#but it's related to wire rping
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i'm about to mcfreaking lose it . this is an semi-hiatus notice from tumblr for ALL AUGUST . my mom's birthday is this month, my birthday is this month and i have a bunch of work related issues that need to be fixed for my part.
i will be writing some already half written replies and meme things i want answer ( maybe leaving things on other people's askbox ) and leaving them in queue but when i get back from all of this , i'll probably archive this blog and start anew to gain a little more control over my interactions , conserving my favorite threads .
for now, you find me on wire and discord . i will be rping on both of them , because is honestly less pressure .
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He’d told her he’d call her whenever he finally got back to his dorm. This late, though? Louis wondered whether she’d even still be awake. Eyes fixated on his laptop screen, he felt the anxious thump of his heart beating firmly inside his chest. It wasn’t gonna be like he’d was outright telling her now, so why was he so afraid?
He was pretty relieved, that Marlon wasn’t there. As much as he knew he’d be able to help his nerves, he didn’t want that in that moment. It felt right just to feel that fear for a while.
Skype was open on his screen, and his mother’s name already clicked on to show the past beginnings and ends of conversations. He had to stop putting this off. Otherwise, he knew that the thought of what if would continually pester him, all the way up until summer, if he didn’t end up trying ever again. ...Honestly, Louis wasn’t so sure he’d be able to wait that long, to at least get some semblance of an answer.
The plan wasn’t to out himself yet. That was about the last thing he needed in that moment. After such a great time with Aasim he really didn’t wanna have to spend his night crying in his arms on the off chance that his mother rejected him. Just that thought alone left his stomach sinking. But, he couldn’t let that show.
Pressing his hands over his face briefly, he would try to rub away some of the tiredness from his eyes. He hoped to smack a bit more life to himself, hoping to appear perfectly fine. With that done, and everything properly set up, Louis finally pressed the anxiety inducing call button. Quickly, he put his earbuds in his ears after he realized he’d forgotten to put them in.
The familiar Skype rings made the tension grow for him. Made him fear the idea that she wasn’t going to answer. He wasn’t sure if he could psyche himself again any time soon to try this again.
“C’mon, Mom. Pick up, pick up...”
Louis’s expression lit up as he heard the call pick up, and a soothed smile replaced his faked one once he saw the image of his mother.
“Hey, Ma--”
“Oh, Louis...” With graying hair and an imperfect smile that made him feel safe, the teenager couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief as he saw her. “Baby Lou-- you’re looking so well. I’ve missed you,”
“Missed you, too, Mama. Look, I-- ... sorry, I know. I’ve apologized like eighty times, but I’m sorry for sticking around here during Christmas. I just... I dunno. Last year here. I wanted to make sure the people that didn’t have anywhere to go were taken care of,”
That understanding smile. Laura Lynde appeared disappointed that this was being brought up again, but appeared patient nonetheless.
“We’ll have many more Christmases to spend together. I’m happy that you’re so close with the kids there, that they mean so much to you. I get it. I know, it’s always stressful for you. Havin’ to see Raymond. So I understand. You don’t have a thing to worry about, sugar. The only one who was upset for a time was Lil. You know how she can get... but, she’s fine now. I think she’s forgotten all about it by now,”
“That’s a relief,” He let out a small chuckle, and vaguely wondered just how pissed his sister might’ve been that he hadn’t gone home.
For a time, their conversation continued casually. Louis was just savoring this warm contact with his mother. He really should’ve talked to her more. Perhaps it’d set both of their minds at ease if he put forth the effort. But, for now, he could still feel the pricking and prodding of the matter at hand trying to force itself to the heart of the conversation. Great. Just how in the hell was he supposed to ask her about something like this without it seeming forced.
“How’re some of your friends doin’? Like Minerva, or Marlon-- Were the stuck around for the holidays?”
“Uh-- well, I do know that Minnie spent time with her family. Spent Christmas with--” He faltered, but was quick to try to recovered. “W-ith her girlfriend...” Louis cleared his throat, to try again. “She spent time with her family and girlfriend. For the holidays. Yeah,” Brown eyes stared at his mother’s face, searching for any hint of a reaction.
Eyebrows did raise, and he immediately thought the worst.
