#but instead of lemon cars i'm recommending fics with lemons
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puffyphantom-v2 · 7 days ago
Honestly brah, I've never seen this ship out in the wild before nor have I ever watched the actual show. BUT the way you portray them caught me by the throat with one post and now I'm stuck here!!! Your art us actually so tasty and delicious, you've introduced me to the ship and now I'm out here looking for other stuff for it, mainly fics.
So... What are your favorite fics for this pairing you think people need to see? :3 (Signing out, Bun)
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Ehehehe the pompous pep army becomes even stronger with each rising sun...
Thank you for being here with us, Bun! And ohmygosh I am super duper excited to know that I somehow managed to catch your attention and convince you to stay when you weren't even familiar with the show?!! Inconceivable. How in the world did I do that. Please, I must know which post of mine managed to tickle your fancy...
As for fic recs, I can name a few that I personally find very tasty, and I hope you do, too! 😋
Domination by Nimrod the Writer. This one is 100% organic, grass-fed, non-GMO, pure non-con pompous pep goodness. It's also very lengthy, but so worth the read. BUT please be warned that this is an incomplete fic that ends with a very intense cliffhanger, and the author has stated that there will be no more updates.
Braces by Mosscherub. Hoo boy. Oh man. You're gonna need lots of napkins for this one. (At least, I did...) This one is definitely one of my favs off the pompep menu. Be warned—it's got a lot of spice. If Vlad thinking very inappropriate thoughts about a very young Danny sounds like something you're interested in, then this one is absolutely for you!
Not As Vlad As It Sounds by Hound and Hare (tittysatan). Creepy, groomer, predatory Vlad galore! (My absolute favorite flavor of pompous pep.) You should also check out more of tittysatan's work if you're not full by the end of this one!
Cloyingly Sweet by Schediaphilia. The spice is subtle with this one, but it's just as the title implies with a hint of something else that hits the taste buds just right. Special is another one that I enjoy from this same author. It features special ingredients such as creepy, Danny-obsessed Vlad, though it is an incomplete story.
Hoodie by hjbender. Nothing like a fic where Vlad and Danny get straight to it to satisfy my cravings for some smutty pompous pep! My only complaints about this one fic in particular: it leaves me craving more soon after... Luckily for us, our lovely chef hjbender has more to offer in their kitchen! Definitely recommend looking at their other works for a variety of pompous pep dishes. (Must be registered on AO3 to have access.)
As I mentioned, these are just some of my personal favorites that I have named off the top of my head, but you can honestly just dive into AO3 or fanfiction.net to enjoy a whole buffet of fantastic gourmet pompep fics. Bon appétit!
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christinesficrecs · 3 months ago
Do you have any fics you can recommend where like, Derek's family member(s) that died in the fire appear as ghosts and Stiles can see/hear them? Or something along those lines.
Thanks ❤️❤️❤️
I do! 🩷
You Only Live Once…or Twice by WonderWolf | 32.9K | Explicit
Or the one in which Stiles is a necromancer who needs help stopping a rogue alpha and Derek is the solution, but at what cost?
From Ashes by andavs | 13.4K 
Stiles really couldn’t say for sure who was more surprised when the formerly very much deceased Laura Hale suddenly appeared behind Gerard Argent, mid-villain monologue, and ripped his head off.
Dream of Life Again by BarlowGirl | 18.3K | Explicit
You better be ready,” Lydia says as she cleans dirt out from under her nails with an antiseptic wipe. Stiles can smell the lemon scent even from where he stands a few feet away. She’s probably going to end up covered in blood in a few moments, but she likes to be in control in any way she can, so he doesn’t tease her about this. “It’s time to start.”
“I’m ready,” Stiles says and he’s pretty sure it’s not even a lie. Hopefully.
Dead Things by standinginanicedress | 89.1K | Explicit
Derek blows some more smoke out. He chooses to look at Stiles’ mouth instead of in his eyes, again. “I need you to bring someone back.”
“From the dead.”
“Absolutely not,” Stiles scoffs, shaking his head. “Not for you, not for all the money in the world.”
Derek looks at him, just looks. He is not going to accept no for an answer, and Stiles knows it, but it doesn’t matter, because Stiles will not do that. He cannot do that, not again. “Why not for me in specific?”
don’t know what i’m supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you) by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli) | 30.9K
Stiles sees dead people. Yep. Seriously.
