#but it's handmade and i love it and i can't take money with me when i die so WHATEVER
binch-i-might-be · 3 months
I have retrieved my package from the clutches of the post office.....
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inkyquince · 1 year
YOU MAKE ME WEEP 😭 I MISS YOU AND I HAVEN'T BEEN ON. can't wait for the semester to wrap up. but i did get a job for the summer hahaha!!
i'm trying to get pregnant by kylar or eden. so far i have FAILED.
honestly, i must ask how you would think wren would be as a parent. would love to hear any thoughts on that!!!
DW, we know how Eden and Kylar are. Non stop fuck nasty machines.
Okay, for Wren as a dad, it... Depends?
Like, does he like you as a fuck buddy or does he... Like you, like you? Like Like... Like Love Like?
Cuz if its the first one, I think the best you get is that he's going to be not present at all. Like he sends money, he's going to show up some days to absolutely dazzle your kid with a horse ride and presents and shit, and then won't come and visit for another 8 months. He's flighty as fuck, he's busy. Your kid will have his beautiful hair, maybe his soft brown eyes. Maybe your kid will always love him because he's the cool fun dad who spoils them when he does come around. Maybe they get disenchanted by him by the time they hit their teens. He doesn't pick up when they call, he doesn't come to important events. Maybe one day he comes by with a couple of presents and they flatly turn down going out for a day with him. You might get to watch his face fall a bit. Maybe just his eyes just get a bit duller.
Your kid goes off to hang out with friends and you and Wren get to have a drink together for the first time in ages, since his attention is normally on your kid, never you. He's down. Says he wants to do better. But you know him by now. So you just offer a pat on the back, and wonder if this is the last time you'll see him again, since he's finally been turned away by his kid, and has no reason to come back anymore.
NOW, if you're someone he actually fucking likes?
My god. Wants his annoying input in everything you do. Choosing a flat? "Sunshine, babycakes, darling, its cheaper to get a lil cottage out on the farmlands, and then I can come by every night after work and-" Deciding on a crib? "Sweetheart, muffin, angel face, let me see if i can get it handmade, never should trust the plastic shit, fuck, I slept in the top drawer for the first 3 months of my life, baby-" Like its cute, but shut up babe.
He's going to be in your damn life. Even if you say he can take a backseat, he's fucking taking that backseat out, taking out the gear stick and putting his seat there. Fuck you.
Somehow got into your phone to get a copy of important upcoming dates, and he skids into the ultrasound, all sweaty, just as you're getting your gown on.
He's going to be your fucking best friend in this. That's Wren as a lover, boyfriend, partner, it's as a best friend who really wants to get into your pants and deigns to bombard you with sloppy kisses just because he knows it makes you swat at him.
He would sometimes not show up days in a row, but it's never months. Just a few days, and he comes back with an oversized plush under his arm, or a stupidly big cake or something.
He loves that kid man. He's always gonna love his kid, but they aren't an afterthought anymore. He wants 50 more hours in the day, so he doesn't have to choose between work and his home.
Wren's also fucking terrified. He knows the town he lives in, its why he wanted you in the farmlands, not in town. Will beg you to consider homeschooling. In his perfect world, his kid never steps foot in town, and gets to grow up with nature, and feeling safe. Doesn't matter what age, he wants to be old as fuck, and have his 40 year old kid still at home and training horses or something.
Wren, overall, as a parent would love his kid. But his relationship with you would decide how much he wants to actually be there.
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ptn-imagines · 7 months
Sorry tumblr is being a butt! Anyways, if I may, I'd love to read or hear any headcanons or imagines involving reader/f!Chief with either Countess Chelsea, Hamel, Eleven, Sumire, or Garofano. Whichever one(s) inspiration strikes for you. If I could be a tad bit more specific, maybe the prompt could be something like "the ways you and the specific Sinner(s) are kind and affectionate with one another"? Could be SFW or NSFW. Sorry if this is too much, been feeling kinda down with ennui and current state of the world and all. And please, take care of yourself and write at your own pace :)
I, uh, felt inspired. To say the least. Anyway, this has made me realize that it'd probably be faster to list Sinners I can't see as autistic... Also, in hindsight, I realize you may have meant this romantically. I mean, these can be read romantically, but they can also be read platonically. I hope you enjoy either way!
The ways F!Chief and her Sinners are affectionate and kind with one another
Countess Chelsea
It's a given that she'll shower Chief in dozens of gifts. Literally dozens. Whether Chief wants it or not. You know how she is. It technically counts as an act of kindness?
Also, with all the money and influence she has, she's definitely able to get Chief invited to many exclusive opportunities. The best seats at the theater, private movie premiers, exclusive, high-society galas, you name it; Chelsea can and will get it for Chief.
Honestly, Chief does accept these invitations from time to time, because not only are they a way to get away from the strain of her work, Chelsea is able to provide a nice buffer against her usual Mania magnet tendencies. In that she can help contain any disaster that breaks out, not that she can prevent the Mania from being drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Chief is pretty sure there's no Sinner that can do that.
Finally, the most lowkey way Chelsea shows affection is by letting Chief cuddle with Sitri on those days when she's tired. Sitri may be a terrifying big cat made of gemstones, but Chief has long since found that when it comes to cuddling, Sitri is a fairly nice substitute for a fluffy, domestic housecat. She also has the perk of being big enough to be able to curl around Chief, which is comforting. It's just a matter of getting comfortable, since gemstones are not the softest thing to lay against. Luckily, Chelsea is always willing to provide ridiculously ornate (but functional) blankets and pillows.
Honestly, the number one way Chief shows kindness to Chelsea is simply spending time with her. Though it's true she can be overbearing, Chief knows her heart is good, but deeply lonely; it's why she keeps asking Chief to be her sugar baby, after all. She doesn't seem to realize that Chief prefers spending time with her just for the sake of doing so.
Also, whenever Chief does wear a piece of clothing or an accessory Chelsea bought for her, you can count on the Countess being absolutely over the moon about it for the next week. Chief feels like it should be harder to make Chelsea happy, but… it's not, it's just not. The lapidarist is just too kind-hearted, too full of love and too earnest to be difficult to please, if you know her. And Chief knows her quite well.
Finally, when Chief has a spare moment, she helps Chelsea take care of Sitri sometimes. While she doesn't have the same needs as a flesh and blood cat, she still needs a form of grooming and brushing in the form of polishing, and unlike regular cats, that is a task best suited to human hands. Countess Chelsea is always diligent in this task, but nevertheless she has yet to say no when Chief offers to help, enjoying their bonding time.
Like Countess Chelsea, Garofano has one really obvious way she shows affection to the Chief, and that is through mending and tailoring clothes. Half of the Chief's non-work clothes were handmade by the assassin.
Garofano is also really experienced with people and the human heart. If you need a shoulder to cry on but not a flat out therapist, Garofano is pretty much the go-to, and for the Chief? She's always willing to lend an ear. One time, an exhausted Chief actually passed out on Garofano during one of these sessions, and the assassin didn't move for hours, simply holding her close.
Finally… The younger Sinners in the Bureau tend to demand Chief's attention, a lot. While there's no doubt Chief would love to spend time with them around the clock, that's not feasible… So Garofano doesn't mind stepping in to corral them. Her warm, motherly vibes draw the kids in with ease, and they love spending time with her too; Chief is eternally grateful for the breaks Garofano has gotten for her.
When it comes to returning the kindness, Garofano isn't as easy to please as Countess Chelsea, but she's also far from difficult. She has a fairly mild temperament (usually), not tending towards either extreme.
Returning favors to Garofano seemed difficult to the Chief at first until she realized that Garofano was often so busy doing acts of service for others that she neglected herself. From then on, Chief did her best to help Garofano out in small ways such as assigning someone to tidy her cell when it got a little too haphazard, or bringing her meals when she got so engrossed in a project she forgets to eat. These little things go a long way with Garofano.
