#but it's just silly! just a funny merch swap au! it can still be crack!
pocketramblr · 1 year
So in the new au is eraser dead or did he just get his quirk stolen? Is he a quirkless hero? And was the erasing quirk in place of the disintegration or a new quirk he got later after becoming obsessed with eraser?
So I think the timeline is going to go like this:
Garvey is an AfO experiment to see if it can steal quirks and bring them to him, absorbing them. But it didn't exactly work- it could absorb some powers, but not take them, or it could sever the quirk from the person, like the bullets in eject aspect
Erasure is severed from Aizawa in the fight, though the quirk vestige does manage to help take down Garvey while Aizawa is stunned from having his quirk ripped out and Shirakumo is covering for him. Both boys make it out alive, but Erasure leaves, trying to track down where Garvey came from
As a disembodied quirk vestige, Erasure can choose to be visible or not, and ends up stalking AfO trying to find answers- all of its memories are fuzzy and confusing before it was ejected. Eventually, it follows AfO as he runs into a young boy and walks him home, slipping a quirk in as he does. Erasure knows this is bad, and waits. This was indeed very bad, and when Tenko activates Decay, Erasure appears to try and help him. Tenko freaks out more. Erasure, desperate, manages to merge with Tenko, giving him now both Erasure and Decay, which at least lets him control the danger, kinda. Except now Erasure can only been seen by Tenko, so it barely manages to herd the kid into running away and trusting it.
Meanwhile no, Aizawa did not become a hero. He does have cats though, and Shirakumo. So like he probably isn't in any worse a mental state than his canon counterpart, low bar though that is.
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