#but i had to include angie's ironic taste in lawn decor
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Rainy day cuddles; Stay-at-home-Stana please!
16. Rainy day cuddles
There is cuddling, but it’s all at the end. Still pretty damn cute, if I do say so myself. Oh, and Danny and Daisy are like, 6, and Emily and Emmett are about 3 or so. I think that’s in line with what we discussed for this AU’s timeline, and if not, then just insert whatever ages actually work lol.
Send me an AU and a number and I’ll write you a ficlet!
Angie hummed as she cleared thedishes from lunch. She walked over tothe sink, but was intercepted by Stana, who gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“What was that for?” Angieasked. Stana grinned.
“Like I need a reason to kiss mywife.”
“Mm. What do ya want?”
“It’s not so much what Iwant. It’s what they want,” Stana said,gesturing to the living room, where their four youngest children were sittingquietly on the couch. Angie stared.
“Did someone break somethin’? ‘Cause I only ever see ‘em all sit sowell-behaved when they did somethin’ wrong.”
“No, Ma, we want you to go to thepark with us!” Danny said. Angieblinked.
“We know it’s your day off,”Daisy said, “but we really really want you to come with us.” Angie chuckled.
“Sweetlings, ya don’t need touse yer good behavior points to get me to spend time with ya. Day off or not. I’d love to go to the park, spend some timewith my babies. How ‘bout y’all go getyer shoes on, and we can go?” The twosets of twins cheered and jumped off the couch, then rushed into theirrooms. Angie chuckled again. “Those kidlets crack me up. Stana, mind takin’ a step outside, see if Ineed to tell ‘em to grab a jacket?”
“You got it, babe.” Stana smooched Angie one more time beforewalking outside. She put her hands onher hips and surveyed the front lawn. Agnome was trying to steal one of the plastic flamingoes Angie had gotten in thename of irony. “Nasty-ass buggers,”Stana muttered, but didn’t try to stop the gnome. It was a pleasant fall day, slightly brisk,but not too much. The kids would be finewith long sleeves or a thin jacket. Stana opened the door, intending on telling Angie, but stopped uponfeeling something wet splat on her head.
That better not be bird shit. Stana looked up. Another large raindroplanded on her face. Other raindropsquickly followed. Stan rushed inside andclosed the door quickly. Angie looked upfrom the dishes.
“So?” she asked. Stana peeked out a window. The rain was coming down so hard that shecould barely see the gnome on the lawn finally make away with theflamingo.
“Not too cold, but if anyonegoes out for a second, they’ll get drenched,” Stana replied. Angie dried her hands and walked over toStana.
“Oh, no. The kids’ll be heartbroken. They were lookin’ forward to this. There aren’t goin’ to be many more chancesfor day trips, what with the girls goin’ to kindergarten next year.”
“Ready!” Danny chirped. Stana and Angie turned around. Angie smiled apologetically at her children.
“So sorry, babies, but it’srainin’ right now.”
“Ooh, park in the rain!” Daisysaid, punching the air with her fist. Stana shook her head.
“Not unless you wanna swimthere.”
“No park?” Emory asked,crestfallen.
“No, squirt, not today,” Stanareplied. Emmett sat down and took offhis shoes, pouting. Angie frownedthoughtfully.
“Maybe we can’t go to the park,but do any of ya want to have a rainy day movie marathon?” Angiesuggested. Emmett looked up.
“Yes!” he said eagerly. He looked at his older siblings. Emory took a seat next to his twin and tookoff his shoes as well.
“Okay,” Danny said. Daisy nodded.
“Can we watch the movie with thelions?” Emory asked. “Rawr!” hedemonstrated, to help Stana and Angie remember what lions sound like. Stana chuckled.
“You got it, kiddo. Any objections?” The other three shook their heads. “Lions it is.”
Three hours later, Stana andAngie lay on the floor, four of their five children snuggling them intensely, asleep. Stana looked at the clock.
“Gotta go pick Molly up fromschool in a bit,” she whispered to Angie. Angie nodded and scooched a bit closer to Stana, to lean her head on herwife’s shoulder. Emory made a smallnoise at the movement, but continued sucking his thumb in his sleep. Danny likewise shifted slightly, but didn’twake up. “Why did you manage to get theones that don’t wake up to sleep on ya?”
“Like attracts like, I s’pose,”Angie replied, stroking Danny’s head in her lap. Emmett mumbled something and suddenly latchedonto Stana’s arm. Stana sighed.
“Great. Now there’s no way I’ll be able to get outtahere without wakin’ him up,” Stana grumbled. Angie played idly with Emmett’s six-toed feet.
“Do ya think they’ll figure itout?” Angie asked.
“Figure what out?”
“That they ain’t our biologicalchildren.”
“Uh, was it a different AngieMcGucket that gave birth to Emory and Emmett? And a different Stana McGucket that had the girls?” Stana askedsarcastically. Angie rolled her eyes.
“You know what I mean.”
“…Yeah. I think they will figure it outeventually. Probably take ‘em a while,since we were careful ‘bout it. Used ourrespective twin brothers. They looksimilar enough alike to be siblings, not…geez, they’re not all evenhalf-siblings biologically, are they?”
“Nope. They’re cousins.”
“Son of a-” Daisy made a quick movement, cutting offStana’s expletive. Stana and Angiewatched with bated breath. Daisy settleddown again. “Well, Molly knows already. The girls ‘ll figure it out as soon as theywalk into a biology class.”
“Maybe they won’t. They got Uncle Fidds and Uncle Ford, who hada biological child together.”
“Yeah, but that’s different.”
“Might take a while fer ‘em tofigure out why it’s a dif’rent situation.”
“True.” Stana kissed the top of Emmett’s head. “God, Emory and Emmett are gonna be upset.”
“I feel like all of ‘em would besome degree of upset. Their uncles aretheir fathers. Well, half of their DNA.”
“Yeah, but their cool Uncle Lutecontributed to Danny and Daisy. Nerdy,weird Uncle Ford helped make Emory and Emmett,” Stana said. Angie shook her head, trying to hide asmile.
“Yer really hopin’ they turn outsporty, huh?”
“Or smart like you. The cute, not-nerdy kinda smart.”
“They got my good looks. Half the way there.”
“They all got your good looks.”
“Yours too,” Angie replied,smooching Stana’s cheek. Stanagrinned. She checked the clock again.
“Aw, shit. Gotta go get Molly.”
“You do that, darlin’. I’ll watch the herd,” Angie said, nestlingherself snuggly among her children. Stana began to move slightly, but stopped. “What?”
“They trapped me, the littlebastards. I don’t wanna wake ‘em up.”
“They ain’t bastards. We were married when we had ‘em.”
“…Yeah, you’re right.”
#sajldfn this ended up really long!#it took me a while to set the stage lol#but i had to include angie's ironic taste in lawn decor#and the subtle hint that they moved to gravity falls from san diego#stay at home stana au#stana pines#stanley pines#angie mcgucket#Danica Pines#Daisy McGucket#Emily Pines#emmett mcgucket#ficlet#my writing#writing meme#ask#agent-jaselin#lady stangie#Stangie Family
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