#but it's unpaid and the plague problem remains and the therapist I'm assigned to was even like 'we'll work on that' and i'm just like
beesinspades · 1 year
how do you find a job when
you have no proper experience
you have no diplomas
you have no training in anything
you don't have a driving license
you need your job to be part-time but they're harder to find
you need your job to involve as little contact with customers as possible
you need a job that doesn't require you to take/make phonecalls
you have rejection sensitivity that makes you want to cry and sends you in a spiral of anxiety at the slightest negative remark from both colleague and client, even if they're not being mean about it
you have undiagnosed adhd which makes you unable to take up any training/studies because you just can't get yourself to start something that you're not deeply interested in, and even then it can still be a struggle to focus on learning/studying because your brain just Doesn't Want To no matter how much you do
you are terrified of the plague but no one else gives a shit anymore and you're too chicken to stand up for yourself over wanting to mask amongst people who will either straight up not allow it or make you feel shitty/weird for it
honestly i feel like i could've figured something out with the program the unemployment office is putting me in, i really think it could help me, but then worldwide plague denial happened, so even that program is scary and stressful now :)
the dream would be an entirely remote part-time job but they're much less common in my country, and when there's one I'm not qualified and the amount of tasks to do makes me feel super overwhelmed
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