#but i couldn't resist this one ahem
galedekarios · 9 months
one thing that really tugs at my heartstrings while going through the epilogue files a bit more is how desperately gale wants to stay in touch with the protag (unromanced) and the friends he's made on their journey together.
not only has he talked to his students about the protag and their adventures at length, he invites the protag to be a guest lecturer:
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Player: I found the love of my life. I'd say I'm pretty happy. Gale: And I couldn't be happier for you. A fitting reward for the sacrifices you made in getting here. Gale: I've told my students plenty of tales about our escapades. You're something of a hero to them, you know. Gale: I'd be delighted to introduce you to my current cohort - as a guest lecturer, perhaps? I'm sure they'd have plenty of questions for you.
he is also happy to invite the protag to his tower for the duration of their stay:
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Player: It would be my pleasure. Gale: Excellent. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the allure of sharing your expertise. Gale: Of course you'll be most welcome to stay with me in my tower. Tara the Tressym: Ahem. Gale: My apologies, Tara. That would be our tower.
and even if they should refuse his invitation to be a guest lecturer, he hopes they'll at least consider coming to visit him in his tower in waterdeep:
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Player: I'll respectfully decline. Sounds too much like hard work to me. Gale: I totally understand. Perhaps our exploits might be a little on the mature side for my students, come to think of it... Gale: Still, at the very least you must come visit me. I've a pantry full of Waterdhavian delicacies and a delightful bottle of Elverquisst with your name on them... devnote: Attempting to persuade the player to visit him, really wants them to come [if the player is illithid] Player: My diet is more... cerebral these days, Gale. You'll need to rethink your menu. Gale: Say no more. There's a wizard in Blackstaff's anatomical department who owes me a favour, no questions asked. All diets will be catered for. I can hardly wait. [if the player rejected to become an illithid] Player: Good food and good company? Now that I can manage. Gale: Excellent, excellent, excellent. I can hardly wait. devnote: Relieved you've accepted his offer
[end of convo for both] Gale: It will give us plenty of time to catch up on your adventures. Gale: I'm very curious to know what you've been up to these past months, but I suspect the telling of that tale would keep you tied to me all evening. Gale: So, in the spirit of selflessness I encourage you to mix and mingle for now. We've time enough to come. devnote: Looking forward to staying in touch with the player
he's crushed if the protag refuses:
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Player: Sorry, Gale. I don't think that's going to happen. Gale: Oh. Well, no matter. Dinner alone can be every bit as enjoyable as with company. devnote: Deflated, trying not to show it Tara the Tressym: Alone? And what am I - a stuffed toy? Gale: Please - enjoy the rest of your evening. devnote: Deflated, trying not to show it
this all ties into another little moment after this first conversation.
if the protag has talked with gale already and has hugged him, there's a second, shorter conversation, in which gale gets choked up as he reminisces over how the party is together once more:
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Gale: I can't believe this is real. I never thought we'd gather like this again. devnote: Taking in the moment, appreciating it Gale: It's quite... ahem, yes really quite lovely. devnote: Getting a bit choked up, trying to hide it/breeze past it
tl;dr: gale loves his friends so very, very much and hopes they'll allow him to be able to stay in contact with them.
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(Genshin Impact) Beidou, Dehya, Arlecchino, Chiori, Lynette, Furina, Navia, Clorinde, Jean, Eula, Lisa, Noelle, Ayaka, Sara, Ei, Yae, Shenhe, Yelan Xianyun, and Xinyan seeing their S/O in a swimsuit
Now, I hear you asking dear followers: "Chris, why the hell are you writing a non-request for 20 characters when you have 628 asks in your inbox?" And uh... ...
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Beidou can't resist a wolf-whistle the moment her S/O steps into view wearing their swimsuit.
Notably, Beidou doesn't appear to have changed out of her usual attire, something that makes S/O pout.
She smirks while her eye glances them up and down.
(Beidou) "Nice.~"
(S/O) "The least you can do is at least join me instead of ogling..."
Seeing their expression makes her laugh immediately and wrap an arm around them and bringing S/O closer.
(Beidou) "Nothing wrong with me enjoying how pretty you are. Plus, I don't really own a swimsuit. Unless you want me to skinny dip with you-"
(S/O) "Gods- Not where everyone can see!"
(Beidou) "So what I'm hearing is that you aren't opposed to that?"
S/O sighs, with Beidou playfully punching their arm.
(Beidou) "Lighten up, already! We're at the beach, let's go enjoy ourselves!"
She at the very least throws off her boots and coat before joining S/O in the water.
(Beidou) "I can throw you into the water if you want me to."
(S/O) "I might do that myself-"
(Beidou) "Hah, I'd like yo see you try!"
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Dehya doesn't swim often, being in a desert tends to make that chance very rare.
Plus, working as a mercenary group that primarily consisted of males compounded onto that fact.
So, the first time she got to go to a beach with S/O alone was a jarring one.
The sand underneath her feet was familiar, yet alien at the same time.
(Dehya) "Wow, this sand is super rough..."
She quickly snaps out of her fixation when S/O stands next to her, wearing as much clothes as she was.
(S/O) "But the breeze feels nice, right?"
Dehya's eyes quickly wander before shooting back up to their face, awkwardly coughing into their hand, flustered from that blunder.
(Dehya) "Y-Yeah. Sights aren't too bad either."
(S/O) "Hah, smooth...A-And, I don't really mind you looking. It's not like I haven't done the same myself."
(Dehya) "Hm, maybe I should let you choose a swimsuit for me then?"
She smiles back at S/O before her hand is getting dragged towards the water.
(S/O) "Before that, let's go to the waters first! We'll be here for a few days anyway!"
Dehya throws off her equipment and eagerly joining them.
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Arlecchino isn't that big on swimming, but she knows that her children enjoy doing so.
Plus, she doesn't exactly get a "vacation" in the traditional sense.
But at the very least, she can put aside some time to spend with S/O once her obligations were taken care of.
And if they wanted to swim, then who is she to stop them?
She's sitting underneath an umbrella in her chair when she hears footsteps approach.
(S/O) "Not joining me in the waters?"
(Arlecchino) "I will decline the offer. Well, for swimming at least. If you wish to walk alongside the coast, I can at least oblige you in that."
Her eyes glance over to S/O, noting the swimsuit choice of S/O.
They couldn't help but be a little flustered, having her unflinching gaze stare at them.
(S/O) "Um...S-Something on my face?"
Her expression remains the same as she gives a reply that flustered them even more.
(Arlecchino) "I admit, you are rather eyecatching when nothing is left to the imagination."
(S/O) a-ahem! "Would you like to take a walk right now?"
S/O offers their hand to her, which she gladly accepts as Arlecchino lifts herself up.
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Chiori, of course, chose both their swimwear for this trip.
And since there was going to be no one around to bother them, she could get a little...creative with her choices.
When she finished changing, she waited for S/O to do the same.
(Chiori) "Well, what do you think?"
S/O's eyes widened as they studied their girlfriend's swimsuit, taking their sweet time in doing so.
(S/O) "You...! You look beautiful!"
Chiori smirks before flicking their forehead, then crossing her arms.
(Chiori) "I meant yours."
(S/O) "O-OH! Um, right! It fits really well, plenty of room to breathe and is stylish to boot!"
Chiori laughs as she wraps one arm around S/O and both walk to the water.
(Chiori) "Good answer. And I'm glad you seem to appreciate mine just as much. I did put a lot of effort into it, since I know what you like."
She doesn't have much opportunities to try making swimwear for people, so this was both an enjoyable experiment, and a nice way to enjoy quality time with someone she loved.
The eye candy was definitely a great bonus.
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Lynette doesn't get a full on swimsuit, instead she just wears a one-piece that is very modest.
Big surprise, she doesn't like water too much so she opts to sit by the sand and space out.
Which seeing S/O wearing a swimsuit is enough to snap her attention back to reality.
(Lynette) "You look good."
(S/O) "Thanks, you look really cute too!"
Lynette's ears twitches at the compliment and she averts her gaze from meeting their eyes directly.
(Lynette) "...Mhm."
S/O sits beside Lynette, just enjoying the sound of the waves gently brushing against the sand.
With the right temperature and shade they're underneath, it doesn't take long for Lynette to doze off, leaning into S/O.
Feeling the warmth of the sun combined with their body has her become very comfortable.
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Furina would have brought something extra, something eyecatching that would make S/O's eyes bulge out their head!
A daring and revealing outfit? A sexy yet elegant one-piece?
Any one of the outlandish outfits she would have chosen.
...If she actually had access to it nowadays.
Instead, Furina is in a comically large plain white shirt, with a similarly boring pair of trunks as well.
Something that is making her very self-conscious as S/O shows up with proper swimwear.
She struggles to make eye contact, both out of embarrassment of her own outfit, and seeing S/O like this.
(Furina) "Y-You um...that's...really good on you!"
(S/O) "You can at least compliment my swimsuit if you're looking at it, Furina."
(Furina) "BUT THERE'S BARELY ANYTHING ON Y-...You that's noteworthy! I-It's just almost laughable, really!"
She scoffs, and still isn't meeting their eyes directly.
(S/O) "Well, thank you."~
With a small peck to her cheeks, she becomes even more flustered before S/O picks her up and carries her to the water, all the while she is squeaking adorably, failing to stammer out a retort.
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Navia's yellow bikini is complemented by her shades as she lays on a inflatable pool lounge, drifting in the waters casually.
And seeing S/O approach from the distance makes her lower her sunglasses with a smile.
(Navia) "Ooooh! Looking good, S/O! Come on and join me in the water, plenty of room in here!"
(S/O) "Coming, just give me a second to catch up!"
Navia giggles as she watches them approach, making her quickly take off her glasses before hopping into the water, swimming towards them.
She grabs them by the waist making them yelp, and brings them in closer.
(Navia) "Gotcha! Now let me just-"
She puts her sunglasses on them and gives a cheeky smile.
(Navia) "Now you're looking smoking hot!"
(S/O) "Hah, all I'm missing is your hat now."
(Navia) "Won't need it for this, let's see how long we can hold our breaths for!"
Before S/O can even protest the idea, she immediately dunks her head underwater, making them roll their eyes playfully and join Navia.
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Clorinde wasn't that keen on the idea of swimming considering how many media vultures were after her on a daily basis.
The last thing she needed was pictures of her in a revealing outfit.
But after thankfully shaking off every one of them, she joins S/O in swimming in a private area.
She feels a little exposed, showing this much skin, even to her lover.
But it's an intimacy she's glad to experience, truthfully. Even if It especially makes her self aware of her…upper torso area, to put it gently.
Both her and S/O struggle to maintain a level of looking respectfully without getting flustered from the ordeal.
(Clorinde) "A-Ah...Please, pardon where my eyes are wandering."
(S/O) "Long as you don't mind where mine are going..."
A moment of silence passes before a soft laughter erupts from the both of them, the slight anxiety melting away in the waters.
(S/O) "You look beautiful by the way, Clorinde."
A hum of content is her response, swimming a little closer to embrace them.
(Clorinde) "As do you."
She commits the sight of S/O's swimwear to memory, as they were no doubt doing the same.
(S/O) "Say, may I challenge you to a swimming duel?"
Their playful question gets her to ease up and smile.
(Clorinde) "I accept, let's start over there and begin on a count of three."
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Jean's in her swimsuit that Barbara and Lisa chose for her. It was cute and comfortable, while not exposing too much skin.
Perfect for the Acting Grandmaster.
With this kind of environment, her usual rigidness melts away, especially when S/O takes her hand into theirs.
Seeing their swimwear gets her to blush, but she doesn't look away.
(S/O) "No matter how many times I see that outfit, it takes my breath away."
(Jean) "Hah, thank you, my love."
She kisses the top of their hand before blushing a little harder, examining S/O.
(Jean) "I could say much of the same for you."
The couple take their time strolling by the ocean's edge before finally deciding to swim together.
Though if anything, they were more distracted by each other than anything the beach offered.
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Eula was used to the freezing waters of Dragonspine, but it was very clear S/O wasn't.
They had a full on bodysuit to keep them warm, but they were still shivering.
Eula effortlessly swam over to them, admiring how much of their body was outlined in the suit before wrapping her arms around them in an attempt to warm them.
