#but literally after this day...... she got the inheritance call without any strings attached so she's just lucky
simgerale · 4 days
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alexus got gwen a gig at the country club (somehow), and long story short, her fear of having a dead-end job was conquered đź’Ş
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eryiss · 4 years
Chapter One - The House
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Summary: Freed and Laxus live incredibly different lives. Freed is a corporate lawyer in the capital city, and Laxus works as a handyman in a countryside hotel. Despite their differences, their lives collide when Freed inherits a house in Laxus’ village, and hires him to make the derelict building liveable. But the closer they get, the more they seem to offer each other. [Fraxus Multi-Chapter]
This was written as my admission for Fraxus Day 2020, hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus​. It ended up becoming a multi-chapter, and I thought the first chapter should go up today, as a holloween gift. The next one will be published on thursday, and will continue on weekly.
You can read this under the cut, on Fanfiction, or on Archive of Our Own. You can find the chapter masterpost here.
Chapter One – The House
Freed hadn't expected his mother's death to be so tedious.
He should probably feel more emotional about it. He and his mother had no ill-will towards one another – there was no tragic secret nor history of arguing or abuse between them – but he found himself oddly unbothered by hearing of her death. Not a numbness of any kind either, he felt very much the same as if a colleague had told him their mother had passed. It was just an event that had happened, and something that affected his life, but not his emotions.
His apathy probably came from the fact he and his mother hadn't spoken for years. Again, not for any great reason, just because they didn't. He and his father had always been closer, and when he had died four years prior, Freed had grieved and got over it as best a person can. His mother was the worker of the family, and thus the emotional relationship hadn't been as strong. Neither had made an effort to connect in their adulthood, only really linked by his father. And so once he had passed, there wasn't really any reason to speak. Neither person was overly emotional, so they didn't seek comfort in one another's arms, and instead just drifted off.
And so, the death of his mother was tedious.
Death was followed by a lot of things. The need to plan a funeral, people being completely unaware of how to act around him, and an odd amount of pity coming from people who didn't know him at all. Freed was something of a pragmatist, and as such it became an experience he didn't want to repeat. At least with the death of his father, he'd had his sadness to distract him. But this was just, well… tedious.
Perhaps the worse thing to have happened occurred two days prior. As was customary after someone passes, there was a reading of the will. A pointless exercise for this instance, given Freed had literally inherited everything. Freed knew this already – he was his family's lawyer for god's sake, he drafted the damned thing – but he still had to attend the reading. So, for an hour in a busy work week, he was forced to travel down two floors in his building, and sit there while another lawyer – Natsu Dragneel, who had actually interned under Freed for a year – explained the law and what the will meant. To the man who had taught him it!
Further adding to the annoyance of the situation, almost everything he'd inherited had strings attached. There was a lot of debt, from both loans and gambling, apparently. Freed's credit score was going to take a hit, given how much there was. There were also her belongings, which he would have to look through at some point. She also apparently owned property, which was now his.
This would be good, had it not been for its location. Freed's life was centred in the city, this house was in the middle of the countryside, miles from what Freed considered civilisation. Why she had owned a house there was beyond Freed, she was more metropolitan than him; she lived in Era and Era alone. But unfortunately, now it was his.
So now, he was nearing the end of a three-and-a-half-hour train ride.
He was going to sell the place, of course. Why his mother hadn't done so confused Freed, given her debts. Property values were high in this area, many rich older people wanted to retire there, and a three-bedroom cottage was perfect for that. But he needed to see it, speak with estate agents, and sign away the rights. All in all, tedious.
When he got off the train, he was hit by how different it was to Era. It was open, the air smelt different and it looked like an illustration from a Victorian romance novel. All very idyllic, but Freed had no intention of staying long enough to appreciate it. Instead, he located the taxi service, and ordered a car to his new property.
Apparently Uber hadn't arrived there yet.
The car came soon enough, and after a few failed attempts to illicit more than a curt answer from Freed, it was a quiet ride. It took about forty minutes, and Freed watched as fields passed by, the atmosphere dampened by the scent of manure filling the air. People raved about the fresh air in the countryside, but Freed much preferred the smell of petrol and faint piss of Era to literal crap. Better the devil you know.
Thankfully, the smell of muck spreading was interrupted when his phone lit up. He glanced at the contact name – 'Estate Agent' – before lifting it to his ear and accepting the call. He needed an evaluation for the property, and apparently this man was the best in the area. Hopefully the fastest too.
"Mr Clive," He greeted, leaning back.
"Mr Justine," The estate agent replied in a more jovial tone. "Just to let you know, I'm at the property and waiting for you. There's been a few evaluations over the years and they're all pretty similar, so it shouldn't take long."
"Thank you," Freed nodded to himself, glancing past the front seat to see the GPS saying they should be at their destination in about five minutes. "I'll be there soon."
