#but if you're just here to bash the writers and say everything sucks then i don't need that
coffeebanana · 1 year
from now on if you're going to reply to my speculation posts with negativity you're getting blocked because i don't have time for the salt i just want to enjoy my silly little show (affectionate)
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melloneah · 1 month
this is all for the writer ask!!! :3 hope it's not too much >_<" answer the ones you're comfortable answering and don't force yourself to answer all of them if you don't want to! <3
🌵🥤🌻🍄📚 🍬🔪🥐🏜🦋🐝🧩
EHEHEHEHEHHE NEVER TOO MUCH THANK U SMMMMMM 🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
i dont really listen to premade playlists, so ill link mine >:333 this is a playlist i made for a roadtrip to berlin, including all the songs i was listening to at the time, and ive since been adding new ones actively, so it's literally just a huge list of everything i love :D 🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
first of all gonna plug my besties ofc @levi-dayne writes sick ass fics for death note @uriekukistan writes amazing itafushi angst (and not only :33) SENDING BOTH OF THEM SMOOCHES GO READ THEIR STUFF! and a fic that id read recently and LOVEDDD was all about love by fullvoid (@casgore on here :3) the yuuji characterisation broke my heart - it was a gutwrenchingly real way of depicting mental illness, and i loved seeing how different he acted around people vs alone. and it was super cool seeing a healed megumi helping yuuji rather than the other way around!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis FIRST OF ALL U!!!!!! i love the mutual interactions THANK U FOR BEING HERE!!!! @alonelystargazer is very sweet and i interact with her pretty regularly i feel :3 THANK U FOR INTERACTING WINNIE!!!!<3 cant think of anymore rn but if i do i WILL edit this post TRUST 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
megumi likes penne but yuuji hates it so they always disagree over pasta shape if theyre making it for dinner. yuuji always wins bc his favourite is spaghetti and obviously everyone likes spaghetti so megumi doesnt bother fighting him on it 📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
HEHEHEHEH nervous. lets see "what kinda gay shit goes on around here when im not around" LMAO the choso x todo wip in action. what a quote thank u past me. you'll find out the context once i post it sjdhfgsjhfks
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
hmmmmm from random shit i think like. 1980s window designs in england lmaooo
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
answered here :333
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
ARRGRHRG ANY COMMENT. i get so excited u cant even imagine. i sometimes type 'AO3' in my gmail just to delude myself that i got a comment and get that little pang of joy seeing the notif 😭 my favvvv must be ones that quote certain lines tho bc then im like HEY!!!! I WROTE THAT!!!! U LIKED THAT??? DUDE UR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS I WROTE IT
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
i feel like an everpresent topic ive had on my mind especially often for the last year is kindness. there's a multitude of things i could say, whether that's bashing people for lacking it, or get all teary over how beautiful it is (which!! it is!!!) but i think what ive recently discovered is that it's my only constant :3 when everything else goes wrong, that's all i have, and im really happy it's second nature to me (altho im still actively working on making myself better!!!!)
yeah, maybe everything sucks right now, but i know i can make someone else's day better :3 and often it makes things a little more okay to me too
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
RAHHGHG BESTIES. question for the bestiessss
@levi-dayne is so dear to my heart!!! such a sweet and kind person, who truly and deeply cares about others!!!! makes music, writes well AND ALSO DRAWS??!!! amazing and super talented person with super high ambitions too!!! SO SLAYFUL. what did i do to deserve such a slayful friend<333
@uriekukistan is one of the most naturally talented ppl i know!!!!! they write amazing fics, can DANCE super well, and took up drawing like 3 seconds ago and are already churning out really cool stuff on a fucking TOUCHPAD. ON THEIR LAPTOP. gofundme for rin graphic art kit when?? also ofc. a really good friend and very kind person :3333 <333
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
from a writing style perspective: first person and tense switches
from a content perspective: anything fucked up like noncon or incest....how tf are they often not tagged like??? or putting that at the bottom of the warnings list 😭 oh yea im far more concerned about swearing and underage drinking......
something im picky abt that sometimes annoys me enough to click off but i feel like it's just a weird personal preference is the overuse of alternatives to a characters name. so using "the brunette" like 5 times. just say his name!!!!! it's ok!!!!!
