#but i imagine the gargoyles destroyed her an no one saw it since there probably weren't cameras back then
freaky-flawless · 2 years
I saw your post about Bloodgood not even trying to find Robecca lmao, and the idea of things being awkward between them is funny. But in Robecca's diary it's mentioned that Mr. Stein did want to try to put Robecca back together but feared that her father was too much of a genius and any attempt to do so would further break her. In Friday Night Frights we only see Ghoulia find a few peices of Robecca, and when she goes to take the last one she's already mostly together. (1/2)
"2/2 So it seems that Robecca was mostly put together already and just missing a few peices. These two facts combined make it seem like Robecca had already been searched for and *mostly* found back when she was dismantled but they weren't able to fix her completely yet. I hope that helps to clear things up a bit lol."
Ah that's very insightful, thank you! Honestly warms my heart that Mr. Stein took it upon himself to try and repair her, I can only imagine his joy when he saw her complete again.
Since we do see Ghoulia find some pieces, I wonder if the job seemed more daunting to him because he couldn't find those parts, nor replicate them. That would actually make a lot of sense.
God, Robecca's whole story line is so interesting, I'm still so shocked she never got her own movie or book.
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #216
Thu Sep 12 2019 [08:27 PM] Wack'd: Previously: Blastaar is running through NYC's sewers. Also Reed's friend Professor Randolph James turned himself into a god. A vengeful god. [08:28 PM] maxwellelvis: An angry god [08:28 PM] Umbramatic: god i wish that were me [08:29 PM] Umbramatic: yes [08:32 PM] Bocaj: We need more gods like chill Hercules [08:32 PM] Bocaj: Specifically Chill Hercules [08:32 PM] Wack'd: "I am as different to them as an elephant is to an ant! Also an attack on me is clearly ant-on-ant violence"
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[08:33 PM] Bocaj: This guy is clearly a palette swap of Uautu [08:33 PM] Wack'd: I said last time he turned himself into a Watcher, yeah [08:33 PM] maxwellelvis: Was his head so Ferengi-shaped last time? [08:33 PM] Bocaj: This is a Mortal Kombat move [08:33 PM] Bocaj: "Here's a COMPLETELY NEW AND ORIGINAL CHARACTER purple Sub Zero" [08:34 PM] Wack'd: Anyway he turns these guys into gnats and then lasers a police officer who tries to arrest him for "first degree something" [08:35 PM] Wack'd: Yes. Ally with the best friend of your nemesis. A good plan
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[08:36 PM] Bocaj: Has there ever been a futurist in comics who isn't a jerk or a part time jerk? [08:36 PM] Bocaj: Tony Stark only calls himself a futurist like five seconds before he tries to arrest all his friends [08:36 PM] Wack'd: Man, full-time jerk is good work if you can get it [08:36 PM] Bocaj: And then when Carol decides she's all about the future he's like "FUCK THE FUTURE" [08:37 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Reed's like "hey, wasn't James gonna follow me back to the Baxter? ...well, fuck." [08:37 PM] Wack'd: And then gets Johnny and Ben to help him with his search [08:38 PM] Wack'd: Sue has to stay behind with Franklin because of fucking course [08:39 PM] Bocaj: .......... [08:39 PM] Bocaj: why do they even have a witch nanny [08:39 PM] Wack'd: We haven't seen Agatha in a while. I think she retired again [08:40 PM] maxwellelvis: Either that or she's dead, or moved to Stark Mansion, or something [08:40 PM] Wack'd: Kind of a stupid god, huh
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[08:41 PM] Wack'd: James convinces himself that Reed is jealous of his newfound power [08:41 PM] Umbramatic: uh oh [08:41 PM] Wack'd: And Blastaar's like "yeah sure let's go with that" [08:41 PM] Wack'd: Fight fight fight [08:43 PM] Wack'd:
Blastaar: Do not bother rising, gargoyle! You will soon find yourself blasted back down again--permanently! Ben: There's only two things "permanent" in this life--taxes an' death! An' since you probably ain't never had to worry about taxes, I'm gonna dole out a healthy double dose of death!
[08:45 PM] Wack'd: Johnny defeats Blastaar by covering him in molten pavement [08:47 PM] Wack'd: But James is like "well, fuck that", and freezes Reed, Johnny, and Ben and frees Blastaar [08:47 PM] Wack'd: Offering him anything he wants and exchange for "opening my eyes about my former friends" [08:47 PM] Mousa The 14: ... has anyone told this grey that he looks like a hairy Darkseid [08:48 PM] Mousa The 14: Like people talk about Thanos being a rip, but look at this guy. [08:47 PM] Wack'd: Deadpool might’ve [08:48 PM] maxwellelvis: I'd say he looks more like Kalibak [08:49 PM] maxwellelvis: What's that? Jack Kirby recycling a design? Preposterous [08:49 PM] Wack'd: Blastaar asks that James destroy the Negative Zone portal, so that the Four can't thwart him anymore, and James is like "yeah okay" [08:49 PM] Wack'd: (Also yeah Blastaar predates the New Gods and Fourth World) [08:49 PM] Bocaj: Dammit James [08:50 PM] Wack'd: Sue tries to stop them but James puts her to sleep [08:50 PM] Bocaj: Dammit James [08:50 PM] Wack'd: this can only end well
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[08:51 PM] Bocaj: Does he have an emotional meltdown whenever she naps? [08:51 PM] Wack'd: Well, Franklin saw James hit her with eye lasers [08:51 PM] maxwellelvis: Also, no one has any idea how old Franklin is supposed to be [08:51 PM] Mousa The 14: Sure, let’s make the god child upset [08:51 PM] Mousa The 14: Franklin is moppet years old [08:51 PM] Wack'd: Also hey first appearance of Franklin's 4½ shirt [08:52 PM] Bocaj: Both hilarious and cruel [08:52 PM] Mousa The 14: Okay that’s kind of cute [08:52 PM] Mousa The 14: The 4.5 [08:53 PM] Mousa The 14: Wait, does that decimal change with Valeria [08:53 PM] Mousa The 14: What’s the new fraction when you count her in [08:53 PM] Mousa The 14: The Fantastic 4.66666... [08:53 PM] Wack'd: The gag changes so Franklin has a 5 shirt and Valeria has a 6 [08:54 PM] maxwellelvis: Also Franklin's probably actually 4-1/2 years old, and will be for quite some time. [08:54 PM] Umbramatic: he's eternally 8-12 [08:56 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Blastaar decides to destroy the portal himself but Reed build that thing strong and Blastaar gets frustrated