“A girlfriend?” Oh God. Here it comes. “I thought the two of you would end up a pair. Didn’t think Minerva appeared to be the type,” ...Uh. Okay. Not the greatest thing to here, but it wasn’t inherently hateful. Just a big ignorant. Instead of letting the discomfort show, he allowed himself the chance to let out a short laugh.
“No! No, Min and I have never been like that. Pretty sure she’s known she was gay for like... ever,”
“Oh, that’s too bad, sweet thing. I’m sure you’ll find that special girl. What about that Erin girl, or Clementine? You would talk about them all--”
“I don’t think either of them are really interested in me, Mom,” Louis snicked softly, trying to ease his own discomfort with little laughs. Nothing malicious. That was... that was definitely a step in the right direction. It had to have been.
“Aw, baby. Like I said, I know you’ll find that special girl someday. Once you get out into the open world again, I’m sure you’ll find all sortsa people to meet,”
The conversation devolved from there, ones devoid of much meaning, or depth. Her reaction hadn’t been negative, but he couldn’t help but still fear the possibility. He would still smile, still laugh, still contribute. However, he was ready to wrap things super. Despite that, the conversation lasted enough 30-45 minutes before it was Laura who was cutting the call.
“I hate to cut this call short, sugar, but I do need to go to work in the morning. And I know for a fact you have school. So get ready for bed. Brush your teeth, get in your pajamas, lay in bed, and go to sleep,” That had gotten a distinct roll of his eyes from straight in her direction. “Do not roll your eyes at me. We b--”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, Mom, I know. I’m sorry. I’ll get ready for bed, all right?”
“Got your homework done?”
“Are you lying to me, Louis?”
“What? No,”
“Louis Theod--”
“Ma, I’ve got it done!”
“Good. I’d really rather not hear about you failing a class from your teacher themselves. Again,”
“I know,”
“Oh, and one more thing,” Lou had been itching to turn things off. As nice as this had been, he didn’t want to think about his future anymore, and talking with his mom made it so difficult not to. “Please stop manipulating your father. If you dislike him so much, don’t contact him. I’d rather not be on the receiving end another time, hearing Raymond complain about you bothering him. ...There’s no need for it, Louis. You can avoid it if you just stop talking to him,”
He’d gone to her? God, was he a fucking kid? Whining all the down to his ex-wife to bitch about how their son was being mean to him. What the fuck ever.
“...Yeah. Whatever, ma,”
“I mean it, Louis,”
“I know, Mom. I’m almost 19. Seriously,”
“And yet you’re still antagonizing the people you hate like a little boy. You’d save yourself the heartache if you just left him alone,” He knew she was right. As much as he wanted to defend his actions, though, it was too risky. Saying too much would out himself to her, and he really desperately wanted nothing to do with that at that moment.
“...Right. Right, sorry. I’ll--...I’ll stop, all right?”
“I hate to say this, but I’ll believe it when I see it, Louis. ...You know I love you, sweetheart. This is just hurting you as much as it’s hurting him,”
“Yeah,” His voice came out dejected, annoyed. Typical mom argument. He’d get over it sooner or later, so it wasn’t worth getting too sour over. “Night, Mama,”
“Goodnight, my baby Lou. We’ll talk again soon,”
#after that they stop listening { louis ; musings }#v; tuned pianos#ayyyy#this'll mean nOTHING to a lot of you#but it's related to wire rping
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○ name: charli
○ pronouns: She/Her
○ preference of communication: Discord / tumblr IM
○ name of muse(s): caroline forbes and... several over on @78street
○ platforms you’ve used: twitter, discord, wire, skype and tumblr obvs.
○ best experience: probably with this blog tbh. been in the rpc since 2011 and the fear street rpc is super small. which has me a lot more relaxed compared to past blogs i’ve had and the fandoms i’ve been apart of.
○ rp pet peeves / dealbreakers: Drama. and not reading rules and about. i can’t tell you enough how many times a week i have to deal with people not reading my rules and caroline’s about. it’s frustrating. especially when it’s on my pinned post that she isn’t tvdu at all. as terrible as it sounds, i end up just dropping convos when someone clearly doesn’t read my rules and care’s about.
○ fluff, angst, or smut: all three. though when it comes to smut, i am highly picky about who i write it with and won’t write it with just anyone. i prefer to write it with people i’m comfortable with and who’ve i’ve spoken to ooc.
