#but my askbox isn't closed so it felt like a good a time as any to make some stuff clear
arminsumi · 1 year
Armin x fem!reader
Chapter index / Chapter Ⅳ
Overview; it's been some time since you visited the bookstore and Armin has been missing you a lot. But you appear just when the lonely blue-eyed boy is closing up shop for the day. His grandfather has invites you back to their house in the countryside for dinner.
Content; fluff, angst, kissing
TAGLIST; @sad-darksoul
DM in my askbox to be added to taglists! 💕
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Armin melancholically lowered his chin onto the cash register and let out a deflating sigh. His grandfather gave him a sympathetic look.
"She hasn't been around in a while." Armin muttered.
He looked blankly at the display books in the window; they were all crammed together. There was an unmoved cart full of books standing nearby, which he hadn't had the energy or motivation to shelve away.
"She'll come around again." His grandfather assured.
"But it's been weeks..." Armin replied glumly.
There was a silence.
Armin sighed again and rubbed the side of his face with his hand. "It feels so quiet." He commented. It was clear in his voice how much he missed you.
"Chin up." His grandfather said.
Armin halfheartedly pulled himself together.
The working day had come to an end again and you hadn't been there. Armin assured his grandfather that he could close up shop himself, so he let him be and went to get groceries for dinner. Umi the cat comfortably napped in the basket that he carried.
While glumly locking the front door and rolling down the shutter, he heard someone shouting for him.
"Wait! Armin!" You called out, running towards the store.
Armin's heart leaped at the sight of you.
"H-hey!" He stuttered out in surprise.
When you reached him, you panted to catch your breath, "I-I guess I'm a little late... I forgot you closed at five."
After hearing your voice and seeing your smiling face again, it felt like not much time had passed at all since your last meeting.
"Oh... well, since you're here." Armin mumbled softly. He rolled up the shutter again and unlocked the door to the bookstore. "But we best keep the lights off, or everyone will think we're still open."
"Okay!" You beamed happily at him.
So the two of you found yourselves alone together in the bookstore, browsing the aisles in the waning sunset light. Though, admittedly, neither of you were really paying attention to the books; you were too busy catching up on each other's lives.
You explained that your schedule had gotten wildly busy. Armin felt a bit silly, because he'd been overthinking, and came to the conclusion that maybe he said something to drive you away.
It's so nice to hear his voice again, you thought. And he was thinking the same thing.
"Ah, I missed you." You laughed after he made an awful pun about something.
He stuttered, unsure how to respond, "I did as well." He managed to say, but barely.
In the back of Armin's mind, he was trying so hard to challenge his nervousness. He had so much to say. Sometimes he'd lay awake in bed, imagining the conversations that he wanted to have with you.
"I'm not good at speaking..." He admitted. It seemed random to you, but it was currently burdening his mind. "But there's a lot that I want to talk about with you."
You looked at him understandingly. "Hm... maybe we should write to each other! I've been sending letters to my friends lately, but they think it's pretentious." You laughed.
It lowered your spirits remembering that. You were so excited to send old-fashioned letters to your friends as a surprise, but only one of them was vaguely amused by the endeavor. The rest were indifferent, or called you pretentious.
"I'd say any friend who calls you that isn't a friend at all." Armin said honestly. "Personally, I think the idea is really sweet. I'd love to receive a letter from y- from a friend."
You felt your eyes light up. He may have thought he was bad with his words, but every time you talked with him you felt your spirits rise.
"Well, actually, now that you mention it..." You began shyly. "I did write a letter for you. I've been meaning to give it to you for weeks, but everything seems to be getting in my way. It's so annoying!" You complained.
Armin smiled and intently listened to you complain about your schedule and how everything seems to go wrong even when you're careful. You dug around in your bag and pulled out the letter.
"Wow, a wax seal and all? That's really pretty... where did you come by one of those?" Armin analyzed the letter's seal, admiring the pattern.
You shrugged, "I found it in my grandmother's attic. She had a whole writing kit, with a special fountain pen, but I don't know how to use one of those... so I just wrote with a ballpoint pen."
Armin laughed, "I like that. A fancy letter written in ballpoint pen." He said.
It was almost completely dark in the bookstore, except for Armin's phone torch, which he propped on the books to provide a small area of light.
"I know how to use a fountain pen..." Armin mentioned after a short silence. "I could teach you."
"Oh really! Then, we could write real old-fashioned letters – pretty ones – to each other..." You responded excitedly.
"I'd love that." He admitted, and then added with a half-laugh, "Actually, you know, sometimes I want to throw my phone into a lake."
"Me as well. I don't like receiving phone calls, or text messages. When I tried to write text messages more eloquently, then I got slapped with one of those 'you're pretentious' comments." You said.
"Was it the same person who called you pretentious for the letters?" He asked.
You nodded, "Yeah. I'm not sure why I still talk to him, I guess it's just because we've known each other for so long."
Armin felt a small pang of jealousy in his chest.
"Well, personally, I'm just bad at texting. And writing, too, for that matter. I don't think I have a single poem that I'm proud of." Armin continued, steering the conversation away from the topic of whoever this mystery man was.
"You write poetry!" You gasped, "And you never told me!"
"I'm not good at it..." He nervously ran his fingertips over the back of his neck.
In the middle of your conversation, the doorbell chimed.
Armin's grandfather appeared at the entrance with one hand carrying a basket filled with market vegetables and the other carrying a familiar Russian Blue cat.
At first, he confusedly asked why the store wasn't closed up.
But when he saw you and Armin standing in an aisle, he raised his head in understanding. "Oh, I see." he said, "Well, Armin, at this rate, it would be kind to invite the young Miss back home for a warm meal. It's getting late and cold."
"Oh! Um, sorry! Yeah... um..." Armin stuttered.
It felt like after the atmosphere between you and him was disturbed, that Armin's ability to speak significantly decreased. Like a river's flow turning turbulent after having been laminar.
"...Would you like to?" Armin asked, turning to face you.
