#but if anyone touches the girl I love i'll go absolutely feral' kinda of boy
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
Yandere ocs
So I figured I should show them off..and make stories for them cause this idea won't escape my mind no matter what. Please be gentle on them
All artwork is made on picrew I don't own any of it
As far as they go I'm accepting request, questions for the characters to answer and just questions about them and if you just wanna talk to them you can via ask
Warning: contains both sfw and nsfw headcanons..also these boys are yanderes so they are kinda toxic
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Gentle giant
I'm not kidding he's 6'3"
Half japanese half american
Is a college student studying to be a doctor
Just the sweetest sweetheart
He comes across as ditzy though
He is the mom of any friend group
Will spoil his darling with affection and love
Best hubby vibes for sure
Works himself to death to provide for you both
Will give you all the headpats
"you're so sweet, a perfect angel"
Got his scar from his childhood
Loves sweets
Likes to make you lunch shaped as animals
Wholesome boy
Will never hurt you
Can be strict about self care
But completely forgets about his own self-care
Works so hard to please you
Makes sure you are never sad or anything
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As far as his yandere side
He isn't the type to get violent but is definitely the emotional manipulation type
Will make his darling seem absolutely insane
"sweetie, you shouldn't leave be logical here"
He will make his darling question their own decision making
In his eyes you are too fragile for the outside world
Listen to him, he is only trying to protect you
Doesn't like it when you fight him
Prefers a sweet darling but if you are a hothead he'll love you just as much...though your fighting and struggling will be a challenge
Will drug you if that's what it takes to keep you calm
"Just listen to me, okay? Why would you ever need to think or make your own choices when you have me?"
Definitely has a low sex drive more of a cuddler
But when he wants it he's such a gentleman about it
Will seduce you with a nice meal first before asking to make love
He will never force you to though cause he knows what that feels like
Can spend hours kissing you
Definitely has a kink for purity
If you act super innocent he just can't help but pull you into his lap and love up on you
Doesn't do any feral sex unless you've pushed him past his breaking point.
Is a switch so if you want to top him he'll allow it but he is far more comfortable being the dom
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Hikaru, 21
Young and famous model
Full japanese
Comes from a family full of actors
Flamboyant as hell will actually crossdress if he wants to cause fuck gender roles
Monster Dick energy
He comes across as loud and hyper
Seems super sweet and bubbly
Loves to dress up his darling in cute clothes and spoil them when they are well behaved
"look at my adorable baby! Oh you're such a cutie!"
Is a strawberry milk boba drinker(*cough* like me *cough*)
Will take you on shopping dates if you are good
Is the type to flaunt his credit cards
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Is actually a degrading king
He isn't the nicest yandere
Will kill an entire army if he has to
Will degrade the absolute hell out of his darling to break your self esteem and self worth
"baby, who else will want you? Honestly darling do you think anyone else actually cares about someone as worthless as you?"
Kinky as fuck
Has a bad temper
Don't piss him off or he will hurt you
"why would you ever need to leave! The only one who cares about you is me! Everyone else will just use you and throw you away!"
Is the type to try and make his darling as clingy as possible
Wants a housewife type darling no matter the gender
Wants to come home to an obedient lover ready to give him a kiss, dinner, and a BJ
Always wants to love up on you and have you in his arms
Will be grouchy if he sees you getting too confident in your looks
He fears that if you have too much self confidence you're going to leave him
"what are you wearing? It's absolutely hideous. Hmm? I bought that? Huh you must have looked cute in it then but right now you kinda look like a pig"
All in all he's a brat
If you try and dom him he will absolutely fight back and it will lead to some feral sex
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Axis, 18
100% blind
full japanese
Despite not being able to see he doesn't need a cane or anything
Though he likes it when you offer to hold his hand in public
Works at home as an artist
Is really good at it and had some of his work in museums
Like spicy foods
Like super dumb
"hey, babe is tomato sauce a smoothie? Or maybe it's like jelly..but made out of like tomatoes"
Is basically a puppy
Can't keep his hands off you
Is always kissing and loving you
Praise giving king
Has hightened senses so he definitely remembers your smell and how you walk
Always has to be with you
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Never leave
He can't handle it
Is the exact opposite of hikaru
Makes it seem like he will actually die without you
"don't leave! Please! I'm helpless without you! [Y/n]! Don't leave me by myself!"