"Great," Gildarts' grin was audible in his tone. "Sorry that you had to come down here to deal all of this."
"It's not your fault," Freed said placatingly, though not honestly. "The sooner it's done, the better."
"Couldn't agree more," Gildarts grinned.
"Why had it been evaluated before?" Freed asked, brows furrowing slightly.
"Apparently your mother has tried to sell it a few times. Twice with independent online stores, and once with an estate agent. Clearly it didn't go well," The man laughed. "But we'll be more successful. We know what we're doing."
After some pointless pleasantries, the call was ended. Freed found himself frowning; a cottage in this area should have been sold without any difficulty. The fact this one hadn't, despite its perfect position and seemingly positive qualities, didn't bode well. He tried to be optimistic, but at this point, it was almost certain that even selling the house would further add to his annoyances.
It was ten minutes later – it took longer than expected because he got caught up in traffic caused by a heard of cows crossing from one field to the other, followed by an uncaring farmer who glared at the taxi as if it were an affront to his lifestyle – when he saw the house.
It was clear as to why his mother couldn't sell it.
The place was practically derelict. In its prime it would have been the ideal village cottage, with white walls and a slated roof. It would have had a garden filled with perfectly trimmed flowers, a large but well-groomed oak tree, and most likely a cliché dog running around. Unfortunately, the house's prime was clearly centuries ago because it embodied the world decapitated in a way Freed had never seen. The roof was falling apart, the garden filled with so many overgrown plants nothing else could be seen, and a window was hanging out of the wall. It was unliveable, and practically unlovable.
Perfect. His mother had left him debt, three wardrobes filled with wrinkled clothes, and a building nobody could use without a death wish. Now his hopes of selling the place was unrealistic.
As he approached the building, a man made his presence known by leaving a car with a smile on his face. He was older than Freed, in his late forties if Freed was being kind, and he gave a polite 'Hello' as he approached. It was clearly the estate agent, who was showing a lot more optimism than Freed felt at that moment.
"Mr Justine, nice to meet you in person," He greeted.
"Likewise," Freed nodded, though his tone didn't reflect the sentiment. Gildarts laughed.
"I can see from your face that you were expecting something a little… different," The man chuckled, and Freed found himself annoyed by the man's enthusiasm. "You probably thought it'd be a little more liveable, didn't ya?"
"Something like that," Freed agreed, looking at the building almost accusingly.
"Well if it's any kind of relief, the building's structure is actually very secure. I won't lie, there's probably hundreds of problems going on in there, but at least the roof isn't going to collapse on our heads," The agent laughed, and in any other situation it might be less grating. "I can explain the details as we look through it, I'm sure that you want to get this done quickly."
"If that's possible."
Gildarts nodded, then jogged back to his car. When he returned, he was holding two hardhats that one would see on a building site, and Freed looked at it warily. Gildarts smiled and patted him on the shoulder with an unneeded amount of strength.
"The roof itself won't fall, but there's always a chance that the ceiling tiles might, so we can't be too careful, can we?" He chuckled loudly, placing on his hat, and walking into the building. Freed, after a moment of hesitation, joined him.
"So, you're sayi-" A small scratch. "-basically unsellable."
Freed ground his teeth together slightly. He was pacing down a village high-street, holding his phone to his ear and trying his best to listen to Evergreen's stuttering voice. Apparently random country roads were perfectly fine with phone signals; but for the most built up area for miles, it was practically impossible to have a conversation without some kind of interference. It was something very quickly grating on his nerves.
"Essentially, yes," Freed sighed, sidestepping a couple walking towards him. "It's too run down for anyone to want to buy it. My estate agent said the best thing to do is to see if a property auction will take it and sell it cheap."
"Why don't you-" Another scratching sound. "-it down. Sell the land-" A quick, high pitched noise. "-farmer or property developer."
Freed's muscles tenses slightly at the suggestion. He had thought about that, but of course when he had told Gildarts that it was the logical course of action, the man had looked at him with something akin to pity in his eyes. He had then patted the man on the shoulder – again making Freed's body jerk slightly with the power behind the action – and added another layer of annoyance to this ridiculous situation.
"Apparently it's a listed building, and has some kind of historical preservation status," Freed sighed, slowing slightly when the buzzing on the phone went quiet. Hopefully, he had a stronger signal now. "Essentially meaning, the building has to stay."
"If it's so important, why did they let it get so run down?" Evergreen asked, voice clear now.
"They didn't, my mother has been receiving phone calls and letters from local council about it for years," Freed wiped at his eye with his free hand, deflating slightly. "Which I will now be getting, I suppose. Along with the letters and phone-calls from debt collectors, no doubt."
"How much would it sell for as it is?"
"Optimistically, 25 thousand. Since you can't make any modifications to the outer building, something in this state is hard to get customers for."
