#but it wld be nice if i was given a choice/deal with it at my own pace. i rly don't get a break even w thesis over huh
nerice · 2 years
im sure ill rant abt this more once im stuck w invisalign for a year but. i am still underweight. i still barely get over a thousand calories in a day. 400 of em (used to) come from the bottle of iced tea i drink daily. i will have to quit that for good and i will lose weight. if i have to brush my teeth after every meal, if i cannot snack real quick without going thru the entire ordeal, i will not eat. i will lose weight. i am terrified of it. i am going to cry
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wannawrite · 6 years
not my type
who?: Wanna One’s Ong Seongwoo genre: 🌸 type: bullet point
blog navigator.
University! AU 
you don’t date younger guys
but you just might ;)
thanks for requesting! this was quite difficult to write since I am a child still lol. Do note that Seongwoo is 20 in this work of fiction. ⁃ admin l
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disclaimer: pictures used do not belong to me and credit goes to their original owners everything that is written here is purely fictional DO NOT READ IF TRIGGERING
so,,,your love life 
not that exciting 
in fact, it is facing a drought at the moment 
reality is harsh huh? 
or maybe it is because of your high standards 
1. No younger guys 
2. Must be a nice person 
3. Someone I could foresee marrying 
but none of your blind dates left you impressed
and then there’s this kid from the music block called Ong Seongwoo 
he’s just one of the guys trying to worm his way into your ‘possible boyfriend’ list 
scarily enough, his tactics were working
we gon throw this waayyy back when y’all met 
frat parties were never your thing
in fact, f*ck linda and this stupid party, I just want to go home and sleep 
you love your roommate and all but you couldn’t help but curse her out 
after all, she had dragged you to this party thrown by one of the music department frat guys 
and left you stranded 
in a hallway with at least 3 couples passionately making out 
tonight was not your night at all 
you hated the loud, shitty music and the smell of sweat and liquor 
but linda was your ride here and there was a slim chance of hailing a cab right now 
you had no choice but to suck it up and rough it out 
Another issue
you needed to finish that essay on sustainable fashion before the 6am deadline 
gr8 job prof 
borrow a laptop from someone and do it now? 
what the hell 
which person would bring a laptop to a frat party? 
unless you can break into one of their rooms and take one??1?1?11
you almost slap yourself at the idea
dumb worried bitch energy 
sis is out of ideas and just wants to graduate be a little empathetic, folks 
you want to sit down on the floor and sink into a puddle of goo 
oh no 
there’s no way you are going to maintain this 3.9 GPA lmaoo
you move to wrestle Linda away from one of the frat guys 
but hollers and cheers stop you
a group of guys block your path as they welcome yet another friend 
but get this! the newcomer has a laptop case in his hands!! 
he appears to have just come from a lecture or meeting 
now, all you had to do was to stalk him, suck up to him and steal borrow the device 
sucking up to one of these frat boys was easy 
their brains had been bruised with bud lights so they weren’t the brightest of the bunch 
before you know it, he’s whisked away by his friends and dissolved into the crowd 
you really, genuinely, wholly, need this laptop 
They would help a fellow college student in need, right?
left with no choice, you elbow your way through  
I suppose your efforts pay off 
bc you catch him as he’s headed upstairs 
“hey!” you yell over the noise. “I-I...” 
the mystery guy only stares, quizzically 
suddenly, you’ve lost all ability to form coherent sentences 
this is embarrassing!
sis gotta calm down 
remember the real reason: laptop
“c-can i borrow your laptop real quick? I have a d-deadline tonight” 
mystery boy says nothing 
“What’s it in for me? If i lend you my laptop?”
he tries to remain serious but the corners of his mouth are tugging up
desperation is pretty much flooding your body 
you wld say f*ck it but you can’t 
“I’ll owe you a favour!” you blurt out thoughtlessly. 
*crickets chirping* 
hope is slowly beginning to fade and your brain is coming up with extension excuses 
just crumbs,,,anything
Orbits gg thru with the drought
when he goes 
he beckons for you to follow him 
“I know a better work environment than here.” 
“What’s your name? I’m y/n, it’s my third year.” 
“Woah, third year? my name’s ong seongwoo. I just got here.” 
huh, freshman 
seongwoo doesn’t say much after
he leads you to a common study area in the enormous fraternity house 
you turn away as he sets up the laptop and everything bc privacy!!!
but the number of brain cells you have left won’t allow you to remember his login details anyway 
“thanks,” you murmur bashfully 
well, this is an expected and rather awkward situation 
seongwoo plants himself in the chair a few seats away from yours 
he pulls out study materials from his backpack 
??? hello? sis, u shld be enjoying the party downstairs ???
you try to shift your fullest attention on your project 
but!! his presence alone is so loud prominent, it’s giving you a hard time keeping your eyes off😔🤧
anyway u manage to suck it up and finish paper and submit it just in time! 
a miracle 
maybe he is your angel ;)
you turn to face him and,,,seongwoo has fallen asleep!! on his books!! 
his hair is slightly tousled and his glasses rest askew on his face 
papers flap in his face but he’s too gone to care 
the poor child is tired 
💓💖💕soft hours💕💖💓: open
gently, you tap his shoulder 
“seongwoo? hey, um, your laptop,” 
he only stirs the 2nd time you call him
groggily, he covers his face and speaks into his hands 
he mumbles something about ‘dealing with it later’
you figure it would be best if you left him alone to nap 
suddenly, seongwoo grabs your arm 
at least, he reaches for it
“I need your number to claim that favour.” 