Most of the Garden would like to receive flowers as a gift, and the seamstress is no exception. It can be difficult knowing which flowers which assassin prefers, but Chief's got it down to a science: for Garofano, flowers symbolizing other members of the Garden (such as poppies and cherry blossoms) are best, but purple carnations, symbolizing Garofano herself, should be avoided.
Finally, Garofano's nature is that she very rarely finds herself in a position where she herself needs to vent… But she is still only human, with her own problems and feelings. When they all become too heavy of a burden for her to bear alone, she knows she can always trust Chief to take care of her.
Hamel doesn't enjoy being touched – which makes the fact that she allows Chief to do so a gesture of deep trust and affection. Chief is always careful not to push Hamel's boundaries with this, but even on the days where this simply means being able to stand closer to Hamel than normal, Chief is grateful and honored.
Hamel is also a very withdrawn person, but she has a very vibrant and imaginative mind. While happy with her own company, it's human nature to seek companionship, and Hamel will almost always seek it from the Chief; if there's something interesting that has caught her attention, she can actually be quite excitable in conversation.
As long as it's what she truly wants to do and not being forced upon her, Hamel loves to dance on stage for an audience; however, she's a lot more hesitant about letting others see her practice. Yet, she often invites Chief to watch her rehearsals, seeking out her opinions on each movement. Chief, Hamel feels, is not only a safe and trustworthy person, but someone who can feel the emotions of her dance just as well as she herself can.
Compared to Countess Chelsea and Garofano, Hamel is probably the hardest to read and return kindness to. Still, Chief figured it out, and it was absolutely worth it to see Hamel's rare and precious smile.
First of all, Chief makes sure that Hamel can always find a stage – and an audience that'll appreciate her. While she's not against letting Hamel perform in Eastside if she feels up to it, Chief is quick to scare off anyone who might try to exploit Hamel. She respects her dance as an expression of the self, not a cash cow, and though she doesn't always have the words to express it, Hamel couldn't be more grateful.
Secondly, Chief makes a point of checking in on Hamel a lot. The dancer has an unfortunate habit of getting lost in her own mind, forgetting completely about the outside world and sitting still and quiet for hours. It's not exactly healthy for her and often leads to spikes in her M-value, so Chief always keeps an eye out for these moments so she can “wake her up” with the shackles.
Finally… It turns out, Hamel really loves stuffed animals. Chief never imagined she'd form a habit of buying sealife plushies, but here she was; besides, the noticeable brightening of Hamel's mood when receiving a new one was worth the expenditure. Hamel's bed was covered in plushies she'd received from the Chief, though her favorite was the first one she'd been given, a stuffed jellyfish. That one has a place of honor by her pillow, which it only ever leaves to be held by Hamel.
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rainbowsillz · 1 year
✦ — The Doll Maker || TWST HC. — ✦
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You're a creative type? It is quite the skills you have. He didn't even realize that you were one!
It's hard for him to pretend to not be intrigued with this, since in his childhood he wasn't able to obtain them and the majority was for girls.
He is into adorable plushies! He would sneak a glance to see how ‘you’ sewed or knitted it.
Can Riddle touch them?
Trey and Cater would knowingly nudged you to let him come and stay beside you while this.
“It's not a crime to have this, and hiding away your abilities is wasteful, why did you do so?”
Yawns at you.
He does not care about it.
And he wouldn't be as joyous with these.
Leona then goes back to play chess with you.
He was more invested into being on your lap.
“You made those? It looks okay, seems like you have a knack for that line of career, isn't it?”
That aspires him to be like you!
Lucrative business is a graspable thought.
So, won't you have ‘talk’ with him on it? You can put your faith in him, isn't it? Would you?
Azul smiled at you as he hold the stuffed animal.
Hush! Can't you sense his willingness at all?
“You will end up taking my hand. It's no use giving me that look, wouldn't you agree?”
😶 OH???
He would buy them!!
Money is not an issue, he'd sponsor you too!
Kalim will pester Jamil to have a look :)
Have a 100% materials for you.
“You are so cool, prefect! Can I hug this platypus? Do you have an eagle version?”
It's unexpected.
In a good way..? He is curious about them.
His violet eyes followed after yours as he caressed the texture of the toys you did.
Vil supposed this was of high quality.
You were something, weren't you?
“I have to say.. it's surprising to have you focused on a mere task, almost captivating.”
His reaction would be super enthusiastic.
He would be inspecting them with great interest since it's handmade by you.
Will probably ask you to record a tutorial when you were piling yourself to your activities.
Idia was helpful along with Ortho.
They were both really immersed with you.
“W-wow! You're a legit pro at this, you didn't speedrun through it. That's passionate?”
If it's from you, he'll cherish it always.
Until the end of time literally. I'm not kidding.
You should know that although he was used to being alone, he doesn't like.. like it.
You mean the universe to Malleus!
He's there for your beck and call 🥺
“What a lovely token. I shall guard it with my life. You truly are one of a kind that I've met.”
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writer-freak · 6 months
Birthday Celebration | Valo x Gn reader
Characters: Chamber, Gekko, Yoru and Sova
Warnings: fluff, celebrating reader's birthday, gender neutral reader, maybe ooc, haven't written for Valorant in a while, English isn't my first language
A/n: Guess whose birthday it is today (March 13th), still can't believe that another year is over. I wrote a few Birthday related things for different fandoms and I will post them over the next couple days. But we are starting with a few Valorant headcanons
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more <3
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For your birthday, he would definitely consider your preferences.
If you're more introverted and prefer an intimate moment together, he would probably cook you an amazing, very fancy dinner with candles all around.
If you're more into socializing, he would likely prepare a small party with you and your close friends.
He will ensure that his schedule is cleared for you on your birthday and devote the entire day to making you feel special, ensuring you have his full attention.
He cherishes being able to spend your birthday together with you and would carefully pick out your gift.
It would probably be something more expensive that you had your eye on but never bought because you couldn't justify spending that kind of money.
He would like to make it perfect and ensure the gift is unique to you.
He would probably congratulate you first thing in the morning while serving you breakfast in bed and come to you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
Also, expect kisses throughout the day and generally a lot of affection.
He doesn't often have the entire day to spend with you, so he wants to fully exploit his this day.
He would put a lot of thought and effort into planning your birthday party.
Before planning anything, he would subtly ask you about all your preferences to ensure your day is special and truly enjoyable.
He would probably throw a smaller party for you so you can spend quality time with the people most important to you.
Gekko would gift you something thoughtful and sentimental rather than extravagant.
Maybe he makes something himself and will also probably write you a handwritten letter expressing his feelings for you.
Or he would go in the direction of gifting you something that you both can enjoy together or that holds meaning for your relationship.
He would wake you up sweetly, probably with something from your favorite breakfast spot, and also a lot of cuddling.
In his birthday wishes, he would include his gratitude for having you in his life.
Gekko might also plan a surprise activity during the day that aligns with your hobbies or interests, adding just something extra 
He would definitely throw you a big surprise party, aiming for a fun and memorable celebration.
Unlike Gekko, he probably wants to invite as many people as possible to fill your day with excitement and energy.
If you don't want a big party, he'll take you out for a cool outing.
Yoru would probably gift you something unexpected and unconventional, wanting to think out of the box for you.
Despite his playfulness, he would ensure you feel loved and appreciated on your day, giving more compliments than usual and showing a softer side when it really counts.
Sova is thoughtful when it comes to you, wanting your birthday to be meaningful and special.
Rather than an extravagant party, he would plan a more personal celebration, prioritizing spending time together and creating new memories.
He might also plan a surprise outing to a place you've always wanted to visit or organize a cozy picnic in a beautiful location
He would put a lot of thought into your present, aiming for something that reflects your interests, like a handmade item or a meaningful keepsake.
His birthday wishes would be heartfelt, expressing appreciation for you and the joy you bring into his life.
He might share personal moments you've spent together and express his gratitude.