It wasn't anywhere near enough to cover his mother's debts, even when combined with the savings he was unwilling to give up. Though a successful corporate lawyer and having saved a substantial part of his earning for over ten years, Freed was by no means rich. His family came from money, but never gave any to him as they wished for him not to be spoiled. So far it hadn't mattered, but now with six figures of debt from nowhere, his comfortable life seemed unstable. This wasn't helped by the fact he only wanted to use his savings as a last resort; he'd saved this money for himself, not to give to online casinos because of his mother's apparent addiction.
"Couldn't you make it a bit more marketable," Evergreen suggested, and Freed found himself irrationally irritated by the chewing he heard. They were colleagues, and he knew that her lunch break wasn't for another hour. "Tidy it up slightly."
"It's not run down, it's unliveable," Freed grunted. "The windows are boarded up, the garden practically a jungle, bare floorboards, furniture that is practically rotting, and a bird had nested on the oven."
"Maybe plant some flowers and bake a cake when showing people around," Evergreen joked, and Freed almost laughed.
He couldn't resent his mother. He did love her, and perhaps if he had made some kind of effort in talking to her then maybe the debts wouldn't have happened because she could talk to him about her gambling. Of course that regret was pointless now, thinking about what he could have done wouldn't change anything. He just had to deal with the consequences.
"You'll figure something out," Evergreen spoke up again.
"I know," Freed nodded. "But I'm not quite sure exactly how, yet."
"Well, I've just checked, and there's a nice-looking hotel near you," Evergreen smiled, and Freed could hear the clicking of a computer mouse through his speakers. "All good reviews, apparently a brilliant kitchen and very nice staff."
"Good for them," Freed said with furrowed brows.
"I've booked you a room," Evergreen declared, clearly grinning. Freed went to speak but Ever went first. "You're staying there for a week. You can either spend it thinking what to do next with your house, or just have a nice break, which you're overdue. Climb one of the mountains or something. I'll have a suitcase sent down with everything you need."
"No," Freed said firmly.
"I don't believe I gave you a choice, dear," Evergreen smiled. "And I've already paid for it. If you stay, consider it a gift. And if you don't, you'll be in even more debt, and I'm much worse than any bailiff you can think of, and we share an office, so I will make your life miserable."
"You're both blackmailing and threatening me," Freed grunted. "I could technically sue you for workplace harassment."
"Yeah, but you're my lawyer so you'd have to argue with yourself," Evergreen laughed. "Which you could, you've got an ego big enough you probably crop up on those reddit pages about people who think they're really smart," Freed let out an indignant sound at that, and Ever just laughed. "Just take some time off, you know you have to have a week off eventually. Why not just do it now? Enjoy the countryside, smell the fresh air, read a book."
"I read constantly, the fresh air is laden with the scent of literal shit, and so far the countryside is a pointless expanse of green that makes me want to take on more cases against environmentalists."
"Oh stop feeling sorry for yourself," Evergreen laughed. "Find your hotel, get yourself a drink, and relax for a week."
After a second of consideration, and a deflated sigh, Freed spoke again. "What's the hotel called."
"Fairy Tail Inn," Evergreen read aloud. "Sounds a bit cliché, but the rooms look great and the reviews are all good. Should be at one end of the high street, at the top of the hill."
Freed looked back over his shoulder, he had walked past the hotel in his search for a reliable amount of signal. He hadn't paid it much attention, as it was at the start of the conversation and he'd been attempting to understand any of what Evergreen was saying, but it looked nice enough. The only real reason he had actually remembered the place was because he was fairly sure they had mistaken the two spellings of the word Tail. He started to walk back up the steep high-street, telling Evergreen that he knew where the place was.
"Okay, I'll leave you to it then," Evergreen smiled, and the buzzing on the phone returned slightly. "See you in a week. Oh, and text me a picture of the house when you're tetchy so I can make fun of you. Bye!"
She cut herself off before Freed could reply, and the lawyer rolled his eyes slightly.
When he reached the top of the hill, he walked through a quaint beer garden and into the Fairy Tail building. He was confronted with a small front desk, behind which a woman with a light bob smiled up at him. He walked towards her, scanning the name tag – Lisanna – before she gave a polite introduction to the hotel.
"Are you here to eat, or to stay sir?" She asked, voice enthusiastic and happy.
"To stay," Freed explained. "I believe my friend just made a reservation for me. Freed Justine."
"One moment," She smiled, leaning down, and typing on the computer.
As she worked, Freed glanced around the lobby area. From the outside, the building had been incredibly rustic looking, and Freed had feared slightly that it was going to be as old fashioned and outdated inside as well. But it was contemporary, clean, and relatively nice. It was clear that it was made to look farmhouse-ish while keeping all the needed amenities, making a distinction from the branded hotels while also keeping to a high quality.
They had a few certificates hung on the walls, mainly hotel awards from different companies. There was also something proclaiming 'MAGNOLIA: Village of the Year 2019' in proud prominence. Freed vaguely wondered if this was something all businesses got, or if Fairy Tail was some kind of hub for the town.
