#but i cant get to sleep and it's already 5:30am
zarithial · 7 days
i cant sleep.
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matthewswifeee · 21 days
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In which you and Matt are waiting at the airport all day long in order to make it homme before Christmas. . . .
"Tell me what you want to eat and I will go get it (Y/n)" Matt says after asking me countless times what I wanted for breakfast as we're waiting for our flight. "I don't know" I say snapping at him and turning a few heads around us. "Don't start with the attitude" he says quietly but stern. "I don't have an attitude" I say turning away from him in my chair. "Baby" Matt says trying to turn my attention back toward him, but I just ignore his efforts.
"Flight 543B to Boston Massachusetts scheduled for 5:30am will be experiencing a delay until 9:00am" We hear them announce earning a groan from both Matt and I.
Matt and I are flying back home to Boston two days before Christmas, which means it won't be easy with all of this snow. Sure we anticipated this but it still was annoying. "I should've just cancelled my stupid meeting and we'd already be home" I say irritated at the fact that this was all my fault. We were supposed to fly back home a week ago, but I had last minute meeting to wrap up before I could go and Matt decided to stay with me instead of flying back when Nick and Chris did so that I wouldn't be alone.
"It's ok we'll get there" Matt says wrapping his arm around my waist. Matt texted his family as I did the same to let them know about our delay. "Do you want me to go get you something" Matt asks and I shake my head. We've been at the airport since 3am and I am beyond tired.
"Flight 543B to Boston Massachusetts scheduled for 9:00am will be experiencing another delay until 11:40am" They announce again that our flight is be delayed. "Fuck" I say furious as I roll my eyes and put my head in my lap.
I hear Matt's phone ringing and then immediately hear Chris on the other side. "We got delayed again" Matt tells his brother. "Till what time" Chris asks. "Almost noon" Matt says rubbing his eyes, tired. "Well the snow isn't supposed to let up until sometime tomorrow morning so you'll probably be waiting awhile" Chris informs us making me lose it. Tears start streaming down my face like someone opened the flood gates and I just can't stop.
"Chris I'll call you back" Matt says before hanging up the phone and turning his attention toward me. "Baby it's ok" Matt says rubbing my back. "No it's not... we're literally never going to make it home in time and it's all my fault" I say sobbing. "Look at me" he says tilting my chin up to look him in the eyes "It's not your fault, you can't control the weather... we'll make it home before Christmas" he says pulling me into a hug and I just cry.
"Attention, all flights scheduled for departure to the state of New York, the state of New Hampshire, the state of Maine, the state of Connecticut, the state of Vermont, and the state of Massachusetts are all canceled due to weather" the women announces over the speaker making me want to just completely break down.
"You're fucking kidding" I say loudly, we're now stuck in Washington unless we can find a flight home in the next three day. "We can go check right now to see if they have anything for the next available flights" Matt says putting his backpack on and standing. We make our way to service desk and they tell us that there is no availability until tomorrow night at 11pm. We buy the tickets and then go find another seat in the airport. "We need somewhere to sleep because we cant stay here" Matt says looking exhausted, so I pull out my phone and look for somewhere for us to sleep tonight.
We ended up ubering to a nearby hotel finally finding a little relief from this crazy day. "This has been the worst fucking day ever" I say laying next to Matt in the bed. "I know baby I know... hopefully everything will work out tomorrow" Matt says pulling me close to him.
The next morning we wake up and I see a text from Nick saying that the snow has finally stopped, thank god. We are both laying in bed when I get a notification from Delta airline, I press on it praying that it wasn't going to say that our flight was delayed or cancelled once again. "We gotta go now" I say jumping out of bed. "What" Matt says obviously confused being that we don't have to be at the airport until 9pm. "They have two spots on the next flight our, we have to be at the airport in 40 minutes" I say frantically making Matt jump up as we rush ourselves back to the airport.
"Now boarding flight 234A to Boston Massachusetts" the lady announces putting a smile on both mine and Matt's faces. "We're gonna make it" I say sitting in the airplane seat next to Matt with a smile. "I told you" he says.
We get off the plane and Matt's mom picks us up from the airport. "Hey kids" she excitedly says hugging us both. "So glad you two finally made it" she says hugging Matt again before we get into the car. "Nothing like Christmas back home" Matt says smiling as he looks out the window at all the snow.
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jacklesjaws · 1 month
the morning after - beau arlen
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warnings : sexual innuendos, reader works as a stripper, beau is touch starved, bit of sub!beau, the morning after crazy time.
words : 453
the night fell quick, beau was a light sleeper and you were a deep sleeper and the way he was sleeping, it was quick to assume that he was asleep, because of his even and slow breathing
so you decided to start getting ready for work, you slowly got out of the bed as you were stopped by a hand on your waist. “where do you think you're goin', missy?" his gruff, deep morning voice came out of nowhere. “stay ‘ere with me baby, don’t get up, S’too early.” his accent was thick when he was tired or whenever he woke up.
you giggled as the hand on your waist tightened slightly, but with a gentle touch he rubbed his hand up and down your bare back. “i have to go to work beau, i cant be late again.” you spoke with a rough voice but a gentle undertone.
beau glanced over at you as he turned his head towards your side, his half naked body still under the covers. “i know baby, but can’t we just stay in bed, i miss you already.” you rolled your eyes playfully as you turned your head towards him, “i just got up beau, we had a time last night. i still feel you.”
beau smirked as he turned on his back, his boner on full show through the covers. “you really want to leave me alone like this?” beau spoke with a rough voice, his voice starting to come off soft.
you shook your head as you glanced down at the tent in his boxers. “really beau?” beau smirked as he pulled you down back on the bed, beau then pressed kisses on your shoulder as you giggled. “beauuuu, i have to be gone soon it’s about 5:30am i have to leave around 7:40am.”
beau pouted at you, these past days he was beginning to act very submissive towards you. you stared at him as you eventually got up out of the bed, beau was casually admiring your beauty. “babe, you have to get up too because you’re the sheriff, you gotta be a good guy and save people.” beau smiled gently at you as your words sunk in.
beau rolled his eyes as he sighed before stepping out of the bed, the tent in his boxers showed but you remained calm as you kept your eyes on his face. “you go get in the shower and ill get your stuff for work.” you smiled warmly at his gentle tone. you then walked into the bathroom and got into the shower, beau was down stairs getting your stuff for work, while he also flipped the kettle on, making himself a cup of coffee.
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akiitos · 2 years
hru :D i hope ure healthy and well (unlike me/hj)
Uhhhh anyways! If possible, could I request a Toya, Akito, Rui, and Tsukasa (separate obv) with a gn reader who literally cannot sleep with 1) something in their arms, and 2) atleast something the reader can hear (whether itd be music, a normal conversation, a tv playing, anYTHING)
Also heres two little scenarios if you have a hard time trying to figure out what to do with this request: 1) them cuddling their s/o while either singing or just talking with the reader, or maybe just a song playing or a channel going off on the tv. 2) when they get home at like 10pm they just find the reader sleeping with a squishmallow and a spotify playlist going off from their phone. Or 3) after they finish talking to someone on the phone, they go to theirs' and s/o's shared room just to find them sleeping peacefully with a squishmallow (next thing they know its because they were talking to someone on the phone)
Uhh if your requests are closed, you can just ignore this (or delete it), and if you feel as if you cant do this, feel free to once again, ignore or delete
Alright I should uhh prolly go now it's 4:20am here and I'm supposed to be awake by 6:30am (not like im gonna sleep honestly)
Alrighty, uhhh, byebhe have a nice day/night
(also im sorry if it's a lil disorganized to you)
project sekai boys x gn!reader
summary: you tend to fall asleep when you're cuddling something, and if youre listening to something!
;; hcs style
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@ toya aoyagi
• you were literally SO tired but toya was over and it was insane. so you just got your favorite plush and hugged it as he left the room for a bit
• but uhhh you wanted something to be listening to aswell
• so you just got out your phone, played the shared playlist that you and him have and just shut your eyes in a soft bliss
• after a few minutes, he walked into your room and had almost no reaction-
• i mean, he was pretty suprised that you fell asleep this quick.
• he kissed your cheek and ran his cold hands against your warm body lovingly
• he tried going near you without waking you up, and probably fell asleep too tbh
• cute.
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@ akito shinonome
• he knew of your habits beforehand, and didn't seem to care
• so, he wasn't suprised when you asked him to call you in the middle of the night so you can sleep
• he pretended to be annoyed, but still agreed to it anyway.
• it was like 12 am and you asked if he could talk about his day, or tell stories
• he did, and honestly...
• best experience ever. may ask again!
• if you do end up falling asleep on call with him, he'll go on mute and admire you (NOT IN A WEIRD WAY)
• he'd fall asleep after you.
• he's so ahhhhhebsnka
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@ rui kamishiro
• sort of like akito, you'd mostly call/face time him if he couldn't be with you at the moment
• if he notices you cant sleep, he'll ask if you'd want to call -- if you say yes, then he'll happily obliege.
• he'll talk about anything. literally anything
• mostly about his inventions, though
• he's one of the best people to go to for this, since his voice is so relaxing. like wtf??
• if he notices you're asleep, he'll either stay on call- or hang up and send you a sweet text message.
• he doesnt mind calling you whatsoever, and actually enjoys it, since he likes having someone to rant to.
• rly helpful! 5☆ ratingg
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@ tsukasa tenma
• ok. here this boy goes
• he likes buying you plushies, and everytime you sleep with them, it reminds you of him
• you like sleeping over at his house, as he likes sleeping over at your house too.
