so there was no need to spend unnecessary time with that. Especially when it was already curly.
“Maybe this is too much?” You said while looking in the mirror adjusting your outfit. You settled on a hip-hugging long skirt and the matching tube crop top that was practically a bra on you. Maybe it was too much especially with you putting your belly piercing back in. Maybe it was too much or maybe you were being super self-conscious knowing Neteyam would see you. 
You bit your lip and shook the unwanted thoughts from your head. “No! I haven’t been out of the lab in months I’m going as is!” You turned off the light and marched out of your room, only to be followed by a loud whistle from Norm who was now in his avatar form. 
You looked up and shook your head. “What are you doing here?” He chuckled and gestured for me to start walking. 
“ Neteyam insisted I be here to walk you to the village and sent his apologies for not being here instead.” You looked up shocked by what he just said but only nodded your head and hummed in response. ‘Hm he’s a gentleman I see.’ You thought 
“Also I’m sure I don’t have to give you the talk… but it’s best you don’t… how do I put this? Lo’ak tends to mess around so just a heads up.” You let out a loud laugh and shook your head. 
“That’s hilarious that you think I would even let him try something. I’m sure he got the message earlier today.” Norm chuckled and ducked as he walked out the building. 
In the past exopacks were needed for humans to breathe but after the war Grace and some of the other scientists developed a shot that would make it possible for you to breathe Pandora's air. That’s not your specialty so you had no clue how they did it but it was cool. 
With norms help it wasn’t a far walk and the music could be heard for a distance you’ve never been to one of these events before. A smile
 appeared on your face seeing grace in the distance dancing with other people. A sight you’ve never seen before. 
Kiri spotted you and instantly walked over with a wide smile on her face. “You made it! You look fantastic.” You did a little dance while turning around showing her your whole outfit.  “Come come let’s dance we can’t let this outfit go to waste!” 
Your eyes widened ‘Dance?’ You thought. You had no clue how to do their dances much less if they would look good on you. “ I-“. Kiri chuckled and leaned down to gently push you to the dance floor. “ I’ll show you now, stop worrying.” 
You looked around seeing couples dancing rather sensually. You hadn’t realized the music changed… and of course, you’d danced to similar music but it was nothing like this. You took a deep breath and followed Kiri’s lead and once you got comfortable you followed and put your own twist on it.  
You lost track of time with how many drinks you consumed and the music flowing through your body. You didn’t notice Neteyam watching you all night. But anyone who he conversed with sure noticed how his attention was elsewhere. 
It wasn’t until you managed to wander off that you were taken away by the various glowing flora. “Gosh, I should have brought my kit. I have to come back out here and get samples.”  You said admiring the plants, letting a gasp out seeing a strange animal fly up from below. 
“Not without me I hope.” A low familiar voice said causing you to jump. He let out a deep chuckle and held his hands up. “ I didn’t mean to scare you lawr” You tilted your and continued walking. 
“So you were following me?” You said as your hand grazed one of the flowers you passed by. “And what does that word mean?” 
The sound of the music was growing faint with every step you took but the further you walked the more things around you were illuminated. “You could say that yes. What kind of leader would I be if I left someone like you alone? And it means-“You spun around and knitted your eyebrows together. 
“ What is with you and your brother commenting on my height? I already know I’m short, okay!” You huffed out 
“ I can’t speak for my brother but I find your shortness cute.” You rolled your eyes letting out an annoyed grunt shoving his hips back in the process. But of course that was the wrong move on your part. The devious smirk on your face slowly faded as you watched his face morph into something you’d never seen before. 
It was as if your feet forgot how to walk forward and instead walked backward. The cold rock wall against your back caused you to let out a gasp. ‘When did we walk into a cave?’ You thought. It wasn’t until now that you realized the details in his face let alone his body. You bit your lip trying to look past the groin that was rather close to your face. You exhaled deeply and tried to move to the side but his hand pushed you back up against the wall. You looked up to find him staring down intensely. You watched as his head tilted. 
“Now what would happen if someone were to corner you like this?” He slowly lowered himself and you tried reaching out to trace the glowing dots on his abdomen but your hand never reached. “Someone as little as you wouldn’t be able to defend yourself against someone like me.” His hands grazed your cheek causing you to lean into it. “But you're not a wild animal or-” You felt his hands grip under your arms and swiftly pick you up pressing you back into the wall. 
Your breath hitched by how close his face was. “You clearly lack skills that would be vital to protect yourself out here.” He said, looking dead straight into your eyes.
“And how would you know?” He chuckled sending chills down your back. “Because I’ve been watching you ever since you started working here. I never saw one of your kind so small before.”
“ I didn’t know a leader could be a stalker.” He raised a brow.  “If stalker is what you call it then I guess but could you blame me? You had me intrigued,” he said with a smirk on his face as he moved closer to yours. Making your heart beat faster than ever. ‘What is he going to do? Is he going to kiss me?’ You thought. “We should get back.” He said pulling away from my ear and setting me back down.
“ hu-what?” He chuckled and gestured for you to walk in front of him. “ I said we should get back I wouldn’t want anyone thinking you got lost.” You felt his smirk burning in your back and all you could do was walk back to where everyone was with a frazzled mind. ‘What was that? I could have sworn he was going to kiss me! Then he pulls away. Get it together why the hell would he kiss me? I’m sure he’s betrothed to someone.’ And it didn’t help having those thoughts race through your mind. 
You felt his hand graze you back causing you to look up at him looking down at you. You gasped feeling one foot make its own decision to stop mid-motion. You yelped feeling the impact hit your knee. He cursed and swiftly picked you up. Not sort of wines coming from you. “See… I think it’s best I carry you.” He said turning in a different direction. “Maybe the second bowl of alcohol was too much…” you said gripping onto him. You heard him scoff. 
“No the first bowl was enough matter of fact. You shouldn't have drank any at all. I’m surprised you are still talking.” He said in an amused tone as if the alcohol was something not to be messed with. “And why is that? I can handle my liquor quite well!” You huffed.
He laughed and shook his head “Well my ass! You just fell and hurt your knee.” You rolled your eyes. “Yeah because you touched me!” He didn’t say anything but kept walking… It was like that for a while. He said nothing and you stole long glances at him. You gripped onto him tighter feeling like you would fall. Making your face accidentally end up in the crevice of his neck. You cursed to yourself, smelling the addicting aroma coming off of him making you look up. He looked down briefly muttering something you couldn't understand. “Where are we going?” you asked resting your head on his chest. “Back to my place I need to examine your cut.”
He pulled back the flap on the door opening and sat you down on the woven carpet. You looked around as he walked off somewhere. It was lowly lit but lit enough so that you could see all the little details. ‘He's neat....and it doesn't smell in here. Well, why would it smell? He obviously knows how to clean especially himself. Gosh, he smelt so good. Did the Na’vi have cologne?’ Once again you found yourself distracted by all these questions and thoughts. You didn't notice he was sitting in front of you until his large hand touched your leg. You let out a gasp and he chuckled. “And you're easily frightened…I’m not letting you go out there alone.” You rolled your eyes and he let out a surprised scoff as he applied whatever it was on your knee.
“You know you have one hell of an attitude in you.” You grunted, “ especially someone for your size.” You reached in front of him and pushed his leg. If he wasn't so tall you would have pushed his chest. “See, my point is proven. Now sit still before I make you I need to finish doing this.” You raised a brow and looked him in the eye. “And why would I do that?” He let out a chuckle removing his hand from your knee. “Because I said so now don't move.” You huffed and stayed still until your eyes leaned back on his chiseled abdomen. Every part of his body had a different stripe. Without realizing your hand inched closer to touch the ones near his belly button. 
“If you keep touching me like that Lawr I don’t think I’ll be able to hold myself back.” He said jokingly but deep down you wanted it to be real. Unknowingly the sexual tension that had been building from this morning had come to a violent boil, and truthfully, you wanted him to do dirty things to you.  You looked up doe-eyed “Then don’t.” He looked shocked for a moment but smirked your comment off. “ I don’t think you know what you're talking about.” He said lowly 
He moved back now finished with your knee you bit your lip trying to decide what to do next.  You felt his thumb graze your lips dragging you out of your thoughts. “Don’t do that I’ll have another thing to fix.” He said but this time he wasn’t joking. This time his eyes were locked on you and his finger still pressed against his lips waiting for you to release the hold. 
But you didn’t instead you parted your mouth slightly letting his thumb fall in and swirled your tongue around it. Imitating what you would do to him if he would give you a chance. 
He let out a deep grunt when sucked on it but eventually let it go with a pop. “Please”, you asked, lust lacing your voice. You reached down at his loincloth waiting for him to protest and say no even looking up for approval. But the only look on his face was a smirk. “What are you waiting for my little Lawr? Put that mouth to work and show me how much of a good girl you are.” You bit your lip moving back to his loincloth swiftly untying it. 
You let out a gasp once faced with his large thick uncut cock. Your mouth was just watering at the sight ‘Gosh I need this in my mouth right now! Is this even going to fit in me?’ You thought as you took him I. Your hands bringing your mouth closer. 
You licked up the dripping pre cum on his tip making him let out a groan, bringing his hand to the back of your neck.  ‘There's no way this is going to fit in my mouth’ you thought as you quickly tried to figure out how to tackle it. You looked up and he let out a chuckle. “Is this your first time?” He asked in a rather cocky tone. You rolled your eyes. Took the tip of his cock into your mouth doing what you could do in the position you were in. 
A slew of curses spewed from his mouth as you tried to take him deeper but to no avail you were a coughing gagging mess. He huffed out as his hand caressed your cheek. “You gotta relax your throat, pretty girl. I know it’s big but if you want to take me you gotta relax it.” His smooth lust filled voice made you clench around nothing.  He suddenly let out a low grunt as his hand wrapped back around the back of your neck.  causing you to look up while still sucking on. 
He pulled you back by your hair. Making an unexpected moan to escape your mouth. “Enough of that on your back now.” He ordered. Without a second to spare, he picked you up putting you on your back. Your breath hitched feeling his fingers graze your clothed clit. He let out a mischievous chuckle. 
Resulting in your skirt getting yanked off along with your top. Leaving your chest exposed and your panties, which did a horrible job concealing how turned on you were.  Before you could even reach to cover your breast his mouth was already latched onto your nipple. “Fuck” you moaned out bringing your hands up to his head. You could feel him smirk against you. You gasped hearing a rip causing you to lift your head up in surprise only to find your panties ripped and thrown across the room. “Neteyam!” he chuckled. “You don’t need them anyways”, he towered over you revealing his cheeky smirk as his braids fell over his face. He took his cock in one hand stroking it slowly, clenching his fist as he rose to the tip. You watched yearningly, “Are you going to jerk off to me all night or are you going to fuck me?” You cursed out feeling him tap the thick head of his cock suddenly on your clit. “This is what you want?” he asked teasingly while looking at you wholly overtaken by lust.
You whined gripping his forearm as he lathered your wetness on his cock. “Yes” you finally spoke. He teased your entrance slowly trying not to hurt you, but it was hell holding back from plunging deep inside you. “You’re gonna need to breathe for me Lawr and relax. I can't do it if you don't do that for me,” he said softly. You nodded your head lazily still gripping onto his forearm, and as soon as your breathing became someone regular he began to enter.
 It was a burning pain at first that had you clenching your eyes shut even letting a few stray tears slip. “ I know I know I’m sorry Lawr it will feel better soon- fuck I promise.” He planted sweet kisses all over your face while whispering comforting words in your ear but soon the bearing feeling faded and your grip lessened. It was as if someone flicked a switch and now all you felt was pleasure. “Please” you mewed out as he started to properly thrust into you. He looked down wiping the stray ears from your face and smirked at your newfound pleasure. “See I told you… All you had to do was trust me.” He let out a deep gruntal moan as you clenched around him. 
It’s a shame he couldn’t fit all of him inside you. But that was okay because as the seconds passed inch by inch he was filling you up almost knocking the air from your lungs as he pounded into you. You bit down on his forearm moaning into him. 
He let out a breathy chuckle while rutting into you. “Marking me already hm?” He brought his hand down massaging your swollen clit. “You don’t have to worry I’m not going anywhere I’m yours.” You couldn’t process what he was saying or even begin to translate it. All you knew was that with the way his hips were moving and how much he was stretching you out you wouldn’t last long.  
He pulled out suddenly flipping you over, and pulling your hips up. “Wa- what’s going on?”  He leaned down kissing your back making your head droop low. “ I’m sorry I can’t hold back anymore.” He said in a tone you weren’t familiar with.  Your head spun around to see him lining up, but before you could ask what he was saying he dove back in making a scream of pleasure rip right through your throat. 
His grip on your hips was sure to leave a bruise the next day, but it was worth it. It was all worth it. You were ass up face down with Neteyam plunging deep in you. With your pussy relentlessly cleaning around him trying to pull him in deeper.  “shi- FUCK, you drive me crazy. You know that  fuck I’m gonna cum if you keep clenching around me like that!” The tears that were once on your face from pain were now replaced with tears created by pure bliss. 
No man has fucked you like this before. The orgasm that was brewing deep within you was fast approaching and if his brutal pounding didn’t put you on your ass by the end of the night the orgasm sure would. He reached under rubbing your clit again causing you to try and crawl away. He let out a chuckle yanking you back. “You’re not going anywhere. Take this fucking cock like the good girl you are and finish what you started lawr.” You cursed out as he continued to massage your clit not granting you any mercy. “No no no FUUUUU-“your screams fill the room around you as your orgasm ambushed its way to the forefront. 
A strong gush of fluids soaked the ground below you. “Good girl, look at you”, he cooed as his thrust got sloppy. He moaned out resuming the hold he had on my hips. “I'm gonna cum- fuuck I’m gonna fill you up so good. Is that what you want? Hm” you whined at the thought of his cum spurting into you.
 Despite you just cumming you clenched down on him hard. “Shii- I'm gonna fill you up- breed you so good. Make sure it fucking takes and if it doesn’t don’t think for a second I won’t have you bent over again.” His voice was strained. You turned back locking eyes. “ I want you to cum in me.” You mewed out. You watched as he came undone, feeling his cock twitch in you as his hot seed filled you up. Flooding your pussy to the point it was spurting out while he was still deep in you 
“Fuck.” He let out a breathy chuckle while rubbing your back. Your head dropped pressing against the floor, but he refused to let your body fall. Spinning you around and laying you on his chest as his back met the floor instead all whilst making an effort to keep his cock stuffed in you. “We have to get back to the-” he chuckled softly rubbing soothing circles into your back. “I'm sure they knew from the moment we left we weren't coming back.” You lay there on his chest believing every word he said, even if it wasn't the truth. You were too tired to question it and way too cock drunk to care
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
You remind me of her
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Speaking of ones who are gone can be a hard and sad experience, and topic of discussion as the one who no longer with them meant so much to everyone around them.It could also be a good healing for a heart as well.
spider " ........" spider is wide awake as he held a family photo of you his mother and him, when he was just a baby. He is really missing you and everyone else, he had been captured by the rda when the clan was fleeing. He had saved tuk when she had fallen and ended up getting grabbed, by his father who was back from the dead.
quaritch " you should be getting some sleep kid"
spider " I'm not tired I'm good"
quaritch " oh okay mind if I sit with you"
spider " take a sit if you if you want"
quaritch " hey that a picture of you and y/n she in her avatar body"
spider " yes it cherish belong of mine"
quaritch " where is your mom anyway I haven't seen her when we came across the group or is she elsewhere"
spider " she is still with us but in a coma"
quaritch " what I was told she was helping Jake against the fight, with the rda"
spider " well she was until one day she was caught in an action, when I was with her and my cousins she pushed us to safe but she didn't make it in time"
quaritch " ......."
spider " we rush her back to camp and uncle norm along with the other doctors had been, able to save her life by preeminently linking her to her avatar self or good"
Quaritch " so she is okay please tell me she okay"
spider " she is a safe place okay from any harm util she wake up, the navi had helped her as well by doing the eyes of eywa for her ... I wanted to be there when she wake up but it seems like they will not happen"
Quaritch " I promise son I will get you home to her"
spider " I havent see you in all my years of my life and when I finally get the chance, to see you only trouble and danger had come to me and everyone I love why"
Quaritch " I was a soilder following my orders"
spider " well your orders suck and you are just a blind sxkwang following the orders words" Quaritch had soon let out a chuckle as he looked at his son.
spider " what so funny"
Quaritch " right there you remind me of your mom she will always get mad at me, for always doing what Parker and the rda said to me ... she was a women who spoke her mind and made sure I knew of it"
spider " yeah that is mom"
Quaritch " you love this place the same as she did she had said, she could spend all her life her and it seems like she will be"
Quaritch " she even made a new life here after the war and had you, kid and I'm happy for her"
spider " she is a good mom and kind hearted as well, she even made sure I had a good childhood and that no one blamed me for the actions of you"
Quaritch " yes I can see her doing that and I'm sorry for what I have, done in the past reflected on you"
spider " no one really blamed me that much as they saw me as her son, more then you even due she went if the name you picked for me"
Quaritch " hey when we married I said I wanted one kid named after me, so that how you got your name junior"
spider " nope no junior I'm spider I love that name"
Quaritch " fine I will call your spider but others will call you junior"
spider " yes sir do whatever makes you happy colonel"
quaritch " you are definitely your mother son she gave me the same attitude, you were giving me when she was mad or we fought she walked away"
spider " I heard she always won those fights"
Quaritch " she did all of them even when I didn't tell her she won, she won in the end" spider had laugh at quarich words getting a smile from quaritch.
spider " you know there no one new in her life she never remarried, she still has her wedding ring on her song chord"
Quaritch " what do you think that means"
spider " I think she still cares about you sir but I don't fully know yet"
Quaritch " well maybe this chance will give a better start with your mom"
spider " you can try but mess up I feed you to Thanator" some chuckles had been heard from the others, who had been listening to the whole conversation.
spider ' same goes for you all as well so you all can go down as team"
Quaritch " I will remember that young man"
spider " good starting tomorrow we start with training I will help you all learn the ways of the navi, so you are all not walking around here like babies and promise to my mama as well"
quaritch " thank you
spider " your welcome well I'm off to bed see you around old man" spider soon left quairtch alone as he sat there, he is dealing with other version of you.
lyle " so pops what are we going to do"
Quaritch " hush lyle I trying to bond with my son and wife"
lyle " I hope she does wake up some day the kid needs, her it seems like many people need her back in their lives"
Quaritch " yes she does"
other base
norm " how are we going to break this news to her when she wake up"
Jake " we will tell her in time but right now we need to be easy, about the new it could shock her"
max " Jake is right if we tell her right away it can be bad"
????? " what is going on" everyone soon looked at you and saw that you had finally woke up, that when they realized you are back with them and that they will need to share the news with you.
y/n " wait where are we and where is spider ... where is my son"
Jake " y/n you need to clam down as I share this news with you" Jake had soon looked at you as you laid back, as they had told you what had happened. Soon there was only one thing on your mind to get your son back and speak with these recoms. Once you get back your son everything will be okay once again.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
Headcanons if Avatar!Grace lived and raised Kiri alongside the Sullys and adopted Spider:
"Jake Sully, I know damn well that you didn't just ground your son for recklessness! 'You wanna hear about reckless? How about the time you taunted a baby hammerhead titanothere and its mother before being chased into the jungle by a Thanator like the asshat you are."
