#but it can work as a great emphasis on how much of a stupid hypocrite yagami can be in his relationship with kuwana
passthroughtime · 3 months
my fucking god, rereading your own wips is such a chore. and no one ever warned me about that.
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Ma’am MA’AM those yasu headcanons slayed me. I was 🥺🥺 in awe afterwards. Thank you for writing them!!!! By any chance would you be willing to write some for Shin too? 👁 sfw + nsfw, if you’re comfortable with it ahajsjdjddjd
Awww thank you for the kind words Anon! Yes I will definitely write for Shin! Such a gorgeous boy isn’t he? :) Also Shin is indeed aged up for reasons that should be obvious! Also NSFW under the cut!
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Shin honestly doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to relationships. He’s self-destructive to the point of self-sabotage and his self-esteem and self-worth have been shot to hell quite frankly. Pursuing a relationship with Shin outright is ill-advised as you are definitely gonna get rejected.
Shin may be young but he’s not stupid. If you have any ulterior motives, keep it moving because Shin won’t go any further than a fuck-buddy relationship with you. He’s already used to women simply using him for his body and you’re not gonna fool him.
Shin doesn’t let people get close to him and he’s quite secretive. You’ll only find out what he wants you to find out. Don’t bother snooping as that’ll only make Shin angry and far less likely to open to you. Mind your own business and don’t be a snitch!
Needless to say, getting into a relationship with Shin will definitely be slow-burn. Emphasis on the word slow. If you want Shin to trust and open up to you, you’ll have to prove yourself to him and show that you genuinely care about him. Even then, there are probably still some things that Shin will probably never open up to you about and you’ll just have to accept that.
Once Shin feels like he can truly trust and love you, he’ll shower you with so much affection and it’s so adorable! He has a great need for security so expect a lot of hugs, kisses, and words of affirmation! No Shin doesn’t care who’s watching and if he’s being teased, he’ll pull a Reverse Uno on them to shut them up.
Shin’s need for security does extend to money which is the main source for how ambitious he is. He’s used to being spoiled so buying gifts for him doesn’t really do much for your relationship. He doesn’t mind when you do things for him and definitely appreciates it but it’s not the way to his heart. That being said, Shin will definitely support you in your own ambitions and if they happen to fall within the music industry, that’s even better! He’ll have your back no matter what!
Shin is very rebellious and does NOT like people telling him what to do or trying to enforce rules on him. He does what he wants when he wants. If you’re the kind of person who prefers being dominate in your relationship, you’ll definitely have a rude awakening with Shin. He can be quite a little shithead at times so you two will definitely have many arguments regardless. Making up can take a while because Shin will definitely hold a grudge against you. At this point, it’s best to just give him space so you can both cool off and try to resolve things.
Shin is quite possessive and wants all or nothing from you. He’ll put 100% effort into your relationship and wants the same from you in return. Shin isn’t worried about anyone taking you away from him but if he is feeling insecure, you’re gonna know about it without a doubt. He doesn’t contemplate and immediately goes in head-first when there’s a problem with you two. If someone is trying to get in between you two or simply be nosy, they’re gonna face Shin’s wrath and it won’t be pretty.
Shin is quite a wild person and loves taking risks as well as trying his luck. Perfect for a daredevil and someone who simply loves to let loose and have a good time! Speaking of which..........
There’s a difference between having sex for money and having sex for pleasure which Shin has come to realize. With you, Shin wants nothing but pleasure, passion, and intimacy. Because of this, he’ll actually be a bit reluctant to have sex with you the first time around. He doesn’t want a simple fuck this time around and if it’ll be your first time having sex in general, Shin wants it to be special and unforgettable.
The minute you two start having sex, Shin considers your relationship official but he won’t stop prostituting either. But not because he wants to have his cake and eat it too. Shin only does it for survival and the money. If BLAST has hit it big by the time you two get together, then Shin will stop hooking without a second thought. The only person he wants on his dick is you and you alone! If you happen to be rich and successful, that will also make Shin stop hooking.
Despite his young age, Shin is vastly experienced and definitely has a high sex drive. He’s like the damn Energizer bunny! But if your sex drive is lower than his (which it most likely will be), then Shin will accommodate you and won’t push you to have more sex than you can handle.
Shin’s very open-minded so don’t be afraid to tell him what you like and don’t like. Talking about sex is like second nature to him and he has no shame. If you have any insecurities about your body or your performance, don’t be afraid to tell Shin about them. He’ll definitely make you feel better ;)
Shin’s utmost favorite kink is praise, both giving and receiving. Calling him a good boy will absolutely drive him insane and he also likes being called baby boy as well. Yes Shin has a Mommy/Mistress kink and yes he’s a sub. He may not like being dominated outside the bedroom but he definitely loves being dominated inside of it! Don’t be afraid to be rough with Shin either! He can handle it ;) When giving praise, Shin is absolutely filthy and quite detailed. You will definitely be blushing and at a loss for words once he starts talking!
Shin’s favorite positions include this, this, this, and this. He prefers rough and passionate fucking but if you want romantic love-making, he’ll give you that too! Shin will definitely fuck you in the studio and not give a single damn about it! Good thing the place is soundproof (it was his idea)! He will also fuck you backstage before and after a show! In fact, Shin isn’t afraid to have sex with you in risky places at all! Quickies are definitely his specialty and the risk of getting caught and/or being overheard is too good to pass up for Shin! You can also expect some sexting to happen as well!
It’s rare for Shin to be the dom but when he is, boy are you in for some fun! He likes to be called Master and he is one of the biggest teases ever! Shin definitely has many items and toys that he uses in bed with you and having a safeword with him is paramount since he can get pretty rough and sadistic and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable in any way.
A big no-no with Shin is verbal humiliation and degradation. He already has low self-esteem and self-worth as it is and he doesn’t need you adding to it with that kind of stuff. As for physical humiliation, Shin is more accepting of it but still has his limits. He also won’t use it on you as he doesn’t wanna be a hypocrite. But if you insist, prepare to walk funny for about a week!
Shin’s aftercare isn’t really the best since he’s usually the one receiving it so you’ll be the one doing the work. He definitely will have a cigarette after sex and loves to take a bubble bath with you while exchanging pillow talk and cuddling. This is when Shin will be at his most vulnerable so cherish it as much as possible because he’ll most likely tell you things that he hasn’t told a single soul. Please don’t abuse this or take it for granted!
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elshopper · 5 years
Cure for a Blue Christmas
Wow, y’all, it is a Christmas miracle. For I have written something. I hope you enjoy. 
WC: 2.9k
Ao3 link coming soon.
December 25, 1986 Somewhere North of Bloomington, Indiana
“By the way, I loved the way you told dad to shove it,” Nancy said, glancing over to her brother in the passenger seat.
Mike was right in the middle of fiddling with the radio dial now that Hawkins Best Hits was out of range. Every station was either annoying Christmas music or old standards or weird nighttime talk shows. He sighed.  
“Yeah, I’m going to get a lot of shit for that one when we get home,” he said, finally settling on whatever station that was currently playing that one Christmas song about the kids in Africa that he decided he could tolerate.
“He was asking for it,” Nancy replied, both her hands steady on the wheel. “He was just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.” 
It had been a rather frustrating Christmas in the Wheeler household. Their mother had been tapped to host the whole family this year, and she was at her wits end this morning - pulling endless breakfast casseroles out of the oven only to be immediately devoured and criticized by extended family members.
Mike had to share his room with his cousins, Richie and Timothy, who were too annoying to bunk in the basement with the older cousins. Nancy got a room to herself, and Mike had carefully maneuver around the bodies sleeping on his floor if he wanted to get to the bathroom. 
Holly was being particularly bratty, too. Mike’s grandmother was being especially critical of his mom, following her around the house and making comments about the table setting this and the Christmas ham that. His dad was flipping through classical holiday films (ironically about the value of family and unconditional love) while making exactly zero contributions from his recliner in the den. 
To top it all off, due to the Wheeler family Christmas nightmare occurring under their roof, Mike and Nancy had to back out of their promises to drive down to Allendale to visit the Byers on Christmas Day because “we have to entertain the family, Michael,” which was just stupid and hypocritical of him to even say on account of the fact that Mr. Wheeler had been doing zilch the entire shitty three days.
When the family finally left that afternoon, Mike and Nancy made a point to help their mother start up loads of laundry and clean up in the kitchen before asking very very nicely if they could make the trip anyway. 
“The family’s gone now, and we could give you some time to just relax…” Nancy pitched, her fingers drumming on their kitchen island. “I promise we’ll be back tomorrow morning. First thing.” 
Mrs. Wheeler squinted her eyes and hummed to herself, saying something about being careful driving in the dark before she shouted into the den for Mr. Wheeler’s approval. 
“No, Karen, tell the kids they can stay right here,” he yelled back. “Need to have a little family time.” 
Nancy, who had been doing most of the negotiating with their mother, rolled her eyes, but something about his dad’s whole schtick of being a lazy ass-wipe made something that had been building and building in Mike finally snap. 
“Family time? You’re shitting me, family time?!” Mike raised his voice a little and headed into the den.
“Language, Michael...” 
“All you’ve done is sit on your ass while we’ve been absolutely drowning in family time for three whole days!” 
His dad’s eyes finally - for the first time in probably days - moved over from the TV to look at his kids standing defiantly in the doorframe. Mike went on.
“So if you don’t mind, Nancy and I are going to go for the night to go see our friends - who we never get to spend any time with, by the way!” 
He crossed the room for the coat rack by the door and threw his coat on. To his surprise, Nancy followed and grabbed the keys off the hook by the door. 
“Michael, if you walk out that door, you’re grounded,” Ted retorted. “Same goes for you Nancy.” 
“Great! I’m fine with that! Maybe then we’ll get that family time I’ve been hearing so much about!” 
They were they had already thrown some overnight bags in the car, because with one slam of the front door for emphasis, Mike was finally on the way to see his girlfriend. 