If anything, it at least heated up their faces immediately.
(S/O) "E-Eula?!"
(Eula) "If I wanted you to freeze to death, I would not have bothered with swimming."
(S/O) "Y-You sure?! This actually does feel like revenge for something I did!"
Eula chuckled, getting bolder despite she was just as nervous as them, swimming with so little on together.
(Eula) "Oh, you did do something alright, S/O."
She put a finger to their lips, the freezing temperatures of the water disappearing from their minds.
(Eula) "You stole the heart of a Lawrence. And that is something I will personally pay you back for."
The vengeful kiss she gave them certainly made them warmer.
...Among other things.
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Lisa isn't that easy to get into a revealing outfit, even if it was for her S/O.
She's in more casual clothing, but nothing too crazy.
Most people would have been disappointed, but S/O knew she didn't like to splash around on the beach, instead deciding to enjoy the breeze and lazing about.
...Even if lazing about was what she did about 90% of the time.
Lisa lets an "Ooooh~" escape her lips when her eyes land on her lover.
(Lisa) "My, you are quite fetching today, S/O."
(S/O) "Aren't I always?"
Lisa giggles as her head lays on S/O's lap, flustering them.
(Lisa) "When you're like that, even more so."
She may detest the heat, but at least it did things like put S/O into a swimsuit.
So maybe the Summers weren't all that bad.
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Noelle has not even changed out of her maid attire as she's sweating up a storm, setting up a perfect table, towel resting spot, and everything else she brought for the trip!
Food, check! Drinks, in the a cooler with a Cryo Slime!
S/O had no idea where she kept all this, and decided that it's probably better if they didn't ask.
(S/O) "Noelle, you're supposed to be on vacation, how about you settle down for a second and relax?"
Noelle turns around from focusing on setting the tables up just right before stopping midsentence.
(Noelle) "Don't worry! I'll relax as soon as I-"
Her eyes go wide, seeing S/O's swimsuit, turning her face into a hue similar to the roses in her hair.
(Noelle) "...OH! Please, forgive my staring! I was just not ready to see you so...-Um!-"
(S/O) "Hah, you're alright, Noelle. If anything, I'm more surprised how you can wear your maid uniform in this weather."
(Noelle) "A maid must be prepared for anything!"
(S/O) "...Even at a beach?"
(Noelle) "Especially at a beach! What happens if someone needs assistance?"
(S/O) "And if they're in the water? You'd drown with that armor!"
(Noelle) "...G-Good point."
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Ayaka was so excited to go to the beach!
She had gone swimming before once or twice, but this was the first time she got to do so with a loved one.
Ayaka was both embarrassed yet excited to show S/O the swimwear she had acquired.
And when the moment came, both of them were at a loss for words.
Ayaka fidgeted under the attention as she gave a shy smile.
(Ayaka) "Um...do you like it?"
(S/O) "I love it. Judging by your face, I can assume you feel the same about mine?"
Ayaka covered her mouth with one hand as she failed to contain a beautiful giggle.
(Ayaka) "Very much so...If you do not mind me asking, could you teach me how to swim? I am still relatively new at this."
While she was kind of telling the truth, she already did know how to mostly swim.
If anything, it was just an excuse for S/O to hold her close in the waters.
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Sara was very nervous when she took off most of her usual attire in exchange for swimwear.
She felt too exposed, but that was due to her always fighting or being with her soldiers.
Now, she was just with S/O.
Sara didn't really choose anything that would stand out, in fact it looked like her undersuit more than anything.
But it still made her cheeks flush with a burning fury.
She admittedly wouldn't be in the waters too long, since her wings would get wet, but she could at least be there for a few minutes.
But those minutes would feel like hours with S/O staring at her the way they were.
(S/O) "Hi, Sara...You alright?"
(Sara)" J-Just fine, thank you. Please keep in mind where your eyes are wandering."
Hearing them laugh made her pout, especially when they hugged her from behind.
(S/O) "My eyes are only on you, Sara..."
(Sara) "Then don't you dare look anywhere else beside my face!"
(S/O) "Yes ma'am.~"
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Ei didn't really understand the appeal of swimsuits. They were just something people wore, why make a big deal out of it?
If it was an attraction thing, wouldn't wearing nothing be far more enticing?
Regardless, she joins S/O at the beach, if at the very least it gives them the excuse to drink something sweet together.
Ei is in her usual attire, while S/O was in a swimsuit.
Seeing her lover in such wear made her slightly reconsider her stance. There certainly wasn't a lot to the imagination anymore.
(Ei) "Interesting choice of clothing S/O."
(S/O) "I could say the same about yours, Ei. You're not even changing?"
(Ei) "I do not plan on swimming, so I saw no need."
(S/O) "Huh...I don't know if I should be glad or disappointed."
(Ei) "If it would make you feel better, I could change into something you find more appealing for the beach."
(S/O) "W-Well..."
They seriously considered her proposition, but seeing the genuine look of curiosity in their eyes, they decided to shelve that idea for now.
That wasn't exactly something you talked about in the open.
(S/O) "I'll...ask something like that later. Let's just enjoy the beach for now."
(Ei) "I have no objections."
She smiled and joined S/O, relaxing near the waters in a blissful silence.
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Yae was heavily considering on wearing something that would make S/O choke on their own spit at first sight.
But she shows some restraint. She has class after all.
Plus, the thing she had in mind was reserved for the bedroom, not a beach.
She has an outfit imported from Fontaine, and waits to see S/O's choice.
(Yae) "Hello, little one...Hm, I can certainly say that I like what I'm seeing."
(S/O) "M-Miko! Um...I think I would agree with you."
She laughs at S/O's flustered reaction, moving closer as she leans toward them.
(Yae) "Awww? Getting embarrassed already? You really would not have survived my original choice."
(S/O) "Should I be thanking you?"
(Yae) "More than likely. Your skin would have changed completely into the color of a cute little tomato."
(S/O) "Well, I know that I'll be seeing it at some point, so I won't say thanks just yet."
(Yae) "My my, aren't we getting confident? You already get to see me like this, you've used up years of good luck just to see my beautiful form alone!"
(S/O) "Then what does that make seeing me right now?"
(Yae) "Do you want the answer to that?"
(S/O) "Probably not."
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Shenhe almost went to the beach completely naked, had S/O not stopped her.
This was the first time she went swimming for recreation instead of training, and deciding an outfit was an odd experience.
So many people had suggested different things.
Her Master wanted to personally tailor an outfit just for her, only to realize it'd be fully mechanical, and that she'd need to make a machine for tailoring, which would nee-
Ganyu suggested something cute, but all of the suits she chose, the waist ended up being too big, something that made Ganyu seemingly die of shame.
And finally, S/O had the best choice. Something that Shenhe would be comfortable in. Which thankfully ended up being a one piece.
S/O couldn't help but stare. It made her happy yet confused.
(S/O) "You look incredible, Shenhe."
Shenhe tilted her head and asked:
(Shenhe) "Is it because I'm not wearing clothes?"
That question got S/O to choke before they corrected themselves.
(S/O) "N-NO! W-Well, I mean...Agh, how do I explain it?!"
(Shenhe) "I think you look incredible too, S/O."
That stunned S/O, but made them eventually smile.
(S/O) "Hah...Maybe I should just enjoy the waters with you instead of worrying about little things like this, huh?"
The corners of her lips faintly resembled a smile.
(Shenhe) "I would like to enjoy them with you."
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Yelan had many choices of her swimwear, but rarely got the chance to use them.
Rolling the dice in seeing what to do, she finally had the excuse to bust some of them out.
Yelan's outfit was revealing, but in a classy way.
But she enjoyed S/O's choice more, regardless if it was more flashy or simplistic.
Because it let her see them in a new way, just as much as her outfit did for them.
(Yelan) "So, ready to kick back?"
Blinking away their awe, S/O nodded.
(S/O) "Y-Yeah! Let's enjoy this day off together."
Yelan laughed at their reaction, but decided not to tease them any further.
Though she was curious what would happen if she did.
Putting aside the thought for now, she decided to jump in the waters with S/O.
(Yelan) "Water's looking great today, it's so clear that you can see everything."
She shot S/O a glance.
(Yelan) "...Including some of my more favorite sights."
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Xianyun was honestly too busy to notice S/O's change of clothing.
Yes yes, they were attractive wearing virtually nothing, big whoop.
The real big whoop was her new machine!
(S/O) "Xianyun, what the heck is that?!"
(Xianyun) "Behold! One has created a water-horse, purely powered by the engines and propellers, allowing you to feel the wind as you ride it like a terrestrial mount!"
(S/O) "So what's it called?"
Xianyun gave a proud smile to S/O as she adjusted her glasses.
(Xianyun) "I dub it, the water-vehicle!"
(S/O) "...Is that really-"
(Xianyun) "The name is still being workshopped, do not judge One for thinking on the spot! Besides, this was made exclusively for us today to enjoy anyway."
She didn't bother with a change of clothing, as both would immediately ride the jet-ski and forget about anything relating to swmisuits.
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Xinyan notices S/O's swimsuit and smiles at them.
(Xinyan) "Yer lookin' mighty fine, a bit more than usual I'd say!"
(S/O) "You're really easy on the eyes too in that oufit...It looks really cute, actually!"
Despite her usual attire, the swimsuit she chose was a bit more on the cutesy side.
Something that S/O would only get to see, despite her increasing fidgeting.
(Xinyan) "A-Aww...Thanks. Thought I'd do something nice and spruce it up a little, y'know?"
Trying her best to regain composure, she hops into the water without a second of hesitation, S/O quickly joining her.
Embarrassment quickly leaves her mind as she enjoys splashing S/O with water, enjoying this day off with them.
(Xinyan) "ACK! W-Water in my dang mouth!"
(S/O) "Hah, you know salt is good for the body!"
(Xinyan) "I'm boutta shove this salt up yer keister if ya wanna be cute with me like that!"
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The people have spoken!
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Douma x BIG Boobs
NSFW beneath the cut. F!reader.
It was winter, the temple was cold, and your nipples were pretty hard (lol) to miss.
Your yukata was thin and you weren't wearing anything beneath it to support your soft, heavy breasts as you lined up to get your breakfast.
You looked like a fertility goddess, and that got his devious little brain whirring.
Muzan wouldn't allow the Eternal Paradise cult to have more than 200 followers at any one time, so Douma couldn't draw too much attention to himself (*pout pout*)
BUT you, on the other hand... you could have as many as you could attract
And with assets like those... well...
Douma just STARED, his eyes all wide and his lips curved into a devilish smile. (You know that one bit in the upper moon meeting when he whips his head round to stare at Akaza? That's how he was with your tits.)
"Dear, come here," he beckoned you over to him as he sat cross-legged on his cushion.
The moment you drew close he pulled the chord holding up the curtains and closed you off from the rest of his disciples.
He stood, towering over you, crooking a finger beneath your chin and tilting your face toward him.
"Hm... pretty..." he murmured to himself. Yes you could definitely attract a following. You wouldn't even need to speak. You could just sit on a dais and women would flock to you hoping for your blessing.
It didn't matter whether it worked or not. He was going to eat them all anyway.
Perhaps he'd start a rumor that they'd have to line up and rub your breasts for good luck and fertility? Or suckle upon them? Oh the thought of that made his dick twitch.
"Are you cold?" he said softly, brushing his knuckle over your stiffened nipple.
Your gasp made him chuckle. Of course you adored him, you were his disciple after all. You would let him do whatever he wanted.
He could feel the pitter patter of your mortal heart, your pupils spreading like ink droplets as you gazed up at him. Oh and that precious little quiver of your bottom lip.
You were scrumptious. Just the sweetest little thing.
He wasn't going to eat you, but he NEEDED something of yours in his mouth.
And if you were going to be a goddess then you needed to start getting used to being treated like one.
He got down on his knees, gazing up at you with those kaleidoscope eyes and smiled. "May I warm you up, most radiant one?"
He asked so nicely he knew you wouldn't refuse. You nodded and gave a breathy "yes."
He opened your yukata, tugging it down to your waist and just
Oh you were a feast (for his eyes)
Never once, across centuries of *ahem* encountering women had he seen breasts quite like yours.