○ plots or memes: both! though ya girl can be a dumpster when it comes to plotting at times.
○ best time to write: anytime i have the motivation lmao. but tbh, the mornings seem to fair well with me lately. or..at least after 10am.
○ are you like your muse(s): god yes....i use to at one point relate a lot to caroline so i guess? that’s why i feel super comfortable rping her and understand her a lot better than muses i’ve rped in the past as.
tagged by: several people.
tagging: everyone who sees the thing.
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Hello everyone!
So, we wanted to touch base on several things. This is pretty long so please read below the cut & like this once you’ve read it. It’s a MANDATORY read.
First of all there were some misinterpretations about what happened a few weeks ago in regards to a certain writer. We won't go into the full details of the situation for privacy reasons, but it was mutually decided that she should leave the group. I will say that we are lenient about what goes on and what is shared in the group, and there is a certain line that should never be crossed. It's not something light or petty that surfaced. We don't want to hear anymore miscommunication on what happened in regards to this decision. If you want to know further details you can contact the admin team.
It seems like there are a few people as of late that have voiced their issues with the group. We want to put it out there first, that if we don't know a problem exists, we can't fix it. It does nothing but brew negativity and fester into something huge if it's not taken care of. At the end of the day, we are all here to relax and escape our realities. We are all here to have fun, and not worry ourselves with ooc drama. Another trend we are noticing is that people have made additional servers within discord, or keep their threads in wire. The problem with this is that we can’t moderate those if a problem arises. So we obviously can’t control what you do outside of the main discord/main rp. However, if the drama starts there we ask you to keep it there. Because we can try to help, but honestly it’s out of our hands. Again, any serious plot driven or extensive threads need to go on the dash. Wire itself is supposed to act as a tool to get things on the dash. It’s not supposed to take the place of the dash.
We are working on more group activities for our characters such as mini events in the future. So be on the lookout for those! With such a large group we don't expect everyone to plot with everyone. That would be 50+ people and 100+ characters which would be almost impossible. If you have done so, kudos because that is great. That being said, bubble RPing & plotting aren't tolerated within this group. Please keep in mind if you’re “power replying” to someone to try to stagger other replies between it. Consider this the first warning. We will be keeping a better eye on this going forward. Nobody likes being felt excluded from the group, and I know from the past that most of us are inclusive.
We will also be trying to do a movie night every Friday, especially while the majority of us are in quarantine. We will try to nail down a time that works for most people to attend, and will poll which movie gets chosen. There is also a group that will be playing Fortnite, if anyone is interested in joining them! They will be playing squads, and will be alternating who goes in with whomever is available.
As far as plots go, for the most part we don’t mind if characters get married or have children. However, it’s important to point out that this is a crime RP. There are designated family spots to keep things fair among the writing group, and if a character inside the family marries another they would technically automatically move into one of those family spots. Unfortunately, if the spots are all taken… that can’t mechanically happen. So we just ask that if you play a family spot within the key families to give us a heads up about marriages. Just to ensure there is a family spot, and we can move the other into that spot. We don’t necessarily care about children, unless they’re being played and are adopted. Then we would need to know that for the same reason. If your character doesn’t hold a family spot, then this doesn’t apply to them. If you notice a family spot open, we just ask that you get in contact with us to keep us in the loop.
Please for the love of God memorize the family list if your character is part of that family, because incest related plots will not be tolerated at any time. Incest is banned here. This goes for adopted members of the family, they are still family. Adopted siblings/cousins are still considered your character’s family.
There seems to be some confusion as far as the ranking goes. The admins tend to get involved in the top tier ( the top three/four ) ; these positions usually go to people who are active, and would make sense on a plot/background basis. That being said, if the positions are below the top three/four, most of the time it just takes a message to the main, and we will move the character around for you.
Example: Can I have Bob moved into the O’Sheas and a bonebreaker?
The exception to the rule is if you want to roleplay out the promotion on the dash, then by all means just message us. We would rather still put your character in that spot, because like the family spots most positions also have a cap on them.
Overall, we are all here to write and have fun. Please be respectful of your fellow writers. Don’t godmod their characters. Don’t force other people’s characters into a narrative that makes no sense for their character. Don’t force plots on other people. Don’t force ships on other people. Don’t metagame. Don’t bubble. Control your own characters, and your own narrative.
