#but i do remember we hadn't discussed being married before playing and i just kind of improvised that
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had a dream I was playing a ttrpg and my character was sort of a gay werewolf tom wambsgans who married into this powerful supernatural, mostly vampire, family. I've never wanted anything to be true so badly.
#i dont remember who else was playing. i honestly think matt mercer was there?#idk who my husband was#but i do remember we hadn't discussed being married before playing and i just kind of improvised that#and then out of character i was like 'were we married before or did i just make that up?'#and he was like 'no you just made that up but i love it keep going'#it was great#it was like cunty rich family politics but also supernatural creatures#and at one point we were being chased by idk hunters or something#and there was one little girl in the family who liked to go invisible and scare people on the stairs#so as we were running back into the big manor house like barely alive#me and another party member both remembered to chuck something towards the top of the stairs to make her visible again#she was like a last minute trap.#and then i was thinking maybe we could use her invisibility to hide from who was chasing us#but then i woke up
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First: How sfw/nsfw are we allowed to go with asks and whatnot, as well as stuff you won't write? I'm not intending on sending anything crazy, I just don't wanna cross boundaries
Second: Every guy in my family (minus one), married in or born in, is/was military, and I have heard that it's not uncommon for military spouses to cheat on their partner, especially when deployed. I'm not saying dear reader is cheating or anything of the sort, but I could def see some fresh dumbass recruits trying to pull the legendary Lieutenant's wife, if only for bragging rights. Curious how that would shake out (would the recruits ever be seen again, who knows!)
TLDR for the first part, I'm okay with NSFW asks and you can find my list of no goes (as well as the master list for Military Program Spouse) Here
Here is the Simon & Thimble playlist
Now for the second part
Content Warning; Discussion of size (kind of), discussions of cheating (kind of) (please let me know if I'm missing anything)
Also Reader is fat, like size 18/20 pants, like there's a jiggle no matter what she's doing (remember kids fat isn't a dirty word what size you are doesn't define your morality, your actions do)
Also also please know that my brain does not want to let go of Reader telling Simon "well we wouldn't be in this situation if you could pull bitches" but I don't think it's going to fit in this
Honestly the sex talk had gone better than you had anticipated. In the past when you had tried to explain being demisexual and what that meant for your sexual attraction to other people you'd gotten blank stares, been told you were just picky or that you were just talking about a crush that everyone got. You knew it wasn't, but it got old fast. And while Simon stared as you explained yourself, he didn't push or tell you that it was some new made up sexuality.
It was refreshing.
You weren't even that offended when Simon had stated he had no interest of sleeping with you. You'd come to accept that you weren't everyone's cup of tea, not everyone liked a little jiggle in the wiggle. So you'd be two people who legally shared the last name, roommates, broskis if you will.
You'd agreed that any extramarital activities had to be respectful, discreet, and that if it turned serious divorce was an option on the table. Or well, you listed out your ideas in what you thought was a logical manner and Simon just listened before grunting what you thought was an affirmative and then turning on the TV for some sort of sports game. You were a theater kid growing up, you weren't a fan of sport ball. So the two of you started your married lives with the ever perpetual hall pass.
Not that you ever used yours. Again there was the fact that you only felt any real attraction or desire once you had gotten to know someone, felt a connection that...intrigued your soul for lack of better phrasing. And you are a very self sufficient woman. People weren't typically banging down your door to...well bang, so really you just went about your days.
It was probably why you hadn't noticed the recruit flirting with you at first. At first it was just a polite nod and acknowledgement of who you were when you had to come to base to fill out paperwork. Then there were the times you'd run into him while walking through the neighborhoods. Private (or was he Second Private? You never really paid attention) Pearson was alright, a pretty boy who seemed to know it, given how he seemed to preen with attention once you caught on to what was happening. Yeah he was alright but nothing that really wanted to make you deal with the headache of dealing with two men in your life. Plus you were pretty sure he had mentioned something about working with Simon? You were not a person who shit where you ate.
So you played dumb when he tried to flirt with you, and never took him up on any offers to 'help' you around the house or to show you how to use the gym equipment, after hours of course. The cockiest had to have been when he offered to help you 'stretch' any time. The smile he wore when he offered that one was so slimy you felt like you needed a shower after.
