#but most of them are still better than emerald beyond's fake ass dungeons
littlestarxmilkyway · 4 months
I almost forgot, but the person that comment-reviewed EB also asked others their "in series relation ranking," and someone ranked the whole of SaGa 1-3 above SSG, and someone questioned them on that. It was kind of hilarious to me, but I also agree! And specifically, they couldn't believe that someone ranked SaGa 3 above SSG (or maybe any game!). That makes me wanna bust a rib from laughing so hard! But it's also kind of annoying.
Whenever people say they like Unlimited SaGa or SaGa 3, people act like they're freaks or have to have so many stipulations. And the funny thing is, this person ranked SaGa 1-3 so well because it is an old school JRPG with towns, NPCs and the like. And I feel that! People rag on SaGa 3 a lot, especially if it's the GB version, but it does actually feel more fully fledged and fleshed out to me than EB does in many ways. (Shocking!) But if that's one thing I hate about SaGa fandom (nowadays), is that you're not allowed to like the black sheep titles half the time.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years
Royal Affairs
Princess!Wheein x Palace Staff!Female Reader
Word Count: 4927
Contents: royalty au, slight angst, switch wheein, switch reader, thigh grinding, praise, breast play, oral, clit stimulation, tribbing, squirting
Note: @thetypingpup Happy Birthday!!!! This year has been, a whole ass year. And here we are coming to the end of it nonetheless. I know this year has been an absolute bitch for you in more ways than one but you are capable and resilient and wonderful. I’m so glad that more and more you find the ways to make your blog somewhere fun cuz we all need some fun, especially in a year like this. I hope you have a very good day, love!
“Come in,” Wheein’s voice lilted through the air following your knock. You opened the door slowly, keeping your demeanor proper. Wheein was sitting in front of her mirror, candles lit around her chamber, warming the rich emerald tones of her curtains and the canopy surrounding her large, plush bed.
“Perfect timing,” she said evenly, combing the ends of her hair out. “I’m in need of some assistance with my hair.”
You closed the door behind yourself. “No one else is around,” you hummed.
“Good,” she sighed, slumping into her seat and quickly dropping the proper posture she carried around everyone but you. “My hair is a mess and I cannot reach the back.”
You chuckled as you made your way across the room to her. Taking the comb from her hands and started to work on the knots at the ends of her hair. “You really outdid yourself, today.”
“I do think it was one of my best,” she grinned at you through the mirror.
“How do you manage to come up with such ideas?” You mused.
“They really just come to me,” she laughed. “Maybe it’s desperation. Nothing quite like the threat of getting married off to some random noble to make the ideas start flowing.”
You joined in with her chuckles. The king and queen were beyond exasperated at this point. You had lost count of how many suitors Wheein had sent packing. You were sure these were benefits to marrying her off, political alliances, more power, those sorts of things. You knew Wheein knew them well. But she had made her mind that she wasn’t going to be married off, with enough conviction to keep it up until her parents finally gave up on the idea.
“How did you get your hair so tangled?” You asked.
“I brushed it in all directions. I kept putting it up and taking it down. I even tied a few knots right in there,” she said brightly. “I had to tear up that old dress and run it through the mud to really get the look right.”
“Do you think people will wonder how the king and queen raised such a wild woman?” You giggled.
“Ah my kingdom has seen me before,” she said in a relaxed manner. “They’ll have caught on by now. I like to think they take bets on what I’ll do next.”
“The chefs do,” you laughed. “I was in the kitchens for a moment the other day and they were discussing what they thought you would do this time. It truly brings the whole palace together.”
“See,” she laughed. “It’s good for morale!”
“That it is,” You snorted. “But if you do this again and these knots are any worse I might just have to cut them out.”
“You should,”  she challenged you with a grin. “Just chop all my hair off, make it nice and short.”
“Something tells me the king and queen wouldn’t approve of a princess with short hair.” You chuckled.
“So,” she challenged cheekily. “It’s not like I’m any less royal with less hair. Maybe we should do it now.”