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[08:56 PM] Wack'd: Franklin, as you can see, is also frustrated [08:57 PM] maxwellelvis: He's going full-on Gohan! Everybody run! [08:57 PM] Mousa The 14: Oh that’s not good [08:57 PM] Umbramatic: OH SHIT [08:57 PM] Mousa The 14: Somewhat less of a child and more of a convenient plot device [08:57 PM] maxwellelvis: Just like Gohan! [08:58 PM] Umbramatic: fantastic 4 dragonball z crossover when [08:58 PM] Mousa The 14: In that instant Franklin Richards becomes somewhat less of a child and somewhat more of a Deus Ex Machina [08:58 PM] Aleph Null: ...reed and franklin is like if you switch gohan (the non-grandpa one) and goku but gohan was still just as shitty of a father [08:59 PM] Umbramatic: ...i [09:00 PM] Wack'd: So Franklin yeets Blastaar back into the Negative Zone [09:00 PM] Bocaj: Blastaar got yoted? [09:00 PM] Wack'd: Sure [09:00 PM] Bocaj: Spider Gwen’s Reed is cool [09:01 PM] Mousa The 14: I think the correct term was that he was “yeeted” [09:01 PM] Wack'd: Anyway. James realized the error of his ways. Off panel. Sure [09:01 PM] Bocaj: Off panel is a hive of scum and villainy [09:02 PM] Wack'd: And then yeets himself into space
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[09:02 PM] Wack'd: This is our first-ever suggestion that Franklin is anything more frightening than just a really powerful psychic [09:03 PM] maxwellelvis: Hey, Reed, you, uh, you got that mind-eraser gun around? You might need it. [09:03 PM] Wack'd: Don't give him ideas, max [09:03 PM] Bocaj: 1) we can tell this guy isn’t as god as he thinks he is [09:03 PM] Bocaj: Because he imagines reed having an emotion [09:04 PM] Bocaj: 2) good riddance and hope you never turn up again [09:04 PM] Wack'd: He was kind of a dink, yeah [09:04 PM] Wack'd: Wonder if he fixed all those folks he turned into bugs and mice before he left [09:04 PM] Wack'd: Probably not [09:04 PM] Bocaj: It’s fine [09:04 PM] Bocaj: Some of them were cops [09:05 PM] maxwellelvis: Some of them had knives [09:05 PM] Wack'd: Nah he spared the cop. He lasered him with a punch from the punch dimension [09:05 PM] Bocaj: Alas [09:05 PM] Umbramatic: THE PUNCH DIMENSION [09:05 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh, from the sound of it I assumed he vaporized that guy [09:05 PM] Wack'd: I could've been more clear [09:06 PM] maxwellelvis: Like in Star Trek when the guy with the red shirt gets shot and he turns into a crude red outline [09:06 PM] Wack'd: Oh good Franklin already forgot the whole thing
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[09:06 PM] Wack'd: But also hey HERBIE is still a problem [09:06 PM] maxwellelvis: He IS Psychic Gohan! [09:07 PM] Umbramatic: uh-oh [09:07 PM] Bocaj: Dammit HERBIE [09:07 PM] maxwellelvis: I like how HERBIE has managed to creep you out despite how cute his design is and ostensibly his every actual action has been to the Four's benefit/aid [09:08 PM] Wack'd: I don't find him creepy [09:08 PM] Bocaj: Vpvpvpvpvpvpvpvp [09:08 PM] Wack'd: It's just hilarious to me he's an arc villain [09:08 PM] maxwellelvis: You find his actions creepy, it seemed [09:08 PM] Wack'd: Meh
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ncfan-1 · 5 years
Oh, Moon. Moon, Moon, Moon. I made the point earlier that this is a character who would really have benefited from having access to Aesop’s Fables as a child, because the story of ‘The Farmer and the Viper’ would potentially have been of great interest to her. She could also have benefited from watching Gargoyles as a child, if only to hear David Xanatos say “Revenge is a sucker’s game.”
Like, Moon. Moon. You’re mad because Eclipsa wouldn’t let you kill her child right in front of her, and that when she intervened to keep you from killing her child right in front of her, you were badly injured and wound up in the Realm of Magic for a while, without your memories, and was temporarily separated from your family? Moon. Moon. That wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t jumped the gun when Eclipsa was succeeding in talking Meteora down and decided that murder was your only option. And it’s just a bit hypocritical of you to be mad at Eclipsa for defending her daughter against you, when you’ve proven you’re more than willing to kill on your own child’s behalf. (Also, you’re mad because you were separated from your family for a few weeks? By your own standards, Eclipsa has every right to just go on the rampage, because she was separated from her family for three hundred years.)
So, Moon. You get mad that Eclipsa wouldn’t let you kill her kid and that you were hurt and temporarily separated from your family, so you decide to orchestrate a coup and depose her so you can win back your old throne and kick her out of the dimension. But in so doing, you decide to join forces with a genocidal racist with superpowers, and empower other violent racists with the same superpowers Mina has, all of whom are people who have made it clear time and again that they’d like to do harm to Eclipsa and to the monsters of Mewni, which, though very little can be said for you at this point, it can at least be said that that was not part of your plan. You knew what Mina was. You knew what the other people you turned into Solarian warriors were. And you just thought you’d be able to rein them all in and keep them from turning this coup into a genocide, because of course they’d all respect your authority and ignore both their own hatred and the power you gave them to do something with that hatred.