It all came to a head one day in the mailroom. Somehow a random package had been delivered to the house instead of on base, and since Simon was out doing god knows what somewhere in the world it wasn't like he could take it with him. So you were doing your good deed of the day and dropping it off. Only to run into Pearson, who was with friends...even better.
You had tried to just smile politely and wave, acting like you were in the middle of running Very Important Errands. It didn't help much. Pearson and Co still came up to you like you were all the best of friends, Pearson even being so bold as to drape an arm across your shoulders, or he tried you. You side stepped him easily enough to his annoyance.
You lightly chit chatted, looking for an opening to excuse yourself. You'd be blunt if you had to, but you really didn't want to deal with any back lash for being a 'bitch'. Though maybe you should have. He must have sensed your deep rooted desire to get the fuck out of there, because Pearson put on the grosses looking grin, leaning in as if to share a secret.
"The boys and I were going to go out for some drinks tonight. Why don't you come with us? Promise we don't bite."
The last part was whispered liked it was a promise of the opposite. You honestly wanted to barf. A) Drinking wasn't really your scene. B) Pearson definitely wasn't your scene.
"As tempting as that sounds, sorry boys. I uh- I don't drink."
"Oh come on pretty girl, one drink won't hurt you."
You wanted to roll your eyes as Pearson tried to tempt you out, reaching to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. Thankfully you had heard little rumors that maybe the 141 was coming home. Simon wouldn't mind you using him as an excuse...probably.
"Really I can't. Simon should be coming home soon and I still have things I want to take care of before he's back."
Maybe it was the threat of their CO being back that caused all of them to freeze for a moment, giving you the opening to slip out from their little triangle they made, making your way to the exit. Pearson must have really been desperate, or just that stupid to practically shout after you.
"Come on, you really can't enjoy him more than me right? Doubt he's really all that great and impressive."
Oh that stopped you in your tracks. Simon Riley was a lot of things, annoying, stubborn, an asshole, rude, louder than the fucking heavens when he snored, a person who didn't care if he used up all the hot water, one could even say he was creepy at times. He didn't open up about things, and acted like socializing was the bane of his existence.
He had a sense of humor that people seldom understood, but he still entertained himself. Scared you half to death dozens of times over with how fucking quiet he was, like he was appearing out of thin air, but he'd try to knock to catch your attention if you were in the bedroom or bathroom. Had what was probably a herculean amount of strength in a single bear paw of his, but you'd seen him try to offer a finger for Tombo to sniff when the little curly mop got curious.
You plastered on the biggest polite smile you had, the one that boarder lined on looking a little crazy with how much it stretched your mouth, and spun on your feet to look at the trio of men who really tried to try you this day.
"You all know my husband."
You didn't actually wait for a response as you walked back to the men, who all started to look like they were regretting their choices.
"Lieutenant Riley. You know, Lieutenant "built like a brick shit house" Riley."
You stopped directly in front of Pearson, hands on your hips as you met his stare straight on, before looking him up and down slowly.
"Really what makes you think you can...measure up?"
The scrunch of your face at the end made it very clear that you had decided that the younger man was severely 'lacking' when it came to any kind of measuring. Clearly none of them had expected you to react like this, given that they just stared gobsmacked as you shrugged and waved them good bye with the tips of your fingers, happily making a sassy exit to your freedom.
Simon Riley was a lot of things, and he was your husband. And no one talked shit about your husband except you.