They decided to make their arrival a surprise, and the excitement of that prospect was slowly beginning to overshadow the seething anger towards his dad. 
“I know Jonathan said he and Will were going to be at Lonnie’s today,” Nancy started, “but they’re coming back tonight. Maybe we’ll beat them home.” 
“Yeah maybe,” Mike said. “I know El said she’s just staying in with Mrs. Byers. She sounded kind of bummed about it, though.” 
“Well, maybe this will cheer everyone up,” Nancy said, before turning up the volume on the radio.
Allendale, Illinois 
Now get this, it’s from London. “Mr. Gower cabled you need cash. Stop. My office instructed to advance you up to $25,000. Stop. Hee-haw and Merry Christmas. Sam Wainwright.” 
El closed the door to the oven, and sauntered back over to the couch. Joyce was sitting in one corner, legs drawn up under a throw blanket, while she worked on sewing a button back on one of Jonathan’s old shirts so Will could wear it. 
“Okay the cookies are in,” El said, but Joyce’s eyes stayed fixated on the television. They had been watching It’s a Wonderful Life on channel 5, and it was one of Joyce’s favorite holiday films. Despite the majority of the movie being… sort of depressing, El was glad she was here to spend time with Joyce who would otherwise be alone on the holiday. 
They had spent the afternoon just like this - cleaning up around the house, finishing up mundane chores, and baking here and there. Even though she was fairly new at it, El actually wasn’t half bad at following the recipes in Joyce’s family cookbook. Often, she was learning, numbers made more sense to her than words. 
Jonathan and Will had driven up to Indiana after opening morning presents to spend some “quality time” with their father and stepmother. Joyce had insisted (albeit, reluctantly) once she discovered they hadn’t gone to see them in over a year. El had never met him, but he didn’t sound all that pleasant when Will brought him up on occasion... kind of like he was inconvenienced by the fact that he had kids in the first place. 
Kind of like a grade-A asshole, as Dustin would proudly put it. 
She hadn’t even seen an old picture of him and Joyce anywhere in the old photo albums. She knew they had been married, but were now divorced, so it was just Joyce now. Taking care of her sons, and now the daughter that she never meant to have. 
Last Christmas had been great - wonderful even - because it was her first time back in Hawkins since the big move a couple months prior. Despite absolutely dreading the cold, El loved the holiday season now that she got to be a part of it - all Mrs. Wheeler’s pies and nicely wrapped gifts and the smell of pine trees and mistletoe... 
This year, the Byers clan had stayed behind. Mrs. Wheeler had to host the family for Christmas, and that apparently meant that Mike couldn’t even come visit - not even for a few hours. 
He had sounded so bummed about it over the phone, but promised to send her present in the mail once the holiday rush ended. He even called her this morning to wish her a Merry Christmas, and tell her that the holiday didn’t feel right without her being home. It was nice of him, but it just made her feel more gloomy about the whole thing. It was a joyful time of year for most, but El couldn’t be with all of her favorite people. 
On the TV, the Bailey household erupted in a spirited rendition of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing as all the townspeople showed up to give George their donations and Joyce’s eyes were getting a little misty. 
Joyful all ye nations rise! Join the triumph of the skies!
“This part always makes me cry, every single time!” Joyce said, using the fabric of Jonathan’s shirt to dab at her eyes. “Oh, look at me.”  
Hark! The herald angels sing… 
“I like this movie too,” El said, reaching for a hand full of popcorn from the bowl on the coffee table. “It’s sweet.” 
“You’ve seen this movie before?” 
“Yes…” El started. “Two Christmases ago I think. But I didn’t really understand it then. Now it all makes more sense.” 
She didn’t want to touch on a sore subject if Joyce didn’t want to talk about it - especially this time of year, so she didn’t go into detail about how Hopper had turned it on one snowy evening in December 1984 and cracked a beer open before telling her to pay attention because this was one of the greatest films of all time. She could practically hear him…
“...Now I used to sit on the couch with my old man and watch this movie every single Christmas.” Hopper said, “It’s about being thankful for what you’ve got and that you’re never alone in the world if you’re a good person… you know… cheesy stuff like that...” 
It was in black and white and she didn’t know what all the yelling was about, but El liked it because Hopper seemed to. She thought George’s life was interesting and she thought his wife Mary was really pretty. She asked Hopper to find her a dress just like Mary’s to wear to the big dance she was invited to the following week and he had said “Jesus, kid, I don’t think they make ‘em like that anymore…” 
A small smile crept across El’s face. 
Good idea Ernie, a toast! To my big brother George. The richest man in town. 
“Did Hop turn it on for you before he would go to the station?” Joyce asked. 
“No, actually he sat down to watch with me.” El said, “He didn’t do a great job of explaining anything, but he wanted me to see it for some reason.” 
“Well, everyone should see It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s one of the greatest films of all time!”
The crowd on the screen erupted in another joyful tune and Joyce started humming along.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?              
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne?
Then a note from Clarence the angel appeared on the screen, and it was El’s turn to feel tears pinch the back of her eyes. 
“Remember, no man is a failure who has friends!” the note read in beautiful swooping cursive.
El had been trying to keep a smile on her face all day for Joyce, but she missed her friends so much she thought she might burst.
She and Will called them on the phone as often as they could, but of course it wasn’t the same. They knew they were missing the making of memories, and as hard as it was, El couldn’t help but feel jealous that everyone in Hawkins all still had each other. 
She and Will would talk with Lucas who would tell them some outlandish stories about something Max got up to or Steve said or Mike did in school. Then, they would give Dustin a call for the real story. Max would complain to her about being ‘surrounded by idiots’ and fill her in on the most recent fight Mike picked with Lucas over something stupid and El would call him after just to check on him. Out of everyone, Mike probably took it the hardest with his best friend and his girlfriend both leaving town all at once.  
She was glad she had Will sulk and feign happiness with sometimes. She could tell he felt the same as she did, that they were kind of incomplete without everyone. Jonathan was busy with work and college courses, and was planning to transfer to be closer to Nancy next year now that he’d saved up enough, so the reality of the move hadn’t hit him as hard because he had just a little more freedom.
“When you go through all that, I think the people you’re with end up being your family, like it or not,” Will said to her once. “I don’t feel like I can let anyone else in. It’s just us, you know? And most of our family is about a four hour drive away.” 
To make matters worse, when Mike and Nancy cancelled, El’s teeny ounce of excitement about the holidays vanished. 
It was just… lonely. And El knew Joyce was pretty lonely too. Joyce’s parents were originally from Allendale, but her extended family had all moved or passed away before El was ever around. She just moved her children back somewhere familiar where she was fairly sure there weren’t any secret government conspiracies at work beneath the surface. Since El hadn’t had the use of her powers in over a year, there wasn’t a lot to hide except for the past. 
“I love this song,” Joyce said, humming along with the melody and snapping El back to the present. 
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
The words sounded like absolute gibberish to El. 
“What does ‘old hang sign’ mean anyway?” El asked. 
“Auld Lang Syne,” Joyce replied. “It’s in another language - Scottish, maybe? I’m not sure exactly what it means, but you sing it on New Years Eve.” 
“Why on New Years Eve?”
“Because it's a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future… I guess it means that you’re thankful for everything you have and the people in your life and the experiences you’ve had so far, but you’re looking to the future for better things.” 
El nodded. 
“Kind of hard to look back and be thankful,” El muttered. 
Look daddy. Teacher says, ‘Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.’ 
She felt Joyce turn on the couch to face her. 
“Oh, honey, I’m thankful! If I didn’t have you, I’d be spending Christmas Eve alone,” she said as she wrapped one arm around El’s shoulders. “And the world would be a much sadder place.” 
“Thanks,” El said, fiddling with the hem on her sweatshirt. “It’s hard though.” 
“You’re right, but you have to try your hardest to see the good in life…”
Atta boy, Clarence!
Just then, the oven dinged that the cookies were ready, and El hopped up to grab them. She was setting the cookie sheet on the stove when she saw a pair of headlights pulling into the driveway.   
“Looks like Jonathan and Will are home,” El said, pulling out the cooling sheet. 
“Oh, good. Just in time for the next film.” 
But just as El was putting the last of the cookies on the cooling sheet, she heard a frantic little knock at the door followed by a couple of dings on their doorbell. Startled, she almost dropped her spatula. 
“Why on earth are they making all that noise?” Joyce asked as she stood up to turn down the ending credits and answer the door. “Surely Jonathan and Will don’t need any help carrying gifts to the house after an evening at Lonnie’s…”
When she opened the door, instead of hearing Jonathan or Will’s voice, she heard Mike’s.
“Mrs. Byers! Merry Christmas!” 
“Mike! And Nancy! I thought you couldn’t make it!” 
“We came anyway,” Nancy said from behind him. “Didn’t want to let the holiday pass without coming to see you.”
“Oh, I hope you didn’t upset your mother too much...”
 El dropped the spatula - on purpose this time - and was over at the door in a matter of seconds. If there was any cure for a blue Christmas, it was the look on Mike’s beaming face when she rounded the corner, still wearing Joyce’s favorite holiday apron. 
“I can’t believe you made it!” 
El caught the bright smile on Nancy’s face as Mike met her with open arms. 
“Merry Christmas, El,” Mike said, pulling back to hold her face in his hands. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
Just as Joyce was about to move everyone indoors and out of the cold, Jonathan’s old station wagon pulled up, making their arrival some of the most perfect timing El had seen in a while. 
“Nance? What are you doing here?” 
The bags were brought in and the cookies were set on the coffee table. Will was congratulating Mike on standing up to his dad, Nancy was talking with Joyce about winters in New York, and El was all snuggled up on Mike’s right side, her cheek against his shoulder and everything seemed right with the world - at least for the moment. 
Even through hard times and sad days, El was so happy she had lived through them. Without them, she couldn’t have moments like these where everything felt perfect. She knew everyone in the room would agree - the smiles and laughs and shining eyes were enough for her to feel completely and simply surrounded by such a warm, fuzzy feeling. 