(He’s got this. He’s totally got this. So what if one of them is Derek’s mom?)
Whatever Our Souls Are Made Of by Lissadiane | 14.9K
In which Stiles Stilinski sees the ghosts of animals with unfinished business, and Derek Hale is unaware that his dearly departed sister left a few things unfinished.
Of Course It’s Fairies by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere | 100.2K
While still suffering from the after effects of the Nogitsune, Stiles and the pack stumble upon and save a trapped fairy. The boy’s parents, not wanting to be in the pack’s debt, offer each member of the pack who assisted in the rescue, the opportunity to bring a loved one back from the dead.
Having been blissfully reunited with several of their once-lost friends and family members, everyone must work together to figure out how to function as a new pack, and how to defeat a new incoming threat.
I See Dead People by Asteria_Star | 15.3K
Stiles has been able to see Ghosts for as long as he could remember. Having a ghost tell you that you are a necromancer and that the supernatural exists was nothing. What isn't nothing is trying to navigate your best friend becoming a werewolf while trying to hide what you are.
AND since I'm here :)
I Was Present While You Were Unconscious by CharWright5 | 19.4K
Stiles had often thought about how he’d meet his soul mate, the literal muscular man of his dreams. He just didn’t ever imagine finding him on Facebook where a friend had shared a news article about a werewolf John Doe in a coma after a car wreck four hours out of town. And he also didn’t expect to bond and fall in love with the guy’s family before ever saying two words to him out loud.
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tangerinesgf · 2 years ago
Waiting Out The Storm
Tangerine x gn!reader
Summary: Tangerine just got home from a long job and you wanna go see him, but it's storming outside.
Tags/warnings: nothing really, just a bit hurt/comfort (mostly comfort not so much hurt actually), fluff, language (it's still Tangerine after all)
A/N: Here's a fluffy fic for ya'll before I come back with my angsty one, cause I already have a great (some might say horrible) idea for one. Also I spend a weird amount of time researching various British terms for weather for this fic.
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"I know, love, I wanna see you too, but you don't 'ave a car and mine's total loss."
'I can just walk over, it's not that far.' you proposed, knowing full well it's at least a 15 minute walk.
Tangerine walked over to the window by the kitchen that looked out on the dim-lit street. It had been tipping down all day, but since Lemon had dropped him off at home it really started raining cats and dogs. London weather, everyone.
He should've just asked Lemon to drop him off at your place, but he had wanted to clean himself up a bit first. Yes, he had shown up at your doorstep covered in blood more than once, but he liked to avoid it if possible. Unfortunately that meant that the both of you were now stuck at home, talking over the phone instead of wrapped around each other.
"Use your eyes, darlin', it's raining sideways, there's no way I'm letting you set even one foot outside in that shitstorm."
'I have an umbrella.'
"Nice try, I'll come by in the morning, don't think it's goin' to let up tonight." He could hear you groan from over the phone at this.
There was nothing Tangerine wanted more than to hold you in his arms right now, tell you how much he missed you while placing little kisses all over your face. Unfortunately he was limping because some bastard had hit him on the leg with metal pipe and he wouldn't risk you getting sick only to see him.
"Go get some sleep, love, it's late."
'Fine.' you mumbled, clearly not happy about this, but it's not like you had a lot of other options at the moment.
"I love ya, sweet dreams and all that." He could hear you chuckle at that and he wished he was with you to see that smile on your face, however small it may be at this moment.
'Love you too, Tan.' And with that he heard you hang up the phone, finding himself alone once again.
After staring outside for a couple more minutes he decided that he should probably go to bed as well, after all he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep while in Madrid either.
About an hour later Tangerine was still awake, not used to sleeping alone. Just when he decided to pick up the book you had recommended to him, he heard what he thought was a faint knock on his frontdoor.
He climbed out of bed, put his joggers back on and strolled towards the door. When the knocking on his door became louder, seemingly more urgent he made a grab at the gun he kept in his drawer.
Pointing it in front of him, he slowly crept to the front door. Unlike your small apartment, Tangerine's house didn't have a peephole in the door. He made a mental note to go get one sometime this week. So for the lack of better options he threw the door open and pointed the barrel of the gun towards the figure on his doorstep. Their hands flew up in the air at the sight of the gun.
