#but it's temporary!!! and god damn it yes we're fucking poor bc of the economy YOU let be created!!!!!!!!!
moodytoots · 10 months
my eventual boomer in-laws, who probably purchased the home they reside in (in the 80s) for three pennys and a cornchip while making considerable bank at their then meager jobs: oh we've been poor before we get it but
us (me being born into actual generational poverty and any chance either of my parents had to advance their tax bracket was spent having kids they didnt want and on drugs and alcohol and whose never lived in a home that had an actual foundation): we're going to move into mariah's fifth wheel since you wont let us stay with y'all and this is all temporary until we pay down some debt and save for a house
them: ew no why would you do that. thats so unhealthy
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