#but i can't keep my dinner down most days. and i can't keep down snacks. and i can't keep down what i eat with my parents.
lqnar · 1 year
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oncomingnight · 14 days
The Best of You, Belongs To Me.
yandere! death metal singer x fem reader
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Andrew is the farthest thing from shy when it comes to showing you affection in public. He'll pull your chair closer to him as the two of you sit in a practically barren cafe, using the closed off distance between the two of you to his advantage in order to kiss you with so much passion that it feels as if he's attempting to rob you of all your breath. His inked hands are constantly interlinked with yours, gently leading you towards the end of never ending crowds, pulling you closer to his side, bringing your buttery smooth hand up to his lips in order to press sugar flavored kisses onto the surface.
He's also a huge fan of standing behind you with his hands planted on your shoulders + hugging you from behind as he nuzzles his head into the ivy scented crook of your neck.
What you're about to read may seem weird but Andrew is absolutely obsessed with the way you smell. He finds himself within the very realm of heaven when he catches a whiff of your jasmine scented perfume, pomegranate body wash accompanied with hints of cherry. He'll write down the names of your most used fragrances and make it a mission to always stock them back up for you.
He is constantly wearing his silver chain with your name as the charm dangling from it. He is never seen without it.
Andrew's skin is almost completely covered with tattoos and he found a way to incorporate his love and obsession for you in this artistry. He has your name displayed across the side of his neck along with a depiction of your angelic-like eyes on his forearm.
He loves partaking in activities that have to do with the outdoors and would love it even more if you were to join him. Andrew is the absolute best when it comes to planning the perfect hiking/camping day out. He grabs a little backpack for you and fills it to the brim with your favorite snack bars and makes sure to have your favorite beverage in clutch within a thermos. He takes an insane amount of photos and videos of the two of you going on these little outdoor adventures.
Gets on one knee to re-buckle your heels or tie your shoes.
holds your bags when he takes you on a little shopping spree.
Andrew hardly ever lets you pay for things yourself, he will somehow always pull out his card faster than you can manage. One day, you accidentally let slip that you paid for a case of lipstick with your own money after he complimented you on how the shade 'made you look like an angel'.
He keeps a careful eye on you as you apply the cherry shade of lipstick onto the sultry outline of your lips before asking you, "when did you get that, princess?"
"oh, just the other day when you took me to the mall!" "why...wait why didn't you just ask me to buy it for you?" you giggle for a split second before replying with, "baby, you were already carrying all of my bags I didn't want you to do another thing by-"
"I don't care what I was doing. Plus, I wanted to carry your shit. Just ask me next time, okay? You already know I'll say yes just don't do that again."
He somehow convinces you to quit your job as that'll be beneficial in you being able to accompany him when his band goes on tour. This is a bit toxic but what else did you expect from reading this? Andrew would never want you to have to deal with a hostile work environment, faltering pay checks or mentally challenging hours. So, of course he succeeds in getting you to drop your job no matter if it's something you enjoy doing or not.
He manages to remind you that he's always there for you no matter what life throws at the two of you. He makes sure you know he cares even if it's through the little things, ordering breakfast & dinner to your apartment door when he isn't able to be home and is spending extra hours in the studio. He sends you voice messages throughout the day/night telling you all about his day, whining on & on about how much he's missed you and how he can't wait to feel you in his arms again.
"I'm almost home, cutie, do you want a coffee?"
says, "there you are, my sleepy head", every time you come out of your shared bedroom after a long night's rest.
Andrew is incredibly talented when it comes to knowing how to comfort you in the most efficient manner possible. He'll gently caress your face, placing his hand on your cheek for a second longer before leaning in to kiss your forehead. "baby, hey, can you please look at me? What's gotten you so upset?" He would never allow you to feel as though the reason for your sadness is stupid or irrelevant because "if it hurts you, it hurts you". He'd practically force you into getting into the bath with him, allowing for the two of you to be engulfed within lavender scented bubbles and the feeling of him threading his fingers through your hair. Then, he'd have you step within the comfort of a fluff filled blanket, resulting in a drowsy appearance to find a home upon your features.
He'd take your newly found calmness to his advantage as he's now able to get a clear cut story on what made his little angel's face fill with such sadness.
Listens to your ramblings with a look of nothing but pure adoration and listens to you talk about your interests while storing all of the topics you're so infatuated with within his schema.
"oh, that's a shirt from her favorite show. I'll go ahead and get that."
Takes a bunch of screenshots of you while the two of you are on face time.
You're his lock screen
Whenever his mother calls him she'll never fail to ask about you and questions him on how you're doing, if you've eaten, etc. She'll eventually ask him to pass the phone to you and it'll take hours for the call to end at that point because she's convinced you're the one for her son, and why wouldn't she want to speak to her future daughter in law for hours on end?
Andrew takes photos of the two of you in every single destination him and his band stop at while they're on tour. He has tons and tons of Polaroids showing you and him having the best time together in various cities inside of Asia, Europe and the US. They're all titled something along the lines of, "Me and the Mrs in __, "Me and my one and only."
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roosterforme · 8 months
Adult Education Part 7 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jessica can't get enough of the comfort she feels around Jake, and he can't help but press her to define what they are doing. Everything feels heated and still sweet when they hang out for the day, and when she brings up the alumni event, he's immediately onboard.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing, eventually 18+
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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Jessica couldn't remember the last time she felt this comfortable and confident around someone else. She had grown into the understanding that her own company was the best company for her, and especially for the past year, she had kept contact with most people to a minimum. Keeping them at a professional arm's length as much as possible. But when she was with Jake, she didn't feel like she needed to be quiet and keep her head down to survive. 
"I got pretty much every kind of snack for today," he told her as they stood in his kitchen. "Just because I don't know all of your favorites yet."
Yet. That was the second time he'd made her heart flutter like this. He also told her he was getting attached to her. And now his cheeks were a little pink as she picked up some chips and salsa.
"I told you I'm not picky as long as you have Sam Adams for me."
"I'll make sure I always have it," he promised as he took two bottles out of the refrigerator and followed her to the living room. "You relax and shout to me if anyone scores, okay?"
"Where are you going?" she asked from her spot on the couch as he set the beers down and left again. She noticed the stack of journals she'd given him were sitting near the corner of the coffee table. 
"Just going to add everything to the crockpot so we can have dinner later."
Jessica settled back into the cushions and watched him walk away, his shirt hugging his broad shoulders. He was perhaps even more handsome than Brian Conley, which was something she would have never thought possible. When she and Brian were sleeping together, she thought he was the most attractive man she'd ever seen. Ten years older. Gray hair mixed in with chestnut brown. Icy blue eyes. But now she was coming around to the idea of someone her own age, with lighter hair and pretty green eyes. 
When Jake returned a minute later and settled down right next to her, even though there was plenty of room, she asked, "How old are you?"
He took the jar of salsa from her hand and opened it as he said, "Thirty. I'd ask you how old you are, but my mom would be really disappointed if she ever learned that I did. So if you'd like to tell me, that's fine, but I'm not asking."
Jessica laughed as she opened the bag of chips and curled her legs up onto the couch so her thigh was resting on his. "How would your mom ever find out anyway?"
