#but i do worry her design leans too far into 'x'-series maverick territory
remesrobotics · 1 year
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Snap Woman
DHN.009 - スナップウーマン “In a minute; I almost have this shot perfect.”
Good Point - Patient Bad Point - Hyperfocus Like - Natural beauty Dislike - Film
7’ (213.36 cm)
A non-combat robot built for civil engineering projects by Dr. Harp. She is based on the alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii).
After Dr. Harp got over the heartbreak of losing Monitor Woman, she finally built another robot dedicated to filming, and photography. However, this time, instead of high speed 3D visualization for planning, Snap Woman specializes in timelapse; she will survey a specific area over a long period of time while another project is being done, and the footage is used to plan around patterns in weather, traffic, and other potential interference.
She is very slow and tough and extremely precise and patient with tedium. She does not necessarily have to sit still and do nothing while she records, due to the nature of her snapping single photos and assembling them into a sped up video. She is, however, extremely good at placing herself in the exact position each time she needs to take an image so as to create the illusion of a single, long shot.
She tries to do her work from vantage points where she can take photos of other interesting things between shots, preferring areas with nature, but if not, will settle for a good, high-up viewpoint where she can take additional timelapses of clouds, sunsets, and starscapes. She also adores taking photos of wildlife, especially macrophotography of invertebrates and other small animals.
On the downside, once she’s set on something, she will stick to it, usually completely ignoring anything outside of her immediate attention. She doesn’t get annoyed if interrupted; she just won’t be interrupted.
If she needs to defend herself, she can bite down hard enough to generate a concussive shockwave capable of deflecting physical ordinance (Gigaton Jaw).
Snap Woman has a basic pun name:
She is based on a snapping turtle
Her penchant for photography, indicated by the ‘snap’ of an old-fashioned shutter (even though she uses digital by necessity)
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