#but i swear to god if Marshall tries to sing another song like that's going to stop a catastrophe i will lay down under his van's wheels
hauntingjasper · 4 months
Happy Pride Month to THEM 🥹
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alyseofwonderland · 7 years
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Dead Man Walking by @alyseofwonderland for @msridcully
I was joking on the group chat about how watching too much Justified and then listening to Dead Man Walking by Jon Bellion gave me a funny idea for a Tim Gutterson fic, and Jane made screechy noises at me. 
So I threw something together.
Working in the Eastern Branch of the Kentucky Marshal office was always a bit like working at the “Raylan Givens Soap Opera”. Not that Tim was complaining, it was a very entertaining show.
It was hard to remember a time when the office wasn’t over run with Raylan Givens drama. There was no escaping the drama, whether it be babysitting Raylan or lying for Raylan or any other number of extremely annoying situations Tim found himself in because of his coworker. On the bright side the drama was extremely amusing.
It was the highlight of Tim’s day on many occasions to watch some new blonde come in and shout at Raylan before he would disappear for hours at a time and then come back with at minimum two convicts in tow.
Karma came for Tim. He had been enjoying the Raylan circus too much, clearly, because he finally got his.
Justin was probably one of Tim’s best friends in basic. They had bunked next to each other and done practically everything together. They went to Ranger school together although Tim had continued on to sniper training without Justin. Still, Justin was about as close to a blood brother as Tim was going to get.
Justin had a whole gaggle of siblings who were mostly boys with one very intense sister smack dab in the middle. Justin had a favorite, the baby of the family. The kid brother who he bragged about constantly.
Tim knew that Justin’s kid brother had gone into music, they used to talk about it back when they were in the sandbox. The kid brother who could sing like an angel and played every instrument. Justin even had a few tracks on CD for them to hear. Kid brother could sing.
Tim probably should have learned to think of him as something other than ‘kid brother’.
“Damn it” Tim sighs, deeply considering smothering himself with his pillow. Sadly the warm light of morning has not erased the previous night.
“This would make a pretty dope song,” Kid brother, whose name is Emmett, laughs in the bed next to him.
The full body terror that Tim feels completely ruins the previous comfort of this morning. And last night. It almost completely kills his current boner but not completely because his dick can stand a lot worse mental images than that. He just wonders how he got here, in bed, with Justin’s kid brother, who is very interested in another round.
Justin had called a few days ago to say he wasn’t going to make the next camping trip, wife was expecting and he figured it was a bad idea to be so far from cell service. But he had mentioned that the Kid Brother was touring with his band and would be in Lexington.
“Not that he plays your kind of music,” Justin had laughed.
“You got the details?” Tim had asked because that’s what you did for your brothers. Justin had excitedly given Tim the event location and name of the band. “What kind of music do they actually play if it ain’t country?”
“Top 40, rap, honest I have no idea what kind of music it is but it’s catchy as hell,” Justin assured him, Tim will enjoy it.
Tim had seen picture of ‘Kid Brother’ from years ago. Pictures of Justin’s family at birthday parties and vacations. That hadn’t been enough to really get a read on the kid because Justin had about six brothers and they all looked a bit like Justin.
Emmett does not look like Justin now. He still sings like a siren. He also got Tim vip tickets and a backstage pass.
“Justin said you saved his life,” Emmett smiled and offered Tim a flask. Tim felt like everything that came after, in the kitchen and then in the bedroom again was the flask’s fault.
Now he was laying in bed next to a very beautiful boy, who was a good decade younger than him and the favorite kid brother of his actual real Ranger brother.
“I swear to god Emmett if you write this song I will kill you,” Tim threatens in the shower as Emmett kisses him through a smile. “I am not joking Emmett,” He tries again attempting to dissuade Emmett from continuing these activities in the shower. “I will just take your life.” Tim assures Emmett right before he stops fighting letting this happen for a fourth time.
That should have been the end of it. Kid Brother was off on tour around the country and Tim had a job that didn’t exactly lend itself to travel outside the state and long off hours. Neither of them were upset about it. Emmett promised to look Tim up the next time he was in town and if he was single.
Then it was a year later that Justin appeared in the Marshal office one day.
“Tim, ole buddy ole pal,” Justin greets from the front doors. This is the worst possible outcome. Tim bolts for the lockers. “Guess what song I just heard!” Justin shouts as Tim dodges around the lockers and into the conference room.
Art comes out of his office and looks at Raylan and then looks at Tim right as he runs out of the conference room and towards the doors.
As Tim runs out towards the stairs with his friend, who happens to be twice his weight and have half a foot on him, hot on his heels; he hears Art say “I don’t know how but this is Raylan’s fault.”
After hitting him in the jaw Justin buys Tim a drink and apologizes.
“It’s a really good song, though,” Justin admits at the bar.
“Did’ya have to punch me?” Tim wonders with an ice pack to his face and a glass of bourbon.
“I love you like a brother Tim, but you are a huge asshole,” Justin threw back the last of his drink. “And you had sex with my baby brother.”
“Yeah, alright.” Tim figured he had it coming, all things considered.
Next week Art gives Rachel a trophy for “Least Drama Marshal in the Office” and she keeps it on her desk.
Tim thinks the song is good. Doesn’t stop him from getting naked with Emmett the next time he is in town.
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