• no matter whose house, he'll be really good at talking
• he can talk about ANYTHING. when i say anything, i mean ANYTHING
• be it his sister, his life, hell- he'll even talk about you!
• when he does talk to you, he has the calm voice that soothes you to sleep
• fallen asleep already? ah, too bad, i wasnt done yet, he says as he kisses your forehead and lays down beside you
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Reading final battle aftermath fics (so good btw) and they always go right back inside but i cant help but remember my night time dorm fire alarm experiences. like half the school was on fire. So heres how i think it happened: The staff and students were standing out there in the woods until they got the all clear from the firefighters at like 3am. Half of them are asleep in the leaves already and have to be woken up. The police cars were slashed but not other emergency services so they prob have several ambulances they make the students go up to to get checked out. A ton of students are probably too scared to sleep or their half of the school caught on fire so a significant portion of them are sleeping out in the hallways together. Enid is covered head to toe in mud and dirt and dried blood which she must feel pull on her skin every time she moves or speaks. Wednesday got stabbed twice and her blood probably glued her clothes to her skin.
So both girls got checked by the paramedics and the only places they're clean is the areas they were bandaged (poor Enid was naked she must've been embarrassed). Enid and Ajax fell asleep in the leaves and after Wednesday gave her police statement she went to go sit with them and she let a half asleep Enid hold her hand, Enids other one in Ajax's or Thing's. They finally get the all clear to go in and the girls are tripping over the people already set up in the hallway and they finally get to the room. Enid needs to shower but she's too scared to be alone in a room by herself so she drags Wednesday to the bathroom with her. Its 3:30am and Wednesday wants to go to bed but Enid slips her head out of the shower curtain every two minutes to look around for danger so its taking forever. Enid stays in the bathroom when Wednesday showers because she doesnt want to be alone, which turns out to be a good thing because as she's blow drying her hair she can hear Wednesday try to peel her shirt off and she's already in the shower trying to wet the blood so she's banging her elbows into the wall and reluctantly lets Enid help her. They clammer into bed but shadows keep scaring Enid despite her literally winning a battle with a hyde 5 hours ago so she straight up pushes her bed until it's next to Wednesday's. Wednesday crosses the line and grabs Enid's hand again. And thats how they fall asleep.
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qumiiiquinnquin · 1 year
its only been 2 weeks but i just dont feel like i can do this.
its really stressful. the workload is always high. having a break isn't really a thing. and with how bad my schedule is (that i could not do anything about) i have to wake up extremely early (5-5:30am) and i come home in the evening (also 5-5:30 but pm). and i just have to dedicate that time to homework and i know there's going to be lots of all-nighters
i have no time to eat. im tired all the time. focusing on work is difficult in general, but my lack of eating and sleep make it worse. and while i know the exercise is good for me, having to walk a mile each way to and from home and all my walking on campus makes me very tired and sore. (im so petty)
i know im being overdramatic because its only been 2 weeks. but it gets worse from here on out. im really stressed and anxious all the time. and ive already broken down a few times. i want to cry right now because im under so much stress, but people are awake so i cant.
its so petty. i want to give up now and i keep contemplating, i thought about going to the rooftop and. well. you know. i want to drop out now but that would upset my family a ton (also its only been 2 weeks!!!). but i dont really like my family's idea that if they went to college and got their degrees, so can i. they all went to college so thats what was encouraged of me to do too after i graduated high school. and this is just community college. if im barely hanging on in community college id be dead by now in a uc or cal state, either one im planning to transfer to once im done at community college...
i knew i wasnt cut out for college. i knew it since before applying. i keep telling myself this is only until december. and when i register for the spring term i can hopefully form a much better schedule so im not stressed out and loaded with work all the time and i can actually take care of myself. so im trying to keep moving forward. but its only now september. i have 13 more weeks. and if these first two weeks were enough to kick my ass then im fucked for the rest of the semester. and probably my entire time at college.
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number1weirdo2010 · 4 months
The Prison of education
hey guys ! so i am if you don't already know a Non-binary , bisexual , dyslexic and autistic person . I want to be a writer of some sort in my spare time so I decided to practise on tumblr . please no hate Im trying my best and trying to share my experence of bulling and homophobia while expresing my imagination thru characters anyway thanks for reading and any requests or advise on writing please don't hesitate to ask !
!!! warning: mention of su!c!de thoughts , bullying : !!!!!
im going to write this in the first person but i will be changing a few names for privacy purposes!
5:30am alarm is blaring , i can feel the damp whether without even looking out the curtain it's time to get out of my bed . which for me is one of the hardest tasks of the day as all i want to do i stay in my warm, comfortable bed and sleep away any of my worry's . Although I know i cant do that . My legs are heavy like 50 pound weights , my head is banging and throbing with a headache that feels like a strong wave forcing me back down to the pillow . I have to resit . I look in the mirror and instantly feel this rage of gender dismorphia , ARE YOU A GIRL , ARE YOU A BOY , PICK A SIDE , U DONT DESERVE TO LIVE . i force my self to block it out with the blast of music in my headphones . i pick up my toothbrush , on goes the toothpaste and into my mouth . some people don't like the mint flavor , i hate it but some times i feel like i deserve the burn . I put on some shorts and a baggy t-shirt , trainers on and out for a run by 6:00am.
home a 7:00am still hate the way i look but i have no more time to work on it now i have to shower and pack my things for school. Now second battle of the day breakfast or no breakfast ? It's the only thing i can control , to make myself look thin or more masc at this point I do not know so to make my life slightly easier i skip it . I kiss my mum on the head tell her Im ok and that i will see her later . i open and close my door , hands shaking i lock using my old , rusty key . choking back tears i think un my head what will they say today , my hair ? The way i wear my uniform ? What bag i choose to wear ? my sexuality ? my gender confusion ? the reading book ? what i eat ? the list goes on . standing at the gate , there it is .
The Prison of Education .
greeted by the teachers i put on my mask , my virtual mask , a smile. time for form , i can just about stand up let alone walk to the 3rd floor. I must not let anyone know how i feel so . I smile.
i open my form room door slowly to be greeted with a perverted form room teacher , laughter and sniggering . I suddenly feel overwhelmed as if i want to die on the spot as if i want the floor to eat me whole as if i didn't exsist so that these bully's wouldn't have to put them selfs out to bully me . there i go again trying to make THERE lives easy with me not in it . i sit down in my seat , sweating , holding my breath as if if i exhale ill be shot on the spot which at this point i wish would happen . time passes while i feel like im going to pass out . i can feel them staring at me , all of them there judgemental eyes trying to figure out what i am . well i don't even know myself . 2 lessons pass and now its break time and ofcorse as i step out the classroom there they all are , all 13 of them . im backed into a corner where i am verbally , mentally abused but hey it's just me im fine i should be used to it by now . the minuetes go by i feel trapped until i finally break down . crying , i can't breathe , alone .
finally the end of the day all i want to do is go home and lay under the covers . I know i cant , i have to help my mum she has enough to worry about DON'T TELL HER but i know she will make me feel better either way .
a bit of time with my mum later and im back in the same place . the mirror , judgeing , hating on myself but hey tommorow is a new day right a new day of struggles .
the end... For now .
thanks so much guys for reading i understand it's a bit dark and i do apologise but i wanted to spread awarness or bulling and the affects of it on surtain people please dont hate on puntuallity and spelling im trying my best many thanks
Heidi (liam xoxo ) !
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blackvail22 · 1 year
9/24/23 — 1:10am
theres a lot that happened within the past two days its insane. on the 22nd, i had to train this new associate for the whole day. he's rlly nice, and he's fun to talk to. he caught on really quick! im excited to work with him
also, that same day, i got back with my ex!!! it could be a dumb decision (because this is the 3rd time) but i really want things to work out. again, no one is going to know besides you... and... my coworkers, but thats different
the coworker that gave me his number, he gave me a note at work that says "im awkward so i dont know how to say this out loud, but i like you" and then taped a soda tab on it (it was the "hug" meaning one, which... i dont like but could be worse). so! ive told the new associate i have a boyfriend. im going to tell them i have a boyfriend, but im telling those im closest to at work that its because i dont want my worker to hit on me anymore
if he keeps going after that, i have to report him. im not letting someone get away with that, not this time.
i have to start standing up for myself... im just scared because of that teenager who got killed because she rejected her (adult) co-worker, im afraid its going to be me. this is the reason i dont like hearing abt death.
on another note, back to abt my boyfriend....
im writing this as soon as i ended the call with him. i miss him already. i wonder how and why my brain changes how i react to things because of a label. i feel so clingy. i want to talk to him more. he does make me happy, and i hope i make him happy too
oh, i also bought this candle... its supposed to "smell like london" and it says the scent is "afternoon biscuits and tea" so thats nice. i bought it to think of you, nd its nice that the color of the candle matches my room
oh last thing ! i took my permit drivers test and i passed it! feels so surreal because i never thought i was ever gonna end up driving but here we are lol
anyways i like this song
6:06am —
dude i couldnt fall asleep until like 4:30am and my mom woke me up at 5:30, screaming at me to find something i didnt have!!! i found it! and it was in her bag, a place she didnt look (because she only looked one place!!!!!!) at least i can sleep now, but idek if i can do that because i feel awake now. im going to sob. FUVKKK I HAVE A HEADACHE AND SINUS PAIN NOW IM GOING TO CRY DUDE. and the fact that she walked up the stairs to scream at me (she never walks up the stairs)???? ooo. im so mad bro! like im going to wake up whenever i have my alarms set and im going to punch a wall because i cant sleep without getting interrupted. IM PISSED TF OFF NOW bevause i havent had adequate sleep since my last off day (a week ago) and i dont have a lot of sleep for tomorrow because i have to wake up at 6am for an appointment thats 2hrs away. sure, ill sleep in the car, but with my mom? she wont let it happen. and i dont have another off day untl thursday, and i cant sleep in for that one either becahse i have another goddamn appointment in the morning. like, is this what being an adult is? being harrassed by coworkers, never having enough sleep, never able to fall asleep.... it cant be cause those all haopened when i was a teenager too. stuck in that cycle, though, and i cant wait for that cycle to finally end.