How could you refuse the idea of coming home for a warm meal with a sweet boy and his grandfather?
"I'd love to, as long as you both don't mind having me." You responded kindly. Armin felt the tone of your voice shift since you were no longer comfortably alone with him.
"Of course not. Let's get going then." Armin's grandfather said, and you three headed out the store together.
The night finally took over the sky. Street lamps lit up, their globe of light appearing fuzzy and soft. You and Armin followed his grandfather like he was the leader.
Even though he said it was alright for you to call him Harry, you anyways called him Sir Arlert out of respect.
It was a long walk to their house. They lived quite far out of town, it almost felt like you were in the countryside, but not quite. Sir Arlert explained to you that this was the 'old people area'; all the veterans who dedicated their hearts in the war were serenely snuggled up in these well-built homes.
"You can't pry these homes from them. They'll never give 'em up." His grandfather chuckled. It amused you how some elderly people speak of other elderly people, as if they are not all the same age.
"To be fair, I wouldn't give up these homes either. They remind me of English cottages." You said.
Armin was being silent, keeping his hands shyly tucked behind his back as the three of you walked on the dirt road.
"But it isn't nice," Sir Arlert spoke, "Because for young people like Armin, who live with geezers like me, there are no people his age in the area; just more old geezers. It gets lonely for young men."
You tilted your head in thought. "I guess that's true."
"I don't mind it." Armin said, blushing.
His grandfather quickly responded, "Ah but you were moping about being lonely and sick of seeing the same faces until Y/n walked into the bookstore one day!" He said.
Armin blushed violently. He felt the heat searing from the top of his cheeks to the bottom of his jaw.
"Really!" You laughed.
You finally arrived at their home. It was old. And just like the books in their bookstore, it was falling apart. But inside, it was as homely and inviting as browned pages.
While Armin hopped around like a nervous bunny to prepare the kitchen for cooking, his grandfather calmly lit the fireplace and set the table at a snail's pace.
You helped Sir Arlert where you could, and went to light up some candles and gas lamps. It felt like you were in another era, it was wonderfully cozy and quiet, not like in the city where you used to live like an ant in a colony.
The fireplace crackled very quietly.
Armin's nimble hands peeled potatoes and carrots. He began chopping them up for the stew, and then you came to stand by the kitchen's archway.
"Need a helping hand?" You asked him.
His voice nearly got caught in his throat. "No, I've got it – OW! Fuck!" He yelped as he cut his finger.
"Are you alright!" You cried, and quickly rushed over to him.
"Yeah, I'm good." He stuttered.
"Aw, your finger is bleeding! Let's go to the bathroom to fix it up." You said, hastily wrapping a cloth around Armin's finger.
He felt conflicted; his finger hurt, but at the same time, if he hadn't accidentally sliced it, then you and him wouldn't end up alone together in the bathroom upstairs.
The bare lightbulb flickered above. The candle by the window made up for its lackluster illumination.
"Sorry." Armin apologized softly.
"For what?" You tilted your head.
"For being a bit much." He said.
"I don't know what you mean, Armin."
He was trying to string a sentence together, he was on the verge of saying the first word, but then you smiled and interrupted him.
"It's alright, Armin. You don't have to speak a word, I know." You said understandingly, gently cleaning his wound with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
He nodded. "I-I'm usually not this bad at speaking..." He said shamefully. "It's just nerves."
"Do I make you nervous?" You asked.
He raised his face at you. His eyes were full of light despite being in a dim room.
"A little bit." He smiled lopsidedly, looking away the second you made eye contact.
"Sorry..." You say quietly.
"Not in a bad way, though." He assured.
You pursed your lips to keep from smiling. Armin did the same.
After nursing his finger, the two of you headed downstairs to continue cooking with his grandfather, and then joined together for a warm, homely meal.
Umi was in her own cat world, except for when you and Armin began washing the dishes; then she decided she wanted to sit in the dish rack.
"It's very cold," Armin's grandfather commented, "And there's a slight drizzle. If you want to stay for the night, Armin's room has plenty space. I'll get the blankets." He said.
Armin's heart panged in his chest. His sleeves were rolled up, and he had soap suds going up to his forearm.
"Oh, I don't want to be a burden... I'm sure I can make it home before the rain gets heavier." You said.
It seemed that the gods were trying very hard to keep you and Armin together tonight, because almost two minutes after you said that, a heavy thunderstorm broke out.
Rain cascaded down the roof's eaves.
Armin's grandfather went into the hallway to take out the blankets that were stowed away into a cupboard.
After washing up, he gave Armin these blankets, and then disappeared into his bedroom with a tired 'goodnight'.
Armin lead you into his room; it was a small attic room, as neat and composed as his style of clothes. He insisted that he take the floor, but you came up with another idea entirely.
"Why not the both of us make a fort, and sleep in it together?" You suggested.
"A-Alright." Armin laughed. His heart beat rapidly, he could feel it.
So the two of you built a plush fort together. Armin laid the base, and you brought the chairs and draped a mismatch of blankets and sheets over it. There were dazzling fairy lights strung by the window, and glow in the dark stars on the ceiling; towers of books threatened to spill over.
The two of you kept your voices hushed and gentle throughout the night.
"I like your room." You said, laying comfortably in the fort that the two of you made.
"Oh... thanks. I actually kind of hate it." Armin said.
You laughed, "Why? What's the matter with it?"
"Well, it's small and sad." He chuckled, "Just like me." He joked.
"Armin!" You laughed with him. "I don't think it's small and sad. It's full of life, and it's got your feeling plastered all over it."
He rolled onto his side to look at you. Such a simple thing, yet it took such courage. You felt really close to him, it was like the two of you were in a bubble that the world couldn't pierce.
"What do you mean, my 'feeling'? Is that good or bad?" He asked.
"It's good." You assured him.
He smiled a little.
Although he seemed so shy and gentle, there was something in his eyes that told you another story of his personality. He was a book that you had only just begun reading, but you wanted to skip in between the pages to answer all the questions you had about the plot.