None so exquisitely large and heavy and ohh~ so soft he couldn't help but fill his hands with them and just grin as they spilled over.
And your poor nipples were all hardened from the cold. That wouldn't do at all.
He latched on to one of them, pressing his tongue flat against your aching bud, cock pulsing at the gentle moan which left your lips.
You braced your hands on his broad shoulders as you put your head back and whined.
As a demon, Douma didn't need to breathe, but you were certainly making him pant as he lapped at your nipple.
He couldn't resist pressing the pointed tips of his fangs to your supple flesh; not hard enough to break the skin, but enough that it got his heart pumping.
When you whimpered he was done for.
He picked you up, put you on his cushion and knelt at your feet, taking your hand and putting it around his cock as he continued to suckle from you.
You didn't need to do anything more than form a tunnel with your fist for him to fuck up into.
He switched sides and began to suck the other, bringing his hands to the first to flick your slippery nipple with his thumb.
The way you attempted to stifle your moans against your hand was adorable to him.
And when you squeezed your thighs together to satiate the ache building between them, well... that wouldn't do. His Goddess wasn't about to go unworshipped now.
You were on the same page as he was, practically pulling him by the cock toward your entrance, muffling your wanton cries as the disciples went on with their breakfast on the other side of the curtain.
Oh but you both were feasting in your own way, him on your succulent tits, you stuffed full of his cock.
Your hands caressed his chest as he rutted against you and Douma raised his head to grin.
"Mine aren't quite as fat as yours."
"Not quite," you whispered. "But almost."
Cheeky little thing, he adored you more with every second.
He punished and rewarded you for that comment by thrusting hard against you, biting your nipple before lavishing it with slow, hungry licks.
"I've always promised you paradise, my darling," he said as he set a steady rhythm with his hips. "It's about time I saw that through."
Oh the wet slap of your sopping cunt swallowing his dick was a thing of beauty. Your muffled whimpers, the sluttish blush on your cheeks and staining your chest were art.
Douma was completely lost in you; his face buried between your breasts, biting, licking, sucking, groaning between them as your greedy pussy clenched and fluttered around his dick, dragging him over the edge with you.
You came together; his rainbow eyes rolling back as he pressed firmly into you pumping you full of his cum and claiming you as his own.
His Goddess whom he would not share.
"Now, wasn't that fun?" He cooed, pinching your nipples between his fingers and laughing. "Are you all warmed up?"
You nodded as you fought to catch your breath and Douma smiled.
"Good... because I'm just getting started."
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juanarc-thethird · 2 months
I am proud of my body! #2
Continuation of this nonsense. -----------
It's a new day and Jaune stands outside his classroom door. He can hear that all his classmates have already arrived at class. But after what happened yesterday he's nervous. What will they say about him when they see him? Will they make fun of him? Will they treat him badly? A thousand thoughts ran through his mind. But within all that negativity a phrase his grandfather used to tell him resonated within him. "Dignity always prevails."
Gathering his courage and holding his head high, he enters the classroom. At that moment everyone falls silent and turns to look at him. Without losing confidence, he walks to his seat next to Pyrrha. She looked a little flushed and hadn't looked in his direction since yesterday.
Jaune: (It must have been embarrassing to have a partner go through such humiliation)
He told himself.
In the case of Nora and Ren, they still treated him the same. But he could feel like they were figuratively "walking on mines" when they talked to him. But it's better than nothing.
Above his sit Ruby was sleeping while waiting for the teacher. Next to her was the rest of her team. Weiss watching him closely. He turns to look at her and she immediately looks away. It would be a lie to say that this didn't affect Jaune, but he resisted. Yang and Blake on the other side can't seem to stop taking glances at him, especially his lower area.
Moments after sitting down, the others in the classroom began to whisper among themselves without taking their eyes off him. Some looked annoyed, while others giggled at something they said. The conversation continued and continued, the stares wouldn't leave him alone. Jaune felt like he had a target on his back. So he decided to do something.
He stands up quickly, slamming both palms of his hand on the table to get attention. He walks over to the teacher's desk, looks at everyone with a brave look, and speaks.
Jaune: I know many of you saw what happened to me yesterday. So rather than let you talk behind my back, I'll save you the time.
Jaune takes a deep breath and looks around at the class. They all seem to be paying close attention to him, as if they're curious? No no no, Jaune shakes his head. Why would they be so interested in that? He must be reading the atmosphere wrong.
Jaune: Yesterday Cardin pulled down my pants. Showing everyone my… *Ahem*.. my little Jaune.
Classmate: HA!
One of his classmates all the way in the back laughs, and immediately shuts up.
Jaune: I know my size is not like the rest. I was always embarrassed going into the gym showers here with the other guys after training because of that. I mean, how many people have you know whose penis size is only 9 inches long?
Yang: Damn!
Yang yells quickly in surprise.
Jaune: Well... A-Anyways, I'm proud of my...
At that moment he is interrupted by one of his classmates who raised her hand.
Classmate: I have a question?
Jaune: A question? To be honest, I didn't expect to answer any questions. But okay, what's your question?
Classmate: Is that measurement when flaccid or erect?
Jaune: Um... flaccid.
Classsmate: Follow up question. When erect, is it bigger? And by how much?
Jaune: Well… it's a little bigger… I'd say about 10 to almost 11 inches.
Yang: DAMN!!
Yang yells again but this time in astonishment.
After sharing the information, people began to talk amongst themselves about it. There were so many people talking at the same time that Jaune couldn't understand what they were saying. But he knew he had to regain control of the conversation. So he raised his voice.
Jaune: Anyway! Now you know. I'm proud of my body and I wouldn't change it for anything. And if someone could tell the teacher that I'm not feeling well, I'd appreciate it.
He walks towards the exit, leaving the classroom. For a moment the class was silent until Ruby spoke.
Ruby: *Wakes up and looks around* What did I miss?
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ihaznoclue · 1 month
Hello !~
Can I request Lycaon with Vidyadhara (from honkai start real) /dragon reader (Gender neutral)? The reader shows love in an unusual way. Their dragon tail wags happily when Lycaon is around. The reader protects him . They give out ancient jewels for him. And also purr softly. Dragons are hard to trust, but the reader allows hin to touch their tail.
If you don't like the idea, then feel free to skip it
Yes you may! ^^ and this is such a cute request I couldn't resist
VON LYCAON x GN! dragon Reader
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It has seem that Lycaon has put a curse on you, whenever he is around, you would be happy as your tail behind wags from side to side
Maybe it just got to do with something else but you've became more and more closer with Lycaon as you would meet him every day
One day, you wanted to give Lycaon your favorite treasure, which was a ring. You found him cleaning in the main dining room so you walked up to him, handing him a bunch of jewelry
"I love the offer dear, but what's this for?" He asked, you just simply said because it was special and gave it to him and ran off, which made him confused
Another time is when you and Lycaon were on a mission to find missing people, Etherals were everywhere as you both were cornered, but you stood strong and tall as you protected Lycaon, standing in front of him then you went feral
To Lycaon, he was.. how should I say this..
and somehow flustered
No-one has every protected him like this in a fight, he was quite flustered to say the least
It seems you also trust him since you allowed him to touch your tail
"Lycaon, I allow you to touch my tail" You smiled as you were right in front of Lycaon, "Ahem.. Dear, you do know that you asking me to touch your tail?" He asked, you nodded "Of course, I trust you!"
"But we met only a few weeks ago.." he said, he seemed confused on why you were letting him touch your tail but he was curious so he did
"See, You're gentle and kind to my tail" You said, proudly
"My Dear, your tail is wagging" He smiled a little. You were blushing a little which made his tail wag too
Seems like you both like each other
OH! And he loves your purring sound when it seems to happen whenever he's around or just praising you for your hard work
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yuzuki-ero · 2 months
Increased circulation
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Gyomei x y/n (AFAB)
MDNI – Minor do not interact
Word count: 1300+
" " is dialogue
' ' is thoughts
Warning: involuntary erection, nudity, vaginal intercourse, internal ejaculation, size kink, embarrassing moments ,hook up
Ahem ahem pls be kind to me this is my first smut Did you know onsen weren't separated by gender in old jp?
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"Ding dong ding dong"
The sound of the bell
The signal that the end of today has come
"Hhphew..." you nearly lay your tired body on the training grounds
After a long day of training, you decided to treat yourself to an onsen
You missed the group onsen yesterday because you were on your last day of periods
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You couldn't resist humming as you submerge yourself in the water, it's one of the most comfortable feelings in the world, along with the texture of freshly made mochi in your mouth
Your journey to dreamland were interrupted as you noticed the toned foot by the corner of your eye
a deep calm voice replied
"... ... ..!!!" it took you a while to recognize that voice
You sit up straight and bashfully make space for his size
"Ah... thank you"
You swear the pool level raised a little when he sits in it
"Ah, hm..."
- An uncomfortable moment of silence -
Your mind were racing a mile per minute
Nervous, due to your limited experience as a demon slayer
Frail, Weak, Ordinary and way too unskilled to find topics to talk about
Yet, you do want to become stronger
"Eh... Gyomei-sama?"
"Can you tell me how do I get stronger?"
His stoic face breaks into a warm smile
"Sure thing, but why do you ask me? Aren't you under some Cultivator for your breathing style?"
"Because.... I want to look like you, I want to have the muscles that you have"
he could vaguely feel the shape of you from the ripples that reflects on the surface of the water from even your most subtle movements
"Hm... do you really want that? You're cute as you are, I think- "
"I think your body is reflective of your strength Gyomei-sama! I wish I could get stronger, like you do!"
And poor him, it's getting more vivid as you crawl closer to inspect and admire his features. You nearly touched his skin.
'Is that supposed to be standing up?'
"Oh" you exhaled shakily softly when you noticed it and turned your face the other way
'It could be normal...' you thought as you draw circles in the water to calm your racing heart
You can tell without looking that Gyomei is bashfully crossing his legs to try to hide it somehow
'It's so big... maybe it's a sign of strength- BAHHH! what am I thinking! Stop right now!'
*splash splash*
You tried to hit any sort of sense back into yourself, with the onsen water, slapping your face, anything
'I bet I would choke on it- STOP! STOP IT'
"Uh- don't- don't drown yourself in the onsen, please..."
*gurgle bubbling noises*
He clap his hands together and chant "Name Amida Butsu..." as tears flows freely from his sightless eyes
You eventually calmed down and sit beside him quietly
At a comfortable distance
But his- um
His erection is not coming down
“So… Is this like… uhhhhh…..”
“Sorry, I don’t mean to offend you”
“Is this part of the result of your training”
“No? Oh… ok”
You can’t help the way your eyes linger
It’s throbbing, it’s veiny, it’s moving to the currents created by the waterfall in this onsen
Your head was turned to the side but your pupils are glue to that trunk
You hoped it wasn’t too obvious- Himejima-sama is quite a gentle person, after all, from the way he speak so softly to everyone
But he can feel it, he was ‘staring’ at you too
Can I help you with that?”
His entire face was heated up with a fever blush down to his neck
“You’re so forward…!”
“Is that a yes or no, Gyomei-sama…”
“Yes” He nods
You scooted to sit closer to him, touching his skin, and hold his face
“May I…?”
He doesn’t reply, only squeezely shut his eyes tight, and lean in to start kissing you
His tongue lightly dabs on your bottom lip, and grazing your teeth
Which is met by your own tongue, receiving his techniques and ministrations
As your kiss stays connected, he lifted you by the hips, under the thighs, to straddle him
“Are you ready?”
“Ready? Ready for- oh… ready for that”
He bit his lip slightly it as it touches the inner your two thighs
“yes” He whimpered out desperately
He gasped as you grabbed his cock and instinctively get a hold of your hips
“Ah…” His mouth wobbles as you start to take him in, slowy
He feels so much but it was so good, he’s gritting his teeth and popping veins on his forehead and neck trying to hold back from setting his own pace
He’s even tearing up a little waiting for you
“Tight…” He hissed out under his breath
He lets out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding when you finally managed to let him sink into you as deep as you can
Your gasps and warmth eatting away at his restraint
He gently moved strands of hair out of your forehead, and held you close as you ground yourself for his size, caressing your arms and your sides, thoughtfully
“Ah…!” winds knocked out of his lungs when you started.