“If I do it now the queen will have my head,” you snorted.
“No she won’t, not if I have anything to say about,” she huffed.
You leaned in closer. “I don’t wanna get sent to the dungeon.”
“I won’t let her send you to the dungeon!” She cried.
“I’m not cutting your hair short today.”
Wheein pouted. “This is why I don’t always tell you how I plan to run off the suitors. You don’t let me do anything fun.”
“We have plenty of fun,” you hummed, finally coming to the last few knots in her hair. “I’m simply a voice of reason. You can’t completely ruin your image or the people will never let you take over the crown. And you and I both know you’ll be a fantastic queen.”
“What if I don’t want to be queen?” she sniffed.
“You do,” you said. “You already know you’re going to be good at it. And what would you ever do if you left?”
A grin tugged at her lips. “Well I’d take you with me.”
You couldn’t help your own grin. “I should have known you’d say that.”
“Don’t tell me you would stay here if I was gone,” she gasped in fake surprise.
“It’s a good job,” you shrugged before laughing as she reached back and tried to whack your arm.
“No you’re right,” you hummed. “I think I would miss you too much if you left. This palace just wouldn’t feel the same without you here.”
“I knew it,” she said smugly, though her tone was full of fondness.
“And,” You ran your fingers through her hair. “I’m done.”
“You, my stunning angel,” she smiled. “Have magic fingers.”
“I-I know,” you didn’t mean for your voice to stumble but it betrayed you. Wheein stood from her seat and grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer before sitting you down in front of her mirror.
“You’re too cute,” she grinned. “I want to see something.”
You twisted around in the seat as she moved to her wardrobe and grabbed a few small boxes. Wheein was close to giddy as she placed the boxes on the vanity and opened one, revealing a number of necklaces set with precious stones. She considered them for a moment before choosing one set with rich blue sapphires that caught the light in an enchanting way.
“Here.” You fought to keep your breath even as her hands came gently around your neck. She laid the necklace against your skin, smiling and leaning in until her lips were close to your ear. “Doesn’t this look just breathtaking on you?” She murmured.
“I-It-” You tried to process her closeness that could make you feel a little dizzy, your mind swarmed with too many thoughts of where the night might go. Your fingers came up to touch the piece of jewelry gently. “It’s really beautiful.”
“That’s because you’re beautiful,” Wheein hummed.
You met her eye in the mirror. “Should we be-”
“I’m just having fun,” she grinned. “But I want to see something else.”
You sat, reeling a little and processing her words as she whisked the necklace away. “I think it looks nicer on you than it does on me. Perhaps I should gift it to you.”
“I-If you did that people would surely find out,” you felt a little flustered at the proposition. Wheein had made it clear from the beginning that she didn’t expect you to be too proper or stiff around her and over time she’d started to treat you as a friend. But still, giving a worker in a palace one of her own personal jewelry pieces would raise suspicion at the very least.
“And yet,” she pulled something else out of a box. “I see no reason that it should be mine when I don’t wear it. And it suits you so much better.”
You saw your reflection’s eyes widen as she carefully brought a tiara over your head, set with a dazzling array of sapphire, tanzanite, and indigolite that glimmered in the candlelight. She placed it gently in your hair. 
“Doesn’t it look so natural, like you were born to wear it?”
You felt stunned. No matter how relaxed you were around Wheein you kept your wits about you around anyone else, including her parents. You knew that her tiaras weren’t meant to sit on your head. It made you feel a little dizzy, glance shifting quickly to look at the door. No one ever bothered you in here, not unannounced at least. But still, how much trouble would you be in were you to be caught?
“I-I shouldn’t-”
“Relax,” Wheein placed her hands on your shoulders, her lips resting next to your ear. “Just relax and look at yourself. You know I would never get you in any real trouble.” Her lips curled into a grin. “I just want you to see it.”