Oh, and you completely betrayed your daughter’s trust, singlehandedly erased all of the work your daughter poured her blood, sweat, and tears into, set up a situation where most of her friends will die if you, Star, and Eclipsa don’t come up with a solution, created an army of super-powered, nigh-invulnerable genocidal warriors who are off to gleefully commit genocide, have been driven out of your home dimension on pains of death, and your daughter is absolutely furious with you and will likely never trust you again.
So yeah, you fucked up. With age does not necessarily come wisdom, and no matter how much we ought to know better, we’re all still capable of making monumentally stupid decisions.
But I don’t think you’re beyond redemption. Not by a long shot.
Okay, we’re below the cut, so I’m exiting Direct Address mode and going into Essay POV mode.
First of all, though I was, like many people, surprised by the revelation that Moon… Did That, I don’t think it came out of nowhere. She’s spent most of this season surrounded by people who hate Eclipsa and hate monsters. She’s spent months living in an echo chamber of hate that, coincidentally, happens to validate all of her old beliefs. It was almost inevitable that something bad was going to come of that. (And don’t think I didn’t notice that at least some of the Neo-Solarians were members of Moon’s yurt village.)
Also, Moon has been visually linked with Solaria since Season Two. Ever since ‘Into the Wand’, where we first saw her tapestry, in fact. Theirs are the only two royal tapestries that depict violence, and both depict violence against monsters. Also, Moon’s battle garb? Is pretty clearly designed after Solaria’s battle garb. Her dress is almost literally a palette swap of Solaria’s, and as an adult, she wears her hair braided into battle, just like Solaria. It was probably intentional on her part, meant to hearken back to this “heroic” queen of old as she, too, carried out a campaign of extermination against monsters as a grieving teenager.
And I’ve always found it kind of iffy that Moon’s battle garb is literally her cosplaying the genocidal warmonger in the family tree (I wonder what Eclipsa thought when she first saw Moon wearing that dress as a teenager). Something’s finally come of that, I guess.
Second, Moon’s main fault here was not a fault of malice. It was, first, of arrogance, and considering that Moon has spent the better part of her life ruling as an absolute monarch who is extremely unaccustomed to anyone challenging her authority, arrogance is entirely too plausible as a character flaw for her. It was, secondly, one of short-sightedness, and, well, I guess Star comes by it honestly. As arrogant and short-sighted as she would have to have been to seriously believe that she could control Mina and the other Solarian warriors, as serious a lapse of judgment as it was to think that she could just open this Pandora’s box of bigotry and hatred and then close it again with no problems, it was at least clear that Moon wanted her coup to be as bloodless as possible. She didn’t want to hurt Eclipsa; she just wanted Eclipsa gone.
I think part of Moon’s saving grace here is that her coup, once she revealed her role in it, immediately and violently blew up in her face.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. Even if everything had gone to plan, it still would have blown up in her face. Because a throne you win by violently deposing your predecessor is a throne you spend the rest of your life fighting just to hold onto. Because resurrecting the Solarian warriors is just the thing to ignite the powder keg of Mewman-Monster relations, and just might be the thing to reignite the Mewman-Monster war. Because if Moon thought the other kingdoms gave her flack for her handling of Toffee, oh, can you just imagine the fresh hell she’d be in for on the diplomacy front after Rich Pigeon, Ponyhead, and (less directly) Penelope Spiderbite got caught in the crossfire of her coup? Because if Moon’s coup had gone completely to plan, I honestly think it would have been the end, the very end, of her relationship with Star. It would have destroyed any bond of love and trust the two of them shared, and Star probably would never have wanted anything to do with Moon again.
And don’t get me wrong, things are bad right now. Because on top of everything else, River? River doesn’t know what she did. He can’t possibly know what she did; there’s no way he would have been able to keep it a secret. And if the Solarian warriors find out he helped (or tried to help, if Globgor doesn’t make it to the Magic Sanctuary in time) Globgor? They’ll kill him. Or try to, at least. After all, Mina told her warriors to round up all “monster smoochers” (I see they’re being as clear in their references to real life attitudes towards miscegenation as possible) along with the monsters; one wonders how long it’s going to be before it’s made clear that Penelope Spiderbite’s on that cliff, too. But they could be worse. Moon should honestly be grateful that her coup didn’t go to plan, because she would have paid dearly for it, and I don’t think the love of her daughter is a price Moon would have been able to bear paying. Even to get back at Eclipsa.
She’s still going to pay dearly, though. Moon wrote a check she couldn’t cash, and if the promos for ‘Cleaved’ are any indication, we’re about to watch the price get taken out of her hide. Her one route to redemption is the fact that, since her coup blew up in her face, she can actually do something to make up for what she did, and start down the road to regaining Star’s trust. But it’s not going to be easy, it’s not going to be pleasant, and ‘Cleaved’ is almost certainly not going to be a fun outing for her.
The other part of Moon’s saving grace is that upon being removed from Mewni, she seems to have asked herself almost immediately, “Was it all worth it?”
And answered her question with a resounding, “No, it really, really wasn’t.”
Because she can’t find a single thing to say to Star when Star calls her out. Because she is just so obviously guilt-stricken and confused by Eclipsa treating her much more charitably than she really deserves. And I really don’t think her actions were truly rooted in malice, because whenever Moon is actually around Eclipsa, away from the echo chamber of hate that she was living in these past several months, she seems at a loss to remember what exactly it was about Eclipsa that she hated so much in the first place, what it was about her that made her feel as if she was justified in ruining the life of a woman whose life has been ruined so many times that she can just compartmentalize it and make nice with the person responsible as if Moon did nothing more serious than swipe the last Snookers bar from the vending machine, instead of nearly getting Eclipsa and Eclipsa’s beloved baby daughter killed, and putting the life of Eclipsa’s beloved husband in serious jeopardy and being more than willing to use that as leverage against Eclipsa to make her surrender. Oh, and resurrecting the Solarian program probably unearthed just a heap of unpleasant memories for Eclipsa, considering who her mother was, but oh, look, Eclipsa’s happy to play pool with, strategize with, and give advice on reconciling with her daughter to Moon. The closest she comes to actually calling Moon out for anything is getting a tiny bit passive-aggressive with Moon over her working with Rhombulus to frame Eclipsa for Globgor’s release. Which must make Moon feel even worse, because if their situations were reversed, Moon would not be nearly as civil. For starter’s.