Spider is depressed because Neytiri has yet to warm up to him. Grace gathers him up like he's still a baby and since she's a Na'vi and he's a human, it's so easy to do: "Give her some time, kiddo. Neytiri has lost more than most to the Sky People. In the meantime, go find your sister. I think she's been wanting to show you her newest verse in her songcord."
"Neteyam, sometimes you gotta just ignore your father. He's a jarhead. No. I'm not telling you what that means."
Kiri when she's vocal about her insecurities and how she feels different from everyone else. Grace silently listens before saying: "You hear Eywa? Normally, I would call you crazy from a scientist's perspective... but after what Eywa has done for me... After she saved all that I am in this body while the human one died, and after she gave me you, I don't think it sounds as crazy anymore. You're a miracle, baby. My sweet little miracle. You and your brother are so special, and any moron who says otherwise must have a death wish."
Ever watch Once Upon a Time? Remember this scene between Regina and Emma? ⤵️
Quaritch: He's my son-!
"Jake, Lo'ak came to me traumatized because he walked in on you and Neytiri."
Jake: It was an accident. But at the same time, he can't just walk in without announcing himself.
"No? Huh. That's funny. Hey, I think Norm should go talk to your son about the time you wheeled in on him and Trudy--"
Speaking of Norm, Grace has a hard time being able to fit herself in their portable biolab due to the size so Norm and Max build a large greenhouse and lab meant for Grace's new height difference. They can't change the fact that the microscopes are still too small for her hands, however.
"If my hands weren't capable of crushing the damn thing I would've done it myself instead of letting you idiots tamper the samples with your saliva AGAIN."
She still teaches all the village kids how to speak English among other human customs. A new school is built in the mountains and Tuk is her best student, obviously.
Grace vocally admits she prefers Jake in a wheelchair because he was easier to push around. To which Jake responds: "Woman, you know damn well you still push me around."
Here's some more angst: Kiri and Spider are arguing and I believe this scene comes from the live action Mowgli movie:
Kiri: You're my best friend, Spider. I understand what it's like for no one to want you. I don't have any friends neither. But we have each other and we're like the same--
Spider: We're not the same.
Kiri: We are. Because- you're special, and I'm special--
Spider: WE'RE NOT SPECIAL! Don't you get it?! We'll never be one of them! We're freaks! You're not special, Kiri! It's just something Mom tells you to make you feel better about yourself BECAUSE YOU CAME OUT WRONG!
(Side note: Wow. I just made myself cry.)
Grace would be beside herself. She's trying to comfort Kiri after the fight and trying to figure out what to do with Spider. She knows she should ground him, but at the same time, she knows where he's coming from and why he finally snapped. With Quaritch hunting them and likely trying to take Spider back, the boy is beyond stressed on top of still trying to fit in.
Lo'ak ended up being the one who got Kiri and Spider to make up after giving each other the silent treatment for a week. Lo'ak understood them better than Grace ever could.
Grace, with Rotxo, probably: If you break my daughter's heart, then I'll break your tail.
Jake is trying to get his whole family to behave alongside the Metkayina so that they could stay there and not get kicked out. He didn't realize he'll have to make GRACE AUGUSTINE behave on top of that.
Ronal and Grace have MAD respect for each other you can't convince me otherwise.
I NEED to see Avatar!Grace riding a skimwing with the brightest smile on her face that would be so amazing.
Tsireya buddies up to her immediately, sticking to her side like glue and asking a hundred questions, usually followed by "Can I take Kiri and Spider swimming?"
Ao'nung keeps a good several feet between himself and Grace. He's suspicious and she straightens him out with one glare, ESPECIALLY after he bullied her kids around for being freaks.
Grace even got Tonowari to laugh when she came dragging his son home by the ear for talking rudely to her.
Grace is like a second mom to Neytiri when they're so far away from home.
And finally:
"I'm too old for this bullshit."
Please reblog and add your own headcanons! I need more Grace
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My Opinion on Spider
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@peachycrime asked for this, so....
Anyways, buckle up because I ain't gonna hold back, and I'm going to be as brutal as winter in Nunavut.
Let's start off with the obvious;
Spider is sixteen years old.
He is a child, and as such, should not be expected to be held to the same standards as an adult.
But more over - and I know some might disagree with me on this - Spider is a child that was neglected and thus abused because neglect is abuse, and I'm not touching on the shit with Neytiri just yet.
The clearest example of Spider's neglect is the scene where Spider is running from Hell's Gate, the first one we see him as a kid rather than a toddler or teenager. Spider is at best seven in this scene, and yet he is allowed to run into the Pandoran jungle (because from the comics and other sources, we know that while the Omatikaya is close to Hell's Gate, it isn't beside it) unattended despite the fact that the jungle is dangerous even to an adult na'vi, let alone a human child who could feasibly die just by tripping over a rock and falling in a way that could damage or dislodge his mask, which he relies on to breathe.
If Spider had fallen, if his mask had been damaged or dislodged, there was no one there to help him.
There is a wooded area near my house that is filled with trails and is generally considered pretty safe, but I still wouldn't let my seven-year cousins (who don't rely on a mask to breathe) run around in there unattended.
Already Spider's hair is beginning to mat (they are mats, not dreads) and there is no way that the adults weren't aware of it, which means they allowed it.
Now let's get onto some other things I've noticed throughout the movie (and the comics, though I'm mostly focusing on the movie.)
"Stray Cat" is what Jake refers to Spider as, and I don't know if this may just be me, and my ASD, but I find calling/comparing a child to a stray cat to be dehumanizing, and maybe it's purposeful because it's a lot easier to ignore the neglect of a "stray cat" then a child.
Spider from the moment he is captured is very aware of the fact that there will be no attempt to save him which is devastating because even with the knowledge that a rescue from Bridgehead is improbable, the clear lack of hope in Spider is very telling in how he views his worth and value.
Jake, someone who was in the military and worked for the RDA, however briefly, would be aware, at least to some degree, of what would be done to Spider in order to get information, and he does not actually express any concern for Spider's wellbeing or safety, only thinking about what Spider could possibly tell the RDA.
Despite how close the younger three Sully kids are to Spider, they never express any worry or concern for Spider openly in front of their parents. Do I think that they were worried about Spider? Yes, but I do also think they knew they couldn't express this concern in front of their parents, specifically Neytiri.
The only adult who shows any real concern for Spider during the vast majority of the movie is Quaritch despite him technically having the least reason for why he should be concerned for Spider. As Quaritch states, he isn't the same Miles Quaritch that was Spider's father, and unlike Jake, Norm, Neytiri, or Max, he didn't watch Spider grow up. His connection to Spider is minimal in comparison to other adults in Spider's life, and yet he is the one who shows Spider the most care.
Now onto the matter of Neytiri, I can understand her reasons and I can empathize with her trauma, but she is an adult who is punishing a child who has not done anything to her besides exist. We wouldn't condone this in real life and to me, trying to excuse her actions is troubling to me because of the message it sends to people that have gone through something similar. You can still empathize with Neytiri and the trauma she suffered while acknowledging that her actions towards Spider are wrong. Trauma is a reason, but it isn't an excuse and as an adult, it is on Neytiri, not Spider, to manage her trauma.
We also have to consider how her actions affect her relationships with her children, specifically Kiri and Lo'ak.
Kiri is the most obvious, she and Spider share a very close bond that is displayed both in the comics and in the movies, and Kiri has argued with Neytiri over her treatment of Spider. This obviously would put a level of strain on their mother-daughter relationship, especially when you take into account that Kiri often feels 'othered' and considers Spider to be one of the few people who not only understands her but also does not judge or think differently of her.
With Lo'ak it's more nuanced but Neytiri's constant hatred towards Spider due to him being a 'demon' very likely has an effect on Lo'ak who already clearly has issues with his 'demon' blood that sets him apart from other na'vi.
In the end (because I need to end this somewhere before it just becomes a never ending rant) Spider is a child who was neglected and abused for who his father is, and his action of saving Quaritch is completely understandable in light of the fact that Quaritch is the first adult who took care of Spider and had - in Spider's eyes - saved him from death twice now.
One last time I want to make one thing clear;
Spider said "don't hurt her."
Kiri said "don't kill him."
And I cannot shake the fact that at that moment Kiri genuinely believed that her mother was capable of killing her best friend and was pleading for Spider's life.
If that doesn't bother you deeply, then I don't think you are ready for these types of discussions.
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Now I am open to discussing my opinion in a mature conversation, but I will not tolerate dramatics nor will I entertain blatant ignorance. If you cannot engage in discussions with at least some level of maturity and willingness to understand different perspectives, don't engage at all.
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ronwestbreeze · 2 years
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pairing: jake sully x fem!reader
summary: in which tinkers tolerates norm...
word count: 3.6k
author's note: none! just hope you enjoy!
AO3 | prev | next
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“They’re having a ceremony tonight.” Dr. Chloe told you while she was double checking one of the machines next to your hammock. “For an elder that unfortunately passed. I hear it’s really pretty. Perhaps you should see it, you know, get out of the hut for once.”
You had managed to sit up this time, though it took a lot of great difficulty. It seemed like as the days passed your body just became heavier and heavier to hold up yourself. You really weren’t even sure if you could even walk yet.
“Kind of hard to do that when I can barely sit upright.” You retorted. Unfortunately, you had found yourself disliking the doctor, mostly because she was completely oblivious to the fact that these machines she and her team had made weren’t necessarily doing much of anything but being a hindrance. Frankly, you weren’t even sure why she made it a point to check on you every single day and fill your head up with more false promises and progress.
Dr. Chloe waved a dismissive hand, “You don’t have to do much moving to see it. Technically, you can sit outside of your hut and watch from above. It’s similar to a march, you know? They walk throughout the clan’s grounds until they reach the burial site. So, you may just catch a glance at the ceremony as it passes by.”
“You sound like you’ve seen this.” You mumble offhandedly as Dr. Chloe finally stopped tampering with the machines.
“Why yes, I actually have! A few months back I was lucky to witness one. It was a beautiful ceremony, I think you might like it.”
There was really no point in responding to her as she was basically having a conversation with herself at one point. All you had to do was respond plainly until she finally made her leave.
That was when you glanced out your window for the first time that morning to see just a few miles away, a Samson landing. If you had to guess, it was probably Spider and his mother. During the past week you had been awake, Mary would always visit the Olangi Clan every other day and bring Spider along with her. It was the highlight of your day really, whenever the boy came to visit.
It was a nice distraction and good company. Better than Dr. Chloe’s that’s for sure. The one useful thing she had done was bring you a long thick wooden stick that would have been similar to a cane. She mentioned it would help with support and keeping you upright. You never admitted it out loud in front of her but yes, the wooden cane did help lots. In fact you haven’t allowed it out of your sight ever since you had gotten it.
You looked around and realized that you were indeed alone. While gripping the stick tightly in both your hands, you pushed yourself up from the hammock, leaning your entire body weight on the stick. Your legs trembled but you were able to remain standing for a few minutes until a sharp pain shot up your right leg and caused you to crumble down to the floor of the hut. Thankfully, it wasn’t that rough of a tumble with the stick catching you from most of your fall.
But you remained on the floor and gently sat the stick down next to you. Well, on the brighter side, at least you weren’t in your hammock anymore.
“Hi, Doc!” You looked up to find Spider standing in the doorway of your hut with a smile on his face. “Oh hey, look! You’re out of your hammock!”
Spider sank to the floor and crawled to sit next to you as you chuckled tiredly, “Yep. Makin’ progress each day, I guess.”
“Well, that’s good. That means you’re getting better.” Spider smiled encouragingly, patting your arm. All you could do was smile. Thankfully, Spider didn’t pick apart your expressions but instead his smile widened, “Oh! I brought a friend this time, Doc. Can he come in?”
At first you thought he was referring to another Na’vi kid that he had happened to befriend so you shrugged and nodded. Spider suddenly got up and rushed out the doorway, disappearing from your sight for a few seconds but you could still hear his voice as he said, “Okay! You can come in now!”
Spider came back seconds later and sat down in the spot he had been sitting in, bouncing excitedly.
The last person you expected to walk through that doorway was Norm Spellman.
“Norm?” You gapped up at him.
Norm looked stunned as well as he chuckled sheepishly, “Hey, Doc…long time no see.”
There really wasn’t any right way to react or say anything. Especially when it came to meeting someone you hadn’t seen…well…since after Grace’s death. It brought you back to too many memories all at once, overwhelming your senses to the point where you were just simply left speechless.
“So you guys know each other?” Spider asked, completely oblivious to the tension.
Norm cleared his throat awkwardly, “Um, Spider, why don’t you wait outside for a bit while Doc and I catch up?”
Spider frowned at him and then looked at you expectantly, almost as if he were waiting for you to give him the okay to leave you alone.
That had snapped you out of your stunned gaze long enough to give him a nod and a gentle pat on his head to reassure him further, “I’ll be fine, Parrot. I’ll let you know when you can come back, okay?”
“Okay.” Spider nodded and finally got up.
Norm watched the boy leave. The two of you were quiet for a few moments until he finally said, “Wow, you really are good with kids, huh? That kid barely listens to anyone.”
You shrugged, “Kids need someone to listen to them. It’s not too hard to do, I guess.” You couldn’t ignore the elephant in the room for much longer. Not with small talk. And you usually hate small talk with Norm. “I assume Spider told you about me—”
“Yeah, Y/N, he did.” Norm frowned. He stared at you as if it was the first time he had actually seen you. There was a look you hated that crossed his face, a look you did not particularly care for at the moment. Norm settled down on the floor but kept the space between you two as he continued in a quieter voice, “What, were you planning on staying here? In secret without anyone knowing?”
“I’m dying, Norm. What do you think?”
Norm winced, “But…Doc, we could’ve been there for you as soon as you woke up. Jake—”
“You didn’t tell Jake did you?” Was your quick response, your heart pounding against your chest in anxiety. “Norm, I can’t have him here, I can’t have him see me—”
“No, I didn’t tell him.” He stared at you in shock. “I wanted to be sure myself.  That I was about to see the Doc was actually the Doc we thought had died five years ago.” You dropped your gaze down to your bandaged knees, not wanting him to see your eyes become achy and then eventually glassy. “But now that I’m sure, now that I know you’re here…why can’t Jake know?”
You shook your head, scowling at him weakly, “I’m dying! What part of that do you not understand, Norm?”
“We can transfer your consciousness to your avatar, we’ve done it before with Jake—”
“I’m too weak—”
“No, you’re not, Y/N—”
“Grace was weak, Norm. She was dying and she never was able to cross over to her avatar!” Tears fell down your cheeks in despair. Your chest became tight and heavy at the same time.  “I can’t give him hope like that…I can’t…I can’t break his heart again…”
It was quiet once more in the hut. You could tell Norm was frustrated and this was one of the very reasons why you didn’t want him or anyone else you knew to see you. Not when you were slowly trying to accept the inevitable.
“We don’t have to tell anyone.” Norm started again, this time his voice was smaller. “I can have your avatar flown here. He doesn’t even have to know. And we can perform it here—”
“They have a spirit tree or a tree of souls here too, don’t they? We could do it here and if it works we—”
You reached over and placed your hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze, “Norm, it’s okay. I’ll be fine.” Honestly, you were shocked you were able to say this despite the tears in your eyes, despite more of it falling down your face.
Norm shook his head but he didn’t respond right away. “I just…I just don’t know if I can go back and face him…knowing that I saw you.” You nodded understandingly but didn’t say anything else. And neither did he.
The two of you just sat in silence. You both were able to do that back when it was you, Norm, Grace, and Jake. Whenever Grace was busy or whenever Jake was in the link bed, you’d come out of your lab and just sit with Norm. You were either reading and he was eating something. And he never asked questions that much. It was nice. Those small moments.
Norm picked up your stick and examined it. You finally spoke, “How is he? Jake? You said…you said he was able to transfer his consciousness into his avatar.”
He chuckled, “Yeah, yeah he did. He’s also a family guy now, he and Neytiri have three kids now. It’s…it’s nice, you know, to see him happy.” Norm then looked up at you with a friendly smile, “But I think we both know it’s not the same without you, Doc.”
You chose not to respond to that, not to think about that. Because if you did, then there was no way you would ever stop crying. And you’ve already been doing a lot of that recently.
There was another pause of silence between you two. Norm handed you your stick and you took it, sending him a small smile, “I know we weren’t really close before, frankly, I don’t think I liked you in the beginning.” Norm snorted and you smiled. “But now I can say I find you mildly tolerable.”
“You find me tolerable now that you’re dying?” Norm scoffed, amusement twinkling in his eyes, “Should I be offended?”
“Don’t think about it too much.”
Norm nodded with a chuckle before standing up, “I’ll call Spider back in.”
“Hey, you can stay, you know.” You smiled not really wanting to be alone as of now. And as much as you’ve grown to love having Spider around, you would love to have another adult around—besides Dr. Chloe. “It’d kind suck that you’d come all this way just to go back in a few minutes.”
Spider came back in as Norm sighed, “I don’t know. I do have a lot of work to do at home.”
“No, stay!” Spider pleaded, tugging on the man’s arm. “You could help me with my Na’vi with Doc!”
Norm snorted, “I don’t know if I’m the best teacher to be honest.”
“What, after five years? Come on, Spellman.” You teased as Spider took his spot next to you again. “Sit with us for a while.”
There was still hesitation on his face, there was still what lingered from your conversation, Norm didn’t want to let it go, you could tell. Instead of addressing it in front of Spider, you gave him a look that told him he had to drop it. Honestly, you had forgotten how stubborn this guy was.
Reluctantly, he sighed and settled back down to the floor. “Okay, Spider. Show us what you’ve learned so far.”
And that’s what you spent most of the day doing. Spider was so excited that he was getting better at the language which meant he was steps closer. It also seemed like both Norm and Spider had a close bond with each other, which was nice to see. God, you may have hated Quaritch with all of your guts but it was good to know his son had some type of community around him, people that loved him and took care of him.
Thinking about this, it did make you wish that things were different. That you didn’t crash in that ship, that you didn’t go into cryosleep for five years, that you were with Jake…
By the time the evening came, Norm made his leave but Spider stayed with you. Since you decided to end your lessons, you let him go off about his time with his adoptive family. He mentions having a friend named Kiri who was also adopted and they were best friends because of that. You found it adorable and was happy that he had some Na’vi friends.
When the sun began to set, a horn sounded. Spider perked up both out of the sudden sound startling him and in curiosity. “What’s that?”
You remembered the ceremony that Dr. Chloe had mentioned before, “Why don’t we check it out?”
Spider nodded excitedly and helped you to your feet. The both of you slowly made your way out of the hut. It was the first time you had actually stood outside of the hut you had been staying in, only to find out that it was high up in a tree.
“Huh, that’s why the air’s always been a little bit thin.” You muttered as Spider helped you sit down on the wooden balcony with railings surrounding the hut. “Come on, let’s scoot toward the railing.”
You slowly scooted your body closer to the railing and carefully placed legs through the open spaces and you leaned your body against the bars. Spider copied you, swinging his legs back and forth.
Below you, you saw most of the Olangi Clan gather around further away from your tree. Most of them rode direhorses while the others walked next to them.
Both you and Spider watched as they moved slowly, practically gliding through the pathway of the trees. It looked as if the plants moved for them as they went or moved for the dead. Then in the middle of the long line of Na’vi, there was a large leaf that carried a single body which was also covered in leaves, and in that leaf along with the body were woodsprites.
“Look!” Spider pointed at the ones flying down and you stared at them in wonder.
You gently poked his shoulder, “What do you call them, Parrot?”