You let out a small sigh, relaxing back a bit and trying to will your heart to calm down. The tiara sat atop your head, glittering in the warm candle-lit glow that washed through the room. It caught the colours of the precious gems set into the delicate frame.
“It is beautiful.” You said. “It’s breathtaking but-”
“No buts,” she hummed.
You turned a little to look at her directly. “But what’s the point?”
Wheein pouted. “Does there have to be a point?”
“Doesn’t there?”
She sighed, “I like how they look on you. I like being around you. I just like you. That’s my point.” She gently turned your head back to look at the mirror. “Let me imagine life a little differently, just for a moment.”
You met her gaze in the mirror, voice smaller when you spoke. “What life are you imagining?”
“One where…” her voice trailed off as she lifted the tiara from your head. “I can live the life I’d like to. Where I don’t have to put up a fuss about getting married.” As she came back behind you her fingertips trailed along your arm. “Where I don’t have to run anyone off. Where my future doesn’t hinge on me ‘finding a suitor’ or annoying the king and queen to no end with my unwillingness until they let me be crowned under my own terms.”
Her hands slipped down to your waist and she gently urged you to your feet. “Where no one cares what to whom I do, so I can do as I like.” A smirk graced her lips as she took your hands, turning you so she could walk you backwards to the bed.
“A future where I can do this,” she murmured, pressing a kiss to your jaw. “And this,” her lips moved to kiss in the hollow under your ear, “And this.” Wheein pressed a longer kiss to your neck. You let your head fall back with a sigh, stepping back until your legs hit the edge of the bed, her lips trailing slowly along your neck and her hands slipping from your waist to the ties on your dress.
Most of the palace staff, at some point or another, did something they weren’t supposed to. Sneaking a pastry, or sleeping in the kitchens when no one was around and the room was warm, picking the flowers in the garden. But you had a feeling none of them were as bold as fooling around with the princess.
This wasn’t the first time. As the outer layers of your dress fell away Wheein’s hands traced a familiar path along your body, taking her time in undressing you. Her lips latched into a sensitive spot at the base of your neck and you let out small sighs at the feeling. The closer you had gotten the more tension grew between you until neither of you could stand it any longer.
The tension snapped.
A kiss.
And then another.
And then more until you found yourself in bed with feelings that were complicated at best.
Your fingers curled into the material of her dress, pulling her closer against you as she undid your stays and untied your skirt, letting them also fall from your body. Her lips trailed back up until they found yours and she smirked against your lips at the sense of desperation in your kisses. 
“You’re not going to make me do all the work,” she murmured playfully.
You answered her with a small whine, hands searching for the ties on her dress, to pull her out of it. Wheein let each piece of her dress fall away from her body, her hands now grabbing at her hips, only thin fabric between her fingers and your skin. Her tongue slid along your bottom lip and you let it into your mouth easily, sighing and letting out small moans into your mouth as she kissed you and her hands came around to your ass.
As her skirts fell away she pushed you back down onto the bed, stepping out of them before moving over top of you, a thigh coming between your legs.
“You always look so pretty like this,” she murmured, the candlelight illuminating the flickering intensity in her gaze. “All laid out just for me.” She rolled her hips down, grinding against you slowly as her fingertips trailed up your thigh, pulling the hem of your under dress up along with them. Her lips grazed your ear and her voice dropped to a whisper. 
“No coronation could ever give me a gift as beautiful as you.”
You couldn’t stop the small moan that trailed off your lips, nor the way your hips ground against her thigh. Her hand came to your hips, guiding your movements slowly while the other pushed up the light fabric of your underdress to reveal your body. You listened to her small hum as she pulled the dress up high enough to see your chest before pulling it fully off of you.
“If I could choose my future,” she let her hands trail down your sides, lips kissing along your collarbone and down to your chest. “I would simply choose you.”
A moan left your lips as she sucked one of your nipples between her lips. Her tongue rolled over the sensitive bud. With one hand still on your hip the other trailed back up your side until it came to your chest. Her fingers squeezed at your breast before starting to play with your nipple, rolling and squeezing it slowly.