El lifted her head to place a kiss on Mike’s shoulder and he turned to look down at her, eyes all glassy and warm. 
“What was that for?” 
“Just because,” she said.  
I’ll love you ‘til the day I die, she thought.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours!! Can y’all tell which movie I’ve been watching all week... I hope it doesn’t sound like the ramblings of a Christmas lunatic :) Love y’all, miss y’all everyday <3
Tagging some lovelies: @milesfairchild, @mikewheeler, @milevenhearteyes, @serendipitousrambles, @fatechica, @summer-in-hawkins, @milevens, @stevehharrington, @elhoppers, @dustinhendrsn, @lyrawills, @partwayhappy and @robinbuckely 
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archuve · 7 years
In Search Of Food: Bonus Date
I have a decided to actually write the date! Or was trying to but before I knew it the word count reached 5k and before we even got to the date! XD So the date is going to be in two chapters, one for before the date which I had a lot of fun writing and has actually written and the other for the actual date which I haven’t written yet.
This bonus date is dedicated to @croixmeridies !!!
https://worldsinword.tumblr.com/post/166916054278/in-search-of-food (The previous Chapter- 1/3)
Chapter 2/3
Croix looked at herself in the mirror, her fingers weaving and moving through her lavender hair as she murmured small words of motivation to herself. Today was Wednesday after all, the day where she would be on the date with the one and only Chariot Du Nord. Her fingers paused, her mind flashing back to the small moment of days ago. The way her heart pounded against her rib cage, how her cheeks hurt from smiling so much and how her entire face was on fire from just one singular moment.
Chariot Du Nord kissed her.
Granted it was a kiss on the cheek but it was enough to shortcut her usual thinking for days and nights. Her mind was on a repeat, over and over the scene replayed in her thoughts. Sometimes it would stop there at the kiss and she wouldn’t be distracted again from work. If she was a bit unlucky the whole day would go on, from how she first met Akko to how she leaves calling Chariot ‘ma Cherie’. Often it left Croix in a dreamlike state before it ends or an external source snapped her out of it.
Then, there were those moments.
These moments where in her head, Chariot Du Nord doesn’t stop at the kiss on the cheek. Some nights it was a simple kiss which lead them to kiss passionately, Chariot’s back against the wall whilst Croix’s hands roamed through her gorgeous red hair. Some nights Chariot didn’t bother with the cheek but went straight to her lips and on the rare singular occasion… Croix didn’t leave the house at all and spent the night there.
Every time, every single instance where Croix dreamt or thought of something regarding the beautiful redhead, Croix knew she was swooning. She either swooned in her head or in reality, sinking her head into the palms of her hand as she sighed with her emerald eyes evolving to heart eyes. It was if she was caught under a spell.
A sudden jingle of robotic hums brought Croix back to reality as she let out an amused sigh at herself, realising that just now she was in that trance she was contemplating. She looked to the side,  the corner of her lips curled upwards as her phone screen illuminated a message from none other than Chariot Du Nord. She picked it up, a slight rise in the pulse as she looked at the message before the excited smile dissolved into a disbelieving laugh. The user may have Chariot’s name but the contents showed the person behind it was not.
Croix: Why do you have Chariot’s phone Akko?
Chariot Du Woah:*Gasp* How did you know it was me??? :O
Croix laughed once more at her message before her eyes flicker back to the original message of the topic and laughed even more. Where does she get these things?
Croix: After your search for ‘food’ for your mum, I highly doubt she would start a conversation with a pickup line and of food of all things.
Chariot Du Woah: What’s wrong with mine???
“Everything,” Croix muttered under her breath as she typed a different response, her mind rolling back to the message before laughing once more. Are you an Ice Cream? Because I bet you’re sweet when I taste you. “And the fact I didn’t think of it first.”
Croix: I’ll explain when you’re older
Chariot Du Woah: I mean I don’t get it but I know ice cream is really tasty! So it must be good!
Croix: Good, stay pure and out of the internet. Croix wanted to add another piece of advice before something hit her instead.
Croix: Wait, didn’t Chariot ground you from the internet?
Whatever Akko was typing to her paused, then walls of text exploded on her screen. To Croix’s further amusement, her typing reactions made it looked like Akko was going through the five stages of grief.  
Chariot Du Woah: Ummmm I have no idea what you are talking about
Chariot Du Woah: Actually, I do got some idea, why are you snitching on me???? Like come on Croix you are supposed to be friendly to the kid whose mum you’re dating
Chariot Du Woah: Like we are supposed to be great friends, I give you advice about mum and you don’t tell mum about these sort of things. Let’s start now and since I came up with it and you start your end first
Chariot Du Woah: Oh who am I kidding I’m so dead
Chariot Du Woah: This is fine, I can live with the inevitable death that awaits me
Croix: Lmao actually how did you get the phone in the first place?
There was a set of ellipses before there was a pause and then they left altogether. After a little while, Croix got concerned with the lack of messages.
Croix: Akko?
Chariot Du Woah: Croix I am soooo sorry for what Akko just written
Croix: Ah there’s the real Chariot behind the name, how are you? And don’t worry it’s fine.
Chariot Du Woah: Well, I’m doing well and ummm
Chariot’s texting paused there, then the dots appeared, then disappeared. This repeated for a while until Croix got one message that explains everything.  
Chariot Du Woah: I gtg cause Akko is trying to get my phone
Croix: It's fine XD, I’ll see you later for our date, ma cherie
Croix couldn't deny how her fingers were shaking from typing the small endearment nor could she ignore the wide smile across her cheeks and her heartbeat that drummed in her ears.
Chariot Du woah: yes… I’ll see you soon
Croix was about to leave it there before another message came instead, one that made Croix laugh before revealing a wistful smile.
Croix chuckled once more at the abrupt ending, a message no doubt coming from Akko and in her head, she wishes Akko a safe departure to the world of the dead. “So far everything is going well.”
“So far everything is going terribly,” Chariot replied as she groaned into her hand, ignoring the childish boo in the background. She lifted her head, her red eyes glaring at the person in front of her. “And you’re not helping acting like you were Akko.”
“That’s only because when I tried to give you some advice you called it stupid.” Marjo rebutted as she crossed her arms and leant against the wall.
“That’s because it is!” Chariot exclaimed, lifting her arms up to emphasis her point before she walks up to Marjo and points to her. “You want me to give her a-” her words end there as Chariot’s cheeks reddened and her tongue becomes all twisted. “A…” Chariot tried again before the fire behind her words dwindled once more.
“A….” Marjo prompted with a raised brow and a badly hidden laugh. “Oh come on, it’s not that bad Chariot.”
“A private show,” Chariot hissed which made Marjo erupt to a fit of laugh. “I don’t know why you find this so funny considering you came up with it.”
“It’s the fact that your cute little head went straight to the deep end of things, when I could mean  just show an old dance routine you did,” Marjo said but the glint her eyes shows all the bullshit her words are hiding.
“You want me to do a private show in a secluded room, I specifically remember you said a bedroom Marjo.” Chariot said as she buried her head in her palm.
“I would never say that,” Marjo said with a fake gasp, one hand clutching her chest as if Chariot’s words wounded her so much. “I would never try and get my best and closest friend into some pretty person’s pants,” Chariot was about to open her mouth in protest before Marjo pointed her other hand out to Chariot. “Before I even gave her the talk!”
Chariot’s mouth flung open. She stood there shocked as Marjo collapsed into a fit of laughs from her expression. But before she even had the chance to gather her thoughts and project them into a lecture to her dearest friend, something else voiced a concern of utmost importance.
“Hey what’s this talk?” Akko asked, popping from the doorway. “Can I know it?”
There was a pause of silence. Then, out of nowhere, Marjo exploded into cackles but Chariot made no attention to her. “No, not yet anyways, you’re too young,” Chariot explained weakly, giving out excuses that didn’t seem to satisfy the curious child as she lead her away from the kitchen and to the living room. “It’s adult stuff.”
Akko seemed to understand that, she nodded her head before looking up at her mum with a curious tilt. “Is it something you and Croix will be doing?”
“YES!” Marjo screamed from the kitchen before Chariot turned her head to scream back at her.
“NO!” Chariot turned her head to Akko, whose eyes were gleaming with excitement, “No we will not be doing that, we will just have a nice dinner and then we will head back home.”
Her words made Akko’s excited grin fell to a confused frown, around them Arcas was barking wildly before he ran up to the front door and barked at it. “I thought you guys were having lunch and dinner?” Akko’s words drained the colour of Chariot’s face, dread obvious on her face as Akko looked at her with wide eyes. “Wait, you forgot!”
“Akko,” Chariot said with a guilty smile, “When was my date suppose to happen again?”
“Hold on a sec mum, I need to hold Arcas back from the mailman.” Akko sighed as she ran to the front door, passing Marjo as she walked to Chariot.
“Oh man, I haven’t laughed like that since you told me how Akko found your date,” Marjo said before she looked at Chariot’s worried face, “Hey Chariot, what’s wrong?”
“Marjo…” Chariot said with a glance to the doorway, hoping that the time she has in her head isn’t when the date is supposed to start. “I think I forgot when my date is supposed to start.”
Marjo deadpanned at her, “You are the most useless lesbian I have ever met.” Chariot was about to say something, like how that was hypocritical coming from a gay disaster like her or a string of panicked words tripping over the mess of anxiety but all words drew blank when Akko spoke.
“She’s here already!?” Marjo said as Chariot decided to run upstairs to get prepared. Chariot gave her no response but the slam of the door upstairs. “Okay, I need to see how hot this Croix person is.” Marjo moved to the door but before she turned and even caught a glimpse of Croix she was thrown back to the ground. “Arcas please,” Marjo said as she tried to move the dog away from her as he kept licking her face.