He would make you feel loved and appreciated, showing kindness and affection throughout the day, not allowing you to lift a finger to show his love through his gestures.
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Divider: @saradika-graphics
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months
Coming to your blog to relax and calm down bc I got some shit going on and it's starting to irritate me. If/when you've got the time for it, and if you're comfortable, it'd be really nice to see sev and reader helpindheal each other's inner children, could be modern or in universe if you want.
Love you, love you, kisses if you want them, I feel like fucking crying right now
my poor baby mars. ily so much baby i hope this helps you feel better <3
men and minors dni
sevika's the only person you can be your truest self in front of. it goes both ways
sometimes it's anger: you coming home exhausted and pissed off and spending thirty minutes ranting to sevika about your idiot boss.
sometimes it's sadness: sevika burying her face in your chest and holding onto your body like her life depends on it as she cries.
sometimes it's joy: both of you giggling and dancing around each other as you laugh and joke.
but the specialist of all, to you at least, is when you and sevika can be like kids together.
you've never been with someone you can be so goofy with. someone you feel so safe around, someone you feel so seen with.
it comes out in a lot of ways.
sevika gets sleepy around you so easily. you asked her about it once, why she's always slumping to sleep on your shoulder or in your arms, and she just smiled shyly and shrugged. "just feel safe around you." she mumbled. you tripped over your own breath and pulled her into after hearing that.
you guys play together (video games or board games or just hand games) and get so competitive about it. sevika gets this giddy glint in her eye when she's winning, cackling and jumping in her victory. if you're winning, sevika will do any and everything she can to beat you. wrestling you to the ground or blocking your view of the tv screen or tickling you or stealing your paper money-- she's half motivated by her need to win, half motivated by the giggles and screams she gets out of you.
as corny as it is, you guys aren't just girlfriends, you're best friends. sevika knows you so well, and you know her so well, that you're both so in tune with each other that half of the time you don't even need to talk to communicate. you have a series of specific hand gestures and facial expressions you've created throughout your relationship that work like a secret little language between the two of you.
you both revert to love-sick middle schoolers after a while together. sometimes you'll find little crumpled up pieces of paper in your pockets or tucked away in the book you're reading-- all of them little love notes from sevika. in exchange, you're always doodling your initials right next to one another, a big heart around them.
you guys make friendship bracelets together, and once sevika gets the hang of it, she's making you a new bracelet about once a month. if she ever catches you without one of her bracelets on (all of them stitched with a little S) she'll pout until you put one on. she refuses to take off the bracelets you make her, even if it means she'll have a forearm full of handmade bracelets.
sevika loves doing your hobbies with you, or having you do hers with her. she loves sitting next to you as you read and working on her laptop, or vice versa. she loves napping in your lap while you play video games, or having you sit in the kitchen while she cooks up snacks.
but her favorite thing to do is have you teach her, or being able to teach you.
she finds out you can't change a tire on your own, the next thing you know she's got you out on the pavement, showing you how to do it. or sevika admits to you that she's never played minecraft before, so of course you make her download it and start a game with her.
one time you told her you couldn't cook. she dressed you up in her favorite apron and walked you through each and every step of making dinner that night. it was sweet and romantic and cute-- and then she threw a handful of flour at your face and it became an all out food war in your kitchen. by the time you were done, you were both out of breath, abs aching from laughing so much, and covered in various sauces and powders and crumbs.
one of your favorite ways to spend time together as a couple is taking and edible and building a blanket fort, then spending the day cuddling inside, watching cartoons and eating junk food and goofing off with one another.
one night as you're falling asleep, sevika jolts awake next to you. you blink your eyes open and look over at her.
"babe?" you ask. she hums, settling back down against you.
"jus' a nightmare."
"you okay?"
"all good. got my girl here with me, i'll be okay." she mumbles. you laugh.
"love you baby."
"love you too. i feel like... i dunno. i feel like a kid around you, y'know?" she asks, yawning as she nuzzles against you. your heart melts and you press a kiss to her head.
"i know." you say nodding. "happiest kid in the world."
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby
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lampiridaes · 9 months
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# christmas gift giving
★ — chars ; rui , akito
★ — notes ; HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONEEEE its officially christmas here in my timezone, so here's a present from me!! i absolutely adore akito and rui theyre some of my favs in the whole game ... and also tysm for 30 followers ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡! ik it isn't a lot for some people, but i'm very grateful nonetheless! sending a little kiss to all 30 of you /p
★ — notes (2) ; established relationship , reader isn't used to receiving gifts from people / affection in general , otherwise enjoy !!
★ — links ; original prompts , santa rilakkuma png
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★ kamishiro rui :
he actually hid it pretty well! rui knows you very well, so he knows what you might like for the holidays.
and, if you're a talker, he doesn't even have to try that hard since you most likely mentioned something on your wishlist.
however, he figured that a handmade gift might steal your heart just a bit more. assuming he hasn't already.
he knows that you might have a hard time accepting gifts and love in general, even if he's told you that he doesn't mind caring for you. rui wants you to know that it's alright to rely on him sometimes and let him take care of you and such.
the way rui gave you his gift was really sweet and endearing! it was after a christmas performance with wxs, and he went up to you after most people left with a gift box in his hand.
"...what's this?"
what was inside the box, you might be wondering? a small robot companion, perfect for whatever your favorite activities are! whether it's drawing, writing, knitting, etc.
you were pleasantly surprised, of course. but at the same time, you felt as if you didn't deserve such an amazing gift. and amazing boyfriend at that.
"rui, you didn't have to get me anything..."
"dear, i wanted to make you something. just let me spoil you for today, alright?"
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★ shinonome akito :
unlike rui, akito didn't hide it as well. fortunately for him, you just assumed he was busy practicing with vbs, hanging out with his friends... it was the holiday season, after all. even then, you really missed him and his presence.
unbeknownst to you, however, he was actually working hard and saving up money to get you something special. toya, an, and kohane all love you too, so they helped chip in some money!
the way akito gave you his gift was short and simple, yet still full of love. it was at the end of a date when you were about to go back to your home.
"oh, right, before i forget..."
he cleared his throat, now handing over something to you. you carefully unwrapped his present, realizing it's something you've been wanting for a while now!
... at the same time, it was also something that was on the pricier end.
"akito, how did you... you can't afford this?"
a bit of a ridiculous thing to say, considering he already bought it, but it still shocked you. he really got this for you, despite the price?
not to mention, he even paid for everything during your date...
"it's okay. i just wanted to get something for you."
"you're spoiling me too much today..."
"because you deserve it."
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heli-writes · 1 year
A marriage of convenience, part 5: firsts.
Pairing: Yoriichi x you
Summary: Yoriichi's friends think that Yoriichi is too lonely and needs a wife and family to take care of him. They propose a marriage of convenience to a woman who's in need of a husband. The arrangement of the marriage is simple: both parties live their lives as before, y/n takes care of Yoriichi as a wife and Yoriichi keeps unwanted men (and demons) away. Love is not required, friendship is appreciated. However, how detached can one be when living so close to each other?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Series Masterlist
It's warm. That's what Yoriichi notices first. There's something plush but spiky beneath him. A sweet smell fills the air. He sits up groggily like he's waking up from a bad dream. When he opens his eyes, everything is too bright. He sits in a field of colorful flowers. He can't see the end of the field, it's so bright like he is staring right into the sun. He squints his eyes. When he finally widens them again a little, he notices a figure standing a few meters in front of him. He gets up to get a closer look at the person, maybe ask them where they are. "Excuse me?", he yells but his voice sounds as if he's miles away from his own body. The figure becomes clearer. It's a woman. She's wearing a yellow kimono and a hairband. Uta!, Yoriichi thinks. His heart starts racing and he involuntarily picks up speed. There is so much I still need to tell you, he wants to say as he reaches for her. He grabs her should and she turns around facing him. (Y/N) smiles and says: "There you are, Yoriichi. I was waiting for you."