"Armin, do you consider yourself a romantic person?" You asked. It seemed random to him, and made him blush.
"Well, sort of..."
"What do you mean, 'sort of'?" You smiled under the dim light.
Armin felt lulled by your voice.
"I've never really felt like I've been in love before meeting you." He blurted out.
The two of you looked at each other. You began laughing, and he did too.
"Sorry." He mumbled, hiding his face into the pillow. He recoiled so much, you felt his warmth leave your air.
"Don't hide away! I'm not startled, I'm just surprised. I didn't expect you to admit to that now." You said.
"You mean... you already knew that I like you?"
"Oh, definitely. I knew from day one." You laughed.
"Really!" Armin let out a long groan, "That's embarrassing. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable."
You shook your head, "I like you very much, too. I'll be honest, most of the time when I came into the store to browse, I wished that you'd come up to me and say hello." You admitted.
That was a surprising revelation to him; he would have never thought that you were wishing for that.
"I meant to say hello many times, my friend always encouraged me to." He said.
"And why didn't you?" You asked teasingly.
"I was too shy and too nervous." He admitted simply. "I overthink a lot, it stops me from going after what I want."
A silence passed. You looked at him with glittering eyes. Armin really felt like kissing you right then, he was thinking very hard about it.
"Am I something that you want?" You asked.
Armin blushed.
"Yeah." He said.
You were trying to figure out how to tell him that the feeling was mutual, but then you realized that words are not necessary sometimes.
So you went in for a kiss. A swift, gentle kiss. All the meaningful feelings that words couldn't contain were expressed there, on both of your quivering lips.
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palettepainter · 1 year
Not sure if you're still answering these type of ask. But do you have any Clifford headcanons? 👉👈
Maybe some about what Clifford and Zee's relationship was like???
my askbox is pretty much always open so people can ask for headcannons anytime! A heads up to longtime Clifford fans I've gotten a general idea of his character through watching episodes/clips from Muppets Tonight, so idk if theres other videos of him
-I did a post a while back with some Clifford headcannons so you can read them here: Palettepainter101 — Got any headcanons for Clifford? (tumblr.com)
-As for him and Zee overall they where a pretty normal, but fashionable, couple. From watching Muppets Tonight Clifford strikes me as the type of guy who is just trying to do his job, get paid, and put food on the table. If he's not dealing with some dumb shit backstage then he will be later. I kind of love him for that, he's just trying to run a show, let the man do his job.
-When they met Zee was just a singer and hadn't started her teaching career just yet. Zee sang at different joints more or less as a very passionate hobby, she was paid well but the gigs where far and few, so she wanted to get a fulltime job to make ends meet. She applies for a job at the Muppets Tonight studios for an actor, with her career as a dancer she was used to a stage and working alongside other muppets was a new change of pace that sounded fun to her. Since Zee was already a singer and proved to already have experience on a stage she got hired relatively quickly
-Zee had always preformed alone, so while it took a bit for her to adjust having acting partners she soon made quick friends with some of the other actors on the show. Being one of the oldest cousins to Zoot she's also naturally the mum friend of their group, so isn't afraid of rolling up her sleeves to get stuff down. Her and Clifford where pretty close by this point, since Zee was good at keeping a level head and people seemed to listen to her Clifford trusted her with a lot of other things he didn't have the time for.
In some bloopers for Muppets Tonight there's this one where Clifford gets into a fight with Johnny and his chimp Sal. I think it'd be funny if Zee see's this going down and naturally goes over to see what's wrong, manages to calm Sal down with nothing more then a few calm words and a smile, and the pair go on their way, before she turns to Clifford and probably asks "You good boss?"
-During the time when the two where starting to crush on each other there was a lot of flirting/playful teasing. Zee and Clifford could match each others energy, and their impeccable fashion tastes, but it took them ages to actually start dating. A lot of people on the show assumed they where dating long before they actually where because the back and fourth flirting game went on forever. The day Clifford actually went to ask Zee out stuff kept getting in his way, in typical, comical muppet fashion. Whenever he got round to talking with Zee something else would pop up, or Pepe and Seymour would interrupt him, then Zee would be called over by somebody else and he'd loose his chance. It wasn't until the end of the day when Clifford flops down in his office chair does Zee pop by with a coffee, probably with a "Sheesh, you look rough creampuff" comment (not unkindly). Clifford sighs, saying something about how the day was so hectic and how he looks like a mess. Zee chuckles, saying that he's still got his looks, and then Clifford asks her out
-The two where already flirty before they began dating, so adding dating to the mix felt totally natural for them. With Zee as his girlfriend Zee helped out a lot more with the operations of running the show, the stuff Clifford often handled alone with occasional help from Pepe and Rizzo. Zee's singing career had been pretty popular, but Muppets Tonight was really when it started to take off. Clifford made space for her to sing songs in-between acts to warm up the audience, and Clifford loves to hear her sing. The two where still very flirty even after dating, and might have snuck in a few make out sessions in Clifford's office during commercial breaks.
I want to say they dated for a handful of years, perhaps the two had started to share their own space (perhaps rumours of the two buying a new place together and settling down, only Zee and Clifford know for sure). But Zee was eventually approached by a business man to give her a brand deal with her singing, only issue is Zee would have to move. Clifford and her had a long talk about it, and at first they tried to make long distance work, but in the end neither wanted to hold the other back and decided to remain friends
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gildinbainas · 10 months
if you thought i'd not jump at this opportunity YOU'RE WRONG
Our muses’ are drunk and making bad decisions leave a ❋ in my askbox for our muses’ to share a stupid, drunken kiss
:。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆ || @crowiley
It was a rarity though not uncommon for the angel to find himself sipping glasses of wine. That part wasn't rare at all. What WAS rare was the indulging in multiple glasses --- as he had learned once before that he didn't quite like the feeling it gave him. That feeling was a sort of euphoria that left him with little control of his actions. Quite frankly it was terribly frightening not knowing only to come to with little to no recollection.