Will make you quit your job
Will make you move in with him
Acts pathetic when you even mention leaving
Hugs your leg and sobs hard
Has fake fallen many times to get you to think he truly is helpless without you
Will have a screaming tantrum if you walk out the door
Just painful screams and sobs while he claws his own face and body out of absolute insanity
Will keep doing that until you come back to him
"s-see, I'm helpless without you. I'll die without you, I need you so please..stay with me forever"
As far as sex..
He is definitely cries during it
Loves you so much that he is just sobbing while fucking you cause you feel so good and he loves you and-
Is like a dog in heat
Loves just feeling all over your body
Sex with him usually lasts many rounds and involves him humping you to death while he sobs and drools all over you
Will sub for you if you want him to
Will honestly do anything you want as long as you are touching him
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Prince, 24
Horny 24/7
Full Korean but moved to Japan shortly after birth
Gained his name out of a magazine..thanks mom and dad
Works as a bartender
Usually a one night stand kind of guy but with you it's different
Loves sloppy kisses and cuddles
Bad boy
Aka he pretends to be a bad boy but is actually a softie who loves dogs and long walks on the beach
Goofy as hell
Loves to make you laugh
He isn't used to having a real relationship so be easy on him
Doesn't like restricting you and lets you do basically anything you want
Of course you belong to him though so no doing crazy things
Like to take you to work with him and gives you free drinks
Definitely has a fan girl club
The word sex escapes his mouth every three seconds
Sex with him is usually amazing
He's knows exactly what he's doing
As long as you love him it's all good
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The moment you try to break up with him or distance yourself he loses it
"huh? Huh huh huh huh?! You're kidding yeah?! Stop joking around"
Gets hella paranoid and locks you in his house while pacing around not sure what to do
Will kill for you like absolutely will slaughter someone if they get too close to you
He changes so dramatically it's hard to see him as the same laid back flirty guy
He gets tense and panicked
"you can't leave okay?! Don't even try to ask!"
Will start to calm down if he sees you are accepting your fate
Thinks sex will solve his problems
"you just need to see how much of a man I am yeah?! Then you'll stay right?! Of course you will!"
Spirals out of control
You belong to him in his eyes so you can't ever leave
Clearly has abandonment issues
Will try to do whatever he can to make you happy though
Want it and he will get it
just stay with him and he will be okay
Will try and do whatever he can to make you just as obsessed with him as he is for you
Clearly doesn't have experience in loving someone
He's not used to wanting someone to stay with him so he takes drastic measures to assure you never leave
Even tries getting you pregnant or making you disabled to make you make no choice but to stay
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Yuki, 21
Not picking favorites buuut-
Sleepy boy
Oddly enough is super athletic and strong..despite not working out
Half japanese half american
Responds with sounds or very few words
Forked tongue- not given to him by choice
Owns a tattoo and piercing shop
Despite this he doesn't own any tattoos
Loves to put his head on your lap or stomach
Prefers chubbier lovers but honestly will love you regardless
Will sleep the entire day without eating if you let him
Doesn't like speaking but if he has to he will
Hates any sort of loud noise, has sensitive senses
Is pretty lazy but if he has to do it he will.. though he will make random grunts and grumbles the entire time while pouting
More of a cat than a person
Quite moody
Only you're allowed to touch him
Anyone else who does he'll glare at and act cold towards
Likes to hug you from behind and lean against you no matter your height
If you're shorter than him expect him to put his chin on your head
If you are taller he's nuzzling his face in your back and taking in your smell
Can't cook to save his life
Almost burnt the house down cause he fell asleep while cooking
It's fine cause he eats microwave dinners and snacks from the convience store
Low sex drive
The king of sleepy sex
Usually all sex with him is slow,teasing and just filled with sleepy praise and compliments
Unless he's jealous or stressed then it's just rough fucking
Doesn't really act like a yandere at all.. buuut-
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Honestly thought you two were dating this whole time
What do you mean you two aren't a couple
No no sweetheart you two were dating the moment he laid eyes on you
If you try to break this fantasy he will shut it down
"we're dating."
