#but i feel like they've been overdoing it lately
moonkhao · 11 months
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Yay! Request are open! I think I got a good one for you.
I dont think you have done something like this before if you did just ignore this
I would like to ask ror characters reactions to waking up in fem!readers lap.
Like say they've exhausted themselves some way or another (im still new to the series im loving it so far) and next they wake up their heads is being petted by either their crush or so whichever you write it as and reader is just happy to see that their awake
Sort of like when you wrote the oblivious reader with the gods asking to marry them.
I would very much like this with jack involved and whoever else you think would have the best reaction to lap pillow
Thank you so much for your works they are really the best and I hope you have a good day!
Ahh lap pillows~ one of the most romantic tropes I’ve seen in anime~
-He had been so busy lately, training hard, barely taking breaks because he was focused on becoming stronger.
-He hadn’t realized that he had passed out, from not eating and from overdoing it, until he realized he was stirring, laying on something soft, staring up at the leaves of a large tree.
-Something else was in his vision, something he wasn’t able to tell what until his vision cleared and you shifted, looking down at him, which made him realize he was looking up at your larger than average chest.
-You beamed brightly down at him, “I’m so glad you’re awake! I found you passed out and I was so worried about you!”
-Jack- His eyes instantly widened, realizing his head was laying in your lap and he went to move, shifting, but found himself unable to move, feeling too weak. You pouted down at him, cheeks puffing up, “Don’t try to move, Jack. You passed out and need to rest!” he relaxed, smiling up at you, “Thank you for watching out for me, my dear.” You beamed softly, patting the top of his head gently, “I’m just glad I found you!” he smiled up at you fondly, reaching up to cup your cheek, making you grin down at him.
-Ares- His face instantly turned bright red, realizing his head was on your lap, his mouth falling open as he quickly tried to shoot up, but your hand met his forehead, keeping him grounded, “You shouldn’t sit up yet!” he was stunned by your strength, but was stammering bashfully, embarrassed that he was on your lap, “Are you sure I can remain here, Y/N? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable!” you smiled sweetly down at him, your hands cupping his cheeks, “You’re so sweet Ares~ but don’t worry, I could never be uncomfortable with you. You’re always so kind to me and I always feel safe with you!” he was quickly blushing, hiding his face behind his hands, shouting out incoherent nonsense.
-Chen Gong- He instantly froze, turning white in shock, gawking up at you as you tilted your head, smiling brightly, not realizing your chest bounced lightly in his vision, “How are you feeling now?” his whole face was bright red, steam coming off his face as he couldn’t speak, his brain not communicating with his mouth, only a sound like a deflating balloon escaping him. You held your hands to your cheeks, worrying over him, “Oh no~ you’re really overheated! C’mon, I’ll take you back to my place so I can put you to bed!” you easily picked him up, slinging him over your shoulder. He could do nothing to stop, unable to think clearly as he was being taken to your home.
-Kojiro- He was stunned, staring up at you, hearing your words before he looked around, “How did I get here?” you beamed brightly, flexing your spare arm, as your other hand was on his head, patting his hair gently, “I carried you!!” he was stunned before smiling softly up at you, laughing softly, “You’re amazing Y/N, I hope you know that.” Your eyes softened, your cheeks turning just a bit pink, “You’re so sweet Kojiro! I think you’re the amazing one, I saw you out here training yesterday, but when I saw you on the ground earlier I got so worried!” as you said this you pouted, showing your slight anger but he grabbed your hand that was on his head, holding it gently, “I apologize for worrying you, Y/N, but I’m glad that you were the one to find me.” you squeaked, your cheeks turning just a bit more pink.
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
Proposal Event - Keith Howell (premium end)
This is in Keith's POV and starts some days before the main route.
Keith wakes up from a nightmare about the night of the incident. Lately, Tio's been appearing in his dreams. It all started when he decided he wanted to get engaged to Emma.
Beside him, Emma stirs awake and Keith apologizes for waking her. He lies back down when she tugs at his shirt and she asks if he had a nightmare. Keith can't help but feel like a child and tells her that it wasn't a good dream. Emma suggests they sleep holding hands then. She tells him that she had a dream where they were having a picnic in the flower field. She hopes that by being connected, she can bring him into her dream. And then she falls back asleep. Keith smiles as he watches her; maybe he won't have another nightmare after all.
While thinking about how hard Emma's been working since she arrived at Jade, he covers her with the blanket and pats her head. While her ability to work under pressure's admirable, he can't help but think she's overdoing it. By proposing, he hopes that he could convey that she was doing more than enough. And with this engagement, he can also protect her. But most importantly, he wants to make her happier than ever and never wants to let her go.