Heavy breaths fell off your lips and your eyes slowly fluttered shut. Arousal started to build steadily inside of you. It flickered slow like the candlelight, but with each second it grew a little hotter. Wheein hummed against your skin and you arched up into her touch, letting yourself go a little more every second.
Wheein’s lips pulled away from your chest with a small pop and you felt her lips kiss slowly into the valley between your breasts and towards the others.
“How could I want anything else,” she murmured. “When I get to have you like this?” Her lips latched onto the soft skin of your breast, sucking at your skin, You let out a sigh, fingers curling into the soft, plush, luxurious fabrics covering her bed.
“Every line and curve of your body is exquisite, how could jewels or crowns possibly compare?”
She sucked your other nipple between her lips, a little more harshly than the first. You ground your hips a little faster on her thigh, her own underdress pushed up and your arousal slicking her skin with each movement.
Wheein hummed, sending vibrations through your body and drawing a small moan from your lips, fingers tugging on her bedsheets. Her fingers rolled and tugged at your other nipple and slowly you felt the tightening starting in your core as your body built towards release, heat rising off your skin and mixing into the air.
Wheein pulled back her lips, waiting for you to look up at her. You let your eyes open and pouted at her, catching her smirk as she pressed your legs further apart and moved between them. She rid herself of her underdress and you let your eyes take in her form, her body somehow more and more stunning each time you saw it.
“You’re already so worked up, just for me,” she hummed, bringing her lips to your stomach and starting to trail kisses along your skin, lower and lower.
“I don’t think I could ever possibly get enough of you. The sounds that you make, all the ways your body moves.” She met your gaze. “The way you make me feel. Why would I ever want to let this go?”
Wheein’s lips started to kiss along your inner thighs, pressing your legs wider. Her fingers trailed over the spots she wasn’t kissing and she giggled as your hips squirmed, drawing a gasp from you when her fingers dragged through your folds, gathering your arousal. Her gaze moved between her fingers and your core.
“I really can’t decide which part of you is the prettiest,” she mused between pressing more kisses to your thighs, her gaze locked with yours. “At first I thought it was your eyes, so intelligent and sharp, but still warm for me. Then I thought maybe your lips, such a pretty shape and I knew when I saw them how good they would feel against my skin. I thought it might be your hands, how easily they move, how skilled they are,” she smirked.
Her words only filled you with more arousal. You were sure you were positively dripping as your fingers curled and uncurled in the sheets. You tried to keep your hips still, tried to keep her gaze as heat rose through your body and your breaths came out heavy.
“The line of your neck comes to mind, how you hold your head to high, how sensitive you are to kisses. Or maybe your breasts, so soft in my hands and they start to draw such sweet sounds from you. For a while,” she started to press kisses to the apex of your thighs, your hips squirming to get her lips where you needed them. “I thought of your voice. I have such a love for your voice. I could listen to you speak and laugh and sing all day.” Her lips pressed a kiss just above your clit, so close to where you wanted them. “And the way you moan. Exquisite.”
You bit down on your bottom lip and she paused, smirking, knowing how impatient her words made you. You felt her hands slip under you and a gasp left your lips as she suddenly grabbed your ass roughly.
“I’ve definitely thought about just how much I love your ass, just how much fun it is to grab onto. And your thighs,” she hands moved to your thighs, squeezing at them and letting her thumbs run over the sensitive skin. “I love how touching you makes you so needy.”
“Please,” the word left your lips before you could catch it.
“Please?” She grinned. “Can’t I take a moment to admire you?”
You gaze flickered to her lips and back to her eyes, your voice betraying how needy you had gotten. “I need you, I need more.”
“I know you do,” she murmured. “I don’t think I can pick one favourite part of you, but I know just how much I love your pussy.” She spread your legs even further. “You’re so wet you’re glistening. Every time I touch you just the way you want you let out the prettiest sounds. You move your hips, practically fucking yourself on my face when you feel my tongue. And your taste.”