There's a second part I want to add to this that I'll probably work on this weekend. I'm very out of the habit of writing so it takes me a hot minute to get stuff down the way I want it. Anyway I hope you like this! And remember
A) Being Fat doesn't make you good or bad
B) I am a greedy greedy goblin who loves getting asks
#cod#military program spouse#simon x reader#simon ghost riley#simon riley x reader#Simon x Thimble#ghost x reader
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answered April 29, 2020
Q: Hi, this is a different Anon from the one who mentioned JK being teased by his hyungs in the BB video (where they are trying to get his attention so Jin can take a picture of him). I distinctly remember Yoongi telling the others to stop teasing JK. Not sternly, just kinda like "eh, let him be/give him a break." Obviously, they didn't pay him any mind and Yoongi ended up shrugging it off. I wouldn't have remembered that moment until last Friday during BangBangCon when Yoongi was doing his verse for "2nd Grade" (during the HYYH concert) and JK danced around him while sporting the biggest heart-eyes ever. This is my long-winded way of asking if you have any thoughts on YoonKook? I hadn't paid much attention to them before--tho I definitely will now. :)
A: i think yoongi and jk have this kind of quietness abt their relationship sometimes that is very appealing to me! we don't necessarily see them interact the most on camera, or in the loudest ways, but then they'll say little things in this very offhand way that make it clear just how close they actually are, like how jk is the only one with the code to yoongi's studio, or how they always go out to eat together in the middle of the night, or during the festa dinner when taehyung was talking about how yoongi sent him this rly long text telling him he loved him and how it made tae cry for like 10 minutes, and tae mentioned how he sent it to one other member and jk, who'd just been sitting there quietly stuffing his face with food for the last like 5 minutes while everyone discussed this, just casually raised his hand like "oh yeah that was me, he sent it to me!" like!!!! jk would absolutely have let the conversation move on without acknowledging that he, too, got a long emotional supportive text from yoongi! and that's honestly such unusual behavior from jk, he seems to get very proud and a little competitive whenever any of his hyungs show him special treatment, but he doesn't get like that with yoongi, he seems to just quietly accept it and keep it to himself, and i think that speaks to this kind of privacy and intimacy that is very intriguing and special! of course, i'm saying all of this, but there's also jk posting a picture on yoongi's birthday pointing to his own ring finger and asking him to marry him, or there's the way jk constantly plays with yoongi's hair and bothers him bc he knows he can get away with it, or the way jk shouted across the room that he wanted yoongi to be his girlfriend when he wore that maid outfit, or the way he decided to GIVE YOONJI HIS SHOES, or the like minute and a half long extremely intricately edited video he posted for yoongi's birthday making fun of him where he told him "i want you" and asked him to "treat me to some meat" so like CLEARLY they're not always quiet about it lmao!!! but it's the quiet parts or the little acknowledgments of private stuff that we don't see that makes me feel like they're very close in a way that is really sweet
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hiii i wanted to thank you for explaining the dean/cain/destiel thing to me, i hadn't picked up on those things when watching the episode and you did a great job explaining! i hope this isn't annoying but i was wondering if you could also explain the lamp thing to me? i see jokes about it all the time but i have no idea what it means lol 😔
(yeah, of course! I’m glad it helped! season 16 destiel college is a lot to unpack, haha)
So, Lamp. This one is a little more complicated, in the sense that it’s........ less complicated? Idk how to explain that. It’s Destiel tumblr in the year 2021, you’ll see what I mean.
The first thing we need to talk about is the Hays Code, which was basically a set of self-imposed censorship rules in Classical Hollywood. No sex, no gays, no overt innuendo, all that kind of stuff.
The next thing, for background parallel info, is this scene from 9x12, Sharp Teeth, which is important for a few reasons. One, this dialogue pretty clearly reads as a queer allegory, even without any other context being held up against it. Two, it’s specifically talking about Garth (who, even though he is now a werewolf, is someone Dean met and knows as a hunter- a peer) falling in love with and creating a life with a werewolf- someone “other.” Three, the fact that Dean can even say something like this and talk about it shows a lot of growth and, dare we say, perhaps the kindling of some self-acceptance, in both the sense of the queer allegory and the sense of the hunter/other dynamic. Four, it is again important that it’s specifically Garth we’ve set this up this conversation with, because:
Now that we’ve covered the background reading, it’s time to talk about the crux of the matter: episode 15x10, The Hero’s Journey.
This is episode with the infamous dream sequence scene wherein Dean does an old fashioned dance routine with a lamp for a partner. Here’s where we circle back to the Hays Code. When the movie-makers weren’t allowed to be as overt as they wanted, they settled for pushing the envelope as far as they could. They suggested relationships in other ways: prolonged eye contact, a man being Really Good Friends with another man and then kissing a woman who was wearing a suit while the Friend was in the shot next to her, dancing with stand-in or inanimate partners(.............. like, say, a lamp), things like that.