“Arcas continue!” Akko declared making Marjo find the sudden strength to move Arcas out of her face and sit up. But before she was got up, Arcas already climbed on her lap, his paw pressed against her chest as she tried to hold back the living marshmallow from pinning her with slobbering licks once more. In her determination to get up she failed to notice Akko sneaking around and behind her.
“What do you mean contin- AKKO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Marjo shrieked as she struggled to find the strength to fight back Arcas with one hand as the other tried to remove the blindfold that Akko wrapped around her face.
“I’m sorry Aunt Marjo but mum needs to see Croix first before you or else you’ll spoil the surprise,” Akko explained as she knotted and then knotted the blindfold again before throwing herself on Marjo to pin her down with Arcas.
“Akko how many times do I need to tell you? Don’t call me aunt, it makes me feel old!” Marjo said as she continued to wrestle Akko and Arcas in the darkness. “And let me go! I am the adult of the house so I am in charge.”
“And as the daughter of the owner of the house, I am on a higher level of power by association!” Akko argued as she managed to pin an arm down, Arcas barked in agreement as he continued his quest to bring the mighty Marjo down. “Therefore you must stay down!” With that command Arcas gave one final slobbering kiss to Marjo, catching her off guard as she came down to the floor with a slam. “Down with the bourgeois!” Akko chanted with a laugh as she continued to pin Marjo down.
“This- this is-” Marjo spluttered, getting cut off with every kiss Arcas gives her. “This is Mutiny! Al- Alcor! Alcor help me!” She pushed Arcas out of the way once more but with a war cry Akko came and sat on her stomach making Marjo groan from the sudden weight on her. “Where is that damn old bird…” Marjo wheezed before she collapsed under the two overgrown puppies with a defeated sigh.
Meanwhile, just around the corner, the other adult in the house was facing her own small menace. It was one singular being but it was far worse and threatening than what Marjo faced squared and then squared again. It was a dusty old crow with white wings and a dimmed pale blue body. The four pointed star across his chest may have been a sign of welcoming comfort but the deadly look in his one eye said otherwise.
This crow was called Alcor, and from what Croix can tell as she stared up at his perched form on the coat rack, this bird will be the biggest problem she would ever face and that’s not counting the time she ordered pizza at 3 am and realised she didn’t own any plates.
“Hello?” Croix began before she started to inwardly curse at herself. She was acting like an idiot, and in front of her date’s familiar no less. It was one thing to mess up in front of the child, it was a whole new level in hell to mess up first impressions with someone’s familiar. She didn’t even know if the deathly silence the bird was giving her was a good sign or not, hell she didn’t even know their name!?
“Umm, my name is Croix.” She started again, once again being completely unnerved that she is getting no response. “Do you know where Chariot is?” The name of his owner made the bird shift, his eye narrowing as he shifted closer to Croix. To Croix, it seemed that she was heading in the right direction. “Yeah, I um… I’m her date.”
The term date made Alcor freeze. His head shifted from looking at what’s below him to staring straight at Croix. The temperature around Croix dropped drastically the moment her two eyes met one, where her soul met the cold judgement of hell freezing over. She was so caught off guard that she could only gulp when a rush of wind swept past her, messing up parts of the hair. Her eyes kept flickering from Alcor’s deadly gaze and the outstretched metal claw he wore that just lingered above her exposed throat.
The fabric of time collapsed upon itself. That moment, where in reality was a mere second, lasted as long as the years that this encounter had stolen from her. Alcor continued to make no sound but Croix heard his silent threat loud and clear. ‘Look after Chariot… or die.’ With such a clear and noble intent, Croix could do nothing but carefully nod in response. Seeing that the message was sent across, Alcor glared at her one last time before swooping back to his perch on the rack whilst Croix aimlessly massaged her throat before running her fingers through her hair to let out a sigh of relief.
“We did it Arcas!” She heard Akko’s voice cheer from the living room. Croix glanced back at Alcor, blinking in surprise that he already made no attention to Croix, his body seemed dormant as it rose up and down in a gentle manner. “We have defeated the monarchy!” Akko cried once again in triumph, prompting Croix to check what all the commotion was all about. Needless to say, she was amused to find Akko, cheering with Arcas running circles around her whilst a seemingly unconscious adult tied up with a skipping rope leaning against the wall.
“I love how whilst I was getting threatened by a bird you captured your caretaker,” Croix chuckled as she leant on the door way with her arms crossed, one more time she looked at Alcor to see if she got a response but the bird to be fast asleep. Or at least he seemed to be, she could never really trust the bird now, even if he is one of Chariot’s familiars.
Akko stopped in her celebration to look at Croix with a weird expression on her face. “You were threatened by a bird?” Croix stopped staring at Alcor and looked at Akko dead in the eye, inside those red pupils she saw the cool persona Akko think she was starting to crumble into who she really was, a nerdy gay mess, a mess in all aspects of life.
“No,” Croix answered after a long period of time, “Forget that I said anything.” Akko blinked, caught off guard by the sudden response. Seeing this Croix smiled to herself as she decided to switch the topic and make Akko forget that it ever happened. “Anyways, I heard you say the monarchy, did you know us witches have something similar?”
The confused look in her eyes vanished as the fireworks exploded in her retina leaving sparkles in its wake. “We have princess witches!?” Akko exclaimed as she looked at Croix with her hands clasped together eager to learn.
Croix laughed at the enthusiasm, letting out a silent sigh that she was so easily diverted and her cool persona still lived on in Akko’s head. “Not really,” she grinned as she rubbed her head affectionately before she flicked out her wand and casted a holographic image, further boosting Akko’s opinion of her. In front of them were nine different hats and Croix closed her eyes briefly to begin an informative but fun lecture to Akko. “We have what we call the nine olde witches-”
That was the plan of course... before Akko bursted out into laughter. “They aren’t princesses Croix, they’re old witches like great great great grandma trees. My mum tells me all about them.”
Croix huffed to herself as she made the holographic disappear before she showed a different symbol, one that was a unicorn shape, to many people around the world it was known as the Cavendish Crest. “That may be true, however, are you aware that some decedents of the nine of old witches are of a noble status?” She smirked at Akko’s shocked expression, her eyes wide with amazement as she stared at the crest before it morphed into a child with blond curly hair. “So in their own right, some are seen as princesses in the witch world.”
“Wow!” Akko gasped as she continued to stare at the girl. Croix smirked to herself, proud that she managed to open more of the witch world to Akko. “The girl is so pretty!!” Or her gay awakening maybe. “She looks like my age? Is she my age? Do you know her? What’s her name?” Akko asked making Croix laugh as she rubbed her head affectionately.
“Does someone has a little crush on a princess witch?” Croix teased as she turned off the holographic image with a laugh and crouched down to Akko’s level.
Akko turned to look at her, her cheeks blazing red and her face pulled the most adorable angry face Croix had ever seen, it was as if she was looking at a puppy trying to be angry. “I don’t have a crush-” Akko halted as her eyes lingered on something behind Croix. All of her anger disappeared into awe, the fire in her eyes becoming a twinkling flame once more. The moment Croix turned around, she could see why. Standing near the bottom of the stairs was Chariot Du Nord.
Chariot was dressed in a simple white blouse, a set of four pointed stars placed together to show the big dipper constellation was in the corner chest. She wore simple jeans and wore white flats to fit. It was a simple and casual look but to Croix Chariot just looked stunning. Croix’s mouth was wide open, her brain short-circuited as she gulped down the fear and slight anxiety that came with dating.
Chariot looked stunning, like a beautiful angel. Compared to Croix who was wearing nothing but a white tank top, a red flannel, black jeans and a pair of old converse she didn’t even look like she belonged next to her. However, the way her eyes tried to avert her gaze along with the soft touch of red on her cheeks made her feel that she dressed well, at least enough to impress. “Does someone have a crush on a pretty mum?” Akko teased next to her. Croix gave her an annoyed glare that didn’t look at all intimidating to Akko.
“If I didn’t then we wouldn’t be here in the first place” She turned back to Chariot who was just walking down the final steps to them. “You look beautiful by the way Chariot.”
Chariot blushed at the compliment, her eyes looking everywhere but her. “Um, thanks… you look nice too MARJO!?” Croix raised an eyebrow at the familiar name and from the corner of her eyes, she could see Akko wince. Chariot, on the other hand, rushed to her friend, shooing Arcas off her legs before she began untying her. “Akko what did you do?”
“Why do you think it's me? It could be Croix for all we know?” Akko said, making Croix raise her eyebrows at her.
“Why would I try to knock out an old classmate of mine?” Croix replied making Akko open her mouth wide as she went to assist Chariot who got rid off all the skipping rope and was in the process of waking her up.
“Chariot my dear step back a bit, I know one sure way to wake her up,” Croix said as she flicked out her wand and motioned Chariot to move. She took a deep breath, stepped back and then pointed her wand on Marjo whilst everyone moved back a bit more, expecting something grand or spectacular, instead, they just saw the incantation of a magical megaphone.
“WHO THE FUCK WANTS A VISIT TO THE NURSE'S OFFICE?” Marjo shouted, snapping awake before bouncing on her feet with blood lust in her eyes.
“Marjo!” Chariot chastised as she walked up to her with a mixed expression of concern and amusement. “Language!”
“Oh, I’m sorry Chariot. WHOM THE FUCK-” The repetition of her words before was caught in her throat as Marjo laid her eyes on the person behind Chariot who looked back with an impish grin. “ARE YOU?”
“You aren’t going to believe this Marjo” Croix chuckled as she looked at her, “But does the name Croix Meridies ring a bell?”
“You mean the scruffy weeb nerd who everyone thought was a loner and who also blew up a part of the school?”
Whatever Croix or anyone was about to say died with Marjo’s words creating this deafening silence as both mother and daughter of the family turned to Croix who had a flushed expression on her face. It obvious that Croix didn’t even think about getting that kind of response nor was she prepared for all hell to break loose after that stunned second of silence.