A sharp pain rips him out of the dream he was having. Instinctively he reaches for his arm, the source of the pain. He sits up disoriented. When his eyes adjust to the brightness of the room, he realizes he's at the guest house. "Are you okay?", (y/n) asks, "Seems like you were having I nightmare, so I pinched you really hard.". "That explains the excruciating pain in my arm.", Yoriichi replies. Also, how can she pinch this hard, he asks himself silently. "A demon? Sometimes bad things of our past haunt us in our sleep.", (y/n) says compassionately. Yoriichi looks at her for a moment. "Something like that.", he sighs.
After a good breakfast and a walk alongside the nearby creek, the couple finds their way to the market square. (Y/n) squeaks in joy at the sight of the market. The whole place changed overnight. Chains of lights and decorative banners were strung over the market square. Rows of stalls fill the space. "Are you looking for something in particular?", Yoriichi asks. (Y/n) shrugs. "Not really, but it's just nice looking at things, I guess.", she replies. Together, they stroll over the market. (Y/n) stops at every stall and looks at the work displayed. Sometimes she even chats with the vendors. "You know, even if you're not buying something, one should acknowledge the hard work the artists and craftsmen put into their pieces.", (y/n) explains when they leave a stand with particular ugly clay pots. Eventually, they pass a stand with handmade jewelry. (Y/n) oogles the necklaces and hair pins in awe. "Hello, young lady! Are you looking at anything in particular?", the woman working at the stall asks (y/n). "Oh, nothing particular! I am just admiring your pieces! Do you make them all on your own?", (y/n) asks her. "Yes", the woman replies, "I am self-taught. My parents never had the money for buying jewelry so I started early making my own. I believe every woman, even the poorest, deserves to feel pretty.", (Y/n) gives her a bright smile, "That's such a kind business philosophy! I try to follow a similar with my business.". "Oh, you're a self-employed woman, too? What do you do?", the saleswoman asks. "I make and sell medicine, something everybody should have access to.", (y/n) announces proudly. "Seems like we're sisters in spirit!", the woman exclaims, "Why don't I look for something that might suit you?" (Y/n) chuckles embarrassed. "Oh no, it's fine. We're just here to look.", (y/n) tries to explain. "It's alright.", Yoriichi intervenes, "I'd appreciate it if you have something nice for my wife." (Y/n) blushes at Yoriichi's words. It's the first time he called her his wife.
While the saleswoman starts rummaging through some boxes behind the counter, (y/n) turns to Yoriichi. "Yoriichi, you really don't have to buy me anything.", she says. Yoriichi shrugs. "Why not? You wanted to come to this market, why not buy something?", he says. "Still...", (y/n) tries to insist. Suddenly the saleswoman appears in front of the two again. "Considering you work with your hands, a ring or bracelet would be unfitting. So, what do you think of this hairpin? It can keep your hair out of your face while working.", the woman says as she presents (y/n) with a copper hairpin. (Y/n) gasps as she takes the hairpin in her hands. The design is quite simple. The hairpin is made out of one slim stick. At one end of the stick, a decorative sun is attached. The middle of the sun is made from a burgundy-colored stone. Two delicate chains are attached to the back of the sun and two tear-shaped stones in the same color dangle from the two chains. (Y/n) strokes over the sun's stone with her thumb. "It's... like the color of your eyes, don't you think so?", (y/n) asks Yoriichi. "Hm... I guess. I suppose something in a different color would be better then.", he proposes. (Y/n) looks up to him almost offendedly. "Why that? It's such a pretty color.", she argues. "I actually really like your eyes.", she mumbles to herself but Yoriichi catches it. "In that case, we take it.", he decides. While Yoriichi rummages through his pockets for the money, the saleswoman helps (y/n) to put the hairpin into her hair and hands her a small mirror. After Yoriichi hands the woman the money, (y/n) looks up from the mirror and asks with a beaming smile on her face: "What do you think? Does this suit me?". Yoriichi stops in his tracks for a second. It's the first time he sees her with her hair in an updo. (Y/n) usually wears her hair down, even when she works or cooks. With her hair up like this and the pale blue kimono she's wearing, (y/n) looks like one of the fine ladies from the city, Yoriichi thinks. He notices that he's staring. Quickly, he clears his throat. "It suits you.", he tells her. "Really?", (y/n) asks excitedly as she takes another look in the mirror. "Really.", Yoriichi smiles kindly, "You're very beautiful, (y/n)." (Y/n) looks up to him slightly shocked and her face becomes red immediately. "T-thank you...", she stammers. The saleswoman lets out a hearty laugh. "Oh, to be young and in love. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!", she bids the two goodbye.
Embarrassed, Yoriichi and (y/n) continue their way over the market. (Y/n) keeps her eyes fixed on the ground, still taken aback by Yoriichi's sudden compliment. Meanwhile, Yoriichi couldn't help himself but glance at the side of (y/n)'s face. (Y/n) can feel Yoriichi's glances and they make her face burn even more. When she looks up to propose to find a snack to eat, she stumbles over her own feet. However, she never makes an impact on the ground, since Yoriichi reacts promptly, grabs her arm with one hand and pulls her up. Underestimating his own strength, he pulls her up a bit too strongly and her face hits his chest. Trying to prevent her from falling backward again, he quickly puts his other hand on her waist, steadying her balance. Before (y/n) knows what's happening to her, she is caged by Yoriichi's arms and awfully close to him. "Are you okay?", Yoriichi asks breathlessly. "Uhm... yeah...", (y/n) whispers. Yoriichi's looking straight into her eyes and she can't look away even though she feels terribly embarrassed. He's so close. His grip is firm but soft. (Y/n) can even smell him from the position she's in. For a moment, Yoriichi seems unable to look away either. Eventually, he lets go of her taking a deep breath. Both of them need a moment to collect themselves. "So," (y/n) says in a meek voice, "Would you like to grab some food somewhere? It's getting late." Yoriichi feels relieved about the topic change. "Yes, sure. How about some udon? Mrs. Nakamura mentioned a shop a bit outside the village.", he proposes. "Great idea! That sounds amazing. I could use some fresh air away from all this trouble.", (y/n) agrees. She's not sure if she means the market or what just happened.
The two walk to the udon shop in silence. Since the village is located on a mountain, the udon shop is a bit further up the mountain. When the two arrive, the sun has already started to set. When the two hold their bowls, they take a seat at a bench the furthest away from the other guests. They sit next to each other in an attempt to not have to look each other in the eyes. Instead, they are presented with the sunset that slowly settles over the valley. (Y/n) almost forgets her food over the natural spectacle. After they both finished their food, they continue sitting on the bench and staring at the setting sun. The sun colors the entire valley in red and orange hues. It looks as if the villages and the surrounding trees are on fire. (Y/n) sighs deeply. Yoriichi takes a look at her face. The orange of the sun sparkles in her eyes. Noticing Yoriichi's stare, she looks up to him and gives him a smile. "What are you thinking about, Yoriichi?", she asks him. I'm thinking about earlier. How soft you felt when I held you, he thinks but feels embarrassed and guilty the moment the thought crosses his mind. Instead, he simply shrugs. "You can't see the sunset from the cottage. The sun disappears behind the trees way before it starts having this color.", she points out. "Would you prefer to live on a mountain then?", Yoriichi asks her. "God no," (y/n) laughs, "Imagine having to pull that cart up a mountain every time I come back from a market. No, thank you." Yoriichi turns away from her and takes another look at the sunset. "You know, I could pull it up for you every time.", he says. (Y/n) looks at him surprised. "Oh, that's sweet of you. Does that mean you want to live on a mountain?", she asks him. Yoriichi shrugs again. This silences (y/n) for a moment. His apathy sometimes stuns her. How can he not know what he wants from life? Sometimes it seems as if the only thing he ever cares about is doing his duty as a demon slayer. "You know, (y/f/n), my fiancée always wanted to live on a mountain. He grew up on one and wanted the same for our children." Yoriichi is taken aback by this a bit. It's the first time she mentions his name and shares information about him. This must be the not forgetting part of the day, he thinks.