It’s also important to note that the song used in this scene is “Let’s Misbehave” by Cole Porter. Cole Porter, rather famously, was a gay man in a lavender marriage. And I’ll let the lyrics speak for themselves about breaking rules and “social norms,” but remember: Porter was queer! So this is inherently a song about queer relationships. And sure, maybe they just used a classic old timey dance song. But whether it’s coincidence or not, authorial intent is dead and there are No Coincidences, so it’s officially a piece of the puzzle.
And then, critically, this episode ends with a shot of Sam and Dean watching through the window as Garth and his wife, Bess, are slow dancing together inside the house. We pan back to the boys and Dean says, “You know, I always thought I could be a good dancer, if I wanted to be.” Sam cracks a joke about Dean being awesome at the Macarena, and Dean has another half second of a wistful look on his face before he drops it to say, “Yeah,” and get in the car. And because everything everyone ever says has subtext- especially in the case of repression king Deano- we absolutely know that him saying “I could be a good dancer” while watching a married couple dance is not about the dancing, but about the couple. Dean is saying he thinks he could be good at that. That he wants to be good at that. And the show literally just paralleled him to it, mere minutes before.
And some might say that the lamp could be a physical stand in for the “lack” of anyone in Dean’s love life, but I have two primary rebuttals to that. One, it doesn’t align with the playing into the Hays Code as well (which is what they were doing, whether they meant to or wanted to or not). And, two, this absolute gem of bts/ meta. Please also note as they drop episode numbers in that post, that the first scene we were just discussing (“Who cares where happiness comes from?”) was from 9x12, right in the the thick of all that happening.
So, in conclusion, the lamp is a metaphor/stand in/allegory/what have you for Cas, and there’s, like, a weird amount of evidence and parallels to back that theory up. A lot of the time now when people reference “lamp” or scream “WHY LAMP” there is an element of joking to it, but you can see here that it is rooted in some very real and very worthwhile analysis.
I hope this has been enlightening (pun moderately intended) and as always please feel free to send follow up questions! (And fellow readers, please feel free to provide further examples or correct any mistakes I may have made.) For supplementary memes, please feel free to scroll through my tagged/lamp and tagged/why_lamp pages, and thank you for attending today’s lecture!
xoxo professor itsinjustbeing
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Inspired by this post.
@royalnerd829 I know you wanted this, and small Roman was just to precious to pass up.
Hope you don't mind I added a lil' ship in there. (*cough* LOGINCE *cough*)
"Oh," Roman groaned, pouting, "-you've got to be kidding me."
On his cabinets highest shelf, was the icing he had been frantically searching for. For the past hour and a half.
Roman stared at it, squinting ever so slightly; as if he had mind powers to bring it down into his hands, to spare him from the embarrassment.
Virgil, the tallest, lankiest emo he knew, had been over that morning and probably had a scoop without asking.
Thing was, Roman didn't know if he had done it out of spite or just because of his constant appeared height.
Roman had really, really, really short legs, compared to everyone he hung out with, and he hated it with a burning passion.
So, as long as another person was in his apartment, Roman always wore a pair of significant height-atlering shoes.
Whether it be a pair of stilettos, thick-bottomed boots, wedges, or just heeled dress shoes, not a single person saw Roman without something adorning his feet.
And nobody ever asked about it either, which was pure bliss.
With all that being said, his barefooted self could not reach the shelf --not even on his tippy toes--.
"Princes are-" Roman pulled himself up onto the counter, "-elegant! What kind of "prince" has to get all up on the grimy counter, to reach the top shelf?"
Grabbing the icing, he chastised himself, "I'm much better than climbing on a counter. I am worth so much more than-"
A knock echoed throughout the house, it was quick, clear and precise without any hesitation or uncertainty.
It was calming sure, but it still made Roman jump and knocked the icing right out of his hands, busting it open onto his fantastic hardwood floors.
Roman growled at himself, sliding off the counter with a swift gesture and begrudgingly leaving the mess for future Roman to fix later.
Clearing his throat, he spoke with his normal tone, "Just a minute!"
Slipping on his --somehow heeled-- house shoes, he adjusted his hair ever-so-slightly and prepped for whoever had decided to visit his house at... 1:30 on the dot.
Opening the door, Roman was caught quite possibly by the most attractive man he had ever laid eyes on. He was tall (a big check on Roman's list), perfected hair, and rectangular glasses that captured his eyes --which were a deep, dark, ocean blue-- perfectly.