Days go by as Keith tries to find an opportunity to propose to Emma. It takes Alter!Keith taking over for it to finally happen.
Keith's sulking in his inner world, the grey sky reflecting his mood. Alter!Keith reminds him that he had said he was going to take over the next time Keith missed his chance. Alter!Keith was able to propose so easily, Keith can't help but feel frustrated. Alter!Keith tells him that he Emma was starting to notice that he was waiting to do something. He then asks Keith if he was lying when he said he wanted to marry her. He wasn't. Then was Keith scared? He wasn't...though it's possible he was somewhere deep in his heart. Maybe that's why Tio started to appear in his dreams. Perhaps he doubted he could protect someone important to him. Keith says that his desire to have a future with Emma's real, but he continues being uncool. Alter!Keith tells him that at least he's better than how he was before. At least now he looked toward the future instead of being stuck in the past. To be able to think about a future with Emma, the two of them are pretty lucky. Keith agrees. Alter!Keith's words give him a push of encouragement.
There's a place Emma would like to go to before the engagement ceremony.
The two go to the flower field they've visited many times before. It's a place Emma loves because it's the first place Keith showed her when she came to Jade. To her, it's the most important place in the country. The two walk through the field, hand in hand. After a moment, they stop. Emma lets go and take his left hand in both of hers. The reason she decided to come to the flower field today was because she wanted to propose to him. She then kisses his ring finger.
Emma: I know that no matter how hard things get, I can overcome them because I have you in my life, Prince Keith. There are still areas that I'm inexperienced in and I'm always being supported, but please let me continue to be by your side. I want to create happiness with the endlessly kind Keith and the mean Keith. I love you. Please get engaged with me.
Keith had never dreamed of being proposed to by Emma. Happiness soon replaces surprise and he has things he wants to say to her too. This time as himself. He takes a breath and kneels in front of her.
Keith: Your words have saved me many times over since we met. And it's not just your words, but your hand that reaches out and accepts me, your eyes that look at me, everything about you has saved me. I will say it again and again; thank you for accepting and loving me. Let me continue to be where you can feel the safest, where I can love you uninterrupted. I love you. I also want to get engaged with you.
Keith's desire to make Emma happy blinded him to the most important thing, to be happy together. It wasn't until her proposal that he remembered this.
The smile she gives him outshines all the flowers in the field. Emma thanks him, but Keith says he's the one that should be thanking her. This is like a dream. He stands and hugs her just to make sure that it isn't. And now he doesn't want to let go. So he doesn't. He picks her up and spins around. And then apologizes for getting carried away. But seeing her smile shyly at him makes him extremely happy.
There's one more question he wants to ask Emma. Why did she propose to him? Emma replies that she felt the proposal was only between Alter!Keith and her—she clarifies that she was happy to receive the proposal—but she wants to be with both of them. In Keith's mind, since the two personalities share a body, Alter!Keith's proposal could've been seen as his proposal too. But for Emma, there are two Keiths so she must've wanted all three of them to agree on an important step in their lives. Keith loves Emma so much he can't stand it. Rather than saying words, he kisses her on the lips to express just how grateful he is.
The day of the ceremony arrives and Keith can't help but feel embarrassed by Emma's staring. Keith just looks so cool in his tuxedo that she can't take her eyes off of him. Keith can't take his eyes off her as well. He, no, they are about to be engaged to a wonderful woman so he must be confident. He holds his hand out to Emma.
The engagement ceremony, in the presence of the king and Mireille, goes smoothly and the two are officially engaged to each other. Everything happened so fast that Keith didn't even feel nervous. Mireille glomps Emma, happy that she's now officially her big sister. And from now on, Emma can address her casually. Emma won't be too casual though. But even being a little less formal means the two are on their way to growing closer. Keith never thought he'd see such an innocent smile on his sister's face again. And come to think of it, he hasn't had a nightmare since that day in the flower field. Perhaps it was because of their pledge to each other.
Looking around the throne room, he sees all the people important to him are present: the king, Liam, Mireille, and Emma. He swallows back an unfulfilled wish that threatens to rise up. He thinks of how selfish it was to ask Tio to watch over him and asks him not to worry. He'll do his best to be a brother he can be proud of. In that moment, a warm breeze caresses his cheek. Wind blows petals into the throne room. It feels as if he was blessed. Emma calls his name but for some reason, his vision's blurry.
Back in Keith's room, he can't believe he cried at the end of the ceremony but was happy that Emma wiped his tears. How opportunistic of him. He also got to hear Mireille's true feelings. Definitely an unforgettable ceremony that he'll cherish.