RAHHHHHH i usually reread my answers before i post but not this time. adios fuckers i dont remember what bullshit i wrote here but ur left with the consequences. if u wanna deal with even more of my terrible takes ASK ME STUFF
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ladymirdan · 9 months
As someone who just reblogs posts without saying anything, the reason I don't say anything when I reblog them is because one part, I often have nothing to say. And the other part is that most of the time when I comment on a post by reblogging it, the original poster never sees it or interacts with it. I feel like I'm screaming into the void, too.
I'm not trying to call anyone out, I'm not trying to shame anyone. Your point is still valid--it is 100% reasonable for you to feel the way you feel. I'm just providing my excuse for why I don't generally leave comments on your posts or on your blog. I'm pretty new to the fandom and pretty low on the fandom totem ladder, I think I'm one step up from an unknown. I don't get interaction most months, either, and I know that my interacting with anyone doesn't count for anything.
You are not under any obligation to interact with everyone who reblogs your posts with comments. I am not saying that you have to interact with me or that you're under some obligation. You are a popular member of the Tumblr 40k fandom with a lot of followers, I am one scream in the darkness. This is just me explaining why I just stalk your blog (do we still say that? We did back in 2012...) instead of talking to you. Also, I think our interests in the fandom are very different? But I love watching your enthusiasm, seeing your takes. I feel like I'm watching a Very Important Scholar dispensing wisdom in the public forum. (I won't even leave likes on peoples' posts because of what you and Tage have said about the likes! And now that I finally have a post that got popular, I kind of get that???? Sucks that it's not a post of literally any of my art, none of my drawings or writing, just a stupid picture I took where I tagged someone Very Important in the fandom without their permission, very rude of me...) Anyway, it's like, 2am here and I didn't get much sleep.
Pre-emptive sorry for wasting your time!
No no! My post wasn't a callout to anyone specific. And You reblog a lot of my stuff on here and I appreciate it a lot 💙 (I am also a notorious no comment reblogger a lot of the time 😅)
Reblogging on Tumblr makes me happy. It reaches new people with new perspectives and im still allowed to see the interactions. What I ment was taking the post offsite, to a discord or telegram or whatever where im not a part of the post anymore.
And second of all, you aren't a nobody. There are no hierarchy in fandom, (and anyone who says they are some kind of higher tier is a bit of a cunt imo) I value a good commenter/reblogger the same as a would an artist or writer.
But this is a good response, it clears the air a bit I think. I know I might look and sound scary from afar, but I'm (kind of?) nice. And I don't bite(impossible through the screen, I've tried). Lurking used to and still is encouraged way too much in my opinion.
And to you, and anyone who reads this thinking they are nobodies. That is not true. I was a nobody to Tage when we started talking, and now we (at least from my side) are really good friends, almost more then my afk friends.
It is always ok to comment on my posts, everything from “you are wrong and this is why *proceeds to write a 20page rant* to “I want to eat this post so I can carry it inside me” makes me smile.
(I have one rule tho; No unwarranted bashing of Abaddon, that leads to an insta block)
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sincerely-krp · 3 months
hi admin! i do think this should sit on the blog till you post things tomorrow, because i think people should take this into account when giving feedback!
i feel like a lot of you are privileged to never have been on the receiving end of enough krp hate that you have to personally reach out to a vent blog in the hopes that you can persuade them to hear your case and not let people shit on you public.
which, that's honestly awesome, and good for you. i hope you never have to.
but i'm telling you right now, to try and argue that it's better for random fucking krpers to make toxic fucking blogs once a year like clockwork as opposed to having one place we all know this shit is gonna go to, which is run by admins that i can personally vouch for aren't inherently malicious, is a weak fucking argument.
imagine what happens when new blogs are made: everyone runs to them to rehash the same shit that's been going on. people unlucky like me have to then sit there and pray that we don't get trashed on a vent blog all over again. or that we can convince a vent blog admin, it's not that fucking easy.
as for bias in the results, it's really simple. if you contact sincerely because of something, and vents show up about you later, they dm you personally and give you 24 hours to try and disprove it because they don't need to post it to the blog, they know a party involved. in my case it would take way longer but i communicated with them and they were pretty responsive, not posting anything till i could get them what they needed.