Roman was in a trance, this was quite possibly the best day of his entire life.
The man, who seemed a little confused, spoke, "Hello, I'm Logan. I believe we've been discussing plans on rental services? No?"
Roman furrowed his eyebrows, "Logan? Um, I'm not sure I've ever..."
He paused, this was the biggest romance cliché in the entire world, he was not going to lose this subtly elegant yet awkward man of his dreams: no, no.
"I don't think I've ever talked with you directly, I'm sure I would've remembered that face... but-" Roman gestured inside, "-please, do come in."
Logan pursed his lips, "Are you sure? If you're uncertain, I might just be at the wrong door. Which is easily fixabl-"
Roman tapped his chin, compromising, "How about, if you're comfortable with it, you just come in until we can figure that out? I can lead you in the right direction, if you wish."
Logan hummed, a little uneasy, Roman could tell by the fidget with his tie and how he kept adjusting the paper in his hands.
Roman chuckled, winking, "I don't bite, I promise."
Logan cleared his throat, "It would be beneficial, I suppose. As long as I'm not... intruding on so-"
"No, no-" Roman spoke, holding back his flirting because this situation didn't feel entirely appropriate for that, "-I'm not busy! We can work this out quite smoothly with the both of us, don't you think?"
Logan nodded, sitting where Roman had pointed earlier in the conversation; but not without handing him the paper that he had gotten for the shared rent.
Roman glanced over it, each word matching his apartment, him, his email address, and even right down to his phone number.
He arched a brow, trying to understand this; or rather, how this happened.
Just until, he got a ding on his phone; "Oh, I'm sorry, let me just-"
Emo Nightmare: yw, princey
Roman hummed, nodding, "So, all of this is accurate; I am Roman, this is apartment 134, and I do have an extra bedroom. But, I'm not the one who put up the signs. My friend, Virgil, did."
"Oh." Logan frowned, "So you're not looking for a roommate?"
Roman bit his lip, looking at the man before him: this is your chance for a lifetime of romance, just like the movies.
Come on, Roman! One cute roommate couldn't hurt, right?
"Not initially," Roman answered, "-but you're welcome to stay, if you'd like? We can work out our own plans, or go through what my friend suggested?"
Logan paused, "That would be satisfactory. If you don't mind, I have an inquiry."
"About the apartment? Or?" Roman asked, with a but hope on his tongue and a flirty smirk.
"Well," Logan continued, unbothered by Roman's advances, "-why would your friend get you a roommate? If you were fine on your own and didn't need to split the rent, what was his point per say?"
"I'd say either to prank me, or-" Roman smiled, "-because I kept complaining about my absence of romance for the past 3 years. He gets sick of listening to me talk about the Prince of my dreams, I'd assume."
Logan's ears burned bright red, "So... he found me to be a suitable --ahem-- partner for you?"
"I believe so," Roman smirked once more, "-and I have to say, he doesn't have bad taste."
"Anyway-" Logan cleared his throat, "let's get planning."
So, Roman had a cute new roommate, which was a plus; but he entirely shut down every advance Roman tried to make on him.
Well, that's what he thought he was doing; he couldn't really tell with Logan.
Logan was nice enough, a little uptight if he was really honest, but their personalities didn't tend to mend well at all.
Logan studied a lot, and he preferred peace and quiet when he did so, and Roman was a music/theater major and those two didn't mend well.
Still Roman found himself relishing in Logan's presence, drinking up all the deep morning voices and sparkling, passionate eyes he could.
With these feelings abound and arguments on the edge, Roman found himself in a bit of a predicament almost everyday. Because he had to wear shoes essentially every second of everyday.
Because Logan was hot, and there was no way that Roman was ever going to let a hot man ever see his true height. Ever.
He was supposed to be flirty and confident, how as he supposed to that at an astounding 5'2?
So, he had a pair of some type of shoe by his bed every morning; and kept his shoes on all throughout the apartment until he went to bed that night.
Logan hadn't said anything about it, which Roman was grateful for. He would die of embarrassment if Logan ever even so uttered the word "shoe" to him at this rate.
Just until and early morning, Roman tumbled out of bed slipping on whatever shoe he left by his side and wandering down into the kitchen.