"Uta was pregnant when she died", he suddenly blurts out. He doesn't know where that came from. "Oh." is all (y/n) can come up with. This is new information to her. "I'm really sorry, Yoriichi.", she says quietly. After a while, she adds hesitantly: "I've been pregnant before." It's not something she wanted to share with him before, but it feels right in this moment. "I-i... Please don't think less of me now...", she rambles on. "What happened?", Yoriichi asks. (Y/n) turns away from him. "I don't know. It didn't stick. Lost it in the second trimester.", she answers. Her shoulders drop. "You know, the baby was the reason why we decided to get married. (Y/f/n) was so excited. He took the miscarriage a lot calmer than me. Promised me that we'd try again after the wedding.", (y/n) explains quietly. Slowly, Yoriichi puts his arm around her and squeezes her arm. For a moment (y/n) tenses up. Then, she relaxes and leans her head against his shoulder. "Seems like we both lost our future.", he concludes. (Y/n) thinks about this for a moment. "A future.", she corrects him, "We've lost a possible future. We're not dead yet. So... there's still a future. Just a different one." Yoriichi hums in agreement. "One worth living for?", he asks. Shocked, (y/n) sits up. "Of course. I mean... with (y/s/n) and you... that's quite a good future, I'd say.", she exclaims. Yoriichi gives her a soft smile. "I'm glad that you think our future is good.", he says. (Y/n) blinks at him dumbfoundedly. Our future, she thinks. "And you?", she asks carefully, "Do you think it's a good future?". She feels him squeezing her arm. "Yes, I do."
They stay at the bench until the sun's down and the workers at the udon shop start lighting lanterns. "We should head back to the guest house.", Yoriichi points out. He doesn't like being outside after dark. He didn't bring his sword since he didn't assume they would be out this late. (Y/n) nods and hops up from the bench. The walk back into the village becomes a real challenge for (y/n). With the sun down, the only light that lightens their path is the slim crescent moon. Due to his work, Yoriichi has no problem navigating in the dark, but (y/n) is unsteady in her steps and stumbles over every twig in her way. "I'm really sorry, Yoriichi. I must seem like a bull in a china shop to you.", she apologizes to him. "Don't worry about it. Let me help you. Here, take my hand.", Yoriichi offers. Hesitantly, (y/n) reaches out for his hand. It's warm but itchy and hard in hers. His sword training left him with plenty of callus on the inside of his hands. (Y/n) is still unsteady on her feet but Yoriichi calmly leads her down the path. (Y/n) is glad that she needs to focus on her steps and barely has any time to focus on Yoriichi's hands. Eventually, they make it back into the village where lanterns light their path. Nevertheless, Yoriichi doesn't let go of (y/n)'s hand. I wonder if he forgot, (y/n) thinks. It's not like she wants to let go. She likes holding hands with someone. She already dreads the day when (y/s/n) gets too old and doesn't want to hold hers anymore. She never thought she would anybody's hand again after that. She notices how the distance between her and Yoriichi gets thinner as they walk beside each other. Their arms brush against each other from time to time. (Y/n)'s heart starts to speed up and blood rushes into her face. Great, now I have to think about it, she thinks. I hope my hand isn't getting sweaty, she worries. Before (y/n) can worry any longer about sweaty palms, they arrive at the guest house.
Mrs. Nakamura greets them as they enter the house. "Ah, look who's back so late. Did you two have a great time?", she asks them. (Y/n) gives her a polite smile. "Yes, we were at the market.", she tells Mrs. Nakamura. "Ah, and did your lovely husband get you something nice?", she inquires. (Y/n) turns red a bit again. "Uhm... yes, he did.", she stutters. Mrs. Nakamura laughs wholeheartedly at that. "See, young man? I knew you got this.", she tells Yoriichi who embarrassedly rubs the back of his head. When they walk back to their room, (y/n) asks what Mrs. Nakamura was talking about. "Just a misunderstanding that came up when I asked for a second futon.", he tries to brush it off. "Oh, did she think we had a fight?", (y/n) asks dumbfounded. "Uhm, no that's not it...", Yoriichi replies. His discomfort grows with every word. (Y/n) broods on this while they enter their room. "Oh, I've got it. She thought I didn't want to have sex with you!", she announces proudly. Yoriichi looks at her flabbergasted. He definitely didn't expect (y/n) to be this blunt. (Y/n) bursts out laughing at the sight of Yoriichi's facial expression. "Am I right?", she says wiping a tear from the side of her face. All Yoriichi can do is nod. "That must've hit your ego hard.", she notes as she falls onto the futon. "Why that?", Yoriichi asks as he sits on his own futon cross-legged. (Y/n) props her head onto her arm. "Well, men tend to get offended when women tell them they don't want them in that way. And when other people get to know about that, men feel humiliated and get very angry.", she points out. "Did that happen to you before?", he asks her. "Just enough to make me marry a total stranger.", (y/n) shrugs. "Was it really that bad?", he wonders. (Y/n) sits up. "You're a kind man, Yoriichi. But not every man is like that. Some men think they have a right to take whatever they want.", she replies calmly. When she sees the worried wrinkles on Yoriichi's forehead, she quickly adds: "But it's stupid to try to get on with a woman who knows which plant can kill you slowly but painfully." Yoriichi rises his eyebrow in suspicion. "Not like I've ever killed anybody. I don't have it in me, really!", she quickly defends herself. Yoriichi chuckles at that. "No, you don't.", he concludes.
"Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?", (y/n) pouts. Yoriichi has to chuckle again. "You're too nice for that. Also, I doubt you can take down a man as tall as me.", he points out. "Hey!", (y/n) exclaims, "Is that a challenge? Cause I'll fight you". She quickly stands up and takes on a fighting stance. Yoriichi has to suppress a grin. With that stance, she's knocked off her feet in seconds, he thinks to himself. "I'm not going to fight you.", he notes. "Why?", (y/n) flashes him a grin, "You think you'll lose?" This time Yoriichi bursts out laughing. (Y/n) never heard him laughing that honestly. It's infectious, she thinks. "I don't want to sound too presumptuously, but I'm pretty sure your chances are slim.", he teases her. "Oh, right, because you're the strongest demon slayer alive.", (y/n) says, "I'm not that strong.", Yoriichi says quietly. "Ah, but then you are scared to lose against a girl!" (y/n) mocks. Yoriichi slowly gets up. (Y/n) swallows. She didn't think he would actually take on the challenge. Maybe she teased him too much. Or he felt comfortable enough to boast a little. With Yoriichi's neutral face, there is no way to tell. "You sure about this?", Yoriichi asks. No going back now, (y/n) thinks. "Absolutely.", she says trying to sound confident. What happens next, is a mystery to (y/n). Suddenly, she's laying on her back with Yoriichi standing above her. Damn him, I'm not going down without a fight, she thinks. Quickly, she pushes her legs together in between which Yoriichi stands. Not having expected (y/n)'s move, she manages to destabilize Yoriichi's stance. Having nothing to hold onto, Yoriichi falls forward but manages to soften the blow by falling onto his elbows.
When he opens his eyes again he's confronted with (y/n)'s surprised face. Only then, he notices the position they are in. (Y/n) is under him and at least half of his body is pressed up to hers. Their faces are only centimeters apart. He could count the freckles on her face if he wanted to. He notices how he slightly dips forward. His long hair tickles the side of her face. She blinks and just like that the moment's over. Yoriichi breaks eye contact and quickly removes himself from her. Carefully, (y/n) sits up. "Oh my," she chuckles uncertainly, "There's a lot of falling today. I'm sorry I'm so clumsy." Yoriichi catches his breath. "Yeah, I guess that's enough falling for today. Let's go to bed.", he replies. (Y/n) sighs relieved. "Yes! Totally! I go to the bathroom and change real quick.", she says and quickly hurries out of the door. Yoriichi leans against the wall, trying to calm his heartbeat. No more fighting, he decides for himself. He's not sure he would survive another moment like this.