Try and say no and he will not be able to handle it
All his delusions keep him from breaking down but if you absolutely say that you two aren't dating he will snap
"stop talking, we are dating. So stop lying"
Doesn't like the thought of kidnapping but he will do it if he must
Will even work from home if he has to
He isn't really a violent type so he won't kill for you but he will absolutely spread lies and use blackmail to get what he wants
All your friends and family think that you eloped with him and never want to see them again
It's better for you both if you just play along with his games
Will definitely tattoo his name on you
He won't ever gag you cause he likes to hear your voice but if you try to scream he honestly won't know what to do
The loudness makes him tear up and he just covers your mouth with your hands begging you to stop
"It hurt. Too Loud. Please."
He just wants to love you he doesn't see what he's doing wrong
He just wants to be with you forever so be good and don't fight him
Is definitely the stalker and stealing clothes type
Will make a nest of all your things that smell like you and he'll just lay in it being in absolute peace
Has scared any and all potential lovers away
Mostly through blackmail
He is easily jealous but pretends not to be
As soon as you walk into the house he is there to smell you to see if you smell different
If you do you are taking a shower with him immediately
If not then yay cool cuddles and kisses
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cottoncandy-jester · 4 years
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Lie down darling it's time for a dream
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Bakusquad with a bara crybaby S/O
You may ask yourself"proxy what's this?!"
To answer youe question I have no idea I just want to indulge okay?!
Plus come on, a big buff reader being a bottom for their shorter lover is just amazing how could I not?!
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Katsuki bakugo
Honestly he was the reason you cried the first time you guys met
He finds you to be both annoying and adorable
The way you hide behind him though despite you being taller makes his ego puff up
He is very soft around you and tries not to make you cry but sometimes he cant help himself
If he's the one who made you cry he was just aggressively kiss you while mentally screaming at himself for being so dumb
Anyone who makes you cry is dying
Even if you flinch cause of someone they are dying
Your soft behavior calms him down though if he's amped up though
Your tallness does irritate him though like who TF said you could be tall!
Is constantly yanking you down to kiss you
If anyone teases him about being the shorter one he goes boom
Let's everyone know that he's top dog between you two by biting your neck everytime you make out so others could see it
Speaking of make outs..when you cry during making out it makes him FERAL!
"look at the little baby, you're crying cause it feels so good eh? You want more kisses? Heh. Whatever"
You sniffle softly as bakugo run his fingers through your hair while straddling your waist. Today was a hard day during class and thw stress made you break down, you had to fight against bakugo and of course you going easy on him pissed him off so he snapped at you.
The two of you now sat in the dorm lounge while bakugo tried to stop your blubbering by kissing your tears away. A feeling of guilt weighted his chest down as he petted your hair and let you nuzzle your face in his chest if you wanted.
"come on [y/n] I said I was sorry, I didn't fucking mean it..so stop. I love you"
His soft whispers in your ear made you start to settle down and he smiled at the soft kisses he felt against his chest and neck. He simply sighs softly before picking his head up only to see deku and mina staring at the two of you with a crazy look. Bakugo growled loudly but looked at you before holding his anger since he didn't want you to cry again.. he'll kill them later for now you were the most important thing on his mind.
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Eijirou Kirishima
This boy is crazy about you!
Like you are perfect in his eyes and he is constantly praising you til you are super red
He liked your height cause it's fun to hug you from behind or compare hand sizes
He gets pouty when he tries to kiss you but you are too tall like lean down so he can kiss your perfect face
He finds your fragile behavior super cute like you're shyness makes him smile
He will punch anyone who makes you cry like he almost got into a fight with bakugo when he made you cry
He gets annoyed if anyone calls you scary looking or asks if you're some delinquent cause you're tall
"please don't talk about him that way! He's really sweet and that is gonna hurt his feelings!"