Jake scoffed as he scooped salsa onto a chip. "You don't think she's going to want to meet my girlfriend?" He shoved the whole thing into his mouth before grabbing more. "She'd get the information out of you somehow, I'm sure."
She sat there quietly and broke a chip in half before nibbling on it as she tried not to smile. She hadn't been in a relationship since right after grad school. Most guys didn't seem inclined to want to do more than sleep with her. Her brand of nerdy was a hard sell. She was smarter than almost everyone else, she was introverted, and she preferred playing Dungeons & Dragons or reading a book to going out. Well, excluding an evening at Chippy's. 
"I'm thirty one," she said softly with a grin. 
"Perfect," he replied, casually scooping more salsa onto a chip. "I also wouldn't be upset if you told me if you bought that green underwear you were looking at on your phone."
She started nibbling on the other half of the chip as Jake's arm rubbed hers. "Maybe." He was looking at her out of the corner of his eye before turning away from the football game completely to face her. "Okay... yes, I bought the set," she said, biting her lip. "You're missing the game."
"I don't really care about the game all that much. Like I said before, I think I've gotta be the world's worst Longhorns fan."
"You're terrible," she confirmed as he held out the jar of salsa for her. 
His gaze dipped down to her lips. "Why are you so far away?" he asked softly. 
She wanted to laugh, because she was practically sitting on his lap. Instead she leaned in and kissed his cheek as she said, "What was I thinking?" Jake's body was big and warm and cozy as he draped his arm around her shoulders. She snuggled in close to him with her cheek resting on his chest. She dipped a chip into the jar he was holding and teased him with it before she shoved it into his mouth. 
"Thanks, Baby," he murmured as he chewed it up. Then she took the jar and the chips and set them on the table and grabbed the beers instead. They sat cuddled up, sipping the drinks, and Jake was actually less annoying when the Longhorns scored than she had anticipated. She just relaxed into him as the condensation from her bottle dripped occasionally onto his jeans, but he didn't complain, so she didn't move. 
"You want another one now?" he asked, taking her empty bottle in the same hand as his and kissing her hair. 
"No," she whispered. "And don't get up. I'm comfortable."
"Okay," he replied softly, leaning forward just enough to let the bottles drop with a thud onto the area rug. 
Jessica pushed him back with her palm on his abs, and she bit her lip as she felt his muscles. "I said don't move."
"You're in charge, Reedy."
This was all wildly thrilling for Jake. He was with a beautiful woman who wanted to chill on his couch and run her hand back and forth across his abs while they watched football together. He never did this kind of thing. Ever. This was indulgent in a way he didn't usually operate. 
When Jessica looked up at him through her eyelashes, he reached over and adjusted her glasses. Then he felt her hand dip inside his shirt and come to rest just above his jeans, fingers stroking almost to the point of tickling. And he wasn't even watching the game. Maybe it was halftime. He wasn't sure. It didn't matter. 
Why did he suddenly want a girlfriend so badly that he kept thinking about it? He was thinking about how this could be a normal weekend for him. And how he could have Jessica curled up with him like this in bed. 
He was staring. He knew he was. But so was she. And her small hand was moving across his skin in the most addicting way. "Reedy," he whispered, and that was all it took. She planted her hand with her fingertips inside his jeans, and Jake groaned as she kissed him. When her hand slid up his abs to his chest and pulled his shirt up with it, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her until she was in his lap. 
In the deepest recesses of his brain, Jake knew he couldn't let anything too wild happen today. Just kissing. Just like this. But when he let his hand trail down to Jessica's round ass, he realized the fabric of her leggings was thin and that he could feel her thong through it. It felt lacy. He wanted to know what it looked like. 
He palmed her a little rougher, until she broke the kiss and rubbed herself against him. "Oh, Jessica," he groaned, taking in the sight of her wide eyes and crooked glasses. She was raking her fingers slowly through his chest hair while Jake squeezed her butt. He couldn't think straight as her lips met his again, and then his hand was up the back of her shirt.
Her skin was so damn soft, and Jake was not going to be able to conceal the fact that he was getting hard for her when her knee kept nudging him through his jeans. Her feather soft kisses were becoming more demanding as she brought her other hand up to ruin his tidy hair. And fuck if he could control himself. 
In an instant, she was on her back along the couch with Jake on top of her. She let out a surprised giggle as her head came to rest on the cushion. "This okay?" he asked, kissing along her jaw. 
Jessica responded by spreading her thighs so he could settle against her, and Jake had to keep reminding himself that this was a marathon, not a sprint. But her body was warm and inviting, and she was so responsive to his touch. Every gasp from her lips had him pushing his hands a little further up her sides and sucking a little harder on her neck. 
"Jake," she moaned, rolling her hips up against him. 
"Fuck," he gasped, one hand sliding between her back and the couch as he pushed himself against her this time. Her lips were parted, and she was digging her fingers into his shoulders. Jake moaned when she wrapped one leg around his hip. Her shirt was pushed up almost to her tits, and he wanted to taste all of her skin. But she pulled him close for another kiss, and Jake knew he had to pump the brakes. 
He slowed it all down, easing his hand up to her back instead of her perfect ass. He let each kiss taper off until his lips were barely brushing hers. And then he felt her leg slide down from his hip as she took his hand and guided it further up her shirt until he was touching her bra. She chased his lips as he pulled away from her, and now she looked embarrassed.
"Jessica. Not a horny quickie on the couch. Not for our first time together."
"Okay. Right," she whispered, her fingers tracing along his neck. "Do you want to go to your bedroom?"
He kissed her cheek and said, "I think we should save it for another day."
As he slowly let his hand trail down her tummy, she turned her face toward the TV and laughed a little awkwardly. "Is it that obvious that it's been a long time for me? I'm sure that's not the case for you."
He didn't quite know what to say. "No, it's not obvious. And no, you're not wrong," he murmured, his brow creasing as he leaned closer for a soft kiss. Had it really just been two weeks ago that he brought someone home from the bar? "But it has actually been a very long time since someone mattered like you do. So the pacing is kind of important to me."
"You're sweet." A pretty smile touched her lips, and then he let himself kiss her belly before pulling her up so she was sitting and looking at him. Her hair was a little messy, and her glasses were crooked again, and Jake was suddenly afraid he was going to fuck this all up. She adjusted her glasses with the backs of her fingers and leaned in to kiss him one time. 
It really was halftime now, and Jake watched her stand and look through the stack of journals on the table. Her voice was still soft and breathless as she glanced at him and asked, "Where's the one with my phone number? I wanted to show you something in the article I wrote."
Jake wanted to laugh or maybe cry. This woman thought he was smart. Well, he knew he was smart, but nobody else ever seemed to care if he was. "It's in my bedroom."
"It's in your bedroom?"
"Yeah," he replied easily. "I'm keeping that one for sure. You can have the rest of the journals back, but not that one. I worked hard for that phone number."
She giggled. "You really did. And you did great. Can I get it out of your room?"
He thought he was going to respond by telling her yes, but instead he suddenly asked, "Are you seeing anyone else?"
Now her expression was surprised as she came to stand between his spread legs, and he looked up at her. "Are you asking me if I'm meeting other men at Chippy's and during my office hours?"
Jake nodded and swallowed hard as she bent at the waist and let her hands rest on his knees. "Yeah. I'm sure Chippy would be delighted to see you with someone else."