He was specifically wanting something sweet, a bagel maybe? Pancakes? Waffles?
Just until a smell wafted into his nose, sweet and a subtle sense of savory; it had smelt like a diner you'd stop by because of all the good reviews.
It smelt... professional.
And sleepy Roman was entranced, so his feet kept moving and his nose led the way.
Thing was, Roman hadn't paid attention to which shoes he had adorned, and he hadn't been extra cautious with his steps because of it.
He got to the kitchen, squinting at the figure just across from him with a sense of curiousity and true childish wonder. Because god, did that smell good.
If that was Logan, he swore he would marry him on the sp-
"Greetings, Roman-" Logan hummed, barely flinching at the presence of his roommate, "-I didn't mean to wake you. I was going to let you know when it was all finished, so you didn't have to wait. As that seems not to be your... best quali-"
Roman interrupted, "No, no hush, Nerd Alert. You had something going there for you, just look hot and cook."
"I-" Logan's ears were bright red, as he sputtered to respond.
Ah yes, this was the best part about Logan, he was so easily flustered, Roman reminded himself, just quietly watching Logan cook, and he can cook. That's a plus.
Roman watched the sun frame his face, and his glasses fall just a tad bit farther down on his nose. It was truly, truly entrancing.
"Roman? As much as I imagine you enjoy staring at me without blinking for 5 minutes straight, I'd just like to let you kn-" Logan looked up at him and stopped, squinting at him for just a second.
Roman could've sworn that he was checking him out, which was incredibly... exciting. Until, he watched Logan's mouth quirk up, just as he focused on Roman's feet.
He was going to cry, to truly die of embarrassment; he hadn't even honestly remembered what shoes he put o-
Logan asked, quirking an amused brown, "Why... Why are you wearing hot pink stilettos with your silk robe at 7 in the morning?"
Roman bit his lip, shuffling slightly to the left behind a kitchen counter, "I-I have no idea what your talking about."
Logan smirked, and Roman felt himself go weak in the knees; he was confident, and Roman found that way, way too attractive.
"You know," Logan switched off the stove, with a stride towards Roman, "-it's kind of offensive that you'd believe me to be so... ignorant? I'm much smarter than you think."
Roman flushed, his heart practically bursting out of his chest, suddenly getting defensive, "I... I said no such thing. Tha-That's preposterous!"
Logan leaned in, "Don't play dumb, Princey. Since the moment I met you, you've never existed without a pair of heeled shoes. No matter what time of day, or what outfit..."
"I-It's just-" Roman stuttered, taking a few steps backward, "It's just a fashion statement. I don't even understand what you're proposing! Can you even- you don't have any evidence."
Logan was confident in every step he took, and Roman could feel the control slip from his fingers, "Roman, it's no use. I know you wear heels because you are incredibly short. There's truly nothing to hide."
"Pfft," Roman spoke, shakily, "-as i-if."
"It's a shame, truly-" Logan rolled his eyes, roaming in so close to Roman's face that he could feel him breath, "-that you don't embrace your height."
Roman was a little on edge, he wouldn't lie, but he was curious, so he asked, "Why is... that?"
Logan smiled, standing up straight again with a flirty gleam in his eye --Roman swore he was going to faint at this point--, as he walked just past him, "I've got quite the thing for those of short stature actually, shortie."
This was probably the first time Roman would ever be proud of his height; and it was only the beginning.
Who knew a guy you've been crushing on for months on end, could say one thing and change your whole world, huh?
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The Long and Winding Road

Sansa I
"A raven has arrived, my Lady"
Sansa's eyes immediately went to the Maester. A shiver passed through her, but she managed well enough to supress it. She didn't want to make Lady Cersei cross. She had been as kind and supportive as the circumstances allowed, and she was right she had to be stronger, she was the oldest Stark. She couldn't flinch every time a letter was delivered, no matter how much it reminded her of that awful letter that brought the news.
The boat where mother, father and Robb traveled had sunk, they searched for them on nearby towns and ports to no avail, the bodies had not been retrieved either, a part of her (a foolishly naive part of her) hoped against hope that somehow they would one day return, alive and unscathed... But there was no use in dreaming. They were dead and the dead never return.
"Are you unwell Sansa?"