Honestly cuddles for days
Your chest make him drool
If your hero costume has any part of your chest or even shirtless he is gonna stare
Work out dates together are to be expected
Seeing you get fit makes his knees weak
"i-i can't do sit up when y-you kiss me like that"
Your shaky voice made the redhead hold back a laugh as he sat infront of you holding your feet. He kissed you everytime you came up and after ten of those you were flustered and too shy to go on. Kirishima found your behavior so adorable that he just couldn't help but wrap his arms around you and kiss your cheek
"can't help it! My manly man is just so cute!"
You whined softly at his praise before you found yourself shyly nuzzling your face in the male's neck
"kiriii~ you're embarrassing me"
"oh? Can you not handle my compliments? What if I call you manly and handsome? What about cute oh and sweet! Not to mention you are just perfect..so perfect"
The praise was too much for you and you started to feel dizzy. You fell limp in the male's arms which made him panic so he pulled your face back from his neck to look at you only to see you were all red and freaking out
"k-kiri..called..me.. perfect-"
Your muttering made Kirishima laugh nervously before he kissed your head softly.
"okay tall guy let's cool you off before you explode"
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Denki kaminari
If you thought Kirishima was bad with the praise denki is worse!
All his pervy energy is poured onto you and you can't handle it
Like constant praise and affection
Also..chest...man boobies is his weakness
His face is in-between your chest 90% of the time when you're together
Not only that but constant groping your chest
"[y/n]..your chest is like a girl but better! Sooo soft!"
As far as your crying he is the one to make you laugh when you're stressed or panicked
Will get hella pissed if someone were to make you cry
If he catches you crying best believe is will smother you with kisses and love to the point where you are flustered and laughing
As far as your height he is totally jumping on your back or asking if you can pick him up every once in a while
Will brag about you to everyone..like everyone
"[y/n] is so cool! They are so strong! plus their muscles are so sexy!"
Will say pervy this about tour chest to other people as well..like he has no shame!
"heh. During training his hero outfit ripped and i saw his yummy boobs!"
"y'know [y/n] is a dude rig-"
"gahhh! I'm so lucky! His cup size is like triple some of the girl sizes!"
You let out a shaky sigh as you heard a muffled groan from the male sitting in your lap with his face buried in your chest, well at least he was alive.
You were on your bed playing animal crossing while denki had his head buried in your shirtless chest. He requested you to be shirtless and you agreed since he's seen your shirtless before but this was getting kinda worrying
"h-hey denki, are you okay? You've been pressed against my chest like this for an hour..can you breathe?"
When you got no response you panicked before pulling denki back slightly only to see his face which was filled with bliss and joy, his eyes sparkled and his face flustered with the lack of air while blood dripped down his nose
"you're bleeding!"
You felt tears brim in your eyes as you tried to move to get a towel but denki simply latched onto you and nuzzled his face into your chest.
"I'm fine! I just- really like your warm chest"
You shivered lightly when denki gazed up at you with a sly grin
"you are too cute I can't help but cling to you like this y'know? My cute guy with such a cute body"
Before you could speak you winced at the feeling of a bite on your nipple
"heh oops-"
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Sero hanta
he wants to know how you got so big and buff like huh?!
Honestly when you two first met he was scared of you
Now he just loves you lots and lots!
He isn't about huge PDA like denki and Kirishima but he will hold your hand and even kiss it from time to time
Best believe he will tape someone's mouth shut if they make you cry
He finds your fragile behavior really cute and you have gained the nickname bunny cause of it
He loves touching your muscles and just cuddling with you
If he's the reason you ever cry expect him to do everything in his power to cheer you up
Sero looked at your weeping form curling up in the bed, you two got into a simple argument that left you in tears. He can't even remember what you two were fighting over but it was all stupid now, the male gulped thickly as he reached out and touched your hair before crawling up next to you so he could see your crying face.
"hey..bunny, look at me babe"
With a slight hesitance you faced him and felt him a kiss your tears away while holding tour hand tightly in his
"whose the best boyfriend in the world?"