“Wait YOU blew up a part of a school Croix!?” Akko exclaimed as her eyes sparkled with an interest Croix knows she shouldn’t have. Her face broke into an expression of panic as she glanced at Chariot, she didn’t want her past to bite her back in the butt. It was unclear if Chariot’s vacant and dazed expression was a good sign or not but it allowed Croix to take a breath and try to answer Akko’s question as calmly as possible.
“It was a lab accident and-”
“Wait YOU’RE CROIX?” Marjo said with her mouth wide open as her eyes travelled up and down Croix’s outfit. “SINCE WHEN DID YOU GET SO HOT?”
Croix flushed at the blunt and crass compliment before she cleared her throat and tried to regain the situation. “I am trying to explain something Marjo,” she scolded before she continued to explain the context of her blowing up a part of the school to Akko, however, it seemed the aspects were already long gone in Akko’s head.
“Wait, if you went to Marjo’s school and Marjo went to Luna Nova...” Akko mused making Croix’s face pale slightly, already knowing what she is going to ask. “DID YOU BLOW UP LUNA NOVA CROIX?”
Croix winced at the sheer volume of Akko’s words, even more, when it seemed to stir Chariot back to the living. But before anyone can say anything else, Marjo turned to Chariot with a grin and a glint in her eyes. “Chariot for your sake would you marry this girl?” Both Croix and Akko turned to face Marjo, eyes wide and jaws dropped. Croix’s heart vibrated violently against her ribs as her cheeks flushed the deepest shade of scarlet. Chariot blinked once and then twice and then gave her response.
“Yes- wait what?”
This time there was no silence for Croix to digest the sudden information that was gifted to her, nor there was a time for her to breath. She knew that Marjo was playing some sort of joke, not in the way to tease or make fun of and maybe what she meant was genuine but this isn’t something she should take seriously. But that doesn’t stop her body reacting as if the news was suddenly real and true.
Her mind was racing, blood was pounding against her ears and fiery heat that came with it was drowning her thoughts and her logical way of thinking. Her throat was parched, the air in her lungs was gone with the sudden gasp she just made. Her brain short-circuited, her side infamous of being a gay disaster was exposed and she could only just hear what is happening around her.
“SHE SAID YES, CROIX I FOUND YOU A WIFE!” Marjo screamed with delight as she ran over to said person and began to shake her with avid excitement, one that she shouldn’t have after being unconscious for the latter half of an hour.
“MARJO!” Chariot yelled as she ran over and grabbed Croix and stole her away from Marjo’s grip. She held Croix from the behind, hands secured around her waist as she pulled her away to the side. Marjo looked at her with raised hands in surrender, an eyebrow rose in a suggestive knowing manner as Chariot narrowed her eyes and almost growled at her. “Number one, You are insufferable and number two don’t shake people like that, what do you get to say to yourself?”
“You already said yes and I know Akko is your daughter and all but I call dibs on being your maid of honour.”
Chariot rolled her eyes as she turned Croix around to face her, her eyes softened at the adorable face Croix pulled when she was all dazed with a red blush all over her face. “Hey Croix, you okay?”
Croix stirred, her eyes blinked owlishly as she touched the temple of her head. “I think so yes…” She mumbled before her eyes meet Chariot’s and her confused expression broke into a soft but loving smile that made Chariot’s heart beat wildly. “Thanks for saving me back there,” Croix smiled as she moved her way out of Chariot’s hold much to Chariot’s displeasure before she seized Chariot’s hand and kissed it with a wink. “I will greatly remember to return the favour ma Cherie.”
“Wait, if you two are getting married…” Akko mused aloud ruining the romantic moment between the two. Chariot heard a sigh come from Croix and before she had a chance to question her she could see why. “DOES THIS MEAN IM HAVING TWO MUMS?” Once again the blush on Chariot’s face deepened as she sent an apologetic look to Croix before she let go of her hand to hold Akko’s as she crouched down to her level.
“Akko my dear, no one is getting married.” Chariot said softly, she squeezed their hands together when Akko’s excited smile started to fall and her eyes began to water.
“At least not yet,” Marjo murmured, ignoring how Chariot sent her a glare.
“Your Aunt Marjo just wanted to do a bad joke and if you want you can be in charge of the house whilst me and Croix go on our date okay?”
The aspect of being in charge made Akko’s face become a complete 180, her excited nature revived as she nodded her head with glee, even more when she turned to Marjo. “I told you I have more power over you Aunt Marjo.”
Marjo baulked at her which made Chariot giggle. Her attention then turned to Chariot with her eyes sending daggers but Chariot chose to ignore them. “Okay we will be going now,” Chariot smiled as she kissed Akko on the cheek, “Stay safe, don’t ruin the house and make sure Aunt Marjo eats okay?”
Akko nodded once more before giving Chariot a kiss on the cheek, “Okay mum! I love you and Croix look after her okay?” Croix gave a nod as well as a thumbs up as she walked to the hallway, Chariot stood up and followed her.
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to leave Akko in charge of the house?” Croix asked once they were out of earshot. “I don’t mean to insult her by the way, it's just last time we left her alone she knocked Marjo unconscious and tied her up with a skipping rope.”
“Oh don’t worry, Alcor is actually in charge and I know he can make sure the house is in one piece when I come back home.” Chariot answered as she fixed her hair and searched for a suitable jacket to wear.
Croix paused behind her as an eerie sensation sent chills throughout her body. “Wait… whose Alcor?”
Chariot, seeing that she couldn’t find much closed the closet door and walked to the coat rack and stroked the top of Alcor’s head with a finger. Behind her, Croix’s face paled as she gave wry smile to the bird who was beginning to wake. “This old friend of mine and my first familiar.” Alcor gave a caw similar to a human yawn as Chariot turned to the side to look at Croix. “Have you two met yet?”
“Ahhh yes, we are…. Acquainted.”
Chariot grinned at her, she then turned to Alcor and gave him some instructions to help him look after the house and Akko more before opening the door and looked at Croix. “Let’s get going Croix before this date feels too overdue.”
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
Zero Time Dilemma- in which Akane must save the world and has no time for whiny boyfriends
OKAY. Just finished another intense round of Zero Time Dilemma. We’ve only got one ending left to unlock (the true ending, I imagine). Will definitely be able to finish this game next time. 
I’ll start with the new Akane stuff that happened because we basically all know she’s the one I really care about.
Carlos bounced around a few timelines and then told Akane and Junpei to go to the timeline where the virus is unleashed on the world and six billion people die thus leading to the events of the second game. 
They did, and Zero (who is Diana and Sigma’s non-Phi kid, which i figured might be the case) was all like “mwahahaha I unleashed the virus to stop a religious extremist from ending all of humanity, figured if i killed six billion people i’d have like. a 75% chance of killing the terrorist.
Both Akane and Junpei did not think this was a great plan and Akane was all like “NO ONE SHOULD PLAY GOD AND DECIDE WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES” and both me an gf were like “Akane....that’s just a tad hypocritical considering your death game dontcha think” Zero then echoed us by being all “lol that’s rich coming from u”. 
Akane’s all like “WHATEVER I’M GONNA GET OUT OF HERE AND SAVE EVERYONE ASSHOLE” and Junpei was like ‘YEAH WE ARE. NOTICE MY EMPHASIS ON WE, AKANE” and she just ignored him. luv her. 
Zero was also like “AKANE KURASHIKI YOUR PARENTS DIDN’T REALLY DIE IN A ACCIDENT YOUR DAD WAS WRONGLY CONVICTED OF A CRIME AND YOUR MOM KILLED HERSELF” and I don’t know how this is relevant to anything because Akane’s parents were never really mentioned before but OKAY.
anyway Carlos appears and said he’s just been sitting around waiting for Akane and Junpei to come for like ten months in this timeline. Junpei points out “you could have just stopped the murder game from happening” and Carlos is like “yeah but then I wouldn’t have gotten to meet u guys. I value our friendship. :)” I AM NOT JOKING THIS IS HIS REASONING. 
Junpei is like “CARLOS SIX BILLION PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE NOW” AND Carlos is like “oh whooooops i didn’t know about that”
Akane’s just like “welp, gotta start over. Gonna machiavellian mastermind this shit and start a cult and do another murder game so I can send Phi and Sigma back in time to save humanity and basically the events of the second game in this series will happen blablabla you know the drill. OFF TO SAVE THE WORLD.”
Junpei’s like “wait Akane i’ll come with you and help! I’ll even join your cult crash keys or whatever the hell stupid name you gave it! I WILL BE SUCH A GOOD SIDEKICK” 
At which point Akane’s like “no you’re not coming Junpei just forget about this and stay safe”
and I was like “is she just gonna punch him in the face so hard he forgets and leave him there amazing” AND that is basically because she stuck him with the memory erasing drug and he was all like “I’LL NEVER FORGET U AKANE” before passing out i actually felt pretty bad for him.
And honestly I don’t really know why Akane didn’t want Junpei to be her sidekick.I think the idea is supposed to be she doesn’t want him to bear the ~burden~ with her and figures he is too delicate to be part of her ruthless cult that orchestates murder games for the greater good. And yeah, it’s true that would be pretty hard on him, but GUESS WHAT ELSE IS HARD. LIVING IN A POST APOCALYPTIC HELLSCAPE WHICH IS WHAT HE’S GOING TO BE DOING REGARDLESS. LIKE SIX BILLION PEOPLE ARE GONNA DIE AND SOCIETY IS GOING TO BE REDUCED TO ASHES, EITHER WAY JUNPEI’S LIFE IS GONNA SUCK, AKANE SO WHY NOT JUST LET HIM BE YOUR SIDEKICK LIKE HE WANTS. 
So me and gf tried to figure out logical reasons for why she left Junpei behind and they all work pretty well:
1) she doesn’t want to have to argue with him about every ruthless decision she makes it would get so boring. 
2) he seems to think the name she chose for her cult is stupid (and he’s right, I’m sorry Akane but it is i still love you though) and if U DON’T LIKE THE NAME YOU DON’T GET TO BE PART OF THE CULT JUNPEI, THOSE ARE THE RULES.