Keith offers to get Emma a cup of tea since she must be tired from standing all day. She doesn't answer until he calls her name, where she then exclaims that she's not tired at all. She'll go make the tea. But Keith insists and tells Emma to wait for him on the sofa. Or she can get changed. Keith wonders what's gotten into her. For some reason, her cheeks are red and she's hesitating. And then it clicks. It's their engagement night. Is Emma feeling restless because of what usually comes after the ceremony? How cute. Emma's about to go to change when Keith asks her to wait. He pulls her toward him and wraps his arms around her waist. He'd like to help her undress. And then apologizes, he doesn't want to be away from her for a single second. So please. He kisses her on the cheek, neck, everywhere his lips can reach. Emma would like that.
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sketchybeats · 2 years
Some Smile For Me headcannons!!
What I think they smell like:
Habit- pennies and candy (cannon) I also like to think he smells like lilies :3
Kamal- Sterile?? I feel like he'd smell like a doctor's office and breath mints
Jerafina- she'd smell like a margarita. Sweet but you can definitely smell alcohol on her.
Lulia- Super flowery perfume. Like roses. I feel like she'd purposely pick out perfumes that smell seductive.
Tiff- Maybe coconut mixed with something flowery? I'm not sure but I know she'd smell AMAZING
Randy- oh God. Ew. Vinegar. Ewew..
Dallas- dried paint and the faint smell of weed. Maybe incense as well! I don't feel like he showers a whole lot but I don't think he smells bad necessarily.
Trencil- he smells like outside but in a good way?? He smells like a gardener should. I think he smells like fresh dirt mixed with lilies and spring rain. Pleasant and nostalgic.
Ronbo- cotton candy and cigars. Maybe a faint hint of cologne? I think he'd smell pretty nice though.
Parsley- cologne but not the kind that's hard on your nose. Super pleasant
Gillis- Sweaty but not like. Nasty BO sweat. It's more like how you'd smell after standing in the sun for a while. Also axe (but he doesn't overdo it though he puts on a reasonable amount) and shampoo. Overall pleasant!
Mirphy- I think she'd smell like conditioner and fresh laundry. I don't feel like she wears perfume.
Putunia- Like a kid that's been playing outside all day. Just. Grass and sun. I don't have anything else to say.
Borbra- Dried roses and birds. Nothing else to say here.
Marv- Lake water. Eugh..
Jimothan- like a cologne you'd see advertised on a late night show. Veryyy man in a suit-smelling.
Nat- I think she'd smell like vanilla or coconut!
Trevor- I genuinely don't think he'd smell like much of anything. Maybe a faint laundry smell..and anxiety.
Questionette- ooo she'd definitely smell nice! Floral for sure!
Millie- also like a kid who's been outside all day. And she's holding an eel so maybe a little fishy?? Blegh (yes it is an eel it says so in the art book I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this my loves) 😔💔
Wallus- Minty and fresh. Also drywall LMAOO
Timtam- if evil had a smell, it'd be them. Generally they'd just smell like whatever they've gotten into probably!!
Gerry- Metal. That's about it.
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fitrahgolden · 1 year
Should You Need Me: 10 - At least as deep as the pacific ocean
“Apne, get the trays ready. We’re just about there,” Kaveri called to Anthony while she placed some dishes in Kate’s sink.
Kate rolled her eyes from where she sat with Edwina on the couch. “I think it’s a bit ridiculous that we’re still using trays, if I’m being honest. I can sit at the table.”
“No!” was the resounding response that came from Kaveri, Mary, and Anthony at the same time.
Kate looked to Edwina for an ally. Her sister only shrugged.
“We can’t take on two mums and an Anthony, Didi. Trays, it is. Anyway, can we please talk about how your boyfriend is cooking breakfast with The Mums and Kaveri is calling him apne?”
Kate ignored the warm feeling in her chest. “Ed, Amma calls everyone apne as soon as she meets them.”
“Ah, but she rarely keeps calling them that, though.”
Good point. “I don’t know, Bon…” Kate, of course, did know, and was afraid to get too excited about it.
“And he’s attempting to make chai.”
"I get it, Ed,” Kate said, laughing. She looked down into her mug. “Speaking of, his chai is a bit…"
"Oh, it’s bland as hell. But he seems like he's the ‘relentless pursuit’ kind of guy."
"Ha, that’s putting it lightly."
Edwina rested a hand on Kate’s shoulder. “Look, Didi. I don’t want to say we’re all waiting for a ‘he’s the one’ declaration, but… We absolutely are because it’s so bloody obvious.”
Kate looked over to the kitchen, where Anthony was laying out parotta on all the trays as Mary was gushing over the dresses she’s seen in the window of his shop lately.
“Ugh, if you could see your face right now. Ob-vi-ous.”
Kate bit her lip. “How long have you guys thought about us like that?