Yeah, Moon fucked up. She fucked up monumentally. But she at least understands that she fucked up, and that is a start.
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bleachanimefan1 · 4 years
Turtles Forever Part 67
Darkness Within
The kitten, Klunk, was watching the turtles as they were fixing up the Battle Shell.
"Donnie, these techno brainstorms of yours have gotta stop!" Raph said as Donnie walked up with a blowtorch in his hand.
"Are you kidding me?" Donnie questioned, putting his goggles on. "When we're done, the Battle Shell will be sheered and-" But, a knock on the garage door interrupts them.
"Guys! Guys, are you in there?!" Angel called out from the outside, still banging loudly. They ran to the garage door and open it to see the teenage girl standing in front of them.
"Angel?" Donnie asked.
"Something terrible has happened!" Angel exclaimed. She lunges forward into Mikey, hugging him. He hugs her back, trying to calm her down.
The four brothers, along with Mona, Venus and Alopex were in the the Battle Shell, driving on the road. Splinter volunteered to look after the new born baby, spending time with his new granddaughter.
"Where are we going?" Donnie questioned.
"Wall street and Hanover." Angel explained, pointing him in the direction to drive.
"Take the West side highway." Leo said. Mikey smiles teasingly.
"Wall street? Is this about your portfolio? Too many tech stocks, huh?" He joked, looking at the map. Angel held out a gold coin to him. Mikey's eyes widen in surprise. "Whoa..." He takes it, inspecting the coin.
"Gold? No way!" He commented.
"Angel, where'd you get a gold coin?" Raph questioned.
"My brother gave it to me. He found it at the construction job he was working at, the Volpeharp building." Angel explained.
"It's dated 1611." Mikey murmured, looking at her. "Oh, your brother found buried treasure?"
"I told him not to go back. I told him I had a bad feeling about it. That was three days ago. Since then, nothing" Angel covered her eyes.
"What did the police say?" Leo asked.
"They said they were too busy with the fallout from the invasion to go look for some punk on a treasure hunt." Angel sniffed. Raph hugged her.
"It's okay," He said. "We're going to get 'im back."
The van turned around the corner and saw a very large old building.
"That's it. That's the Volpehart building." Angel said. Donnie stopped the van. The group walked out and heading towards the very ominous building. There were gargoyles at the top of the door, staring down at them.
"Man, talk about creepy central!" Mikey exclaimed.
"I don't get it." Donnie spoke. "What kind of a building on Wall street doesn't have any security?"
"Guys..." Mikey called out. "Look. C. F. Volpehart. 1616. Whoa, could this place be any more like Castle Dracula?"
"Come to me." A dark voice called out. Angel and Alopex gasped.
"Who said that?" Angel and Alopex asked at the same time, looking around.
"Said what? Are you okay?" Leo questioned.
"It's -It's probably my imagination." Angel explained. "I'm a little freaked out, that's all."
"Come to me." The two girls both heard the voice spoke again. "Find the way." Quietly, Alopex walked over to a tapestry and lifted it up. Underneath it was a button, that had an eye on fire above a pyramid. She pressed it and it began glowing. She gasp as the place started to rumble until a hidden floor open up, making an underground passageway. Everyone looked down at it, curiously.
"Alopex, how did you?" Donnie questioned.
"I-I don't know. I sort of knew that it was there..." She stammered.
They walk down the stairs into an underground hallway, with torches lit up along the walls. The feet splashed in the water as the group walked up to a large door. It had the same symbol with an eye and pyramid.
"Whoa, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Creepsville!" Mikey commented. They look up to see writing above the door.
"What's it say, Don?" Leo murmured.
"It's Italian. It says 'abandon all hope, he who enters here'." Donnie explained.
"See, what did I tell you? Creepy!" Mikey called out.
"Yeah?" Raph spoke. "Well, check this out." He gestures towards the skeletons and piles of bones. Mikey made a girlish scream.
"Can we get a move on!?" He pressed.
"We've gotta find my brother! He's gotta be in there!" Angel insisted. She ran over to the door, banging on it.
"Angel, no!" Leo warned. They pushed the door, trying to get it to open, but it didn't budge. Suddenly, the eye began to glow bright red as do the skeletons. Everyone heard whispering as the skeletons began to come to life. They turned around to see the horde of undead advancing towards them.
"Ah, is it just me or is this way off the creepy meter?" Mikey asked, nervously, gripping his nunchucks.
Raph jumps up and smacks slices the head off a skeleton, but it smacks Raph away. Donnie fought with a skeleton, jumping and ducking, as it swing its sword. Leo jumps at a skeleton and kicks it down. He turns around and blocks with his katanas against an skeleton as it struck.
"There's something seriously wrong here." Donnie said to Leo. " You can hit them, but they just keep coming! "
"And," Mikey shouted as he punched a skeleton. "There's more of them! Look!"
More skeletons stood before the group as the others started to reassemble themselves.
"You fools!" A voice shouted. Everyone looked and saw an old man holding a lit lantern. "You can not kill the dead!"
"Run, you must follow me!" He called out. The turtles and girls ran over to him as the skeletons followed behind them, chasing them. They ran up the stairs and the old man quickly pressed the button, closing the passage. A skeleton's head gets chopped off, as the stairs closed itself, landing in front of the group.
"What the shell is going on around here?" Raph demanded
"Silence!" the old man shouted. "You should have not come here, but it is too late now. You have gone too far. There is no going back, if you truly wish answers to your questions, you'll follow me."
The old man lead the group into his study. There was a painting of a young man with blond hair. The old man stared into the fireplace.