He tried his best to withstand it, his fists clench and release on to the decoration stone he was leaning on for support
It felt so good he wanted to thrust back with his own fervor
But Gyomei don’t want to hurt you, so he just sighs and blow air out of his mouth frequently in his best attempt to let you set the pace, but he hyperventilates so much people might think he’s about to pass out.
He bit his lips, pinch his thighs, flex his abs, anything to make sure he doesn’t start making decisions subconciusly
“Oh…Ah…” He almost congratulates his prayers that you finally starts to move faster
The water starts to spill out of the onsen from the impact you both were making
He grabbed your hips and move it to the pace you’ve set
It felt almost unreal-
Your hips in both of his hands- and that his member disappears in and out of you
Just fast enough to make his dick feel the tingles and goosebumps
“Can we go faster? Please…y/n?” He sniffled out, tears almost fall from the corner of his eyes
He’s so cute! You just want to give everything to this man
You put your hand over his, and say:
“Yes, please guide me”
Feeling your arms draped over his shoulders, he sits up and starts to bounce you off his hips
The water splashed out of the pool so much it’s flooding the surrounding floor
But he has stopped caring about that
Your skins met and clapped together the walls and doors counldn’t hide what you two were doing anymore
Not to mention the both of your faint moans that follows, in sync with each slap
Gyomei was salivating and losing his composure, with his half-lidded eyes and arch in his torso
“Ngh…gah-ah…” That was a raspy grunt of effort, and groan of pleasure,
But his speed is not faltering
In fact, it feels like it’s sped up 3 times more
“Y/n are- are you close too? I don’t think I can hold on much longer” 
He’s biting his lower lips, eyes wide, blushing and sweating all over his face
that’s the sexiest face you’ve ever seen
He starts to jack-hammering as soon as you nod- bulging his arms and wheezing through his teeth
You start to pant and gasps as he nails that G-spot inside you over and over while grazing all the other spots just from his girth alone
It took a few more strokes, before you finally-
You feel your pelvic floor tensing and squeezing on him hard in waves of tensing and relaxing
Then it was not long before you feel a surge of fluids busted and filled you on the inside
He pulled you to kiss softly before letting you rest on his body
As you ponder how your relationship with the stone hashira have changed
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
hiiii, i was wondering if u could do more with daryl x ex popstar reader ? it’s ok if not but take ur time <333 i love ur work 🫶
Daryl Dixon x Former!Celebrity!Fem!Reader Headcannons
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Word count: 573.
A/n: Headcannons based on this fic I wrote. I didn't have any ideas on how to write a part two, so I made headcannons instead. I hope you like it!
★ Daryl saw you around the quarry long before he actually met you.
★ He could see how everyone bestowed privileges on you, giving you extra food, extra water, etc. However, he didn't have the faintest clue why they did that. And he didn't ask why, either.
★ He didn't emerse himself in pop culture, so he had no idea who you were.
★ Merle definitely tried to shoot his shot with you multiple times, seeing as you were one of the many women's who's magazine photos he used to, ahem, do things to.
★ Surprise, surprise, you rejected him each time.
★ After Daryl officially met you and Merle revealed to him that you were famous before the outbreak, he tried to distance himself from you.
★ However, you were dead set on befriending him, and in the end, he couldn't resist anymore.
★ The first time Daryl ever realized that he had romantic feelings for you was when you were in the CDC.
★ You and your daughter shared a room with him that night, and both of you insisted he play a game of Uno with you after you found a pack of Uno cards.
★ The two of you continued playing the game long after your daughter eventually went to bed, and made the game more interesting by adding alcohol to the mix—everytime somebody had to pick up due to a +2 or +4, they had to drink as well.
★ Daryl had never felt that relaxed in his life, and while the alcohol was slowly fogging up his mind, he thought to himself that you were the most perfect woman he's ever met.
★ That thought had sobered him up, and he realized that he saw you in a way that friends shouldn't.
★ The first time the two of you ever shared a kiss was at the prison.
★ He had just returned from the woods with Merle and you were rightfully pissed at him.
★ During an argument, you had unexpectedly grabbed him by the front of his vest and pulled him into a kiss, effectively ending the argument.
★ The two of you never officially established your relationship. The two of you just simply were together after that.
★ Your daughter absolutely adores Daryl.
★ Her and Daryl have an unbreakable bond.
★ He teaches her everything he knows, and she absorbs everything he says.
★ Because of him, she was able to help find food during those eight months on the road after the farm fell.
★ The first time she ever called him "dad" was when the two of you reunited with him after Terminus.
★ The two of you had managed to get out with Tyreese, and you had been with him and Carol when the others were trapped in Terminus.
★ While Rick and Carol ran to Judith, and Sasha ran to Tyreese, Daryl had dropped his crossbow and ran straight for you and Nicolette.
★ It was nearly impossible to tear the three of you from each other's arms. You all clung to each other for dear life, shedding tears of happiness and relief.
★ Without really thinking about it, she had accidentally called him dad.
★ “I missed you, Dad.”
★ Daryl was stunned, but he had shared a small smile with you, happiness overtaking his being.
★ “I missed ya too, Nic.”
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lalovi · 6 months
Hi! Read your um, possessive shadow milk x reader, you know the one where he is jealous of y/n talking to a random person so important they weren't named. I uh, ahem. Request you to continue that if you haven't already?
AN: YES 🤩 No need to ask me twice 🤭 Part one for anyone who needs it: https://www.tumblr.com/shmolish/746091812689690624/shadow-milk-cookie-x-gn-reader?source=share
Oh yeah, and it's fem reader bc that's what I'm best at writing for-
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Shadow Milk x Reader
Oneshot (Part 2/2)
Warnings: Sexual scenes, hair-pulling, scratching, biting, oral, marking, teasing, swearing, possessiveness. MINORS, DNI.
-Jealousy, Jealousy-
Now in the privacy of your own bedroom, Shadow Milk Cookie had free reign over your body.
You had already been pinned to the bed, Shadow Milk still wearing that sly grin.
"Doll, you didn't forget about me, right?"
Lean fingers would tug on the collar of your shirt.
"You didn't forget about this, right~?"
Shadow Milk nudges his knee between your legs, beginning to separate them.
His lips would meet with yours, and he would kiss you desperately.
He pulled your shirt over your head, soon pulling down your skirt as well. It didn't take long before he too removed his clothing.
Your face flushed, but Shadow Milk did not stop pressing his lips against yours.
Fingers would travel across your back as he unclipped your bra before tossing them half-hazardly somewhere else in the room.
His hand slowly massaged your breast, rolling your nipples every once in a while. All of your sounds were absorbed by his mouth as he choked you with his tongue.
Shadow Milk then moved to kissing your neck, slowly trailing down the center of your body.
"Doll, you're already soaked.. and yet I've barely touched you," he would say with amusement.
He discarded your already wet panties and began to separate your legs with his hands.
Shadow Milk Cookie would tease you, first only licking a slow and long line along your folds.
When you began to squirm, he held your waist down onto the bed.
"Don't move too much, alright?"
He would pick up his pace, licking and sucking more of your slick.
"Oh Dove, you taste divine~"
His voice would send a vibration into your core, only increasing the pleasure.
Shadow Milk simply couldn't resist anymore.
Your taste, the sounds you would make, how you'd squirm.
He just had to have you already.
Shadow Milk would eat you out like he had been starved for weeks. Sloppily licking, devouring you, fucking you with his tongue.
You needed something to grab onto by how much euphoria he was giving you.
As if by instinct, you'd grab a fistful of his hair and tug, whimpering and whining about how good he felt.
God, that drove him over the edge.
You had no idea what you did to him- how drunk off of you he could get.
He'd taste you more, because he needed to feel you cum on his face already- And it didnt take long before you did.
He drank all of it, since letting any go would be a waste.
You were already trembling, but if you thought he was finished here, then you'd be poorly mistaken.
He still wasn't satisfied.
Shadow Milk Cookie crawled back on top of you, gazing at you with lustful eyes.
You just looked so cute with that fucked out face. How could he resist?
His mouth would reunite with yours as he took both of your hands and pinned them to the bed-frame.
You could taste yourself on his tongue.
Everything was absolutely sinful.
He folded you in half, pushing your knees to your chest as he threw your legs over his shoulders.
You could feel his hardness brushing against your entrance, teasing you.
"Do you want it~?" He asked you with that snide grin.
You would nod your head. You needed this.
"Fuck, Milk- I need this. Please give it to me. Please let me feel you inside of m-"
You couldn't finish before he had already inserted all of himself into you.
Shadow Milk Cookie bit down on you neck, thrusting in and out of you, over and over again.
Loud moans would escape your lips, feeling his sharp teeth against your skin and his throbbing length inside of you.
Your nails clawed at his back as you rolled your hips to match his pace, creating as much friction as possible.
You would tighten around him as he pounded into your spongy walls.
The room filled up with the lewd sounds of skin on skin.
You could feel your orgasm coming up for the second time this night, and Shadow Milk could feel it as well.
"Come on- Cum around me. Let me feel it all, doll," He'd say from in-between whines.
His pace quickened, just begging for you to release already.
Tears would prick the corners of your eyes from overstimulation. You couldn't hold it in for much longer, and you released once again. Not long after that, Shadow Milk pulled out and came onto your stomach.
His warmth was felt all across you, as the room was only filled with the sounds of heavy breaths.
"Let this be a little reminder of who you belong to."
《☆》 Fin
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alastor-simp · 25 days
Fly With Me!🌹 - Riddle Rosehearts Bloom Birthday x Fem Reader
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❥Summary: It's August 24th! Which means its the adorable red headed dorm leaders birthday today. What will your gift be?
❥Tags: Bloom birthday, riddle rosehearts birthday, riddle roseheart x female reader, riddle roseheart is such a kawaii tsundere, twst x reader, riddle and reader are a couple.
❥Notes: I had to make a riddle x fem reader birthday fic for him, I couldn't resist! Enjoy!!
*Afternoon-Heartslabyul Dorm*
"RIDDDLLEEEEEEEE!" Yelling out his name, you ran towards the birthday venue of Heartslabyul dorm. Riddle had turned around quickly, as widen as he saw you barreling towards him, arms wide open. "Y/N! What are you-oopmh" Riddle's words were cut off as your arms engulfed him in a hug. Riddle remained frozen at the sudden hug, especially with how fast you came at him, it sent his mind spiraling. Once he was able to get his thoughts in order, he arched his head to look at you, eyes a bit strict. "How many times have I told you, no running in the halls. Are you so eager to earn a collar on your neck?" You gave a laugh and slowly loosened the hug, moving your hands to his shoulder. "Hey hey, I was running to give my boyfriend a birthday hug. Unless you didn't like it?" Your eyes turned sad, causing Riddle to panic. "N-no I didn't disapprove of the hug. J-Just warn me next time. I'm not very accustom to it." A smile returned to your face, and you pulled Riddle back into a hug, rocking him a bit, causing him to chuckle. "Okay okay. Oh, by the way, Happy birthday!" You sang it out, earning another chuckle from Riddle. "Thank you!"
Removing yourself from the hug, your eyes scanned Riddles outfit, amazed by the design. "Wow, that looks really good on you. Reminds me of something I saw in a book once." Riddle stepped back a bit, and motion his eyes down to look at his mage robe, before turning back to you with a soft smile. "It was traditionally worn in the past by well known mages. I remember seeing them in history books in Treins class. I recall in the past I wish to wear something like this." Riddle kept smoothing over certain parts of the robe, wanting to make sure it was pristine. Giving a chuckle, you moved closer and fixed the wizard hat on his head, making sure it was straight. "Well you are finally wearing it now, and it really suits you." Riddles face had turned a reddish color, but it wasn't due to anger, he was embarrassed. "S-stop with the teasing remarks please." His eyes continued to gaze down at the floor, clearly shy. "I'm not teasing you Riddle, I meant it." His eyes went back to look at you, observing for any mischief in them, and he found none. Calming down, his face adorned a smile once again, "I see, then I thank you for the compliment." You responded with a nod of your head.