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shou-jpeg · 11 months
Trick or treat! 🎃
Chay pauses, empty chip packet in hand and bin lid open. He stands there, gazing down into its depths.
There is a black shirt in the bin.
It looks like one of Kim's t-shirts. Why is it in the bin?
He reaches down and pulls it out. It's clean still, the bin almost empty save for one empty yogurt container - Kim's favourite kind of breakfast.
He examines the shirt, looking for why Kim might have put it in the bin, but he finds nothing: other than a small cut in the bottom hem, the shirt looks almost new.
"Babe?" He calls, "Why is there one of your shirts in the bin?"
Kim rolls his chair back so he can look through the open home studio door. "I accidentally cut it this morning when I was cleaning my knives." He says. As if that clears up anything at all.
Chay tells him as much, holding up the shirt between them. "What? This?" He points at the little cut. "Phi why are you throwing out a shirt because of one little cut?"
Kim gives him a bewildered look. "Why would I want to wear a damaged shirt? It brings down the whole look and people would judge me."
"Judge you? P'Khun maybe, but Phi no one would even notice this little cut normally. And if it bothers you, you could just sew it up? It's so wasteful to throw away a whole shirt because of one imperfection."
Kim looks at him as if he had just suggested Kim walk about Bangkok in his underwear. "I can just buy a new one, Chay."
"You can't just drop 100 bhat on a new shirt every time you pull a thread or cut a hem, Phi."
"That shirt cost 1400 bhat."
"Fourteen hundred bhat!?" Chay yelps. That is far too much money to spend on a shirt.
"It's designer." Kim says, as if that makes the situation less insane.
"P'Kim, it doesn't even have a brand name on it."
"It's on the tag inside."
"But you can't even see the tag. Why not just buy a normal tshirt?"
"Polyester itches my skin. And I have the money, why buy cheap clothes?"
"Polyester isn't -" Chay stops himself mid sentence, taking a moment to breathe.
Kim comes from money, he reminds himself. This is hardly the first time they've clashed over something like this. If they keep going, they're not going to get anywhere, and Chay would rather not fight with his boyfriend.
"Phi," he starts, "throwing something away because of a small damage is really wasteful. There are people in the world who can't afford even a 100 bhat shirt. If you don't want it anymore, you should at least donate it to charity."
Kim looks away from him then, and Chay hates it. He hates it when Kim gets that ashamed look on his face, like there's something about himself he realises he doesn't like. He doesn't want Kim to hate himself for something he didn't even know to consider.
"How about… how about I fix it for you, Phi? I've been following these pages about visible mending and I've been dying to try some of the stitches. I could make it look really nice for you. And if you don't want to wear it out, it can be for home or when you visit me. I love seeing you wearing the stuff I make for you."
Kim still has that look on his face that Chay hates, but he also looks thoughtful and almost a little eager. He rarely says it aloud, but Chay knows that Kim really likes receiving handmade gifts from him.
"...Okay." Kim relents eventually, rolling himself back behind the wall into his studio. Chay follows after him, pressing a kiss into his hair and mumbling something sweet.
He backs off then, giving Kim some space to ruminate.
He has a project now, and he's getting a little excited the more he thinks about it. Maybe he will sew in a little leaf or two, or a flower or a little cloud. He really has been dying for an excuse to try some of these ideas. If this is going to be a thing for Kim - not wanting to wear clothes that look even slightly damaged - then Chay might have just found his canvas, as well as a way to put his mark on yet another part of Kim.
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little-pup-pip · 8 months
Hey! I just wanted to let you know, while I think the moodboards you make are super cute and I do love them a lot, they're super disheartening to see.
All of them, are pretty much just stolen content? You don't bother crediting or sourcing anything on them, so they're basically all just photos/art that doesn't belong to you :(
The small artists who create the deco pacis, the plushies, the photography, deserve to be credited and not have their stuff stolen. Especially when they are products the artist is selling (deco pacis, crochet, handmade collars, etc.) they deserve that attention and credit.
/nm but I've just seen SO many people not caring to source their posts. I really encourage you to credit the posts you create.
Hello hello!! First off, I want to tell you that, for the most part, you're right! This is actually something I think about a lot, and I get where you're coming from. Most of the things I post are uncredited pictures, and I'm going to explain why in the best way I can. But ultimately, it's up to you whether this explanation satisfies you or not (if you have suggestions on how to fix it after reading this whole thing, let me know)!
For context, most of the stuff I post are pictures directly from Pinterest, a site that is notorious for being awful at crediting creators and making it difficult to find the original creators of things. I wish Pinterest was better at allowing people to trace the origins of images, and I would love it if I could find the original creators of every picture I use. Unfortunately, it is genuinely impossible to find the people who take most of the pictures on Pinterest a lot of the time (because Pinterest will show you the most recent saver of a picture rather than the poster, and if you do manage to find the poster, you never know if someone reposted a picture, so the person who you think is the creator actually is not). It's really not a matter of "I don't bother to"; it's that often I can't (this is why I try to avoid using art not made by companies because I'd drive myself crazy trying to find the artist)!
I also want to point out that none of the stuff I use is "stolen"! If you look at Pinterest's terms of service, every picture posted there is entirely free to use, sort of like a stock image, and I have to assume that the posters know that. (Legal talk and a simpler version pictured below)
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Additionally, I do show products, but often not by small stores or creators. Most of them are literally product advertisements from large companies that will not take any financial hit from this at all. If you go onto Pinterest and look up something like "blanket," you'll find that it's almost completely large corporations! And that is almost entirely the selection of product pictures I use, especially for my petre boards, as I don't think I have any handmade collars in any of my boards, just commercially made ones!
The pictures that are from smaller creators, such as products, as you stated, can easily be traced back to the creators by downloading the picture and using the Pinterest or even google image search; sometimes, there's even a watermark to make things easier. And, if you ask me, I'll find the creator for you if it's possible!
As a small side note, I never take credit for pictures that aren't my own, and I don't make any money from this. I'm not receiving anything that the creators aren't, except maybe views. And, if people asked me to remove pictures they didn't want on other people's accounts shown on one of my moodboards, I would. I have never had that happen, however, and when people do recognize pictures that they made in one of my moodboards, they have only ever been happy to see them. Here are two examples (check the reblogs)!! Example 1 Example 2
Ultimately, this is a grey area for content, and Pinterest has no better alternative. This debate is also nothing new! People have been making moodboards long before my time and will continue to do so after I stop. And I'm not saying I'm perfect or that other moodboard creators take the same precautions as me, but I am doing my best to make moodboards in a conscionable manner! If you can't get behind it, that's okay!! I would also be happy to discuss this more with you if you want!
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issie-https · 1 year
Would you write Nikki Sixx x reader fluff like him waking you up on your birthday with like breakfast in bed and could it be 90s Nikki?
Birthday Girl
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Nikki Sixx X Reader
A/n: I need to have a tea party with Nikki and Slash😩 Anyway, I feel like I got a tad carried away? Not that it’s long because it’s a short one but idk. I’ve got a handful of requests to do and I’m so excited! And thank you for 32 followers❤️
Word count: 770
Warnings: Nikki being adorable asf
I woke up to Nikki slightly shaking my shoulder. "Is everything okay?" I yawned. "It should be," he replied, placing a tray on my lap once I'd sat up. "Aww, Nikki. You didn't have to," I cooed. He gave me a kiss and sat down on his side of the bed. "I did, it's your birthday," he replied, stealing a piece of fruit from the bowl. "Where'd you learn to cook?" I asked, putting a forkful of pancakes in my mouth. "Your mum. I called her the other night and she came over and taught me," he replied. "Is that why Katie invited me to hers?" I said. "Yep," he said. "It all makes sense now," I smiled, taking a sip from my tea. "Happy birthday," he cheered, almost nocking the plate of my lap. "NIKKI!".
