#but it's also just about long distance/missing someone in general and eddie's like 'ya okay i don't quite get it' but he's the lead singer
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i'm suddenly thinking about rockstar!eddie shooting a music video on some naval ship and meeting actual sailor!steve who's all dressed up in his whites 'cause eddie's a big name star and the captain said everyone had to look their best and eddie immediately folding for the pretty guy in uniform
just: eddie wanting a couple of the guys to act in the video 'cause hopefully then they'd actually know what they're doing, and asking the capt to point out his most competent sailor. the capt immediately points out one of his low-ranking ensigns (like, brand new baby officer 'cause that's the kinda shit an officer would pull) and eddie, having been raised by wayne (who i'm hc-ing as a navy vet) knows better and is immediately like "No sir, I said your most competent, not your least. someone point me to THE second class. Where's he? I need an enlisted guy." and a higher-ranking chief that's been following the band around the ship all day bellows out a laugh and says "You're gonna want Harrington, Mr. Munson."
idk idk, it's niche but for some reason my mind went into the cold clammy depths of my time in the navy this morning and i was like 'NOPE! don't wanna dwell here, make it fun! make it about the blorbos so you dont get sad!!' lmao
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builtredridgetough-blog · 7 years ago
Arrival in Boralus, Part 2
“Land, ho!” The call from the lookout on top of the vessel as Kanas looked out of a nearby porthole along the Seabee’s portside below-deck. In the distance, sure enough, Kanas looked up from a small book he had been reading about his destination and could see the silhouette of what was surely land approaching along the horizon. From what was visible in the morning twilight, an imposing isle whose lofty peaks glistened with snow and mist were growing ever larger as the small steam vessel approached its destination port. Kul Tiras. He was finally here. He could finally begin his search for Falcarra. “Bring her in steady, shipmaster!” Mr. Screwhand called from the doorway as he hobbled onto onto heck. For a moment, Kanas caught a glimpse of the gnomish merchant and seaman seemingly popping off part of his thumb joint before gripping at his missing appendage with his other hand and then sticking a pipe in his mouth with a flash of flame. Which, of course, was when the elder gnome turned to catch Kanas gawking at the sight. “What’s the matter, Mr. Renard? Never seen a lighter before?” The gnome asked, puffing absently on the pipe. “Uh... well, yeah, but not quite from somebody’s thumb.” “Heh.” At this, Screwhand laughed. “I can’t say that I blame you there. Lost this arm of mine during the Second War... the engineers in Gnomeregan had quite a ball helping me find replacements. The lighter was originally added to my thumb as a joke, but ever since I’ve found it to be quite handy.” The next twenty minutes passed quickly just as the sun crested over the horizon, and in the morning light Kanas could see their destined port had already burst to life. Kanas could see already why the Kul Tirans reigned supreme on the seas even to this day; every inch of Boralus was a coastal metropolis, the very architecture speaking of the strength of arms and spirit of the maritime nation, right down to the sandy and green walls and gates of the inner harbor and the large anchor that symbolized the pride of Kul Tiras. “Secure our moorings with the crew, Mr. Billingsley! Shipmaster, bring us in nice and handsomely!” Screwhand bellowed as Kanas followed him out onto deck, Jed in tow. “Mr. Renard...? Welcome to Boralus, capital of Kul Tiras. Impressive, isn’t it?” “I’ll say,” Kanas nodded, still in awe at the sun dancing upon the morning eddies in the harbor as gulls cried out on the wind; Kanas could see various ships of all different sizes, of all different builds and and flags of different colors entering and exiting the harbor. “Biggest port I’ve ever seen was in Suramar, an’ this beats it by a country mile. Heck, Stormwind Harbor’s mighty impressive, an’ this makes it look tame.” “Heh. Take it in, lad; I know you described your business here as pressing, but this is a sight to be relished.” Screwhand began heading up to the wheelhouse, likely to consult his records. “I’ll see to the matter of collecting my fee from you when we’re safely docked.” “Yes sir,” Kanas nodded. still in awe of the sheer amount of ships and souls bustling in, out and throughtout the harbor metropolis. He had heard rumors and stories of Boralus’ grandeur, but to actually see it with his own eyes was impressive. Of course, Kanas himself had more pressing business than to merely ogle at the ancient might of the city of mariners. No, he had business to tend to that involved