“Um, woodsprites?”
“Mhmm, but also…?”
Spider thought for a moment as one of them floated past his face. “Ooh! Atokirina'.”
He looked very proud of himself. And you laughed softly, “Very good.”
As you watched them walk, you got tired of staying upright for so long. Your body soon began to slump against the railing no matter how much you tried to stay still. “Hey, Spider, can you lean me up against the hut, please?”
Spider nodded and got up, “Are you okay?”
You nod after he helped you position yourself up against the wood of the hut, “Yeah, just a little tired.”
“Do you want me to get a healer?” Spider asked, kneeling down in front of you with a worried pout. “I can get my mom if you’d like! I know you don’t like Miss Parker.”
You furrow your brows, a smile tugging at your lips, “How do you know I don’t like Dr. Chloe?”
Spider shrugged, “You always looked annoyed whenever she came to see you. Oh, one time I even heard you say fu—”
“Okay, okay,” You stopped him. The last thing you wanted was to be responsible for turning this kid vulgar before he even reached his teens. “Yeah, go on and get your mother. Be careful while you do so, okay? We’re pretty high up.”
“They don’t call me Spider for nothing!” He grinned before running off. You watched what little you could see of him climb down the branches until he disappeared below and you couldn’t see him anymore.
For a moment, you took in the atmosphere. The peace. The night. The mourning of the dead. It took everything in you not to break down into tears yet again. God, you were such a  crybaby these days. You tried not to think about you being in that leaf instead, you tried not to think about Spider’s reaction if you were to die, you tried not to think about Jake, about whether Grace would be disappointed in you or not, you tried not to think so hard. You really did.
You hadn’t realized your eyes were closed until you opened them with a tear slipping out. Of course. So much for trying not to cry.
But your tears weren’t what you focused long on. Instead it was the woodsprite that suddenly floated down in front of you and landed on your right knee. You hadn’t seen one so up close before. From what you read about them, they are said to be very pure and scared spirits and that they don’t show up this often. So seeing one, and another float down toward you, made you begin to wonder…
Having them all around, you realized after a few seconds that a few more had landed on your body, was a bit of a bother. Especially, when it practically lit up your body for all to see. It was like it purposefully wanted you to be found or noticed by the Na’vi below.
Good thing no one was paying attention.
At first you thought you had imagined it. That you were just tired and should’ve been going to bed soon. But when you spotted movement in the corner of your eye, when you turned your head completely to find Neytiri squatting down on the railing, looking at you with just as much shock as you looked at her.
This had to be a dream. You had fallen asleep and you were dreaming. There was no way Neytiri was here, right now, in front of you.
You blinked when she dropped down onto the path where you sat and you muttered out, “Are you real?”
A grin broke out on Neytiri’s face as she rushed toward you and knelt down in front of you, “I prayed to the All Mother for this day! I knew you weren’t dead, ma tsmuke!” She pulled you into a tight hug. You, being too stunned to do anything else, hugged her back the best you could. “Thank you, Eywa, thank you, thank you, thank you! You’ve found her!”
All the emotions you had held back before, that you had pushed back the entire day after your conversation with Norm, came pouring out in quiet sobs that shook your shoulders. And you realized after a while of hugging her, Neytiri was crying too.
It felt…
It almost felt like being reunited with a family member you had missed. That you had lost. You never expected to reunite with Neytiri or Norm, but after you did, after you’ve hugged her, it was more of a relief than finding out that your side of the war had won.
Winning the war wasn’t worth it if you ended up alone in the end.
And god. God, you will finally admit that you hated being alone.
When you both pulled away, you found yourself speaking through your tears, “How did you…How are you here?”
“Sa’nok, the Tsahik was asked here to perform the ceremony.” Neytiri explained, placing her bow down. “She brought me here so that I can learn and be ready to become the future Tsahik…” She finally took in your current state and her smile fell slightly, “You are…”
You gave a pained smile, “I don’t really know how long I have. They, the humans, think they can heal me before I die but I don’t think they can—”
“No.” Neytiri shook her head immediately. “No. You cannot die. Not after I had just found you!”
“What about Jake?” She whispered, tears filling her eyes. “What about Kiri? I can’t let you die, not without them seeing you.”
You shook your head, coming down from your momentary high to feel terribly exhausted. Worse than minutes before. “Neytiri it’s fine…” She helped you lay down on the floor, gently guarding your head as she did so. Your lower lip trembled, “I already know what you’re going to say and it won’t work.” You shook your head as Neytiri moved to protest, “It won’t work. I’m too weak.”
“I will not give up!” Neytiri hissed at you. “You and I…we had very little time together. But one thing I will always know, that would always be true, is that you belong with this family. You belong with Jake, you belong with little Kiri. You belong with all of us. You always have….” She sniffled, placing a hand on your forehead. “Sylwanin saw it before I did….and I am sorry it has taken me this long to realize it.”
You wanted to tell her you didn’t deserve it but something in you just couldn’t even push out the words. It just remained stuck in your throat. Stuck in your chest. Preventing the air from entering your lungs.
That’s when you realized you couldn’t breathe. That you had been trying to gasp for air.
Neytiri realized seconds after, “Tsmuke?” You felt her larger hands feel around your mask as if it had come loose. Black dots started to cover your vision. “Ma tsmuke!”
The last thing you remembered was Neytiri screaming and hands lifting your body from off the ground.
And then the world had gone dark. And you couldn’t hear her screams anymore.
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari @tojigirl @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @naityelen @dumb-fawkin-bitch @raggedyoldwitch @nhemmingsf @biooiuygjjgfsrb @thatsenoughformelol @thotd-f1 @beaniebeensbaby201 @theoriginalwife000 @3leni @23victoria @lovesickollie @atxara @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @ladylovegood-69 @lovekeeho @lilithmoon14512 @n7cje @fyfy-world @cleverzonkwombatsludge @goddesslilithmoriarty @itszzmoon @eternallyvenus @bajadotcom @ducks118 @alexandra-001
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
Hola this is my first req
Might I request hcs for Hobie and Miles (separately) x male reader who is a fellow super hero with a mutation in his jaw that gave him a snake bite?(sharp teeth, unhinging jaw, venom)
Despite how scary reader can look he is very kind and courteous (and head over heels for his spider boy) and Hobie and Miles help him get over his insecurities about smiling around others
Fluffy and romantic pls (sorry if it too specific lol)
Thank you and keep being awesome
😎🫶 - Crax
hobie and miles with snake mutated boyfriends !
welcome back crax lmao, the request slapped dw, you nailed it !
AND IM SO SORRY for keeping you waiting, shit kept going on in my life
separate, established relationships
warnings: hobie brown ?
pairing: hobie brown x male!reader, miles morales x male!reader
requests: refer to the masterlist please !
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
you wanna know how many fucks hobie gives about the mutation ? zero
in like the most respectful but effortlessly cool way
mutations are nothing new to him, man fights mutants on the daily
just views it as an extension of yourself, it’s apart of who you are
if you can accept that, he’s happy
would absolutely be a hype man if not though, he don’t fuck w insecurity
one thing i think he’d reference a lot ? medusa, because of that one sticker on his guitar
maybe he’s a huge greek mythology guy and thinks that your mutation is a sign for this and that- like that one comment he made about metaphors for capitalism, i think he liked to analyse things like an english student
with your unhinging jaw and venomous bite he liked to say some absurd stuff like “just goes to show how independence and self sufficiency can overcome the norms regardless of [politics]” hinting at that while you may have some unconventionally appreciated features, you’re able to rise above it and be a hero like a badass
so that being said, he thinks your smile alone is dope and can represent so much more if you want it to
if you wear a mask or something to cover it up, he’ll never insist on taking it off unless you’re comfortable, it’s not his place to dictate what you wear
he may however make a comment or two about it
“hope you’re not wearin’ tha’ to cover up them teeth of yours” ur teeth are so cool
if you’re insecure about how like exposed ur teeth are when you smile, Hobie gets into the habit of pulling his cheek back w his finger when smiling (at the appropriate times) just to show there’s nothin to be afraid of
sticks his tongue out too for funsies, ESPECIALLY if you’ve got a forked tongue
it’s a true shame getting ur tongue split is illegal in the UK, he’d love to match
at the end of the day when alls said and done, if you can’t bring yourself to feel comfortable in your own skin while you’re out and about, he’ll make it clear that he doesn’t care about your unhinging jaw or teeth or venom in private, cause that’s where it counts in his head
he thinks you look badass and really doesn’t think you should pay attention to what other people think anyway, under any circumstances
but especially when you go out there together and make a genuine difference in the world as heroes, even if you don’t call yourselves that
has once cracked a joke along the lines of “my boyfriend will bite you” and it was actually a threat, in the most loving way
he might be like- a bit surprised the first time meeting you, maybe have some slightly insensitive questions but he means no offence
he just can’t keep his mouth shut sometimes
i think he’s a tiny bit afraid at first but warms up quickly, miles doesn’t seem like a snake guy and i can see him being the associating anything with everything kinda guy
definitely felt guilty for that one now ur boyfriends
massive fan of drawing you and your snake-ness, you look so funky in his style
really likes being heroes together :]
took a double take the first time he saw your jaw unhinge but now he seems jealous at times
after having a super serious conversation about it he immediately says something so off handed that it completely cuts whatever tension there might have been
makes an excellent point that you could swallow a burber whole, he thinks that’s an accomplishment fs
“you can eat a burger in one, that’s skill.” he’s so sure of himself while saying that
there’s something very terrifying but reassuring and endearing about you having such a dangerous mouth with you ur venom and such, used some strange ass logic like “he COULD kill me, but he won’t”
so when you are comfortable just being urself and not covering up your smile, he honestly feels really grateful and trusted
mans never gonna break that trust, he’s never gonna hurt you
ur polite asf too so he doesn’t even second guess introducing you to his parents, doesn’t think things along the lines of “gonna introduce my snake boyfriend” it’s more like “he’s so polite this is an easy win”
IF YOU SMILE HE SMILES, that’s all i’m sayin
therefore, you should smile more and not go out of your way to hide it
he won’t really say anything if you actively choose to in public, you might catch him lookin a bit sympathetic from the corner of your eye if he notices you purposely doing it
it’s not his place to say a thing, but he’d really appreciate it if you got out of that habit, and he’s happy to help
like he might busy your hands just so you don’t subconsciously cover your mouth, that kinda things
he could do this by holding them or whatever
please don’t be embarrassed of urself, you are so so handsome
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
sorry it’s not insanely romantic ?? i cant really see these boys being like that so i kinda struggled a bit w that
sorry if this is just not great overall i’ve been out of it shshshs
149 notes · View notes
ele-sme · 1 year
Part two is posted, the next after this post.
Immagine this (canon ATWOW) weeks after the funeral.
Jake was with Tonowari when they heard the shouts, they quickly got to see who was shouting and after pass an ocean of people. They discovered that Lo'ak, Kiri and Spider were the reason for so much confusion.
"You can't!" Lo'ak yelled at the tiny even if older boy, who was full of bad energy and it could be understood from meters away.
"Try me!" The other boy responded back with the same amount of voice.
Quickly Neytiri and Tuk came too.
"What happening?" Neytiri asked, her tone was firm and severe but her eyes were tired and formed from all the tears she had cried in the last weeks.
Jake came closer to his family, putting himself next to his mate, he and his family were facing Spider directly.
"Spider wants to-" Lo'ak tried to tell but was stopped by a sob, Jake just now noticed that both his kids were crying. He turned his gaze to the pink tiny boy who seems to by crying too. He had only his cannula on, which was strange and dangerous.
Neytiri understating that her children were crying because of the human boy hissed at him, which maked him take a foot backwards, but he remained still.
"Your going to cut me, again?" He asked still yelling at her, he was saying it in English, which even if the family didn't notice first helped them later for inventing a excuse.
Neytiri who not aspetcted a respond putted her self as before and retracted the canines.
"Can you please told me what is happening?!" Jake finally asked.
"He wants to go away, the next time Uncle Max and Norm will come, he wants to go away from us dad!" She said, crying and sobbing, she haven't cried like that since she was five and discovered her biological mother wasn't Neytiri.
Jake ears fallen back.
"Why do you want to go away?" He asked to the boy, who in the meantime was removing some tears from his unmasked face.
"I can't stay with you anymore, i can't forgive what you guys have done to me" he yelled with all his voice making Tuk cry.
"What the fuck did we do now?" Lo'ak asked putting himself too close to the other boy.
"You leaved me there, with the fucking RDA" Spider responded.
"What should we have done? Come back for you?d...dying for searching you?"Neytiri asked with a hiss that fallen at the word dying.
"No, I'm not saying this, but you could send someone, anyone. You just gotten away!" He responded, much hate in his voice. Jake couldn't think that the same boy that was talking was the one who maked flower crowns for his kids. Who was this kid?
"We are sorry Spider but the past is past, you need to forget about that" Jake telled, his voice the only calm compared to the others one.
"Do you guys have any idea of what they put me through?" Spider asked, ignoring Jake request.
The family muted, there was only the noise of the waves and people whispering to the others in the background.
"What do you mean" Kiri asked after some time
"They putted me in machines, they hurted me, man they even shoot me in the leg once when i tried to escape, escape to come back to who? No one because you all were here making new friends." His voice now more calm and low but it was sharp. "And just now i discovered that you all think i betrayed you" he continued.
"Spider, your nose" Tuk said, pointing at the boy nose who was losing blood.
Spider touched his skin and thanked the little one.
He walked himself from the family and the clan, two days later when the scientists came he left, without saying goodbye to anyone.
166 notes · View notes
onskepa · 9 months
REMINDER TO EVERYBODY: This au is one where Spider is a girl and the Sully's kids are boys.
Here we go for the sequel i been waiting on...
I was thinking,
Spider getting courted by this male na'vi (I really headcanon he's pansexual in canon, so i think in this au he's is too)
And like, she's on with this for a while, because why not?
She's 16 she would love to have a boyfriend and shit like that, every girl her age does it.
She and this guy, flirt, go on strange walks togheter, hunt and do things like this with eachother..
But the Sully's boys, do NOT like this, they all jealous (not in a sexual or romantic way, but in a platonic way, like older brothers are protective of their younger sisters)
And they start this series of "condolences" where Spider is needed to them.
Neteyam: Spider i really need your help with my ikran, she can only calm down with your help i swear.
Lo'ak: dude, i need your help with cleaning my family's knives, i really cant do it without your help
Kiri: monkey girl, can you please help me search from this herbs? my grandmother really needs them!
Tuk: can we pretty please play with me?
Spider in a way of another always accepts, until her date gets angry at her for dropping out on their dates every last minute (especially after he organised a big day for them to spent togheter, and she dropped it because she was asked by one of the boys)
She goes cry to her brothers about it, and meanwhile they console her, Lo'ak let himself escape a "We knew he wasn't good for you anyway sis"
And she gets really mad, and starts yelling at them about how is all their fault and that she can't belive they did something like that to her.
(Idk how to go forward to this point honestly, i hope in you love xx)
Hellooooooo darling~!!
So I can see so many things with this idea! Hope you and everyone enjoy this one~!!
P.S: Spider = Arachnid, Kiri = Kamun , Tuk = Tik
Arachnid: Lose strings
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Some time has passed since the incident with Tony, and while he has never done anything like that ever again, Arachnid knows better than to be alone in the lab other than her own personal room. 
However, it hasn't stopped the deep worry the poor girl has. Thinking that every other male aside from the sully brothers, wants something from her. Should arachnid need something or ask, it is mostly the women she goes to. Rarely she would ask norm or max. 
But that doesn't stop her from having fun with the sully brothers. They are her best friends and closest to a family she has.  Arachnid is happy despite some bumps on the road. And it is fine. 
Until one na’vi male took interest in her.
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Srefey, a young male na’vi who had finished his iknimaya not long ago. Bright, talented, always eager to help those in need. But he is also someone who longs for something. While young and still discovering new things, he desires something that his loving parents have. 
A strong bond with a significant other. 
Someone who he can call many loving names, do things together, and build a small paradise just between the two. Srefey’s parents are in no rush to find someone for him, or he is looking for someone. There is a time and a place, as they always say. Yet Srefey can't help but search. To yearn for someone as they yearn for him. 
Of course he should be patient
But at the same time, he should explore his options and see what else he considered yet. 
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“Hey don't act so spoiled now temtem” Arachnid giggles as temtem, neteyam’s ikran, nuzzles against her. 
“Alright, just one more” She says, tossing a big piece of meat into the ikrans mouth, temtem accepts it happily. 
“I swear he should be your ikran instead. Never listen to me” Neteyam says as he shakes his head. Both gently pet temtem as he purrs in his own way. Loving the attention he is getting. 
“Maybe the way you approach him is wrong,” Arachnid suggested. Neteyam sighs, “I have tried your tips, copied how you speak and touched him. Yet nothing works, it is like he just prefers you over me. And I am the rider” Neteyam says. Tetem grunts as if to agree with him. 
“Awe~ Is that it temtem? You like me? Yeah? You like me better than old grumpy neyney?” Arachnid baby talks temtem as she scratches under his chin, having him pant happily like a dog. 
“I'm not grumpy” Neteyam frowns as he crosses his arms. 
“Whatever, I will watch over him while you get your stuff” Arachnid suggests. Agreeing to that, neteyam leaves. 
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Srefey and a small group of other young na’vi go to attend their ikrans. Seeing his beloved ikran, roar out in how he missed srefey. 
“My dear friend, I have missed you too” Srefey comforts his ikran. 
The voice of a young one was heard past him. Turning, he recognizes young Tik sully, following behind were his two older brothers, kamun and lo’ak. All three walked towards the sky na’vi, arachnid. He sees how the brothers interact with the girl. All hugging and talking with the young girl like a close friend, family from what he can see. 
Srefey was aware of arachnid and how she does her best to contribute to the clan. Many acknowledge and some pretend she doesn't exist. He wasn't in between but this is a first where he truly saw her. 
While attending to his ikran, srefey couldn't help but observe the sky na’vi. Arachnid tends to neteyam’s ikran well, and the ikran responds to her petting, kind words, and anything she does. Speaking in fluent, perfect na’vi as she speaks to anyone. The girl's voice was soft and kind, from what he could hear at the distance. 
The more he sees, the more curious he becomes about arachnid. 
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“Tsahik, some of the warriors require your help, they can't make it all the way over here” a na’vi told mo’at. Quickly she gathers her things and turns to arachnid. “You stay and continue with the paste, help anyone who comes. I will return”, with an affirmed nod from arachnid, mo’at leaves. 
Arachnid begins to hum a lovely tune as she continues to make healing paste among other medicines. It is moments like that, being alone can clear her mind. At peace and at her own pace. 
At least for 5 minutes before the flaps of the healing tent opened. 
“Tsahik, I-oh, I'm sorry, is the tsahik not here…?” A young na’vi entered, gripping his shoulder. Arachnid turned to him, shaking her head. 
“No, she left not too long ago to help with some of the warriors. However, tsahik has taught me her ways, I can help you” Arachnid offered. 
A smile reached up to the young na’vi’s lips, sitting down at the woven mat, he showed his wound to the sky na’vi. There was a deep slash, blood still escaping from the wound. Quickly, arachnid got to work. While she didnt speak, concentrated to get the materials and stop the bleeding, the boy observed her, seeing how quick and swiftly she began to do her thing, very much like a healer of advanced level. 
Grabbing a wet rag, slowly arachnid taps it gently on the wound, cleaning the blooded area. 