You didn't speak but only whined lowly as soft sniffles escaped you but you were starting to smile so that was good. Sero simply kissed along your cheek and your lips very softly
"come on, who is it?"
"yeah it's you, I'm sorry"
His voice sounded shaky as you two locked eyes before you hug sero close and mumbled out a soft I love you which he returned before you two cuddle close enjoying the other's warmth.
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Mina ashido
Soft boy lover #1
Like she is so in love with how soft you are it's ridiculous
She adores hugging you and clinging onto you even if it makes you super flustered
She likes showing you off and bragging about you whenever she can
"[y/n] is so cute when he gets all flustered! He is just the cutest thing ever!"
Please let her give you many kisses
Will go protective mode if she sees you crying
"who did it! I'll fight them! No one makes my cutie cry!"
She wants to train with you as much as she can cause you are strong and she wants to get stronger
Loves to sit in your lap all the time
You have a bad habit of looming over her when you want something and it scares everyone
They don't know if you wanna kiss her of kill her
You found yourself standing over the girl while she was innocently chatting with jirou, you were as quiet as a mouse so she didn't notice you but it was clear you wanted something. You really wanted attention but wasn't sure how to get Mina's attention
Would it be rude if you were to hug her from behind? What about if you tao her shoulder to gain her attention? You stood there thinking but to anyone else you looked absolutely bloodthirsty.
"uh- hey mina, I think your boyfriend doesn't like me talking to you..so creepy"
You snapped out if it and winced at the insult, creepy?
You let out a hush sniffle as mins turned to face you only to wrap her arms around you and hug you tightly, she noticed your tears and shot jirou a quick glare if annoyance.
"a-am I creepy, mina?"
"oh, sweetie no! Of course not! You're my teddy bear, lean down"
You did as she said and leaned down before feeling her grab your face and cover it with kisses upon kisses. You felt your face flush as you whined lowly
"minaaa p-people are staring!"
"let them stare! They can all see how much i love you!"
You hugged the girl close as she kissed your face and you shyly returned the attention though you felt like dying from how flustered it made you.
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bigsisterbabysitter · 5 years
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His Girl 》 Part 2
Promt: Billy and Max are thriving in the Henderson house, but when Billy and Y/N go to a party things get a bit intense and Y/N has a few to many drinks
Warnings: Drinking, Mentions of Past abuse, SMUT
Chapter 2: New Friendships and Summer time Bliss
Billy and Max had been staying in the Henderson House for 3 months as the abuse case got very messy, Susan unfortunately getting into some trouble for never reporting the incidents they awarded Guardian ship to her Step Brother Billy Hargrove. Of course there were still visitations but the relationship was definitely strained. But for the most part everyone's lives were finally becoming peaceful. The school years was comming to a close and the first year of highschool for the party had been a success.
Billy had gotten a job at the local mechanic shop and was absolutely flourishing. Y/N took less of the night shifts at the Gas Station and was looking into other options for work. Once Y/N the Mother Hen of the group next to Steve of course started bringing Billy around more he was accepted with open arms much to Max and Y/Ns delight. He tought the boys about cars and in turn they took him to the arcade and got him in touch with his fun side. It was like a happy family they ate pizza and watched late movies all crashing at whoever's house was the hub that night. On more than one occasion the kids snapped pictures if Billy and Y/N knocked out together on the couch they were just waiting for them to get together at this point.
The Byers returned to Hawkins for the summer, Will and El getting out of school 2 weeks earlier than the others and were staying in a cabin by the lake. Surely that would be where the party spent most of their times this summer.