bad things always tend to happen to me. is it because i bring bad energy? AHHHHHHH i just need to scream cry
i am going to try to sleep now. I've rambled on for way too long
been incredibly sad today. i think it was my lack of sleep, or maybe it was my mom yelling at me and waking me up. still, my heart feels so ... heavy. i cant help but feel bad for people who love me. if i was them, i would choose anyone else to love endlessly. im undeserving of it all, anyway. i dont feel happy tonight. i hope tomorrow's better. i dont know what changed and made me feel this way because when i woke up and went to work, everything was fine until half way through my shift. it didnt really effect me, but them saying "oh, fun's over.. [my name]'s in a bad mood again.. everyone get away" keeps playing in my mind. it didnt affect me then, so i dont know why i keep thinking about it
i just want to fit on my roof and look at the moon, but its been rising really early so i dont think ill be able to see it now. ill watch some livestreams from space of the earth/the moon instead. something to comfort me while listening to music. i havent been able to watch any videos all the way through recently.. havent even been able to watch those gaming streams i like. hopefully ill feel better before i go to sleep
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esteban-moved · 6 years
good god i feel awful
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aka-a-shii · 4 years
Day Out || Akaashi K.
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Akaashi x F!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: nothing just fluffiness :3
a/n: i am so sorry that this took so long ㅠㅠㅠㅠ i had been caught up with work and studying but here’s the last piece for the Oya Oya Dads Squad. i hope you love and enjoy this one.. thank you for your patience! 😘
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the sun rays peeked through the blinds illuminating Akaashi’s peaceful sleeping face, you slowly bent over to his side and planted a soft kiss onto his cheek.
“wake up, sleepyhead”
Akaashi groaned in response as his eyes started to flutter open. he squints his eyes as the sunlight reflected on his gunmetal blue orbs.
“good morning, angel.” he greeted huskily as sleep still evident in his voice.
you gently press a kiss on his lips as he smiled thru the kiss.
“why are you still here? isn’t your appointment by 9am?” he inquired when he pulled away as his eyes landed on the clock at the bedside table indicating its already 8:30am.
you smiled at him. “Keita was kinda cranky when he woke up earlier so i had to tuck him back to bed again.”
he got up from the bed and wrapped his arms around you, his hands resting on your baby bump.
“you should go now or you will be late.” he stated. you gently placed your hand above his as you reached your free hand to ruffle his hair.
“will you be okay without me?” you asked.
he tightened his hold onto you and nuzzled his face onto the crook of your neck. “of course, princess. so don’t worry and just relax.” Akaashi reassures you.
he walks you to the front door and with a final hug and a gentle kiss on your lips, you left for your appointment.
Akaashi then trotted towards the kitchen to make breakfast for him and keita, he wore his midnight blue apron and reached for the ingredients from the pantry.
he was mixing the batter when he heard little padding of footsteps towards the kitchen, when he turned around, he saw his 4y/o toddler clutching his owl blankie on one hand and his owl plushie on the other.
“good morning, bud! you hungry?” he greets his son.
Keita gently nodded as he rubbed sleep from his eyes. “where’s mommy?” he asked.
“mommy went out to see the doctor.” Akaashi replied as he mixed the batter. he was then responded with silence and when he turned to face his son, he was met by keita’s glassy eyes.
“i-is mommy sick?” his voice almost cracking. Akaashi then turned the stove off and rushed towards the boy and scooped him up. “sshhh don’t cry.” he wiped the tears on his son’s cheek. “mommy is not sick, okay? she just went for a check up to see if the baby is growing healthy in her tummy.” he shushed his son.
“m-mommy and the b-baby will be o-okay?” he sniffled against his dad’s chest. “yes of course! mommy and baby are strong.” Akaashi reassures him.
once he had calmed down, he placed him on his chair and ruffled his hair. “why don’t we eat breakfast first then we’ll go meet mommy later?” Keita nodded enthusiastically in response as Akaashi went back to finishing the pancakes.
they happily munched on their breakfast, basking with each other’s presence as they planned their trip for later. Keita being excited to go out on a day-out with his dad after so long.
Keita was Akaashi’s pride and joy. he was so ecstatic when you came home one day with the news of being pregnant with your first child. as keita grew, Akaashi had already thought about having a second child which is why baby number two is on its way. Akaashi himself knew that being an only child is somewhat lonely and he doesn’t want Keita to feel the same as he grow older.
after getting ready, Akaashi finally adjusted Keita’s owl hat and headed out of your humble abode.
“where do you wanna go first?” Akaashi asked as he placed Keita on the car seat at the back of his car.
your son looked so enthralled as he spoke with enthusiasm. “bookstore!”
Akaashi lets out a chuckle and ruffle his son’s hair. “okay buddy.”
the drive to the bookstore was short yet the father and son duo enjoyed every bit of it. and as Akaashi led his son inside, he didn’t missed how sparkles on Keita’s eyes glistened at awe. “daddy! books! lots of them!” he excitedly grabbed his father’s sleeve as he pulled him to the children’s books section.
Keita got his love for books from Akaashi and its not the only thing he got from him. he was exactly the splitting image of Akaashi Keiji, from the gunmetal blue eyes, to the messy jet black hair and even the little mannerism of fidgeting his fingers when anxious. all good genes inherited from Akaashi.
they stopped in front of one of the bookshelves and keita took a book. he showed it to his dad with stars emitting from his eyes that definitely matches his dad’s. “do you want to get that one?” Akaashi asked and Keita nods furiously. “don’t you want more?” he added and keita just shook his head and gazed on the book he’s holding. “i just want this one daddy!” he beamed. the book keita took was a picture book of “The Little Prince”, you personal favorite. and at an early age, Keita had begun reading as one of his past time activities. you would tell him the story from hours to end and it never fails to amaze him. which is why he grew to love the story of “The Little Prince” as well.
as soon as Akaashi took the book, they roamed each aisle in the bookstore, scanning some new releases that might caught your husband’s liking. and when he found a book they went to the cashier and paid for their purchase. the old lady behind the cashier took notice that Akaashi brought his son. “he looks exactly just like you.” she commented and handed him their books. “he surely does!” he replied with a big smile on his face and took their books. the both of them bid their goodbyes to the old lady and headed to their final stop to meet you.
its was a warm and cozy cafe where you and Akaashi had your first date during highschool. the place held so many memories with you and your husband, and now with your little family. they settled on a booth near the window where your regular spot is. Akaashi sipping his coffee as Keita downed his blueberry crepes. the chiming bells caught their attention as you made your way into the cafe. waddling with your 5-month belly to their booth, Akaashi immediately stood up and guided you, placing a kiss on top of your head. “how was the check up?” he inquired and sat you on the chair besides his. “the doctor said she’s growing healthy and we have nothing to worry about.” you reached for Keita’s hair and ruffled it. “she also said that i just need to continue taking the supplements for the both of us.”
Akaashi smiled at that. “that’s good to hear.” and he rubbed your belly gently. turning your attention to your son, you asked him how his day went with his dad. “daddy bought me a book! let’s read it when we get home mommy!” he excitedly stated. “read it to me and my baby sister!” and that made the baby girl in your tummy to kick which made you jolt for a second. Akaashi noticed this and asked you if you’re okay. “the baby kicked!” you said and immediately the worry washing away from your husband’s handsome face. Keita jumped out from his seat and rushed towards you. “mommy are you okay?” concern all over his face. you reassured him you were and that his sister just moved in your tummy.
you gently reached for his tiny hand and placed it on your belly where his baby sisster kicked. and with that, the baby in you kicked again and Keita definitely felt it on how his eyes widened as a big smile plastered over his face. “the baby is moving!” he exclaimed. which made you and Akaashi to laugh.
Akaashi stood up and volunteered to order for you, while you and Keita stayed and continued to talk about their trip to the bookstore. Keta told you about the nice old lady back there who was so nice to him and how he is really excited to read the book with you when you get home. despite being the splitting image of your husband, Keita’s personality was more like you, bright and jolly, but sometimes he also act like his father which makes him a mixture of you both.
Akaashi approaches your booth with a tray in his hands, a cup of chai tea and a slice of blueberry cheesecake just like you wanted. you muttered a thanks as he slides back to his his seat enjoying the company of his two most favorite persons in the world. a smile grazing his handsome features as he gazed lovingly at the two of you, slowly he reached for your and gently stroke the wedding band adorning your finger. oh how lucky he was to be your husband he thought, and he can’t help the swelling of his when you locked eyes with him and smiled back at him. he would never exchange anything in this world for what he has now and what the future holds for him and his little family.
Akaashi mouthed a soft “i love you” and held your hand tighter, reciprocating his gestture, you then gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“i love you too.”
you and Keita is his universe that he’s ever grateful to have.
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Taglist: @whootwhoot @tsvvkki @mirikusashes @curiouslilbeast @saku-kun @chesley-cant-deal @clara-geekhime @michelepiekenma @raineedayze @kellesvt @lollypop-lam @kyomihann @doodleniella @akasuns
strikethrough = can’t be tagged
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Ocean Eyes - Part 11
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A/N- OMG i finally updated!!