"Uh, sir?" Donnie called out. "Aren't you the least freaked out? I mean, seeing us?"
"I have seen many strange things in my life." The man turned off the lantern and turned to face them. "Very little surprises me, but know this: the money that you seek will never be yours. It is bait for a trap, only a gruesome rate await those who go after it.
"We're not here for the money. We're looking for my brother! Tall, brown hair-" Angel started.
"He found this coin here and came back looking for more." Leo explained, holding the gold coin. "That would have been about three days ago
"Yes, he was here." The man took the coin from Leo. "I gave him the same warning as I gave them all, but they ignored me. They went through the golden door and never returned.
"Then we'll just have to go in after him." Raph replied, holding his sais.
"Ignoramus! Perhaps, you will change your mind when you know something of what you will find there." The man took a book from the bookshelf, dusting of off, revealing the same eye and pyramid.
"A thousand years ago, there fell to Earth a meteorite. It brought with a creature of terrible evil and un-sensual hunger, whispering promises of great wealth and power. The creature lured the gluttonous and greedy to it's side. Fortunately, the native people proved too strong of character. In fact, they created a weapon to protect themselves from the creature, a weapon created from the growing red stone from the meteor itself. But before the natives could slay the atrocity with the meteor spear, the call of the creature's life had reached across the sea to a race of men filled with greed for the good of the new world. One such man was C. F. Volpehart. Volpehart took the land by force. And so, Volpehart's fortune grew. His dark legacy endured and the ancient evil creature from the stars thrived. It is no accident that that the financial capital for the entire nation surrounds this very edifice. The Volpehart building."
"But, what about you?" Leo questioned the man, wondering. "How do you fit into this?"
"I...I am Volpehart's heir," The old man explained. "I have vowed to destroy the creature, to the curse from my family. But I was too weak. Too long under it's influence. No matter how much I desired to end it's accursed life, I could not. Do you still wish to face this beast?" He asked, turning to them.
"We don't have a choice." Leo answered.
"We have to." Raph replied.
"You have courage," The man praised them, taking out a spear from hidden drawer. "Here, the meteor spear," He handed it to Leo.
"May it serve you in your time of need."
The passage opens again as the group stood in front of it.
"Hey, guys!" Angel called out, running over to them. "Wait up!"
"Sorry, Angel, you gotta stay here where it's safe." Leo said.
"Please find my brother." Angel pleaded.
"We will." Leo answered. "I promise."
They walked down the stairs and were now in the same hallway again. The spear illuminated a red glow as they walked towards the door. As soon as they entered, the door began to glow red making the skeleton come back to life again. They began to advance towards the group.
"Great, here comes the bone brothers again!" Raph grumbled, irritated.
"Back off!" Leo ordered, brandishing the spear at the skeletons. They screeched in fear seeing the spear, backing off. The group headed towards the door and it opens for them. They walked inside and the door closed shut behind them.
The group walked deeper as they found themselves in a cave with Leo walking in front of them, holding the spear.
"You guy's buy that old man's story?" Raph asked.
"After those skeletons, I'm about ready to believe anything." Leo replied. They walked deeper into the room to see a huge fire engulfing a rock in the center of it. There were strange pods, as well, all around the room.
"Well, I guess that's the meteor the old man told us about." Donnie replied.
"Guys, over here," Leo called out, walking over to one of the pods. "What are these?" He cuts it open and inside was a skeleton along with money. Donnie picked it up
"This is a civil war bond," he explained. "This guy just be a hundred and fifty years old."
"There are thousands of these cells." Leo pointed out. "If Angel's brother ended up in here, it could take us weeks to find him."
Suddenly, tentacles began to come out from every crevice, heading towards them. "Come to me." Mikey noticed one of them.
"Uh, guys? Don't look now, but the creepy meter just went def-con one!"
Everyone looked around to see that they were surrounded by the tentacles.
"Is it more than one creature?" Leo asked.
"I don't know." Donnie answered.
"I don't want to know!" Mikey replied, spinning his nunchucks.
Raph growled and jumped up trying to fight the creature. Mikey gets caught by one of the tentacles. Apple's tried to run over to help him, but caught as well.
"Hold on!" Raph called out, rushing over to the two. A tentacle catches him from behind, followed by Mona. Donnie, Leo and Venus tried to fight off the tentacles as it came at them. Two tentacle grabbed Donnie and Venus, capturing them. Leo tried to reach out to them, but eventually gets caught as well, making Leo drop the spear.
They struggled against the tentacles hold on them then one appears in front of Leo.
Darkness filled Leo's vision as went unconscious. He gasped as he opened his eyes to find himself covered in goo. He looked around to see that he was in a pod. How long had he been out? What about the others? Were they alright? Suddenly, Leo heard thumping to his right and he turned to see two figures outside. It whacked against the pod, opening it, revealing to be Splinter and Yuuki.
"Master Splinter?" Leo exclaimed. "Yuuki? What are you doing here?"
"We sensed that you were in trouble." Yuuki explained, helping Leo out of the pod.
"We came to rescue you." Splinter said.
"Where are the others?" Leo asked, kneeling down.
"We must find them." Splinter ordered. He looks up and the ceiling to crumble down on top them. Tentacles from the creature began to slowly head towards them. "We must hurry!"
Leo stood in front of Yuuki as it came closer. He pulled out his swords while Yuuki pulled out her tessen heading themselves.
Suddenly, a familiar evil laugh made the Leo, Yuuki and Splinter freeze. They turned their heads to see Shredder emerge from the shadows standing in front of them. Leo cringed.
Great, what more can go wrong?
Donnie found himself walking down a yellow hallway. He stops when he sees two people in front of him, Angel and Venus. "Angel?" She and Venus walk up to him. "What are you doing here? We told you stay outside."
Angel laughs as she and Venus ran off. Donnie chased after them, calling out to them. There were two tunnels. Venus ran to the one on the left while Angel ran to right. Donnie stopped at the tunnels deciding who he should go after. Venus was strong she could look after herself. However, Angel wasn't. Donnie ran to the tunnel on the right chasing after the teenage girl.