"No," she laughed. "I'm not seeing anyone else. Are you?"
"Absolutely not."
"Good." Her hands slid up to his thighs as she kissed him, which was doing nothing to help him get rid of the awkward half erection he was sporting. "Is it cool if I grab the journal from your room?"
"Yeah," he grunted. "You'll see it in there."
When he watched her walk away, he groaned and sprawled out on the couch. He needed to pull himself together, or she would definitely be taking someone else to Chippy's soon.
To Jessica's immediate delight, she found the journal on Jake's nightstand. It was even folded open to the page with her article and phone number. She picked it up and headed back to the couch where he was sprawled out now with his head propped up on the pillow. Hot, needy sex had sounded delicious twenty minutes ago when he was grinding against her, but when she looked at him right now, she knew that's not what she needed. She'd had plenty of that in Brian's office and the backseat of his SUV. 
She didn't want to think about him. Not when Jake was reaching for her hand and pulling her down on top of him like she weighed nothing. He didn't even grunt or groan as she settled chest to chest with him. Her legs were tangled with his as he wrapped his arms around her, and she tried to keep the journal from getting smashed. 
"What do you want to talk about? I think I have the whole thing memorized," he said softly, keeping his attention on her even though the second half of the game was on. 
"I wanted to show you how I wrote about your Super Hornets," she said, unable to stop smiling now. 
"Yeah, I saw that. You know more about the damn things than I do, Dr. Reed."
She laughed. "I'm Dr. Reed again?"
"Jessica," he whispered in that drawl that made her heart clench as he rubbed her back. "You ever been up in one before? You wanna fly with me one day?"
She let the journal slide to the floor as she gaped at him. "Would I be allowed? I've always wanted to!"
He shrugged. "I can investigate it. Or I could always sneak you out onto the tarmac after dark so you can sit in the cockpit."
"That sounds scandalous."
"It would be," he confirmed with a smirk. "You could sit on my lap. I could show my throttle. Teach you how to use it."
Jessica felt warm as she kissed him, his hands heavy on her lower back. But it was sweet and intentional instead of rushed even though she was straddling his abs. She was always at least slightly turned on when she was around Jake, and she was starting to suspect he felt the same way. But his restraint was sexy. 
"I like this," she whispered between soft kisses as she ran the tip of her nose up along his. 
"Me too, Baby," he replied, and when she bit her lip and pulled away a few inches to smile, he looked like he was in awe. 
"What?" she asked. 
He shook his head. "I just can't believe you're into me."
She rolled her eyes. "You're handsome. Everyone is into you."
"That's not what I meant," he said with a laugh. "And you're obviously better than everyone else."
Jessica had to reel in her ridiculous grin as she threaded her fingers through his soft hair. "Hey, can I ask you something? And feel free to say no, because it's probably going to be really, very dumb, and I won't be upset if you don't want to go-"
She stared at him for a beat. "I didn't even ask it yet."
"I know. Whatever it is, I'm in."
Once again, he was making her feel warm inside. And he still hadn't looked at the game. "So you'll be my date for a posh fraternity fundraiser for alumni weekend?"
He pushed her hair back behind her ear and said, "I don't think posh and fraternity belong in the same sentence together, but yes. I'd love to be your date. Since we're exclusive now."
"Oh, that was smoothe Lieutenant." She found herself tracing the lettering on his shirt as her cheek came to rest on his shoulder.
"I thought so, too," he whispered. Then she dozed off on him. 
Jake held Jessica while she slept, her breaths soft on his neck while he watched the end of the game. He should really get up and stir the chili, but he didn't want to disturb her. If dinner wasn't edible, he would just order a pizza instead. No big deal. 
She finally seemed fully comfortable with him. She was letting him hold her while she napped, and she wasn't shying away from the idea of them dating. He knew there was more to the picture with the way she made him work for it and the rumors Bradshaw's wife told him about. But she was so fucking sweet, Jake didn't care about what anyone else said. And it honestly turned him on when she made him earn his privileges with her. 
She moaned softly in her sleep and wrapped her arm around him. He was going to have to ask Bradshaw or his wife what to wear to a frat party. That's somewhere he never thought he'd be caught dead, but he found himself wanting to make Jessica happy. So exceptions could be made. 
Suddenly she popped up with both palms planted on his chest. "I can't believe I fell asleep," she mumbled, and Jake smiled at the mark on her face from where her glasses had been pressing. 
"You want dinner?" he asked as she sat up straddling his hips. Her shirt had slipped a bit, and he could see the strap of her bra. And honestly, this position was enough to get him going, the way her breasts were clearly pressed together inside her A&M tee. When she nodded, he scooped her up as he sat and then stood. 
She slid down his body with a little giggle, and soon they were both sitting on the stools at his kitchen island. He watched her dip a tortilla chip into her bowl of chili and take a bite. "This is so good," she gushed. "I don't know how to cook anything. You just put stuff in a crock pot? And it just cooks it into a meal?"
"Yep," he replied, trying not to laugh at the look on her face. Now he was thinking about buying her a crock pot. What the fuck was wrong with him? She took another bite and closed her eyes like it was the most pleasurable thing she'd ever tasted. "Baby, has nobody ever cooked for you before?"
"No," she moaned. "Unless you include my mom, and I only get to eat that for holidays. If I can manage to get back to Massachusetts."
He stroked her cheek with his fingers and said, "You want me to bring you dinner again this week? When you have office hours?"
She moaned again and climbed onto his lap to finish eating. Which turned into her straddling him again while he ran his hands all over her perfect ass again. And once again he could hardly believe he pumped the brakes so hard earlier, because eventually her lips were on his neck and her glasses were pressing into his jaw. 
"If you come by on Tuesday, I'll wear something cute to work," she informed him, and his head tipped back. 
"You always look cute."
"Then I'll wear something sexy."
Jake grunted. "Baby, you always look sexy." A few more brushes of her lips, and he found himself asking, "Do you want to spend the night?"
"Oh," she gasped, but she kissed his Adam's apple before pulling her lips away from him.
"We could cuddle. Make out," he clarified, meeting her eyes as she adjusted her glasses. "I could make you breakfast."
She bit her lip and then said, "See, this isn't fair. Now you know that the secret way to get me to do anything is with food. And I don't know what your secret is yet."
"Apparently it's girls with glasses."
Now she was laughing as she planted her hands on his shoulders. "I have a lot of work to do tomorrow at home. I need to start making up midterm exam questions."
"I could help you," he murmured, only half joking. "I solved your problem correctly the day we met, remember?"
"Jake, I will remember for the rest of my life how earnest you were the day we met."
He smiled, and he found his heart swelling with pride. "So you'll stay?"
"Next time," she whispered. "Next time I'll stay. And we can do more than cuddle and make out."
Jake pulled her a little closer with his hands still on her butt. "Yeah. Let's do that."
Eventually he packed up a container with the extra chili and linked his fingers with hers. He walked her to her car and kissed her until they were out of breath, and then he let her leave. But he missed her warmth and her hands on him. He ended up rereading her journal articles and looking up a recipe to make for Tuesday while he imagined just how sexy her outfit might be.