Please like/comment/share if you like this. Seeing that people are actually enjoying this fic makes me wanna write more lol 💕💕
I got next to no sleep, i just laid in bed going over and over the things Chris had said....was he being serious?? or was it the alcohol talking??
Finally giving up on sleep at 5:30am i got up and dressed and decided i needed to talk to someone about all this. When i went downstairs i made a cup of tea and grabbed Chris's coat from the back of the chair then headed outback, Dodger following behind me.
I walked down to the pool area and sat down at the table and chairs that were next to it where i was far enough away from the house to have a private conversation. I unlocked my phone smiling at the photo of Chris, Scott and Mason before scrolling to my recent contacts and hitting call.
"Hello" she answered after two rings.
"Hey ma, i didnt wake you did i?"
"No sweetheart, you know me I've been up since 5am"
"Thats because you're crazy" i chuckled.
"why are you up this early? This is very unlike you"
"Ive not really slept..... mom something happened with Chris last night and i'm kinda freaking out...."
"Oh god please tell me you haven't slept with him already....."
"No! Jesus Ma...."
"Thats good, so what happened?"
"Well after Mason went to bed last night i stayed up with Chris and Scott, we had a few drinks and just hung out you know? Everything was fine until Scott went to bed" i started explaining shaking my head, i told her all about Chris ending things with his girlfriend, about him getting jealous about Derek and then i dropped the kicker.... Chris confessed to still loving me and wanting a second chance!
"Wow, thats alot to take in"
"Tell me about it! Ive been up all night going over it again and again"
"So what did you tell Chris?"
"I just said that we needed to talk about this when we were both sober. I mean he could wake up and forget he even said any of this to me last night"
"Would you still bring it up if he does forget?"
"I don't know Ma, i don't know what to do"
"Only you can answer that, i can't tell you the right thing to do here baby. All i know is that you have loved that man since i can remember, even when he left and broke your heart you still loved him"
"You love who you love right?.... i just feel like an idiot" i mumbled picking at the sleeve of Chris's coat nervously.
"You're not an idiot"
"I feel like one!"
"Just talk to him, take things slow.... maybe use this time together to get to know eachother again before you decide on anything. Also, just remember this effects Mason now"
"Thats what makes it worse ma" i quickly wiped away a tear that rolled down my face, Dodger came over putting his face in my lap and i smiled as i scratched behind his ear. When i looked up my breath caught when i saw Chris slipping out the sliding door and heading my way.
"Shit, he's coming over.... i gotta go Ma. I'll call you later"
"Okay sweetheart, good luck.... deep breaths, i love you"
"Love you too, bye".
I locked my phone and placed it on the table before wrapping Chris's coat tighter around me. Dodger spotted Chris and went bounding over to him excited to see him up and about.
"Morning, you're up early" he said before sitting in the chair beside me.
"Morning, i couldn't sleep. Thought id call my mom to check in"
"All the way out here?"
"Its early i didn't want to wake anyone up" i shrugged picking up my tea taking a mouthful.
"You sure thats all it was?"
"You're not hiding from me after last night?" He raised his eyebrows at me questioningly.
"So you remember what you said last night?"
"Of course, i wasn't that drunk" he scoffed reaching for my tea and helping himself to a few mouthfuls.
"Im not hiding, just.... thinking"
"About what the fuck i'm supposed to do!"
"Do you love me?" He suddenly asked making me look up at him, into those eyes.... damn him!
"Do you still love me? Its a simple question babe"
"Its not a simple answer Chris" i shrugged "i mean of course i do but i just..... the way you treated me before.... how do i know that wont happen again?"
"It wont i promise! I know how bad i messed up...."
"You say that now but i can't help but worry about you changing your mind.
You broke my heart when you left me and now we have Mason to think about.... i don't want him getting hurt if this doesn't work out again".
"So your answer's no? You wont give me a second chance?" He asked sadly his eyes tearing up, i forgot how emotional he could get.
"Maybe we should just spend this time together, get to know each other again and go from there?" I said taking my mom's advise.
"So you're not ruling it out completely? Its not a hard no?"
"Im saying maybe, just... baby steps" i smiled over at him and he nodded smiling back at me as he reached over and took my hand.
"I promise you i wont let you down again, i wanna be the man you deserve and the dad that Mason deserves"
"Id like that a lot, even though i hated you for what you did... i still missed you"
"I know, i missed you too"
"Lets go in im freezing" i said getting up, Chris was suddenly standing and pulling me into his arms holding me tight.
"Chris..." i mumbled into his chest as my hands landed on his waist.
"Im sorry i just needed to hold you"
I sighed and wrapped my arms around him... as nervous as this made me it felt so good to be in his arms again.
"I'll make things right again i promise" he mumbled pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
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The weeks were flying by and we were all still in lockdown, it was now May and there was no sign of anything changing just yet.
Chris was doing a lot of online interviews to promote his new show 'Defending Jacob', when these video chats took place Scott and I made sure to take Mason to another part of the house so he wouldn't interrupt.
Things with Chris and I had been going good, we wouldn't act any differently around Mason but once he was in bed we'd snuggle on the sofa.... we'd shared a few kisses here and there but thats as far as it had gone.
"Mom can we take Dodger for a walk?" Mason came running in from the backyard with Dodger diving on the sofa next to me.
"You better go ask your dad buddy"
"Dad!!!!" Mason yelled loudly making me laugh.
"Why are you yelling?? i'm right here" Chris said walking in from the kitchen with coffee's. Mason chuckled cuddling up to me suddenly going all silly.
"Why you getting all shy?" I asked as i run my fingers through his hair.
"I don't know" he mumbled hiding his face against me, Chris sat down next to him and picked him up pulling him into his lap.
"Whats up pal? Why was you calling me?"
"Mom said i had to ask you if we can take Dodger for a walk"
"Sure we can! Why don't you go get your shoes on and grab Dodgers leash while your mom and i finish our coffee then we'll go"
"Yes!! thank you dad!" Mason wriggled down from Chris's lap and run upstairs to the room he'd been staying in.
"Maybe it'll wear him out enough that he has a nap, kid has too much energy!" I said looking over at Chris.
"He loves walking Dodger thats all"
"So do i but not this much! Poor Dodge is probably begging for a rest!"
"He's fine, we'll just walk up the road a bit throw the ball around... we don't have to be gone long"
"I guess"
"You coming with us?"
"Yeah why not".
We walked Dodger as promised and let him and Mason run around playing fetch. Chris took me by surprise by grabbing hold of my hand pulling me close enough to kiss me.
"Hey! We said not in front of Mace...."
"He's not looking its fine" he laughed "so, i was thinking maybe you could stay in my room tonight?"
"And what if Mason catches us??"
"We'll say we're having a sleepover" he smirked.
"You're terrible!"
"You didn't say no though" he wriggled his eyebrows at me.
"I didn't say yes either. Mace, come on Bud we're heading back" i called out stepping away from Chris even though all i wanted to do was pounce on him!
As i looked over to where Mason and Dodger were playing i spotted a familiar car parked across the street outside of the gated area.
"You've got to be shitting me....."
"Whats wrong?"
"Thats Brian's car out there"
"What?!!! Are you sure?"
"Im gonna kick this guys ass i swear to god...." Chris said as he started to storm towards Brian, i quickly grabbed his arm pulling him back.
"Lets just go back inside, call the police. I don't want you getting into trouble over that jackass. Just get Mason and Dodger and lets go. He cant get in here"
"Okay.... okay lets go" he whistled for Dodger who came bounding over followed by an out of breath Mason and we walked back up to the house locking ourselves safely inside while Chris called and reported Brian.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
@jakiki94 @torntaltos @my-dearest-agent @buchanansebba @ms-betsy-fangirl
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miyaniacs · 4 years
Mafia AU - Bokuto x fem!reader
The next day 
Chapter 2 - At the Club ; Index ; masterlist
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Saturday 9 am 
Your whole body hurts.
Your head is even worse.
Suddenly the events of last night hit you and you freak out, quickly opening your eyes. 
“Heyy hey. It’s fine, you’re okay.” You look around the unfamiliar room, searching for the source of the voice. 
“Hey, Y/N - It’s me.” Bokuto sits down next to you, wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder pulling you in. 
Bokuto. Right. 
You look around the room. You’re sitting on a bed, king size, there are windows all over the one side of the room, with a breathtaking few over the city. You look down and tug on the T-Shirt you’re wearing. 
“That’s mine.. I thought it’d be more comfortable for you to wear while sleeping - OH don’t worry. I haven’t done anyone to you or saw anything. My eyes were closed the whole time!AND I SLEPT ON THE COUCH!  He blushes?
“T- Thank you” you finally menage you stutter, “is this.. your home?” 
“Yes.. It was nearer to the Club and I didn’t want you to stay blacked out in my car for too long.” He scratches his head, “ Do you want some coffee?”
You nod and he gets up, “feel free to take anything you need out of the bathroom or my closet if you’re cold.” He smiles gently and leaves but quickly turns around to add “Your purse is over there” he gestures to the nightstand, “I haven’t opened it, but your phone is vibrating the whole time.” You smile at him and he leaves. 
Thank god he hasn’t seen the gun or the two phones. You quickly grab your phone. 
8 missed calls form Tosh.
13 messages form Tosh 
6 from Kageyama. 
4 from your friends.
You quickly text your friends that you’re with a guy so they don’t bother you anymore and then open up the messages from Ushijima. 
From: Tosh 
Y/N. Where are you? 
Why don’t you answer your phone. 
Y/N. I’m getting worried.