Billy stood infront of his mirror in the spare room he and Max had been sharing. Though most night he snuck to Y/Ns room to sleep peacefully beside her it was like she was a sheild for his nightmares. Max of course pretended not to notice. He fiddled with his hair anxiously wearing a pair of jeans and his red button down slightly unbuttoned due to the heat. He huffs and sighs jumping when Max speaks from the door way
"You look fine. Y/Ns in the livingroom and shes getting impatient..." she smirks and walks over giving her brother a light punch "go have fun please" she said with a soft look. He hadent done much but hang out at home with her friends and work. Admittedly the thought of the party made him nervous.. Billy Hargrove nervous about a party HAH what a laugh. He smirked and ruffled the red heads hair "alright alright dont have to much fun without me kay?" She pushes him out the door "fine now go" she laughs
When Billy walked into the livingroom his breath cought in his throat. Y/N wore a sunny yellow sundress with thin straps. Her hair was curled and on the sides of her head her hair was braided into a crown with a Daisy hair pin holding it together at the back of her head. She looked so sweet and elegant. He had to shake his head "wow" he whispers
Y/N looked up "finally you take longer than I do!" She laughs grabbing his arm saying her goodbyes Dustin piping up playfully "hey Hargrove have her home by midnight" making Billy blush with a laugh. Y/N would be lying if she said she hadent put extra effort into her look painted her nails and toes a bright summery color and wore a sundress that fell mid thigh. She wore a flowery perfume and had a little makeup on, glossy plump lips and some mascara on those fluttery lashes of hers. She looked killer and she knew it. Climbing into the Camaro they drove to the party together and met up with their friends Steve patting Billy's back reassuringly "hey man just take it slow and have fun" he says as Nancy drug Y/N ofd to dance and chatter away
Billy really started to loosen up and become himself again a drink in hand he talked to a few people from highschool keeping close to Steve. They had gotten pretty close over the few months finding an interest in cars together, it had been helpful to have grown up guy talk. Then Stella whom back in his pkayboy days when he first arrived had been a fling on and off. She was a lanky blonde who wore skimpy cloths and had pretty blue eyes, a cheerleader he chatted her up awkwardly as she kept putting her hands to his chest and giggling. During a slower song she did somthing that cought him off gaurd she kisses him hard he jumped away "Uh sorry but no thanks I'm kinda with someone"
The girl giggled "oh hunny" she slurred "I know you you ain't with anyone" she giggles leaning in again and Billy's fists clenched rage in his eyes "you know NOTHING about me" he snaps she looks up as Steve pulls her away and sends her on her pouty way "hey man shes not worth the time" he pay his shoulder reassuringly. Little did anyone know across the room Y/N had seen them dancing and kissing and her heart was shattered... fine she stomped to the kitchen to hide her tears if Billy could cut loose with some bimbo.. so could she.
Chapter 3: Dunken Tantrums
Much to Nancy's dismay Y/N started to down cup and shots left and right until she lost count. She knew why but she couldn't tell anyone. Y/N was in love with Billy and some other tramp kissed him infront of her. She kept trying to corral the drunk girl as she stumbled around soon Jonathan started trying to help as well as Jonathan was like Y/Ns big brother of sorts since neither of them had fathers they were quick friends in middle school along with Nancy. Steve joined the group in highschool but he was with Billy. Soon there was a loud crash from the kitchen and Nancy yelling as men cheered. Steve looked to Billy confused then on cue Jonathan came pushing through the living room "Y/N" he panted "Drunk. Dancing, table" Steves eyes widened but Billy was already running into the room and was met with the scene.
Nancy stood arms out starched behind the table incase her friend fell Y/N danced swiveling her hips and squealing with her arms in the air. It wasnt on purpose but with here being up there the boys below got a nice view up her dress at a white Lace thong. They cheered and clapped as she danced to Pour some sugar on me by Def Leopard her drunken gaze met Billy's shocked face and she Squealed "Billy!! You're heeeerreee did ya finish up with Stelllaaaa" she slurs leaning forward with a giggle. This elects applause as her cleavage is pressed together as she bends down.