Edwina looked up in thought for a few seconds. "I think we knew when we came back into your hospital room and he was holding you while you both slept. It was just… I don’t know. It painted a nice picture. There wasn’t a question in his mind that he was going to take care of you. And, more importantly, you seemed to really want him to."
Kate and Edwina were interrupted by the rest of the party bringing trays of food into the living room. When Anthony placed Kate’s in front of her, he kissed her temple and whispered, “You were talking about me, weren’t you?”
His low voice sent a shiver down Kate’s spine that she knew Anthony noticed due to how pleased he looked with himself. Damn this man. Damn this beautiful man, who’s all mine.
“I’ll never tell,” she teased as she playfully pushed him away.
“Anthony,” Mary said as she settled into a seat in the corner. “I keep meaning to ask. We love that we’ve been able to stay with Kate, but how are you managing to take so much time away from work? I know you own the boutique, but are you guys still able to fulfil all of your orders?”
“Well, I immediately stopped taking on new clients, and I’m going to the studio part time. Some of the work, I can do from here when Kate lets me take over her living room.” Anthony grabbed Kate’s hand and kissed it. The Mums visibly swooned, and even Edwina couldn’t help a barely audible “aww.”
“I let Alice and Genevieve know I’m indefinitely working a reduced schedule due to a family emergency.”
Kaveri, Mary, and Edwina all exchanged smug, knowing looks. Edwina mouthed to Kate, “Family.”
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Anthony closed the door behind Kaveri, Mary, and Edwina after they filed out of Kate's apartment. He turned around to find Kate eyeing him from the couch.
"What?" he asked.
"Come here."
Anthony couldn't quite figure out Kate's tone of voice. "What is it?" he asked as he sat next to where she was reclining on the arm of the couch. He gingerly lifted her fractured leg and put it on his lap. "What do you need, baby?"
Kate reached out just enough to run her hand through Anthony's hair. Anthony was ready with another lecture about overdoing it if she reached too far, but she behaved.
"I love that you're getting along with my family. It's really important to me. It's just that… It feels like they've been here every day for the last three weeks."
"That's because they have."
Kate laughed, shaking her head.
“If you don’t want them to come tomorrow, you’re gonna have to be the one to say it. I’d fight all your battles for you if you’d let me, except saying no to The Mums.”
“Understood.” Kate kept staring intensely at Anthony.
“What’s going on, Kate? Are you angry with me?”
“Mm-mm.” Kate curtly shook her head as she slid a hand down Anthony’s chest and bit her lip.
Oh, shit. “Kate…”
"Don't you miss me, Anthony? I miss you…" She leaned over a bit more and started unbuttoning his shirt. “Tell me to stop, and I will,” she whispered
"Kate, baby…” Anthony couldn’t think of a time when he felt more conflicted. That was certainly an exaggeration, but, frankly, he couldn’t think of much of anything at the moment. “You're still recovering, and if you keep this up, I'm not gonna care."
"I already don't care. It's been too long." Kate reached his trousers and undid the belt and button. “Don’t you think it’s been too long?”
"Yes." It was more a hiss than an enunciated word.
"I need you, Anthony." Kate’s hand disappeared into his underwear.
"Fuck. You aren't worried this is going to set you back?"
"Not if we're careful. But if you don’t want to, just say it. I promise I’ll understand."
"I fucking want to. I just don’t know how careful I can be. I'll get carried away. I always do. You’ve said as much." Anthony spared a few brain cells to mentally pat himself on the back for stringing so many words together while Kate’s hand was moving so deftly over him.
"I've seen you be gentle.” Kate sounded very close to begging. “I've felt you be gentle.”
Anthony whimpered at those words. He whimpered.
“I just need to feel you, Anthony."
Just stay in control, Anthony told himself before he gripped Kate’s wrist and pulled it out of his pants. Her eyes lit up. "Yeah?” Anthony’s whole demeanour changed. “What do you need?"
"Where?” Anthony leaned over towards her so she was again lying back against the arm of the couch. He kissed her neck before his lips brushed against her ear. “Here?"
Anthony slid a strap of her dress off of Kate’s shoulder and pulled down far enough to expose her breast. He lowered his head and blew softly across the increasingly hard nipple.
Kate nodded, her lips pressed together, eyes closed.
"Say yes if you want it, Kate,” Anthony said sternly.
“Yes,” she breathed.
"Here?" he asked as one hand slid into her underwear, the question muffled as his tongue licked circles around her nipple, the fingers of his other hand mirroring the pattern on her other breast.
"If you say please…"
"Jesus Christ, Anthony. Please. Yes, please."