“Did a hunt go wrong?” She asked, as means to distract him a bit from the stinging pain. The boy huffed a bit. “You could say that, a herb of strumbeast came out of nowhere. We had little time to get out of their way. I got hurt by hitting against a rock, but others obtained more serious injuries”, he explained. 
“That explains Mo'at having to leave” arachnid replied. 
They made a few glances at each other, giving small talk. 
“There, all better,” Arachnid says as she finishes bandaging his wound. Doing a bit of shoulder movement, the boy was surprised how bit of pain he felt and how freely he can move his arm. The sky na’vi is very good. 
“Thank you” the boy says, grinning in gratitude. Arachnid nods. 
“I never catched your name,” the boy says. 
“My name is Arachnid,” the girl replies with a warm smile. This made the boy smile bigger in return. 
“Pleasure to meet you arachnid, my name is srefey”.
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After their first meeting, do they cross paths more often. Notice each other but arachnid still keeps her distance. Her trust in males still warry. Of course the sully’s were not that oblivious to the quick glances but didn't interfere much. For now. 
“Arachnid, look I found these large flower orange petals. Should we make a new top for you? It will bring out your stripes more” Kamun said to arachnid one day. Arachnid inspected the material, it was soft and very beautiful, she nodded. 
“But this time, maybe I should cover myself a bit more…” arachnid mutters. Kamun hears this and sighs, “are they still bothering you?” he asked while growling a bit. “If they are, just say the word and we will take care of them”. 
Arachnid was quick to shake her hands and head denying it, “no no! They stopped after whatever you did with tony”. This brought Kamun a sense of peace as his shoulders relax. “Then you shouldn't worry, don't let the past incident cloud you. Never be ashamed of your body” Kamun encourages. 
Agreeing, arachnid and kiri begin to work. 
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The following day, Arachnid wears her new clothing with love and pride. Kamun was right, orange does bring out her stripes better. Which made her feel more confident and happy. And a special na’vi noticed her happy improvement. 
“Need some help?” Srefey asked arachnid one bright morning. Arachnid collected some special leaves but holding a basket, while holding a vine and at the same time picked at the leaves it a bit of a challenge. But arachnid was still warry. 
“I can manage,” Arachnid replied, a bit stubbornly. This made Srefey chuckled, “are you sure? I can see you trying to balance yourself and the basket. It can be done quicker if you let me assist” he offered. 
Arachnid was alone and the sully brothers will doing some training, promised to help her later, but she needed the leaves now. Sighing a bit in defeat, Arachnid allowed srefey in assisting her. “Fine, but I hold the basket, you can just drop the leaves in there,” Arachnid said. This was fine with srefey. 
Switching sides, arachnid stayed on the ground as srefey climbed on the vine and started to collect the leaves and drop them on the basket. “What do you need these leaves for?” Srefey asked out of curiosity. Arachnid was a bit hesitant to answer, “why do you want to know?” Arachnid asks back. 
Srefey chuckles a bit, “can I know?”, arachnid shrugs and doesn't say much. After a few minutes, the basket was full so srefey got down. “Would you like me to carry it?” He offers. Arachnid quickly and gently takes the basket closer to her body, “thanks but you did enough. I can carry it, it's not heavy”. Really, it wasn't. Srefey took notice of how arachnid’s behavior is. A bit distant and not making much eye contact. 
“You know, you dont have to be so tense around me. I won't hurt you, you seem like a nice person to be around” Srefey compliments. Arachnid had her eyes wide a bit, surprised by his choice of words. Perhaps she was being a bit cold to him. 
“S-sorry, it's not that I think you would hurt me, I am just…still tense from an incident” Arachnid confesses. This caught srefey’s attention. Now his eyes fully on her, he couldn't help but know, “incident? Has someone hurt you?”. 
“Not physically, since I wear na’vi clothing majority of the time. Human males had looked at me with….uncomfortable glances. Someone tried to take me somewhere more private but, lucky kamun and tik arrived on time. Send me off to tsahik, I dont know what they did but after that, many males didnt try to touch me again. However, it still doesnt shake off their stares at me. So sorry if I am being like this to you, it's not easy to just shake it off. Being alone with a man still irks me” Arachnid explains. 
Now fully understanding her situation, srefey thinks of another route. Stupid humans are still doing stupid things it seems. 
“Well, how about I show you?” Srefey asks, this made arachnid raise an eyebrow. 
“Show me?” 
“Yes, let me prove to you that I mean now harm. I won't lie arachnid, you have captured my interest, and before you assume anything. I merely wish to get to know you. Be friends even. And if you think it won't work out, or if you are uncomfortable, just tell me. I won't force you, have you be in control”. 
Arachnid let his offer linger in her mind. Her finger tapping on her chin as she hums in thought. It wouldn't hurt right? She cant always be living in fear. 
“Alright, I don't mind being friends with you” Arachnid gives her answer, this made srefey smile in excitement.  
“Great, I know you are busy but how about tomorrow? We can go and…”
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3 months of lovely friendship grew between arachnid and srefey. 3 months of getting to know each other, likes, dislikes, secrets and discovering new things together. 3 months of platonic relationship, until it grew into something more….intimate. 
“What…?” Arachnid asks, in disbelief of what she is hearing and seeing in front of her. 
On a bright sunny day, after playing in a clear river and eating good fruit. Srefey thought it would be a perfect moment for what he longed to speak. 
“Allow me to court you” Srefey said patiently, his smile warm and hopeful. 
Arachnid was truly at a loss for words. Someone, someone with zero bad intentions, someone who sees her more than a human, someone who desires her in a romantic way. The whole thing sounded impossible to believe. 
“B-but im human…” Arachnid says, almost in a mere whisper. 
Srefey lets a chuckle escape him as he slowly gets closer to her. 
“And? That doesn't stop me from wanting to court you. You are na’vi in all forms. Even if you don't have a kuru, or share our blue skin, I could care less. You are you arachnid, and that is what I enjoy” Srefey confesses. 
Oh if only srefey knew what those words make arachnid feel. 
“I…*Sighs* srefey, what if I don't see or feel the same way as you?” Arachnid asks, rubbing her arms as means for comfort and reassurance. If anything, it only made srefey get closer to her, his hands ghosting over hers. 
“Allow me to change your mind. And if..in the end it doesn't work, we can still be friends. You are too incredible for me to lose. Please..?” 
After long seconds of silence, Arachnid gives her answer. 
“Ok, let's see where this goes”. 
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“YOU ARE BEING WHAT?!” the four sully brothers screamed/asked in complete and utter shock. Unable to process what they were told. And as they all have a moment of brain exe. Not working moment, Arachnid calmly drinks her tea. 
“Srefey is courting me” Simple. Easy. 
If only it really was that simple and easy. 
“B-but…..h-how-justWHAT?!” Lo’ak was freaking out, grabbing his hair as he paced back and forth. Tik was just as speechless as neteyam while Kamun narrowed his eyes. 
“You? C-courted?! Srefey?!” 
Arachnid rolled her eyes, “oh calm down, it's not that big of a deal” 
“IT IS A BIG DEAL!!” Tik shouted, snapping out of his own shock. Grabbing arachnid by the arm, he starts to shake her. “Tik stop!! My tea!!” Arachnid shouted as big drops of her tea were spilling from the constant shaking. Which tik didn't care for. 
“Knock it off, seriously. Great, now I have to make more” Arachnid whined a bit, gently pushing tik away as she prepares to make more tea. 
“Did he bribed you? Manipulated you? Just say the word and we will take care of it” Neteyam urges. Arachnid was starting to feel a bit annoyed by how persistent they are. 
“He didn't do anything. Srefey asked me, and I accepted. I made the choice for him to court me. No one is forcing anything. Simple as that. Meaning, you four will also have to accept it” 
This new turn of events wasn't something the four brothers liked. Arachnid is someone dear to them, a sister in all but blood. While arachnid can do many things, she is still limited and vulnerable. To protect her has become the brothers new purpose. Making sure Arachnid is safe and out of harm's way. 
And srefey, well, he has become a new threat to them.
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“Here, I made these for your hair. I thought…it would look nice” Srefey tells Arachnid, on his hands are well carved beads all of them in beautiful colors. Arachnid gasped in awe. Gently grabbing one bead at a time, carefully inspecting them, the manner of the carving shows the complexity of the patterns, no two beads were the same. 
“Srefey…you didn't have to do this” Arachnid whispered as she blushed a bit. It is very rare that she is given something. Srefey feels happy and satisfied that Arachnid loves his gift. 
“I insist, besides. This is my first courting gift to you. And there will be many to come” Srefey grins. Arachnid blinked a few times, the first of many? Just how many gifts will it take? While arachnid does know the basics of courting in na’vi, each courting is still unique to their own. 
“Very well, but please. I don't need anything big for you to show me what you are capable of. Just…treating me right is enough for me” Arachnid tells srefey. Her smile bright and warm, of the many things Srefey has come to cherish with all his heart. 
“As you desire ma’Yawntu” 
Srefey will be the death of her if he continues with those names. 
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Arachnid wore her new beads with great joy. She styled her hair almost the same, but this time she tied the front part and pulled back to expose more of her face. Decorating her hair with the beads made her feel more part of the clan. Oh how she loves the new beads. Srefey knew how to pick as they were of fine quality. Makes her appreciate his efforts. 
However, while the change was great, not everyone was liking it. Thus, the sully brothers often sulking and began to hate srefey. The more time arachnid spends with that young na’vi, the less time she spends with them. Which often ends the day with a sour mood. Kamun and tik are so used to having arachnid around, it is so strange not to have that anymore. Lo’ak misses pulling pranks and cracking dumb jokes with arachnid, and neteyam misses arachnid as he feels like a baby brother when she is around. 
And who is srefey to think he is worthy of their dear sister? After all that she went through, who is to say it won't happen again? They dont trust that goody goody srefey. Nothing ever good comes out of those who want arachnid. 
Until, one day, after seeing arachnid wear a matching necklace of srefey’s, did the brothers last standing tolerance break. 
“Boys…I have an idea” 
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Srefey is a young warrior and a hunter, and would often go join a hunting party to gather enough meat for everyone in the village. That means there is a planned time and place of where to go. A schedule if you will. Meaning there is plenty of time to plan what to do by the time that srefey gets back. 
“Alright, everyone understood the plan?” Neteyam asks his younger brothers who all nodded enthusiastically. Neteyam grins in satisfaction. Good, if they all follow the plan, then nothing should fail. They know arachnid in and out. 
Lo’ak and neteyam left to join the same hunting party as srefey while kamun and tik do their part. By taking arachnid to a different area, a bit farther from the village. 
“You two, when I said I had time I didnt think you would take me all the way over here” Arachnid said as they settled in a nice area with a lake nearby for a swim. The view was lovely, there is no denying that, but to get there took a good amount of time. She didn't want to arrive back late and miss srefey returning. It didn't help that Kamun or tik did not think to bring their ikrans for faster travel. 
“Come on, we miss hanging out with you. It isn't the same with you being with that srevie guy” Tik complained. “Srefey” Arachnid corrected, tik could care less. That no good na’vi was taking time and attention from their sweet sister. 
“Whatever, come on! We can make some pretty cool slingshots or make more flower crowns, OH! We can plays hunter on hunter!” Tik suggested so many activities. And all sounded so much fun, unable to deny tik’s cute face, Arachnid chose what game and the three began to play. 
Until Arachnid lost track as she noticed the sun was beginning to set. Panic flowed into her. 
“Oh my Eywa, we have to get back!!” She was in a hurry, no doubt srefey already made it back and hoped to see her. But arachnid was so caught up in the games, she failed to realize how much time has passed. 
Kamun and tik on the other hand were in no rush to return home. As that is part of their plan. Placing an arm around arachnid’s shoulder, Kamun took his time walking, making arachnid having to follow his slow pace. 
“Relax arachnid, we will make it back. There will still be plenty of food by the time we get there” Kamun says in an odd relaxed tone. This only made arachnid more annoyed by the second. How she really wished she had an ikran of her own. Pushing Kamun's arm off of her, Arachnid begins to run, this makes tik and kamun follow. 
“Arachnid!! Wait up!!” Tik shouts, trying to keep up with her speed. Kamun quickly picks his little brother up in his arms and runs faster. “Why in such a hurry?! We have time!!” Kamun shouts at Arachnid, but the human girl ignores him. Her mind set on arriving at the village. There is already good progress, she will be damned if anything risks her relationship with srefey. 
And what felt like forever, Arachnid made it back just as the eclipse was forming in the sky. People were already going over to the fire pits, the meat no doubt already prepared and ready to serve. This made arachnid anxious. Looking all over the crowd to find srefey. 
Quickly arachnid turned to find srefey waving his arm, smiling as he looked at her. Sighing relief, she goes over to him and gives him a big hug. Srefey happily returned the gesture. 
“I was starting to worry, it is unlike you to be late for anything” He says with a relieved smile on his handsome face. Arachnid chuckled a bit, “I was out with kamun and tik, we left early and I thought we would make it back. Only to realize just how far it was, but I am here now” she replied. 
Srefey brings his hand on her shoulder and guides to one of the fire puts and begins to eat together, discussing their day. While not too far from them the 4 sully’s throw death glares at srefey. 
“Well, it sort of worked” Kamun said as he stares at the couple. “Guess we will have to try harder” Lo’ak responded. 
And try harder they did.
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Each sully takes turns in planning their next move, but usually it would be either lo’ak or kamun being the masterminds. And their plans work, as little by little do they interrupt arachnid’s and srefeys dates. Each sully taking turns using some form of excuse to take arachnid away from srefey. 
Less time does the two spend, and now they take arachnid everywhere before she can even look for srefey in the village. However as the boys secretly celebrate their growing victory, Arachnid and srefey were growing frustrated in their own ways. 
One morning Arachnid went to the village extra early, determined to find Srefey before those annoying boys find her instead. As she runs, she begins to see the early risers up and about. Srefey is an early riser, likes to get things early to have some free time later. Free time that should have been spent with arachnid if things don't stop coming her way. 
“There he is!” She gasps happily to see srefey organizing some baskets. 
“Srefey!” she happily calls out to him. The young na’vi turns and a smile spreads on his lips, stopping what he was doing, he turns completely to arachnid who jumped into his arms, giggling like a youngster in love. 
“So strange to see you this early, I know you treasure your sleep” Srefey teases, this made arachnid laugh. “Yes, well I am willing to sacrifice my precious sleep if it means to see you more”. 
Those words made srefey melt from the inside. Grabbing arachnids hands, he leads her somewhere more private as they snuggle together. Oh how they missed being in each other's embrace. Truly something they can't live without. 
“I miss holding you like this” Srefey confesses as he buries his head into arachnids neck, taking in her scent. The Earth of pandora and early morning mist is a lovely combination. Humming, Arachnid couldn't help but agree, “me too, I missed your big strong arms holding me. These past weeks have been endless tasks here and there”. 
Srefey couldnt help but nod, indeed it has. For some reason neteyam sully has given srefey more tasks to do, not that he minded but at times he questions why give him such silly duties when anyone can do them. And for arachnid, before she could even announce she is off, one of the four brothers would take her aside and say something along the lines of “you know temtem can't behave without you”. 
Or kamun saying “I need help looking for these herbs, grandmother says you know where to look”. 
Or thick head lo’ak practically begging arachnid and saying “Please help me sharpen the knives!! Just doing one takes forever and not every blade is the same!” 
And sweet adorable tik was also asking, close to demanding arachnid, “Let's go play at the fields! We never do that anymore! We can play your favorite games!” 
Each day one of them always has something for arachnid to do. And it takes away from her time with srefey. 
“I am courting you…yet it doesn't feel like that anymore” Srefey says in a whimper. It tugs the girl's heart seeing him like this. He should smile, not be sad. Gently strokes his ears, arachnid hums a tune. Srefey did say she had a lovely voice. 
And to srefey’s ears, arachnid can sing his sorrows away. Holding her tighter, he thinks of ways to spend time with her again. Because each day he begins to doubt and lose hope of a possible future with the girl he came to love. Srefey doesn't want to lose hope, does not wish to lose hope for arachnid. 
“How about…tomorrow? We do our tasks today, all of them. And have the whole day tomorrow just for us? No interruptions, no side tracks, nothing. Just you and me srefey” Arachnid suggests. Srefey looked at her with a new found hope and anticipation. Already looking forward to it, they agree on the time and spot. 
“Promise me you won't break our agreement?” Srefey asks. Arachnid can sense his doubts and nervousness. It wouldn't be the first time she had to cancel their meeting time. “I promise, I won't let anyone stop me from being with you”. 
Easier said than done. 
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The following day arrived, no chores, no hunts, no nothing. The whole day is free to do any activities. A whole day of going anywhere at any time, doing whatever their hearts desired. The excitement of what to do fills the hearts of arachnid and srefey. Separately in their own homes, do they get ready. 
Srefey was the firs to arrive in the agreed spot. The sun was still rising from the horizon, giving color to his home. The anticipation filled his heart with joy. To see arachnid and have all her attention again was thrilling to think of. He prepared a small basket of their favorite fruits. And maybe a little gift. 
Of course he knew that the human base was a little away from the village, so it would make sense that arachnid would come a few minutes later. She does run very fast and can keep up with the speed of the na’vi. 
Besides, the day is barely beginning, there is time for the two. So he sits in a comfortable position, looking at the calm river that flows with color fishes that swim by. Won't be long now. 
8 hours later 
What hope Srefey had is now gone. Vanished. Sighing in defeat, he leaves. He should have known better. Arachnid is still human after all, and one of the things he hates about humans is how they can easily break a promise. He was a fool to think Arachnid was different. But she is like the rest. A liar and a deceit. 
Dropping the basket, he leaves in an angry huff. At this point he isn't even courting her, he should stop before he could get hurt anymore. A fool he feels, an utter fool.
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Arachnid is a fool. An utter fool. To think it would just be a quick thing turned out to be lasting the whole day! 
“Arachnid come on! Don't you want to join us for dinner?” Lo’ak asks as he grabs her arm to which she was quick to yank back. “No, I have to find srefey. I messed up big time!” Panic surged into her. Thinking of the worst she makes a run for it to find srefey. But as she runs, she fails to see the satisfied look from her friends. 
“How long until he calls quits?” Tik asks as he holds neteyam’s hand. Lo’ak grins confidently, “Not long, since we had her for the whole day. I am betting he will break tonight. Might make her cry but we will be there to cheer her up”. 
Kamun turns to look at lo’ak concern all over his face, “make her cry? I don't like pushing her to the edge. What if we have gone too far?”. 
Lo’ak was quick to stare at his brother, “do you want to spend your days without her? To not have her around for our pranks and adventures? To not have her around and feel more lonely than ever?”. 
“Alright that is enough lo’ak, we all have the same goal alright? If srefey doesn't break it off we will try something else '' Neteyam cuts off a possible argument. But kamun was right, seeing arachnid cry is the last thing any of them wants. But if it is necessary to get their point across, then it will be a hard choice to make. 
Arachnid is someone the boys love as a sister. Someone they seem vulnerable to the world, she is strong and can stand her own, but pandora is still dangerous even for the na’vi. The need to protect her is a fierce emotion they all have equally, and only want what is best for her. And srefey, isn't not the best for their dear arachnid. 
They dont like how srefey has easily captured arachnids heart, taking her away from them. Not spending much time like she used to. 
“If it works, will she come back to us?” Tik asks, looking up at his siblings. Neteyam strokes his baby brother’s head as to comfort him, “that is right, it will be just like it was. And srefey will only be a bad memory”.