Kags told us that they found a body near the Nest. 
More like pieces of a body.
No one knows if its male or female 
I was at your apartment. You’re not there??
Okay i check the other flats. 
Y/n.. please answer. Please. 
I’m freaking out. 
Just tell me your alive 
To: Tosh 
Omg I’m so sorry, I cant talk rn I’m at Bokuto rn. Some guy drugged me and he took care of me. I’ll call you as soon as I’m at the flat again. 
You put your phone away and made your way to the door, you assume has to lead to the bathroom. 
You put off the T-shirt and your panties, you haven’t worn a bra with the dress in the first place, and hop under the shower.
As the hot water runs down your body you mind starts to get normal again. The dizziness fades and all the memories form last night hit you again. 
You just now really realise how dangerous the situation you were in was. 
What if they put one and one together?
It would be your dead body which the police is trying to identify at the moment and probably failing to identify from what you heard about the Jackals. 
The tears start welling up in your eyes and you run down your cheeks. 
You don’t know how long your stood there when you finally hear a knock on the door. 
“Hey Y/N? Are you okay?” You hear Bokuto’s voice from the other side of the door. 
Turning off the water you answer “yes I’m fine, sorry I’m getting ready now” you walk out of the shower and wrap yourself in the big fluffy towel he previously laid down for you. It smells like honey and you’re actually wondering what washing powder he uses. Putting the towel up to your face you inhale the smell, remembering that you smelled some sort of honey back in the club when you were pressed against Bokuto.  It was kind of comforting and immediately made you feel save when you smelled it back then. 
Hell put yourself together y/n. You scroll yourself, You are working for the opposite gang. You should feel save with him. He’d kill you in no time when he finds out that you are a spy.
Taking some deep breaths you pull the towel tighter around yourself and open up the door. 
Bokuto is standing over at the window front watching the city. 
The sun is illuminating his face, making his skin glow and his eye look as if they are made of pure gold. The way his chest moves up and down when he breaths, stretching the fabric of his shirt with every breath he takes. 
You watch him for way too long. The water from your still wet hair dripping on the ground, leaving a small puddle. 
You tiptoe next to him and your eyes wander over the town.
“It looks so peaceful form up here, right?” He comments. 
You nod your head, realising that he isn’t looking at you, you quickly add a small “yes”. 
Bokuto’s gaze moves over to you, “ Are you okay?” He asks. 
You look up to him “Yes I am.” you smile. “No. I’m serious Y/N. I heard you crying, your eyes are still red. You can talk to me okay?” He says, now fully tuned to around to face you, his hands grabbing yours. 
You look down at your hands, which are so small and delicate compared to his. Those hands, the same hands that made you feel save when you thought you were going to die. Those hands, that saved you from falling to the ground as you blacked out. Those hands, you felt stocking your head at night. 
You press your lips together as you feel your eyes getting teary again. Whats wrong with you god damn. You’ve never been a cry baby. You need to get out of here as soon as possible. 
Why is he so nice to me? you ask yourself as he pulls you into his chest, his arms protectively wrapped around you as you feel the tears run down your cheeks. 
That’s not how it’s supposed to be. 
He’s in the Mafia. 
He can kill you right now if he wants to. 
Why am I letting my guard down. 
Why is he so different with me? 
It’s like he’s a totally different person from the one in the club. 
You feel yourself melt into the hug as he presses a kiss onto your head.
You quickly push yourself off of him and grab your dress and purse walking back into the bathroom to change. 
“Y/N - I’m sorry I -“ you shut the door. 
Within 5 minutes you’re dressed and already walking to the front door. 
“I’ll call a taxi, sorry for bothering you.” You apologise and hurry out of the door, before he can get a chance to answer you. 
Saturday 12 am 
You walk down the streets, trying to sort out your thoughts, coming to the conclusion that this is all the fault of the drug that is still in your blood. There is no other explanation, there can’t be. 
Pulling out your phone you call Ushijima.
After the second ring he answers. 
“Y/N. You are okay right? I SWEAR if this guy touched you I will kill him.”
“Tosh, I’m fine don’t worry, can you pick me up?” 
“I’m already in the car, text me your location” he hangs up. 
You sent him your current location and wait for the familiar sound of his car. 
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taglist (open) : @kageyamasbraincell , @theduvetpirate , @tendouthighs ,  @lilacshouko​ @softhourswithseb​ @theperksofcoffee​
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xplrvibes · 4 years
Yes a sleep stream is one is in which you sleep and people donate and watch you sleep its pretty genius.
JC did a sub-a-thon which means he starts the clock at a certain number and for every donation or subscription, the clock increases and he cant get off til it reaches 0. His sub-a-thon lasted 24hrs he just ended it a few minutes ago and he started at 10am yesterday. During he did many things games,dares,etc. Many included his dad which was hilarious. Then at 11pm he turned it into a sleep stream. At 3am Oscar and Crawford with influence of Reggie smoke bombed his room after already failing once. His dad freaked. He had friends donating $50+ just to send him loud and scary sound bites during the night to mess with him, BUT Reggie took the cake. He spend over $300 and finally stopped messing with them at 5:30am. Thats when i went to sleep it was too good.
Thats...ok, not gonna lie, there is a lot for me to unpack here.
First of all-no wonder all these content creators are leaving youtube. They pour so much of themselves into creating content that everyone shits on, but they can set up a stream and go to sleep and people will pay to watch that?
Yea, tell me where to sign up, I wanna do that too. Shit.
Second of all-his friends are paying to do things to him while he's sleeping? Can't they just do that stuff for free since most of them live with him (genuine question, I am confused by the premise of all of this)?
I just have so many thoughts about this whole thing. My mind is blown. I am amazed by this premise. Truly, I'm not being sarcastic or anything. Like, this whole premise is fascinating to me.
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trulymadlysydney · 5 years
Ok here we go!
what if you are his photographer (helene doesn’t exist) or part of his band (maybe a new addition or maybe you are there since hs1) and almost two or three months before ending the album you both start developing feelings for each other, like you obviously always had a crush on him because who doesn’t, and he always thought you are hot but he was in a relationship and then was heartbroken… but now there’s something in the air between you two, you are bantering more, being more cuddly and touchy and he swear he almost loses his mind every time he sees you in a bikini when you take a break on the beach/pool (mitch and tom throwing knowing looks at him while he shushes them)
You too can’t stop thinking about him but you try to hold yourself because a) you don’t know if he likes you too and is too shy to make the first move b)even if you are friends this is still your job and you don’t want to fuck it up for something you don’t even know will last c)he’s writing a fucking album about how heartbroken he is and how he still recovering from his ex!! You don’t want to be a rebound
But then one day you are all high off your minds and you offer to go make some margaritas, shortly after harry shows up at the kitchen, you start to chat but you both are drifting closer, feeling a invisible pull until you are inches alway and suddenly he’s kissing you, pressing you on the counter, the margaritas long forgotten, and is so good! Hands and mouths passing everywhere they can reach while you moan and giggle because what the hell is happening??!
Then he’s whispering little please please need a taste please, getting to his knees and lifting your dress
(Here’s the visual that inspired the whole thing, I’ll send just the link bc idk if you’ll get flagged for that. https://kiltypleasure.tumblr.com/post/189683743765 )
It feels so amazing!!! He’s slowly kissing and licking you through your panties, moaning into you, and is such a superior experience while you are both high, every little touch is so accentuated, his hair feels amazing in you fingers, you can’t put it into words, he has his eyes closed, savouring your taste while yours are rolled back.
Then you eyes meet and you can’t look away, his eyes look so clear and dreamy, you both entranced, that’s it, until you are hit with the reality of it all when you hear a “where’s the marger- oh shit sorry” coming from the door and someone quickly walking away.
You are in shock, and start to think of all the reasons you listed to why this couldn’t happen, stepping away from him muttering a string of curses while he looks at you wide eyed still on his knees. You say something along the lines of sorry and I’m going to my room.
You stay there the whole night and in the morning you wake before everyone (5:30am ish) because you honestly can’t sleep with how anxious you are and you are tired of hiding in your room, so you plan on hiding somewhere on the beach, but when you open the bedroom door harry is already there ready to knock because he’s worried he fucked it up. You are petrified at first but then he convinces you to talk to him, so you go to the beach together.
Then after a lot of him trying to make you spill what happened you rambles everything, how you will not be a rebound to him, even though you have feelings for him (you kick yourself for saying that) because you don’t want to have your heart broken so let’s please try to forget this ever happened (even though you’ve been dreaming of it). But he can’t forget it, cant forget how he felt when kissing you or when he was on his knees for you.
After that you’re acting more professional with him, not as touchy as before, and quiet around the others because you don’t know who saw you.
Is not until a couple days later on the studio that he says he wants to include another song on the album that he just wrote a day ago, so he starts to sing the lyrics of golden and at the first word you already look up like 😳 because he’s always telling you how golden you are. Everyone is looking between you two because word got around of what happened and honestly they are so uncomfortable with how weird you are acting.
OK I DONT KNOW HOW TO END IT!!!! Please please please help me with what would happen after he finishes singing it, idk if the guys would get up and leave you alone or would make a comment or if you would say anything!!