Anthony didn’t want to risk dragging Kate’s knickers over her cast, so it made perfect sense to him to rip them off of her. He chuckled darkly at Kate’s gasp before he stuffed the ruined underwear into his pocket. Anthony freed himself from his trousers before carefully manoeuvring Kate so she was sat on his lap, facing away from him so he could rest her leg on the coffee table.
Kate giggled. “There’s no way you didn’t do some research on how to have sex with a broken leg.”
Anthony wrapped an arm around her and pulled her down as he thrust upward at the same time. Kate’s moan was almost enough for him to lose it right then and there. It had been a while, after all.
“I’ll never tell,” Anthony murmured against Kate’s back.
"You've been counting my breaths."
They laid in bed that night. Anthony was beside Kate, his hand resting over her heart. He’d gotten into this position every night since Kate was discharged from the hospital.
"I have."
"Because seeing you in a hospital bed scared the shit out of me, Kate, and I can't stop making sure you're breathing." He said it matter-of-factly, but Kate could see unshed tears reflected in his eyes. She covered his hand with one of hers.
“I’m OK.”
“You could have easily not been,” he said brusquely.
“We’d barely gotten started and you were almost taken away from me. I know it’s a selfish way to think about it, but," Anthony shrugged. "I’m a selfish bastard, so…”
“No, you aren’t–"
"It’s because I love you." A couple of the tears that were gathering in Anthony's eyes fell down his cheeks.
Kate turned to face him. Anthony pressed a hand gently against her shoulder.
“No, no, no. Stay on your back.”
“Shut up,” Kate ordered as she pushed his hand away and turned so she could kiss him.
Anthony’s short, ragged breaths slowed as they kissed. She nuzzled his nose. “I love you, too, Anthony.”
Kate’s heart ached a bit at Anthony’s genuinely surprised expression.
“You do?”
“Yes. So much.”
“You’re sure?”
Kate could tell it was an earnest question. “Anthony, of course I am. Come here.”
Kate settled onto her back and pulled Anthony to her, encouraging him to mould his body to the side of hers. He'd been so diligent about avoiding sleeping too closely to her for fear of accidentally shifting to being on top of her, and Kate missed him in that way as well. She wanted him close, wanted to feel him skin to skin as she fell asleep.
And as she did fall asleep, she could tell Anthony remained fixated on the rise and fall of her chest. 
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[NOTE: Like Anthony, I also Googled, “how to have sex with a broken leg.” For science.]
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BPP, after Jin’s live today, I’m really in awe at how much they do for the fans, of how much trust they have in each other to re-sign again. I have so much respect for the sacrifices they, especially Jin, did to stay a little longer to perform for Army. I can only imagine how hard these past few years have been for him. He’s been dragged through the mud because of enlistment. He must have been having a really hard time, enough for family and friends ro urge him to announce that he was going himself. But of course since Jin is Jin, and Jin has an upstanding moral character, he knew that that wouldn’t be okay. He knew that the issue was bigger than him. And even though he hates the cold, he conceded to this one last concert. I love him so much 😭😭😭😭
And hearing that BE was the pre enlistment album was simultaneously surprising but unsurprising. Hearing how they kept pushing their plans back because of one unexpected opportunity after another, until Jin decided to put his foot down and decide to set a date. But imagine how devastating it would’ve been for the fandom if they’d annouce it after FESTA? I’m really glad that we got the BUSAN concert now even with all the mishaps 😭 Even then, they were still thinking about making it a fun event for ARMY so they didn’t annouce it then.
But. They truly were never going to take that exemption, were they? They know that the issue was bigger than them, and were definitely aware that they were being used as pawns. I’m glad that they were able to make this choice, and they were able to announce it their way too. This day has been a roller coster 😭
I’m in awe of how strong their bond truly is. They’re really determined to stay true to their promise and stick together for the next few decades huh? Sometimes I feel like the fandom overdoes or exaggerates how close they all are but then they casually drop statements like these that has so much implications and I’m just 😭 We don’t even know about all the shit they’ve been through together that must’ve really forged their bond so they’ve been able to get through stuff thick or thin.,.
I’m really glad that Bangtan is 7 and those 7 are Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. They’re magic! ARMY’s forever artists 💜😭
(PS Maybe now the debate on hobi’s weverse album will be put to rest? 😅🫣)
I don't even know what to say. Everything that needs to be said has already been said. They've been saying it for at least 3 years now.
Between streaming The Astronaut by Jin, and Lift Me Up by Rihanna in honour of the late Chadwick Boseman, I'm a bit of a mess and can't write much now. So thank you for taking the time to articulate your thoughts like this. I don't have anything else to add right now.
The boys have always been crystal clear and there has never been any reason for confusion.
