#but i fucking love tapestry blankets like these. they're so so good
red-eft · 1 year
question for u guys :-)
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the-whispers-of-death · 5 months
We got the man the myth the legend
Cairo. (aka Jean's mafia boss) he's a selective mute and has his assistant Karina speak for him (Jean has a Lil crush on Karina)
Cairo Ryobi is the most dangerous man in South Detroit and everyone knows not to fuck with him. Even most demons know not to fuck with him. (Note: that does not mean they won't try. Demons and humans are stupid and reckless)
Cairo has a Morningstar flail that he has nicknamed Perla (after his daughter :>)
He names all of his belongings, and he encourages anyone who is under the Ryobi Name to name their belongings as well (Cairo is also old man, he's like 50)
Cairo's assistant. She is deathly and gorgeous. Everyone thinks she's a telepath, but in actuality, she's just good at reading people and is very observant.
She's a people person as well, so that probably factors into her "mind reading". She's handles the important jobs that Cairo doesn't trust with anyone else, like finding moles, making sure someone he wants dead is actually dead and babysitting! She likes drinking tea and spending time with Jean when she has a free period or just falling asleep in odd places where no one can find her.
Tex Martinez. (They/them pronouns) Professional sewer, seamster, embroider, tapestry weaver, and tailor! They are very in tune with these specific species of demon spider, and they have formed a sort of symbiotic relationship where they give the spiders shelter and food and protection from humans, and they give them their super rare spider silk so Tex can make all cool stuff they make. (Clothing, Tapestries, Blankets etc) And since the silk and the product are in such high quality, they sell for quite a lot, which means Tex can provide for the spiders more and they can make more silk! (It's the ciiirrrrrcle of liiiifeeeee!) They're so good with the spiders that their kindness and hospitality has reached other spiders, both demon and regular, regardless if they make him silk or provide them anything. He's like a spider safe haven. Ppl have started calling him a spider charmer or a spider king, but he doesn't charm them into working for them, and they don't rule over them either. They're just a good pal to spiders. If Tex ever needs wool for something he goes to his wool dealer
Pan! Pan also has his own little group of weird demon animals! It's sheep. Freaky demon sheep, and they all really like Pan. And hes done almost everything to get them to leave him alone, including suicide and the sheep brought him back to life. People call him the Shepherd of Death because the sheep he herds are extremely deadly. Unlike Tex, he isn't a friend to other sheep because the demon sheep that follows him eat regular sheep. He's gotten used to them by now and has been using their high-quality demon wool to better his life and even gives it to Tex. The sheep also induce a very strong sleepy affect, which is good because Pan used to have insomnia. But not so good because now he's constantly drowsy. He's not in any danger tho. If someone tried to attack him, the sheep would take care of the danger immediately.
Remember when I said I came up with four OCS? I lied there's 5
Aka the demon that won't leave Ané alone
Carako is a very, very old demon and also very experienced.
He's been through a lot back when the indus river valley civilization was a thing he was one of the very few who made it to the human world and caused terror and fear wherever he goes.
He's got this horse. He calls him Yoki. Yoki is also very old and is also a unicorn if a unicorn was evil and caused horrible trauma if you looked in its eyes
His favorite thing about the human world is music! And while he's hunting and terrorizing a young human woman, he's listening to rock bands which is confusing for Ané because she's trying to escape a terrifying demon that is accompanied by "I was made for loving you, baby! You were made for loving me!"
He's been around for so long that he's just mellowed out but still doing demon shit
He also really likes rodents. Specifically naked mole rats. And he's fond of human food too.
Your OCs... I can never choose who I like the most. They're just all so interesting and cool in their own unique ways!
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