"There you are," Lisanna said suddenly, and Freed turned back to her. "Room 17. If you'd like to follow me, I'll take you there. I can carry your bags if you'd like."
"I don't have any bags with me, actually," Freed said, and Lisanna looked at the floor with a frown to confirm his words. "This is rather impromptu, I'm afraid. I'm having a suitcase sent down here, I expect it'll be here tomorrow."
"Oh, okay," Lisanna smiled, though Freed could clearly see she was somewhat confused. "What brings you to Magnolia, if you don't mind me asking? We don't get many people here in autumn, you're our only guest actually."
"It's not for pleasure," Freed explained. "I inherited some property, and selling it isn't as easy as I thought, so I'll be here for a little while."
"Is that the Albion House?" She asked as they turned a corner.
"Yes," Freed answered a little slowly.
"Oh, sorry, that probably sounds a bit creepy that I know it so fast," She laughed. "It's just that news sort of travelled about it getting a new owner. It's been run down for a while, and people thought that maybe the new person would try and renovate it. But if you want to sell it then that's your choice of course, I hope it goes better than it did with your mother-" She stopped talking, and clearly looked uncomfortable. "Oh, I'm sorry. For your loss, and for that."
"You don't need to do that," Freed waved her off. "I'm not going to start crying at the sound of her name."
She looked relieved at his reaction, and Freed tried not to show a small scowl on his face. The young woman hadn't done anything wrong, but the fact she knew both the house and the fact his mother had died meant that other people knew as well. He had hoped that, at least for one week, he wouldn't have to deal with people knowing about his bereavement. Apparently he wasn't even going to be given this.
"Is the house important for some reason?" Freed asked as they climbed the stairs. "It's got historical preservation, and you said people were interested when they found out I own it."
"Not exactly," Lisanna smiled. "I think all the buildings in the town have that status, they want to make it look like it did when it was made. Personally, I think they do it because the council makes a lot of money from film shoots coming here," She laughed a little. "And we're a fairly small community, so news gets around. They were the same when it got sold last time, actually. They thought it'd get renovated too."
"So my mother wasn't the reason it looks like it does, then?"
"I've never seen it in a better state," Lisanna shrugged, before pausing in thought. "I think there's a painting of what it used to look like in your room. That's a coincidence."
She laughed to herself before continuing to walk, Freed following her. They walked through a few more corridors and up another staircase before they stopped at the old looking door of one of the rooms. Lisanna pulled a key from her pocket and opened the door, revealing the room that was to be Freed's home for the rest of the week. Freed walked in after, and looked around.
It was a nice room, also designed to look like it belonged in a farm house while still being relatively luxurious. It was on the smaller side, clearly Evergreen hadn't wanted to spend too much if the single bed was telling, but nice enough. A private bathroom, TV, and area for making drinks. It was essentially everything one could want from a hotel room. Although the fact that the slanted roof above the bed was low did make Freed pause; he would have to make sure not to bang his head when he awoke.
His eyes fell to a painting on the wall. Sure enough, there was an illustration of the house he'd been inside, only in a much better state. It looked rather homely.
"It's nice, isn't it," Lisanna smiled. "I think that's why people want to see it renovated. Just because it's nice."
"Well, perhaps soon it will be," Freed mused. "I'll most likely have to sell it to a retail auction, they often attract people looking for cheap property to work on, or so my estate agent said. So perhaps that'll happen."
"You don't sound enthusiastic about the idea?"
"I was hoping for more than an auction house would be willing to pay, I must admit," Freed sighed, still looking at the painting. "It's a last resort, but I doubt I'll find a better offer over the next week."
"You could renovate it and sell it when you're done?" Lisanna suggested.
"My knowledge of property development extends to the legal side only," Freed chuckled to himself. "If I were to try and work on it, there's a good chance I'd set it alight. I expect that doesn't align with the preservations society's rules."
"I suppose not," Lisanna laughed. "I should get back to the desk and leave you alone. Breakfast is served from six until twelve, you get it included in the price of the room. And if your bags come I'll bring them up for you, or have my brother do it since he's working the desk tomorrow If there's anything else you need, just call reception," She smiled. "And we hope you enjoy your stay."
Freed watched her leave, before standing alone in the room and letting himself decompress for the first time since he arrived.
Peculiarly, he found his gaze land on the painting.
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sweetheart-minnie · 7 years
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Lilian “Lily” Rose Turner: NPC Aesthetic && Character Sheet 
One shot for yesterday, Two shots for misery, Three shots for them hating me.