Of course, it was becoming a lot easier to relax around Crowley and that too was a bit frightening. As one who prided himself on not giving into EVERY whim he had at the drop of a dime, it seemed so out of character for the angel to simply indulge. That isn't to say he disliked the idea of indulging in things that potentially gave him pleasure. On the contrary, he liked it very much. But his penchant for thinking too much often kept him in check as it were.
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Except for tonight when delicious fruit tarts were washed down exquisitely with glasses of sweet red. He'd only had two. Maybe two and a half. But they were tall glasses --- the skinny, champagne kind that didn't LOOK like they held a lot. But the angel liked sweet things --- the sweeter the better. And good food? Pfft that much was too obvious. And so how does one go from picking the fruit off of a ripe tart to snogging the best friend?
Had to be the wine. Because there's just no way it would have happened otherwise. He couldn't imagine snogging as a past time that Crowley enjoyed although one could argue he'd never seen Crowley snogging so… was it truly fair to make the assumption? As for the angel… well, he wasn't one for going around smushing his lips against someone else either. At best, he might have self inserted himself into a Jane Austen novel, imagining himself as some self righteous but curious young maiden pretending to dislike the advances of some older, mysterious man. Eventually the protagonist would share in a bit of a smooch but always one that left the angel dabbing his eyes.
Ah, young love.
But this was no Jane Austen novel. They were not two young adults on the brink of self discovery. They were a pair of ancient, other worldly beings who, simply put, should know better.
And maybe he wouldn't have felt so ominous about it had it not happened twice. Oh, no. The initial action came complete with a set of impromptu giggles --- likely an awkward, knee-jerk reaction to off set how REALLY awkward it was at first. But then it happened again. Faces remained close… glossy eyes were locked and loaded and then… it happened again.
Lips met with a fury ( as if the first time wasn't enough ) and it felt…
It felt like starving. But finally receiving a bit of food that you couldn't help but scarf down quickly just in case someone was out to steal it. Or maybe more akin to being thirsty and getting the first drop of sweet salvation that may have very well saved your life. Kissing was NOT going to save any lives, but he could describe it no other way. His lips, after some initial shock wore off, matched the demon's fury though he was likely the first to break the kiss.
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Because THINGS were happening. Things he didn't understand. Goosebumps that he only ever felt by eating something good or hearing good music. There was a chill. A feeling in the pit of his stomach. A swirling sensation that, at first, had him wondering if he was sick. But it wasn't a BAD feeling. More like…a heightened feeling; a 'what can i do to keep it there', but also knowing deep down it was something so irrevocably taboo that it was best not to follow that train of thinking.
And so the kiss was broken leaving them with quite the suffocating silence. Aziraphale looked down into his wine glass and after a moment he downed the last of it. There. No more. And with that---
"I think I might go dust the shelves."
Because the follow up to THAT moment was probably best swept under the rug. He was sure they'd carry on like always and tomorrow? Well, it would be like it never happened at all.
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boopiddyboop · 1 year
I see thanks! Overall all of them are so similar in any way or another and sharing many things which make them have great teamwork, ig benefits of being born so close in age!(more groups should have this) I love it <3
Well not that companies pushing it isn't true but I think that it would always happens anyways even if they had similar age, oldest ppl a lot of times will take on the caretaker roles in groups, and Sh did say this https://twitter.com/ddalgijohwa/status/1603983960610332672?t=3KXiOUTlxakCFCg_K1JJMg&s=19
And they did act very much like caretakers, still now sometimes but yeah, it's not that they don't see it but lot of ppl are still attached to the idea of a heteronormative nuclear family and since they also ship them it's perfect for them lol. They have to see them as married and not like parent figures for separate, and mom and dad instead of two dads/parents or two older brothers..Again also instigated bc of sexist stereotypes.
Yeah! I see Hj and the others have many facets but he does seem younger brother in some occasions! In fact other celebs they met and new fans even said he seemed the maknae xD In fact him and Sh are the youngest in their families! You can tell soo much when they let loose and comfortable, specially you can see it in Hj very well when he is around Seonghwa (that mind you at the beggining he wanted to call him hyung and still today sometimes but Sh forced the friend label lol), his blood older brother and other older ppl like Maddox, the other producers and managers, and acts like such a cute goofball!!🥺
Btw I'm sorry today I'm being so chatty that it's kind of tiring so maybe for you too to reply so much🙈
I think the groups that do well tend to have good synastry across most of the members' charts. I felt the same way about BTS back in the day (though I believe some of the info we had back then ended up being incorrect haha). The fact that across the whole of Ateez, they managed to only get three Moon signs also absolutely bamboozles me. (Jongho coming in clutch to even make it that many).
I certainly wouldn't want to give KQ too much credit for what dynamics ended up appearing, I just also think that they capitalize off of it. I've rambled before about Mom and Dad SeongJoong on here before (warning; tipsy writing), so there's certainly astrological precedence for that; it's just not the ONLY thing about them. I think I wrote that before I had done Seonghwa's natal chart, which really led me back to giving his Mars more credit. As for Hongjoong, it's something about the way he kind of looks for approval, for lack of better words, at times that gives me younger vibes. The fact that Beomjoong is his biggest inspiration is also just:
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(Feel free to continue rambling to my askbox! that's what fandom space is for: gushing about our faves ~)
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Just as something to mention, when I write reader insert fics, I usually try to keep them as inclusive as possible.
That being said, I am only human and writing a character without using descriptors can be tricky in places, especially if I'm writing things from one of the diaboys' perspectives. If you ever notice any points where I have referenced the reader having a specific skin-colour or body-type or something similar then please do let me know and I'll change it. It will never have been done with the intention of excluding people but because I am a fool who is bad at proofreading and enjoys self inserting a little bit too much.
With gender things get a little bit more fuzzy, as it's only something I've really started to be conscious of recently and while I have started trying to keep things GN, I will often still default to Carla referring to his S/O as "woman" because of how he refers to Yui/the MC in canon and because of the Tsukinami boys'... goals, I do tend to imply the reader is biologically female.