Billy looked at the dunken girl "Y/N common" he says brows furrowed together. He cringed when she mentioned Stella. She didnt actually think that did she? It hurt his feelings a little to think she saw what everyone had seen a heartless play boy. "Common Sweerheart get down" he said firmly. She swated at his hand "nnnoope they lllike me!!" She pouted at him. One guy sits himself on the table "yeah we like her Hargrove" he runs his hand up her calf and the back of her thigh giving her round ass a pinch making her squeak"
Billy is furious grabbing the man by the shirt he yanks him up and slams him into the wall "you touch her again" he grins through his teeth "I'll kill you" he snaps like a feral dog the guy snorts "what's your problem Hargrove you blew it, it's our turn" when the man said our turn like she was a duck doll Billy lost it hauling back with a scream of rage and punched him in the face, the man flailed punching back landing one to hisntight cheek but it was weak wouldn't even leave a bruise. Billy held him to the ground and punched him over and over. Y/N looked at Billy gasping "Billy!" She cried out Nancy ran over grabbing Billy's fist "ENOUGH" She yells Y/N feels dizzy her heel slips but thankfully Jonathan was right there catching the messy girl in his arms "okay alright Y/N up we go" he coos to her as she stumbles "atta girl' he pushed her hair back and held her. Steve was busy getting rid if the crowd and blocking the exit as Y/N kept trying to escape.
Billy stopped when Nancy grabbed him his eyes furious. He say Jonathan catch Y/N thankfully and he shook his fist as it was sore knuckles split he looked at Nancy who said "look I cant really explain but you need to take her home.. after you and Stella... shes just really upset okay" Billy was confused but nodded "yeah okay" he walked over grabbing Y/N by the waist when she squirmed away from Jonathan "I'm sorry guy" he mutters throwing the yelling girl over his broad shoulder. She kicks and curses and pounds on his back and he ignores her putting her in the camaro and buckling her in. He gets in with a angery sigh and starts driving.
Y/N is drunk and angery her emotions running rapid. Clenching her fists she starts to scream like a toddler pounding her fists on the seat either side of her thighs "STOP THE CAR LET ME OUT" she shrieks. "No you're drunk" he snarls at her. But hes forced to pull over as she unbuckled herself and stated opening the door. He slams the breaks pulling over on the empty road "what the hell is wrong with you?!" He yells as she gets out
Y/N is hyperventilating walking a few feet from the car she grips her hair and yells at the forest to their left "ITS NOT FAIR" she yells going from loopy to emotional. Her hands tremble and Billy gets out of the car "Y/N what the fuck isnt fair what's you're problem. The Stella thing? News flash I didnt kiss her back!" She spins around "No she cant have you!" She yells shaking he looks at her blankly "What are tou talking about?! Jesus fucking christ why are you so mad about this why do you even care?!" She couldn't breath her tears came streaming out down her cheeks "no no no she cant that was suposed to be me!" She sobs falling to her knees the truth comes pouring out of her lips she rocks forward crying slapping her hands against the warm pavement like a child "I'm your girl not her!" She cried sobs racking through her body "I'm your girl" she shakes her head repeating herself
Billy stares at her in awe his heart breaks for the woman before him throwing a tantrum on the empty rode and he regrets even talking to Stella when she cries about being his girl he wants to cry with her. Hes loved her since the night she cleaned him up thats when he knew he was in love and it scared him like hell. He knelt down infront of her pulling her close "shhh shhh shh" he says rocking her small form "I'm sorry okay I'm sorry let's go home Angle let's go home okay" he whispers into her hair his heart breaking at the fact that he made her cry like this
Picking her up bridal style as her whimpers died down Billy places her in the passengers seat carefully. He presses his lips to her forehead and then drives them home.
Chapter 4: Handle with Care
She started to calm down her breathing normal curled up in the seat. It's only 10pm but the others were no where around thank god. He helped her walk inside and took her to her room. She sat on the bed wiping her eyes as she started to sober up. Billy had left and returned with a glass of water and some Asprin having her drink the entire glass. He sat on the bed beside her silently. She fiddled with the edge of her dress as she started to relize exactly what she had done. Her heart is pounding un her chest her buzz still remains but she was clear headed. They sat quietly for over 20 minutes before Billy turned to her. He looked her in her eyes and grabbed her face. Kissing her deeply. She gasped softly as he deepens the kiss holding her face to his he nips her plump lip softly and she pushes herself forward climbing into his lap wrapping her arms around him he grips her waist tightly "god I've wanted to do this for so long" he growls "I'm so sorry Y/N" he says softly pressing kisses to her cheeks and jaw she shakes her head "I'm sorry I was being so stupid I got jealous and lost it" she says tilting her head to the side as he trails down her neck
Billy sucks loves bits down to the sweet spot where her neck and shoulder meets and bites down "you are my girl Y/N. You're my girl" he promises. She pulls his face back up to hers and kisses him deeply her hips unintentionally starting against his and he groans against her lips and their bruising kiss. She stops her movements and he growls "dont stop" he snaps out using his hands to move her against him bunching up her dress to get more friction.