Myrcella's voice snapped her out of her grim thoughts. She looking at the embrodery in her hands, she had stopped stitching and had even dropped her work in her lap. It was not good, she wanted to finish this handkerchief to send it to Bran before his nameday.
"I'm just fine, it seems I got lost in my thoughts. I apologize if I made you worry" she gave the younger girl a shaky smile which Myrcella returned, despite them being nothing alike she was suddenly reminded of her sister, she always wondered how was Arya doing. Sansa sighed and looked around the room to find almost half the ladies were gone including Lady Cersei.
"Myrcella, where are all the ladies?"
The small girl frowned "Mother said she had to discuss something with father and left, the other ladies went after her, they wanted to eavesdrop surely. Are you sure you're feeling fine Sansa?"
"Yes. I just haven't slept very well"
"M'lady, if you are feelin' tired perhaps it would be best if we went back to your room so you can take a nap before supper" said Shae coming up behind her chair.
"No, it would be terribly rude of me to leave Myrcella alone" she protested feebly.
"Don't worry about me Sansa, you should go take a nap, I was just thinking on playing with Tommen in the garden, so I will take my leave first" Myrcella stood from her chair and made a small curtsey in her way before leaving the room. Her ladies and septa all trailed after her.
Sansa eyed her work with sadness, and left it in it's place promising to advance on it on the morrow. "It seems I will take that nap after all Shae. Let's go back to my room."
Back in her room Shae helped her undress, all the while telling her the town's hottest gossip. It seems ser Leonyd Lannister was thinking of marrying the daughter of a poor fisherman so his Lord Father wanted to send him away... Some old Maester was seen entering a brothel and some said Lord Robert had just had a bastard son with the inkeeper's daughter...
Sansa slipped on her sheets and let her mind wandered back to Winterfell. She thought of Arya with her wild hair and big grins, of her scabby knees and loud voice. She hoped she wasn't giving Old Nan and Ser Rodrick too much trouble, though part of her hoped her sister was just as she remembered even the annoying infuriating sides. She thought of Bran, so small and so full of energy, always climbing the walls and fighting around with Arya, now he was Lord of Winterfell and how boring that must be. He should be outside playing on the snow all day and at night he should hear Old Nan's stories curled up on his furs beside baby Rickon an Robb.
Tears prickled at the corner of her eyes. She let the tears travel down her cheeks to fall on the pillow. She wanted to go back home, no matter how ungrateful and selfish her wish, it was her heart's only desire to see the snowdrops fall outside her window, to play with her siblings in the snow til' all their cheeks were flushed and their hair messy and wet, to swim in the termal waters beside the Wierdwood tree, to have Robb muss up her hair, to fight with Arya, to read stories to Bran and to carry Rickon in her arms.
Shae woke her up gently. Sansa washed her face, and dressed in a simple grey dress, it was a bit old but she had wanted to wear something that made her feel closer to home.
She had just finished getting her hair done in a braid like Mother usted to wear, when Joffrey knocked at the door to escort her to dinner. A pang of guilt twisted in her heart. Joffrey had been so patient with her all this time, all those times he had invited her to go ride with him or to walk around the gardens and she would excuse herself (she just hadn't the spirits to go with him and have fun) , he never got angry just kissed her cheek sweetly and said they would go next time. And there she was selfishly thinking of going home without him. She hadn't been thinking much of him at all lately, and that was wrong he was going to be her husband as soon as she turned six and ten, and he loved her so much, she had to be a better bride for him
Shae oponed the door. Joffrey was always so serious and dignified, with his golden hair always perfectly arraged around his face.
"My Lady" he kissed her hand and took on her appereance "Sansa why are you wearing that old dress? I believe just last month I gifted you that black dress with the gold embrodery stag and that red velvet dress with gold myrish lace."
"I'm sorry my Lord, it's just that those dresses are all so fine that they deserve to be used on most special ocasions."
"Well, you better go change, my grandfather is here and I want you to look your best before you meet him"
Sansa nodded, and bid Shae to help her change the grey dress for the red velvet one with golden lace. Lord Lannister was here, the King's Hand, it was surely important, perhaps ser Jaime had finally gotten engaged or they wanted to call Myrcella to court so she could be a Lady in waiting to Princess Rhyella.
