#but like I can't get over how insane vegan cat diets are
velvetedantler · 2 years
you can't love & respect animals if you refuse to acknowledge their nature. "vegan cat" owners can't love their pets while denying them their most basic nutritional requirement. it totally violates the idea of caring for animals.
this "vegan cat" owner i found just absolutely baffles me, not to mention all her cats have the greasiest fur ive ever seen.
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Facebook groups are not reputable sources for dietary information.... not to mention she runs a chicken rescue that uses the whole "rescued from a slaughterhouse truck" story & throw away eggs because it's apparently dehumanizing to feed the hens their own eggs ?? there's no such thing as waste in nature, chickens eat their own eggs for a reason!!
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also this is just me being petty but i honestly think crate training pet cats ("pant-based" cats??) is cruel. i understand it's necessity at shelters, but pet cats need space to roam to have good welfare. they need to roam, explore, and encounter novel objects which they can't do in a crate!!
i have 6 cats and none of them have issues with food aggression as they're all fed enough & fed on their own perches in the same room
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