All i know is that you end up together! and after a while everyone starts to figure out that the song is indeed about you bc there are older quotes of him calling you golden and he always give you looks while singing it live
STOP IT I DIDN’T WANT THIS TO END :( I feel like everyone would kind of like congratulate him, like “Yeah that’s a great song man” but you’d all be so tense because like WHAT IS GOING ON so they’d all kind of filter out of the room and you guys would be forced to confront your feelings and… it would lead to some studio sex bye 
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kyunsies · 4 years
i was tagged by @ckyunoirs and @softhyungkyun ;; thank you babes!! 🥰
NAME: mädchen
NICKNAMES: mädch for short!! fun fact, every time i get a new job i have ppl call me maddie bc i hate when ppl can’t remember my name/cant pronounce it 😂
GENDER: female
SEXUALITY: straight
HEIGHT: 4”11
LANGUAGES: english and if it counts, a tiny bit of intermediate french I hehe
FAVORITE FLOWER: hydrangea 🥺
FAVORITE SCENT: lemon verbena 🍋
FAVORITE COLOR: i love the idea of purple or yellow on objects but honestly my clothes are all nesutrals (greys, camels, whites, tans) LOL
FAVORITE ANIMAL: elephants 🐘 they’re so cute!!
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: uuuuuh, hmm, honestly kiki from kiki’s delivery service was so cool i wanted to ride a broom just like her LOL i love studio ghibli 🥰
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 5/6 is enough for me!!
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: coffee (especially dalgona!! it’s a DRUG!!) but tea when i have a sore throat :(
NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: typically 1 comforter but in the winter i need another one :(
DOGS OR CATS: doggos!!
DREAM TRIP: spain, croatia, italy, and south korea :D
DREAM JOB: pediatric nurse omg pls 🤧
REASON FOR MY URL: my old one (kyunnie-ah) i thought was too long and i thought about how much i love the words cheekies and oopsies so kyunsies was birthed and everyone seemed to support my change 🥰
RANDOM FACT: i’ve shared SO many weird facts about myself already 😂 but another one is i have a fear of open spaces/fields ;; i feel like the sky is going to fall on me LOL
tagging: @theyoungflexer • @haoranghae • @pansyhorizon
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A Lonely Birthday?
warnings: very long. apologies if it takes a long time to scroll past; loneliness, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, touch starvation, war mention(a food war), food mention
summary: Logan almost feels lonelier than ever, on the day of his creation, aka his "birthday".
ships: platonic dlampr, romantic intruloceit
au: Making Amends(my au, post-agreement)
notes: it's no longer nov 3rd here but screw it. also whoops??? i'm kinda projecting onto logan???? if it makes him out of character, sorry ~-~"
--- (cant cut on mobile)
Logan awoke to hear some commotion downstairs. Sounded like a ton of metal hitting the kitchen's tiled floor. Sitting up, he put on his glasses and checked his alarm clock. It was roughly 5AM. Nobody's usually up at this time, except for Virgil on rare occasion. But then again, Virgil is way too cautious to make so much noise.
Sunlight was shining bright through his mindscape window; burning his eyes, and forcing him to look away. Logan glanced over at the ocean creature themed calendar on his door, a big red circle catching his attention. His birthday.
Logan felt an unfamiliar feeling in his stomach, presumably the "sinking feeling" that the others talk about. He wasn't used to having so much attention focused on him as it is, today had to be worse.
Things had been a bit difficult in the mindscape despite them simultaneously getting better; the divide between The Dark Sides and The Light Sides is diminishing fast(at this point, they can even enter each other's common areas without getting sick) and everyone was working through their issues for once.
It felt stupid to be so worked up over an inconsequential day like this. But ever since he started opening up he'd been feeling all sorts of illogical things. Emotions, and stuff. Revealing things that he never would have prior to the merge starting. Logan had been mildly touch starved for ages and gotten used to being ignored for so long... he didn't know what he was feeling or what to feel and it was happening so fast. Logan previously was purposefully hiding whenever he could because everything felt so wrong. It left a chilling, hollow feeling in his chest and the palms of his hands.
But... he shouldn't be doing this. Logan knows this. It's illogical to express these behaviors, and he was trying hard to get through this confusing time. So, Logan was going to make today the best of his birthdays(since he had a track record of lonely birthdays.)
Logan changed out of his pajamas, into a nice outfit, slightly different than usual due to his special day. Instead of his usual shirt, he had a black long-sleeve collared shirt on, and his tie now was dark indigo & purple with constellations. A gift from last year's christmas, from Virgil.
Logan almost got caught up in thoughts about how close he used to be to Virgil(their friendship had been dwindling,) but that was interrupted by more noise; this time hearing more things hitting the floor along with panicked shouting.
Logan walked down the hall, over to the kitchen, or he would have if not for a certain liar stopping and grabbing his shoulder. "Horrible morning, Lo. What brings you out here this early? It's almost 5:30AM, I know better than anyone that isn't part of your schedule." questioned Deceit. He seemed to be nervous.
"Although I should be asking you the same since I know you're a late sleeper, I'll let it slide for the moment." Logan replied while looking at Deceit's semi dark circles, clearly revealing his lack of sleep. "But if you must know, I've heard commotion coming from the kitchen twice now and I'm getting concerned."
Deceit's eyes widened mid-yawn "No-no-no Logan;" he stopped Logan as he started to leave again. "I checked on them already, they're absolutely fine, no worries!"
Logan looked at snakey side with suspicion. Deceit was still trying his hardest to control his lying more often, which results in him accidentally making truths sound like lies.
"I will, uh, take your word for it. I guess i can go back to sleep or something. Let me know when breakfast is ready, babe." Logan informed Dee, who was blushy from being called 'babe'.
"Oh I, uh-absolutely not then, see you!" Deceit hissed nervously & quietly dashed away to the kitchen. It didn't hit him that he forgot to wish his nerdy boyfriend a happy birthday, he was too concerned about making sure the others didn't get into trouble.
Deceit entered the kitchen, late enough to see a disaster all over. There was flour, batter, jam, & frosting all over the room, including on the ceiling. He glanced over at Patton & Roman(whom were making breakfast) and saw sheepish expressions on their faces. He then turned his head over to Virgil & Remus, who were starting out the cake. Virgil & Remus had the most ingredients all over them, as if they were in a battlezone, with Patton & Roman looking as if they got stained in the crossfire.
"What the heck happened here?! You guys didn't wake Logan up, he was nowhere close to coming in here and- ugh!" he questioned, clearly disconcerted. Deceit was freaking out over the disaster before him.
"We can explain!" Roman whisper-shouted.
"We have 3 explanations!" blurted out Virgil.
"Pick your favorite!~" Remus exclaimed with a sing-songy voice, grinning. He was hanging from the ceiling, directly above the anxious Side. He then promptly fell onto the emo. "aCK-!" "ooF, sorry Virge!"
Roman was snickering at the two on the floor, but Patton elbowed him. "ow- Sorry!" quietly came from the prince's mouth.
"Logan almost came out here and spoiled the surprise because of our actions! We need to be more careful; Today needs to be perfect for Logan, he deserves it!" exclaimed Patton.
"Wrong. Now Patton, how close are you two being done with the Loganberry pancakes?" Deceit asked patiently. Logan was back asleep, but it was nearing the time he was supposed to wake up, 7AM. They, but especially Deceit, did not want Logan to have to work at all today. He already has a work-free schedule today, but they didn't want to take chances.
"They're almost done!" Patton replied. "Dee, Roman, you guys get out all the toppings please! Virgil, I would love it if you would set up the table for us; And Remus-" Patton's instructions were interrupted by the mustachioed Side.
"Oh oh, can I go get Logan out of bed? I wanna do this personally!" Remus energetically asked with his hand up, like a kid in school.
"Well, I was gonna ask you to bring the pancakes"-Patton pointed to the large plate stacked with Loganberry Pancakes-"to the table, but I'll let you do that instead as long as you don't bring anything Logan may find gross to the table at least this one time."
"I was already planning on doing that, you don't think that I would want to make Logan's day special too?" a sarcastically accusatory tone came from the green creative Side.
"Not at all!" Patton chuckled nervously. "Permission granted."
"Goody!" Remus exclaimed with childlike glee. Roman rolled his eyes with a smile at his brother. His rat-like brother sure did love that nerd.
As the the other sides were finishing setting up breakfast at the table, Logan's alarm went off. Gentle classical music waking him from his sleep-or rather, nap. Stepping out of bed, the smell of crofters filled his nose. He could smell his favorite Loganberry Pancakes all the way from here.
During Logan's tidying up of his appearance, Remus knocked on the door(and then proceeded to open it despite no response. Classic Remus.) "Oh Lo-Lo! Wakey wakey! Patton & Roman made breakfast! Guess what it is~!" the green & black fanciful Side shouted, with a bit of flair in his rhetorical question.
"Well Remus, I'm sure you knew that I could smell them from my room, I could smell Crofters from anywhere." the nerd chuckled.
Remus laughed. "Of course I knew that, my dear blackhole!" Logan smiled at the nickname.
The Duke came over to his favorite nerd across the room and gave him a big hug, and his usual good morning kiss. "See you at breakfast!"
Remus sunk out, feeling as if something had slipped his mind. But if his time with Deceit has taught him anything, 'If you forgot it, it couldn't have been important.' Remus didn't know that his snake friend was lying.
Logan stood there for a moment. Twice now; his boy friends showed no indication that they knew it was his birthday. Logan didn't even know why he cared; they had no reason to be celebrating such events, they were just metaphysical human beings inside of Thomas's head. Celebrating birthdays and stuff had no impact.
But still, it left Logan with an empty feeling, Remus's warmth being replaced with the usual chill he felt.
Hearing Logan's familiar footsteps approach the dining room, Virgil glanced and over and noticed the living room-which was openly connected to the dining room-had noticeable decorations, causing his eyes to widen in fear. Sitting across from Roman, he whisper-shouted to the royal; "Roman! The decorations! Lo's coming!!"