Again and we can’t stress this enough, if you have any issues please contact the admin team so we can work on resolving the issues ASAP.
Once you have read this post, please like it. Thank you!
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what’re your top two favorite cats of each clan (excluding your own), as of right now? :3c
how could you……………….make me pick…………………… ((cracks my knuckles))
Keep in mind that my favorites change with the tide, these are just the cats I’m especially vibing with atm! For the sake of Everyone’s dashboard, I’m putting my answers under a Read More,
Squirrelwhisker! I am absolutely biased because I have Daisytooth, his brother, but I never fail to have a lot of fun rping with Squirrelwhisker! I’m always laughing my ass off with him because he gives me an excuse to do the absolute most ridiculous things using Daisytooth, but that’s not the only reason! I feel like he’s a really consistent character, and despite how he tends to have thoughts of heroism and idealism when it comes to presenting himself, he feels grounded and realistic! He’s just a good guy who’s trying to make the best of the hands dealt to him/his family/his Clan.
And Badgerstep! I really do have a soft spot for boys that are just…. good. Badgerstep has always been a sweet man with a big heart and lots of love to share, I feel like he should really be a good role model for the young cats of NettleClan! He’s been going through really tough times recently, but he lets his friends and family help him. He’s always been a feel-good character for me, even from the beginning of FogClan!
ohhh man this was hard to narrow down to just two… I’ll go with
Currentstar! At least from what I’ve seen of ThreeClan’s leaders since I’ve joined, this mans provides a fresh new perspective and feel to the role! Though I love lenient leaders, modern leaders, it’s super interesting to see a cat who is clinging hard to old traditions that he grew up abiding by– especially in such tumultuous times as the generations of the Clans that are growing after The Great Journey. When tradition has never been more challenged and questioned, he’s trying his best to find a sense of normalcy. But all the while, he’s a very sympathetic character who has been thrust into leadership very quickly and struggled to settle down and feel right in his own skin. He’s developed a lot so far, it shows that he’s getting more confident in himself with a few bumps in the road, but I respect him immensely! I also have a crush on him
Aaaaand Carpfang! I’ll be honest, i NEVER expected to enjoy Carpfang near as much as I do now. Rough and cold characters are really not my favorite type by far, and I tend to get frustrated with them and their attitudes, but Carpfang has always been so much more than that. She’s hard on the outside, but she has true depth to her character beyond her reputation (and Marigoldpaw ((who is my third favorite)) has done amazing at helping her develop!). She’s not incapable of having trusting and intimate relationships, even if it takes a minute to get through to her, she has really realistic (imo) motives for feeling and acting the way she does, given her family history… She’s real, she’s relatable, she’s well-meaning for much of what matters, and she’s a real bad ass. I love a gal
MANTISSTAR MANTISSTAR MANTISSTAR MANTISSTAR MANTISSTAR!!!! She is my WIFE, my LOVE. I really don’t think that I’ve met another character who embodies literally all of my weaknesses, everything that I personally love to see in an OC. Mantisstar comes from a more than troubled origin, where she’d been coerced into an ugly side of history, a victim of circumstance but one who knew that being a victim didn’t excuse her from a certain responsibility of wrongdoing. She rose above the sum of her parts, helped to make right what bad things had been done despite her, a hero from humble origins– and from that, she developed this heroic complex, a NEED to do right, terrified of hurting others despite her intentions. It’s so interesting to see her struggle with making the right choices when things are never so perfectly black and white, even if it breaks my heart when she finds herself getting lost. She is a genuinely good person, she’s wise and kind- forgiving, but just. But she isn’t untouchable. She’s so tangible and real, she reminds me of real people that I’ve idolized in my own life, and I LOVE her. Not only is she my favorite JaggedClan cat, but she is my favorite ThreeClans character!
Then there’s Magpiestorm. Honestly, I feel a Bit similar to her as I do about Carpfang. Though Magpiestorm is arguably more antagonistic and… unstable? than Carpfang is, she’s a whole different take on the hardass girl with troubled family and trust issues, and I honestly took a long while to warm up to her. Again, like I need to feel about all of my favorite characters, she feels developed and truer than just the tropes she happens to fit into. She’s really complex! Though she puts up these barbed wire laden walls all around her, feels obligated to no one but her sister, she has this clear struggle with an innate need for connection. She doesn’t enjoy the way that she acts, she wants to be able to do more, be better, but stubbornness and pride keeps her from letting go of her demons. For a little while she might begin to let those walls down, she might begin to seek out other cats and let other cats in closer to her, but then something will happen that pushes her right back into her own headspace in a cyclical internal struggle… It leaves me guessing, leaves me wanting more, makes me want to see which path she finally makes a commitment to!