"Ahem, now then, as per Heartslabyul tradition, it is required that a gift be presented to the Queen. Have you prepared your gift for me?" He postured his body like he always did, one hand placed on his hip, lips moved up into his signature smirk. Oh yeah! His Present! Remembering your gift, you left the room for a bit and came back, with a large gift box, covered in red gift wrapping and white ribbons. "Here is your present Riddle. I hope you like it." Placing the box in his hand, Riddle's eyes widen at the massiveness of the gift. He was fine with anything you gave him honestly, he just hoped you didn't waste a lot of money on it, as he knew you weren't given many funds from Crowley. Opening the box, Riddle let out a small gasp at what he saw. Inside the box was a well crafted tea cup set, shaped as strawberries.
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The other item inside the box, was a rectangular shaped wrapped gift, it was covered in stickers as well as certain stationary items.
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"Um, what is this?" Riddle lifted the object up, eyes filled with curiosity. You let out a chuckle, pointing to the object with your finger. "That is a common trend from my world called "Blind date with a book" where a person takes a random book and covers it up preventing the person who got it to see what it is, making it a surprise for the reader. Basically like a blind date by with a book. Some are done simple, and others are placed with more items. I made this one special for you and I added stickers, bookmarks, and a tea bag for you to enjoy when you read." Riddle listened to your explanation, eyes sparkling with excitement even more. He examined the item closely, admiring how well made it was. He could tell you had put a lot of time and effort into setting this up.
Setting the box down somewhere, Riddle turned back to you, eyes closed, giving you his sweet kind smile. "Thank you for the present, my rose. I can't wait to see what book you have chosen for me to read, and also use that cup set for the next Unbirthday party." Blushing, you looked down, rubbing your neck with your hand. "I hope you liked what I picked. I have only seen you read the school books, so I wasn't sure what your preferred genre was, but I think you will enjoy it." As your eyes turned back towards Riddle, you noticed the large broom that was decorated with a multitude of red flowers behind him, "Oh what is that?" Motioning his head to where you were looking, Riddle walked over and picked up the broom, holding it in front of you. "Oh this is the broomquet that was given to me by Vil-sempai. I had just flown it around the school a little while ago" Walking over, you touch the little flowers on the broom, admiring the soft petals. "As always, Vil has good taste. Sucks that I missed you flying around though."
Riddle's eyes continued to gaze at you, heart aching at your disappointed face. An idea came into his mind, and he gave you a soft smile. "Wanna fly with me?" Surprised at what he said, you stared at Riddle, not expecting him to say that to you. "On the broom? B-both me and you?" Smirking at your reaction, Riddle leaned in closer towards you, "Oya, your cheeks are very red, my rose." Glaring at riddle, you pushed him back a bit, telling him to stop teasing you, earning a small chuckle from him. "Well, do you want to?" Riddle eyes were serious, indicating that he really wanted an answer. You gave him a nod to his question, face still red. Riddle smiled, grabbing your hand with one while holding the broomquet with the other.
*Outside Night Raven College*
The both of you had ventured out of Heartslabyul and exited out of Night Raven College, towards the sports field, where the flight lessons took place. Riddle had positioned the broom, in between his legs, sliding to the front. Once he was settle, he turned around facing you, handing extending out for you to grab. Nervous, you slowly grabbed his hand, as you flung your leg on the other side, positioning yourself the same as Riddle. "If you are frighten, you may wrap your arms around me." The minute Riddle said that, your hands had wrapped around his middle torso, face pushed into his back, excited yet scared at the same time. His body stiffened a bit, but he quickly relaxed, getting comfortable with your arms around him. Hearing him take a breath, you felt his magic swirling around the broom, levitating the both of you off the ground. Pretty soon the both of you were high up, the ground becoming further and further away.
Your head still remained in Riddles back, but you slowly began to peak every once in a while to see. The view was spectacular, the sky was painted a sky blue changing into a peach orange, and the clouds were a mix of yellow and pink. "Wow!" You couldn't look away from the sight, placing your cheek against Riddle. "It truly is a beautiful view." Riddle turned a bit to look at you, kind smile on his face as he turned back to continue flying the broom. "So why did you want to go flying with me so badly?" Tilting your head in curosity, you waited for Riddle to respond to you. He remained silent for a minute, before turning back saying there was no reason for suggesting it. "Come on Riddle. Spill." Hearing him give a sigh, he stopped flying for a second, turning his head to face you. "In my hometown, there is well known ranch that is quite popular. They are known for their amazing looking desserts. Cater was kind enough to bring it to my attention about the new tarts they are selling and I wanted to go and try them." His cheeks were pinkish the more he explained it to you, causing your heart to soar. "You, Riddle Roseheart, want to leave school, fly all the way to your hometown to go eat some amazing desserts, with me? Who are you and what have you done with my Riddle?" You place one of your hands on Riddle's cheek, giving it a little pinch.
A bit annoyed, Riddle moved his head, causing your hands to leave his cheek. "I am still myself. Besides, it is still my birthday, and according to the Queen of Hearts Rules, you can eat whatever you like on your birthday, so I'm not breaking any rules, technically." You laughed at him, ahh he was still your Riddle, rule follower to the max as always. Hugging him closer to you, you place a kiss on his cheek, before setting your head on his shoulder. "Well? What are we waiting for? Lets go!" Riddle turned soft at your little show of affection, giving you a soft smile, before turning back to continue flying. "With pleasure!" The broom started to move again, going up in over in a little loop de loop, then continuing to fly towards your destination.
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Night Raven Students:
@sadnessiscoldtea , @madam-strawberryrose , @aria-tempest ,
@crazed-flower , @darischerry , @inkslayer,
@lillyisfreakyy , @batmanmonstarr @coffee-or-hot-cocoa
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starkeyscvmsock · 8 months
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About: Y/n knows her best friend of 12 years, JJ Maybank, has feelings for her so she goes out of her way to tease him. Until one day, he snaps.
MDNI, 18!
It started off small.
The lingering looks and touches that lasted a little too long to be classed as friendly. The way he couldn't rip his eyes from me when it was a hot day, the hot Chateau causing sweat beads to drop down my neck that he seemed transfixed by when my hair was up. It only took me 12 years to realise my best friend, the notorious play boy JJ Maybank, had feelings for me.
I don't like seeing people in pain, no, not at all. But I like the strained look on JJ's face when I mean to bend over a little longer than necessary when picking something up from the floor. Or how his fist clenches when I lick a long line up my ice pop when the weather calls for one. That's why I decided that we should play a little game, one that he didn't know we were playing. I would tease him, play with him until he snapped and either walked off because he couldn't handle it anymore or he would take an even bigger sip of his drink or puff of his joint, whichever poison he'd chosen for the day, hoping to clear his thoughts of black hair and teasing smiles.
I was just waiting for the day that he would finally snap and take me. Show me how much he wants me.
I started our little game on the day of a bonfire at the beach. I had been walking around in nothing but a bikini top and shorts, the humidity of the day and the crackling fire causing many girls to do the same, not being able to handle the unbearable heat. JJ was in nothing but a pair of swimming trunks, droplets of salt water falling down his shining torso from the surf he had returned from only moments ago. "Hey JJ," I smiled as I approached him, noticing the way his gaze perused my body and the tips of his fingers turn white as he clenched the neck of the beer bottle he was holding.
"Y/n, hey. Didn't know you were coming today, Kiara said you weren't feeling so good" he asked with a hint of worry in his eyes. "Oh, I'm fine now, was just a little run down this morning" I shrugged as I flashed him one of my smiles that no one could resist, hopefully my best friend too. Truth is, I was still feeling a little under the weather, my head aching a little. But a little headache wasn't going to stop me playing this game with my unsuspecting opposition. "Oh, great. Wanna smoke, I bought some with me" JJ grinned, his dimples on display on his golden tanned cheeks, a hint of pink from the heat.
"Um duh," I laughed. "But first I need a little help with something" I said as I stepped a little closer to him, my feet digging into the sand. "Uh, yeah of course. What do you need?" He asked. I dug into the back pocket of my shorts, fishing out my little bottle of sunscreen that I had already applied. "I forgot to put this on, and I really don't want to burn but I can't reach my back. Help a girl out?" I fluttered my lashes and held out the bottle to him. "Yeah. Yeah, sure" he cleared his throat and stuck his beer bottle into the sand before standing up straight.
A vein protruded on his forehead as he stared the bottle down as if there was a snake inside, ready to launch itself at him. "Ok then" I grinned as I placed the bottle in his hands and turned away from him. I lifted my hair from my neck, tantalisingly slow as I took a small step back, feeling the heat radiating from him on my back. "Um, ahem, just your back yeah?" He asked as I heard the lid pop open and the sound of it squirting into his hands. "Mhm" I smiled at him over my shoulder.
I winced a little at the cold feeling of the lotion was placed on my back, but it soon became soothing as JJ's large hands rubbed it in, spreading from my shoulders down to the dimples at the bottom of my back. His cold ring would scratch my skin now and then, making me painfully aware of his touch. Looking back, perhaps that game was played by him, as I'm sure he wasn't the main one affected by his hands on me.
The second round of our game was when we had snuck into one of the many vacant properties on the island. We had all decided to split up and see if we could find anything interesting but with my game plan in mind, I had decided to tag along with JJ. Only, when we heard the sound of heavy footfalls and a security dog barking, I had grabbed his shirt and dragged him into a small closet with him. I almost wanted to thank the security for almost busting our chops as my back plastered to his front, his warm breath tickling my neck as I lay my head back on his chest.
"Cosy, huh?" I smirked as I heard the footsteps and pattering of the dog's claws on the hardwood floor getting further and further away from the closet. I leant forward, peeking through the closet door that was cracked open an inch, arching my back and pressing my ass further into his body, into the bulge in his thin shorts that I could feel hardening by the second. A satisfactory smirk fell across my face when I heard his breath hitch and his hand graze the bare skin of my thigh. I waited for his hand to move, to reach under my sun dress and show me how much I affected him. I suppose I'll never know if he would've as Pope came and yanked the closet door open, sighing in relief when he saw us in there, before exclaiming that we had to get out of there. JJ couldn't look at me for the rest of the night.
The third round was during a night we were all smoking, even Pope. Kiara and Pope had fallen asleep as we lay out on the H.M.S. Pogue while John B had been inside for a few minutes, rifling around the cupboard for snacks. I had pulled JJ over to me, asking him if he'd ever shotgunned before. When he had warily shook his head, I laced my fingers through the soft hair at the back of his head, pulling him close to me. I took a long puff of the joint I had rolled before inching even closer to him; one small movement and our lips would touch. I bought my hand up to his face, the whole time his face strained, and his eyes glazed over. I used my thumb to open his mouth slightly before blowing the smoke into his mouth.
He had inhaled it before tilting his head the side, his breathing becoming heavier. His tongue peeked out to wet his now dry lips, and I almost jumped when I felt his tongue flick over my lip from our proximity, gone before I could even tell it was there. "I've got cheetos and twinkies!" John B yelled as he came barrelling out of the house. I pulled away and looked over at JJ, his chest rising up and down faster than normal and his jaw clenched. Checkmate baby, round three complete.
Round four was when JJ almost snapped, I almost cracked his façade and had him right where I wanted him. We were at the Chateau, drinking with a couple of other Pogues when one of them had the bright idea to play truth or dare. "Y/n" Stacey, one of the girls from maths class had slurred. "I dare you to do a body shot off of the hottest guy in the room" she giggled. Feeling a little tipsy, but not drunk enough to not realise an opportunity when one presented itself to me, I tapped my finger on my chin and scanned the room as if I was looking or the right candidate. "Ok" I shrugged as if I had finally come to a conclusion on who I was going to choose.
"JJ, you're gonna need to lay down" I smirked as I poured the tequila into a shot glass without looking up. "M-me?" he stammered as his eyebrows furrowed. "Yes, you" I laughed before I looked to the other guys sitting beside him on the couch. "You two, up" I ordered as I walked around the table. "Are you sure? I mea-" I cut JJ off, "Yes, I'm sure stupid. Now lay down" I ordered again. "Oh, and take off your shirt" I smiled. He did as I said, revealing his chiselled torso before laying down on the small couch, one leg straight over the armrest while the other stayed on the floor.