See some of my posts on this topic to jog memories, listed chronologically:
Where I say Jin planned to go to the military end of 2020
More on enlistment, reiterating again that the boys have always said they will enlist
On the timing of prepping for enlistment and Jin's The Astronaut
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hi mom
So I've been cleaning on and off all day. It seems to have aggravated an old sports injury in my shoulder. It hurts when I'm stressed or overdoing it. It's basically become my body's way of telling me to sit down and relax/take it easier.
this leads me to my headcanon as I lie in an unmade bed. YN is the manager for nekoma/karasuno/MSBY/team Japan/inarizaki/shiratorizawa/seijoh/what have you. Their body does something similar and one week, the boys notice that they've been acting strange, rubbing a certain area (not like that ya nasties, keep your head out of the gutter) and one of them finally asks what's wrong. When they explain that they've been really stressed and overwhelmed lately, they make YN take a break for an entire day lol. They now baby their manager at any sign of physical discomfort
gen z anon
Ugh I feel this! I'm still healing from my neck/back injury so I know what that pain is like! I hope you feel better soon! I'm doing Team Japan for this one because we haven't had them in a while 🥰
You walk into practice, your old injury hurting as you set the water bottles down and rub it
It's seriously like you sent off a signal YN.
Immediately our resident Iwaizumi Hajime, 27, Athletic Trainer runs 🏃‍♂️ up to you
"Hey YN are you ok? What hurts?"- Iwaizumi being calm
Unfortunately that is the extend of said "calm"
"YNS HURT"- Bokuto 😱
"Sakusa call the ambulance!"- Hinata
"I absolutely will not"- Sakusa 😐
"YN should you even be standing right now!!"- Kageyama
"My legs are fine Kags"- you
You 👉🏻😐 two
"WRONG...Wait, nevermind"- Bokuto
"Will you idiots stop!"- Aran yells
"Guys I'm fine. Just a little sore"- you
"YN you should rest and take a day off"- Ushijima
"I'm fine guys"- you
Then you look around to see Hinata and Bokuto running around. Kageyama is yelling at Hinata. Yaku, Komori and Hoshiumi just walked in, absolutely no clue what's happening.
"You know what, I will take off"- you 😐
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Work is really stressful. I imagine it must be for Scepter 4, especially for someone like Fushimi. Munakata's tried everything to get Fushimi to take breaks but to no avail. So he thinks one way to get Fushimi to "take a break" is to spar with him? Kind of like that scene in RoK Ep 1. But just the two of them and a lot more Blue? It might be a way to destress but also train or hone battle skills?
If it's like that then does Munakata cut Fushimi's clothes in half XD Thinking about it like episode one of ROK and imagine they don't just spar in the dojo but Munakata takes Fushimi to like the abandoned warehouse district or something so that they can have the kind of sparring where sometimes buildings get a little destroyed. Like say Fushimi has been working hard as usual and as it happens with the way work has been lately Fushimi's been pretty much stuck in the office staring at his computer for days. Normally even when things are hectic Fushimi's able to get out and move a little, whether it be on patrol or fighting Strains or at least something to get him out of that chair and get his blood pumping. Lately though he's been immersed in reports and paperwork and it seems to make him even more tired and irritable, constantly rubbing at his eyes and muttering under his breath.
Munakata is aware that Fushimi's overdoing things again but he also knows how reluctant Fushimi is to take breaks, Awashima's been trying to get him to go back to his room and rest for like an hour. Munakata decides to take matters into his own hands and that if Fushimi won't rest at least it might do him good to move around a bit. He asks Fushimi to accompany him somewhere, Munakata has his own business to attend to and he could use some company. Fushimi's a bit suspicious about this but if it’s an order then fine, he can finish the reports up afterward. Munakata smiles all pleased and has a squad member get one of the vans to drive them. As they're driving Fushimi asks where exactly Munakata needs to go anyway, they seem to be heading for the far outskirts of the city and what kind of business could Munakata even have this far out. Munakata smiles mysteriously and says it is business that can only be done in this part of the city and that Fushimi will understand once they've reached their destination.
They're dropped off at like this old abandoned construction site, Munakata tells the squad member driving to leave them here and come back in an hour or so. Fushimi wonders what the hell they're supposed to be doing in a place like this and Munakata draws his sword, saying he thought they would spar. Fushimi's all 'Here?' and Munakata says exactly, he thought Fushimi could use some exercise. Fushimi complains that they could have just done this at the dojo and Munakata says perhaps, but he thought this might be enjoyable. He wishes for Fushimi to take full advantage of whatever he feels will be helpful in their sparring – the terrain, his knives, he may use anything at his disposal. Munakata will of course be doing the same, though he will be taking advantage of the Blue power to shield them both so that no one gets injured. Fushimi mutters that this is a stupid idea but he's actually seeming somewhat intrigued and Munakata smiles triumphantly, suggesting that Fushimi draw his sword and they can begin.