By all means, Duskfang. I am so happy that the OC who shares my name is THIS FUCKING GOOD. Duskfang is probably one of the most complex and meticulously developed characters that I’ve had the pleasure of seeing from their conception to their present. She had this ambiguous, mysterious origin that has been perfectly pieced together over time, not near so much from OOC talk, but through revelation and parallels set up almost Too perfectly for her in the ongoing plot line. She, herself, started off mysterious and ambiguous– which, I’ll be honest, turned me off at first. I was expecting an almost… stereotypical secondary-antagonist role to come out of the Fang and Flicker duo, but we got so much more than that. Duskfang has struggled and struggled hard in every aspect of her existence since she’s joined FogClan. She’s had dilemmas and choices that no other cat could hardly dream of having to face, and she has made some very horrible decisions along the way… and I’ve never felt more sympathetic for someone else who’s done the equivalent of what she has? Because I’ve never been able to see exactly what a character is thinking, and exactly why they’re having the thoughts that they are, and how they could be made to feel such raw and powerful emotion that has been brewing and bubbling since the very first day they were ever written. Duskfang’s entire character just feels perfectly planned and perfectly executed, and I couldn’t have ever expected to get what she gives us!
Another popular choice, I’m sure- but Foxflame! Another biased choice? Perhaps! Bramblefang loves him, so I’m just obligated to feel the same…. No, but really, Foxflame is another character that has given me a very pleasant surprise! I’ll be honest, he had my attention from the get-go because bubbly characters really are my guilty pleasure… I would have been satisfied if he just stayed a bubbly guy, a sweet person. No, but then we had to be introduced to the reasons Why they try so hard to make others smile, to make others happy. We had to get into the nitty gritty, his fears, his shortcomings, a need to protect his loved ones even at his own sacrifice. They can definitely be a bit of an airhead, too caught up in the strings of their own heart to listen to their head when they might need to, but that just makes them who they are! They’ve made some really questionable calls for the sake of their heart- he’s gone through the motions of a well-rounded character with beyond two dimensional motivations, and it’s always a pleasure to see him written in the good and bad moments!
Tribe of Twisted Tunnels:
Hehe these might be some interesting answers, if I can talk without giving too much away…. I’m gonna start off with: Aspen Snow. Man, tough girls really have been more my type than I was ever prepared to admit, but I’m not ashamed of it! I’m NOT! I’ve always watched Aspen Snow with a healthy intrigue from afar from when she was a to-be, but it wasn’t until the Tribe’s suffering was coming to a close that she really began to catch my attention. She was a scrappy to-be, full of spunk and a very, very unhealthy dose of youthful hubris. She was fun to read! But after her brother left the Tribe with Raven, it started off an arc that I really wasn’t prepared to see her through- in a good way! The pure hurt that she felt caught me by surprise. I wasn’t prepared to see just how much losing her brother, feeling betrayed by him, abandoned, would break her down. Nor was I expecting the way in which she pieced herself right back together, with fangs and claws and all. She grew bitter, became resentful of not only her brother, but much of the Tribe, its leaders. She needed others to blame, and she clung hard onto that. But then, with Spark Feather’s companionship, she began to ground herself more again. She coped better, she moved on for the sake of herself and others’ betterment instead of just pure spite…. And now? Ohoh. Now. There’s a lot going on with her now, like a relapse into those horrible moons passed, and I’m as scared as I am excited to see where it leads her! And now, the reason that this might be an interesting answer to insiders– Patched Petal. I am going to be straight up, at the same moment that she occupies my top two favorite’s spot, I resent her in her entirety. I am mad at Patched Petal. I am hurt by her and indignant completely on Aspen Snow’s behalf for what Patched Petal has done and is doing to her, things that she’s said to and felt about her own daughter. I resent her, but I’ll be damned if I’m not enraptured by it. Patched Petal has always been a difficult character for me to place– she’s never been very pleasant, but she’s also not been entirely disagreeable- before now. She was a stubborn mother with a fire in her heart that could only be tamed by her children, and after losing her son? It was all downhill from there. I feel like she has made every wrong decision that she could have made in regards to her remaining daughter, after Maple/Flickerclaw left. She’s closed herself away from Aspen Snow, she’s pined for her son to the point of ignoring her daughter, and she’s grown more and more resentful because Aspen Snow has decided that she doesn’t want to wait up for her any more. And now, her most recent development? I could strangle the woman, but it’s such an engrossing conflict that I can’t take my eyes off of this trainwreck…. Patched Petal, you are Something Else. And thus concludes my 2 top favorite cats in each group! My fingers hurt!