I zoned everyone out, situating myself between his legs as his fist clenched, his abs flexing as he looked down at me. I bought my hair over to one side and stared into his eyes as I licked a long strip up his torso. I revelled in the fact that I felt his hips flex under me and the sight of his eyes squeezing closed for not even a second before they opened to watch me again. I poured the salt on the strip of saliva I had just created and placed the shot glass carefully over his belly button. "Open wide" I grinned, feeling satisfaction slither down my spine as he instantly obeyed, opening his mouth so that I could place the lime wedge on them.
Finally, I licked the salt up the same path I had created earlier before placing my lips around the rim of the shot glass, seeing JJ's pulse point flutter on his neck as I did so before I threw my head back and felt the burn of the liquor seep down my throat. Leaving no time to waste, I took my lips off the shot glass and moved up his body, placing my hand on his hot heaving chest before I lowered my mouth to his, sucking the juice from the slice of lime. Once the juice had finished, I took the wedge out of his mouth but kept my mouth lowered, flicking my tongue on the droplet of juice that had began to trickle down his jaw, licking it up before sucking it into my mouth.
"Fuck, y/n, I-" JJ cut himself off as I stayed hovered over him, his eyes never left mine looking into them as if he could see every thought racing through my mind. His fingers flexed and I hadn't even realised that at some point through that, his hand had made it's way to my hip, his grip strong as his fingers dug into me, absently pulling me closer to him. His head tilted up just an inch, and I was ready to forget everything, lay it all out on the table and take him right there and going from the look on his face it seemed as though he felt the same. "Well, that was hot" Kiara laughed as our bubble popped and everything zoned back in around me. And there we had it, round four was over and who had won that one? I didn't think I liked the answer to that.
That bought us to round 5. One that I wouldn't know when or how to start but with the way JJ was looking with his white top accentuating his muscles and the blue jeans hugging his narrow waist, I knew something had to give. He stood with JJ and Pope by the edge of the makeshift dancefloor that Stacey had moved her couches to create as bodies danced and swayed. Me and KIara stood by the makeshift bar, pouring liquor into our red solo cups. "So, when are you two going to admit it?" the sound of her voice pulled me out of my ogling, causing me to spill a little bit of vodka over my hand as I finally pulled my gaze away from JJ.
"What do you mean?" I asked, as I used a napkin to wipe the spillage, unaware of what she could be talking about. "Don't play dumb, Y/n. I don't know about dumb and dumber over there but I've noticed the way you and JJ look at each other. You like each other and, honestly, I am like so freakin' here for it" she laughed as she watched my bewildered face.
"JJ needs someone to put him in his place and you? You need someone that will care for you as much as you care for them" she paused with a small smile on her face. "And if there's one thing I know about JJ, it's that he cares. For you more than anyone else I'm sure of it" her words hit me and as I looked to JJ, his head tipped back with laughter, his eyes bright and beautiful, I knew one thing. The game had been rigged the whole time, I was the one having my heart strings played with.
"Now, I'm sorry about this but, it has to be done" Kiara smiled. "What?" I looked to her in confusion but yelped as she poured all of her drink down the front of my white shirt. "Oh my God!" she fake gasped as JJ, John B and Pope ran over. "I am just such a klutz" she said as I stared down at the front of my shirt, aware that it was quickly becoming see through. "JJ! Take her upstairs and help her dry this, I'm sure there'll be a hair dryer or something" Kiara didn't give us a chance to respond before she pushed us both towards the stairs. "You don't have to-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before JJ grabbed my arm and yanked me up the stairs. "Quick, come on" he said as we passed passed out teens and making out teens and oh, vomiting teens. "Why the hurry?" I panted as we finally reached a room at the end of the hall after JJ had practically made us run here. "Your top, it's uh, ahem" he didn't look anywhere but at the bed as I closed the door behind us, shrouding us in darkness. "Didn't want anyone to see" he mumbled as he took his cap off, throwing it onto the bed before running his hand through his messed-up hair. "Oh" I said as I flicked on the light switch before looking down, noticing that my red bra was on clear display as well as my tanned skin, the fabric of my top now clinging to me like a second skin.
I peeled it over my head before stalking over to JJ, my step slow and deliberate. His eyes stayed locked on the bed that he was stood beside, as if when he looked away the world would implode. The world wouldn't but if he didn't look at me I just might. I dropped the top onto the bed, beside his cap as I heard him huff out a large breath of air, his eyes now closed and jaw clenched. "You gonna help me dry off?" I whispered as I placed my hand on his jaw, helping him to slowly look towards me until finally he was facing me, his eyes still closed.
"Open your eyes JJ" I said, my voice quiet as I stroked my fingers across the sharp ridge of his jaw. "I can't. We can't, you're my best friend" he breathed out, his fists flexing down by his side. "Best friends take care of each other, let me take care of you" by the time I had finished speaking, his eyes had finally peeled open, and he looked at me, not straying any lower than my eyes. "You can look at me JJ" although he was already looking at me, he knew what I meant. I took his large hands in mine and placed them on my bare waist, his warm hands soothing on my cold skin. He took a deep breath before finally looking down at my chest, my red lace bra now soaking and sticking to my skin.
I lifted my hands, laying them on the clasps of my bra and ready to undo them when suddenly JJ was yanking my arms down and pulling me to him so our chests were plastered together. "No," he breathed out as he ripped my arms forward. "If we're doing this, we're doing it my way" it's like a switch had been flipped, his eyes unsure and wary only moments ago, now full of fire and dominance. "Take your shorts off and get on the bed" he ordered. My breath stuttered in my throat but I quickly did what he said, my hands racing to pop open the button and drag down the zipper as JJ tossed the wet top and his cap off the bed, clearing the space for me. For us.
I lay on the bed and I didn't wait long before JJ knelt on the edge of the bed, pulling his top over the top of his bed before crawling over to me. "You think I didn't know, don't you?" he smirked as he finally leant over me, I looked up at him, a pounding in my heart and just as hard between my legs. "You thought you were seducing poor, pining JJ, the one that had no control when you would leave him hard for hours, wishing he had your cunt, your mouth, your hands to easy the aching I had for you" he chuckled, and my heartbeat picked up, scared of this patronising JJ, but God, so so turned on.
"But really," he began as he snaked his hand around me, popping open the clasps of my bra with ease before pulling it off completely. He stared down at my breasts for a moment, his tongue darting out to lick his lips as he took in my hard, pebbled nipples begging to be touched by him. "But really, I had the power" he continued. "You came to ME, you left me hard and aching, yes that's true, but you ached and wanted me just as bad didn't you?" he reached up and when his fingers finally closed around my nipple, I breathed out a sigh of relief. Like a starved man, he took my other breast into his mouth and sucked on it, hard. I let out a small yelp, threading my fingers through his hair as hi flicked his tongue around the peak and twisted the other between his long cruel fingers.
He pulled away, leaving my chest heaving, as he looked down at my body, taking in my heaving chest, my clenching thighs and my lips that stayed parted, trying to steal back the oxygen he seemed to have stolen from my body. "God, you're beautiful" he breathed out as he trailed his hand down my torso. When he reached my panties, he looked into my eyes as if for a sign of permission. "Please" I pleaded, earning a devilish smirk from him as he peeled my panties down my legs. Kiara had only spilt her drink down my top, but she might as well have pointed a hose filled with drink between my legs from the wetness I felt between them.
"You're soaking, made a real mess of your panties, didn't you Y/n?" he chuckled as he spread my legs, nestling in between them. "Didn't you?" he repeated, punctuating his question with a slap to the inside of my thigh, making a yelp slip from my lips. "Yes! Yes" I whimpered. "Let me have a taste baby" he breathed out as he lowered himself slowly to my aching core. His fingers were digging into my thighs, keeping them apart as my hips flexed, needing his mouth on me.
After what felt like eternity, his tongue dipped out and licked a long stripe up my folds, collecting the wetness that he had caused. JJ's eyes rolled to the back of his head and a groan rumbled out of his throat as his eyebrows furrowed. His eyes snapped open, pinning me with his ocean blue eyes as he pulled me even closer, something I had deemed an impossible task. "You're going to be the death of me" he grumbled before diving back in, sucking, licking biting. His nose nudged my clit as his tongue ravaged inside of me. My hips bucked off the bed and my hands clawed at his hair, the feeling he created something I had never felt before. "Fuck, JJ" I whimpered, my eyes squeezing shut and back bowing. The moan that left his throat vibrated against my core.
One of his hands clawed at my breast, his fingers greedy and desperate as the other pinned down my hips. His tongue made circles inside of me, before retreating and sucking hard on my clit, the light pinch of his teeth against me shattered me. "I'm going to- fuck, I-I'm coming" I groaned out as my mouth dropped open. White hot heat travelled from my curling toes, up my legs that were thrown over JJ's shoulders and to my core. "That's right baby" he groaned as he helped me ride out my wave, slowing down his actions.
I panted, spent and hot as JJ rose over me before cradling my face in his hands. "You amaze me" he whispered. I smirked as I flipped him over, shocking him and relishing in the look of surprise on his beautiful face. "Oh, we're playing like that?" he smirked as he rested his hands on my waist. I leant down to whisper in his ear, "Don't forget who would leave you aching and hard when you were pining over me" I smirked before running my tongue down his jaw and neck, stopping every now and then to softly bite him. "You drive me crazy and you know it" I could hear the smirk in his voice as he tilted his head to the side, making it easier for me to tease his neck with my lips and teeth. "Let me show you how crazy you make me" I breathe out, the material of his jeans underneath me, sore on my sensitive core. I pulled back, looking in his eyes and I slowly pulled the zipper down, smirking when e both raise our hips in unison so that I can pull them down and eventually off. My smirk falls when I look down, his cock hard and angry, the precum leaking out of the pink tip only the cusp of what's aching to get out. "Scared, cupcake?" I can hear the tease of his voice.
"I can handle you" I say, before yelping as he flips me back over, trapping me beneath him as he lifts the underside of my knees, wrapping them around his waist. "I know you can baby, now be a good girl and take all of me" he smirks. Before a retort can leave my mouth, a gasp does as he slowly inches his way inside of me, the wetness of my previous orgasm helping me accommodate the fact that he's stretching me. "Ohh, fuck" I whine, my stomach tensing as he still brings himself closer, not even all the way in yet. "Relax baby, I'll make you feel real good, don't worry" he breathes out as he looks down to where we're joined, entranced by the sight of himself sliding inside of me. "Fuck, you're so tight" he huffs out a breath as he finally bottoms out. He looks up into my eyes before slowly retreating and bringing himself back again, his slow thrusts hitting a spot inside of me that's never been touched before. "So" he hisses, hitting an extra hard thrust, "fucking" another harder thrust, "good" he speaks through his gritted teeth before grabbing my hips and speeding up, the sound of our wet skin smacking together an erotic sound I never want to leave my head. "Shit JJ" I groan, my head digging into the pillows beneath me as I throw my head back. JJ takes the action as an opportunity as he latches onto my neck, his teeth sinking into me, the feeling shooting down to my core as he licks and bites the underside of my jaw.
"I'm close" I breathe out as my hips rais to meet his thrusts. A yelp escapes me as he retreats from my body before flipping me over and tugging my hair back before slamming back into me. "Come on baby, take me. All of me, that's it good girl" he grits out into my ear as his fingers dig into the flesh of my ass that he's pounding into. "JJ" I mean as his long fingers move from my hair and slowly circling my throat, applying the right amount of pressure to make my toes curl and make my eyes roll to the back of my head. "Come with me, together baby" he groans as his hips stutter and his breath skates over my shoulder before I feel his warm release coating my insides. For the second time tonight, stars dance across my vision and my mouth drops open in silent pleasure.
Small whimpers and groans leave JJ's mouth, playing by my ear before my head drops and my body goes limp, JJ's chest rising and down above me. "You ok?" He whispers as he pushes my hair out of my face. "I'm ok" I smile, mustering up all of my energy to flip myself over so that I'm on my back. "Y/n?" I look over at JJ who's lying beside me leaning on his elbow, his hair messy from my greedy fingers, his cheeks pink and a dopey grin on his face. "Yeah?" I smile up at him. He leans over and kisses my forehead, each of my eyes, my nose and finally, after 12 years, his lips rest on mine and we kiss, the sparks inside my body coming to life.
"I love you."
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red-viewe · 1 year
Dear secret admirer
In which your secret admirer prepares you gifts- and a letter.