"This is no time for games! Wait up!" He chased after Angel, trying to stop her.
"Where are you going?"
They appear in the same room with the fire and meteorite and where his brothers and the other girls were captured. Donnie was that Angel was walking dangerously along the edge of the fire with the meteorite.
"Angel, I don't know what's going on, but, get away from the edge!" He warned. Angel laughed as she turned her head looking at him. She slips falling off the edge, screaming.
Donnie gasped and he quickly ran over looking over the edge in horror.
"Donnie," Donnie heard Venus call out to him from behind. He turned to her.
"Venus! It's Angel, she fell-!" Donnie's eyes widen. Venus was standing in front of him, but her eyes were gone. They have been plucked out. Donnie felt like he was going to be sick as he stared in horror at his girlfriend.
"Venus,..y-your eyes! What happened to your eyes?!"
"Where were you? Why did you leave me?" Venus said.
"I-I thought you were safe-"
"Well, I wasn't!" Venus snapped. "The Prime Leader found me and stole my eyes and it's all your fault! The only thing that I have left of my people is gone!"
Donnie stared silently at her in shock.. The Prime Leader?! Wasn't he in prison? How did he escape?
"Venus, I'm sorry."
"No you're not!" Venus shouted. Donnie flinched.
"I wish that I never met you!"
Venus opened her eyes, only to see that her hands were bound. She stood up and looked around the room to see that she was on a Triceraton ship. She froze when she saw Zanramon staring directly at her as he sit on the throne. He stood up and started to advance towards her.
"Venus, how lovely of you to return," He smiles evilly.
Venus eyes widen as she tried to back away from him. But, as she did, she trips over something and falls down on the floor. Her eyes widen in horror to see Donnie, completely beaten up. He could barely move as he tried to reach out to her.
"Venus, run..." He said, hoarsely. Venus stood frozen where she stood completely paralyzed in fear. Zanramon now stood in front of her, towering down on her. He looked down at Donnie and kicked him on his side.
"Don't!" Venus cried out. Zanramon turned his eyes to her and laughed evilly.
"How pathetic that you would chose such a miserable creature over me." He started to walk over to her and bend down on his knee, grabbing Venus by her cheeks. Venus teared up.
"I would chose him a thousand times over you, you murder!" She shouted. "My entire race, my father, Chung I, is dead because of you!"
Zanramon stared at her silently then growls. Venus eyes widen and Zanramon grabbed her by the throat, choking her. Venus struggled to break out of his hold, but he was stronger. Venus shut her eyes as she struggled to breathe. Then she found herself pinned to the floor as Zanramon leaned over her.
"I will make you mine!" He smiled, evilly.
"No!" Venus screamed.
Water from the ceiling dripped down on Mikey, waking him up. He groans as he sits up. "Leo? Raph? Donnie? Allie?" Mikey called out, looking around. "Are you guys here?"
"I'm here, Mikey." Mikey heard Leo's voice behind him. He sees Leo hiding in the shadows.
"What happened?" Mikey questioned.
"The creature got us, but it was merciful." Leo replied. But, something in his voice sounded off. "It offered a chance to join it, to serve it, to become like it. I took it's offer." He steps out revealing tentacles on his left arm. Leo ran towards Mikey, attacking. Mikey backs away, gripping his nunchucks.
"Ew!" He commented on disgust. He pulls out his nunchucks and tried to hit Leo. But, the tentacles grab Mikey by his wrist and Leo kicks him down. Mikey lands roughly on the ground and looks up at his brother. "Leo?"
Leo laughed silly at him and the tentacles wrapped around Mikey.
Alopex woke up to find herself in a dark room. She stood up and walked towards the door, only to find that it was locked. She tried to bang on it.
"Hey, guys! Mikey?!" She shouted. "If this is a joke it isn't funny! Let me out!"
The door opened and Alopex eyes widen to see an old fox woman standing in front of her, her grandmother, along with two younger fox females, her half sisters. Alopex eyes widen as she backed away from them.
"Look, who came crawling back to us," the old women, smiled evilly. The other two foxes laughed.
"No..." She murmured. "Not here. I can't be back here."
The two fox women grabbed her and dragged Alopex out by her hair. She screamed in pain as they took her into a courtyard. Alopex was tossed hard to the ground. She looked up and saw that she was surrounded by multiple foxes old and young as they all stared at her with a dark look and disgust.
She was back in her old village. Same eyes staring at her with hatred. Everyone began chanting around her and in a sing song tone "murder." Alopex eyes widen in horror as she tried to cover her ears.
"I'm not a murder!" She cried out loud. Then her grandmother walked over to her and slapped her across the face.
"My daughter, your mother is dead because of you!"
"No...I-I didn't...It wasn't my fault!" Alopex argued. Her grandmother scoffed.
"Not your fault?" she said. "My dear, if it wasn't for you, she would be alive right now, with her people." She bared her fangs at Alopex angrily. "But, because she choose to run off with a man that wasn't a fox. She had you, and now she's dead. You killed her because you were born."
"Stop..." Alopex pleaded. Her two older half sisters picked up rocks and started to throw them, hitting her.
"Half breed!" The two of them taunted.
"Stop, please!"
Mona woke up and found herself unable to move as she was contained in a glass cell. She pounded on it trying to find a way out, but to no avail. Then a bright light blinded her as it came on. Her eyes widen in horror to see Bishop, smiling evilly on the other end of the glass prison.
"Y-You!" she stammered. Her eyes wondered around the room. "Where's Raphie?" Bishop laughed darkly and stepped to the side, revealing Raph strapped on a table.
"He's right here." Bishop said. "Along with your little daughter as well."
Mona's eyes widen in horror to see Elizabeth as an agent brought her in, placing her in Bishop's hands.
"Please, don't hurt them!" Mona pleaded, frantically. "Don't hurt her! Do whatever you want to me but leave her out of this!"
"Let's start with the experiment's, shall we?"
