#but make no mistake lol toni isn't an angel and most definitely deserves to be strapped to that bed and have olive oil poured on him~
reallunargift · 2 years
i know the translation is a tentative one, and i’ll wait for a proper one before really committing to this, but 
mind empty, thoughts still full of "the guy who’s always smiling and is actually the Final Boss”
so Port has final boss vibes not only in the sense that yeah he was a force to be reckoned with, but also you don’t expect him to be one. And it makes sense, because if your first impression of him is based on current times, you get the idea of a sentimental, melancholic, calm guy with a weird affinity for the ocean
then you look into his history and it’s.... it sure is something.
so idk i really like the idea of Hima acknowledging this side of him, because the unexpectedness is something i see irl with people who aren’t familiar with the country beyond tourist brochures. 
Like, there’s countries whose past is kind of well known in pop culture, but Port ain’t one of them so most people simply don’t know, which is understandable, there’s many country histories I don’t know either. I’m just happy Hima seems to have taken this into consideration when working on the character, you know?
and Hima gets a lot of flack but idk i always felt he was doing a good job with Port. Do I wish he levelled the playing field with him and Toni and show Port isn’t actually the one bothering his neighbour the most historically? Yes, absolutely (mostly for fandom’s sake). But maybe he’ll show us more of that in the future. 
Like, according to that translation they “used to be close but now [their] relationship is very delicate.” I would die happy for a comic that showed why that is 
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