"Jesus Christ, Tan. Paranoid much?"
Wait what?
Slowly the person lowered their hands and pulled the hood covering their face down. "It's just me."
You were standing on his porch, completely soaked without your previously mentioned umbrella. Luckily you did wear a raincoat, although that didn’t stop your pants from getting wet. He could clearly see the the difference between your light blue jeans that had turned darker because of the rain.
"Fuckin' hell, what the fuck are ya doin' 'ere?"
"Couldn't sleep, I needed to see you." Your voice was barely audible above the rain, but neither made a move to get inside yet.
The rain will still pouring down, completely soaking your previously covered hair. Your face was red from the cold and Tangerine could hear you repeatedly sniffing your nose. That would probably turn into a cold later.
"So ya decided to walk to walk almost a kilometer in the storm?! Are you nuts?!"
"Look I'd love to continue this conversation, but can we please move it inside, I'm fucking freezing."
It only really hit him in that moment that you just walked almost 20 minutes in the rain and were currently still standing in it, practically shaking from the cold.
"Fuck, yea ofcours, come in."
Tangerine stepped aside, making room for you to set foot inside, and placed the gun back in the cabinet.
"You can put your coat on the heater, I'll get ya some towels and dry clothes."
He quickly walked upstairs and grabbed the pajama pants you'd forgotten last time you were here and one of his dress shirts for you to put on.
When he came back you were still standing by the front door, rain dripping onto his welcome mat. Tangerine handed you the clothes and you made your way to his bathroom, leaving wet foot prints all over his house.
Once you were cleaned up you walked back into the living room. Tangerine loved it when you wore his clothes. His dress shirt was way too big for you, it basically swallowed you, but he absolutely adored it.
Once you were sitting on his couch, wrapped in his softest blanket Tangerine offered you a cuppa and sat next to you.
"What were you thinkin', love?"
Tangerine cut you off before you could finish your answer. "I told ya to stay home."
He wasn't really upset with you. In fact Tangerine was ecstatic to see you again after 3 weeks, but he didn't understand why you couldn't just wait until morning. Why you would risk your health just to see him. In his opinion he really wasn't worth all this trouble.
"I know." You simply said.
"Then why'd ya come?" His voice was soft, truly just wanting to understand you.
"I had to see you, see that you're okay." You mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.
Tangerine followed your eyes, but you avoided him. He knew that you worried about him, how could you not with his particular job. However you had never really voiced that to him, not like this.
"I'm sorry." you murmured.
With your apology all the remaining tension instantly left his body. All you had wanted to do was see for yourself that he made it home safe. Tangerine had told you that he had only gotten beat up a bit, but it was only now that he realized that every time he returned from a job he went straight to you. This was the first time where he hadn't been able to. He had never realized how much you apparently needed that physical confirmation.
Tangerine moved closer to you, gently took the mug from your hands and placed it on the coffee table. "C'mere."
He pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arm around your waist. As you buried your face in the crook of his neck, Tangerine placed a gentle kiss on your crown.
"You could 'ave told me. Don't want you worrying about me." He tried to make it sound teasing, almost like a joke to lighten the mood, but it didn't really work.
"I'm always going to worry about you, Tan."
Tangerine wished he could just take all your worry away, promise you that he was always gonna make it back home to you, but he knows he can't.
He can't promise that he won't accidently catch a bullet to the neck and bleed out in some god forsaken country with you on the other side of the world. The thought of leaving you behind has him sleepless at night. Tangerine knows you felt the same way, tonight was only a confirmation of that.
"I know, love." He pulled you impossibly closer to him.
There wasn't much else to say at the moment. Tangerine knew the two of you should probably talk about your feelings, but that could wait 'till morning.
He could feel your warm breath on his neck as it slowly evened out. When he looked at you, your eyes were closed, fast alseep. Tangerine leaned his head on yours, finally able to catch some much needed sleep.
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Taglist: @waiting4ff @venusthepirate @megumisbabymomma @bratdoll666 @assmaster37 @wrendermeuseless @kpopgirlbtssvt @dontknownameauthor @earth-elemental18 @thirstyfortangerine @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart (lemme know if you wanna be added or removed)
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