They are exclusive. She ordered the green set. She's dressing sexy on Tuesday. I'm ready. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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owlight · 2 years
Can i request for luffy sabo and shanks when their s/o (fem) randomly bites their tiddie? Ty ❤️
Thank you for requesting 🫰🫶🥺 I love this request
Warnings: biting man tities
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Luffy ,Sabo ,shanks reacting to Thier Fem!s/o biting Thier chest
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You were sitting on his lap,your head is resting on his chest and he is for once sitting peacefully eating some grapes as the ship sail
He is enjoying your comfortable body against his ,it's these wholesome moments that you cherish the most ,you can't help but admire his bored chest ,it's so...nice and so....biteable ,you thought about it for a while really ,biting his chest ,not in a sexual way really ,you just Wanted to try it for once ,What Could go wrong? He is strong ,he can handle one bite..." Can I have a bite Luffy?" You ask and Luffy hum as he eat a grape " sure sunshine! Here you go-"
" (Y/N)! OW WHAT IS THIS FOR?" Luffy yells out as he tries to moves you off his chest but You're still biting down like a fish ,robin giggle at Luffy poor attempts to get you off him while sanji crying in the corner of how ungrateful Luffy is,he have a fine woman biting him and this is his reaction!!!!?????
You let go after leaving a good love bite on his chest ,you grin at him with a toothy smile " no reason ,I just wanted to try it, give it a taste" you joke as you hear some of the crew laughing,Luffy isn't laughing unfortunately " is that so? Let me try yours then!" He state before jumping at you ,You scream in horror as you run away from him ,Sanji is trying to stop Luffy cuz this ain't something you do to a lady! " At least take her out for dinner first! "
He is The worst person to do this to, because He will bite you back ,Like you thought you could do this and live on? No ,he will bite you back with a worst chomp
He will teach you a lesson on Not biting him by biting you back ,It end up with both of you covered in bandages with chopper scolding you both for this reckless behaviors
Next time you bite him randomly he will not flinch ,will only bite you back,He doesn't care that you got sensitive tities ,he will bite back ,You had it Coming
He is immune to your bites now and so are you ,This is a relationship flex in a way (?)
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You were both laying in bed as you both rested from a long day of work,both of you are naked after a short love making session,Sabo hugged you to his chest as he spoke about some found memory he had as he tries to keep you both awake till you gain energy for the next round,the energy in the room were highly comforting Truly
Too bad that the only thing on your mind was the urge to bite sabo chest like it's your long life cure , perhaps you shouldn't do it now ,but again,is there a better time than now? Will you have this chance again? Probably yes but You live in the moment!
"we used to collect beetles and make them fight each othe-OW!-What-What are you doing?" He asks as he looks at you with a raised eyebrow ,his cheeks slightly flushed "biting Into my favorite snack"you tell as you bite down again causing him to moan ,that itself make you pause your biting " well this is interesting...." You mumble as sabo hand come to grab your hair " don't,We are not unlocking this today" he tells you slightly embarrassed,you hum " No no I think we need to ,Let me bite you somewhere else-" you tell him teasingly as sabo sighs deeply "you're going to be the death of me" he mumble as he pulls you into a kiss , that's a bit too heated than how he usually kiss....
You unlocked his biting kink ,a great new addition to your list of things that sabo is into
He Is really into it ,Just don't bite him outside the bedroom cuz he doesn't know how he would react if you bit him Infront of others (it will be an unhinged reaction for sure)
Will start calling you a wild kitty as a little inside joke between the two of you
He is kinky and he know it , Let's hope you don't figure out his bondage kink any time soon
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He had it coming ,He really only had himself to blame,you were tired from all the biting and hickeys he leaves on your chest all the time ,he is merciless with his biting,you can't wear anything that show your cleavage because It's all marked up and everyone on the ship tease you about it if they caught a glance of it
So like any good girlfriend,you decided to charm shanks into letting his guard down so you go on with your plan
" want more sake my love?" You asks him sweetly as you pour him another Anyway " you already I can't refuse a drink from a pretty women" shanks mumble against his drink as he drinks it,you smile as you see him relax , getting comfortable even,you decide to move to sit on his lap and he of course let you so easily ,Why would he suspect anything when you're drinking with the crew after dinner?
" trying to get comfortable my love huh?" He asks with a smirk as you nod,your hand running down his chest " trying to get more than comfortable captain" you whisper in his ear , ignoring the fact the Whole crew can see you both like this ,they at this point used of it " is that so dear?" He asks with a husky tone " oh yeah " shanks free his hand to let it run down your hair" you know you can get anything from me my dear,no need to get all touchy ,just ask nicely" he mumble to you " can I ?" You ask as you look up at him ,puppy eyes and pouty lips ,he didn't stand a chance "go ahead darling-OW WHAT THE FUCK?" shanks Yelp as he feel your teeth sink right on his chest ,He is looking at your with a heated look and everyone is looking at you With a questioning look ,You only get up and walk away "consider it payback old man" You let your tongue out as you Walk a bit faster ,shanks stares at you as he register what just happened
"You're NOT getting away with this (y/n)" you hear someone says as you hear a shift in the room, you run out the dining room a bit faster as you hear some heavy footsteps behind you
it was nice while it lasted
You tities didn't survive that night ,he showed you what this 'old man' is capable of when you misbehave
He Is only allowed to bite you up like that ,you doing it so randomly was a wrong choice cuz it only turned him on and gave him a reason to jump at you
he will start calling you A bitebug all the time ,will never let you live this down
YOU only did it once ,LIKE he is the only biting your chest 24/7 but God forbidden you do it once 😔 smh men
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sage-green-matcha · 1 year
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Small love letters Ethan would give you during your 3 years of dating in high school!
Content includes: fluff! Cuteness idk!! Small argument :(
Dear Y/n,
Hi :) you did really well on your project today. I hope you get the grade you want! You look beautiful. Yours, Ethan Landry <3
Dear Y/n,
Hi :) I missed you in 5th period today. Hope you feel better soon! I like your sweater by the way :)) Yours, Ethan Landry <3
To my dear Y/n
You looked so beautiful today, I wish I could see you more throughout the day. I can’t wait to see you later <3 have an amazing day :) - Ethan <3
Dear Y/n!
Today I got an A on my final! I know I was stressing you out since I was freaking out!! Thank you for dealing with me!! I love you, have a good day ;) <3 Yours, Ethan <333
Dear Y/n
I know you’ve been feeling down but I just wanted to say I love you. I can’t wait to see you at lunch. You look pretty like always, hope you feel better soon. Yours, Eth <3
Dear Y/n!
My mom said you can come over for dinner tonight! Don’t get nervous I already know my family is gonna love you. Quinn is practically already in love with you so don’t worry about her. Yours, Ethan Landry <3
Dear Y/n <3
My parents literally adored you. They keep asking when you’re gonna come back. My moms already planning on inviting you to Christmas. Have a great day! I love u and adore u sm! Yours, Ethan :)
Dear Y/n!!!
When you walked into the classroom I was like “What the fuck?!!” You look more than beautiful, I love you and your style so much. You look so good. Style me next lol. From your amazing boyfriend, Ethan Landry <33
Dear Y/n!!!
Meet me at the library after school today? I have a surprise for you! Bring yourself and that’s it! Love you so so much! - Ethan! <3
Dear Y/n
I hope you liked your surprise from yesterday! I can’t wait to see what dress you wear to the prom. I already know you’re gonna look beautiful. Your baby, Eth <3
Dear Y/n <3
I had so much fun at prom with you. I can't stop thinking about you and that beautiful dress of yours. You’re taking over my brain but I’m not complaining. From your cutie of a boyfriend, Ethan Landry!!!
