#but i don't think ceroba and starlo wouldn't be to good for each others btw
milkyvast · 9 months
**Undertale Yellow spoilers allert!!**
okay am gonna go crazy on this but hear me out,
I think ive realised that At this point Ceroba ,Chuujin and starlo and heck axis are in a repeated relationships to the point its not healthy for either of them
Why? Here’s explains (this is just stupid rambling dont take seriously)
You know those tumblr posts there’s always gonna  thay one person be someone over analysis, warning undertale yellow spoilers, So please read with cautious
But i think Axis Wouldve the results because i think theyre unable to give something axis doesn’t have Love, Or at least abandoned
Its been clearly explain that Axis And starlo they're both have unique In a way part with ceroba and chuujin story
Axis is what Choujin wanted to make in hopes That it can benefits the king, But what it lacks whats the show of affections
Like How Starlo wouldve wanted to keep up with hsi Sherif act for years beause he wanted ceroba to forget the case and pain of chujin
Like, The narrative story explained works because it was like, They're exentallt repeating the same thing, And they're, Okay maybe it won’t make sense but 
Like, Starlo clearly would do anything for his best friend so does ceroba but both are to blinded what each other wanted, they’ve hardly even talked nor discussed about it  
Like why can’t ceroba talked out with clover instead of starlo? Didn’t she at least thought of how He wouldve thought of his imput, i think it wouldve the result lack of communciations of theyre hiding something from each other, And its also the fact ceroba lured clover into lab well
and there's this pattern
Chuujin was blinded being out cast by the king
Ceroba was blinded by chuujin and Kanako’s loss that shes wiling to sacrifice clover to try attempted her goal, but even then she hesisted
Starlo was blinded in wanted to make ceroba happy to the point he's willing to chanfe his name to north star question why he hadn’t pulled trigger on clover (which mean would he be okay with ceroba doing monster hard hint hint like cerabo with Chuujin)
Axis was blinded being shutdown, Ad probably result him being killer robot or abandoned down there
Heck Ceroba wouldn’t mind even starlo played sherif acts along for years, because she thought he seemed happier, But i don’t think it wouldve healthy for both of them
Okay okay sorry gettin ahead but am serious, Is like there’s a repeat pattern that theyre all just
The narrative of the undertale yellow of these charas were  are insanely good hrghhhh
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By picture below, you can prob tell she's been people pleaser by trying to do in chujin ways, They're not perfect but it doesn't mean theyre trying hard either
is similar to starlo maybe moving onto, But it doesn't mean they can't stop being friends either
you know how Ceroba notice how Chuujin been actin different and maybe she's doing the best she could, to the point its been eatimg her up
Seemed like patterns repeat itself on how he's gettin mighty with caught human, hoping it'll solve problem
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