3) She really doesn’t like the ugly ring he gave her and doesn’t want to keep wearing it but she doesn’t know how to tell him (i know she’s wearing it as an old lady in the second game, but that’s only because she knew Junpei was coming so she resigned herself to wearing it again for a while so as not to hurt his feelings)
5) she loves Junpei but she’s sick of his goth-emo shit honestly, so it is best they part here.
6) her ruthless decisions for the greater good often involve her getting herself killed on purpose so she can jump around timelines and get info, and he’d definitely argue with her a lot whenever she decided to do that, she does not have time for his protective bullshit (this one might also be canon since she DOES deliberately get herself killed in a couple timelines the second game For the Mission. No way Junpei would have liked that. Akane anticipated this because she is Just That Good)l
7) Junpei knocked her out to protect her in that other timeline and she’s still mad about that so this is her Revenge. HOW DOES IT FEEL WHEN SOMEONE DOES IT TO YOU JUNPEI FEELS PRETTY BULLSHIT HUH. 
All of these reasons could be true at once honestly, Akane is a complicated woman.
And i love her. As you guys know.. she is such a ruthlessly smart, morally gray, determined little asshole who, despite being very fond of her loser boyfriend, has no qualms about tossing him aside for the Greater Good and fuck his feelings on the matter. IT IS VERY RARE TO SEE A GIRL BE THIS TYPE OF CHARACTER. The “I’m gonna make you to forget about me to Protect You” character is also usually a guy too, but Akane pulls it off way better. 
Also when you think of it, Akane has a TON of motivations and stuff going on besides Junpei, but Junpei’s motivations pretty much always boil down to “i love Akane and want to help her with whatever she’s currently doing but she never lets me help her :(”. (except for in the second game when he adds a “i love my son and want to help him”, which is in the same vein honestly, since having a kid as your sole motivation is a pretty common thing for a female character too). 
So yeah, Akane’s very much in the role you usually see the guy in while Junpei’s in the role you’d see the girl in. (right down to Junpei’s love being pretty much unconditional no matter what weird shit Akane does to him because he knows she ~means well deep down~.) (i like on one hand i get it Junpei i love Akane too , but on the other hand your lack of self respect is KINDA WORRYING.) (like it’s pretty clear by now you get turned on by women who are ruthlessly terrifying, which, same, but there should be limits to that bud). (then again she also had to put up with your emo shit so i guess you’re even on the unconditional love front)
This game isn’t great about it’s female characters and gender roles in a lot of other ways, but I really do appreciate how Junpei and Akane’s dynamic is unusual in that way, at least.
And that’s my i love Akane update. I’ll update on everything else in a separate post.
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babylon-bitch · 8 years
Just Friends (part 22)
Currently a week before the boys go on tour, they’re all excited and nervous at the same time. As well as a bit sad to be leaving everything behind. They’ve done a load of press stuff, so we haven’t hung out too much recently.
Luke and I still haven’t told anyone. We’re planning on doing it soon, but I like the thrill of sneaking around.
Maybe I’ve got an addiction to secrets.
I’m still in bed right now, just scrolling through social media.
After an hour of not wanting to get out of bed, I reluctantly get up and start making my bed.
As I’m putting my bra on, someone barges through my door. Turning around I see Luke smirking. “Hey?” I furrow my eyebrows and chuckle.
“Hello.” He laughs and walks towards me.
I put my arms into the straps and wrap my arms around Luke’s neck, whilst his hands go on my exposed waist. “Eyes are up here Luke.” I tease.
“Right.” He laughs and looks into my eyes.
Luke presses his lips against mine, in a gentle kiss. “Now fuck off so I can get dressed.”
I walk over to my wardrobe and pick out some clothes. “Which shirt?” I ask holding up two hangers.
He looks up from his phone and scans them both. “They both look the same.” He answers.
“Just pick one.” I request.
“Umm left.” He sighs.
Five minutes later I’m all dressed, I just need to put on some make-up. I don’t put a lot of make-up on during the summer because I just sweat it all off.
I put on some concealer, contour and highlighter, on my skin. Doing my usual eye make-up, filling in my eyebrows, and put on a dark nude lipstick.
“All done.” I say and walk over to Luke.
“Finally.” He huffs.
“Hey, I was only 15 to 20 minutes, so stop your whining.”
“Now I’m going to get some breakfast, you coming?”
“Sure.” He nods and gets up.
“Were my parents home?” I ask him.
“Um, no I don’t think so.” He answers.
I nod and proceed to walk into the kitchen and make some breakfast.
10 minutes later I’m sat down with some toast.
I join Luke and go on my phone. Posting a picture of Luke and typing the words sociable.
Minutes later Luke posts a picture of me with the caption hypocrite.
“Fuck you.” I laugh and lock my phone.
He bats his eyelashes at me and I just shake my head and laugh. “Love you too.”
“I can’t believe you got up before me this morning.” I say.
“Well I mean I only just had breakfast and got dressed.” He shrugs.
“Ah, there’s the catch.”
Everyone is currently over, Luke and I are dominating one of the sofas by cuddling. I mean, I wouldn’t call this cuddling, we’re spooning if anything. “When was the last time someone had sex?” Erika question.
“Umm last week.” Michael actually answers.
“Couple of days ago.” Cal laughs.
“Harper?” Erika cocks her eyebrow.
“I’m not telling you.” I exclaim.
Luke and I had sex yesterday, it was great. We almost go walked in on though. Luke’s family got home while we had just finished, still trying to catch our breaths. Luckily, they didn’t come upstairs for a while.
“Honestly, when was the last time everyone had sex.” Ashton questions.
“Fine, yesterday.” I admit.
“Harper you slut.” Erika squeals and I laugh.
“Who with?” Luke ask.
“Now that I’m not telling you.” I claim.
“Luke.” Calum motions to go on.
“Yesterday.” Luke laughs.
“Who with?” I imitate.
“Woah, wait, are you still with Isobel? We haven’t heard about her in a while.” Michael questions.
“Um uh y-yes.” He says.
What the fuck. Why did he say?
Luke traces patterns on my stomach, in a supposed to be reassuring way I guess. “It was a cover up.” He whispers in my ear, he must of sensed me tense up.
“Of all the things you could’ve of said, you said that?” I whisper back.
“I’m sorry, I panicked.” He says.
“So you didn’t tell them that you broke up with her?” I whisper yell.
“Whatever.” I shake my head and roll back around.
Luke starts trailing kisses on the back of my neck. Turning back around I press a kiss to his jaw, only to show that I still love him, and get up. A whine escapes his mouth and his hands reach out for me. I laugh and walk into the kitchen.
I don’t know why I’m mad at Luke for not telling them that they broke up. I thought he already did that. Its nothing, I’m probably overreacting.
I put the lid back on my bottle of water and walk back into the lounge. Still sitting on the same sofa, just not laying down with Luke, sitting in front of his torso. He rests his hand on my waist, and places his other hand on my thigh.
“Lets go out.” Ashtons says.
“Yeah, we hardly go out, we only go to each others houses.” Calum agrees.
“Because there is no where to go. You’ve got the park and a few restaurants.” I point out.
“True.” Erika nods.
“Okay, us guys will go out, and you boring bitches will stay here.” Luke simplifies it.
I flip him off, not even looking at him. He pulls me down into a hug and I give in and hug him back.
“Fine if we’re going to go out, where?” Erika asks.
“Umm let’s just go for a walk.” Ashton tells us.
“Ugh, young people amirite.” I mutter.
“Hey! You’re younger than me, so shut the fuck up.”
We walked around town, we rewarded ourselves by going out for lunch.  #healthy
Right now Luke and I are hanging out together. It’s been nice just us hanging recently, we haven’t really done this over the years.
Although, we are kind of arguing. Luke wants to tell people about us and I don’t want to.
“C'mon Harps.” Luke pushes.
“I don’t want to Luke okay?”
“Why?” He raises his voice and puts his arms out in emphasis.
“For fuck sake, if I don’t want to, I’m not going to.” I raise my voice as well.
“You always have been stubborn.” Luke mutters.
“I can still hear you.” I say.
“Good, because it’s true.” He shrugs.
10 minutes later we are screaming at each other.
“Woah what’s going on?” Someone asks.
Turning around I see Erika and the boys. “Hi.” I sigh and run my hand through my hair.
“What’s going on?” Calum repeats Ashton’s question.
“Nothing.” Luke dismisses.
“Well that’s not what it looks like.” Michael says.
Luke looks at me and glares. “Nothing don’t worry about it.” He covers.
I respect that he still respects my reason.
“There is clearly something going on.” Erika raises her eyebrow.
“Please, Harper, care to explain, as you seem to get the say in what we do.”
“Fuck you Luke.” I bitterly say and walk out of the door. “I’m scared.” I say and slam the door closed.
Luke’s p.o.v
Scared about what? Scared about their reaction? I’m sure they would be very happy about us being together.
I run my hand through my hair and turn around to the others. They all look so confused.
“I’ve fucked up.” I say and sit down with my head in my hands. “I’ve really fucked up.”
“Well go after her then.” Calum tells me.
“No, Harper’s like that. You need to give her space.” I explain.
“Are you going to say anything about it?” Michael asks.
“Its not my place to say.” I raise my voice.
“I’m sure you guys will become friends again tonight. Don’t worry about it.” Ashton attempts to reassure.
“No, you guys don’t understand.”
I’m not going to tell them about us, even if I don’t agree with her, I’m still going to respect that. Until she decided she’s ready. I just want to be able to kiss her at any given time, cuddle with her, just simply be a couple, not having to hide it. I’m not ready to reveal us to the public, although there is already a picture of us kissing.
“Can we just not talk about this.” I sigh.
“Sure, how about we watch tv or a movie.” Erika suggests.
“Please.” I huff and sit on the sofa whilst I wait for the others to pick something.
I pick my phone up, looking at my background. A picture of Harper and I when we were on the trampoline the other week. We were both laughing, it’s a very candid photo.