Dear Y/n!!!
I’m so hungry, text me so we can figure out what to get for lunch. Legitimately starving, I could eat you up ;) jk…but also not jk? ANYWAYS! lmk :) - Ethan!! <3
Dear Y/n
I know you’re upset at me. I’m sorry. You know that I will always support you in whatever you do. I was just scared to be away from you and I hope you know I love you and will support all of your decisions. Yours, Ethan Landry <3
Dear Y/n!
I can’t believe you’re leaving me for a whole week. I might just die without you. I hope you have the most fun on your trip! Hopefully, London is as beautiful as you are! (Which is impossible) - Your sad boyfriend, Ethan Landry <3
Dear Y/n
Oh my god, I missed your face so much. Thank you for bringing me all those snacks! I loved getting to see you this weekend. So glad to have you back I was so touch starved - Ethan! <33333
Dear Y/n:
Our last week of high school!!! I can’t wait to move into our apartment soon. You know I love you!! Get to packing! Yours, Eth <3
My dear Y/n
For the last 3 years, I have been writing you letters and giving them to you in between passing periods. Im gonna miss this a lot. But I’m glad that we’re getting to grow together. I'm so thankful for you and all your support. I can’t wait to walk up on that stage and look for you in the crowd. I love you so so much. Maybe when we get settled into our apartment I can write you notes on the fridge with magnets or something. Yours, Ethan Landry <3
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hanbindans · 1 year
zb1 as boyfriends!!
word count: 2.8k (only ca 350 for each) a/n: requested!! I wrote them in bulletpoint form in an attempt to keep a structure, but I do apologize if it's in-cohesive because my brain is still in finals mode (cries). I also apologize if you think my use of emojis is too much but it just makes sense. Hanbin stans who hate coffee just pretend you don't for this 1 post <33 thanks
You guys. Jiwoong is THE boyfriend. He knows all the in's and out's of boyfriending™ at this point. Will not disappoint.
He might fall in love a liiittle before you, but honestly it would be pretty mutual from the beginning. I think he would have to meet someone with the mindset that it would lead to a relationship (probably doesn't go from being friends to dating) so if he meets you and likes you he would make it known :)
Pretends to like dates in the beginning; going out to have nice dinners, going on late night walks in the city, visiting animal cafés, anything that gives you a chance to talk a lot and really get to know each other.
When he knows he's got you he will prefer at-home dates though because going out is a little too much effort and he'd rather just chill on his couch <333 If you still want to go out for dates though he would of course compromise!!!
Speaking of which- he's so good at communicating and making sure you're both happy, in the relationship and otherwise. Kind of loves when you come to him for advice or admit when you're struggling with something because he sees that as a big sign of trust.
"hey I bet you can't get me a bag of chips from the convenience store in 15 minutes" and you speed to the convenience store because you're a fool in love <3
I don't think he is super lovey dovey- he's more about the casual displays of affection. A "hey, you look really nice today" when he can tell you made an extra effort. A packed lunch waiting for you in the fridge when he knows you're going to have a busy day. Of course he lets you know he loves you, just not every second of every day.
In general he is a very chill, low maintenance boyfriend who is secure in your relationship. Is mature enough to communicate and compromise with you whenever you disagree on something (which is very sexy of him 🤌 we love).
zhang hao
Oh you're totally the one who falls in love first. He has insane rizz- like you're going to be crushing on him for a good few months before he develops feelings back.
Once he does though he's allllll yours. Looks at you with full on heart eyes and giggles at everything you say but is cool about it if that makes sense?? Like he acts unaffected and tries to be the cool and sophisticated boyfriend but it's painfully obvious he's totally head-over-heels in love.
He is 1. a busy man, and 2. an introvert, so his favourite type of dates are in calm and not-so busy places where you can just wind down and spend time together, like small cafés or going for long strolls in nature and just talking. He would also love to just stay at home as you both do your own things, just vibing in peace and being productive.
Will nag at you for every little thing but it's out of love. It's always "babe a granola bar isn't a meal 😒" and "I can't believe you never remember to apply sunscreen!!" but it's not to be annoying he just cares about you (and most of the time he's right).
Brings you cut fruits to snack on when you're busy doing something <3
One thing about Zhang Hao is that he IS a great boyfriend, but he will remind you himself through small comments. "Am I not the best boyfriend... Where else could you find a boyfriend like me... You're so lucky to have the handsomest boyfriend...." He loves you so much and he doesn't want you to find another boyfriend so he is pitching himself so you don't go away <3
The most caring boyfriend who will look after you and make you feel so so loved. Life is exhausting sometimes but this relationship is the perfect safe space for the both of you to relax and be unapologetically yourselves.
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I think he would fall in love first!! He's a soft boi at heart, when he meets someone he likes he falls hard and FAST. Luckily for him you fall back though because duh he's Sung Hanbin.
COOKING AND BAKING DATES OF COURSE!!!!!! He will seduce you by cooking your favourite homemade dishes and making you the best cup of coffee you've ever had. Also learns how to make bread so he can lure you into being his partner forever and ever 😈
If you were up for it, I think he would love to take you out dancing. He will teach you if you want and are worried about embarrassing yourself, he just wants you to go out and have fun together!! Probably knows all the good spots and will take you out on the occasional Friday night 🕺🕺
We know this man stays busy, so he might not have that much free time to spend with you... That being said you have his undivided attention whenever he does see you. You have something to say?? All other conversations are unimportant. You're going into another room?? He won't follow you around but he IS counting the seconds until you come back.
If you compliment him on pretty much anything he is an emotional wreck the rest of the day. Wuws his praise, especially from you <3333
Kind of his favourite thing to do is to sit down with you after a long week, have some snacks and some nice drinks ready, and you just rant to each other about work/school/people or whatever. Sometimes you just need to complain to someone you confide in, ya know?? And he needs to know who your enemies are because they are his enemies too.
He just likes you a LOT and wants to involve you in all his favourite things. Hanbin loves life and having fun- and he wants you to have fun too!! You are his most beloved person ever and he shows that by making you a part of his life in all the ways he can.
There's not a single alternate universe where a relationship with Matthew wouldn't start as friends to lovers. I'm sorry it just works too well with him. You start falling for each other at around the same time, but he's probably the first one to confess. You're both just two fools extremely in love <3
Absolute date master but it's completely unintentional?? Idk, I think he would plan really cute date like picnics in the park or at-home movie nights with dinner. He just has a knack for dates that make you feel like the main character in a movie.
He has one (1) mission and it is to devastate you all the time. Prepare to receive cute texts for no reason, matching jewellery, and for him to ask to take couple pics that he can use as his phone background 🥲
Will teach you his choreographies. Even if it's only two easy steps. Doesn't matter if you are a dancer or not. His baby will be able to dance to his songs!!!
You know how he wants to be the hot Canadian oppa or whatever? Your partner privilege is that you're the only one allowed to tell him he's cute. Like he loves when you giggle and ruffle his hair and kiss his cheeks but that's only because he loves you. If Gyubin tried that shit on Matthew he would be on the floor in a chokehold. Use this privilege wisely.