No sooner has Fushimi pulled out his sword than Munakata's immediately charging at him, Fushimi's caught off guard and like ducks behind a steel beam. Munakata notes that Fushimi seems to be getting the idea and Fushimi can't stop himself from smiling as he says he won't go easy on Munakata, Munakata says he hopes not and encourages Fushimi to treat this as a strategic exercise as well as a physical one. Soon the two of them are like chasing each other down through half-fnished buildings and jumping onto rooftops, just using the entire space as their training ground and despite Fushimi's complaints he's clearly enjoying this chance to let loose and challenge himself. When they finally finish Fushimi's exhausted but not in an unpleasant way, imagine he falls asleep on the drive back leaning against Munakata's shoulder and Munakata strokes his hair a little, pleased that he finally got Fushimi to rest after all.
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dokyeomini · 3 years
how could i not ask about monsta x (if someone hasn't before), but also: everglow & victon 👀
[ if i stan ] monsta x (any attempt to deny my stan status would not hold up in court)
favorite member / bias line i've said this before but it's literally impossible to have one bias or even just a few there's one for every day of the week you know?????? (kihyun was my first bias tho and i sometimes it feels like he still is but every single one of them is bias wrecking me yk? like... relentlessly)
which member I’d fight (& why) minhyuk... bring it.. it wouldn't be a fistfight tho, we'd have many rounds of games (im not a gamer but i am very competitive), or smth else literally any stupid game and we'd be the last ones standing probably
favorite song(s) oh boy..... get ready i'm pm gonna spin the wheel on my mx best of playlist lmao: autobahn, gasoline, all i do, diamond heart, stuck, jealousy, my beast, u r, monsta truck, whispers in the dark, shine forever, in time, no reason, myself, lost in the dream (what a song......), fallin' (oh to experience that at a concert...), spotlight and livin' it up.... and more........ solos (i'll stick to just one per person): jooheon's king, wonho's stranger, i.m's burn
favorite thing about the group (pls i could literally write an essay 😭) sb described them as hella loud but down-to-earth at the same time and that sums them up perfectly. i have fun watching any content with them and they're the only group with whom i for real keep up with constantly (i mean i save videos to watch later usually and watch them when i'm having a bad day). it's hard to put into words what they mean to me bc it's been an immense comfort to watch their videos and listen to their music (i discovered them when i was stuck at home with my neck injury and in pain every day and also covid had just started.. fun times lmao). and idk how they keep making music that always feels fresh and new but still very very Them?? (also with three of the members writing more and more of the songs i think/hope there's little chance of their discography to become stale). their music is literally custom made for my brain it's like a drug i need to feel normal. and it's not like i *know* them but in general they do seem very..... down-to-earth and their banter doesn't seem artificial ever iykwim?? i think their relationship with the fans is very special and cheesy but actually rly cute mfdgdhfgkd. this is stuff that has stuck out to me bc i think it's not easy to pass my vibe check for celebrities lmao i do trust my gut bc im usually right irl. each of them is so special and has their own things going for them and i could write a paragraph for each f them but i won’t (please watch and admire my self-restraint) IN CONCLUSION: they're a chaotic comfort to me <3
something i’d like to see from them wonho back in mx some day or like a collab situation 🤡🤡🤡 other than that like a looong vacation or just keep doing whatever they want. i think it's incredibly impressive that they've put up so much stuff and i hope they're not overdoing it. i also think everything they’ve put out last year has been good and they’ve released a looot. i think they’ve been doing well lately and seem pretty happy with their situation in genral at this point (i mean after wonho leaving, i think they’ve all adjusted to it pretty well and wonho seems to have a blast working with the ppl he’s working with rn :’) so i’m relieved + they can all see each other just not talk about it to the fans which must still suck). tho i know they could really benefit from some rest man. even if they want to be constantly working i hope they know their fans would be here waiting for them once they take a break. also i rly would wanna see more title tracks by jooheon in the future bc gambler and rush hour are mwah chef's kiss
oh and i just realized there's two more groups haha i'll put hem under a cut
[ if i’m familiar ] victon
favorite member if I have one sejuuuuuuuunnnn (taurus brother and insane man)
favorite song(s) nostalgic night, what i said, chronograph, howling (i haven't dived deep into their discography)
why I don’t stan (yet) / if I want to literally just have my hands full with mx lmao. i do casually stan them tho i guess
question for veteran fans same as for any other ig: what are their most insane moments?