seeking out the one near and dear to him. Somewhere, be it in Boralus or beyond, Falcarra Nightstrider was trekking the island, barely able enough to lift herself off of the ground. He had to find her. The <i>Seabee</i> docked without incident, and Kanas paid his fee to Screwhand before being given clearance to merely even set foot in Kul Tiras by the blessing of the harbor master’s office, which was a chafing test of patience after being cooped up below deck for nearly three days. Kanas would have to remember that; while Kul Tiras was a land of human peoples, the nation itself was not part of the Alliance. He would have to step carefully and remember that here, any of his connections and past accomplishments meant absolutely nothing. Trekking from the deck, Kanas made his way through the Tradewinds Market, Jed in tow. The pair received some curious stares as they passed; for one thing, Kanas’ hat naturally drew attention at the time, and both his garb and demeanor clearly marked him an outsider. Where to start his search, however, eluded Kanas.,, and that was when he felt his stomach rumble. As much as he wanted to search for the love of his life, Kanas also knew that neglecting his own needs would make that search much harder... besides, for all he knew, she was on the other side of the isle; there was little point in going forward without gathering information. And so, he found himself at the Snug Harbor Inn, slipping a couple of gold coins across the counter for a bite to eat and a drink, As he waited at a far table for his fare, Kanas reached behind his chestpiece and pensively stared at a keepsake of his officer days; a medallion that had marked him as a ranking Marshal in the Alliance forces. The world’s burning and literally bleeding... and the woman I love is running head-long into it without thinking of the consequences, Kanas thought to himself. Darling, what on Azeroth did you see and experience that horrible day in Kalimdor? Light, let it be that she isn’t going to get herself killed... please let it be that she doesn’t have to learn the very real consequences of fighting hatred like I did. She’s too good to have to learn that painful truth. She shouldn’t have to. That evil witch in Orgrimmar... this is all her fault. What did you think that was good which could possibly result from reigniting the generations of rage and hatred, Sylvanas Windrunner...? Did she seriously think burning Teldrassil would cause us to cut and run...? This is going to end badly. I hope she’s safe... I hope the rest of the Circle is safe. Carter might be mad at me for using leave time to go search for her, but she’s the most important person to me in the world. “Pssst... I wouldn’t have something like that out if I were you, wild man.” “Hm...?” Kanas looked up, looking around for the source of the whisper, only to realize he was no longer alone; he had been so lost in his thoughts that he had lost track of time and surroundings; a dangerous thing to do in a land so foreign to him; across from him sat a man in a long, beaten leather trenchcoat of Kul Tiran design and a head crowned with a long ponytail and a trimmed beared. “What’s it you, sir...? I’m just a stranger in a strange land, passin’ on though... I ain’t allowed to reminisce...?” “Hm! why so offended...? I only came to talk.” The Kul Tiran man before him in the beaten coat. “You seemed like you had much on your mind, and I feeling generous. There’s no need to be so offended. And besides,” The man lowered his voice to a whisper, “you might not want others to know right away that you’re an outsider here, especially a member of the Alliance military, friend; it doesn’t matter if you are now or not. Kul Tiras is a land full of all sorts that might not take kindly to you.” “Okay... so what’s spurrin’ on this sudden act of charity...?” Kanas was suspicious, meeting the scruffy man’s eyes with a peering gaze as he lowered his own voice. “Who’re you, and what do you want? And is to if ya help me, that’s gonna depend on what you know.” “Oh, you’d be surprised; I keep an eye out on and for a great many outsiders that pass into our lands,” The man replied smoothly, a sly grin creeping onto his face. “Isn’t that right... Marshal Renard...?” At first, Kanas raised a brow, but then flipped the medallion over in his hands and realized the scruffy stranger had read his name and former title off the back while he was distracted. Raising his brows, Kanas secreted the medallion away back within his garb and leaned in forward even as Jed slept at his side. “Alright, wise guy... y’already know my name, so I gotta ask... who’re you?” “The name’s Flynn Fairwind,” The cocksure trenchcoat man replied. “And you seem to be looking for something or someone. I felt generous and you seemed awfully troubled as you mumbled something about a night elf... so, maybe I can help?”
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