When it's just the two of you he literally can't keep his hands off of you. Wraps his arms around you so you have no choice but to lie down on the couch and let him hold you and press kisses all over your face. He just likes his cuddles.
Overall a very loving boyfriend who lives to let you know how special you are. You deserve to be treated like a k-drama main character- so he ends up doing all the cliché, cute and romantic things for you that he never imagined himself enjoying before- but now has a special person to do them with <3
You both start liking each other around the same time. He's a pretty social guy and just very easy to like, so I feel like you would become close pretty fast, and he would confess that he likes you pretty quickly too.
As great as he is to spend time with and talk to- he sucks at the whole dating thing. He does really like you and wants to spend time with you almost always, he just doesn't like the logistics of arranging a date. What do you mean they don't show that movie next Friday?? What do you mean we have to decide where to have dinner?? Please just tell him where you want to go and he will happily go there with you. He just doesn't want to do the whole planning bit.
Sitting together in his bedroom as he strums on his guitar and you do something else.
Very cheesy boyfriend but it's so cute <3 Tooth-rottingly sweet texts and compliments for absolutely no reason, thoughtful birthday gifts, randomly getting you flowers, the works.
He could be the mature, calm, chill boyfriend..... but why would he want to?? Much more fun being your kind of insane boyfriend who acts like the calm and chill boyfriend in front of other people. Like sometimes he has Einstein level thoughts. Sometimes he lies to you that there is a dog behind you just for shits and giggles.
I think he has a pretty high EQ and he would give great comfort and advice if you needed it. Always there for you if you need to rant about your day and that annoying person you don't like, or if you have a problem that he has to help you solve. Empathises really well and never judges you for your honest thoughts.
Taerae really is just a great guy to begin with, but when he's in a relationship with you he is the nicest, most fun and supportive boyfriend . Always willing to go the extra mile for you and make you feel like the most loved person in the world :)
Hmmm.... I mean there's a much bigger chance that you fall in love first than the other way around. That being said: he's absolutely whipped when he does start liking you back. Like. Gyubin would make fun of him because he literally can't focus on anything else when you're around. So in the end you're both fools in love <3
Oh the dates are going to be top tier. Your wish is his command and the budget is LARGE, so pretty much wherever you want to go or whatever you want to do, he will make it happen. But I think he has a soft spot for museums, art galleries, basically anything "cultural". Or just walking around the city at night and seeing what's open.
Wants to engage in your hobbies!! He will ask a million questions about your interests (sports, music, cinema, drawing, whatever you're passionate about) so he can see you nerd out and maybe understand you a little better. He will also be SO SO SO happy if you're willing to engage in his interests and watch his favourite shows with him because THAT is true love <33
Tbh he's not always great at clearly expressing or asking for affection- but the one thing he would actually ask for is head massages. After a long day, he just can't resist the temptation of spacing out while you run your hands through his hair. He is still too embarrassed to ask for it with his words though, so he just gets all quiet and leans his head onto you and hopes you get the hint (you do).
He also wants to share everything. Mostly shirts, hoodies, jackets- sometimes jewellery. Be careful because while this does mean you can borrow his stuff, he will also borrow yours. Hide your shit if there's something you want to keep to yourself.
He is trying to be the cool, sophisticated boyfriend- but he's just a big softie at the end of the day!! He secretly loves all the cute coupley things like fancy dates and matching necklaces, and he loves to surprise you and watch your eyes go all wide in awe. Really just wants to walk around and be in love all day <3
Friends to lovers where you meet through mutual friends and are in the same friend group for a while, silently crushing on each other until one of your other friends gets sick of the tension and tells both of you that you like each other.
Dates are very spontaneous but always fun!! If he has to run errands or go somewhere he will force you to come with him to keep him company. In return he says something to make you laugh approx. every 4 minutes to keep you entertained.
Oh when I say that he is attached to you at the hip... He can't go a full day without talking to you- either by text, on the phone, or face to face. Even when he is with you he HAS to be touching you pretty much all the time- holding your hand and playing with your fingers. If you ask him to tone it down in public he will... Begrudgingly..... Actually physically holding himself back from grabbing your hand.
His one mission every day is to make you laugh at least once. Has a folder of memes saved on his phone that he updates regularly so he can send you something every day.
Prepare to share all your drinks and food for the rest of your life. You got a smoothie?? He's taking the first sip "tO mAkE sUrE iT's nOt pOiSonEd" (you get to try his smoothie too don't worry).
Other than the fact that he needs to be next to you all the time?? He's pretty low maintenance!! Is perfectly fine with spending a whole weekend rotting away in his bedroom, cuddling up to you and scrolling through tiktok as you show each other funny videos that pop up on your fyp's.
In general I see him as being a very fun and loving boyfriend. You are kind of just besties who kiss, ya know? He genuinely likes spending time with you doing whatever- you're the funniest, kindest, best person he knows- and he lets you know by sending "ily" texts at least twice a day and holding your hand everywhere you go <3
Oh he has the world's biggest crush on you for a while before you ask him out (yes you need to ask first he's too scared <3). I'm talking "doodling your name in his notebook with hearts next to it" levels of crush. Loses his mind when you ask him out like YOU LIKE HIM BACK???? Crazy.
A very sweet and polite young man to begin with (lucky you!!), but it's going to be 10x more intense with the person he likes. Prepare yourself to be treated like you saved the world 3 times, ended world poverty, hung the stars in the sky, etc.
He's still pretty young and gets too attached too fast so initially he's very scared to mess things up. Googles 'date ideas' to come up with stuff to do and watches K-dramas to learn how to boyfriend (he has NO idea what he's doing. send help. but it's very cute). With time he becomes more chill though.
Think classic dates in the beginning; watching a movie at the cinema, going to a café, stuff like that. When he gets more comfortable it's more like chilling in his bedroom as you binge watch a netflix show or cuddle and scroll through social media in comfortable silence.
A little dramatic sometimes: he gets super excited over all your small achievements and exaggerates when he tells you how TERRIBLE and AWFUL his day was. Also needs reassurance every once in a while that you really do like him back because he gets in his own head too much. Kind of a drama queen but in the best way.
Wayyy too shy to initiate pretty much ANY type of physical affection so he hopes you will just initiate instead and hold his hand. Ya boy is trying to play it cool but is also a little ~insecure~ so he is in a constant dilemma between holding your hand versus not holding your hand. WHAT IF HE DOESN'T HOLD YOUR HAND AND THEN YOU BREAK UP WITH HIM????? He is distressed 24/7.
Overall- very sweet and shy and confused but he WILL try his best to be the bf you deserve!! He's still working on exactly how to do that but rest assured: he does love you to bits and wants more than anything to make you smile every day 🥲 Best boy.
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steveharringtonat3am · 4 months
helloo! I was thinking about Steve being soft about reader. Reader is sick and can't take medicine, like reader has a fear of swallowing pills something like that and Steve is there to help the reader. Thank you very much!! I hope you're having a good day too! 💕
You’ve always hating being sick. You can’t really remember when it started, maybe when you were small and got a fever so high your mom had to run a cold cloth over your forehead so you wouldn’t overheat. Or maybe when you caught that cold and your throat was so scratchy you wanted to just pull it out.