I've never felt my readership was big enough to merit tagging the gender of the reader but if that is something that I need to start doing then I'll look into it when I get the chance.
With regards to requests, I will happily accommodate requests for the reader to be specifically written as gender neutral (i.e. having Carla referring to them as "human" or "mortal", making Ayato and Laito get more creative with their nicknames etc). I will not accept requests for readers with specific ethnicities or body-types, partly because I am not part of an ethnic minority and I would be very concerned about accidentally being insensitive, but mainly as I don't believe I will ever write something where the reader's race or body-type is plot-relevant so I would rather my writing remain inclusive.
That should cover everything. I have some posts planned and partially written and those should hopefully be published in the next couple of weeks. Hope you're all doing well x
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say-narry · 3 years
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Note: English isn’t my first language. Hope you all like it. Please, give me your opinion with a reblog, fav or a note in my askbox :)
pairing: Louis!peaky blinders era x reader
warnings: explicit sex, unprotected sex (don't do that!), curse words, daddy kink, overstimulation, dirt talk, mention of jealousy, mention of astrology.
Words: 4k
talk with me | masterlist
In my spare time I loved to read about astrology. It was a habit I adhered to since I was a teenager and now as an adult, it was my secret cringe.
So many times, the things described there met the personality traits of someone I knew and that made me believe it even more.
Sure, there were some holes in the script, but I had been in this world forever, so I just ignored that and kept it as a supposed truth and that was only affirmed when I met Louis.
Friends in common, I liked the way his accent sounded, a few drinks here and there, we shared the lighter to light the cigarette and ended up kissing at the end of the party at Calvin's house.
That was a year ago now.
I already knew all his quirks and as Louis lived more at my place than at his mansion here in London, he had to follow my rules, which was a little difficult even though he is Capricorn. Lately it was complicated to deal with him, because he seemed to ignore me and my weekly horoscope had already said that my relationship would be shaken by the smallest things and that I should be careful.
"Babe, don't leave your shoes like that. I already asked for them!" I complained as I placed our shoes side by side by the door. This was one of his manners that annoyed me deeply. "My friends will be here soon!"
"Nah." he muttered, not even looking at me.
I snorted and rolled my eyes, going to check the cheese and chocolate fondue I was preparing.
My friends Peter, Anne, Sam and Paul were coming over for happy hour. I am on vacation at work, an accounting office, so this is a perfect opportunity to hear what's new.
"Babe, is there any way to go to that grocery store down the street? I forgot that Anne has a gluten allergy and forgot to buy the gluten-free bagel." I stirred the melted cheese in the small pot on the stove.
No response from Louis.
Because my house is small, there's no way he couldn't hear me. I stretched my body back a little and in my half vision through the door, I could see that Louis was still concentrating on the smartphone game while gnawing on the corner of his left thumb.
I took another deep breath, it seemed that Louis became a child watching the games on the device and this was another flaw of his sign's characteristic, however I knew he was loyal and domineering, which eventually gave me an idea.
I turned off the stove and wrapped the fondues, putting them in the electric oven in warm-up mode so that they would not cool down.
My friends would arrive in half an hour, it was time to put my idea into practice.
I grabbed my purse, checked the pounds in my wallet, put on a sweatshirt and ran to the door.
"Luv, where are you going?" Louis asked without looking at me.
"Grocery store, babe." I put on my moccasins and closed the door.
It was dusk and for a change London was cold, for as soon as I passed the small gate in my driveway I sped to the grocery store.
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As luck would have it, I found the guys a few meters from my house and ran to hug them.
"How are you, Y/N?" Sam, the blond girl with freckles and green eyes asked me as she released me from her hug.
"Fine! But I need a little help from all of you, specifically you, Paul and Anne." I pointed to them, who were inches away from me.
My couple of friends looked at me, Paul was a tall man with blue eyes, a muscular body and a beard. He was dating Anne, a tall, beautiful black woman with curly hair and honey-brown eyes with a mouth to envy.
"What happened?" Anne asked.
I explained to them that Louis seemed to be ignoring me as if I was just someone else working for him, but that he was the dominating type and so I wanted to tease him and see if we should continue with this relationship or if he was just distracted.
"I swear it won't go any further than that, I love Louis very much but this is killing me." I held the brown paper bag against me.
"Have you tried talking to him?" Peter suggested.
"Louis is a Capricorn, you know how it is. When he focuses on something, that's it." I rolled my eyes.
"That's fine with me, it will be fun watching a music star want to kill me because his wife wants me." Paul grabbed the bag from my hands and winked at me, and we laughed.
"It's fine with me too, you know I find it sexy to see men jealous." Anne winked at Paul, who closed his face, causing us to let out a few more low chuckles.
"I think there's a way we can help too." Sam put his arm around my neck and held Peter by the waist.
I had the best friends in the world.
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"He simply came in halfway through the meeting with a huge mark on his neck. Emily wanted to climb the walls!" Peter commented on our co-worker.
We were all sitting on the floor of the room with the creams and fondue mixes on the coffee table. Louis was on my right side with black sweatpants and the jacket I loved so much, Paul was on my left side, next to him was Anne followed by Peter and Sam.
"But we know why Tom's nights out..." Sam looked at me suggestively and then looked at Anne. I straightened up waiting for what was to come.
Louis followed the conversation, sometimes hugging me around the waist and offering me something to eat. I just helped myself to a glass of red wine.
"Why?" Anne asked as if she didn't understand.
"Oh, you know, since the S/N went on vacation he has been gloomy, seems to have forgotten how to do calculations on the spreadsheets, and gets sad at lunchtime." Sam replied, alternating his gaze between Louis and me.
Louis, who was serving himself a piece of bread and cheese, grimaced, but said nothing.
"It's true, we know he's not over it yet."
I had the glass in my mouth trying to hold back the laugh I wanted to give.
"Get over what?" Louis asked me with a frown and I arched my shoulders, pretending not to know what they were referring to.