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“Srefey!” Arahcnid calls out as she spotted him. From his stance she can tell he isn't happy, not one bit. She really messed up big time. Quickly going to him, carefully choosing the right words.
“Srefey, I am so so so sorry. I know I messed up, I d-”
“Didn't mean to take so long?” Srefey finished for her. His tone was way too calm, his eyes sharp as if piercing into her soul. Arachnid slowly reached out to touch him but he backed away. He really is pissed off. 
“You know…I am a fool to think you were special. That you are not like the sky demons, that maybe I have found what I longed for in you. But no, no you are not special, nothing unique. Just a walking demon that can't even pass as a na’vi. You are just like them all, a liar” 
Each word took a stab at arachnids heart, his anger rising making her fears rise as well. His warm eyes now burn in anger and hate. This isn't what she wanted. 
“Please, srefey, let me explain-” And again srefey had cut her words. 
“Explain what? That you lost track of time? That those friends of yours needed your help? That you couldn't say no to them? Explain what arachnid?!” Tears were ready to escape the poor boy’s eyes. His anger and sadness climbs up to his throat, anymore and he might say more harmful words. 
Arachnid however, she let her tears run like rivers. Her lips quivering and heart beating fast like a drum. This is exactly what she feared, to be rejected. To not be wanted by anyone. 
“S-srefey…” She tries to speak, but all the words were tangled in the back of her throat. Her mind and heart fight, trying to pick what to say to ease srefey, but she knows nothing will. 
A click of the tongue, srefey can't help but chuckle. “I am done, this courting isn't going anywhere. Burn the gifts, I want nothing associated with a sky demon. Farewell, demon” 
Without looking back, he leaves. 
And arachnid is left with her heart shattered, her eyes still glued to him as srefey’s body becomes smaller and gone. 
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Never had arachnid cried so hard as she did that night. Running straight to the base and into her room, not bothering to give anyone an explanation. Not caring if Eywa heard her loud cries. Tears never stopped running, her heart never stopped hurting for the whole night. Not a moment of rest came to her. Srefey’s words repeated over and over in her mind.  
And that is how she stayed for days, not interacting with anybody. It made norm and others worry as she doesn't eat much or do anything. Just sit in her room. And that is when they call the sully family in hopes they could do something. 
Only the brothers responded with eagerness. 
While tight in the room, the four boys managed to sit comfortably as they sooth arachnid, trying their best to hide their victorious grins. 
“I am an idiot..he is right…I am a liar and a demon…” Arachnid muttered as Kamun and tik held her in their arms. Kamun gently pushed her braids aside, tucking them behind her ears. “Don't say that, srefey is the idiot. You are not a demon, you are our friend, sister, and more” Kamun tells Arachnid with the softness of his voice. 
“Yeah, who needs that skxawng? He wasnt good enough. Dont let him get to you” Lo’ak adds. And as more arachnid listens, the more she agrees. Perhaps srefey wasnt what she hoped for. Maybe he was like all the rest. 
She is fine without him. 
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4 months later 
Arachnid was carrying a basket of sweets as she heads to the sully’s home. Smiling brightly as she makes her way. Ever since her terrible end with srefey, the sullys were there to comfort her. Make her feel better and always know how to lighten her mood. Always there when she needs them. 
So as she climbs, already excited to see their reaction of sweet treats, she hears the boys whispering. Silently, arachnid climbs and as quiet as she can. What are they talking about? 
“Hahaha! Can you believe it's been 4 months already? No doubt arachnid has already forgotten about that srefey” 
That was lo’ak, but why does he sound so smug? 
“Yes, and any attachments left are burned and turned to ashes. Look at her now, back to where she always belonged, with us” that was kamun. 
“It took a long time, but our plans worked. Purposely sabotaging their dates was executed to perfection” what the hell was neteyam talking about?! 
After the reveal, arachnid can't help but want to know what they did. Are they at fault for ruining her relationship with srefey!? 
“The hell you mean sabotaging the dates?!” arachnid shouted as she entered their home. It caught the boys by surprise, all quickly standing, their tails giving away how shocked they were. So now, they were all silent. 
“Well? Aren't you going to say anymore?!” the more silent they are, the angrier the arachnid got. 
“Lo’ak started it!!” Tik gave in. Seeing arachnid angry made her look just as scary as his mama. And a scary spider isn't something he wants. 
“H-he was the one who didn't like srefey in the first place!! He thought that if srefey didn't love you anymore, that you would come back to us! And then, Kamun and neteyam began to plan how to separate you from srefey!” Tik confessed as he let the words slip out of his mouth. 
With a sharp glare, arachnid turned to look at lo’ak, who couldn't look at her in return. “Really lo’ak? What the hell is going on in that thick head of yours!?” arachnid shouted again, demanding really. 
“Well what the hell did you think!? You were spending more time with him than with us! We just wanted you to be hanging out with us. You always do. And that skaxwng thought too highly of himself and began to court you. Who the hell does he think he is?!” 
Lo’ak had enough and began to bark back with his confession. Arachnid left out a scoff, does he really think he is in the right? 
Then she turned to Kamun who wore an expression of guilt. 
“And you went along with it? Tik I get he gets easily impressionable but you!? It is you who gets lo’ak out of trouble not dive head first! What were you thinking!?” 
Kamun scratched the back of his head, guilt breaking him already. “What I thought was best! We missed having you with us. And the thought of seeing you go with that guy, or anyone. I hate it!” 
Groaning deeply, she turns to neteyam whom she was surprised by the most. “Neteyam, you are the oldest of your siblings! You are supposed to be the logic! The brains! Letting lo’ak dig his words into you is beyond me. But you are just as stupid as the rest of them. I can't believe you went along with it and planned it out!! 
Neteyam couldn't say anything as he hung his head down in shame. 
Look at all four now, her anger just keeps rising. 
“When I was crying, when I was heartbroken and depressed, were you all happy that I dug in my misery? Crying, thinking that no one would love me? Was that your sick satisfaction? To see me break down?! And for what?! For you to pick up my pieces thinking only you four can have my attention. Ugh I swear you are all fucking stupid! I can't even begin to describe what I am feeling right now!” 
Walking back and forth, breathing deeply trying to calm herself. 
“Haven't you thought for one damn second that maybe I was happy with srefey? That I reciprocate his feelings for me? That I loved him as much? Only to be turned down thinking it was MY fault when really, it is all of your faults! And srefey! Great mother of all, srefey dealt with it the hardest! Creating all these gifts, spending time to prove his worth! And you fuckers ruined it! Well congratulations! You won! You win, but guess what? I am done. I am done with all of you. I cant anymore” 
Out of breath and dropping her hands, she starts to climb down. None of the boys went to stop her. Knowing that if they did, it will make things much worse. Letting arachnids' words sink in. More guilt and shame washed over them. Regret for what they done. Its true, they have won. 
But at what cost? 
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Arachnid ran fast, faster than she ever did in her life. Now that she knows what really happened, why she was kept from being with srefey, who is to stop her now? 
Still remembering srefey’s routine, she headed straight to the river bank of the south. He loved going there to collect fresh water and herbs. And 4 months later, she is glad it hasn't changed. 
Down, near the river, arachnid saw srefey collecting some plants. A new found excitement flowed in her. Quickly, she goes down to talk to him. 
“Srefey!” she calls him. 
Sregey turned, and was surprised to see arachnid.  But it wasn't a happy surprise. He still hasnt forgotten what happened. 
“Go away” he tells in an impatient tone. 
“Please, I want to talk to you,” Arachnid pleaded. 
“I dont, you should go back with the other demons. I have nothing else to say to you” Srefey replies, his patience getting thin by the second. But arachnid was determined. 
“Srefey, if you just let me-”
“STOP!” Was all he said. Glaring daggers down at her. 
Taking a deep breath, she still goes on. 
“Please…if you hear me out, just this once. Listen to what I have to say, what you want to do after is your choice. If you don't want to see me, that is fine. Just please srefey…I need to tell you something” 
Their eyes meet and srefey can't help but soften just a bit. He did miss the color of her beautiful eyes. 
“Fine, speak” he gives in. 
Arachnid wasted no time. She began to explain what happened, and who was the culprits behind the constant interruptions of their dates. 
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“They did all of that just to stop us from seeing each other??” Srefey asked. After hearing what Arachnid said, he couldn't help but feel….funny? 
The determination the sully’s had was admirable and give them some credit for not giving up. 
“Yes, and after cussing out at them I ran to find you and here we are…I am still mad at them. But I can't ignore them forever. I don't even know if their father can help fix their mess” Arachnid comments as she tugs a bit of her hair. 
Srefey does feel relieved that there was a reason behind the whole thing. 
Placing a hand on her small shoulder, he brings arachnid to face him. “I am sorry….for saying those terrible things to you. I regret it all. You must have felt the world crashing down on you” he says in a low tone. Arachnid looks down at her hands, tracing her painted stripes. 
“It did…made me think it was all my fault. That I couldn't do anything right no matter how hard I tried. That nothing I could do would be enough. That I will never be enough for you” 
Her words brought more guilt to srefrey. But perhaps…a new bloom can begin anew? 
“I know so much has happened but…what if….we start again? Start all over, and hopefully, this time, no one standing in our way?” Srefey asks. He won't deny, after months of not seeing arachnid, despite what he believed. He missed her so much. A lot of things reminded him of her. And now that he knew that arachnid was never at fault, he was ready. 
“You…you want to court me again?” Arachnid asks hesitantly. Hoping she didn't misheard him. 
And srefey nods, “yes. Yes I want to court you, and I will be better, if you allow me this chance?” 
In a swift move, she jumped into his big arms. Engulfing her small frame, he holds her close. Damn, he forgot how small arachnid really is. Taking her in her scent, it brought back so many reasons why he liked her in the first place. 
“I missed you holding me like this” arachnid said close to his ear. His tail twitching happily, yes, he missed it too. 
“Come on, let's start anew. We can go to the up planes like we used to. Ride on my pali and eat as much fruit as we want” srefey suggests. Already thinking of many dates ahead of them. 
“Yes, I would like that” Arachnid agrees. 
Holding hands, forgetting of what he was doing, they go off to a new start of their official courting. 
But one thing still remains in question. 
“What about your friends? What will you tell them?” Srefey asks. 
Arachnid hums a bit in thought, “I am still mad at them. But, I think it is them that needs to think of their actions. It really was a sucker move from them. All of them. So, I will give them a day or two and talk to them. Things can end like how it did. But for now, I just want to make up the lost time with you”. 
New happiness bloomed in srefey’s heart. 
“Yes, and I with you. There is much to catch up on, and much more to explore” 
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Aaaaaaand that is it for this one! I hoped everyone likes it! Took me forever berceuse of constant rewrites. Until next time, see ya!
Srefey = expect
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pxndorasdream · 1 year
Experiment 101 — Part 2
AgedUp! Neteyam x Fem!Human! Reader
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Words: 5.5K
Warnings: Mention of kidnapping, mention of blood (Pls tell me if I’m missing something)
Summary: The three newcomers are interrogated by the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya and they make a great discovery. The youngest Sully boy made friends with the new humans in the base, but his older brother doesn’t seem very happy with their presence.
Notes: Hiii, i’m sorry this took so long, I didn’t have inspiration to write and this took me like a month to get it done, i’m so sorry. But now it’s here! I hope the fandom is not completely dead cause I still love avatar sm. keep in mind english is not my first lenguaje so it could have some mistakes
3rd Person POV / Proofread ig
Masterlist (i still don’t know how to do that, pls help💀)
“Who are they?” Norm asked the warriors that just arrived at the base, looking carefully at the three sky people he had never seen.
One of them shrugged. “Olo'eyktan told us to bring them here” He answered. “He said something about you and Max checking them and then he will question them”
“Okay, leave them there, please” The Na’vi warriors did what Norm said, laying Y/N, Cameron and Thomas on three stretchers inside of some kind of check room. “They don’t have an oxygen mask, are you sure they’re alive?”
“Positive, Olo’eyktan and his sons made sure it was that way”
“Okay, thank you” The human thanked and the warriors made their way out. “Max!” He called.
“What happened?” He answered peeking through the door.
“Jake says we have to check on these three” He informed, gaining a confused look from Max.
“And who are they?” Max asked looking carefully at the humans.
Norm shrugged. “They don’t know either, so I guess we’ll find out when Jake questions them”
“Fine, let’s get it done.”
Both scientists started to check on the three youngest ones, they had just a few scratches. But what concerned the adults was that their lungs were about to collapse. New oxygen masks were placed on them trying to keep them stable till they wake up.
“It seems they breathed Pandora’s air for a little too long, that why their lungs are collapsing” Max informed. “They need to stay in oxygen for a few more hours, in the meantime, we should do some blood test on them”
“Yeah, I’m on it”
On the other hand, Jake Sully and his sons arrived to their family hut. “What were you thinking? What if it was some kind of tramp from the sky people?”
“Dad, I’m sorry, we were just curious, no need to be so paranoid” The youngest said, immediately regretting it.
Jake raise a brow in Lo’ak’s direction. “Are you for real?”
Neteyam stepped in before the situation escalated. “I’m sorry sir, we will not be doing that ever again”
“I hope so, boy”
“Ma’ Jake, what is happening?” Neytiri’s voice was heard by the three Sully men. “What did you do this time?” She asked looking directly at Lo’ak.
“Your sons found some sky people left behind by the RDA” Jake explained. “We brought them to our base”
“What? Why? Why didn’t you kill them right away?” She asked her mate. “You know better than that”
“They are young, maybe the same age as our children”
“The sky people left them behind for some reason” She said. “They were sent to attack us!”
“Mom, if you let me, I don’t necessarily think they were ‘left behind’, I think they escaped the sky people’s base” The youngest son replied, trying to defend the three young humans, for some strange reason. Maybe they reminded him a little bit of his friend Spider.
“Why would they even want to escape the sky people? They are their own race”
Jake shrugged. “I don’t know, they are with Norm and Max right now, they’re unconscious, so they’re not a threat for now” He said. “Now, you two tell me what exactly did you heard from those humans”
Neteyam and Lo’ak shared a look, the oldest starting to tell what they’ve heard. “We already told you must of it, but they said they lived a shitty life and would probably die in a shitty way”
Lo’ak nodded. “They were kidnapped by the RDA, and they used them as lab rats, that’s all”
Jake pressed his lips. “Fine, I better get going to question them, the faster the better”
“Can we go?” Lo’ak asked. Neteyam didn’t show any emotion, but he wanted to go.
“No” Neytiri said. “There’s no way you go back there”
“Mom, we’ve been there many times, this will not change anything” Lo’ak tried to convince his mother.
“The other times you’ve been there, there weren’t some strange sky people”
“Please mom, we’re curious, they could breath Pandora’s air for much longer than usual, there must be something off, right?”
Neytiri moved her gaze from her youngest to her mate. Jake only nodded, quietly telling her that it was okay with him. “Fine, you can go” The brothers smiled. “But…” The smiled disappeared. “You will stay by your father’s side at all time, am I clear?”
“Yes mom”
“Fine, get out of here”
“Sooo, who do you think they are?” Lo’ak asked his older brother. “And what is their business here?”
Neteyam shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe their just lab rats as they said”
“Boys, keep up” They heard Jake talking to them. “We’ll get our answers once I talk to them, which will be in a few moments, so stop wondering about and walk faster!”
“Alright, alright” The youngest said.
Back in the lab, Y/N opened her eyes and stood up rapidly. The last she remembered was the RDA people being attacked by the Na’vi and then them not being able to breath along with the strongest pain she’d ever felt in her entire life.
“Hey, hey, hey, try to stay calm, we need you to stay calm” A unknown man told her. “You are safe now, but we need you to stay calm for us to explain what happened”
“Who are you? Where am I? Where are the others?” She asked switching her gaze every few seconds to every corner of the room she was in.
“My name is Norm and I’m a scientist” Y/N face started to drop. Not again, she thought to herself. Norm noticed it. “Don’t worry, we’re not with the RDA, you’re free”
“Alright, alright” She sound like she was trying to calm herself more than talking to Norm. “Where are the others?”
“The blonde guy is in the room next to us, the other one is still getting checked by other scientists” Norm explained.
“And Madison?” Y/N asked.
Norm looked at her confused. “There wasn’t a Madison with you”
“Uh? What do you mean? She’s a curly headed one, a few years older than me”
The man shrugged. “I’m sorry kid, but there were just the three of you, no one else” Y/N only nodded, trying to process the information. “What’s your name? It would really help to know the names of you three”
“Oh, yeah, I’m Y/N, the brunette guy is Thomas and the blonde one is Cameron”
“Alright then…” Norm was interrupted by some Na’vi on the door.
“Are they awake?” Jake asked. Norm stood up and walked towards the door.
“They are, let me get the others and you can start the questioning”
Jake gaze meet Y/N’s. “Okay then”
Soon enough, Cameron and Thomas enter the room, followed by Norm, Max and Jake Sully and his sons, who insisted in joining them.
“Oh god, now were going to get killed by the Na’vi people” Cameron started to talk when he saw the three tall blue figures towering them. “Why are we always at the verge of dying? That is kinda strange, don’t you think?” He asked Y/N who looked at him confused. “Anyways, it was nice to meet you guys, you really made the experience of being kidnapped a little fun”
“I don’t think being kidnapped is a funny experience” Y/N answered him, both of them totally forgetting there were witnesses to their conversation.
“Oh my god Cam, why do you have to talk so much in situations like these?” Thomas said angrily. “And you should stop answering him, you know how he gets, Y/N”
The scientists looked at them with a smile, those three young people were quite funny. Jake fought a smile from appearing, and Neteyam and Lo’ak were confused.
“We’re not going to kill you” Lo’ak finally spoke, breaking the discussion the humans were having.
“Not yet, at least” Neteyam added, gaining a look from his father.
“What are your names?” The oldest Sully asked. “I know he’s Cam” He pointed at the blonde human.
“Cameron, actually” He corrected. “But I guess you can call me Cam, I don’t care” He shrugged, making Y/N and Thomas roll their eyes.
“I’m Thomas” The brunette one said in a calm voice.
“My name’s Y/N”
“I’m Jake Sully, and I guess you already know Norm and Max” They nodded. “Okay, let’s get it done” The gazes of the three humans were now on the two younger Na’vi, Jake noticed this. “Oh yeah, these are my sons, Neteyam and Lo’ak” The two boys only nodded at them. “We’re not going to hurt you, we just want to ask you a few questions”
“We’ve heard of you” Y/N said to Jake. “Jake Sully, the one who betrayed his own race” The man made a face hearing the nickname humans gave him, but he regretted nothing. “I think what you did was brave” Y/N shrugged.
“Yeah, I would have done the same just to get away of those RDA bitches” Cameron said, gaining a laugh from Jake, Norm and Max.
“I know, they can be such dickheads, but I did it for a few more reasons” The oldest said thinking about his beautiful mate. “Anyway, let’s start, shall we?” They nodded. “How old are you?”
“21” The two boys said.
“19” Y/N answered.
“Alright, and how long have you been here?”
Cameron let a small smile out. “I don’t know, I guess just for a few hours, how long has been since we escaped the RDA?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Here on Pandora, not here with them, dumbass” Her gaze returned to Jake. “We’ve been here for like two and a half years, sir” She answered.
Jake noticed that neither did Cameron nor Thomas were taking the questioning seriously, so he asked if they can stay only with the girl.