Birthday:  October 30th 1992  Hogwarts House (Primary): Slytherin Hogwarts House (Secondary): Slytherin Myers-Briggs: ESTP Zodiac: Scorpio Weight: 120 lb Height: 5’4
Mother: Molly Turner (deceased) Father: Derek Turner (deceased) Mother’s Occupation: High school teacher taught Science, specifically Biology Father’s Occupation: Architect.  Family Finances: Middle class when her parents were alive Birth Order: She’s a twinn, but she’s the baby twin. They are identical twinss!!!  Siblings: Leanne Riley Turner Other Close Family: None, biologically anyways. She did get adopted though and so does Leanne by a couple when they were sixteen. She’s close to her adoptive parents Robert and Amanda Johnson Best Friend: Minnie!! Other Friends: She’s great friends with her co-workers: Aria, and Kristi Enemies: She’s not much of a girl that collect enemies although she has a fighting spirit and will easily get up in someone’s face  Pets: None but she does love Figaro!!  Home Life During Childhood: It was happy in the begining, but then her parents died and she and her twin sister ended up in foster care. That was how Minnie originally met the twins. They were in foster care together.  Town or City Name(s): Swynlake, England. London, England What Did Her Bedroom Look Like: Sort of an organized chaos. She wasn’t the neat twin, that was always Leanne, but she isn’t horrible either. She doesn’t leave clothes hanging around, other things, yes.  Any Sports or Clubs: In high school she was definitely into sports. She played basket ball, but wasn’t that much of a club girl.  Schooling: High school and college graduate. Graduated from Pride U.  Favorite Subject: Science and Math Popular or Loner: She was actually pretty popular, not the most popular girl in school, but popular enough Important Experiences or Events: Parents died when she was twelve and her and her sister where sent of to foster care after that. Eventually was adopted with her twin sister. Made it to Swynlake when she got accepted to Pride U and there she met Minnie again!!  Health Problems: None for now Culture: English Religion and beliefs: Grew up Presbyterian doesn’t follow a lick of it
Bad Habits: Blunt, sarcastic, crass, avid night partier  Good Habits: Funny, loyal, caring, honest, hard-working,  Best Characteristic: Confident Worst Characteristic: Loud Worst Memory: The death of her parents  Best Memory: Back in foster care when her and Minnie were in the orphanage during that waiting period, they had snuck into the kitchen when it was dark and everyone was asleep. She had to convince Minnie to do this excursion because she was the best at picking locks. They got in successfully and ate ice-cream all night. Best part? They got away with everything scant free!! Proud of: Getting through schooling and even becoming a nurse after everything that was against her Embarrassed by: Her sister and Minnie too hahaha bc Minnie always keeps her in line... for the most part Driving Style: Pretty decent can suffer from road rage from time to time especially if stuck behind a slow ass car Strong Points: Confident, bold, honest, care-free, loyal, good true-real friend!!! Temperament: Sanguine Attitude: Assertive Weakness: Anyone back-stabbing her. It takes a lot for Lily to trust people because of her back story. Anyone hurting the people she cares for because she’ll fight for those she loves.  Fears: Losing those she loves.  Phobias: Centipedes. They scare the fuck out of her.  Secrets: She doesn’t really have any she’s pretty much an open book. She does hold the secret of Minnie’s birthday, Minnie doesn’t share her birthday.  Regrets: The day of her parents death, Lily had an argument with them. She still wishes till this day that she had told them she loved them.  Feels Vulnerable When: Talking about her feelings Pet Peeves: People in general haha. They annoy the shit out of her and yet she wanted to be a nurse. She does love her job though.  Conflicts: Welp. There is the fact that people annoy her and she’s a nurse lmao.  Motivation: Her parents, wanting to be at least a decent daughter they would have been proud of. Her sister too. Leanne was the goodie two shoes twin. Lily always was the one that got into all sorts of trouble. Short Term Goals and Hopes: Move out of Castle Suites probably into somewhere better in Swynlake or like the Next Town Over.  Long Term Goals and Hopes: She kind of did her long term goal already, becoming a nurse.  Sexuality: Pansexual she doesn’t discriminate  Exercise Routine: Occasional gym goer with Minnie, not the best at it tbh Day or Night Person — Night. Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — Pessimist