A.A x reader
J.V x reader
' I love you.
You have taken my heart and I can't seem to take it back. My soul desires your happiness, but will burn out if I find that you don't love me the same. For this reason, I will cowardly find myself behind the ink, praying that you too return my shameless love.
-love, your own secret admirer'
Azul sighs, putting down the pen you gifted him and rereading the letter over and over again.
'This is stupid.' Leaning back in his chair, running his hair through his hair while gazing at the gift he carefully hand prepared for you.
Azul was content before you. He was alright.
But he wouldn't say he was happier. Love hit him harder than a punch to the balls. He resisted the urge to hug you, the urge to tell you, "I would never hurt you." Everytime you lookes on guard when he was around. He wished to have night ling conversations with you at sunrise, kissing your lips softly, lovely, telling you, "I love you. I love you. I love you." Over and over again.
Azul looks over to his present for you.
It was in a black box, with an elegant purple ribbon on the front, storing a beautiful pearl necklace he handmade with the help of his eel friends.
'I hope they like it.' Azul smiles, closing his eyes in relaxation.
"Azul~! Is the present ready for delivery~?" A energetic Floyd Leech barges into Azul's office, happily startling his thoughts.
"Ahem, O-of course" Azul said fixing his glasses.
"Make sure no one sees you." Azul reminds the eel.
"Of course~~"
'You're beautiful.
You're so pretty. I could stare at you and not be tired of it. When I'm stressed, or i can't seem to fall asleep, I think about how much you would hate it if I overworked myself, making a part of me want to work even more, just so you could worry about me. It's so nice. You're so nice. I want to be able to hear your voice every day. Make me your number 1.
-sincerely, your secret admirer.'
Jamil Viper was a busy man. Having to take care of Kalim is not an easy task.
But love finds a way into even the busiest of hearts.
He hated feeling warm everytime you walked by, or when your hand just barely brushes against his. He wanted to spend every momment he could with you, but Kalim was a chain. And you were one of the many things he couldn't have.
Was he overthinking this?
He thought that you could never love him. Until last week, when he overheard Deuce, ace and grim teasing you about your crush on Jamil.
When Jamil was sure no one was near or in Ramshackle, he slowly placed a small basket in front of the door, with an envelope addressed to Y/n L/n.
The basket contained some of your favorite snacks, bracelets he made for you, and a store bought cake from his hometown that he knew you would like.
Placing the basket down on your porch, he quickly pulls up his hoodie as he walks away, his cheeks warming up on the thought that you would find the basket.
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galedekarios · 10 months
gale as a professor at blackstaff academy
i have to say that at first i wasn't too sold on the (then still fanon) idea of a professor ending because of gale's own prior anecdote about being irked by his previous students and their inadequacies.
i thought it might not be a good fit for him as far as professions go.
but reading the epilogue files, i have come around on it.
i think it's just one more way in which he's really grown into himself, become content with who he was in the past, the mistakes he made and what he has learned from them, and the person he wants to be in the future:
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Player: You? A teacher? I'd hardly say you set the best example for impressionable young wizards... Gale: I think it makes perfect sense. devnote: Surprised you wouldn't recognise this, a tiny bit offended you don't trust him to do this Gale: Who better to warn of the perils of misusing magic than someone who was once only a wayward sneeze away from destroying a mid-sized settlement? devnote: playing up to his past a bit, you can imagine this is how he acts with his students Tara the Tressym: Don't remind me of those terrible times, Mr Dekarios. My blood pressure has only just recovered.
a few more cute banters & things we learn about gale and his new teaching position:
tara swipes at students who fall asleep in gale's classes, which he himself doesn't mind. he, too, slept through some of them (like his calishite lessons):
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Player: Perhaps that's a good thing. I'm sure they're far better students than I was... Gale: Ah, so you still remember our little lesson? devnote: A little bit bashful, it was a vulnerable moment for him Gale: 'Teaching' you was hardly an effort at all. Not like my present cohort of apprentices. devnote: Complimentary, pulling the thought back to the teaching element after getting lost in the memory of the moment Gale: They try their best, of course - when they can manage to stay awake. devnote: Not upset by this - he slept through his fair share of classes as a student Tara the Tressym: The cheek of them! Nothing a well-placed swipe from Tara can't fix, though.
2. gale offered to teach more subjects than illusion via simulacra:
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Player: Only a professor? With your expertise, I'd have thought you could teach every kind of magic going... Gale: I did offer, as a matter of fact. devnote: Secretly glad the player thinks so highly of him Gale: However, the Blackstaff insisted I couldn't teach every subject, nor could the simulacra of myself I offered to create for that purpose. devnote: Reluctantly accepts that this was the right decision Gale: So, I've settled for teaching the art of illusion. Magic to confound the senses, to render the impossible into reality, and to allow expression of that most magical attribute of all - imagination. devnote: Selling it a bit - he wants to make sure you appreciate how cool this is
3. gale has told his students about the player's adventures and will invite a player to be a guest lecturer:
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Player: I found the love of my life. I'd say I'm pretty happy. Gale: And I couldn't be happier for you. A fitting reward for the sacrifices you made in getting here. Gale: I've told my students plenty of tales about our escapades. You're something of a hero to them, you know. Gale: I'd be delighted to introduce you to my current cohort - as a guest lecturer, perhaps? I'm sure they'd have plenty of questions for you. Player: It would be my pleasure. Gale: Excellent. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the allure of sharing your expertise. Gale: Of course you'll be most welcome to stay with me in my tower- Tara the Tressym: Ahem. Gale: My apologies, Tara. That would be our tower.
4. his students find him somewhat intimidating due to his backstory with mystra and the orb:
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Gale: Well, that was quite lovely. I'm glad you're as pleased to see me as I am you. Gale: I have to say, I'm quite grateful to just be 'Gale' for the evening. Gale: I fear my students find me somewhat intimidating, due to my erm, explosive former reputation. I seem to put the fear of the gods into them. devnote: He plays up to his reputations a bit, so he isn't overly surprised Gale: Or the fear of Mystra, to be more specific. Gale: I surrendered the Crown of Karsus to her, as I told you I would. And in return, she cured me of the orb at last. Gale: Even now, I struggle to put the feeling into words. It was like exhaling for the first time, after holding my breath for so very long. Gale: Of course, I haven't clarified with my students that the orb is no longer a threat. The legend of my explosive capabilities is an excellent means of controlling a classroom. Too good, if anything.
5. he wants to teach his students that there is fun in studying magic:
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Gale: I spend most of my time trying to convince them how much fun the study of magic can be, but it'd be easier to crack a smile on an intellect devourer than some of my pupils... devnote: Despairing a little, doesn't understand why they aren't all as passionate as he was Player: Or on a mind flayer, perhaps... Gale: Smiling may no longer come easy to you, but I've seen how your tentacles twitch at my jokes. Even the ones I'm not entirely certain I was trying to make... devnote: Last sentence a tiny bit self-conscious, aware that people sometimes find him ridiculous. Gale: Still, I hoped my students might be a little more open to the playful side of such magic.
anyhow, i hope this was insightful to someone! 🖤
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deuxcherise · 4 months
Cats vs Dogs
C/w: Unhealthy behavior, probably OOC Ayato Kamisato, yandere Ayato Kamisato, fem reader, reader calls Ayato "Husband" A/n: So you know the YouTube videos where the lady pretends to nom on her kitten's ears and paws and face? Thought it would be cute~ And who better than–ahem–the Inazuman Blue-haired Dog Lover? Haven't played Genshin Impact in a long time, but I tried my best. Enjoy~
If anyone were to inquire about cats and dogs to Ayato Kamisato, he would have chosen dogs over cats. Dogs are such loyal and obedient creatures. Rarely do they bite the hand that feeds.
Like the sociable and responsible housekeeper, Thoma, who hails from Mondstadt yet found his calling here in Inazuma, working for the Kamisato clan.
It has been a long time opinion of his, and it would take a lot to change that.
“Stupid elders. Stupid omiai. Stupid Kamisato…”
A curious thing you were when he saw you for the first time. A woman from one of the branches of the “Holy Dogs”. You were picking apart a poor flower in his family’s estate’s garden, grumbling to yourself how much you hated being dressed up and paraded around like some doll. And especially how stupid he was. All the while not knowing he was standing right behind you.
When you finally realized his presence, you had quickly collected yourself and placed a mask in front of him.
“It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Kamisato. Forgive me for wondering without a chaperone. I simply could not resist the sight of such a beautiful garden,” you greet him, hiding the wilting flower behind your back, much to his amusement.
You reminded him of a cat who had just been caught waiting at the door meowing all day for its owner until the owner walked in and now was trying to play nonchalant.
You piqued his interest. So he decided to accept the proposal from your family and marry you, mostly because of pressure from the elders, but also to have at least a little bit of fun as a husband.
However, ever since you've gotten married, you've been the perfect wife. Ever meek. Ever obedient… too obedient.
Even during your honeymoon, which you had both agree not to consummate until you were comfortable (you still have to perform this duty), you were completely content with being secluded in your own room without a single visit from him, your husband. Not one complaint was delivered to him.
Ayato had thought he’d made a mistake.
“HA! HA! I WIN! SUCK ON THAT, COUSIN!” you screech, pointing at your opponent.
Ayato had spied on you from a distance as you participated in onikabuto battles with a male cousin of yours.
What a coincidence! It just so happened to be a hobby for Ayato as well. He became so excited to enjoy this hobby of his with you that he even let you choose from his collection of onikabuto to fight with.
“Oh, my apologies, Husband. I didn't mean to win…”
It irked him, how you put on your meek mask around him. That's not what he wanted. He wanted you who had shamelessly made fun of your cousin for losing multiple times in a row!
He felt he needed to up the antics.
Call your husband petty, but unbeknownst to you, he decided to ban all staff, except for Thoma and a select few female staff, from interacting with or be seen by you. He had also made sure that every breakfast, lunch, and dinner included something he was told you hated, just to see you react.
You wipe your mouth gracefully with your napkin, before you tell your husband, “Please deliver my gratitude to your staff, Husband, for providing such delicious meals every day and night.”
Besides the meals, the most you'd do was inquire where most of the staff were, since you remembered seeing many servants roaming around the first time you visited the Kamisato Estate. 
Ah… it was starting to piss him off... It occurred to him how badly he wanted to be the only one to make you react, with vile thoughts such as… getting rid of everyone. Obviously, he couldn't do that, being the Kamisato heir and all, but it was most tempting…
It was by chance, during one of his strolls outside, he had encountered the sight of a woman holding a kitten and nipping at its paws and ears for a reaction. The kitten would cutely meow and push the woman away, but never hiss or scratch.
So he decided to try that on you. Multiple times.
You gasp, hand reaching out to touch your husband's cheek, whom you had just slapped out of a fight-or-flight reaction.
Ayato holds his reddening cheek, a polite smile on his face that doesn't quite reach his gorgeous purple eyes. Which are burning with something… something that you think is vile.
Is he… is he going to kill me?
“Y-you– I must apologize, Husband! However, I had warned you! Multiple times!” you exclaim.
“Yes… I suppose you did,” he says in an even tone before placing his hands on the ground on either side of your body.
He leans over you and you lean back, putting a bit of strain on your knees since you are sitting with your legs folded between you. Your husband tilts his head. You find the discrepancy between the stormy eyes and the polite smile to be terrifying, making you quiver.
Seeing you tremble beneath him, he leans back and sits properly. “My dear wife. Please accept my sincerest apologies. I didn't mean to incur your wrath. I simply…”
Ayato trails off, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his yukata. Unbeknownst to you, he is holding himself back from laughing at how adorable you're angrily pouting at him.
Ah… finally. A reaction~
You, on the other hand, are stewing on the inside. Stupid Kamisato. Is this how the dignified heir to the Kamisato clan is supposed to act? I am the daughter of the Holy Dogs! If it wasn't for my family, I would've rejected your proposal before the elders suggested it! Ugh, you’re so weird! No wonder you barely have any staff around!
After he's collected himself, he gently places his hands on top of yours, folded properly on your lap. You want to so badly slap his hands away, indignant, but you must play the meek and obedient wife the elders said he desired. For the sake of your family.
“Is there any way I can make it up to you?” he asks.