[ if i’m familiar ]
favorite member if I have one yiren but im rly not very familiar with them. i watched her diy vlog and i was like yeah that's my girl :)
favorite song(s) first, pirate, don't speak, la di da, dun dun (haven't listened to a lot of their songs)
why I don’t stan (yet) / if I want to want to and i've watched some of their recent content. but i'm again a casual stan
question for veteran fans copy+paste: what are their most insane moments?
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eakdoeseurope · 5 years
Bilbao, day 2
I started my second full day in Bilbao a bit late because I wanted to sleep in -- I keep almost recovering (healthwise and injurywise) and then overdoing it and feeling crappy again. So in the late morning, I headed to the Ribera market, a large, indoor marketplace with a bunch of stalls selling meats, cheeses, and produce.
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There was also a pastry stall, where I got a tiramisu-flavored sfogliatelle (don't know if it's called something else in Spanish).
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The farmer's-markety area was pretty empty and many of the booths were closed, both because it was relatively late in the day for a farmer's market and because a lot of the sellers were still on vacation. But there was also a "Gastro Plaza" in the building, which had about ten different restaurant stalls with an impressive array of food. This is what pintxos look like, by the way:
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I noted the pintxos for later, and then spent a couple of hours wandering around Casco Viejo ("Old Town"), a neighborhood full of narrow streets lined with shops. In general I'm very bad at wandering -- I'm too much of a completist and always feel the urge to consult maps to make sure I'm covering as much ground as possible. But I did my best. I finally did some shopping, picking up a few gifts for myself and others (yes, Dad, the marzipan is for you).
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A few hours of psuedo-wandering worked up an appetite, so I decided that on my last day in Spain I would treat myself to a fancy lunch. (By "fancy" I mean "not pintxos.") As I've mentioned, in Spain, lunch is typically the largest meal of the day. Lots of restaurants offer a "menu del dia," which is just a prix fixe lunch menu with a first course, second course, and dessert, usually costing around €10-15. I went into a bustling restaurant near the Museum of Fine Arts (my next destination) and embarked on my culinary adventure. (I mean, of the choose-your-own kind. I got to select from a list. But the list was in Spanish, and the waitress showed up to take my order before I'd had a chance to look up all the words I didn't know, which is what led to my accidentally ordering rabbit.)
My first course was a bean soup. It was very good and there was a lot of it. I was already feeling kind of full by the time a server came and took the rest away.
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The second course was the aforementioned rabbit, which honestly was pretty good. I was worried it would be gamey, but it wasn't at all. It was, I admit, slightly offputting that it still resembled part of a rabbit.
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For dessert, I went with the "traditional Basque" option, which was called goxua and consisted of a layer of sponge cake sandwiched between whipped cream and vanilla custard, and topped with caramelized sugar. This was the one course that I actually finished, naturally.
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It was a truly absurd amount of food and I don't understand how anyone regularly eats this much in the middle of the day. The Spanish tradition of resting for a few hours after lunch makes a lot more sense to me now, though.
But I had no time to rest; the Museum of Fine Arts was waiting for me! This is the other major art museum in Bilbao, and it's mostly focused on Spanish artists, but there are some others thrown in.
The museum's permanent exhibition is arranged in a really original way: alphabetically. But not by the name of the artist, or the title of the work; rather, they've chosen a word starting with each letter of the alphabet, and each room contains works having to do with that theme. It leads to some interesting juxtapositions of totally disparate works, like this in the Ñ room, the theme for which was "multicolored" (which starts with Ñ in Basque).
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In addition to their ABC collection, they had a few temporary exhibits: a wide range of paintings by Isabel Baquedano, a large number of tiny impressionist paintings by Joaquin Sorolla, and a short film that I once again avoided. Unlike the Guggenheim, the Museum of Fine Arts allowed photography, so I'll post some of my favorites separately! After the museum, I wandered around a bit more, and saw another gorgeous sunset. I already posted a picture but here's one facing another direction.
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I rested up for an hour or so in my hotel room, then headed back to the Ribera market for some of those pintxos I'd admired in the morning. I also had a traditional Bilbao dessert called a "Carolina," which is a pastry cup filled with custard and topped with a meringue cone. I think it's usually dipped in chocolate on one side and brushed with egg yolk on the other (Spaniards have a weird obsession with egg yolks) but this one appeared to have just been airbrushed. It was good but difficult to eat without getting meringue all over my face.
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And that was my last full day in Bilbao, and my last full day of the trip! Tomorrow is my epic trip back to Central Illinois, which will begin at around 9:30am Bilbao time and hopefully end at around 1am Illinois time. So 23 hours is the best-case scenario. I'll make it through with thoughts of being reunited with my cat and my Sonicare toothbrush. And vegetables. So many vegetables.
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