Music: 80′s trash. Huge Bon Jovi and Pat Benatar fan. Does love Def Leppard too.   Books: Not much of an avid reader, but she likes thrillers and action packed books because they help in keeping her interest. Magazines: Not much of a magazine person at all, except for like a casual read while waiting for an appointment.   Foods: Huge fruits and veggie girl, but isn’t a vegetarian at all. She loves herself a huge greasy cheese burger from time to time and she isn’t ready to give that up anytime soon.   Drinks: Energy drinks. She knows there are bad for you, is very aware. Coffee, especially espresso. Never says no to an alcoholic drink, vodka is her choice of preference.  Animals: Rottweilers. When she gets a pet it’s going to be a Rotty Sports: Use to play basketball back in high school and Uni. She’ll still follow basketball on tv too and she does like watching football as well.  Social Issues: She’s an advocate for animals!! She likes them ten times more than she likes people.  Favorite Saying: “Fuck it.” Color: Red!!! Clothing: Very carefree with her clothing style. Huge t-shirt and skinny jeans type of gal, prefers converse and for her jeans to have rips in them. Not much of a sandals person, but would easily rock a pair of heels. She’s a little edgier when it comes to color choices, likes darker hues over lighter. Will never catch her wearing pastels. She’ll where a dress if it’s hot, tight, and highlights her assets. Most of the times though, she’s in scrubs because of her job. Jewelry: Simple, very simple. Silver over gold, wears like one chain necklace and maybe from time to time she’ll wear earrings, none hooped though. Not a fan of rings or bracelets.  Games: Does love board games and card games and is highly competitive when she plays. Favorite card game is Spades and she has trained Minnie into being the perfect partner for the game. She doesn’t have a favorite board game because she’ll literally play any one.  Websites: Ehh not really that much of a website girl. She does have an Insta though but that’s about it.  TV Shows: Crime shows—NCIS including all branches of it, Criminal Minds, Law Order as well as all of it’s branches, CSI, you get the point. She does like hospital shows mainly so she can crack on all the unrealistic things and errors Movies: Action packed films and horror movies. She is a fan of the Saw movies, but she mostly likes scary movies to laugh at them.  Greatest Want: Wishes her parents were still alive
Home: Flat in the Castle Suites in Swynlake Favorite Possession: Her stethoscope lmao look a nurse can’t survive without a really good one!! Most Cherished Possession: No one knows this aside from Leanne and Minnie but she has a red stuffed bear that was given to her by her mother on her 8th birthday.  Married Before: Nope, and will probably never be so, she’s not the marriage type. Significant Other Before: None. Children: Nope.  Relationship with Family: Close to her twin sister, Leanne. They text and call often. Leanne is currently married and lives somewhere else in England and so Lily often takes her vacation time to go and see her sister. If she doesn’t see her sister then she goes to London to see her adoptive parents she’s close to them too and always makes sure she knows how they are doing. They all always worry for Lily seeing as she can be a hot mess and her personality is very feisty, but Lily just finds that all hilarious.   Car: n/a Career: Registered Nurse works in the Emergency Room in Swynlake General Hospital Dream Career: Currently doing it and in the unit she has always wanted too Dream Life: She kind of loves her life as it is right now the only other thing that would make it perfect would be if her parents were still in the picture Love Life: Casual, no strings attached, lover of one-night stands (she does use protection!!)  Guilty Pleasure : Wine. She loves a good bottle of wine especially when used to unwind. Prefers red wine over white.    Talents or Skills : Great dancer, she loovvess to dance. Of course all her nursing skills, she’s as good as a nurse as Minnie (although Minnie always says that she’s better than Lily xD), can actually bartend real good haha Intelligence Level : Very smart, but that’s often hidden behind her loudness and personality  Finances: Self-sufficient. Independent mother fucker. She also has an inheritance both her Leanne do from the death of her parents. 
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torchholder247-blog · 5 years
The following are 're-posts' by Andrist and his professional peers about him revealing his lack of ethics, his hidden agenda of revenge against all doctors, his outright attack of the intellectually disabled and lies.
11/2012: Andrist post, in 3/2012, with the death of his sister Cali, he was 'forced' to look for work (https://bluefoggyday.tumblr.com/post/36164603548/my-2-week-job-at-costco)
Andrist:'During college, I worked 4 years at Fedco Membership Department Store in San Bernardino; 2 years as a cashier and 2 years in the cash/accounting office. I then spent the next 20+ years working in theatrical production. In 2003, I gave it all up to care full-time for my disabled sister. Unfortunately, she passed away in March 2012, and I was forced to look for work for the first time in a decade.'
1. Andrist's words of being 'forced' portrays a much different picture of how/why he became a patient advocate and notary than he later claims with great vigor portraying himself as Cali's savior. Given his next life move is to sue the doctors and hospital he blamed for Cali's death (d.3/12/2012) while at the same time initiating a fight to remove the MICRA cap, reveals a common thread of a monetary incentive. Tax payers (MDCR/MediCal..noting Andrist claims Cali never worked) likely paid Cali's medical/death debts if not written off by the institutions first, so only Andrist benefited from the award.
2. Andrist claims that in 2003 he gave up 20+ years working in theatrical production to become a full-time caregiver to Cali. A quick online search finds the theatrical production company Andrist co-founded voted Andrist out, accepting his resignation in 1999 in a 5 to 0 vote (https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-sep-05-ca-6949-story.html).