"Okay, now that you've finished your food. It's present time," he said, placing three gifts and an envelope on the bed. I looked at the presents and the wrapping was messy but I could tell he made an effort. "Aww, Nikki," I said, my emotions and hormones taking over making tears well in my eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked concerned. "You're so fucking sweet," I cried, pulling him in for a hug. "Open this one first. You can wear it tonight," he said, handing me a rectangle-ish present. I tore the wrapping off to reveal a blue Tiffany & Co. box. I looked at him and he just nodded his head, indicating for me to open it. I opened it and inside was a gorgeous diamond necklace. "Oh, Nikki. It's the one we saw in Italy," I sighed. When Mötley went to Italy, I tagged along and while we walking around, we passed by Tiffany and I stopped to look in the window and saw the most breathtaking diamond pendant on a silver chain. "I got it when you went to the toilet," he added, making me laugh. "Thank you, Nik," I said, kissing his lips. "This one next," he said, handing me a big box. I opened it and saw 'Christian Louboutin' on the lid of the box. "Nikki, I can't," I said, feeling guilty he spent all this money on me. "Open the fucking box or I'll do it for you," he said. I opened it and there were my dream pair of Louboutins looking back at me. "Nikki, I-". "You're keeping these shoes. And you're wearing them tonight whether you like it or not," he cut me off. "Okay. Thank you so much," I replied, taking one last look at the shoes and replacing the lid. He next handed me a thin box, smirking as I tore the wrapping paper off. I looked inside and saw a red set of lingerie. I looked at him and saw him grinning from ear to ear, thinking about me wearing it later. "Very cleaver, Mr Sixx," I laughed. He shrugged and pointed to the last gift. It was an envelope this time, making me confused as fuck. I opened it and it was a handmade card with a Polaroid of us on the front of it. I opened it and saw his messy but adorable writing.
Hi, princess.
I'm not the best with words or stuff like this but I'll do my best. Since we first met eight years ago, I've never stopped thinking about you. Since we started dating six years ago, I've never stopped loving you. Not once have I thought about another woman(not even Sofia Vergara). I don't ever want to think of another woman, you're all I need. I need you in my life forever. I love you, gorgeous.
Love, Nikki xx
I looked up at him, tears streaming down my cheeks. Everything he said about me, I could say about him. It's true, Nikki Sixx is the only man I need. He turned to his bedside cabinet and took something out the draw. He got up and kneeled on the floor, opening the box to reveal a jaw-dropping diamond ring. "Y/n Y/l/n, i said everything in the card so now if the last part, will you marry me?" He asked as I clasped my hands to my mouth. "Yes," I managed to say. He got up and engulfed me in a giant hug, kissing all over my face. He grabbed my hand and put the ring on, kissing my knuckles after he did. "Mrs Sixx," he said, starting to cry as well. "Mr Sixx," I replied, hugging him again. I looked at the diamond on my finger. Mrs Y/n Sixx. I like that.
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triviareads · 7 months
Could you recommend some historical novels with some kind of game involved? Idk chess, cards, etc
Yes! This is by no means a comprehensive list because there are a lot that are tangentially set in gambling hells and the like, but here are some of my favorites:
Convergence of Desire by Felicity Niven has a card game subplot; Harry is a savant and can easily count cards, and she realizes her and Thomas's houseguests are cheating them during cards so they devise a plan to win back their money. Tom's also a gambler and a high-stakes one from what I remember.
What I Did For The Duke by Julie Anne Long has a sexually tense game of blindman's bluff complete with not-very-discreet groping, and then a dramatic card game that finally makes Genevieve realize in a very roundabout way that the duke loves her and wants her to be happy unconditionally.
The Design of Dukes by Kathleen Ayers has a way-too-sexually-tense game of lawn bowling. The hero later admits he wanted to tug the heroine's skirts up on the lawn and take her then and there.
Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe has a heroine who wants to start a gambling hell for ladies so she asks big bad casino owner Clay Madden for lessons.
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean: There's a really hot card game scene at the end where Ralston is basically Done and ready to get this seduction started after Callie is all "hm I wonder what it would be like to be a courtesan".
The Awakening of Ivy Leavold by Sierra Simone: this is a historical erotic romance; There's a game of blind-man's bluff that turns into an orgy by the end.
All the Ways to Ruin a Rogue by Sophie Jordan: Aurelia likes to sneak out and go to a pleasure club dressed as a courtesan and play cards and at one point I believe the hero has to pay a forfeit where he strips naked in front of everyone.
The Viscount Always Knocks Twice by Grace Callaway: It's a house party so there's lots of games; I remember hide and seek which ended with Violet and Carlisle making out in a Priest Hole, and Carlisle also gifts Violet with a handmade bow and arrows during their courtship because she likes those kids of games/sports.
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas: Derek Craven owns a gambling hell, there's a GREAT scene where Sara is disguised by a mask and she's playing cards and all them men can't help but he drawn to her including, of course, Derek Craven. This is actually suuuch a romantic part of the book, at least until he finds out it's Sara under the mask and then it descends into (horny) farce.
Then Came You by Lisa Kleypas: Lily agrees to a high-stakes card game and if she loses she has to sleep with the hero Alex; obviously she loses, there's this really interesting bit where Derek Craven half-assedly protects her honor in that he tells Alex to be gentle with her, but also, says she needs to honor her debts and basically shoves her into a private room to await Alex lolol.
Secrets of a Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas: Annabelle and Hunt play a lot of chess while she's recovering from a snake bite and it does get to the point where she's having sex dreams about it. Both this book and It Happened One Autumn have scenes where the wallflowers are playing rounders (kind of like baseball?), most notably in SoSN where they're playing in their underwear and Simon Hunt and Westcliff happen upon them.
The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn has a pall-mall scene where Kate and Anthony are super competitive and Kate ends the game by whacking Anthony's ball into the lake.
Gavin Hunt from Her Wanton Wager by Grace Callaway, Cross from One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean, and Aiden Trewlove from The Duchess in his Bed by Lorraine Heath are some of my favorite gambling hell heroes except I can't quite remember how much gaming there is in their books, but I strongly recommend them.
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romeoandjulietyouwish · 6 months
Hi! I was thinking about your western AU the other day, and I was hoping you could share something with us about it? I really love this kind of AU and I love what you've hinted at with VM ^^
Hello! Sorry this took me so long to answer. I can't find any of my old posts with this AU and I can't remember what tag I used lol so here's a little thing I wrote when I was considering writing out this AU fully:
The desert is scorching hot. In between the occasional towns are nothing but tumbleweeds, soaring vultures, and dead trees. A wasteland. Those few brave souls who reside in these frontier towns survive through their community and the hope of prosperity. It’ll come any day now, they are assured. A gold vein will be found, their small settlement will turn into a boom town. 
It’s hope that keeps them living despite the scorching days and the freezing nights. 
And it’s money that drives outlaws and bandits to pillage through these towns, stealing what little these people have. Sheriffs try to keep the law, though being so far from the seats of power leads to people turning the other cheek to benefit themselves.
In the middle of the wasteland, there is a settlement. It sits in the shadow of a plateau and butts up to a dried riverbank. When they are blessed with rains, the river returns for just a few hours. The town is simple, just one road with houses scattered around in a shaky circle.
Many settlements have desolate names, Last Hope, Tombstone, Deadwood. This town is no different, the handmade sign at the front of the street declares this settlement to be Slayer’s Take. Or simply, the Take. 
Positioned strategically between the nearest large settlement and a lake, the Take is relatively safe. They still have their fair share of trouble, but it’s manageable. Or at least that’s what they tell themselves. 
Summer is high now, just starting to push its way into the fall, though seasons don’t have much effect out here. Dawn is just starting to break, taking with it the cool chill of night. A few miles outside of the Take, a woman and a man sit side by side by a dying fire. 