Raph hears water dripping near him and he wakes up. Then he hears evil laughter that sounded so familiar.
"Huh, what's that? Who's there?" Raph demanded. Shredder stepped in front of him.
"Shredder," Raph growled pulling out his sai. "Why am I not surprised that you're behind all of this? Bring it on!" Raph spins his sais and lunges directly at the Shredder. The Shredder ducked blocking Raph's sai with his gauntlet. He punches Raph back and he rolled on the ground colliding with the wall. Parts of the ceiling crashed down on Raph hitting his head.
"Alright, Shred head," Raph growled, angrily rubbing his head. "Let's try that again!"
He kicks Shredder to the ground and back flips onto his stomach, only to get punched in the face. Shredder pushes Raph's face to the floor and Raph kicked the Shredder's helmet off. It was himself. HE was the Shredder! Raph's eyes widen in shock.
"No..." He said in disbelief. "You're...you're me!"
His evil self laughed evilly and punched him in the face.
Leo, Splinter, and Yuuki look around as the tentacles began to surround them. "Master Splinter, Yuuki, the creature! Look out!" Leo warned. Yuuki and Splinter dodged the tentacles as it came at them. Then the Shredder started to advance towards the group. Leo was struggling as he tried to fight of the creature. Yuuki saw the Shredder heading towards them. She landed next to Leo kicking a tentacle away.
"I'll keep him away. Help Splinter!" She told him. Then she charged at the Shredder and began fighting him. A tentacle grabbed Splinter.
"Leonardo!" Splinter called out as Leo sliced some tentacles. Leo gasped when he saw Splinter in the creature's grasp.
"L-Leo!" Leo turned his head back towards Yuuki to see she was disarmed by the Shredder as he knocked her weapon out of her hands. Shredder came towards her raising his gauntlet in the air. The creature began to squeeze Splinter. Leo looked back over at Splinter to see the the creature drop him as Splinter landed on the ground with a thud, lifeless. Then Leo heard a haunting blood curdling scream. He looked back over towards Yuuki and what he saw would forever haunt him in his memory. Shredder had struck Yuuki down with his gauntlet. She fell to the ground with a thud with three huge slash marks deep across her chest. Shredder had somehow mysteriously vanished.
"No!" Leo cried out. He quickly ran over to them, holding Splinter and Yuuki in his arms.
"Master Splinter? Yuuki?" Leo shook his head in shock. This can't be happening! "Master Splinter, Yuuki. No! Noo!"
Leo blacked out again. He opened his eyes to find himself in the pod and covered in goo again. Again, there was thumping next to him and Leo turned his head and gasped when he saw Yuuki and splinter, completely unharmed. And alive?
"Master Splinter? Yuuki?" Leo asked as Yuuki and Splinter helped pull him out of the pod. Leo looked at them confused. "Master Splinter, Yuuki, I...I thought I saw you," Splinter placed his hands on Leo shoulders. "You weren't-"
"You are confused, my son." Splinter explained.
"We're fine, Leo." Yuuki replied. There was something off with their voices. Leo shook his head.
"No, I'm sure." He pushed Splinters hand away from him and stood up. "I know what I saw. You both were..." There no way they were alive, but here they were completely unharmed. Leo tried to think what just happened. Something was wrong....
"You can't be my master and my girlfriend." Splinter's and Yuuki's eyes glow red as they picked up their weapons. "Something's not right."
They both attacked Leo, knocking him down. Leo turned to them. "Yuuki? Master Splinter?"
"You have disappointed me, Leonardo. Now I must teach you your final lesson!" Splinter said as he and Yuuki began to advance towards Leo.
"I never loved you!"
Leo backed away from them.
"Master Splinter, Yuuki! No! Noo!"
Leo cringed as the two raised their weapons above their heads getting ready to bring them down. Leo kicks splinter and Yuuki away.
"This can't be happening, this can't be real!" He scrambled to get up and quickly ran over to his swords, picking them up.
"None of this can be real! You can't be Yuuki and Master Splinter!" Leo shouted, pointing his sword at Splinter and Yuuki, who were getting up again. Their weapons floated from off the ground and went back into their hands and they both attacked Leo again. Leo slashed Splinter's staff in half and kicked Yuuki, knocking her back. Splinter and Yuuki both kicked Leo, knocking him down to the ground then they both jumped in the air lunging at him.
A sickening sound was heard as flesh was cut through pierced the air. Leo stared up in horror at Splinter and Yuuki as his swords pierced through their chests.
"Leonardo...What have you done?" Splinter asked, his eyes turning back to normal.
"L-Leo,...why?" Yuuki cried. Leo shook his head and immediately shut his eyes tight.
"No! It's not real! Its. Not. Real!" Leo shouted. Splinter and Yuuki's eyes turn red again and laughed evilly.
Leo gasped as he opened his eyes, seeing that he was in the pod, again. He took his swords and sliced through it, jumping out. He looked around and saw seven glowing red pods next to his. He sliced one and pulled it open to see Mikey covered in goo. He was struggling in his sleep.
Mikey looked up as "Leo approached him. "Listen to me, Mikey, this isn't real. It's all in your mind." He heard Leo's voice speak to him. Mikey looked to the side and saw the real Leo.
"You have to wake up." Leo put his hand on Mikey's shoulder, waking him up. He opens his eyes in surprise.
"Huh? Leo! What happened?" Mikey said.
"It was a dream, a nightmare," Leo explained. "Come on, we've got to wake the others up."
Mikey opened a pod and saw Alopex inside of it. He grabbed her shoulders, shaking her trying to wake her up. But, something strange happened. As he did, he could see what Alopex was seeing.
In Alopex's mind, He saw that he was in a village completely inhabited only by foxes. As he walked in, Mikey saw a huge crowd, cheering, some throwing rocks, and chanting at someone. He walked closer and his eyes widen in surprise to see Alopex as she tried to defend herself from the flying projectiles.
"What the shell? Are all you people doing?!" Mikey shouted, angrily. Everyone stopped and turned to him. Alopex grandmother stepped up.