Yeah! Lemme divorce you, you son of a– You put on a polite smile and say, “No, it's alright. You've already apologized.”
The corner of Ayato's mouth twitches slightly, almost unnoticeable. “My dear wife,” he says, ”I assure you that you can share anything with me. Your happiness, your anger, your sadness, even your bitterness. Anything. And please, feel free call me Ayato.”
You nod. “Alright. Thank you, Husband.”
Husband… It occurs to him at this moment that not once has he ever heard you call him by his name. Being your husband for about a month now, he thinks its time become a little more intimate, don't you think?
“... On second thought… Do call me Ayato from now on. I forbid you from calling me Husband ever again, unless you are referring to me while speaking to someone else.”
“Eh? Oh alright.”
Your heart skips a beat, hearing your name fall from his lips. “Y-yes, Hu– Yes?”
Oh? What is this? Is something the matter? Ayato begins to get curious.
“Yes, Hu– Yes?”
Such a cute response from you, but you aren't call him by his name, for some reason. “If I asked for you to call for me, would you?”
You nod. “Yes. Of course.”
“Alright. Call for me.”
Your eyebrows pinch together in confusion. “I… may I ask why?”
He blinks, his smile widening into what looks like a mischievous grin. “Because I have never heard you call me by my name. Now call for me. Say my name.”
You think it's ridiculous. “Okay, Hu… Ay… to,” you whisper the last syllable.
He leans forward. “Hm? What was that?”
“AY… o… This is ridiculous, Husband. Husband is proper. Calling each other by names directly is improper and…” You meant to add perverse, but at this point your face was burning with embarrassment.
“It's just once~ Come now, (Y/n). Don't tell me you're unable to call me by name now, hm?”
His teasing words jab at your ego. “F-Fine! Ay… Ay… Ayato.”
Ayato chuckles, satisfied with your reaction. For now. He pats you on the head and praises you for doing such a good job.
Between cats and dogs, Ayato Kamisato would no doubt still choose dogs. But nothing can beat the cuteness of his cat-like wife.
He can't wait to see what kind of other reactions only he can make you do…
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creative-frequency · 8 months
I would like #98. But with Gale and fem!reader if that is possible 🥰
Hopefully you don't mind some fluffy tressym with your Gale 🥰 Excuse the gif, he looked so good that I couldn't resist.
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Gale Dekarios x Reader: Neck Scratches ("I didn’t know you could do that.")
Professor Dekarios stormed out of his office almost as soon as you arrived. He offered only mumbles about ‘another catastrophe’ as he passed you in the doorway and left you with apologies and a plea that you could wait for his return in his office.
Professor Dekarios had been your favourite colleague from the moment he walked into the facility. He was witty, charming and with a lot of hands-on experience from his travels – and the stories to back them up. You absolutely adored it when he trailed off from the subject at hand and began gushing about enchanted spider meat or bargaining with an actual devil. You had some experience under your belt too, but it was nothing compared to him.
Stepping inside the familiar office room, you noticed the professor’s trusty friend. The sharp-eyed tressym stared at you from her spot in the cosy nest by the window. Her wings were tucked against her back, all paws and tail hidden from sight as she loafed in the spot of sunlight.
“Hello, Tara,” you greeted her. “Busy day for professor Dekarios?”
“How rude of him to abandon you here like this,” Tara commented, eyes narrowing, “In the middle of my midday scratches too.”
“I’ve been told I give the best neck scratches in Waterdeep,” you offered and bit your lips together to hide any escaping signs of amusement. Tara might have taken laughter about such a serious matter as an insult.
She pondered for a good while, but the jury turned in your favour: “Very well then, proceed.”
Tara craned her neck slightly. Her fur was really, really soft and you wondered if she possessed some magic to make it so or if Gale aided in taking care of her silky coat. Soon, Tara purred complacently.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” Gale commented from the doorway.
You turned to him with an inquiring smile. “Do what?”
“Purr. I didn’t know you could purr. Tara, I mean. Obviously not you,” he laughed nervously, hand flying to the back of his neck as he sought an escape from the embarrassment, “I know you don’t purr. Probably.”
“Best neck scratches in Waterdeep, indeed,” Tara cooed in, beaming at you and throwing a sideways glance at her negligent friend.
“Mm. Remind me to come to you then, the next time I need an itch scratched,” Gale said.
Your cheeks heated but you gave Tara one last scratch, which she accepted graciously, and retorted: “I’d be happy to help with your… itches, Mr. Dekarios.”
Gale made a tiny cough, having realised what he had just said.
“You’re some cat-whisperer, you know that?” He forced out a chuckle, flustered as he walked over to his desk and definitely didn’t meet your amused gaze.
“Ah. Tressym-whisperer. Apologies, Tara.”
You could barely hide your smile.
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aaron-m-geist-ff · 7 months
NOT EVEN GONNA LIE ZODIAC ASKS ARE SUCH A COOL IDEA!!! 😭 AFTER STALKING YOUR PROF- AHEM SORRY- READING YOUR WORK- couldn't resist the irresistible energy to toss my hat into the ring *wink wonk*. A-KNEE-WAYZ we're twinning- I'm a gemini tooo 🤭🔫 and honestly I would love something fluffy (tho I wouldn't say no to some smut either teeheee) life's been stressful lately :(( I'm pretty new to the fandom so I'm rather curious to see what you'll give me 👀...OH and I use she/they pronouns :))
PS: May I ask you what your favorite flower is?
PPS: Your writing is phenomenal, imma go stalk your ao3 later
Your newest supporter.
Omg your ask made me smile so much because of how absolutely unhinged it is 😂you can stalk me all you want! And I could already tell you were a Gemini just from the first sentence 🤣A-KNEE-WAYZ, I will give you what you want now!
Ps: I like white daisies and any red flower ☺️
Pps: thank you for supporting me so strongly, twin!🩷💅🏻
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You got…🥁🥁🥁
Satoru Gojo!
“Oh my god!! And then, you will never believe what happened next, my co-worker actually told me that her step daughter got cheated on! Isn’t that crazy?! I was so shocked, clutching my pearls and everything!” You continued to ramble on and on about one of your crazy stories.
Gojo sat there with his blindfold on, taking a sip of his soda as he listened patiently.
“Satoru, are you even listening to me?” You stopped telling your story all of a sudden to ask the question.
“Am I talking too much?” You asked. You were beginning to feel insecure. In the past, people used to straight up start ignoring you because of how much you talked. You really valued your boyfriend’s opinion of you and didn’t want him to end up disliking you for some reason. You couldn’t hide the concerned look on your face.
Gojo chuckled.
“Nah, baby. Talk all you want. I’m listening~”
He sounded so fucking dominant when he said that. It actually made your cheeks start to heat up. You weren’t one to get flustered easily, but having Gojo order you to talk more did stupid things to your Gemini brain.
Gojo smirked when he saw your blush. He rested his chin on his hand, leaning back on the couch.
“In fact…Come sit on my lap while you continue that story of yours.”
Gojo’s voice was so attractive to you. It made you nervous. And the idea of sitting on his lap made your heart do a flip in your chest. As a Gemini, you have a tendency to be a little too flighty. Your mind is often all over the place. Gojo enjoys being your anchor.
You sat on his lap, facing him as you straddled him. Your cheeks were flushing so much out of embarrassment. You swallowed thickly, wrapping your arms around Gojo’s neck.
“Right…So, anyway…W-where was I in the story? I think I lost my train of thought-“ you stuttered.
Gojo’s large hands moved to grip your ass. He squeezed it casually.
“Your co-worker’s step daughter got cheated on and you clutched your imaginary pearls,” he said with a short laugh.
You giggled, trying to ignore the arousal flowing through you.
“Y-yeah! Sounds about right!” You chirped cheerfully. It made you really happy that Gojo remembered those little details. He seemed to pay attention to you just like he promised. It made your heart feel warm to be appreciated in such a way.
“Ha…Y-yes…Right there, Satoru-“
You moaned quietly, your face pressed into Gojo’s neck as you rode his cock. You could feel the tip pressing into your special spot, sending little shocks of pleasure through you.
“And what happened next in the story?” Gojo teased lowly, uttering the words right beside your ear.
You whined. “Satoruuu! I can’t….ha, fuck… I can’t talk-“
You were always quite vocal during sex, and how could you not be?? Gojo fucked you too well. He chuckled at your pathetic response.
“Oh? My little Gemini can’t talk anymore? Must feel really intense, babe.”
Gojo gripped your hips as he began to fuck you from below, pushing his cock up into your tight entrance. He moaned under his breath, getting lost in the feeling as he thrusted roughly without any hesitation.
“Fuck…Gonna fill you up, princess.”
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sounknownvoid · 9 months
Sam's "puppy dog eyes" are just him,hurt or ashamed - vulnerable?
We all know (&love) sammy's "puppy dog eyes" - & thanks to dean, we've been told of its amazing powers of persuasion and influence on people... I mean look at the evidence:
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How could you possibly say no to this face?... I certainly couldn't ...but maybe that's the point - hear me out..
In "Scarecrow", Dean waxes lyrical about how his brother could give you this "look" and people would just "buy into" whatever it was he was saying at the time...
Elsewhere too, it's remarked upon, by Dean, about how no one can resist the power of the "puppy dog eyes" - thing that strikes me though is the language used - its almost framed like its a "manipulative tactic", something that Sam deliberately uses to his advantage somehow and is a weapon in his personal arsenal to disarm and influence people....ie "mere mortals" - the language is almost ominous and sinister...from dean.
Similarly when he talks about how sam is the one more easily able to coax whoever they're interviewing on cases to trust them, persuade them gently with his demeanour to divulge information that they'd perhaps otherwise not have shared...again framed almost like a "secret power" of Sam's....by Dean.
But then, watch the actual show and the actual times those 'puppy dog eyes' are shown by sam - he'd usually hurt or bewildered or ashamed and guilty and scared - yes, even soulless sam coz y'know he was still an actual person... if it IS a tactic it usually seems to be to try and get other person to stop hurting him or to show that he's hurting (the point of facial expressions) in hope the said person will stop - which BTW, note how he blanks in later seasons instead and stops showing his vulnerability any more?...
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and whenever he's been able to convince people to share information and to trust them - it's been because he employed EMPATHY n understanding and cared about the situations these "normal" people found themselves in...ie he simply treated these folks as normal human beings caught in a bad situation and showed them some consideration,thoughtfulness amd kindness.....and that's all.
Contrast to whenever dean has been on his own (or when soulless with him instead) - he has a hard edge to him and gives off some pretty angst n downright scary vibes- not too mention, he's usually pretty suspicious or scoffing at the "civvies" in his demeanour - prolonged contact with sam has taught him to moderate himself/his approach but it's not his "natural" state with folks...
And that brings me to the point I'm trying to make on this post...
What if dean, struggling with his own "complex feelings" and being unable to ever deny sam anything coz of his own love n conditioning reads Sam's wounded look as a manipulation- a way to explain away his own "weakness" ( coz remember in john & dean's world vulnerability & love is a weakness is not what a "man" does) - ie "sammy made me do it with his bewitching eyes" instead of "I love my brother so much I can't deny him anything" is more palatable to dean.... and also, because his feelings frightened him and he's scared of the (perceived) hold sam has on him - he thinks sam MUST know of his effect on dean and MUST be using it on purpose....because conflict/threat&it's defusal & disarmament of said threat or weaponising their tools/themselves, is what they do.
And then, to further justify it to himself, he points to the interviews with civilians and how sam is able to persuade them too - so it's not just him, samm DOES have these "powers of persuasion"-bordering on ahem, the supernatural...but it's just sam being a decent human to these folks...
Just like everything else Sam's been blamed for or, something ominous being made of something he does or is - maybe those "famous" puppy-dog eyes of his are just sam looking actually, genuinely hurt,wounded,betrayed? - but it's so much easier to deflect and dismiss as a manipulative tactic so that no reparations or even acknowledgements need to be made and so no accountability required to be taken - which is after all, "dean special power"?....
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it strikes me everytime, how much of our views of sam are molded and informed by dean's POV in the narrative of supernatural....
I'm beginning to wonder if we've ever actually seen sam as he was in the story at all - from an objective standpoint, let alone his own POV (which I'm sure would be far darker of himself and also inaccurate?)...
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