But you weren’t a little kid anymore, so you had to tough it out.
The next day at work was horrible. Your whole body hurt, your throat was aching and dry no matter how much water you drank, and you couldn’t stop sneezing. You told Steve you were busy with work, to avoid the daily lunch break phone call. You knew he would hear your illness in your voice and you couldn’t bear to burden him like that.
Steve was the most caring boyfriend you’d ever had. He was always going out of his way to do things like picking up your favourite snacks, filling up your car with gas, even taking bugs from your apartment outside. He had never seen you sick before and you just know he’ll go overboard.
You barely manage the drive home but the need to curl on the couch and watch movies all night is enough to push you through.
‘Dinner is a problem for later.’ You think to yourself as you toss your coat onto a chair, stumbling to your bedroom to change into one of Steves’ sweaters and a pair of pyjama pants. A chill has suck it’s way into your bones and you quickly burrow onto your couch and wrap a blanket around yourself. You about to turn on a movie when your phone begins to buzz. A glance at the screen, glowing with Steves’ cheesy smile and you wince. He knows your home and he definitely knows something is up since you always call on your drive home since you like the company.
“Hi baby!” You pick up, trying to keep the sore throat out of your voice.
“Hey babe. Haven’t talked to you all day! You want me to come over? I can bring takeout.” You grip your blanket in uncertainty. Your apartment is definitely riddled with germs and getting Steve sick would be worse than him seeing you like this.
“N-no no it’s alright. I’m feeling a bit tired so I’m probably going to bed now.” A weak lie that you know he’ll see right through.
“…It’s six o’clock. Are you feeling alright baby?” He’s so concerned you could cry.
“Yep! Great. Timeforbedokaybyeiloveyou!” You hang up quickly, tossing your phone to the other side of the couch in embarrassment. Hopefully you’ll wake up better tomorrow and you can pretend this never happened.
The knock on the door startles you awake. You blink as your eyes come into focus, crawling out of the warm cocoon you had built to stumble to the door. The light of your oven reads 7:06. You swing the door open and your heart sinks immediately. Steve, still in his work uniform, holds bags of takeout, a soft grin on his face.
“Hi sweetheart.” He greets you with a soft kiss on the cheek before slipping into your apartment. You lock the door, guilt settling in your stomach.
When you join him in the kitchen, he’s unpacking the food. He sets a large container of soup in the microwave and your mouth waters just a bit.
“I could tell you were feeling a bit under the weather so I got you some wonton soup from that place you like. And I picked up some tylenol in case you were achy and some regular cold medicine if you want that. It’s cherry flavoured.” He smiles so sweet at you that you might cry.
“I-I can’t take tylenol.” You know you should thank him, but the bottle of pills is the first thing on your mind.
“Why not?”
“I just…I don’t like swallowing pills. They feel like they get stuck in my throat and they just don’t-don’t go down.” It sounds stupid saying it but you know you should. You had never been able to get down pills, unless they were so tiny you didn’t notice.
“That’s alright babe. How about I split it and you try that?” You inspect the pills as you decide. The groove in the middle means splitting it is safe, and you think you could manage each half.
“Okay…” You watch carefully as he severs the pill with a knife, grabbing you a glass of water to wash it down. He hands it to you and pretends to not watch.
It takes you a second to get over the mental hurdle, placing the piece in your mouth and immediately taking a gulp of water. The pill manages to get lost in the liquid and you swallow with ease. You take the other piece and swallow once more. When it goes down, you show Steve with a smile and he grins proudly.
“Good job babe!” He pours you some soup, grabbing a bowl of fried rice for himself as you both head to the couch to eat. You relax into him as the soup calms your throat.
“Thank you for taking care of me, Steve.” You smile up at him and he mirrors it.
“Of course, sweetheart. Anything for you.”
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vanishingcherry · 1 year
Hey Leah, hope you’re doing good. If you’re taking requests, please could I get either Charles or Lando x fem reader. I had a really shitty day and my friends seem really distant and I feel super sad. Thank you x
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader
author's note: heyy! im so sorry about your day... i hope you're feeling better now 🥰. im sorry its a bit late, ive just been in a writing slump and didn't have anything finished. ive had this in my drafts for a while tho so here you go!
๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
It was summer break, which meant Charles was home for over 2 weeks and you had him all to yourself. Granted, you did have days in which you would go out with family and friends, but it was a manner of speaking. It meant that you would be together almost 24/7 for days at a time, something rare in his career.
That was why the two of you had pre-decided to make the most of it. Charles felt guilty sometimes, about not being, in his words, the boyfriend you deserved. Although you had told him multiple times that he was perfect, he held on to that insecurity, which is why you went along with everything he planned, knowing that all he wanted to do was spend time with you.
You could honestly say you had been on more dates in the last week than you had so far in the year. There were the simple dinner dates, movie dates, hiking dates and also the more unique ones, such as the one that ended with, for some reason, throwing paint on each other.
But with all that, there were also the more quiet days. The days in which the two of you would stay in your apartment all day long. Those were your favourite days. There was something special about being able to wake up late, not having to worry about work or some sort of event.
"Have you been awake a while?" you whisper, shifting so that you would be closer to him, tucking your head under his own as he continues to run his fingers through your hair.
"Ouais." he murmurs. Yeah. "Mais c'est bien. I like looking at you."
It was another one of these days, and you were coming back from the kitchen with a snack when you heard the soft notes of the piano. Smiling, you switched off your phone and walked into the makeshift studio you and Charles had converted a guest bedroom into.
He had taken piano lessons during quarantine, and you had never been happier with his decision. There would be times in which you would come home from work, the sound of music immediately putting you in a state of relaxation.
You stand in the doorway, watching as his fingers dance across the keys. A few minutes later, when he stops playing, you walk over and sit next to him.
"What piece was that?" you ask softly, not wanting to speak too loud. You rest your head on his shoulder, offering him a chip from your bowl.
"Did you like it?" he replies, answering with a question of his own.
"Yeah, it was beautiful. I loved it."
"It's mine. I made it." he admits sheepishly. "I was just trying something out."
"REALLY? Oh my god, amour!" Your eyes widen at his words, head turning towards him in disbelief.
"Yeah. You actually like it?"
"Yes, of course! Oh my god, bebe. How did you- I'm so proud."
He shyly smiles at your praise, before piping up. "Do you want me to teach you?"
"Your song?" you ask, clearly excited.
"Well" he starts. "Maybe not my song right now, but I can teach you an easier song... and then we can work up to my song?"
"Ouais! I can't believe I never thought of that before."
He smiles at your enthusiasm before wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. He then gently takes your hands, placing them on the keys, keeping his fingers over your own. He looks at your expressing for a few seconds, unable to stop the smile from creeping on his face as he realises just how special you are.
"You press this finger and this finger at the same time, and hold it for a second" he directs, after shaking his head to focus, pressing down on the right keys.
You follow his directions, going over ever note a few times before moving on. He was patient, overly so, helping you with the biggest grin as you ask him to repeat the last few steps.
Before you knew it, it had been over an hour, and you had learnt quite a bit of what Charles was teaching you. At this point, both of your attention spans were low, and there wasn't a lot of playing going on. Rather, it was you trying to get through the last few notes before a break while Charles lightly tickled your sides, proving to be an annoyingly cute distraction.