Unlocking it I continue to scroll through Twitter. I keep seeing her name, weather I’m imagining it or not, her name keeps popping up. Harper this, Harper that.
“Luke? Are you okay?” Michael asks.
“Um, yeah.” I dismiss and lock my phone.
Harper’s p.o.v.
Scared of what you ask?
I’m scared of our relationship.
I’m scared that our relationship isn’t going to work out. I’m worried about their reactions. What’s the fans’ reactions will be. I’m scared our relationship is going too fast. I’m worried that when we tell everyone, and it doesn’t work out, everything will be awkward between us. Because of my previous relationship, and when I told everyone about that, no one liked him.
Of course they already like Luke, and they will probably love us together, because of the constant shipping, but my mind goes to 0 to 100 of worst case scenarios real quick. Another one of my stupid head’s specialties.
I’m just worried that when we tell them, nothing will be the same anymore.
Call me silly, or overreacting, but it’s just a part of me that I can’t control.
Right now I’m at the beach, there is a storm coming and I’m watching it roll in. It’s quite therapeutic. As well as the waves and other beach stuff.
I’m sitting on a big rock, the water splashing my feet every now and then. It’s a quite secluded spot of the beach, but when ever we go to the beach, we go to this part.
I’ve been here for an hour and a bit, just thinking over things. Not just about Luke and I, but my whole life. Everyone is growing up. The boy’s are leaving soon, and God knows what will happen to Luke and I. I’m nearly eighteen in a couple of months (9th of March). Erika and Calum turned eighteen this year too, and it is bound to happen soon that we all loose contact.
Although, this happened when I first got with Alec, and if anything, it brought us all even closer.
We’ve always promised each other that we’ll be bestfriends when we’re grey and old.
I’m not planning on breaking up with Luke anytime soon though. I want to get that out there, I love him with all my heart, and I don’t think I would be able to move on from Luke.
It’s starting to rain so I jump down, timing it well, so that the tide is out and I’m not stepping into it. Quickly running back up to shore, the water is far out, usually the waves would be much more behind me when I was sitting on the rock, but now it only goes about a metre behind me.
By the time I reach the not so secluded bit, the rain is coming down hard and there is thunder and flashes of lightning, but no forks of lightning.
I’m coming up to my road now, and I have to walk past Luke’s house. I see Ashton’s car still parked outside.
Well here goes nothing. I walk past, seeing the tv playing something, and Luke looking out of the window. He gives me a small smile and I smile back.
‘Call me’ he mouths.
'Maybe’ I mouth back.
I can see him sigh and I just continue to walk.
“Harper! Where have you been?” My mum worried asks as I walk in.
“Out.” I mumble.
“What happened?” She asl as if she knows exactly what happened. How do mums do that?
“Its nothing don’t worry about it.” I dismiss and walk up to my bedroom.
Deciding to change out of my clothes and into some black leggings (that make my ass look great my the way) and a cropped hoodie.
I go and sit on my window seat and watch the rain drops run down the window. I feel like I’m in a really sad music video right now.
I’ve just come back from finishing the song I wrote when Luke and I got together.
Oh the irony
I feel like I’ve ruined it by accidentally putting a sad twist on. I may redo the ending.
As soon as I get in, my mum asks me to go to the shops and get some stuff for dinner. I mean I just got in woman!
“Alright fine, I’ll see you later.” I huff, I guess it will take my mind of things.
“Thank you honey.” She smiles and I walk out of the door.
It’s stopped raining now, but still very grey and getting a bit dark.
Half an hour later I make it to the supermarket.
I’m half way through shopping when I spot Luke with his mum. I don’t think he’s seen me, or so I thought when I get a call from Luke.
“Um hi?” I say.
“I can see you.” He creepily said.
“Thats creepy Luke.” I tell him.
“And your ass looks great by the way.” He chuckles.
“Luke! You’re with your mum.” I scold.
“How do you know? So you saw me, and decided to ignore it.” Luke asks.
“Wow love you too.”
“Listen, I’ll talk to you later and sort stuff out.” I tell him
“Okay, love you.” He sighs.
I sigh and hang up.
“I love you too.” I say to myself.
After paying, I walk back home.
I’m home all curled up on the sofa, with my cat, whilst watching American Horror Story, I’ve just started season three, and it seems a little creepy already.
I’ve had some texts from Erika and the boys, I haven’t replied to any of them. I need to be alone sometimes. After being together most of the day, I need some alone time.
Erika’s p.o.v.
Michael, Ashton, Calum and myself, are all hanging out together. Trying to figure out what happened between Harper and Luke.
“I don’t have a clue, they never fight. They bicker from time to time, then Luke’s all over her.” Michael says.
“Yeah, but they were screaming at each other.” Calum claims.
“Do you think they’re talking to each other yet?” I ask.
“Probably not.” Ashton answers.
“He seemed really worried as soon as she left. He was saying things like I fucked up. What was that about?” Calum questions.
“We all know that Luke has feelings for Harper, there’s no doubt about that. Does Harper have feelings for Luke?” Michael asks.
“Are you kidding? How can you guys be so oblivious? She’s clearly head over heels for him. Harper’s constantly talking about him, staring at him, have you seen her tweets and instagram captions about him? Harpers is totally in love with Luke, she can deny it all she wants but she clearly is.” I exclaim.
“They seemed to get pretty defensive the other week when that picture of them surfaced” Calum points out.
“I highly doubt that they’re dating, maybe Luke freaked out because he thinks he lost his chance with her.” I explain.
“Yeah, that’s probably it. They wouldn’t be dating.” Ashton agrees.
“We definitely would’ve known by now.” Michael says.
“Luke doesn’t have the balls to ask her out anyway.” Calum laughs.
“They must’ve just been having a bad day.” Ashton says.
“For some reason, I just can’t imagine them actually being in a relationship.” Calum tells us.
“I could, they’d be really good together.” I claim.
“You’ve shipped them since day one Erika.” Michael chuckles.
I swear if that boy hurts Harper…
Harper p.o.v.
It’s the next day now, we start school tomorrow, so I’m sorting school stuff out. Not much to do, just tidy up the edges.
I’m currently being asked a load of questions by the guys (minus Luke) and Erika. I’m not really answering them properly, I’m more focused on my game. I’m playing Call Of Duty, I’m not bad but I’m not good either, but I’m trying to ignore them without being rude.
I sigh as I die and turn to them while I wait to respawn. “I’m not talking about this okay? Just leave it alone.” I finally snap. “Luke and I will sort it out ourselves.” I tell them as I begin playing again.
I called Luke up last night, and the first thing he said was do you still love me?
My heart literally broke. Of course I told him I still love him and always will, I still didn’t tell him why, we spoke for a while, but didn’t really get any where, we ended up arguing again.
I haven’t spoken to him since.
“Sorry, your right.” Ashton apologises.
I sigh and set my controller down. “Sorry I had a go at you. It’s just hard right now, I’m also going through a period where I need to be alone. This could last to a couple of weeks or days. I’m sorry, I just can’t control it.” I explain.
“Do you want us to go?” Calum questions.
“No, you’re fine.” I chuckle.
“Oh come one Harper! Give it here, you’re team is loosing.” Michael laughs and I pass him the controller.
“I’m more of a Xbox kinda guy, but ps4 will have to do.” Michael says.
“Whatever Michael.” I chuckle and lay back on my bed staring up at the ceiling.
“This is a fucking good song.” I claim as I start playing Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis.
“I’ve never heard this song.” Calum tells me.
“Really? Everyone knows this.” I claim. “Right?” I question looking around and everyone shakes their head, besides Michael.
“Seriously guys?” Michael asks.
“See! At least someone knows it.”
Luke likes this song.
Erika stares at me, some weird emotions taking over her face, a hint of anger and sadness.
Everyone is leaving now, and I’m tempted to go over to Luke’s house. I’ve missed him, and all this negative energy around us makes me sad, and I want to sort it out.
After half an hour of contemplating, I decide to call him.
“Hi.” I quietly speak up.
“Hey, what’s up?” He asks.
“Um not much, everyone just left, and now I’m all alone.” I tell him.
“You okay?” He questions.
“As well as I could be I guess.” I say.
“You’ve been crying, I can tell.” He claims.
“Uh, yes I have.” I admit. There’s no point of lying to him because he knows me so well.
“Do you, um want to come over?” He offers, and I know that he scratched his neck when he said that.
“Uh, s-sure, I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Okay.” He said and hangs up.
I sigh and lock my phone, holding it close to my chest. I shake myself out of my daydream, and walk up the stairs to freshen up.
10 minutes later I’m knocking at Luke’s door. He opens it, sporting a small smile.
Luke pulls me in for a hug and I immediately hug him back. We pull back and I look into his eyes.
Luke crashes his lips onto mine, in a passionate kiss. Our lips move together and hands roaming each others body. Luke kisses me as if he’s trying to heal us back together.
We pull apart and I peck Luke’s lips. “I missed that.” He chuckles.
Luke takes my hand and brings me upstairs to his room. “Do you want to talk about it?” I ask.
“Yeah.” He nods.
“I’m scared Luke, I’m scared of our relationship. I’m worried about their reactions, they will probably love us together, but last time I introduced them to my boyfriend, they didn’t like him. I’m scared that if we don’t work out everything will be awkward between us. I’m scared that things won’t be the same anymore Luke. I’m worried we’re going too fast. Call me silly or I’m overreacting, but it’s just something I can’t control. My mind goes 0 to 100 worst case scenarios, and I can’t help it.” I explain.
“Everything will be fine, we’ll sort it out.” He reassures as he plays with my hair.
“But it won’t be fine Luke.” I claim and sweat his hand away.
“Listen, they’ll love us together, they’ve been shipping us for years. It will be the same, just we’ll be closer. If we don’t work out, there’s not much I can do about that, but I will always love you. I know our realtionship kind of came out of the blue, but I think we’re good together, and we’ll conquer the world together.” He says.