A gasp left your lips as she dragged her tongue though your folds and over your clit.
“Other worldly. I don’t think I could live without it.”
A shuddering moan fell off your lips as Wheein trailed her tongue in even movements over your clit. She let out moans as she tasted you and your fingers found her hair as you let your head fall back against the pillows, hips slowly rolling against her face as her tongue fell into a rhythm of movements over your clit.
Your legs trembled and your hips moved rhythmically as her tongue worked like magic. She had learned your body so well. She knew just how to move her tongue as you gave yourself over more and more to the sensations.
You let your mind wrap around the feeling of her hair between your fingers. You took in the sensation of her moans against your core with each tug of her hair that got rougher and rougher as you got closer to your climax with each movement of her tongue. She ate you out with more and more vigor each moment, hands gripping your thighs and finger tips digging into your skin.
You felt the build in your core, already so turned on before her tongue even met your pussy. The coil inside curled tighter and tighter and your moans mixed with the lewd sounds of her tongue lapping over your clit. Your hips moved faster and faster against her tongue and your legs closed as much as she would allow as your moans grew louder and curses fell from your lips.
Wheein sucked your clit between her lips, pressing her face in between your legs. A cry fell from your lips as you came, legs trembling and crashing in around her head as your hips ground and rolled against her face. Pleasure crashed through your body in a wave, building from her first touch and finally releasing, leaving your body in a warm, happy, sensitive haze.
Wheein’s lips barely moved, slipping down only a little and you let out a moan as her tongue moved inside of you, lapping up your releases greedily. Her own moans were just a little higher and she let out whines and whimpers as you cursed and pulled at her hair as her tongue moved into your heat.
She curled and moved her tongue quickly, holding your hips against her face strongly. Moans and whimpers fell from her lips as she took every last drop of your release, her tongue moving quickly, feverishly. The candlelight shone in her eyes with each quick gaze she managed to give you her gaze grew sweeter and more doe-like, falling in line with each tug of her hair.
“That feels so good,” you let your voice come out breathy, biting on your lip subtly when she moaned against your core. “Don’t stop, princess.”
She moaned much louder at the name, it felt so different in this moment and her fingers gripped your thighs even more strongly as her tongue moved between your core and up over your clit. Her movements were growing more and more messy by the second but they felt so good to your already sensitive body.
Already the coil in your core was curling in on itself again. Every lap of her tongue over your clit sent a jolt of pleasure through your body and you ground your hips against her face in a quick rhythm. Your fingers curled into her hair even tighter, her whimpers growing louder and your own mood shifting.
“Just like that, princess,” you hummed. Your legs trembled, starting to squeeze in around her head. She let out a whine again, her face pressing desperately between your legs and her tongue moving in quick, sloppy, needy movements. You let your head fall back onto the plush bed and your eyes fell closed as curses fell off your lips.
Your back arched off the bed and your hips bucked up as she sucked your clit between her lips harshly. The coil inside you snapped and orgasm crashed through your body, drawing moans from your lips, sensation reaching to the tips of your toes and body shaking as the bliss washed over you.
Wheein let out small whimpers as she lapped at your core again, tasting your release until you sat up slightly. She looked up at you, eyes sweet and glossy and looking even more fucked out than you felt. The warm glow of the room lit her rosy face and the glistening of your release on her lips and chin.
You grabbed at her arms, tugging her closer roughly until your lips crashed against hers. One of your hands tangled into her hair, holding her close as you kissed her, her desperation clear in every kiss. Your other hand slid down her back until you could squeeze her ass roughly, drawing a moan from her lips, a smirk tugging at yours between kisses.
You pressed your thigh up between her legs, moaning against her lips at how wet she had gotten just from eating you out. Wheein was quick to start grinding against your thigh in quick movements, letting out pants and moans against your lips as she left her arousal on your thigh.
“You’re so wet, princess,” the breathiness of your voice only served to make her moan against your lips.