"What? Oh, right!" quietly came the response. Roman stood up and did a magic spell using his hands, causing the living room to be disguised with a glamour. He had been saving this particular spell for a while, he cannot use spells too often outside of the imagination. The red-sashed prince was glad to have it handy.
"Wow, Roman!" Patton admired, just as he closed the curtains of the window between the kitchen and dining room. They didn't want Logan to see the mess after all, so the door between the two rooms was shut too. "If only I could do that!"
"Maybe if you struck a deal with the Dragon Witch, haha!" the prince responded.
Logan entered the room and stopped when we saw all the food across the table. His eyes were filled with wonder. "Wow..."
"Morning, Lo-Lo! It was your turn to have your choice of breakfast, but we knew what you would want anyway!" greeted Patton.
"Sup, L." "Good morning, nerd!" came from the other two whom had yet to greet him.
Logan sat down at the only empty seat, right beside his loving boyfriends, Deceit & Remus. His pancakes were just the way he loved them: Perfectly thin, just the right amount of fluffiness; and they were topped with syrup, whipped cream, and an assortment of berries.
"Hey, just the way I like them. Thanks." said Logan to nobody in particular. He glanced at each of them with a smile.
"No problem Logan, that was not my doing." answered Deceit.
"I wanted to help too though!" cried Remus.
"You tried to drench his pancakes in chocolate syrup..." Everybody else laughed.
"It's alright Remus, I don't need you to do this for me to know how much you love me." Logan comforted Remus with his smile.
"Get a room!" groaned Roman & Virgil, sarcastically. They both giggled after that, seeing the couple blush before them.
"So, any plans for today? Anything special that I may have forgotten to add to my calendar?" queried Logan.
"Oh Logan, there's no way you would be forgetting something, you always have everything on the calendar the moment you hear about it!" dismissed Patton.
"Oh, alright then, good to know." Disappointment. None of them had said Happy Birthday. He didn't want to just mention it, that feels wrong. So he carried on with breakfast.
By the time he was finished, the Creativi-twins were already gone; Virgil was on his phone, showing a bunch of animal photos and wholesome memes to Patton(who was right next to him), and Deceit was in the kitchen. Logan got up to go wash his plate; Patton noticed and nudged Virgil to go stop him, pointing at both Virge and Logan's plates. Virgil nodded.
"Oh, Lo, let me get that for you!" the hoodie-wearing Side got up and yelled, stopping Logan from walking into the kitchen. He gently took Logan's plate away from him and hastily went into the kitchen, making sure to not let Logan see as much behind the door as possible.
Logan, being oblivious said "Oh... uhm, ok. Thank you Virgil." and sank back into his room.
Patton quickly sank out to get Remus & Roman so they could continue with decorating.
"Alright you two, you can get back to decorating the living room!"
"Thank goodness, I wasn't sure how much longer I could take." said Roman with a relieved sigh. You see, Roman can't hold a spell outside the imagination up for long without feeling discomfort and having to put all his focus into it. The Creatwins had lied saying they had something to do together, and went to Roman's room so they don't raise suspicion around Logan.
"But I wanna keep helping Emo-nesance with the cake!" cried Remus.
"Don't worry Remus; I'm sure your creativity would be more helpful to Roman since you have a better idea of what Logan likes!" Patton reassured.
"Plus, you were sorta the cause of that huge mess to begin with, we need to clean that up. NOT have a bigger disaster." added Roman.
Remus agreed and they went to work decorating.
Virgil shut the door, relieved. He heard Logan's "thank you" outside the door, but was too anxious to respond. This anxiety-based side was leaning up against the door, taking deep breaths.
"Wow, Virgil. You don't look like you're going to flip out. What happened?" questioned Deceit, whom was washing the dishes.
"Logan almost came in here and saw the mess." was the reply, between a few deep breaths.
"Well, bad thing you stopped him then."
"I wouldn't have noticed if not for Patton, haha." Virgil said as he walked away from the door. "Speaking of which, I'm waiting on him to get the twins so Pat & I can finish up the cake;" glancing over at the bowls of cake batter & frosting strewn across the counters along with other baking things.
Patton suddenly opened the door, the door hitting the wall and making a loud, sudden noise. "Alright! Cake & bake time!" he giggled. Virgil jumped about a foot, clearly caught off guard.
"I- L- Uhm- Oh-...Phew... it's just you Patton. Speak of the angel." he said with relief, adding a chuckle at the end. "I thought you were Logan for a moment there."
"Sorry to scare you kiddo!" came as an apology from the Dad. "Setting that aside, let's finish this cake! Do you wanna help, D- ...Oh."
Deceit had slipped out of the room before either side could notice.
"No worries Pat, he's probably wrapping up his gift now, he mentioned it to me earlier." winked Virgil, acknowledging his pun.
That pun, of course, was met with a hug that almost toppled the two over.
It continued to repeat.
Alone in his room. Feeling the need to leave his room. Being subtly stopped, going back to his room. Finally come out for meal(for the final two meals, two different Sides got to choose the meal, but they chose something they knew Logan would like that wouldn't be too suspicious), nothing happens, return to his room again, repeat.
8PM. Logan felt what he predicted to be 'heartache' in his chest. It really does seem like everybody forgot, even though he did try his hardest to make subtle hints here or there, but perhaps they were just too difficult for the others. (Hint, they actually weren't subtle...)
Curled up on top of his bed, tears forming in his eyes, and that hollow chill returned. This was illogical to for him to feel. He shouldn't be dealing with these issues, that's Patton's job. Logan's expectations of the others were too high, they had forgotten his birthday. He really should have said something earlier. But it was way too late now.
Logan felt cognitive distortions flow through his thoughts. He couldn't control them. He began to think that finally intentionally opening himself up to the others was a mistake. Perhaps he would be the same as before if he just never fell in love. Or joined the FamILY. Things could have been easier. He wouldn't have to feel pain like this.
It was way too early to go to bed, but as the tears trailed down his cheeks, he found himself setting his glasses on his nightstand and pulling his weighted blanket over his shivering body.
"Alright everyone, is everything ready?" semi-loudly announced Patton.
"Decorations: Done!" Roman confirmed, high-fiving his twin. The two did a great job, they really got what Logan would like just perfectly. Not too extravagant, just a perfect balance.
"I didn't check with everybody already, none of Logan's gifts are ready." responded the snake-Side with an excited and reassuring expression.
"The cake is done, you know that already, Pop-corn." Virgil said with a metaphoric nudge. It was a two-layer, whipped-vanilla-frosted, galaxy-theme-decorated sheet cake. And both layers have crofters frosting inbetween the top and bottom half. Not too much to overwhelm the cake's taste, just perfect.
"I know Virge, I just wanted to hear everybody say that they're done! It makes it feel more complete." admitted Patton. "So that means we're all ready! Get to your places everybody, I'm going to sink out and get Lo-Lo!"
The other four sides scrambled to their places as the sky-blue Side tried to sink into the hall, right into Logan's room. He even made sure his entry was clear. But despite his efforts, he was met with a thump. He couldn't get through.
He tried a few more times. "That's odd, i'm almost always welcome in his room. It's very hard to particularly block somebody out." concern came from Patton's mouth.
"Let me try-" Virgil tried to say but was interrupted by Deceit.
"Yes. Despite my suspicions, this isn't one bit more serious. It might be worse that his boyfriends try to get him." the scaley Side reasoned.
Virgil nodded. "I guess you're right. But what do you mean, your 'suspicions'?"
"Well, you see... It takes alot of brain power to consciously block someone from entering your room. You could stop me from entering yours after all." Deceit paused to look the purple emo in the eyes.
"But it can't easily be done subconsciously, if it's what you want. Logan's unlikely sleeping... which is half the reason I am concerned."
"What do you mean, Fibber On The Roof?" asked Roman, with an unsettling feeling in his stomach.
"One, Logan absolutely sleeps at this time. He prefers to get 8 hours of sleep, period. Sleeping now would lead to too much sleep. Second... well, why wouldn't he want to keep any of us out?" Deceit directed his answers to Roman.
"Why would our dork be asleep at this time?" questioned Remus with a bit of concern.
"I know, but we definitely shouldn't go see what's going on..." responded the snake, lowering his head a bit. "Let's try walking there."
As the sides walked down the hallway to Logan's door Virgil put a hand on the Dad's shoulder, catching his attention. "Do you feel... something weird around us? Like, emotionally?"
"Oh... now that you mention it, I knew I felt something off... it's a sad aura for sure." was the reply. "How did you know?"
"I could feel something too. I think it has something to do with Logan..." Virgil said with a hint of concern.
The two chatting sides, who were a bit behind the others, finally got to the door. "I think you might just be right." reaffirmed the cardigan-wearing Side.
Deceit knocked on the door, in a specific pattern. Two knocks, two knocks, three knocks. Logan & Dee created a door-knocking code to know the basics of why they were trying to come in. Deceit used the "Worried about you" knock.
There was no response. The lying Side tried to turn the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge. Everyone glanced at each other with increasing worry. "Logan, please wake up and unlock the door. This isn't like you." Patton tried.
Roman whispered to Remus. The green twin nodded and summoned his morning star. Everyone was already stepped to the side, so Roman walked to the opposite side of the wall to L's room and prepared to charge.
Virgil had been discussing with Deceit when he noticed what was about to happen. "Roman, what are you-" the red royal Side finally charged. "ROMAN DON'T-" Virgil yelled, catching the others attention, causing them to watch.
Roman ran up to the door and tried to break it open with his brother's morning star. Upon impact, instead of breaking like wood, it acted like solid metal. There wasn't even a scratch on the logical nerd's dark blue door.