“I’m sorry about them” She apologized once her friends were out of the room. “Thomas is a bit suspicious around everyone, and Cameron never takes things seriously”
“It’s okay, kid, don’t worry” Jake assured her. “But now, I need you to answer me everything I ask, ok?” She nodded. The scientists went outside too, only Norm and Max staying on the room with the Sully men and Y/N. “Now, why did the RDA kidnapped you?”
“They said it was because we had no one back on Earth, that no one would missed us or even noticed we are gone…” She started talking, feeling a wave of sadness through her body. “They were right, though, we have no one, so that’s why we are here, they never told us what we were going to do in Pandora, but we eventually found out”
“And what is that?” He asked.
“Being lab rats” She answered without hesitation. “They used us so they could test some serum, but they were never successful, every three days they came and injected some weird looking liquid, sometimes was painless, but sometimes it was so painful we eventually passed out”
Jake pursed his lips. How can some humans be such monsters, even with their own kind? “And do you know what that serum was supposed to do?”
Y/N nodded. “They told us just before your warriors attacked them” She confessed. “It’s supposed to make humans able to breathe Pandora’s air, no more oxygen masks ever again, but as I told you, the serum never worked until now, but I guess it didn’t work the way it was supposed to because we lost our breaths just a few minutes after”
“You’re correct. The serum didn’t worked well, you three arrived here with both lungs collapsed and unconscious, we work hard to stabilize you, but you’re okay for now” Norm mentioned.
“Both lungs collapsed?” Lo’ak asked. “That sounds dangerous”
“Because it is. It basically means the air escapes your lungs and fill the space between them and your chest wall, making even harder to breathe” Max explained the young Na’vi.
“So what now?” Y/N asked.
“Did you hear something else from the RDA people?” Neteyam asked, making his dad look his way.
Y/N shook her head no. “We were locked in cells for days, we only were able to exit them when they did their tests, we only talked to each other” She answered.
“So you think they will continue their tests without you?” The oldest Sully asked, looking at her with attention.
Y/N shrugged. “I mean, they still have Madison, she was with us every time a new serum was created, so I guess they’ll continue testing on her”
Jake pursed his lips. “So they’ll still have some advantage on us, if the sky people can breathe Pandora’s air, it will eliminate one of their weakest spots” It seemed that he was thinking about his next steps. “Okay, thank you very much, Y/N, now get some rest and let my friends here help you and your friends” He pointed to Max and Norm, who sent the girl a small smile.
Jake stood up and walk towards the door, Neteyam and Lo’ak following him. “It was nice to meet you” The youngest said to her just before crossing the door.
Neteyam only gave her a small nod and walked away.
“Well, that was something” She said making the two scientists laugh.
“I don’t know what you heard about Jake back in the RDA base, but he’s a good man” Norm said.
“I can tell already”
“For now, you should rest a few more days and try to get yourself better, and then we will try and figure things out, alright?” Max asked, Y/N nodded. “Alright then, see you later, Cam and Thomas will be here in just a few minutes”
“Dudeeee, what did they ask you?” Cameron entered the room. “Are they going to kill us?”
Y/N nodded. “Yes, they will just wait till we get better and experiment some new things on us, and then they’ll get rid of us” She joked, Cameron face instantly deforming into a sad expression. “I’m kidding, oh my god”
“You’ve got me worried for a second”
“So, what did they actually wanted?” Thomas asked.
“They wanted to know what was our business with the RDA” She said. “They were nice, they told me we should rest for a few more days and then they will tell us what’s our destiny”
Thomas nodded. “I just wish they won’t throw us back to the RDA base, I would rather be left alone in the forest than put a foot in that base again”
“Yeah, same”
What they didn’t knew, was that the Sully men and the two scientists were listening to their conversation. “What do you think they did to them?” Max asked. “They seemed really scared to go back”
“I don’t know, but knowing the RDA system, those poor kids are traumatized for life” Jake replied, making his sons wonder what was the RDA capable of and what happened to those three humans.
A few days passed and Y/N was feeling way better, one of the Na’vis came to visit them daily.
“Sooo, what was Earth like?” The Na’vi boy asked. “My dad has always said it was a dying world, but he hasn’t been there in a while, maybe you can tell me more about it?”
Y/N gave him a small smile. “It may sound crazy, but I don’t remember very much of it. I mean, it wasn’t that long ago but it seems like everything I knew back there just erased from my memory, I barely remember my life then” She confessed. “Maybe Cam or Thomas can tell you more about it”
“More about what?” Cameron entered the room. “Oh, what’s up, Lo’ak?” He said towards the young Na’vi.
“More about Earth” Lo’ak answered. He was always curious about his dad and his human part unlike his older brother, who didn’t want to know anything about the sky people, Neteyam only closeness to the human world was learning English and being friends with Spider, and lately, coming once in a while to the lab and talk with Norm and Max.
“Oh” Cam said. “Actually, I don’t remember much of it, it’s kinda weird”
“You don’t remember either?” Y/N asked him, he denied. “It is weird”
“What is weird?” This time it was Thomas who entered the room. “Lo’ak, how have you been?”
“All good, thanks” He answered.
“Lo’ak asked us to tell him more about Earth, maybe you could elaborate more than us” Cam said to Thomas. “Maybe you remember better than us”
Thomas smile dropped. “Actually…”
Lo’ak raised an eyebrow. “You’re telling me that you don’t remember, aren’t you?” He said jokingly.
“Uhm, I do not remember much, actually” Thomas shrugged.
Lo’ak eyed up and down the three humans in front of him. “There is definitely something weird about that” He said. “How is it possible the three of you forgot almost everything that happened to you before getting kidnapped by the RDA?”
“Who forgot almost everything?” A fifth voice entered the room. It was Norm.
“It seems these three don’t remember a thing about Earth” Lo’ak spoke with a grin.
“It’s understandable. For what I know, it wasn’t a happy life you had back then, right?” The oldest one looked at them. “Maybe you suppressed some memories to protect yourselves”
Y/N nodded. “It’s not like that, Norm, at least speaking for myself, I do not remember a single thing” She said. “I mean, yeah, I know I didn’t have a perfect life and my parents weren’t the greatest, but I only know that because the RDA scientists kept saying that to me”
“What about you two?” He asked Cam and Thomas. “What do you remember?”
Cam looked at Thomas, noticing he wasn’t going to start speaking, so he did. “Same here, just the things Ardmore told us, that my mother died and I stayed with my father who wasn’t exactly father of the year”
“They told me my entire family died on a car crash and I was stuck in an orphanage” Thomas added.
“But you don’t remember anything at all?” Norm asked. “Anything besides what the RDA told you?” They shook their heads no. “Stay here, I’m going to order some tests to try and find out what they really did to you”
Norm left the room under the gazes of the three youngest humans and the Sully boy. “Aaand… we’re back again with the tests”
“Don’t worry guys, there no way Norm and Max can hurt you, trust me” Lo’ak finally spoke after being witness of the humans’ conversation. “I have to go, my dad said he wanted me home before eclipse or he will take my free time away and make me do some Olo’eyktan son shit” He stood up towering over Y/N.
“But you are the Olo’eyktan son” Y/N smiled at the Na’vi.
“Yeah, I’m aware of that, but that kind of task are always given to Neteyam, and let me tell you, they aren’t that fun, so I better run, I hope you can get your answers” He said while exiting the room. “Byeeee!”
“That guy is very chill, I wouldn’t have thought a native could be that nice” Cam said after a few minutes Lo’ak left.
“Yeah, well, that’s because Ardmore and her little soldiers always talked shit about the Na’vi” Y/N responded. “I don’t know how she can talk that bad about them but then go and make more and more avatars”
“I guess the RDA could really use the strength of the Na’vi combined with the training that human soldiers have” Thomas added.
The blonde one smiled mockingly. “Oh, and wait until their ‘final surprise’ wakes up”
“I forgot about that, they were always bragging about how the natives were done once the ‘final surprise’ woke up, what do you think it is?” Thomas asked genuinely concerned.
“I don’t think it is a ‘what’, I think it is more of a ‘who’” Y/N added. “I once heard them talking about that, but they kept saying that it was a ‘he’, so it’s a person”
“In that case, who do you think it is?”
Back on the village, Lo’ak arrived just in time. He found his older brother entering the hut as well. “What you’ve been up to, baby bro?” Neteyam asked, leaving his hunting gear on a corner.
Lo’ak shrugged. “Not much, I went to the lab”
“It seems you’re getting closer with the newcomers” The oldest said.
“I mean, why not? They are around our age, and Spider is there too sometimes”
“Boys, come help me serve dinner” Neytiri’s voice was heard all over the hut. The youngest Sully boys obeyed.
A few minutes later, the Sully family was eating dinner and telling each other about their days. “What did you do today, son?” Jake asked Lo’ak.
“I went to visit Norm and the newcomers” By the face Neytiri made, they all knew she wasn’t really happy with her youngest boy going there. “I learned something quite… interesting”
“What is it!?” Tuk asked excitingly.
Lo’ak let out a small chuckle. “It not exciting, Tuk Tuk, I’m sorry to disappoint” The youngest of the family made a pout. “I have some new information about what the RDA did to them”
“What is it?” This time was Kiri asking.
“I don’t know how, and I don’t know if it’s confirmed, but it seems they erased their memories” He let about. “The three of them don’t remember a single thing about Earth, only the things the RDA people told them, it was like they forgot all about themselves except for their names”
“That’s messed up!” Kiri said.
“It is, my girl, but that is just a taste of what the RDA is capable of” Jake told her with a soothing voice. “How do you know that, Lo’ak?”
“I asked them to tell me more about Earth…” Neytiri and Neteyam gazed at him, he only shrugged. “But they couldn’t remember a single thing”
“Is Norm informed about this?” The oldest Sully asked.
Lo’ak nodded. “Yeah, he overheard the conversation and said he was going to order some tests to find what really happened to them”
“I’m sure they’re thrilled to have some more tests” Kiri said sarcastically.
“Yeah, you bet” Lo’ak added.
“Hmm, I’m going to speak with Norm about this” Jake ended the conversation. “I need to get some things from the lab and since you just came back from there, it’s Neteyam’s turn to go” Jake instructed looking at his two sons.
Neteyam didn’t want to go. He didn’t like the lab very much, he preferred staying at the village and letting his brother go with the humans and avatars, but he couldn’t do anything. It was a direct order from his father and Neteyam knew better than disobey Jake.
“What do you want me to bring, father?” He asked trying to not show his annoyance.
“Just go, Norm knows what to do” He said. “Just don’t take too long, okay?” The youngest nodded and left the hut.
Neteyam walked for what seemed to him a long time, but he managed to arrive just in time before every human decided to go to bed.
“Hey Max” He greeted the scientist.
“Oh Neteyam! I didn’t expect to see you here, it is always your brother the one who is always around” Max greeted back with a smile. “What brings you here?” He asked.
“My dad send me to get some things” The Na’vi answered.
“Alright, what things?”
Neteyam shrugged. “I don’t know, he told me to ask Norm and he would know what to do” He looked round the place to find Norm, but was unsuccessful. “Have you seen him?”
Max nodded. “Yeah, he’s at the back, last door to your left”
“Alright, thank you Max” He said goodbye and started walking the way the scientist told him.
“How much more do you need, Norm?” Neteyam heard a voice while approaching the door. “Because I feel like this is a lot” He knocked, getting a “come in” in response.
He saw Norm writing some things in a computer. “Just a little bit more, Y/N” Norm responded to the girl sitting behind him.
Neteyam’s gaze shifted to the feminine voice. He saw one of the humans he and his brother brought to the clan. The girl, to be more specific. She was laying down in a hospital bed with a strange tube attached to her arm. A red liquid was coming out of her and straight to a plastic-looking bag. It was obviously blood. “I read the average amount of blood a human can lost is 500 mililiters… that looks way more than 500 mililiters”
“A human can lose a lot more blood, that number it’s just the average amount of blood that can be drawn before starting feeling a bit dizzy” He said while rolling his eyes. “Oh Neteyam, what brings you here?” Norm asked once he saw the Na’vi.
“My dad sent me to get something” He answered. “He told me you would know”
“Oh yeah, I remember now” Norm looked around trying to find something. “It’s not here, let me go get it” The scientist started walking towards the door, the male Na’vi following him.
“Don’t leave me here, Norm! I can bleed out!” Y/N said trying to get the needle out of her arm.
“Stop it Y/N, you’re not going to bleed out…” He looked around once again. “I’m not going to take a lot of time” He told her. “Neteyam, can you do me a favor while I go get what your father asked for?” Neteyam didn’t know what to say so he just nodded. “Please stay with Y/N and keep an eye on her… if you hear a sound coming from the machine, it means she can take the needle out”
Staying with the human? I don’t think so, Neteyam thought. “I could go look for it if you tell me where it is and you could stay with her” He suggested but Norm denied.
“You will not be able to reach it, please stay with her, I won’t take long” Norm said and exited the room.
“Wait Norm!” Y/N started saying but couldn’t finish her sentence as the scientist was far enough. She eyed the Na’vi up and down a couple of times, feeling a bit uncomfortable with his presence. “Sooo… you’re Lo’ak’s brother, right?”
Neteyam only nodded, watching the red liquid coming out of her body. He mentally questioned why was the reason this human girl had to get that amount of blood drawn out of her.
Y/N looked away, feeling more uncomfortable with the lack of response from the boy.
The machine emitted a sound, meaning the treatment was done. “I think you can get the needle out” He said harshly towards her. His accent making a little difficult to understand him.
“Yeah, I know, I heard Norm” She responded with the same tone the Na’vi gave her. Y/N took the needle out and instantly pressed a cotton pad right were the sharpened object was. She got up the bed and walked towards the door, wanting to finally get out and go to her own room, but once she opened the door she lost balance, stumbling a little.
Neteyam, who was right next to the door, managed to catch her before she fell right on the floor. “Oh, hm, thanks” Y/N said looking up to connect her gaze with the Na’vi.
“It’s ok, you’re a little clumsy, I see” He mocked watching the girl exit the room, but he didn’t noticed Y/N heard him.
“I’m not clumsy, blue guy” She said a little offended. “It’s just…” She couldn’t finish her sentence when her vision went cloudy and the dizziness took over her, losing balance once again. She sat on the floor waiting for the dizziness to finally disappear while the Na’vi watched her with curiosity.
“Are you okay?” He asked, towering over the girl. He was already much taller than her when she was standing, and now that she was sitting on the floor and the Na’vi still standing, she felt like an insect.
“Do I look okay?” She asked sarcastically making Neteyam smile. “Just… give me a minute and I’ll leave”
The boy towering her shrugged. “I don’t care if you leave or not, you live here anyway”
“Here, tell your father…” Norm finally arrived with some boxes on his hands. “Why are you there?” He asked when he noticed Y/N on the floor.
“I feel so dizzy, I can’t stand up without losing balance” She said. “I told you that was too much blood, Norm”
Norm rolled his eyes. “Who’s the scientist here, kid?”
“Yeah, whatever… please help me?”
Norm looked at Neteyam. “Here you have, take these to your father and tell him we’ll have more by next week”
“Thanks Norm” Neteyam thanked the human and started walking towards the exit.
“It was nice to see you around here, Neteyam” The scientist said with a small smile. He saw the boy grow up and not being able to watch him more often now was kinda sad.
“Same here, Norm” He looked back before exiting the base. “See you later, little clumsy human” He winked at Y/N and disappeared within the forest.
“Did he just call you…” Norm began to ask but Y/N interrupted him.
“Yes he did, and you will never tell anyone he called me that, okay?” She threatened.
Norm let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, whatever you say, little clumsy human, let’s get you to your room so you can have something to eat and regain strength”
A few more days had passed and Jake Sully accompanied by his two sons were entering the lab once again.
Lo’ak went instantly in search of Spider, Cam, Thomas and Y/N, while Neteyam stayed with his father.
“Norm, Max” He greeted the scientists. Neteyam did the same by gesturing ‘I see you’.
“Jake, Neteyam, what brings you here?” Max asked.
Jake began to walk around the table the two scientists were working. “Lo’ak wanted to see Spider so I took the chance to come get more supplies” The oldest answered. “What are you doing?” He asked watching all the blood samples and scientific instruments they were using.
“We recently took some blood samples from the new kids and we found a lot of things” Max explained.
“What kind of things?” Jake asked. “They seem important”
“The technology the RDA is using to create this syndrome in which humans can breathe Pandora’s air is very advanced, we fear they’ve working on some other things”
“Like what?” Neteyam asked.
“We still don’t know, that’s why we have to keep testing it” Norm replied.
Jake saw all the things on the table. “By doing what exactly?”
“We need to keep testing with these kids, now, I know they won’t be happy with this information, but we could gain a huge advantage on the humans, Jake.”
“So now what? They are going back to being just lab rats?” Neteyam asked kinda annoyed. He listened to the whole story the three humans told, as well as Max and Norm, and they still want to keep testing shit on them?
“It sounds bad when you say it like that, but it is necessary for the sake of the clan, we can learn what the RDA are up to and prepare ourselves if something happens and also we could outsmart them, we just need the cooperation of those three kids.”
“I’ll talk to them” Jake said.
Neteyam looked at his father in awe. Was he really gonna let that happen? Even when he knew the trauma that comes with being held captive by the RDA?
On the other hand, back in the RDA base, General Ardmore was absolutely horrified. “What do you mean by ‘We lost them’?” She asked some of the scientists.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but they are probably dead by now, the girl who couldn’t run away showed us that the serum was not ready yet, they probably collapsed a few seconds after they escaped” The man explained to her.
“You better pray to God they are already rotting, because if they somehow ended in Jake Sully’s hands, we’re screwed.” Her eyes wandered around the place until they met Madison, the poor girl who could escape. “Question her, I don’t mind what methods you use, but I need to make sure those three are really dead and I’m pretty sure she has some answers.”
The soldiers grabbed Madison by her arms and guided her to a questioning room. It was quiet at first, but her screams suddenly started to become more and more loud. Let’s just pray she didn’t see anything, cause if she did, the three humans back in the Na’vi reserve are in so much danger.
Tags: @myh3artttt @heart-an0n
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redhead-batgal · 2 years
can I request you do a Tim Drake x reader where the reader is a spider-like anti-hero that is infamous for getting on batman's bad side due to their methods (i.e. hurting bad people like r*pists, etc.) as well as criticizing him for his techniques, and Tim one day bringing them to the manor after a night of patrol and how the batfam reacts? [can you use 21, 8, 15, 28, 31, 32, 19, 35, 26, 17, 3, 1 & 25 from the neutral prompts; 23 from the angsts prompts; and 1, 27, 34 from the fluff prompts]
I'm so sorry this is pretty long, you can cut out any prompts if you'd like wefhsdkj anyways, have a nice day/night & I love your writing!