“Your taste,” she whined, words punctuated with kisses to your lips.. “Hearing you cum. Feeling you cum on my tongue. The way you smell better than anything.” She moaned loudly as you squeezed her ass roughly again and her hips bucked against your thigh.
Her words spun in your mind and you put all your energy into pushing her over, rolling quickly until she was on her back underneath you. You grabbed at her thighs and pushed them apart roughly. Your fingers dragged through her folds, gathering her slick on them until they met her clit, her hips jolting and a gasp pulled from her lips.
You started moving your fingers in quick, rough circles over the sensitive bundle of nerves and let yourself be nearly mesmerized by the sight of her.
Your gaze met your own fingers, moving quickly, and the way her hips followed your ministrations, rolling and grinding and bucking into your hand. Your gaze followed the curve of her hips, taking in the way her stomach braced and clenched as you worked her up more and more. They followed along her waist and up to the swell of her breasts as she took heavy breaths, they way they rose and fell just from the movements of your fingers.
Her moans, climbing higher in her voice, fell upon your ears and the sweet scent of her filled your nose as your gaze trailed along the line of her neck and up to her face. Far from her often pristine, royal image, this had to be the best view of her. 
Wheein’s hair was fanned out over the pillows, messy and beautiful. Her mouth hung open in a series of moans, lips still glistening and plump. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she focused on the pleasure and her face had a rosy, red-pink hue in the warm glow of the room, contrasting the deep, emerald tones of her bedspread.
“You’re breathtaking,” whether you meant the words to be heard by her or not you didn’t know, but her hips bucked up and her fingers curled in the soft fabric on her bed. Her head tilted back and you felt the desperate need to be closer, to feel every inch of her.
She didn’t have time to whine when you pulled your hand away from her core. Your legs tangled with hers and your lips found hers in a kiss as you shifted your hips until you could roll down against hers, feeling the rush of pleasure as you ground your clit against hers.
Wheein moaned into your mouth as you started to grind quickly. One of her hands found your back while the other grabbed at your ass. Small moans of “please” and “don’t stop” fell off her lips between kisses as you grabbed at any part of her body you could.
Your hips rolled and bucked quickly against hers, your moans mixing in the hot air of the room all around you. Her hips started to match your movements, both of you riding towards your highs quickly, the coil tightening again inside you and urging you to move even faster.
Her name fell off your lips and yours off of hers as nothing else mattered in that moment. Every other feeling or thought was wiped from your mind as pleasure built higher and higher inside you and your legs trembled as hers started to squeeze your thigh.
Wheein let out a cry of your name, back arching and her chest pressing up against you as she came hard. You felt the warm, gush of liquid from her core against you, listening to her moans and gazing at her fucked out expression only spurring you on.
You pushed up just a bit and rode her hard, drawing loud cries from her lips as she gripped your thigh for purchase. Your core slid easily against hers as you chased your high, so close to your edge again. Her broken moans we like music filling your ears and your eyes squeezed shut as you fell over into pleasure.
You released with a cry, collapsing on top of her as your arms gave out and feeling her arms immediately wrap around you, even in their shaky state. Stars burst behind your eyes, the pleasure swallowed you completely. You were left in a hazy state of bliss, body trembling and sensitive as your hips finally halted.
You stayed on her chest, both of you breathing heavy, neither wanting to move. You listened as the minutes passed, her heartbeat slowing bit by bit from racing as her breath followed suit. They grew deeper and so did yours as sleepiness set in and she pressed a tender kiss against your head, something that managed to make you just a bit flustered.
“Should we-”
“I’m so comfy,” she hummed. “I’m not letting you go.”
“Do you mean that?” Did she hear the weight behind your words?
“I mean everything I say,” she mumbled. 
A small smile tugged at your lips as ideas of words danced on your tongue, begging to come out.
“I wish it was all this simple,” her voice was quiet and as you processed her words her breathing grew slow until she was asleep. 
You wished the same thing, knowing the future she wanted could never truly happen.
You whispered. “I love you,” before sleep pulled you under.
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