Joffrey had gallantly waited for her outside, he looked her over and smiled "My Lady looks beautiful as always" then he leaned in a pressed a small kiss to her lips that made her hands clammy and her face red as the dress she was wearing.
Sansa found Lord Tywin just as wise and fearsome as people said, but at least she was right about his visit for Lord Jaime was getting engaged to Lady Brienne of Tarth, and he would be holding a ball in Castle Rock in a months time to celebrate the occasion, he wanted Lord Robert's permission to allow Lady Baratheon to go there immediately so she could overlook the preparations. Lady Cersei, kind as always had said it would be her pleasure, and excused herself from the table as she wanted to pack immediately.
The dinner went on as always and once it was done Joffrey escorted her back to her rooms, bid her a good night and stole another kiss leaving her dazed..
While Shae brushed her hair and wondered if they would order a new dress for her to wear at the Lannister's engagement party or if the black dress would be fine someone knocked on the door.
"It's me little dove" said Lady Cersei from outside
Sansa hurriedly put on her robe while Shae opened the door. Lady Cersei's face was flushed and her eyes shined, she looked anxious and way too pale.
"Don't be so skitish Little Dove, come sit by me" Lady Cersei said putting the corner of the bed
"Is something the matter?" she asked confused.
Lady Cersei unexpectedly buried Sansa in her arms and started to sob uncontrolably all the while strocking her hair and murmuring words that Sansa never catched. After a while Lady Cersei seemed to calm down enough to let go of her. Sansa's mind was a whirl of confussion, Lady Cersei was always so composed she never imagined to see her in this state.
"Would your maid be so kind as to fetch me some water Little Dove?" Asked Lady Cersei in a weak hoarse voice. Sansa nodded in Shae's direction.
"Can I do something for you Lady Cersei?" she asked.
Lady Cersei shook her head, and drank from the cup Shae had poured.Then turned to look at Sansa again.
"Poor Little Dove, such terrible things you have gone through and still you ask if I need help" Lady Cersei caressed her face affectionately, still Sansa felt startled because this voice and her eyes were the same as when she told Sansa of her parents and Robb. " I have some things to tell you my dear" Lady Cersei took her hands and squeezed them " You have to be strong dear girl"
Fear gripped Sansa's chest, something happened. Something horrid.
"Pirates attacked Winterfell." said Lady Cersei at last " It was so sudden, they never go that farther up land. They killed everyone in the castle, and then burned the place down after they robbed it"
No! This had to be a nightmare, it couldn't be like that, Winterfell was strong and so were Ser Rodrick and his knights, there is no way something like that could happen.
"I understand it must be quite shocking my dear, but well, Lord Bolton wrote this letter, he was the first one to arrive at Winterfell, it seems the Maester got to send a few ravens but no bannerman could have possibly traveled that fast.–"
Sansa knew Lady Lannister was still talking but she couldn't hear anything, her own heartbeat muffled the sound of everything else, it was so loud and quick, the world went out of focus and darkness enveloped her. Sansa welcomed that sweet nothingness, because once she woke up this horrible nightmare would be over.
Sansa woke up hours later, Her neck was hurting and the bed seemed to be moving. She rose and immediately realized she was not in her room at Storm's End, she was in a carriage with Lady Cersei and Shae.
"Where are se going?" she whispered. Her throat was almost closed.
"Oh Little Dove, we thought you would sleep all through the night. You are coming with me to Castle Rock, the Maester said a change of scenery and some seaside air would be good for you"
She frowned "What happened to me?
Lady Lannister shook her head "Let us talk tomorrow dear, you need your rest. Joffrey was most worried about you he didn't want to let you out of his sight but the Maester and his Lord father calmed him down"
The nightmare came unbound to her mind, she willed it away with toughts of Joffrey and of the ball, it would surely be beautiful, she and Joffrey would dance the night away bathed in moonlight with the sweet music blending with the sound of the crashing waves. Sansa closed her eyes, fabricating in her mind beautiful and sweet stories to keep at bay those dark awful thoughts that wanted to choke her mind.
#jonsa#actuallyjonsa#candy candy au#the long and winding road ch 1#fandom: a song of ice and fire#fandom:game of thrones#jon x sansa#jon x sansa fics
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