"Tom is in love with Y/N, Louis. Ever since she came to the office, he only has eyes for her." Anne answered by pouring herself some strawberry slices and pouring the melted chocolate on top. "You know, alluring and attractive men don't get over it so easily when they are dumped by a beautiful woman."
My eyes were watering from holding back tears of laughter. It was funny to imagine this situation, since Tom was a very well married gentleman, father of three children, and would soon be a grandfather.
"I'm going to get some more wine." I pushed myself to get up, because I needed to release the laughter that was stuck in me.
"I'll get it, babe." Paul took the glass from my hand, passing his hand through mine and stood up.
"Oh, thank you Paulie!" I smiled and sat back down.
Louis's face was red, he chewed angrily and stared at me. His blue eyes fixed on me in an uncomfortable way, as if he were reading my thoughts.
"What's up, babe?" I asked as Anne, Sam and Peter talked among themselves, I tried to stroke his face but he turned away.
"Nothing." he nodded, and I narrowed my eyes.
Paul returned with my full glass, I took it and thanked him again. Since I was sitting only on the carpet, I decided to do a little stretching. Purposefully, Paul looked at the open buttons of my black blouse that was thin and skinny long. Unconsciously, it was tighter than I usually wore which highlighted my breasts covered by the bra.
Louis seemed to notice, he huffed and ran his hand through his hair. I just ignored him and pretended to pay attention to my friends' conversation.
I felt his arm going around my shoulders and a few kisses on my neck, and I simply held myself together not to react, but it was so good his affection.
"We were talking about Tom before and now I remembered, can you believe that every day he comes into your office and wipes down your desk and computer?" Sam was sharp in the theater, I just wanted to thank her for that.
"And I'll tell you something else, he takes his shoes off before he comes in. " Peter continued.
Broadway was losing these actors to an accounting office. Louis leaned back on one of the sofas and crossed his arms with a brave expression.
"Tom has always been very nice to me." I commented, swirling the rest of the wine in my glass. "But I don't know..."
"I don't know, Y/N?" Louis spoke a little louder, turning his face abruptly to me.
"Yes, Tom is a nice guy but he is the kind of guy who ignores things I say, he was not organized and sometimes we almost missed deadlines... If he is like that at work, who will say to have a relationship with him."
I drank the rest of the wine and almost saw Louis erupt.
"Nothing beyond that stays between you?" I looked at Sam, who put his hand over his mouth, holding back his laughter, as did Anne, Paul, and Peter.
"Nah. " I repeated Louis' murmur from earlier and repeated his motion, leaning back against the couch behind me.
He ran his fingers through his bangs and chuckled gracelessly, denying it with his head. I narrowed my eyes in surprise at his reaction.
"It's getting late isn't it? Want some help cleaning up, petal?" Paul stroked my arm.
"I'll help my girl, Paulie." Louis imitated my voice when I called him and stared at Paul's hand on my arm, moving his mouth as if he were dissatisfied.
We talked some more, Louis was still silent and crossed his arms, his legs intertwined with each other and swinging rapidly.
I knew that Louis was about to explode, so I said goodbye to the guys who thanked me for the evening. Paul gave me a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. They motioned for me to tell them by text what was going to happen, I silently agreed and closed the door.
Louis had gotten up and was removing things from the coffee table. I started to organize the room and finished taking the last dishes to the sink.
"You and this Tom guy, have you ever had anything?" Louis was sponging one of the dishes. His sleeves were rolled up, which gave me a view of the tattoos on his wrist that I liked so much.
I poured myself the rest of the wine and leaned back against the sink where he was standing.
"We only went out together once." Which was true, but it was with the rest of the office and nothing happened because his wife accompanied us and I saw him as a father or even an uncle. I would stay in my tantrum, yes, he was the one who should end his.
"Hm." Louis answered.
"Why the question?"
Louis remained silent, washing the dishes as if it were the most fun thing in the world.
"Louis? If I asked a question, I want an answer." I said angrily, tired of the tantrum.
He continued in silence. I took a deep breath trying to oxygenate my brain and continued to stare at him.
I drank the rest of the wine and left the glass in the sink. I walked slowly to the door, still trying to remain calm.
"Where are you going?" Louis asked.
I just turned and smiled, raising my two middle fingers in his direction.
"Fuck you!" I shouted nervously, pointing at him.
Without waiting for his response, I headed towards my room, but within three steps I felt something pulling me, two cold, wet hands.
Louis might be shorter than most men, but he still possessed great strength.
In one swift movement, I felt him turn me around and my back hit the wall to my right and my head bounced, causing me to grunt in pain.
Louis pressed his body against mine, my hands went up to push his chest.
"I don't want to talk, Louis." I said annoyed, almost in tears already.
"What's up, luv? Your babe wants to know... "Louis brushed his nose across my neck, soon after caressing my face by turning and pulling it slightly to the opposite side, my eyes automatically closed."What were those teasing things earlier?"
My body stiffened, I couldn't hide anything from him.
"Let go of me. " I asked, still pushing him slightly, but it came out more like a groan.
Louis let out a small laugh and began to distribute wet kisses down my neck, sometimes my body betrayed me and shivered.
Louis's right hand, which previously held my waist, lifted my blouse to gain access to the skin of my belly and with a rush, held my right breast, massaging it lovingly.
"I'm sure my girl is getting wet..." His warm breath hitched against the cartilage of my left ear. "You like to tease me by showing off those luscious breasts, but in the end you're all mine, aren't you?"
I groaned as if in agreement. My hands, which before had been pushing her breasts, had moved to her back, scratching the white fabric.
"Who's my little whore? Hm?" His teeth went to my jaw, scraping it lightly, and then down to my neck where I felt pressure being applied.
Oh, hell! He was marking me.
"I-I-I..." I answered weakly and brushed my crotch against his.
My body arched and I held on to his arms, I could already feel the throbbing in between my legs as they buckled.
"My silly little girl!" He moved a few inches away from me and I opened my eyes, staring at Louis's long lashes in front of his blue orbs that were almost covered by his dilated pupils. "I saw what you did with the whole Tom and Paulie thing."