3. Andrist's linkedin resume finds him 'unemployed' between 1999 until becoming a caregiver to his sister in 2003. No gainful employment, no volunteer work, nothing suggesting his life partner was perhaps financially supporting him, so Andrist didn't actually 'give up' anything to take care of Cali. Andrist actually personally profited. https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-andrist-97478821/
On other sites Andrist claims he gave up his "show business career to care full time for 'both' his elderly mother and mentally retarded sister". (Andrist maintains calling Cali 'retarded' is just what she is: "Cali, born mentally retarded. Yes, I come from the generation that didn’t feel the need for politically correct terms like “mentally challenged,” she was always just mentally retarded. She actually didn’t let much of anything “challenge” her, so that term never seemed appropriate. https://calisplea.tumblr.com/) https://www.facebook.com/repmikequigley/posts/hellomy-name-is-eric-andrist-and-i-live-in-valley-village-ca-i-just-read-a-lette/10150969620415689/
4. Andrist claims he 'took in his elderly mother and disabled sister in 2003' (https://www.linkedin.com/in/eric-andrist-97478821/ & https://bluefoggyday.tumblr.com/post/109493866919/dog-god) A review of online records projects a different story. It appears Andrist's mom, Evelyn, sold her home 9/23/2002 and then bought into a home previously solely owned by Andrist's boyfriend/partner, adding both her name and her son Eric's within that same deed transaction on 9/25/2002 two days later. So in truth, Evelyn was a co-owner of the home, to be clear she was not a freeloader or charity case as implied. The timing of Andrist being added to the home title by deed suggests that Eveyln gave Andrist an early inheritance and retained a share (her name on the deed) to ensure the care of Cali in the future, with Cali likely inheriting a percentage of ownership in the home at the time of Evelyn's death. Evelyn died unexpectedly during elective surgery months later. If correct, Andrist was 'forced' to provide care for Cali or else buy Cali out and forfeit any State Financial Aid Cali most likely had been receiving. Instead Andrist opted for a quid pro quo agreement where he likely received State funds to care for Cali. Cali's death put an end to that income 'forcing' Andrist, as he stated, to hunt a job after 9 years of being her caregiver. No doubt Cali was satisfied with the arrangement, but there were strings attached, no charity or anything noble as Andrist suggests. Does Andrist's truth depend upon his audience and motive? That clearly appears to be the case when Andrist refuses to remove the innocent doctors from his many negative blogs related to his 'Bad Doctors' websites despite his receiving documents of proof of dismissal of all allegations/charges and removal of the online articles by the original reporters he had re-posted. It appears Andrist is motivated by power over the innocent doctors.
Seems this is where Andrist next landed, becoming a notary:
2013 Andrist's Peer Review of him as a notary/owner of Eric's Pro Services (his notary service in the Greater Los Angeles area):
(entire online exchange at https://www.notaryrotary.com/archive/forum/2013/January/Can_I_notarize_a_document_I_fill_out_.html )
Eric, I've been just an innocent bystander in this thread (in which I've learned a lot) but I gotta say at this point in response to your last post, your are such a whiner, crybaby, complainer, idiot, I can barely believe it. You got a boatload of valuable information from notaries across the country, none of whom needed to take the time, esp at EOM, to answer your ill-framed original question. Many either pointed you in the right direction, opened the topic to more discussion and in the case of Marian, cited you chapter and verse. What more do you need to know? A simple thank you for all their input and insight might have been in order. Nowhere else could you have gotten such informative and helpful responses.
But you want "joy." And to be "safe." Go to a spa. In fact, your hostility and foot-stomping tantrum, makes me think you can't possibly be a real notary but a trouble-making plant. Right?
Reply by Lisa X on 1/25/13 2:44pm
Msg #452202
He is a real notary. I looked him up to make sure he was.
Reply by Eric Andrist on 1/25/13 12:42pm
Msg #452183
While it's true that some of you posted some good info and were perfectly nice, some were not. I just don't understand a person's need to belittle another person in ANY way. I always assume a person asking a question literally knows nothing and try to give the best answer I can without making them feel like an idiot.
The, "am I the only person here who...." and "But you want "joy." And to be "safe." Go to a spa," is not hospitable or kind in my book.
I'd hate to think how they treat their customers.
Reply by GOLDGIRL/CA on 1/25/13 12:48pm
Msg #452185
Don't worry about it, Eric, because none of my "customers" are remotely like you. You are in a class by yourself.
And why is it when somebody's appalling behavior is called out to them, they always respond how sorry they feel for others? Just an observation.
(The Irony here is that Andrist consistently on his facebook site 'Bad Medicine Database' demeans and berates people that challenge his post, often name calling and censoring their post to promote his agenda of bullying the innocent.)
3/28/13: Andrist is being accused of Agent Misconduct for 'notarizing a document(s) he backdated'. Andrist's defense on the blog was that he was asked to, then goes into a tirade against the accusatory website.