my number ????
for half a second, your heart does pitter patters 
he’s only being objective though...
and it was you who suggested it in the first place 
sighing, you punch your number into his phone 
“okay, but use it wisely and...try not to...call or text so much...”
that sounds rlly mean >:( 
“yeah i’ll keep that in mind.” 
there’s an underlying layer of...cheekiness? in seongwoo’s tone 
your brain jumps to the first conclusion it can think of 
“I don’t date younger guys, Seongwoo,” 
now, Seongwoo looks up and beams broadly 
“Bold of you to assume I’m interested,” he taunts playfully 
red sinks into your face and you defend yourself in splutters 
“I’m not interested in general! I’m prioritising my studies and everything else! It was just to make sure you know where we stand-“ 
futile, really 
“relax,” he replies. “Just saying, I could change your mind.” 
but true lol
an amused scoff leave your lips and your arms go akimbo
“I’d like to see you try, freshman.” 
*back to the present* 
You: really, Seongwoo. I don’t see why you can’t drop by the printing station yourself 
Seongwoo: you are seated RIGHT NEXT to it. Just fold the papers into aeroplanes and fly them over 
You: a 15-page research paper ?? That clearly says ‘do not bend’ 
Seongwoo: ignore it. Throw it over 
you never predicted this was where life would take you 
here you were, sat in the library, the table by the printing room 
and Seongwoo was seated a few tables away, texting you to collect his freshly printed document
just because 
You: Oh my god shut up you’ll get points deducted if your paper is the least bit crumpled 
You: i’ll just bring it over 
so,,,you did 
you brought seongwoo’s papers over to his table 
he had been watching from afar, lips pulled into a dumb smile
“thank you, senior.” 
boy had the audacity to say that in front of your salad 
just to tease him, you reply: 
“yeah, senior, just how I like my future boyfriend.” 
with that remark, the smile slips off seongwoo’s face and his jaw clenches
but he tries to play it off all cool😎🤧
you shoot the sweetest smile you can muster before skipping back to your table 
*beep beep*
I nearly put vibrate -
Seongwoo: that doesn’t count as using my favour card! 
your head shakes, but your mouth smiles 
it was no secret that seongwoo had a small! crush on you 
even if it was, everyone knew 
his whole frat and most of his seniors 
your friends and roommates 
the whole bloody campus 
this relationship started out with seongwoo following you on ig
then occasionally dropping a text and wishing you well 
he also hyped up all your pics 
and said hi whenever you bumped into each other 
it escalated to meeting up for brunch or a movie 
just...as friends, casually 
but you enjoyed his company and goofing around much more than some blind dates 
now, texting him was a regular 
going out was common 
and you haven’t even counted the number of times you guys met at social events 
sometimes, he made you feel so✨ special, precious, wanted by doing the smallest things 
like a tea on your table 
or going the extra mile to cheer you up 
most of the time at the expense of his handsome face 
he was always,,,there
you did find out about his feelings, though he never addressed them fully
it was fun!! to press his buttons as a friend 
“yeah idk abt dating someone younger. Wbu?” 
“Hmm. Senior year makes everyone 10x hotter.” 
but...you weren’t certain if that would turn into something more 
you know, you hadn’t given dating someone younger a thought 
it never crossed your mind 
maybe it was a subconscious deal breaker 
you were always quick to bring age into making deals 
old broken deals could be made new 
the concept was incredibly foreign 
my boyfriend? younger? 
Personally, you could never see that happen 
b-but seongwoo made you sO DAMN HAPPY ALL THE TIME 
there was sunshine in his smiles
and starlight in his eyes 
but is this attraction? 
Eventually, after many sleepless nights, up thinking about this, you made up your mind
If he made a move first, 
bc ur scared 
you would be hella open to dating him 
f*ck that ‘older people only’ rule 
(⁄˘⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ˘⁄)♡
[3.06am] seongwoo leaves a voicemail. He says, “hey, will you go on a date with me? I like you.”
[3.14am] seongwoo leaves another voicemail. “I’ll use my favour card if I have to. Just give me a chance.” 
so u jump on this bandwagon and call him asap 
it goes straight to voicemail but you don’t leave one 
you know,,,to build suspense 
all day long, that’s all you can think about 
[8.17am] seongwoo wakes up to a silent voicemail from you 
he doesn’t know what to think of it 
he dials your number with shaking hands and before you can utter a word, he rushes, “meet me at xxx cafe at 11am” 
then hangs up 
Tumblr: 101 cafe date outfit ideas
Seongwoo arrives early and orders a drink while waiting 
he also picks out a window booth to sit at 
his nerves could eat him alive if they teamed up 
what would you say to him? 
how badly did you react to his 3am confession 
getting mildly intoxicated on Daniel’s stash was a horrible idea
he spilt all his secret uwus
the bell chimes 
and all his attention is focused on you 
your eyes land on him 
a smile graces your face as you walk over 
“I like you too.” 
“Damn, you better not be messing with me right now,” seongwoo nervously chuckles. “I know I sent you th-“ 
“Oh my god! I like you!” 
For a moment, his smart mouth runs dry, surprised 
“Oh wow, what happened to your older guys only rule?”
You smack his chest in mock annoyance
“Rules are made to be broken! Let’s not talk about that.” You turn various shades of red 
Grinning like the Chesire cat, Seongwoo teases, “And that’s the beauty of it.” 
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