When I regained consciousness, I bit my lower lip and smiled mischievously, returning my hands to his back.
"What are you going to do about it, stud?" I teased.
Louis's hands went around my waist as he made a point of kissing me fiercely and hotly. My hands grabbed his face, pulling him to me, afraid that he would just stop and leave me there, hot and needy for his touch.
His hands went down to unbutton my jeans and unzip me. I let out a moan in anticipation and I could feel him smile in the middle of the kiss.
Louis pulled away from me and spun me around, placing me face down against the wall.
"Louis..." I moaned softly, thrusting my ass toward him.
I felt his pelvis fit over my ass and his member was already hardening, I tried to make more contact, but his hands on my waist stopped me.
"I know, luv... I want you too." I felt his chest against my back as I closed my eyes and rested my head on the wall and pressed my hands against it, trying to support myself. "I want to feel your pussy squeezing my cock as I fuck you very slowly, because I know you like to feel my cock pulsing in you."
I was already dizzy, biting my lower lip trying to hide my moans, until Louis pulled away and his hands hooked on the hem of my jeans and pulled them down.
"Spread your legs, Darlin'"
I did as he cried out, with a little difficulty because my jeans were still binding my legs and the state of my panties was embarrassing.
His hand slid up and down my ass, and then slapped me with his open hand, which made me jump in surprise.
"My girl doesn't like to be neglected, huh?" Shivers ran through me, my breathing was heavy and my brows furrowed and more slaps came, making my skin burn and my eyes water. "You get needy for my cock when I don't fuck you, don't you?"
In one swift act, my panties were keeping company with my jeans. I pushed my hips even higher, rubbing one leg against the other in an effort to relieve the agony my clit felt.
"Daddy will take care of you, luv!" I heard some noises and then the glorious sensation of Louis's hot tongue running over my pussy.
"Louis!" I moaned loudly and his breath hitched against my exposed intimacy as he let out a laugh. His hands grabbed my thighs and spread them even further apart, leaving me wide open for him.
Louis's tongue ran from my sensitive spot to my entrance, sucking and licking. I swayed my hips trying to get closer, but whenever I did he laughed and ran just the tip of it all the way over. My eyes rolled back and a vibration came in the pit of my stomach.
He didn't last long there, but the sound of my wetness clicking on his tongue was something out of reality.
"Babe, please..." My right arm kept pushing against the wall while my left was bent and I massaged my breasts, trying to relieve myself somehow.
"What's wrong, kitten?" Louis groaned and blew against me.
I turned my head to the side and Louis had stood up, taking off his sweatpants along with his underwear and his white jacket, and threw them on the floor beside us.
"Daddy..." I murmured.
Louis' member was hard, and with the glans of his member shiny and pink, his left hand wrapped around it, going up and down slowly. Louis stroked my ass with his free hand, his lower lip was biting and his head eventually fell back as he sighed.
He knew how sexy I found the veins in his hands tensing up and showing as he played with his cock. The tattoos on his wrist added a special touch.
"Lucky for you I want to get it over with, luv... Otherwise you'd have to beg me to fuck you..." He spoke as his cock touched me, dragging and teasing me, making me almost fall to my knees on the floor. "I'm going to fuck your little pussy so hard, babe? I want to hear you moan for the rest of the night, do you want to feel my cock all the way in here?" His finger ran across my entrance, giving me mini shocks in that area.
I mumbled the only sound left in my throat. I turned my face forward and leaned my forehead against the wall. He knew how much I melted for his dirt talk.
My arm against the wall was aching, my forehead was sweaty, and my legs were almost giving way from the way they trembled.
Louis launched himself inside me without warning, burying his wet member until his balls slammed against my clit.
A scream tore through my throat, my nails digging into the wall. Louis didn't even give me time to get used to it, he immediately began thrusting against me. Back and forth, thrusting hard and trying to go all the way in. I was panting as was he, my eyes still closed, enjoying his member filling me.
I turned my face to the side opening my eyes and I could cum right there at the sight, my heart throbbed even more seeing Louis with his nails digging into my hips, his tattooed chest and arms tensed tightly and his head relaxed back with his mouth ajar.
"Fuck!" My eyelids fluttered and I could feel the anguish in my uterus rising.
"My girl is so hot, so warm and tight ... oh!" Louis went down again and if it wasn't for the euphoria, I could feel him almost ripping me in half with his cock slamming against my uterus.
I tilted my head back and one of Louis' hands grabbed my loose hair and formed a sort of ponytail. His hand forced my neck, causing my body to arch and my ass to bulge even more.
My back began to ache as his hipbones crashed against my muscles, he had never caught me this way before and I was already addicted to it. Louis let go of my hair and went back to kneading the sides of my hips.
I put my arm in front of me and bit down on it, feeling my face hit him lightly with the thrusts, my throat aching with the moans, and Louis murmured my name as he tried to sink even deeper inside me.
"Whose pussy is this, babe? Who fucks it hard and the way you like it?" Louis, still not stopping his thrusts, rotated his hips and a wave of ecstasy hit me at the cervix. My pussy clenching rapidly, I was getting there. Louis fucked me so fast that I couldn't even scream.
"You, babe! Only you, Louis!" I spoke softly and felt him kiss me on my back.
"Are you sure, babygirl?" Louis teased and again I felt his chest against my spine.
His cock was halfway out of me and seconds later I was already missing him, which didn't last long as I pushed my hips back against him, burying his cock back into me. I stood on my tiptoes and his member reached the hidden spot that Louis sometimes managed to reach.
"Come on my cock, babe! Because I'm going to mark you, fill you with my milk... Do you want it, my naughty little girl?"
My breath came out of my lungs in a sharp intake of breath. My body exploded inside, shuddering as Louis forced himself to orgasm. Small jolts ran through me, and the ground no longer seemed to be beneath my feet.