The woman has one leg cocked up, chewing on a piece of jerky. The man is picking debris out of his long hair, grumbling all the while. Two horses are tied up to a nearby tree, one a deep brown and the other a blue-black. In a few hours, they’ll be up and heading to the town.
In the Take’s only saloon, the barkeep sets down chairs, getting rid of what dust he can before striding over to a lute in the corner and absently plucking a few strings while waiting for customers to arrive.
In one of the surrounding houses, a young woman walks through the stable with a smile, greeting all of the horses by name. Half of the stalls are filled, one horse for every few people in town. She arrives at a stall with the end of the stable, a name plate on the outside reading: Honey.
Finally, in the small sheriff’s station shoved between the town hall and the blacksmith, A prisoner sleeps curled up and shaking on the small cot. On the other side of the bars, the sheriff and the deputy play a game of darts over their morning coffees.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
so i just went on vacation to a lil beach town with cute shops (but everything was so expensive i blew through 250 dollars and got like five things sobsobsob) and i can just imagine like janitor eddie or one of the eddies without lots of money feeling so ashamed that he can't buy you everything you want and you guys have to stay in a cheap motel because renting a beach house is pricey and he just feels like a failure and you have to comfort him
but i also imagine mafia eddie or rockstar eddie taking you out and you guys stay at a 9,000 square foot house and its so lavish and anything you even glance at it getting bought immediately
I don’t even think you would really want anything souvenir wise but janitor!eddie is adamant to get you something. he’s so sweet and tries to buy you handmade she’ll jewelry that’s wayyyy overpriced and you tell him not to. he’s feeling all insecure, even though he’ll be eating chef boyarde for the next week bc he’ll be so broke, so you take him to the shore to look for shells. laughing like kids as the waves hit your feet, sticking your hand under the water to wash it off and reveal it to each other. sand dollars, a half a star fish, a gorgeous pink shell that eddie found and you gasped so excitedly at he couldn’t help but boast. it was better than that overpriced shit bc you two found it together. the cheap motel aided to the “ambiance” you told him with a grin. it was pastels of sea green and blues and it was fun down, stuck in the fifties, but you didn’t mind. it was clean, it had a bed and a working toilet, and an ocean view (sans balcony).
mafia!eddie is taking you somewhere off the grid entirely. somewhere safe, under an alias. really to him, a vacation is anywhere that it’s just the two of you. a house in the mountains without neighbors for miles? paradise. a lighthouse on the coast of the north east where nobody but fishermen come by? even better. he just wants to be somewhere secluded where he can really relax.
rockstar!eddie goes big always but he wants to rent or buy somewhere with character. when airbnb becomes a thing??? omg he’s their biggest customer. the malibu barbie dream house?? fucking sick. the haunted mansion look a like house?? the girls love it. a hobbit inspired cottage?? you gotta be shutting me. eddie tries to buy it off the owner for an absurd amount. he loves cool vacations really. wants his girls and you (and himself) to travel and see the world. experience different cultures and ways of life and environments.
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cummin-n-cryin · 2 years
I would, like to request a poly kalim and lilia x a gender neutral reader, who wants to spoil their partners, but don't have the money and tries to do/give little things?
The ending can either be fluffy or NSFW. Whatever you think best!
Also thank you, your writings amazing
~Thank you for your request!
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Gift Giver
Lilia + Kalim x gn!reader (polyamory)
Tw: none that I know of!
Wordcount: 674
Side Note: thx you for being so nice! I'm sry this took so long! I rly love the request but writing this was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm sorry if this wasn't all that great, it sort of went more into a HC route but, I hope it was at least okay!
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Kalim is always surprised that you would want to spoil him but he could never deny a gift from you.
You could give him something as small as a cool rock you found or you could give him an expensive piece of jewelry and he'll tightly hug you while exclaiming with a bright smile, "Thank you! Thank you! I love it so much!"
He'll more than likely want to hold a banquet to celebrate. He thinks that every gift you give to him should be celebrated! It's a representation of your love for him and shouldn't love be celebrated?
Lilia enjoys you're gifts as well. Though he's much more likely to tease you. He'll say things such as, "You must have been thinking about me a lot to get me something like this."
Though, out of all the gifts that you could give them, things that are handmade by you seem to interest them far more. However, neither of them would admit it.
Both Kalim and Lilia treat your handmade gifts far more carefully, as if the smallest bump would break it. Kalim treats is especially more so, he knows he can be a bit clumsy at times so he takes extra care to not break your gift.
Handmade gifts just hold a more special place in Kalim's heart. He appreciates any and every gift you give him, handmade or not. But, when it comes to handmade gifts he can't help but look at it with tears in his eyes.
Kalim sees all the time and effort you put into making it, the attention to all the tiny details and knowing that you made this with him mind nearly makes him cry right then and there. Knowing that you spent all your free time making this just to see him smile, to see him happy, it makes him feel like his heart's about to leap out of his chest!
Lilia shares the same sentiment. Receiving a handmade gift born out of your love for him is truly something special. He'll make sure to place it somewhere very safe so it doesn't get broken!
Not only does he love it for the same reasons Kalim does but, he also loves handmade gifts because it's one of a kind. If you ever believe your gift is flawed or it could've been better, Lilia will pepper your face in kisses as he tells you, "The flaws give it personality!" No matter what Lilia sees your gift as beautiful either way, it's the thought that counts after all.
While Kalim may throw a banquet for you and your gifts to him, Lilia likes to simply gift you things in return. Typically his gifts are things that he has acquired from his travels or they are things that reminded him of you. He knows that you don't need anything in return, he just feels that since you're putting in so much effort to make him happy then he should do the same.
However, once they learn that you're running low on money because of the gifts you've gotten them, then they're gonna become pretty concerned!
They both agree that it's incredibly sweet of you, but you shouldn't go broke because of it!
Kalim always tries to tell you that while he loves receiving gifts from you, you don't need to give him anything! He'll always love you whether you spoil him or not.
Lilia tells you that while he understands that because of how cute and handsome he is that makes it super hard for you to not want to spoil him rotten, please don't spend all your hard earned money on him!
Kalim will remind you that you're free to take the gold out of his family's storage room. Don't worry his family won't mind! While Lilia agrees that's defiantly a good solution to your money issue, he also believes that it may be a bit excessive. Perhaps you should simply stop spoiling them, at least for a little while? They won't love you any less for it!
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bubble4u · 2 years
I can't sleep
Gift giving with the polyship
This probably won't make sense I'm running on no sleep
@festive @danni-k @mianavs @aasouthteranoswife @bontensucker @pridefulnightskin
South: while he very much does have money and is willing to spend it on you. He gives me very much making the gift and I'm talking paper mache hearts that would be slightly lumpy some of the paint would look streaky and glitter be all over your hands type. Every hand made card, every handmade Christmas ornaments, he even took up trying to make beaded jewelry they are all either on your vanity next to one another or you wear the earrings and rings he's made you proudly.
Mitsuya: Another handmade type person but he of course is one to making you clothes. You're his muse even though you don't know it, you're the first to wear pieces of his new collections he always listens to your critiques and even when stuff happens and your body changes he the first to alter everything for you, you'll always be beautiful to him and even if he can be a bit reserved sometimes he shows his love and appreciation through his skill and he always takes your smiles as a gift back.
Taiju: He's very much a material gift giver, now this can vary in certain areas. You see a pair of shoes you've always wanted? He's getting it for you. A purse you saw that would perfect with an outfit? He's buying it. What really gets him going is buying out places that treat you like you're not welcome. You've seen him buy out so many boutiques and restaurants that it got to the point mitsuya and south had to beg him to stop. Again it's not just purses, shoes and clothing if you see a figure or even a book you've always wanted but it's really rare and only a certain number was made or it was a first edition? He's finding it even if it means going across different countries to locate it.
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