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Pairing: Anti-Hero! and Gender Neutral! Reader x Tim Drake/Red Robin
Prompts: ϐ1: "“Hmmm, what if-” “Oh no, don’t you start that sentence, don’t you dare make that face." ϐ3: "Go on, keep calling me names, see what happens." ϐ8: "FINALLY! Someone who gets me!” “They literally just breathed.” “It was a sigh and fuck you.” ϐ15: "Are you fucking kidding me?” “No, not in the slightest” ϐ17: "She is my favorite sister.” “I’m not even your sister.” “Not yet.” ϐ19: “Are you insane?” “Most likely.” ϐ21: “You’re late.” “You see I would have been on time, but I was kinda keen on not dying.” ϐ25: “You, my friend, are going down a very dark path.” “Well, the light is broken.” ϐ26: “Get the fuck off of my car.” “Say please.” “Please get your fucking ass off of my fucking car” “that’s not very nice” “I’m done.” ϐ28: “And here I was thinking you were dead.” “As if death could be so lucky to be blessed with my presence.” ϐ31: “IS THAT A KITTY!” “Be quiet, we are supposed to observe and report!” “But the kitty…” ϐ32: “Shock me,” “I would but I’m afraid it’d kill you, old man.” ϐ35: “You know it’s very nice to be wanted.” “NOT BY THE FUCKING FBI DAMN IT!” ✢23: “Heroes die young anyways, might as well live as a villain.” ☙1: “I honestly don’t think there’s anyone I ever loved as much as I love you.” ☙27: “I love every damned piece of you no matter what anyone else says.” ☙34: “Damn you smell really nice.”
Content: Cursing, fluff, antics and Batfamily shenanigans. (This is technically what you asked for but also not. I just couldn't help myself with the chaotic batfam scenario sorry if this isn't what you were expecting!"
Word Count: 2,132
Life is complicated, especially since people are so bizarre. They have the capability for good and, unfortunately, for evil. And evil tended to rein from what you had seen in life.
It was part of the reason why you decided to become a vigilante of sorts. Part of the reason why you went out in the middle of the night and fought for justice for those who couldn't fight back.
Batman and the rest of the bats wouldn't do what it takes to keep the people of Gotham safe. The vulnerable people of Gotham, the working girls, boys and in-betweens... the people who don't follow the social norms with gender and career.
You chose to help others in a way that the bats couldn't. Killing of course wasn't something you did, that would defeat your purpose. These people- how could you even call them people? These scum, needed to be taught a lesson. And you would make sure it got through, even if it meant you ended up with some bruises and broken bones as well.
This, of course, put you on the big bat's bad side. He didn't see you as an enemy, but he certainly didn't like your actions. However, this did not apply to all of the bats.
"You're late." He sighed.
Rolling your eyes, you tilted your head back. Shrugging you smiled at him lazily.
“You see I would have been on time, but I was kinda keen on not dying.”
He turned to you and a wicked smile slid onto your face. Even with his mask on you could see his seething glare. Rolling off of the heating unit, you flipped to land on your feet before walking towards him.
"Come on Red, can't you take a joke?"
Red Robin did not reply, and you sighed. Maybe you should have tried to take this more seriously. After all he wanted you to officially meet the rest of the bats.
"Alright," You began, "I'm sorry."
Red Robin sighed; eyes narrowed as he looked you over before shaking his head.
"Are you insane?"
Instantly speaking before he could continue, "Most likely?"
He laughed slightly and you bounced a bit before speaking once again, “Hmmm, what if-”
“Oh no, don’t you start that sentence, don’t you dare make that face."
Hopping closer to him you leaned in and opened you mouth to say something, noting the slowly appearing smile on his face. Before opening your mouth, however you took a breath in, and words spilled from you.
"Damn, you smell nice."
He paused for a moment, and you met his gaze before smiling at him and leaning in even more. It hadn't been long since your friendship had officially morphed into something more and every little since of affection seemed to make Red Robin- Tim, it made him nervous.
“I honestly," You began looking at him a mischievous smile on your face, "don’t think there’s anyone I ever loved as much as I love you.”
He took a step back and you looked at him raising an eyebrow.
"Is something wrong Red? You want me to meet them because we're together, right?"
He didn't reply, in fact he looked away from you and you paused. All jokes aside you did love him. You did care about what he said and how he felt. It hurt a bit, him ignoring your question.
"Or" You began letting your mind speak before you thought it through, "do you want to know how they seem me before you decided how you feel?"
He paused again and you sighed, you knew he didn't always know what to say to your antics and fears.
"Please tell me that I'm wrong, Red. I-i want you to reassure me. Say things- things like... I love every damned piece of you no matter what anyone else says.”
He finally looked to you and nodded slowly. Clearing his throat, he took a step towards you, and you smiled.
"I do, I do. I'm- I'm just-"
"Nervous?" You asked watching as his hands fluttered and his body twitched.
Moving so there was no space between you, you leaned against him.
"It's okay, I get it. If things don't go well, you can just say it's your rebellious phase."
Tim laughed and you smiled at him, grabbing onto his arm you began pulling him across the roof top.
"Come on lover boy, we've got somewhere we need to be."
It did not take long for the two of you to arrive at the vast estate of the Wayne family. Nor did it take long for you to reach the front door. Opening it, that was another matter though. Voices seemed to blast from within and you had to bite your lip to keep your composure.
"Go on, keep calling me names, see what happens!" A voice yelled.
"As if you can do anything Thomas!" A younger voice replied, and you almost turned to Tim who sighed before yanking on the doorknob.
You peeked your head into the manor to see dimly lit rooms and straight ahead a tv screen blazing. Wandering in you found two boys sprawled across the couch just in front of the tv.
“Get the fuck off of my car.” The young Wayne boy, Damian remarked.
A controller pinned in his hands as he glared at another boy.
“Say please.” The other remarked and you recalled his name, Duke.
Damian glared before seething, “Please get your fucking ass off of my fucking car.”
“That’s not very nice.”
Throwing the controller down, Damian shook his head scowling, “I’m done.”
"Where on earth did Robin hear that language?" You snorted.
"Jason probably," Tim sighed.
There was silence before a voice shouted in reply sending you into a pearl of giggles.
"You're one to talk pretender!"
Tim rolled his eyes as he gestured to the boys in front of the two of you.
"These are some of my family members. Duke is a daylighter so you probably haven't seen much of him, and you already know that Damian is Robin."
Duke looked up before blinking a few times, you smiled and waved, and Duke's face went blank as he waved back. Damian raised his head for a second spotting you and scoffing.
"Hello, L/N. Still wasting your time with Drake I see."
Tim's hands were on your make moving you towards the kitchen as your jaw dropped at Damian's comment. Clearly, he did not want to deal with his younger sibling today.
Tim pushed the kitchen door open and sitting on the counter a carton settled in her lap was an unfamiliar girl. She blinked before smiling upon noticing the two of you.
'Hi' She signed, and you tilted your head.
"This is Cass, you probably know her as Black Bat though."
Your eyes nearly popped out of your head as you looked to Tim your jaw dropping. Her? Black Bat? Wow. You had been dying to meet her.
"Wow," You breathed out stepping forwards, "Uh Hi! I'm Y/n. Woah, yeah uhm sorry. I've just heard a lot about you and- and I'm a big fan."
Cass blinked; her pale cheeks being tinted with the slightest pink as she tucked her hair behind her ear hiding part of it from view. Suddenly, she quickly began signing and you shook your head trying to keep up but being unable to.
"Huh, yeah. You're right Cass. I should show them the cave." Tim muttered, he then looked to you and weakly smiled, "Do you want to see the bat cave?"
You nodded rapidly. While you wanted to stay and talk with Cass, you doubted you'd be able to keep up an actual conversation and you really didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.
"Alright, this way. And just down the stairs."
“IS THAT A KITTY!” Spoiler's voice echoed through the comms.
“Be quiet," Batwing hissed "we are supposed to observe and report!”
“But the kitty…”
A sense of surprise raced over you. You really didn't expect to hear things like that. You were almost certain that patrols were serious and yet, here was Spoiler surprising you. Continuing your descent, you made it to the bottom of the stairs to find an unmasked Batman at the computer with a civilian Red Hood behind him waving his hands.
"Shock me." Bat- no Bruce sighed.
"I would but I'm afraid it'd kill you, old man." Red Hood snorted.
You laughed and he turned to you before laughing as well, “And here I was thinking you were dead.”
“As if death could be so lucky to be blessed with my presence.”
Bruce ignored the two of you, eyes locked on the screen and Red Hood- no Jason, looked at you.
“Heroes die young anyways, might as well live as a villain.” He said reaching his fist out, "right?"
"If anyone's like a villain between the two of you it's gotta be Y/N." Bruce mumbled.
"What? Why? I was a drug lord and killed tons of people." Jason questioned his nosed scrunched up in confusion.
"They castrated a man in broad daylight," Was Oracle's calm response that echoed through the cave cleaving it into silence. A smile nearly jumped onto Jason's face as he turned to you.
"Are you fucking kidding me?”
“No," Tim sighed, "not in the slightest.”
"You castrated a man?"
Heat flushed your cheeks, and you waved your hands spitting out a defense, "He was using his dick for bad things! He deserved it."
"It was more than one, and you are now wanted." Bruce Wayne sighed rubbing his temples.
Your reply was instant, “You know it’s very nice to be wanted.”
“NOT BY THE FUCKING FBI DAMN IT!” Tim bellowed turning towards you his eyes wide.
A sheepish grin was on your face as you batted your eyes at him, and Tim let out a groan. Shaking his head, he gestured towards the stairs.
"I think we're done with the Batcave."
You sighed before scowling and moving towards the stairs. However, before you could even raise your foot to the first step you heard Bruce Wayne's booming voice.
"It was nice to meet you Y/N. I hope you keep making Tim happy."
Looking over your shoulder you smiled brightly, meeting the bat's face before nodding.
"Oh, trust me. I will."
Jason burst into a fit of laughter and Tim suddenly was pushing against your back and forcing you up the stairs. You had just made it into the hall when, yet another bat began coming your way.
“You, my friend, are going down a very dark path.” Harper remarked a phone tucked into the crook of her neck.
“Well, the light is broken.” You heard someone reply and you sighed.
Harper turned to look at you before her eyes lit up, "Gotta go, I'll see you later."
She then abruptly hung up before spinning towards you and Tim. She pointed at you and then at Tim her eyebrows raised. Shaking her head, she smiled brightly.
"FINALLY! Someone who gets me!” Harper exclaimed.
Tim looked to her an eyebrow raised, “They literally just breathed.”
“It was a sigh and fuck you.”
"She is my favorite sister.” You snorted.
Harper looked at you confused, “I’m not even your sister.”
You smiled before turning towards Tim, “Not yet.”
A delighted look appeared on Harper's face as she looked you over before turning towards Tim.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well-" You began a wicked grin on your face.
Tim grabbed your arm and began pulling you towards the door, "I think that's enough for tonight. Bye Harper!"
Harper giggled in reply and Tim continued pulling you towards the door. Only to be stopped by a request from Alfred Pennyworth.
"I do hope that you will bring Mx Y/N for Sunday dinner Master Timothy. It will be a far better setting for them to get acquainted with everyone."
Tim sighed, his head hanging as you held back a laugh. He nodded and half turned towards Alfred with his hand weakly waving.
"Of course."
"Goodbye Alfred!" You shouted causing the butler to turn towards you a small smile on his face.
"Farewell Mx Y/N. I do hope you have an enjoyable rest of your evening!"
You continued to wave as Tim pulled you out the door. Finally, the door closed, and Tim let out a haggard sigh.
"So," You began causing him to look at you, "Sunday dinner? I'm pretty sure I didn't get to meet everyone after all."
Tim closed his eyes before pressing his hand to his face, "Damn it."
Another giggle escaped you and you grabbed onto his arm patting it slightly before shaking your head a smile stretched across your face.
"Damn it!" He said again and you laughed.
Tag List:
@andromedaj2003 @daemonnix96 @zvtanna @masset-fotia @thomasbeloved @sskai @krswrites
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
This might turn out like rambling but I've been thinking something around the mama Neytiri AU.
In humans there is a vocabulary "coincidence" in which many of the words for mother and father in various languages sound around the same by using the same syllables (ma, pa, da, ba, etc) because this are the first things a baby can pronounce and we started to use these sounds as a way to refer to a child's caretaker, it doesn't happen in every language but it's still enough to maybe think that the same might be true for the Na'vi.
The words Sa'nok and Sempul might be an indication that Na'vi children might be able to pronounce the sound "S" really early in life, maybe even when babbling (also there's an insane amount of words in Na'vi starting with s), so when her children grow up they have almost no trouble calling her Sa'nu.
All except for Spider.
Because humans are only able to pronounce "S" at around four or five years old.
Neytiri and Jake notice and they go and ask Mo'at for help (because speech delay is something that also happens to the Na'vi so she should know what to do), and when she can't find anything wrong, they check with Norm and Max, who tell them there's nothing wrong, it just will take more time for him to speak like his siblings.
They are both glad that there's nothing wrong with Spider but Neytiri still feels something is missing, she comes to love being referred to as Spider's "mama" by Jake and cries the when he calls her that for the first time like she would have done if he had spoken in Na'vi, but she still hopes that he is able to call her Sa'nu soon, which she will never confess to anyone.
And when it happens there's nothing anyone can do to separate her and her boy for the rest of the day.
so, I've answered this once, but I'm actually kinda excited to add onto this, cause the first time around was when I first started writing this AU, and I'm much more confident in my characterization of neytiri now. so for my long time regulars, this is gonna mostly be a repeat post.
I think neytiri has a super unique take on this, cause like any variation of the word 'mom' means the same general thing; someone who cares for you, who protects and loves you, teaches you and guides you through life. on some level, you are a part of her, physically or emotionally, even spiritually, a mother and child are bound by the bond between them at their cores. so while, yes, she would love to hear "sa'nu" would fill her heart with the upmost joy, it doesn't hinder the joy she feels hearing spider call her mama, knowing what he saw in her, what he felt about her. spider was her son and she was his mama and for a long while that was all that mattered to her. he saw her as his mama, he was one with her spirit, he looked at her with his big round eyes and saw a protector, a guide, a caretaker, someone to love him with no limit and no conditions. so she could wait as long as it took, because this was enough for her.
it does raise concerns though. would spider fall behind? should they prioritize english, would his "speech impediment" hold him back too much, how much would he struggle? neytiri still worries the most, norm and max assure her that it will all be fine, jake does as well, even mo'at, but she still worries for her littlest child. but even upon her worrying, her fauning, her mothering, spider excels; sure, he makes an odd noise when he attempts to speak words with S's in them or leaves them out all together, he takes up both na'vi and english in leaps and bounds, not even acknowledging his setbacks.
he attempts it many times before he actually gets it, adjusts to calling her that even before he gets his S's when he was 3 or so, when he realized he called her something different then his siblings, ignoring any and all coaching from jake or norm or max to call her mama (not that they don't want him to call her sa'nu, they just worry that if he's unable to pronouns it he'll either form bad habits or his frustration will stunt his willingness to learn, but like with many peoples opinions and judgements of him, spider doesn't give a single fuck). but the day he gets it right, she damn near cries all over again, like she had the first time she knew what he meant when he called her mama, when he starts calling her -a'nu. this time though, the tiny gap in her chest that had always irked her, small enough that she could pretend she didn't notice, was finally filled. she held her boy, the boy she had waited to hear call her sa'nu for the last 5 years, finally looking up at her with his sweet chocolate brown eyes and his whispy blonde hair dangling in his face, the word falling out of his mouth with a yawn as she went about her day with him bound to her chest (tell me she wouldn't baby wear that boy well into his early childhood, first off, speed demon, spider child. second off, clingy mama with an excuse to hold her baby constantly; "he's fragile jake") she immediately rushes to jake so they can both hear it, spider very proud with his new word.
I think the kids would have coached spider day in and day out till he got his S's down just for their mum. jake knew and didn't say a word, just so he could see the look on neytiri's face when she heard it.
speaking of jake, he is much less affected by spiders hinderence to say sem'pu, as when spider was still little, he was still very human in nature, so he had no qualms with being called "dad" and "dada", but he will admit, the more he hears spider attempt to say sem'pu, the more he begins to fall in love with the title. between him and the other kids, jake embraces every title they're willing to give him. he cries a little for the first couple months spder calls him dad, then -em'pu, then sem'pu (jake is the emotional parent in the, he's a blubbering idiot at all the simple things type of way, which is super sweet don't get me wrong, I just like making fun of him, cause I can. norm and max too, they totally make fun of him, but its all in good fun).
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marymary-diva17 · 9 months
Broken vows (4)
Tsu’tey x reader + neteyam/sulky kids/ sully family
Tumblr media
Life had many ways of surprising you as you had never thought you would have a kid, then neteyam came into your life. Your second surprise was finding love again with Tsu'tey, and the third one was getting a second chance in life. You had thought life was done giving you surprise and that life would be normal for you from here on now. Life and the great mother seem to have other plans set for you whether you see them coming or not.
y/n " ......" you had done to get a medical check-up as you were feeling more tired lately and having a taste for some foods. So when you see the scientist and mo'at, you can get some medical help.
Norm " y/n, are you okay"
y/n "Did you say what I thought you said"
Norm "Yes, you are pregnant"
y/n " I can't believe I'm pregnant I thought neteyam would be the only baby I would have, but it seems like I was wrong"
mo'at " tsu'tey will be happy about the news he is a great father, to neteyam and will love to hear the news that was blessed him with another child"
y/n " I have to tell tsu'tey and the children they will love to hear this news" A bright smile grew on your face as you were soon coming to understand the news that you had been told.
mo'at " I would love for you to come to see me for check-up as this pregnancy will be different from your first and you might need extra care"
y/n " yes I will do that"
You had soon left the room and raced off to share the news of your pregnancy, with your new husband and the family. A bright smile was on your face as this is wonderful news, and you couldn’t not be more happier at the moment. 
Y/n “ I can’t believe this is really happening I can’t believe  I’m pregnant again” you had always wanted a big family when you were younger, you had always thought you were going to have that family with Jake that no longer happened. You are happy that you are having a family and life with Tsu’tey  as he really loves you. 
?????? “ mama” you soon heard someone calling you,making you look for where the sound of voice had come from soon see the children and their friends. 
Y/n “ hello everyone and where have you all come from today”
Tuk “ we went swimming mama and we went to, the spirt tree it was so beautiful”
Y/n “ did you all Kiri honey”
Kiri “ yes mama”
Y/n “ was everything okay today when you went near the tree did anything happen”
Kiri “ I was good mama no need to worry” you smile while looking at the children, since you had become mates with Tsu’tey. The children had started calling him sempu or dad as well.
Neteyam “ mama where were you coming from”
Y/n “ I was with your grandmother and norm today along with a few others, and now I was heading home”
Loak “ well you seem to be making a good impression on everyone here mama”
Y/n “ oh I’m”
Tsireya “ yes our mom has high respect for you, it seems like you won her over faster then neytiri”
Y/n “ thank you” 
Neteyam “ mama”
Y/n “ yes my son”
Neteyam “can we use your camera we watch to take some underwater footage” 
Y/n “ sure but check to see if the battery full, and be careful with it has well”
Spider “ we will mama” the kids soon ran into the home and grabbed the camera before they left. You had felt like telling them the new but you will tell them later. 
Hours later 
Y/n “ dinner seems to be cooking well it will need a couple another half of an hour or so”
Tsu’tey “ hello my yawne”
Y/n “ hello my husband so was scouting with tonowari and Jake”
Tsu’tey “ it was good we didn’t see anything that should rise alarms, but we are a good now”
Y/n “ that wonderful my love”Tsu’tey was putting his stuff away, as you were looking at him. You soon got up and knew you had to tell him soon or later. 
Y/n “ my love there is something I need to tell you”
Tsu’tey “ tell me”
Y/n “ well I went to see moat and norm today “Tsu’tey soon looked at you giving you all his attention. 
Tsu’tey “ were you helping them on something my love”
Y/n “ well no I went go see them as I was feeling unwell” Tsu’tey soon looked at you worried as he was not liking what you were saying. 