“I love you. I’m sorry, for shouting and stuff at you yesterday.” I apologise.
“Me too, and I never want to do it again.”
Luke lays down and I crawl on top of him, he smiles and places his hands of my waist. I press my lips to his and he smiles into it. The kiss starts getting more heated by the second. I bite down on his lip ring, causing him to groan.
He flips us over, so he’s on top now and I run my fingers through the back of his hair.
He trails kisses up my jawline, making me let out small moans. Luke connects our lips together again, he licks my bottom and I let him in.
“GUYS!” Someone shouts.
Our heads snap towards the doorway and Erika and the boys stand there all wide eyed. I can’t help but laugh.
“I didn’t know you guys were on speaking terms, yet here you guys are making out.” Calum laughs.
“Well, that’s made it easier for us.” Luke chuckles, he looks down and pecks my lips and gets off me.
“No! Don’t go at it again.” Michael plays an innocent act.
“Care to explain?” Erika questions sternly.
I let out a groan and rest my forehead on Luke’s shoulder. “We are dating. There I said it.” I confess.
I look up at Luke and he smiles at me. “Finally.” Ashton laughs.
“Since when?” Calum questions.
“Umm 7th of January.” Luke sheepishly answers.
“What?” Michael laughs.
“Yes, we kissed in Dubai, and then got together when I came back home.” I give them a brief summery.
“So that’s why Luke was so happy and restless when he came back.” Erika says.
“I guess you could say that, or I was just happy to get away from her.” Luke teases and I push his shoulder.
“So you’ve fucked?” Michael asks.
“I’m not answering that.” Luke exclaims.
I wink at Michael and he bursts out laughing.
“So that picture was real wasn’t it?” Ashton questions.
“Yes.” Luke nods.
“We’ll be downstairs so you can finish.” Erika says.
“Come down when you’re done.” Calum smirks.
“Have fun.” Michael calls.
“Sorry, I should’ve locked the back door.” Luke tells me.
“No it’s fine, I’m ready now. It made it easier I guess.” I chuckle and run my hand through my hair.
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kj1966-blog · 7 years
When people express their interest in employment with any company, submitted applications are almost always are subject to a pre-employment background review.
For instance. if a person wants to work with FirstGroup America (FGA) and applies for a bus driver position, he or she should meet MINIMUM HIRING STANDARDS SAFETY SENSITIVE POSITIONS.
Interestingly enough, the background review includes:
Motor Vehicle Record(s)
Criminal History Drug Testing
Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) / Department of Transportation (DOT) required physical examination(s)
Prior Employment History
The Minimum Standards highlight that any falsification or omissions in the information provided on any pre-employment document may result in disqualification from the hiring process.
The document also specifies general employment criteria considered by FGA for all Safety Sensitive Positions. Among them:
A minimum of three (3) years of driving experience
No more than two (2) moving violations within the past thirty-six (36) months
No more than (2) accidents (verified by corresponding violation or points associated with accident) within the past thirty-six (36) months
The ability to obtain a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) as required by the position
It seems that in the United States position of a bus driver is considered more important that the job of the US President.
It is logically possible because if the same requirements could’ve applied to those who expressed interest to hold the highest position in the country,  Donald Trump wouldn’t have had a chance.
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However, due to the perception among certain groups of people (almost 50% of the US population) that experience is not important for someone to lead #1 world economy, there are no minimum standards.
Here is a brief description of the estimated cost of such perception.
According to the 12 Predictions For Global Geopolitics in 2025, published by the Global Security Review,  growing populism in the West threatens an international order governed by rule-of-law. Tensions between governing elites and their citizens are reshaping global geopolitics. A weakened United States would mean less of an emphasis on human rights and maintenance of global order.
The report indicates that less of a U.S. presence on the global stage creates gaps for authoritarian powers like China and Russia. It also means a heightened risk of conflict arising between competing for regional powers like India and Pakistan or Iran and Saudi Arabia, and an international order comprised of competing “spheres of influence.”
Trump had confused his friend and his enemy, dealing with the former as he should have dealt with the latter. Inexplicably, Trump sacrificed (once again) a crucial US national interest, this time by abandoning the sole force in the Middle East region (outside of Israel) on which America could safely and seriously rely.
The Politiek said that one day, the US will turn the page on Donald Trump. But America will never recover completely from the unstanchable wound that his presidency’s baseness, bull-headed stupidity, and puzzling passivity in the face of China’s global ambitions have inflicted on its culture and international standing. Is Trump a symptom? Or is he a terminal disease?
But for the United States, it also means potential economic decline as with fading global leadership role, business opportunities for American companies would shrink accordingly.
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Nitin Nohria, Harvard Business School dean, warns against ‘isolationism’ and says the US must remain an attractive destination for immigrants. Mr Nohria said that effective global leadership requires openness. But Donald Trump’s anti-immigration tone, turning away from globalisation risks damaging the US economy.
Havard Business School dean highlighted that more than 50% of Silicon Valley start-ups have an immigrant co-founder, and it’s essential that we continue to attract these imaginative people.
According to Mr Nohria, value creation (increasing the size of the pie) requires moving from a self-centered to an other-oriented viewpoint. People need to recognise how much deference they receive from other nations because of American global leadership. Isolationism threatens to strip away the negotiating leverage the country has earned from its leadership over many decades.
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The International Monetary Fund revised its 2017 GDP growth forecast for the US downward from 2.3% to 2.1%, citing the Trump administration’s inability to implement its economic policies.
The IMF also cut its forecast for 2018 US GDP growth to 2.1% from 2.5%.
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The Economic Times reported in June 2017 that the IMF warned of “significant uncertainties” regarding fiscal consolidation, infrastructure investment, renegotiation of trade treaties and immigration policy as some of the factors in the more cautious forecast for the US economy.
According to the Economic Times, the IMF stressed that calls for protectionism and economic nationalism by US authorities cast medium-term shadows on the economy and “a broader retreat from cross-border integration would represent a downside risk to trade, sentiment and growth”.
It is understood that the economic decline would inevitably affect the country’s national security.
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The situation around environmental issues doesn’t promise anything positive in the future either.
The Rolling Stones reported that Trump and his administration have proven their hostility to science over and over again: They’ve approved the use of chemicals proven to cause brain damage in children, loosened air pollution regulations that save lives, and promoted the consumption of fossil fuels, which scientists have known for decades is the warming up our planet and putting the future of civilization itself at risk.
According to the Rolling Stones, the release of a new climate report last week underscored just how hypocritical and downright medieval the administration’s science-denying climate policies really are (a draft had been leaked earlier this year).
The report points out that weather catastrophes from floods to hurricanes to heat waves have cost the United States $1.1 trillion since 1980, and makes plain that those costs will rise dramatically in the future.
The New York Times reports that despite the scientific consensus presented in the report, the Environmental Protection Agency has scrubbed references to climate change from its website and barred its scientists from presenting scientific reports on the subject.
The E.P.A. administrator, Scott Pruitt, has said carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to warming. Rick Perry, the energy secretary, asserted Wednesday that “the science is out” on whether humans cause climate change.
The influence of Donald Trump on the American society is far from positive. With Trump’s victory during 2016 US presidential election, the white supremacy groups, or simply racists, became noticeably more active.
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The Politiek questions, are we living in the époque of Trump, in which Trump’s revival of the “America First” slogan of the American Nazis in the 1930s has encouraged a loosening of bigoted tongues? Could it be that Trump himself, despite his officially pro-Israel positions, is a closeted anti-Semite?
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Apparently, Donald Trump’s ability to damage the US positions in terms of geopolitics, economy, environment or social aspects, includes one more item.
Vanity Faire reported that the one thing that consistently sticks out as a cause for concern is Trump’s crimes against the English language. The majority of Trump sentences are sentence fragments. Words are arranged in a way that only he can understand.
According to Vanity Fair, John Montgomery, a psychologist in New York City and adjunct professor at New York University, said “it’s hard to say definitively without rigorous testing” of Trump’s speaking patterns, “but I think it’s pretty safe to say that Trump has had significant cognitive decline over the years.”
The ultimate question is whether American people do understand the meaning of the phrase – with great power come great responsibility? Not quite it seems.
By electing Donald Trump who is the least qualified person to be the President of the US, with a shady reputation and questionable mental health, Americans endangered not only their own country but also the whole world.
Perhaps, for security purposes, it might be useful to come up with minimum standards requirements, something similar to what FGA gas in place.
Of course, there would be no need for such document if Donald Trump could manage to destroy the world before the end of his term.
THE UNITED STATES MAY NEED TO INTRODUCE A MINIMUM HIRING STANDARDS AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. When people express their interest in employment with any company, submitted applications are almost always are subject to a pre-employment background review.
#A weakened United States would mean less of an emphasis on human rights and maintenance of global order#America will never recover completely from the unstanchable wound of Trumo presidency#analysis#and promoted the consumption of fossil fuels#anti american nature of Donald Trump&039;s decisions#approved the use of chemicals proven to cause brain damage in children#arrogance of Donald Trump#broader retreat from cross-border integration would represent a downside risk to trade#business opportunities for American companies would shrink accordingly#calls for protectionism and economic nationalism by US authorities#China’s global ambitions have inflicted on its culture and international standing#climate change#competing for regional powers#contacts with Russian officials#contradicting statements made by Donald Trump#damage of Donald Trump presidency#dealing with complex political issues#dealing with complexity of international politics#dealing with international politics#dealings with Russia#Donald Trump#Donald Trump and his administration act like demolition team#Donald Trump and his administration will be remembered as the most scandalous president and administration in the U.S. history#Donald Trump and his adminnaistration will be remembered as the most scandalous president and administration in the U.S. history#Donald Trump as the president of the United States#Donald Trump delivers a greater damage#Donald Trump doesn&039;t understand#Donald Trump is not only shameless but he also does not believe that he has done anything wrong by grabbing women by pussy#Donald Trump is the least qualified person for the job of the U.S. President#Donald Trump is under investigation
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