My man's nails sank into my skin, his thrusts became sloppy and a loud moan came from Louis' chest, his cock swelled even more inside me and I felt hot spurts fill me, joining my liquid. He groaned loudly and his hands gripped my waist tightly, easing the grip seconds later. Violent trembling came over my knees, causing me to close my eyes in shame as Louis continued inside me and hugged me from behind.
"What's up, Luv? Did I hurt you?" He pushed my hair away from my sweaty, flushed face. Louis kissed the top of my head and I could feel some shocks from the orgasm still being delivered and the delicious feeling of having him inside me.
I nodded positively and then negatively, answering his questions.
"Sorry about the last few days, I was so distracted, thinking about the new album, and then I realized that I didn't do the right thing to the point where my perfect girl insinuated herself to our friend and they talked about some guy at work."
"How did you find out?" I lay my face against the wall, feeling the frosty, chilling cold on my face. I was tired, almost closing my eyes.
"I know you, darlin'... You can't lie, your sign says so."
I covered my face in shame that he knew my shameful secret. Louis pulled his member out of me and already I felt it go limp, Louis tightened his embrace around my buttocks and his arms wrapped around mine, tucking me in.
"Thanks for not giving up on your Capricorn. He'll pay more attention to his girl."
I nodded and turned around, kissing him slowly, feeling his tongue caress mine calmly and tenderly. He was everything to me, giving him up would be the last thing I would ever do.
I pulled away still hugging him and could see his sweaty bangs.
"Thanks for the sex against the wall, it was amazing." I blinked, placing a kiss on his chin.
"Maybe tomorrow you'll rethink it." His face turned into a smile, kissing my cheeks.
I stared at him even longer, not understanding his statement.
"Uh... I may or may not have left some... marks." He gave me his best puppy dog face, squeezed my ass, and kissed my neck lightly.
I rolled my eyes eagerly to see these possible marks.
"All right, they're marks from my Capricorn..." I said, kissing him and jumping on his lap. "But if you ignore me again, you won't have sex against the wall or anywhere else." I shook his shoulder to get his attention and he agreed.
"No more Capricorn stuff!" He promised, raising his right hand.
Astrology thing or not, I loved the guy standing in front of me.
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skysometric · 2 years
New look, same old blog!
welcome to a wholly improved skysometric.co! after years of dreams, sketches, redesigns, code, and slamming my head against the wall, i've finally fulfilled my dream of having a blog that matches my design language. i'm so excited to put it to good use as the front page for my creativity and journaling 💖
the blog's still based on tumblr, using a new custom theme. in truth, it's just a heavy edit of the default theme... and quite a mess of one, at that! but hey, it looks and works great, and isn't that all that counts in the end?
(speaking of which, are you reading this on the tumblr app? come check out the new site!)
About the redesign
on the left menu are links to my main sites, and core tumblr links like the askbox and archive. there's also a theme toggle for light and dark mode – i'm especially proud of how the dark theme turned out! the light theme needs a little work, but i think it's a good start to improve on in the future. oh and btw, these animations for the menus opening and closing? they're pure css, even on mobile~
the right menu has featured tags to browse stuff i've made and written, as well as a search box for anything not featured. tags are a core part of the updated site, serving as collections of art and writing – so they have extra prominence both in the menu and at the bottom of each post. all my most important tags have icons that are loaded dynamically based on their name! and any tags that don't have an icon use the default hashtag. i'm really proud of all the design work that went into it, and i'll show off the icons on their own pretty soon ✨
posts themselves can be blue, purple, or pink, matching my main color palette. the color is based on the post id! so each post's color is always the same, whether you're viewing it on the front page, tag pages, or the post itself.
Design history
this updated blog has been four years in the making, surviving both my name change and multiple iterations of my design language – yet somehow, it still looks just like my years old sketches. i'm impressed at how much i was able to rework and carry forward with me, especially with how many of these ideas felt like dead ends at the time!
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that early screenshot at the top is from waayyy back when i was considering moving away from tumblr. it was very tempting to self-host and "own my data" as they say... but i would miss out on all the social features like reblogs. plus, on tumblr people can follow me and see all my posts in the app, as well as on my site – what's not to love? so even though the site's time may be past, i'm sticking with tumblr until they literally nuke it out of orbit~
Cleaning up, carrying forward
i've had this blog for nearly ten years now, and the way i've used it has changed tremendously over that time. what started as my first foray into social media turned into a space for sharing things i found that made me happy, sharing my philosophies and outlook on life, sharing my struggles through college and burnout, and now sharing my journey discovering my voice as a person and a creator. so now that i'm a new person with a new voice, i should probably clear out all those crusty old cobwebs and start fresh, right?
not a chance!
if anything, i went back and made sure my old posts look just as good as my new ones, cleaning up tags and backporting my new code to work with old tumblr post layouts. i want to carry my history forward with me! for all these years this blog has been my journal, and even though my journaling changed with time, that core purpose hasn't. honestly, after all the cleaning, i'm inspired to return to those old methods of journaling – share more of myself, share more of what makes me happy, be more free and open and wild ✨
(that said, some of those early posts were especially raw! those have been archived for now. maybe i'll remake the sentiment behind them someday...)
My promise to myself
in the wake of college i realized i was posting less here on the blog; this redesign was an attempt to give it more importance, so that i would use it more. but what i didn't realize was that i was posting less due to burnout... and i stalled out on the redesign, also due to burnout. a double whammy! so i used my blog less than ever, and it languished for years.
on top of that, giving my blog more importance made it more of a Serious Website™ in my head, a place where i had to put my best foot forward at all times. that made me want to post here even less, only when i finished some big or important project! but my blog was never intended for this – i've been posting random nonsense since the beginning.
so what started as a promise that i would use my blog more, became a promise that i would make my blog A Big Deal. and that's not healthy for me! so i stepped back and re-evaluated. first, i started consciously calling this place my journal, to make it a sketchy and rough place with intent. second, i ultimately decided to redesign it anyway, with a new promise: to make it somewhere i'm proud of posting more often, no matter what those posts look like.
and with that promise fulfilled, i'm ready to get back to journaling 💙
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