Tsu’tey “ what the matter my love are you having a hard time adjusting, to your new body we can ….” You soon stopped Tsu’tey by grabbing his hand and soon placing it on your stomach, he soon looked at you with a shocked expression. Even before you could open your mouth Tsu’tey soon start yipping with joy, getting everyone attention as he soon picked you up and spins you around. 
Tsu’tey “ you are with child my child … eywa has blessed me with a wonderful mate and children, and now with a new one on the way”
Neteyam “ hey is everything okay mama and dad”
Tsu’tey “ everything wonderful what did you tell them”
Spider “ tell us what”
Y/n “ well it seems like we are going to welcome a new addition to our family” the kids seem to understand what was being said and soon started cheering and jumping up and down with excitement. 
Neteyam “ yes I’m going to have another baby sibling I’m so happy mama” 
Y/n “ I’m happy you are all happy” the children had bright smiles on their faces after hearing this news. 
Tuk “ wait does that make me a big sister now”
Y/n “ yes it does honey” Tuk was so happy about the news, and soon others had heard about the news as well. There were more congratulations from others as well, that night neteyam had stayed home with you and his father. 
Neteyam “ I’m happy for you mom you deserve this after all that happen”
Y/n “ thank you honey”
???? “ hello” soon the family of three had turned around and saw Jake standing there, Tsu’tey had gotten up. 
Tsu’tey “ Jake sully what has brought you to our home”
Jake “ I came to get my son his mom will love to have him over for dinner and to spend time as a family”
Tsu’tey “ he already spending time with family, but I will leave it up to him decide”
Neteyam “ I will come sir”
Jake “ good y/n”
Y/n “ Jake”
Neteyam “ I will see you later mama hey I might make something for my new sibling to have”
Jake “ new siblings neytiri not pregnant” Tsu’tey soon scoffed and rolled his eyes at Jake. 
Tsu’tey “ he talking about y/n she the one who pregnant”
Jake “ what I thought that was ….”
Y/n “ yes it was said I might not happen but it seem like I was given a chance, I and Tsu’tey will be welcoming a child into the world” Tsu’tey had wrapped his arm around your waist, and soon kissed his forehead. 
Jake “ that wonderful neteyam will be a good big brother which has been proven, already by his other siblings”
Neteyam “ yes I will be a good brother and tsutey is already being a good dad, as well our family will be very happy and loved …. Now come on dad let get home” soon neteyan has taken Jake away from his mother and his second home, Tsu’tey soon pulled you closer to him. 
Tsu’tey “ we are going to be good parents, and now our family is expending”
Y/n “ yes it is my love” it seems like everyone soon about the news of you expecting, and there was much need love and support. There was also some jealous as well from Jake and Neytiri, but right now you were getting ready to welcome your new child in the world while keeping the rest of your children safe and sound. 
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All right here are the aus I've tagged that imma focus on and add more stuff to:
I read through all my old posts and these are the ones I jived with hard. The ones I have thoughts about, the ones I want MORE from. If you all have stuff you want to add, or more specifics you want from me, feel free to ask! I'm gonna make more posts for all of them though. I graduate from college in less than a month but I'm done with all my work before that, so give me like three to four weeks and I should be posting more headcanon stuff more frequently lol. Too many essays rn, too many final bar crawls to attend.
This list is added to the pinned post :)
Canon: this happened i don’t make the rules (avatar)
Modern au where Jake has no working legs: modern au (wheelchair jake! edition):
Modern au where Jake has working legs lol: modern au (jake legs! edition)
Spider was raised as a Sully and was never kidnapped: spider sully was never taken!
For Spider Sully we are just going to stick with: spider sully au
Spider adopted by the Sully's post Way of Water: spider sully post WOW
Mo'at being a great grandma to Spider: grandma mo'at vibes
Humans never return au: humans never return au
Soulmate au concepts: soulmate au's uwu
Spider was kidnapped for years au: spider gone for years au
Eywa blessed Spider bonds with a palulukan au: charlotte the palulukan au
Modern au Spider Sully with asthma: asthma! spider
Norm and his made up boyfriend Ritu stuff: norm and ritu agenda
Spider can see ghosts instead of connect: spider vs ghosts au
Spider being Eywa blessed: eywa blessed spider au
The ikran racing au where Spider is the stableboy of the ikran and racing is a huge part of the culture: ikran! racing!!! au!
Spider rescuing Neytiri and Tuk in the ship: OUR SAVIOR- oh its you
This one is self explanatory: daemon au
Role reversal metkayina coming to the omaticaya for help: this human child will teach your children our ways
Tragic Lo'ak falling for Spider but feeling like he has to pick Tsireya to fit in and not be disappointing sad romance au: tragic romance locorro
Locorro getting mated without permission, like Lo'ak is like I can do what I want and Spider is like uhhh please lets think about this: locorro mated without permission call the police
ALL the humans leave and then they find Spider (there is a version of this being written but I still have thoughts): only human Spider au
Lo'ak captured instead of Spider thing so he and Neteyam cook up a little scheme to get Lo'ak back: lo'ak kidnapped instead of spider
Nocorro accidentally mated au, this ask was kinda adult but the concept has such a chokehold on me it simply has to be discussed more: nocorro oops we're mated
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asfateentertwines · 1 year
The Surprise
Okay so trans pregnancy Spider won my poll - thank you to the one person who told me who should carry lmfao - but it was a close tie. Consider this canon to the little universe but I think I'll try to write the incubator baby headcanons too cause it was really frickin close lmao
TW: Trans pregnancy, mentions of sex, medical stuff
So Ningni was not planned to say the least
Penetrative sex for Spider and Rotxo is...a process to say the least
Rotxo is double Spider's size and lets just say biology is proportionate. Hence, the build up is nothing to rush through and with three kids, it's a luxury they don't get often
Plus, with their differing biology, they never really paid mind to reproduction between them
Sure it was theoretically possible but they didn't linger on it all so much
Rotxo may have thought about a baby of their own biology but it was too much a health risk and he was never sure how Spider would do. He didn't ask, wouldn't, but...maybe he dreamed sometimes
That said...maybe protection wasn't always at the forefront of their minds
Spider finds out he's pregnant after Kiri starts getting an odd sense around him, she eventually visits the ancestors for advice and is informed their brother needs to see a Tsahik immediately
They bring Spider to Tsireya first, not wanting to alert anyone with how precarious the situation might be, and she is the one who affirms Kiri's information
It scares the shit out of him
Tsireya and Kiri keep the information quiet but they won't for long - namely for his own health
Abortion isn't really a thing in Na'vi culture - mating is for life, something that means even unplanned pregnancy or teenage mishaps are between a mated pair. Medical intervention occurs but an unwanted pregnancy is nearly unheard of
Children are a blessing from Ewya - while unplanned or untimely pregnancies may happen, it's not often and it's not like it is on earth. One doesn't have to leave everything behind to be a parent.
Still - come hell or high water, no one will take the choice from Spider
Tsireya takes Anea and the boys that night, Spider pulling Rotxo into the water for a late night ride to tell him
Honestly, Rotxo didn't predict shit, homie got blindsided
Spider cries, a mixture of terrified, hopeful, and sick all coiling in his throat, and tells Rotxo that they might have messed up
He tells him of Kiri's odd feelings, how a woman Kiri didn't know told her that he was blessed, that the next generation is growing, and how Tsireya confirmed he was with child.
Rotxo is thrilled but guiltily so, terrified for what it could mean for Spider and for their family.
It's a long talk about whether or not they have a choice here - Spider hasn't even told Norm or been formally checked out - but they opt that, if it can be done safely, Spider will carry the pregnancy to term
It's not an easy decision - Spider wants the baby, at least, he thinks he does, but carrying the child to term could be a painful experience, dangerous to his body but also his mind. Growing up with intersex being the standard meant that pregnancy wasn't a female thing, but he's human, and he knows the difference
the dysphoria of the coming months will be harsh and he knows it'll bother the limited medical transitions he's been able to make
With Norms help, he's more androgynous than anything by human standards and he's been able to become comfortable in himself - pregnancy will send it reeling back
Then, there's the side of how painful and dangerous a pregnancy might become
He knows how different his body is and he knows that this won't be easy
But...Ewya blessed him
It's what he's wanted his whole life and he won't give it up now
Rotxo will be at his side and so he decides to do it
His pregnancy is the scientific question of the ages that Norm thought he discovered each time one of the Sully kids walked in his lab, but an organic Na'vi and human child is more than a little unexpected
The baby is studied closely, the growth an alarming thing when na'vi size is taken into consideration. Afterall, a newborn Neteyam was about the same size as a one year old Spider
Unfortunately for Spider, this means a good six months of bed rest
Fortunately for him, he has three very excited children
Anea tries to find out everything she can about his pregnancy. Given he has to spend it's duration in the hut, she spends most of her time with him where they can both breathe and she can help
She becomes his little helper - gathering supplies so they can prepare things for the baby, getting him food, books, and entertainment, and helping him get around as the pregnancy continues and movement gets difficult
Wialik patrols the hut, much to Rotxo's amusement, and tries to protect his uncle and sisters. From what, he couldn't say, but Rotxo finds it insanely amusing
Wialik also ends up collecting pieces to make beads, working with surprising patience to start their newest additions songcord with his family. He enlists Astayì, Kiri's oldest, and makes little figures like a child born in the Ash clans would receive. He claims it's to help his knife skills but they all know better
Vipeì writes stories and lullabies for the baby
He's little, only about 6, so Tsireya and Neteyam help him with learning songs and teach him stories to tell
He works with Rotxo too to make clothes, both for Spider and the baby
This being the first baby they had real time to prepare for, Rotxo goes a bit overboard in getting things together
He and Vipeì make Spider clothes to help conceal his chest and make new shawls that knit over his shoulders
They also make a frankly obscene amount of baby clothes and blankets, anything that a human-Na'vi child may need - a bed for the marui and one for the hut, clothes for any sort of temperature intolerance, and toys galore
By 6 months in, Spider is bedbound entirely. He's sick, drained, and craving things he can't even eat. His body is beyond heavy and he relies a lot on his family to help him - it's a lot of time spent with his brothers teasing, Tuk's mischief, Kiri's support, and even Neytiri and Jakes care.
Norm monitors him constantly in the last few months before it's decided that intervention is needed - he'll be in serious danger if they let him continue.
Ningni is born 8 months into Spiders pregnancy, something that was a risky decision on all sides. Quite simply, she was too big for him to carry much longer and her needs were difficult to predict when her species wasn't even something they could guarantee
She's a pale blue, appearing a few shades lighter than Rotxo (something her brothers claim comes from them) with tiny blonde curls. Her hair is starkly human, something Spider fears and Rotxo loves. She combines them in the face in a way they're both proud of, but her eyes are big and brown and neither of their own. Paz had to leave her mark somehow
Ningni is tiny for a Na'vi but frankly appallingly large for human standards
Spider is on bedrest for several months and then on limited action after, but Ningni is thankfully born able to breathe both human and Pandoran air
She's clearly blessed and accepted easier than her family thought she'd be (though most of the clan hopes she's the only of her kind)
Her lungs can breathe both her parents air, her body tolerates food of both cultures, she has the extra fingers of humans, the enhances sense of Na'vi, and the flexibility of humans. Her strength is a bit lesser than a true blooded Na'vi, but she's astonishingly well adapted
As she grows, she's sort of an oddball like her Auntie Kiri was
She's in tune with the world around her but rambunctious and mischievous like both her fathers
She's a bit of a jack of all trades - choosing to do everything and nothing all at once
She's the type of kid that need constant supervision and both Jake and Norm smugly say she is much alike Spider was as a child
Due to Spider being with her near constantly in her younger years, she's very close to him but Rotxo is - very proudly - her hero
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iwishiwas-anita · 1 year
based on this lovely post by @hyperfixatedfandomer
(I saw it and my brain went vrooom) 
Spider knew he was different, he didn't need a diagnosis, someone telling him, or even a mirror.
He knew all on his own.
But sometimes, 
Sometimes he liked to pretend that maybe if he acted the right way, then maybe his tan skin will be ignored, that his height will go unnoticed, that his perfectly human features will just cease to exist.
Then maybe she will take him in, as one of her own, just like she did for Kiri, she came from a sky person too, so it shouldn't be any different, there should be no problem. 
But there was, He looked different, he looked too human and not enough Navi, his teeth aren't sharp, and he wasn't blue, wasn't strong enough, fast enough so he thought he would act more like them, be more like them... like her.
But then... something must have gone wrong, he must have tried to hard or gotten too close because for sometime he wasn't allowed to visit anymore, whenever he asked it was always ‘not a good time’ or there's ‘something important going’ or ‘its not safe’
But he knew the truth, he knew it was because of her, because she didn't like him.
That no matter how hard he tried she couldnt wouldnt see him as one of them, as one of her own, Because everytime she would look at him all she would see was;
Sky Person.
It didn't matter that he knew better Navi than Norm or Jake, that he could sing better, pray better, that he knew all about the good hunting spots and the best way to make bracelets. 
That didn't matter to her.
And she could have done like the others, like Mo’at, just letting him be, ignore him and just let him be.
But she couldn't.
She hated him,
Spider knows she does, knows it so well because he can feel it.
He can feel that she was the one to break his bubble of ever becoming one of them, she’s the one that makes him feel lost in his own home. Pandora is all he’s ever known, he doesn't know earth, he doesn't know sky people, so how could he be one of them?.
He’s not.
But sometimes she makes him feel as if he was the one that burnt down Hometree, the one to destroy the tree of souls, the one who killed her father. 
The one to blame.
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futureslaps · 2 years
The Captive - Chapter 2
Chapter 1     Chapter 3
Got this chapter done fairly quickly in a late-night writing session. Starting to dial up the angst here, enjoy!💙
“You alright kid?”
Spider jumped when he heard Jakes voice behind him, but he kept staring straight ahead at the rest of the infirmary.
“I’m fine.” Spider replied, trying to sound convincing.
Jake didn’t say anything for a moment. Spider could feel the man’s eyes on the side of his head.
He forced himself to turn toward Jake, forcing a weak smile onto his face. He still didn’t meet Jake’s eyes.
“I’m good, really.”
Jake paused again. He crouched down a little, and Spider fixed his eyes one of the many bandages, pretending to adjust it. He just couldn’t look Jake in the face, not after what had happened. Jake stood a moment longer as if he was waiting for Spider to say something. Finally, he let out a small sigh.
“If you need anything, let me know, alright?”
“Alright.” Spider replied, still looking down.
He finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Jake moving on toward his family, congregated around Neteyam.
The family Spider now knew more than ever he wasn’t a part of. Neytiri had been sure to remind him of that.
Spider wished he could join the Sullys and sit by Neteyam’s side, but he couldn’t. It didn’t feel right to act like he was part of them. Maybe he had been an idiot to assume he ever could have been.
He finally lifted his gaze to watch Jake crouch next to Neteyam’s pale body. A mixture of sky-person technology and Na’vi medicine surrounded the figure. The mishmash of IV bags, herbs, screens, salves, and various other equipment made it all to clear how much danger the eldest Sully child was still in.  
Lo’ak sat closest to his brother’s face, staring down with a pensive expression. Kiri sat to his left, holding Neteyam limp hand, helping adjust the various tubes attached to it. Tuk was curled up next to Netyam’s leg, her sleeping face stained by tears. Norm was off to the side, quietly working on the next IV, and then…
Spider gasped as his eyes met Neytiri’s for a moment. She was looking right at him. His eyes shot downward as he felt his heart pound in his chest and his breath quicken. He could almost feel the knife cut across his chest again.
He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to focus on breathing.
In, out.
In, out.
In, out.
As his heart started to slow, he tried to think comforting thoughts. He thought of running through the jungle with Kiri, flying on an Ikran with Neteyam, Quaritch hugging him…
Spider quickly tried to banish the memory from his mind.
Quaritch was evil. Quaritch was ruthless. Quaritch cared about him.
Shame burned through Spider at the thoughts. Neteyam had taken those bullets rescuing him from the Recoms. He had put his life on the line to save Spider. And here he was missing the man he was rescued from. If he hadn’t been so weak, if he’d managed to escape, then maybe…
He got up quietly as he felt tears well in his eyes. He needed to leave before his guilt overwhelmed him.
Spider started to turn his head to get another look at Neteyam but stopped himself midway. She might still be staring at him.
Wordlessly, he left the infirmary, heading for the jungle the Metkayina village bordered. He only let his tears fall when he was certain no one could see him.
The late afternoon sun bore down on Jake and Kiri as they picked through the various medical supplies in Norm’s Samson, trying to match the various labels to the checklist Norm had given them.
After they had found the various pouches and boxes, they took a moment in the shade to cool off. As they sat, Jake turned to face Kiri. She had been maintaining a positive attitude throughout the day, but she was missing a lot of the warmth he’d come to associate with her. He could tell things were weighing on her.
Of course they were, no kid should have to go through any of this.
While Jake could hardly say he was in a good place himself, he knew he knew his children needed his comfort more than ever before.
His daughter turned toward him, her smile laced with sadness.
“How are you doing?” Jake asked gently.
“Fine, I guess.”
“I’m serious, Kiri.” Jake said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “All of this isn’t easy to go through.”
Kiri waited a long time before responding.
“I’m scared dad. Neteyam almost died. We all almost died.” Tears started rolling down her cheeks. “What if next time we aren’t lucky? What if…”
Kiri paused as Jake put his other hand on her cheek.
“Kiri, it wasn’t luck that got us through the fight. It was each other. We are all here for each other. We all protect each other. That’s what matters.” Jake said comfortingly.
But the words didn’t seem to bring comfort. Jake frowned as Kiri’s face suddenly grew more serious.
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s something else, dad.” Said Kiri softly.
“Tell me.”
Kiri closed her eyes for a moment and took a breath.
“I’m worried about Spider.”
Jake nodded. Spider had been on his mind as well. Having his captor so close couldn’t be doing him any good.
“It’s not like him to be so quiet.” Kiri continued. “He’s like, always on edge. I think he’s taking everything pretty hard.”
Jake sighed. “Spider’s been through a lot. He was with the RDA for months. We need to give him time.”
Kiri got the serious look on her face again, for a moment Jake thought he could see frustration as well.
She cut herself off before she could finish, turning to face forward. They sat in silence. Jake could feel the tension.
“I’ll talk to Spider soon, okay?” Jake said, trying to clear the air.
“Okay.” Said Kiri, smiling softly, but still looking down.
“Now let’s get these supplies to Norm.”
As they walked back, Jake replayed the conversation in his head. Spider had seemed a bit out of it back at the infirmary. He was dreading the eventual talk he’d need to have with Spider about his time with the RDA, but for now he didn’t want to press the kid. Maybe he was afraid of what Spider would have to say.
He didn’t know what Quaritch had done to him during his months of captivity, and he didn’t want to bring up such a painful subject so soon after the battle, not while Quaritch was a short walk away. For now, he’d try to give Spider space to process things.  
Kiri had been about to say something else too. Jake thought on it for a moment. Was it…
No, he couldn’t think about that. Not with so much already on the ropes.
He refocused his mind on his current tasks. 
As they reentered the infirmary and dropped off the supplies, his eyes spotted a pair of empty bowls sitting off to the side of everything else, right where he’d left them this morning.
The one task he’d been putting off all day.
He had to bring food to Quaritch.
Things will get worse before they get better...
Next chapter sometime within the next few days, really depends on when I can find the time
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