#but i didnt have the money so my mum was like well i'll buy you a new matress
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bensdavies · 10 months ago
whats this about klopp and salah arguing then
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years ago
Grand theft Auto
You get a stow away at Tesco.
Warnings: swearing, fluff
A/N:Another blurb? Working hard on so many things I need these quick little works to take a breather. This basically came about after chatting to @being-worthy
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters @thatgirly81 @iloveyouyen  @sofiebstar  @thefangirlsblog  @harrysthiccthighss  @isitmine @tinabean37  @loserrlauraa  @tumblnewby
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You huffed moving the trolly full of shopping...You could feel the eyes, laughter rippling through the passers by. You swore, fuck the 5p charge on bags! You had bags for life...But they were left in your car...Again. And isn't it funny how bags for life got smaller and more expensive?
You shook your head growling ignoring the chatter. You knew what you were doing fuck them! You huffed you were an adult...Or so your mum said honestly you didnt feel it at the moment rolling up behinde your car popping open the boot.
Fuck that was hot! You frowned feeljng the heat escape the car you cant breath! You moved opening drivers door trying to get some air in the car. Cool it down before you got in. You'd forgot to get the aircon redone so that was out of the equation.
You growled yanking out the bags and huffed quickly trying to stuff your shopping in the bags as fast as you could wanting to just get home.
You felt so stupid this adulting thing was hard you just wanted to go back, to a simple time where mum would remind you to get your purse so you didn't look like a tit trying to buy milk with no money. Yeah that was a laugh.
Finally you had managed to pack the bags and closed the boot. You looked over to the trolly lock up...It was three bays over. You looked to your open door then the trolleys again and shrugged, keys tight in your hand. You'd risk it.
You moved quickly returning your trolly having to wait a few koments as a few kids in front tried working out how to get their pound back. After a few nerve wracking mineuts you managed to tuck your trolly away getting your pound coin back and jogged back to your car. Happy when you noticed the air was much cooler now. Just as you went to get in and toss your handbag in you heard it.
Panting? What the-OH JESUS! You squeaked reversing a few steps clutching your bag in front of you. There was a dog in your car....A big dog...A big fluffy dog. You blinked and moved closer slowly looking around for soemone who looked like they lost a dog.
He seemed pretty happy panting his tongue lolling out in what could be a smile?
"Hey there puppy? Err are you a nice puppy?" You were stumped the dog wagged his tail and lifted his head sniffing in your direction then leaned back on the seat looking out the windscreen. Almost as if asking why you wasn't getting in and driving him home.
"Hey pupper-roo err you need to get out now...This isnt you car love" he stopped panting and looked at you seriously, then climbed over the center consol and sat down on the passenger seat and stared at you. His stare was freaking you out so you stood back holding your hands up.
"Okay okay boo your cool you err you just stay there then" at that he began panting happily again. That was fucking freaky.
You spun around trying to see where the fuck the big boy had come from, sure there was a large park that dog walkers used a two minute walk from here behind the superstore and they did park here to walk them. You scratched you head looking around.
Do you shut him in? Leave the window open? No he was big he'd over heat and knowing your luck someone would fucking smash in a window to free him. You eyed him he did look hot. You moved pulljng out awayer bottle from your bag you'd got it for you but...He was panting hard!
You unscrewed the cap and crept around to the passenger side where he was happily making himself at home. You slowly pulled open the door and held out the bottle slowly. He swung around seeming to know that you were givingn him a drink. You tipped the bottle up and he greedily lapped as the flow of water.
You winced at how wet your seat was getting but this was a good dead. Adults did them! You were an adult and this doggy was lost and you will help find his owner.
You swallowed slowly moveing a hand to stroke him he watched but huffed and continued drinking the offered water. You smiled petting him slowly and twisted his collar around seeing a tag with a number. Bingo!
You quickly pulled the bottle away from him and got out you phone to dial the number making sure to keep your body covering the door so he wouldnt run off it was dangerous!
"Kal like Superman? Holy shit fair play your a big boy~ okay Kal sit tight I'm gonna call your owner okay boo?" He didn't seemed to care he just kept pawing at your hand trying to get more water you sighed tipping it again a little shallower this time so he could spill less. You typed in the number it rang twice.
"Hi err I've found dog?..Well he found me really."
"Oh my god really thank god is he okay?" You smiled hearing the relief.
"Yes yes he is fine snuck into my car little bugger-I'm at tesco by the park? I'm down the end on the right hand side along the wall"
"Oh he did I'm so sorry he loves car rides, I'm just crossing the road now I'll be a minute"
"Its no problem like I said he is fine, having a drink... I'm the yellow juke cant miss me~" he chuckled down the phone and you heard a bit of scuffling and wind rushing.
"I see you!" He said hanging up the phone and then you saw him, a huge beast of a man running to towards you in a blue tank top...Fuck.
He came to a stop infront of you and Kal barked but didnt move from his spot. The man quickly stood beside you leaning kissing the Kal on the face and clipped his lead on him.
"Kal you- dont you ever do that again! You hear me I thought I'd lost you boy...I'm so sorry, thank you I was terrified!" You laughed him off smiling patting his back the man was clearly shaken at losing his dog. You could sense he was embarrassed and decided to make a quip.
"You? I just about had a heart attack, I put back my trolly and he was trying out a little grand theft auto~" you both laughed out loud.
"Yeah that sounds about right~ I'm sorry about all this...He is a funny bugger...I can see why he was drawn to you though" the man held his hand out
"I'm Yenry and you already know Kal here" you gulped and shook his hand
"Y/n and honestly its no problem I'm gald I could help you both...You got here fast though" he laughed rubbing his neck and tried tugging Kal out of the car subtly but the dog was as stubborn as a mule.
"Kal come on its time to get out of the pretty ladies car I'm sure she needs to get home to her husband" you chuckled cheeks heating at the obvious flirtation.
"Quick sprint does the heart good!" You smiled eyeing him you doubted there was anything wrong with this mans heart but okay.
"Or stopp it completely~ I can't run for shit" he smiled eyeing you up and down with a cheeky grin.
"I wish! Then I'd have someone to pack all this shit away when I get home~" he turned to you a sly smile.
"No boyfriend?" You flushed not expecting him to take it to far but you shook your head. Watching as his face split into a grin and he laughed nodding to Kal rubbing his ears as if to say good job. Then turned to you licking and biting at his bottom lip.
"Well how about that? You err Kals walk isn't up...We normally get a coffee in town after...If you er want-want to come...So I can repay you he did get your seat wet...And ruin your day" you blushed twiddling your keys. Should you? I mean he is a stranger but...You can't deny you'd like to spend more time with him.
"I mean Kal he er wont be moving for love nor money now he is comfy~ so we may just have to forgo coffee and chat here all day~" you giggled looking at the huge dog who yawned slumping back against your seat.
"Well a latte does sound nice after the morning I've had" he smiled moving to face Kal.
"Come on boy we got a date" you watched shaking your head when instantly Kal jumped down prancing his feet looking up at you and Henry shut your car door. You locked the car and followed the two across the car park as henry began striking up conversation.
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