"This is none of your business, kappa!" She shouted. "Leave now!" Mikey stared at her, confused. What's a kappa? He shook his head then walked over to Alopex, helping her up.
"I don't know what's going on," He said. "But, I'm taking her with me."
"So you want the freak?" one of Alopex older sisters replied.
"Yeah, she's a murder!" the other one shouted. Mikey's eyes widen and looked at Alopex. She turned her head away from, not looking at him.
"Look, I don't care what Alopex did to you guys. But, that's in the past." Mikey said. "I will not let you hurt her."
He looked at Alopex and held his hand out to her.
"Come on, let's go," He said. "You don't need them." Alopex stared at Mikey with wide eyes then back to her grandmother, and the rest of the villagers then back to him. She smiled then nodded and took Mikey's hand.
Eventually, everyone was free and out of the pods and were clean.
"So some how, this creature or whatever its, was manipulating our minds." Leo said to them.
"Well, I don't like being anybody's lunch asleep or awake!" Mikey exclaimed, crossing his arms.
"Let's get Angel's brother and the shell out of here," Raph said, jerking his thumb.
"When I opened your cells, they were glowing," Leo explained. "something to do with creature's power," He looks around and saw another glowing pod ahead. "There!" He pointed to it. Everyone ran over to it and Raph opened it up with his sais. Inside was Angel's brother.
"No, don't! She's just a kid." Her brother screamed. Raph placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Give me a hand." He said.
Raph and Leo helped carry and guide Angel's brother. He starts to wake up and looks around confused until he sees the four turtles and three girls. He backs away from them in fear. "What? Who? Who-Who are you?!" He bumps into Donnie and falls to the ground.
"Don't worry, you're hallucinating," Raph said. "We're just a part of a very very weird dream. Now let's get you out of here before-" The cave started to shake as the ceiling began to crumble. "Too late!"
The creature shot it's tentacles at them and the four brothers and three girls jumped out of the way. It grabs Angel's brother, capturing him. Everyone struggled fighting the creature's tentacles. It raises a tentacle high in the air and knocks Raph and Mikey down. They get back up and Donnie was knocked back by a tentacle, crashing right into Venus. Raph and Mikey were knocked back and crashed into Alopex, smacking right into Donnie as well, as he was getting up. Leo jumps up, dodging away from a tentacle and lands near the flaming meteor. He staggers, nearly losing his balance from the edge.
Leo looks to the side and saw the meteor spear lying on the floor next to him, right where he had dropped it. "The meteor spear, " Leo murmured, picking it up. The cave began to shake more violently and the ceiling began to crumble and fall down. The creature emerged from the ground, revealing itself. It looked like a giant scorpion mixed with squid attributes, as well. It's glowing red eye stared down at Leo. Leo held the spear tightly in his hands.
"Feel my power, see my strength. You can't fight me. You cannot win," Leo heard the creature's voice in his mind. "If you serve me, I will give you cities. I will give you power and wealth. I will give you the world," His eyes turned red.
"The world," He said.
"Leo, don't!" Leo heard another voice desperately call out to him. His eyes widen and turn to normal and he quickly turned his head to see Yuuki, well, in spirit form.
He stared at her in surprise. "What are you doing here?!"
Yuuki placed a hand on Leo's shoulder. "I sensed that you were in trouble and it looks like I was right." Leo smiles and turned his head back towards the monster. He raised the spear in the air.
"Sorry, not interested!" He shouted, throwing it into the creature's eye. The creature shrieked as it screamed in pain and began to glow very brightly. Leo shielded his eyes from the light until it diminished and the creature was gone, destroyed. He turned his head to see that Yuuki was gone as well.
The old man groaned as he leaned on the table, wiping off the sweat. "Your friends have done it. They have defeated the beast," He said, falling to the floor, taking off his glasses. "I am free from it's grasp."
"Free?" Angel asked. "What do you mean?"
The old man turned to her. "My.. name...is C.F. Volpehart." he explained. His body began to collapse and slowly turned to dust. Angel backed away in shock. She hears the doors open behind her and sees her brother along with the turtles and three girls.
"Angel?" Her brother asked.
"Ryan! Ryan!" Angel ran up to him, hugging him. "You're okay!"
"They will be, after a nap." Donnie pointed. "and a shower."
"Hey, where's the old dude?" Mikey asked, looking around the room as he walked in.
"You're standing on him," Angel said. Mikey cringes and looked down to see Volpehart's dust underneath his feat.
"Gross, gross, gross!" Mikey screamed in a girly voice, jumping out of the ashes, trying to dust the remains off his feet.
"Come on, let's go home," Donnie said. "I've had more than enough weirdness for a lifetime, let alone one day."
They drive away in the van, leaving the old house, to take Angel and her brother home. They pass a man, wearing glass who walked by a phone booth when it starts to ring. He answered it.
"Come to me," He hears a voice on the other end. "Serve me and I give you power and wealth. I will give you the world.-" The man interrupted him. "Sorry, but you have the wrong number." and he hangs up the phone, walking away.
Yuuki was in her room doing her homework, when she heard a knock on her window. She looked and saw Leo outside. She ran over and opened it, letting Leo in.
"Leo, what are you doing here? " She asked. Suddenly, Leo pulled her close to him, hugging her tightly.
"I just had to see for myself that you were okay." She heard him say as he buried his face in her shoulder. Yuuki returned Leo's hug and took his hand leading him to her bed, sitting down.
"What happened, Leo?" Yuuki asked.
"I saw Splinter and you. Both of you were dead."
"We're fine, Leo. He's fine, I'm fine. We're both okay." She told him. Yuuki climbed into Leo's lap, sitting on it, facing him.
Leo leaned in and kissed her. Yuuki kissed him back placing her hand on his plastron, pushing him down onto the bed. The two stared into each other's eyes, in anticipation. Both excited and nervous.
That night would forever be treasured in Leo's and Yuuki's memories.
As they both became one...
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