then i adminned a krp and dmed sincerely pretty much immediately. lo and behold, shit tried to get spread, but they gave me time to explain the situation, and nothing was posted. the 24 hour rule applies privately too, but so much fucking harm is reduced just by them not being bitchy and toxic people inherently. we talk about krps closing down all the time because of vent blogs, but my krp, and probably the krps you think about when you think about which ones didn't get bashed, are STILL HERE because of this blog, and everything they do behind the scenes.
does it fucking suck that a vent blog is being given so much power and influence? yes, but they have time and time again been blunt about what it would take for vent blogs to no longer have credit. you guys keep missing the mark. it's not about stopping other vent blogs. it's about discrediting the opinions all together. who would trust people venting on a blog when verified reviews paint a complete different picture? when a directory that gives admins a chance to fix things comes out and says that admin abuse did go on, racism did occur, favoritism did occur, etc.?
the proof on this blog under the #proof tag would still be valid obviously, but the regular vents wouldn't be. and yeah, people will probably still shit on krps here, but it would still be moderated, and if sincerely closed and more toxic places opened up, then the opinion would still mean NOTHING compared to the database we would have from a credible place. i get everyone's frustration. but do the fucking work. review a krp you're in right now. if you're an admin, encourage your writers to do so too. idk how much we can trust krp-verse admins, but the fact that if they abuse their power there are people who will doxx them is enough for me to feel safe about it. plus, is it really better to trust a vent blog because the opposite is unfamiliar?
lastly, it's not bias for sincerely to use harm reduction techniques. but it results in them having to overcompensate on these blogs because people call those measures bias and interference but turn around and bitch when sincerely doesn't do enough of it. so think about what you're asking for. really think about it. listen to the people who come forward about how things are behind the scenes here. there's so much that gets missed.
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searchingforbucky · 4 years
Hii Meg! I need your help, but for other reasons lol how do you go about giving constructive criticism? Like what if you started an amazing series and are loving it and giving feedback and everything, but halfway through it starts getting the bad kind of wild and you're just not feeling it anymore? Would you say anything or just suck it up and keep pushing yourself through the madness? What if you're in someone's permanent taglist and they tag you in something you just didn't like? How to deal w
Ah yes, I’ve come across this problem before. I need to stress that everything I’m saying from here on out is how I deal with the situation, I’m not saying it’s the best way, but it’s my way and my opinions.
So, first, I never give constructive criticism unless someone asks for it. Do I think constructive criticism is important for writers to progress? Absolutely, but I personally think when it comes unprompted then it may come a slight against the writing you know? I never want my words to be misconstrued as bashing a writers work. So I never share my feedback unless asked.
Now when I do get asked to provide feedback, and I have constructive criticism, I always make sure I am wording it 1) to make sure they know that it’s just my opinion 2) that my criticism comes with a valid alternative and 3) that they know that no matter what I think, they know the story better than I do, and that my opinion is not as important as their own. For example. If I feel like a story is paced too fast or there’s too much going on, I say, “Hey, I’m personally having a bit of trouble following along with the story. It feels as though everything is happening a little fast, for me. maybe consider adding more detail to the situations, or providing a buffer in between to show time passing. But, i don’t know what pace you are looking to set for the story, so that’s just what I’m perceiving as a reader” I never say things like “this is going my way too fast” or “nothing makes sense” because here’s the thing, maybe it’s just me. I have a personal taste for how I consume media. It affects how I read things, and it guides my opinions on things. Not everyone has the same opinions as me you know?
Now when I’m reading a story, and it’s going great, until it takes a turn I don’t agree with or I don’t like, it’s very easy to just want to close it and move on. This may be a controversial opinion, but I think it’s okay to do that. You are not obligated to read anything. Honestly, read what you like and what makes you happy. But, if you aren’t comfortable doing that, or maybe you feel bad doing that, like I do something. I suggest skimming through the chapters, find things you do like maybe it’s a metaphor, or a certain scene. Leave a comment about those things, maybe it’ll lead them to put more of what you do like who knows. Either way I think that it’s all about focusing on the positive, he use bringing up the negative doesn’t really help anyone you know? Unless they ask you to.
Maybe that didn’t make sense, maybe some of you disagree, that’s totally okay! But I hope this helped a little bit :)
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