Due to the unexpected outcome, Roman fell over, hitting his elbows and shoulder blades on the ground as he tried to save himself. "ROMAN!" cried the cat-loving dad.
Patton & Remus went and helped Princey up, while the other two just stood there and shook their heads. "I'm good, don't worry guys. I've been through worse."
"If Logan does want us to come in, what made you think breaking the door would work?" queried Deceit about Roman's decisions.
"...Well, when you put it that way, I guess that makes sense. But it was worth a shot, right Lyin' Manuel Miranda?" Roman sheepishly tried to reason.
Deceit sighed and shook his head again. "Well, luckily for us, I think I thought of a solution that could work." the snake shape-shifted into, well, a snake.
"Oh, oh! I'll come too!" exclaimed Remus, shape-shifting into a tiny rat, the same height as Deceit.
As the two successfully snuck under the door, the other three watched them with surprised looks. Virgil broke the silence, saying "Roman, I'm not gonna lie, but I thought your idea was more plausible than theirs." (heh, Dee pun)
Once through, Logan's boyfriends shifted back to their regular forms. They saw their nerd lying on his bed sideways, turned away from them and grasping his star-themed weighted blanket tightly. (heh, another Dee pun)
Deceit whispered in Remus's ear. "Go unlock the door and let everyone in. Make sure they stay quiet and to the side for now. We don't want to overwhelm him." Remus nodded and went to get the others.
The snake-faced Side walked over to the logical Side's bed and sat in front of him. He started to rub his back and gently wake his boyfriend up.
"Logan, hey, wake up, please."
Logan groaned and opened his eyes. They were red, like he'd been crying. Well, now that he noticed it, Deceit could see tear track stains on the nerd's cheeks. Logan's expression changed from a tired one to a worried one as soon as he realized who woke him up.
"Dee, why are you in here...?" he queried with a mildly distressed tone.
"Well, first of all, you're not following your schedule which was concerning us, second off you were forbidding us from entering while you slept, and third, we-" Deceit's ramblings were cut off by Logan pulling him into a hug.
"Dangit, that wasn't very smart of me..." Logan choked out with a half-hearted chuckle. Voice shaking, he continued with "I... I sh-should've said something-"
"-What do you mean?" Right on cue, the others entered and were listening. Logan still hasn't noticed them.
"I've felt so lonely all day... I haven't felt this feeling since before we all made amends, it all feels so wrong and illogical and it doesn't help th-that-" he started sobbing into Dee's chest.
At this point everyone came up and started to comfort Logan. His boyfriends were hugging him tight, Patton was rubbing circles and other shapes into Logan's back, and the other two were just making sure their presence was known by occasionally saying comforting words with the others.
Finally after what felt like hours(but was actually a quarter of an hour, Logan spat out the rest of his sentence from before. "I-I thought... that you guys had forgotten about my birthday..." he said in between sniffles.
Realization hit all of them at once. They all had been practically ignoring them while they were making sure his party was perfect, not to mention none of them even wished him a happy birthday.
"Oh L... we're all so sorry." apologized Virgil on behalf of the others.
"We were all just so busy behind the scenes, we forgot to make sure you felt notice today!" explained Roman.
"It's quite alright, Roman," said Logan, smiling though there were tears still in the nerd's eyes. "Although... what do you mean 'behind the scenes'?"
The others glanced at each other. Remus stepped in, saying "Oh, you'll see! Go ahead and tidy yourself up first-"the green Side pointed at Logan's messy hair, tear-stained cheeks, reddened eyes and wrinkled clothing. "-And then, you might want to come to the living room, haha!" he laughed. Patton nodded.
"Let Virgil know when you're ready, we'll be in the living room." The others sunk out; while Virgil left the room. Before he was out of sight, he winked at Logan with a gentle smile.
In the living room, the others waited in the dark, quietly. They heard footsteps approach, or rather, just Logan's. Virgil has light footsteps, after all. "-I really don't see the point in having my eyes covered Virgil, I can't see where I'm going-"
Patton whisper-yelled. "They're coming, stay in your positions!"
"-Don't worry Logan, we're almost there, just a little more... There!" Virgil finished guiding Logan to the center of the living room and removed the scarf he had tied over his eyes.
Virgil flicked the lightswitch beside him, and everyone jumped out, yelling "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOGAN!"
A happy birthday, indeed.
(Epilogue: His gifts uwu)
"Alrighty Lo-Lo, are you ready to open our gifts?" Patton asked, bouncing with excitement.
"Why, of course."
"Alright then, open mine first!" Patton handed Logan a large(about as big as his torso), shiny, blue gift bag.
Upon opening it, he found a light brown stuffed bear and a little white notecard. Logan took a moment to admire the bear, he was awestruck by it. It was super soft and cuddly, its face was comforting to look at; The belly, paws, and inner ears were white and covered with tiny, shiny blue stars. The eyes changed depending on the angle you looked at it; Green at some angles, then brown, blue, purple, and so on. It even had a nice indigo galaxy print bow tied around the neck with the bow in the back.
"Patton... this is... impractical, but I love it regardless." he said with a smile.
Patton came up and gave him a hug. "Don't forget to read the card!" he cheerily reminded.
The small card had a cute little bear face and a bunch of stars all over it. Logan read it aloud; 'To our favorite left-brain nerd, Lo-Gi bear.' He groaned and gently pushed Patton away, while everyone else laughed.
"Here, you cannot open mine next." offered the snake. Deceit handed Logan a black, square box about the width of a shoe, tied with a silver ribbon.
Logan opened it to find a petaminx rubiks cube inside. All twelve sides(heh) matched each of his friends and himself, everyone having two themed sides each. The designs were intricate, making it so he would have to perfectly solve it; and Logan loved it.
Logan gave Deceit a big hug. "Thank you so much, Dee, this is wonderful." Deceit responded with "Of course, specs. I saw that the plain rubix cube you have was getting too easy for you, so I spent a while making this one for you."
Once their hug ended, Virgil cleared his throat and spoke up. "Here's mine, it's nothing really special..." the emo handed Logan a clothing giftbox and stuffed his hands back in his hoodie pockets.
Logan opened the box to find a nice blue cardigan sweater(like this one but with silver buttons and subtle constellations all over) inside. "'Nothing special'? Virgil, I cannot describe how much I appreciate this. Thank you." Logan reassured Virgil with a smile. Virge smiled back.
"Try it on, Lo!" cheered Patton, silently clapping.
Logan snaps his fingers, and immediately he's wearing the cardigan. It fits him well, definitely making him look more handsome. His boyfriends were swooning, and his friends were admiring the fact that for once, Logan looks so much happier.
"Well then; Roman, would you like to show me your gift next?" Logan snapped everyone back to reality, slightly blushing still.
"Oh! Of course, Galaxy Geek! Although, I must confess-" Roman started before Remus excitedly interrupted him.
"We had a big influence on each other's gifts! It's still our own gifts to you but we never would have finished these on our own!" Lo's ratty boyfriend proudly chuckled.
"Aww, I'm proud of you two!" cheered Patton once more. He hugged the Creatwins tight, happy with the progress they've been making.
"Thanks, Pat." Roman gave his gratitude. "Anyways," the prince pulled away from the hug. "You might wanna prepare yourself Lo, this is going to be big!" he boasted.
He presented a Book-sized moving-esque box, but much nicer. When Logan unwrapped the box, he was met with several thick, leather-bound books. Each had a title on them, written in silver ink.
"I've been working for ages, writing all these stories that I knew you would love!" Roman began to explain. "I even accidentally missed last year's christmas working on them..." he regrettably admited. "Oh, and last time, when I gave you that Sherlock Holmes fanfiction I knew that you weren't exactly a fan of the cover, so I spent a lot of time making these nice leather covers!"
Logan was surprised. "Wow, Roman... these are definitely intriguing. Thank you... wait, Remus said he helped you with these, what did he do?" he questioned.
"Oh, Remus gave me inspiration! Since prior to us all becoming friends once more, we had been unintentionally ignoring you, I wasn't quite sure what you would be interested in reading. So I went to Remus for most of the ideas, and had Deceit confirm some of the more concerning recommendations. Right Dee-More-Chill?" Roman answered, turning to the snake for confirmation.
Deceit nodded. "But speaking of our friendly stinkman, where did he go?" he looked around.
"Up here!" Remus called. He was hanging from the ceiling, again. He dropped off and fell into the deceitful Side's arms, only to be met with a bitter reaction from Virgil.
"Aw come on, I had him fall on top of me, and you caught him?!"
"Now now kiddo, relax; We're trying to fix things, remember? Let's not start a fight over something small." Patton gently reminded.
Virgil nodded. Remus ran over to the closet to get his present, calling his twin over to help carry it out. It was a large painting of a galaxy, subtly divided in thirds. One side was Roman's part of the imagination, the other side was Remus's part of the imagination, and the middle was the night sky in the real world.
Logan was-'pun not intended'-starstruck. It was beautiful. The fanciful brothers set the painting down and Logan walked up and gave them a big hug, followed by everyone else joining in.
"I told you, he would love it bro." Roman poked Remus's cheek.
"Yep! That big empty spot on the wall beside your bed had been bothering me for a while, so I thought this painting would be amazing! Roman helped with his sky and the real sky since I'm not too familiar with them." the Duke explained.
Logan chuckled. "To me, all of your existences are good." he told them, which was met with a tighter hug.
That night, they fell asleep in that same room, marathoning a ton of Logan's favorite movies and whatever else he wanted to watch.
Perhaps, Logan will finally admit to himself celebrating birthdays isn't so bad.
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