@squirrelwhiskr @nicks-cats @currentfangs @crowfalled @swanface @cinderstar @boulderstep
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folks , i am sorry i keep disappearing !! the truth is , in less than ten days i’ll be moving to a different country , so i’m currently rattled by a million reasons to stress , plus dealing with a lot of errands — which means when i do have the time to come online , i’m usually too stressed / tired to really do anything . on top of this , i’ve been feeling out of touch with pretty much everything tumblr related : i wanna write badly , but it’s like i can’t connect with anyone anymore — which stresses me like hell , because i wanna have fun on here , not feel out of place , you know ? either way , i’ve decided to take it easy and do a little rping whenever i can , be it a starter or a reply or just some plotting . but my blogs will have to remain LOW ACTIVITY until i’ve actually settled into my own place ( and for the first month in ireland , i’ll be staying at a friend’s house , so i basically will have no opportunity to come online and do stuff on the dashboard ) — you can ALWAYS reach me on discord and / or wire , and that’s the easiest way to rp with me and my muses too , until i have a place where i can actually use a laptop . but until then , please bear with me and don’t forget about my idiots ♥ thanks !
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How do you feel yi's personally progressed over time as you've roleplayed him?
//Oh, uh, that’s hard to say really. Yi, in my time roleplaying him, has seen two big shifts in himself that has ensured I’ve never really gotten to RP him through a full character arc. In that respect he has only changed per the lore, so I suppose I’ll do a little breakdown of the different lore incarnations of Yi as I have portrayed him.
Old Lore
When I started RPing Yi, the Institute was still canon. Feral Flare was at its height, and Yi was generally a very reserved and work committed individual. His lore back then specifically stated that he had exited isolation under his own volition, and that he had yet to have a resolution to the anger that had brought about that decision to isolate himself in the first place. He was then subsequently coping with all that had happened to him through his bouts on the Fields of Justice, which let him put up a front decorum when outside of them.
He was less openly witty and sarcastic in those days, preferring to keep these things for when he was in combat and performing for anyone who watched him upon crystal screens, or listened to him on spinning wires. He instead took on a mentor figure to almost everyone he happened across, ensuring to always have an impartial and analytical approach to problems he was presented. His words were pre chosen, long winded, yet completely understandable. He was no nonsense in that way.
He was however younger in those days, just coming on 40 when I started RPing him, and he was very poorly exposed to Valoranian culture and society. As such he often found himself alienated from the majority of other champs and summoners at large, which lead to a lot of seclusion and introspection within his private quarters. He had an almost insatiable want to explore this new world he found himself in, to try and rediscover what life was like outside of his vengeance fueled training, and yet he would be summoned back to a place where he felt just as alone as when he was in isolation.
This led to very volatile shifts in behavior if the situation was stressful enough. Yi was prone to outbursts and overblown bouts of depression, and wasn’t above assaulting people in fits of anger, though he’d chide himself after for ‘violence as a last resort!’ He just hadn’t learned how to get a handle on those sort of emotions yet, and with no one really to relate to culturally (since he didn’t even relate to other Ionians canonically) this lead to some people finding him a well spoken wise man, and others seeing him as a unreasonable, spiteful drunk.
Post Lore Retcon
The abolishment of the League, and a shift in the circumstances of his isolation, did a lot to negate some of the more negative aspects of Yi’s being. He was still younger than now, and still poorly exposed to Valoran as a whole, but he had now had some time, not all he needed still, to explore the place and find himself again. He had had some closure to his anger management problems through Wukong, yet at this point the defining of this closure I felt was a deus ex machina at best. So Yi still had problems, but they didn’t manifest in his interactions so strongly. It was a slow build with these things, generally spurred on by a lot of silent meditation.