The feeling over her lace covered pussy rubbing against his jean clad erection drives her crazy a whole new buzz taking over her body his hands travel from her waist to her ass gripping the soft skin she squeaks and she grips the hairs at the nape of his neck giving a soft tug electing a growl from deep in his chest she bits her lip looking at him with lust filled eyes. His own eyes hold the same look. Standing up holding her up he spins around and throws her onto her bed. She looks up at him her heart pounding as he crawls on top of her pushing the skirt of her dress up. He runs a hand down the front if her thong and kisses the top of her chest as he slides a finger through her folds slowly. Stopping to tease her clit she let's out soft little moans and he hums with a smirk "shhh can't draw any attention here love" he coos slipping a finger past her slick entrance she cries out and he places his free hand over her mouth as he fingers her slowly. 2 fingers curling into her G spot she moans under his grip and arches her back looking down at him and he smirks running his tounge over his teeth like a hungry wolf. This made her shiver just staring into those icey blue eyes. Just as she started to wither coming close tonger climax he removed his fingers making her whimper under his hand "not yet princess" he hums smirking sitting up he yanks her panties down her legs. Shes up just as fast pulling him by hisnshiet undoing his buttons. Her hands run over his tanned muscular skin fingers soft against his scars she looks up sweetly kissing each one individually. He stands shocked for a moment looking down as shes so tender with him
Her fingers worked at his belt as she kissed her way down his hops. Tugging down his pants and underwear letting his erection spring free. She hummed as she let him slip passed her lips and he grunts lacing his fingers in her hair. As she sucked him running her tounge along the underside of his cock. He felt himself twitch and he pushed her back. Drool dripping from her chin with a gasp and he crawls up her body on the bed "I need 5o be inside you" he growls she bites her lip and spreads her legs daringly "then come on in" she teases
Smirking he pulls her dress off of her aggressively and attacks her breasts with kisses and sucks. Lining himself up with her entrance she whimpers impatiently. Her heart racing as he slips inside froaning into her brests " fuck you're so tight princess" he groans into her skin and she threaded her fingers through his curls. His hopes moved slowly letting her get used to his size before he began to snap his hips faster pounding into her she had to cover her own mouth for fear of waking the house
Leaning back up he holds her thighs apart leaving fingerprint bruises in her skin. He looked down at her as she withered and moaned beneath him "mmm what a good girl" he cooed and she smiled up at him her brests bounce with each thrust and she uncovers her mouth eyes rolling back as she tightened around him and he smirks "are you going to come for me princess?" He asks growling as he picks up his speed pounding all the way deep side her "Yes!" She almost yells her toes curling her fists gripping the sheets and he barks "Cum for me" and his words have her unraveling her back arches and he reaches down pinching her swollen little clit pushing her further off that edge. He groans watching her come undone and hes close behind. Pulling out letting her legs fall he pumps himself in his fist rapidly painting her stomach and hips with his cum. He looks down at her state panting. Her brests rise and fall with her breaths. The small bruises on her thighs and the hickey on her neck surrounded by a soft bite mark. Pulling in his boxers he leaves only to come back with a wash cloths wiping her down as she can hardly move.
He grabs her a clean pair of panties and one of his tshirts and dresses her. She lifts his hips for him smiling arms above her head. Sitting up she slips his tshirt on and he climbs into the bed beside her. Pulling her under the covers he laces his fingers in her hair and kisses her head muttering "That's my girl" massaging her scalp softly. They fall asleep tangled in eachother, that was the first time Billy loved anyone in this way. And she would be his only love.
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