2014-2015 Andrist posted about his efforts to obtain a financial award due to his sister, Cali's, unfortunate death he claims was due to medical negligence https://bluefoggyday.tumblr.com/post/109493866919/dog-god:
Andrist: Because my sister was disabled, with no spouse or children, California's MICRA law nearly prevented me from any legal action whatsoever. It took me over 8 months to find a lawyer who would take my case. On 3/9/2015 Andrist posted that 'I recently agreed to a confidential "settlement" against both the hospital and the doctor, even though I would have loved to have heard a jury find them both guilty'
(Being indigent, per Andrist, his sister, Cali's, medical/death expenses would have likely been either written off or paid by tax payers through her MDCR or Medical. The settlement award went directly to Andrist to use at his sole discretion. For what? He'd already been receiving monthly State checks for her care)
By 4/26/2015: Andrist tries his hand at writing children's books. Lending insight is the one book titled 'Lunch Money' which Andrist claims is based upon his early life experience of being bullied in school. (https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/538542)
(The significance of this finding is that Andrist well knows the victimization he imposes upon the innocent doctors and intellectually disabled persons)
11/9/2015 Eric Andrist on God and the deaths of his sister and mom (his public fb):
Ironically Andrist in another online blog of 1/29/2015 (https://bluefoggyday.tumblr.com/post/109493866919/dog-god) Andrist: He claims he 'stopped believing in God' as soon as he got 'old enough to think for himself. He goes on to explain how the church he loved disapproved that he'd skipped church to go to Disney for his birthday..and it was then that he decided church/religion was all hypocrisy. (A much different story than Andrist creates ten months later on 11/9/2015 when ramping up his patient advocacy position. Which is the truth?... the earlier story written pre-receiving Cali's death settlement abt. 3/19/2015 or the later written post-receiving Cali's death settlement when fighting MICRA to remove the survivor benefits cap, self-promoting for attention)
On Andrist's public fb:
Barbara X: Eric they are healed, just not in the way you asked. They are out of pain and walk with God. It's not easy to to forgive God, I have been there. You asked for healing for your Family and he answered you in the the way that was best.
Eric Andrist: No, they're not healed, Barbara, they're dead.
You're overlooking a very important bible verse that's mentioned at least 7 times, "Ask and ye SHALL receive." It doesn't say "Ask and I'll think about it."
I have no need to forgive God, he needs to be held responsible for his absence. He has allowed far too many horrible things to occur on this planet...he doesn't deserve forgiveness. Think about it: the Holocaust, 911, floods, ongoing famine, AIDS, and I could go on and on. That doesn't even touch on people's tragedies in their personal lives. I've had three tragic deaths in my immediate family and God was nowhere in sight.
I asked for healing and no suffering. All three of my family members suffered greatly before they died. He could have just as easily taken them in their sleep, but he didn't. You can justify it in your own head that they are "healed," but that's just a justification for you to continue believing that he exists. The bible clearly states that when people die, they are dead until God comes back at the end of time. They are NOT healed. And there's no guarantee that if he comes back, any of us are going to heaven anyway because he allowed us to all be sinners! He set up a catch-22 plan! Create people, introduce sin, and then punish people for being sinners. Jesus DIED and was raised from the dead...why would people be anything but dead if Jesus died?
Yes, my mother would be proud that I'm angry about this. She didn't work so hard her whole life to have it end in needless tragedy.
It makes me angry that people have fallen for this scam called "God," and refuse to look at the evidence that clearly proves he isn't there for us.
(Another revealing rant by Andrist, that he maintains a position that he will decide if he should forgive God, and that God must be held accountable)
May 10, 2019: The Medical Board of California suggested that Andrist was 'out for revenge' against physicians.(p 3)
(This claim is cross-verified by Andrist's bullying of doctors later found innocent being left up forever on his Bad Doctor websites creating perceived guilt by association with those doctors that actually were convicted of crimes. Andrist admits that he does little if any fact checking or follow-up on the doctors he posts. Additionally Andrist admits in an online exchange with BadDoctorDatabase-Errors, a website created to help salvage the careers/reputations of the many falsely accused doctors on Andrists' sites, that he can do whatever he wants on his sites (regardless of who it harms or of legal rulings) and that he does not believe in 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty')
May 20, 2019: Andrist failed to get elected to his neighborhood council...then whined about it online citing the election was not ADA compliant, demanding a new election and threatening to file a complaint with the City.
(Ironically, Andrist repeatedly over the past 9 years, as recently as 6/7/2019 (https://calisplea.tumblr.com/), openly discounts any need to be politically correct when calling his intellectually disabled sister Cali 'mentally retarded' (note: Rosa’s Law, signed by President Barack Obama in October 2010).
Andrist appears hypocritical in his posturing of alleged sensitivity to accommodating the disabled in an election within which he ran given his own admitted refusal to cease offending, demeaning and dehumanizing the intellectually disabled population in his many derogatory references online to his sister, in one article even comparing her to his dog Bandit.(https://bluefoggyday.tumblr.com/post/109493866919/dog-god)
9/7/2019: Andrist obviously ignores the recent outrage to Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris and her response to a rally goer calling President Donald Trump's actions "mentally retarded" at a campaign event.
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