But apart from this, Yi in an Institute-less world was more personable, and more extroverted. Some might interpret his ability to engage strangers in idle conversation as annoying or strange, but he didn’t really care. He had his eyes, all of them, on learning and on finding worthy people to pass his teachings onto. Even if it was just in words alone, every ear that would listen was a victory. As such, he cracked jokes more often, said things more likely to confuse in a way most amusing to himself, and challenged others with a very slight but ever-present ego and bravado when it came to his own craft. Maybe he saw people as more a means to an end, but it wasn’t really a conscious thing on his part. Wuju was pervasive in his mind after all. He had no other distractions in his life.
Yi was also easier to offend back in these days, because his understandings of Valoran were not aided at all by any association to an organization. His exposure was more through individuals and the wildlife that surrounded them. This in turn might have spurred on irrational arguments or displays of anger, but they were never as extreme as seen previously. He would have already have to have been at a boiling point to get to that level. Generally if he felt these things coming on, he was more than happy to isolate himself again out in the wilderness to sort things out. He would do this selfishly, without even a thought for others he was trying to maintain friendships with, and this was perhaps the biggest, and still is, reasoning conflict he’s ever had on the blog.
Post Wukong Lore Change
The Wukong lore changes fundamentally shook up Yi’s character, making his character arc during his lore somewhat more complex and storied. Wukong’s lore noted Yi to have been old enough to train multiple disciples pre war, and that Yi had also seen these disciples die at the hands of the Zaunite Alcymists. This not only makes Yi older, but subsequently more adult in his carrying of himself. He is now in his 60′s or 70′s, having lived almost a full life before the war had even started, and this manifests in how he considers the world about him, and his roll in it as a teacher of Wuju who must find more students to take on.
He is more witty, sarcastic, and sure of his abilities than ever before, though this is more a front for the fact that he regrets how much he has seen in his life. He can joke and disregard people because he feels as if he has seen it all before. When not joking or parading his ego, he hearkens back to the old lore days. He is as impartial of a judge he can be in spite of his biases, and he generally feels himself to take a fatherly roll in situations involving other people. His exposure to other cultures is greater, his confidence in his opinions stronger, and his teaching career gives him some tools that help him navigate life and other people’s queries. Generally I think people would most associate him with the wise old master trope that he is clearly based upon.
Wukong’s lore also notes Yi’s devotion to protecting other people, as well as his keen strategical mind through his integral part he played in the Ionian War. These things make Yi come off as a traveling handyman of sorts. Always is he ready to help someone with more practical problems, and those who watch him try to solve things note his keen ability to think outside of the box. In these instances he might come off as rude too – he is more than happy to call someone else stupid for not seeing things his way – but generally he is seen as quite practically intelligent and street smart. He is also more than happy to lay down his life for a stranger, and even if this is seen as blind braver by most to him it’s more a coping mechanism. If he were to die protecting someone, anyone, he would feel his life had meaning.
Of course there are negative aspects too. Yi’s longer life lived give him a certain resentment towards his current situation. He knows what he had before the war, and he knows that he will never have it again. This again creates the slow build of angst that can erupt at a moment’s notice, but once more he’s more likely to isolate himself until these feelings subside. Anger management is also harder than ever, as this Yi has had much more exposure to toxic chemicals during his war service. This leaves him very subtly chemically altered, and this can affect his personality in any number of ways depending what triggers off the warped perception these chemicals cause. Basically, I like to think of the Yi of today as an amalgamation of the past two Yi incarnations.
I hope this answers your question though! A lot of this stuff is hard to write about, because a lot of Yi’s personality just comes naturally to me at this point? In the way that most of his reactions to things are considered on the fly by me as based on my internalized headcanon-ing and… just the fact I have been RPing him for coming on four years at this point. He tries to be a good egg though, and will especially try to be on his best behavior if you offer to pay him a in swords for his services XD
#WUJU STYLE 『Headcanons��#YOU WISH TO LEARN THE HARD WAY I SEE 『Headcanon Essays』#Thank you Mr Anon!#this was hard to think about#as I said it's really just a gut feeling at this point#as extrapolated out from Yi's experiences both in canon#and headcanon#so yea!#Anonymous#long post
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