"I think I'm done for today" you sigh, shifting slightly to rest your back against Charles.
"Yeah. I'm tired." you say.
He nods sympathetically before standing up and pulling on your hands to make you do the same.
"You go to bed and put something on the TV, okay? I'll make dinner and be there soon."
"Are you sure? Do you want me to help?"
"It's just pasta" he replies, shrugging and lightly pushing you in the direction of the bedroom.
"Okay... but I want mine al dente", you emphasize. "Not croccante"
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liked by arthurleclerc, scuderiaferrari and 309,857 others
yourusername thanks for the piano lesson @.charlesleclerc
view all 8,547 comments
charlesfan oh to have charles as a piano teacher
scuderiaferrari couple goals
ynfan AUS23 yn's pov when
charlesleclerc of course ❤️... same time tomorrow?
↳ yourusername i'd love to
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spiderrmax · 1 year
main 4 + gen. dating hcs
synopsis: what the title says! general dating headcanons author's note: i always feel like my cartman is ooc. am trying tho i swear. also this was typed up b4 i got requests :) am working on those currently!
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Stan Marsh
Is a very chill boyfriend
Was nervous at first though. Definitely got nauseous on your guys first few dates but it died around a few months into your relationship.
The type to send you cat relationship posts with only a caption of “us”
Lets you borrow his jacket when it’s really cold
Enjoys holding your hand; will grab at it unconsciously whenever he’s near you
Doesn’t care a lot about school but will take notes for you if you are absent
Will text you random updates throughout the day. “Cartman and Kyle are fighting again.” “I just saw a cute kitten” “listened to that song you recommended. Was good.”
feel like he's the type to make spotift playlist of songs thay remind him of you or songs you recommended him
Doesn't mind doing the matching couple things as long as it’s not too corny. Will buy matching converse or sweatshirts
Not the biggest on pet names, unless you’re upset or it’s in private; he goes for the classics: babe, love, beautiful
He will always partner up with you if you guys are in a class together. The teacher will mention partner work and you guys instantly make eye contact.
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Kyle Broflovski
Is very sweet
A stereotypical romantic; i talked about this in my love language post but he definitely googles ideas for dates and gifts. would have a pinterest board just called "y/n" filled w anything he wants to try and recreate
Any google doc notes he has instantly gets shared to him
if you guys are on a doc at the same time he is definitely talking to you in the comments. he has to reply to every "hi!" you type. he can't help it.
Cliché but he loves study dates. he will always meet you at the library to study and chill for a bit. He will unconsciously stare at you and gets embarrassed if you point it out. The date always ends with him taking you out for coffee or lunch/dinner depending on the time.
Isn’t very open about your relationship; likes keeping most stuff behind closed doors.
However it’s not a secret. People know you are together. although not the biggest PDA fan will hold your hand if someone is looking at you too long.
In the early stages of your relationship, he’d get flustered so fast. You’d smile and wave at him in the halls and he’d turn a bright red.
The kinda guy to drag his thumb over your knuckles when you guys hold hand
I think he'd be a forehead kisser. It's so domestic and he'd love doing it.
Will always walk you home from the bus stop/school. Even if it’s a bit out of his way.
Is extremely comfortable around you. Will let you see his hair and take his hat off in closed doors. Will laugh when you try to wear it, because it doesn’t fit, but finds it cute. is only slightly amused at your attempt to impersonate him.
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Eric Cartman
Is so cocky he’s dating you
Constantly brings you up in a conversation. He doesn’t even mean to most times, but it happens so casually
Doesn’t really enjoy sharing, but will give you some of his snacks if you look down. He’ll say you owe him but won’t really hold you to it.
Spam messages you constantly, especially if he knows you aren’t doing anything. They get more clingy as he messages you until you reply. Then he plays it off like he didn’t even want your attention; he was just bored.
Loves when you wear his clothes. Doesn’t like when you do it so much in public but once you had to borrow a shirt because you spilled something on yours. He just stared at you, in awe of how good you could look in something of his.
Will try on assignments he is working with you on. He respects you more and knows his slacking off will directly affect you. He still doesn��t put in 100% effort but you don’t have to carry his whole weight.
Loves calling you those really obnoxious pet names. Finds them so funny because you hate them.
Loves it even more when you call him a pet name. At first he will mock you for calling him something like "honey," but then he won't be able to stop thinking about it. Will reluctantly tell you you can keep calling him that stuff. But not in front of the guys.
This also applies to kissing. He will mock you the first you kiss his cheek as a goodbye but now he leans his head towards you if you're getting up to go.
His love language is making fun of you. Will call you stupid and ugly constantly but will throw hands with anyone else who dares try and call you that.
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Kenny Mccormick
loves loves LOVES showing you off
Will bring you up in conversation, but isn’t as braggy as Cartman gets. Just loves you so much.
He is also with you as much as he can be. wIll walk you to each of your classes even if it causes him to be late.
The type to carry any books you’re holding while you walk. Will even balance them in one hand so his other is free to grab onto yours.
The type to wait by your locker to walk you home. He will rush to get there before you do.
Will pull down his hood when he’s with you for the sole reason he loves when you play with his hair. Enjoys putting his head in your lap, it’s his way of inviting you to do it.
loves listening to you talk! no matter what you are rambling about you have kenny's full attentions.
 Although known as a serial flirter/perv, it dies down when he gets into a relationship with you. He’s very loyal and won't risk your relationship or your trust
Comes over to your house a bunch. Your parents are used to him coming over frequently. He probably has clothes left there and his own toothbrush.
Loves playing video games with you! Even if you’re bad. Will have you sit between his legs so he can help with your hand placement if it’s a single game. (In mario kart, his go to is princess rosaline or daisy)
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wosoluver · 2 months
Andrea Medina x reader
kind of platonic, short
Andrea Medina Masterlist
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Andrea was a the sunshine in the life of everyone who lived around her. But not even her brightest rays could have saved you, from the depressive downhill state you felt since your recent breakup.
Your ex had left you on the one year dinner celebration you had planned so excitedly. You were fighting to stay afloat.
Your friends tried their best. But you only pushed everyone else away.
Which only made everything worse. The loneliness, the empty hours of your days that used to be filled by the people you loved, only brought a little more sorrow.
And you didn't know how to ask for help at this point.
You felt embarrassed and undeserving. And most people would have definitely turned their back on you.
But not her.
She waited patiently.
"Y/N can you please come to dinner with us today?"
"Uhm I don't know if I can, I had some plans and-"
"It's fine."
You were thankful for her to not push you into things.
"I know you're not in the mood. But your birthday is coming up, and I wanted us to celebrate it. Lola and Cris have been trying to come up with some good ideas for the party."
"I won't be able to get out of that one, huh?"
"You were so excited for your birthday last week. I know you're not feeling too well but distancing from us, from me, is not the answer."
"I know." you looked down, a bit shameful for your own actions.
"I'm ditching dinner. We can go watch the sunset on your favorite spot. We'll stop to get the snacks on the way."
"Today?" she swore your eyes twinkled for a second in excitement.
"After training. I'll pick you up."
'I go 'round and 'round
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?'
You were woken up by the sound of your phone ringing on the side table. Before picking it up, you took a look at who was calling.
"Where are you? You're late."
"In bed. Today is our day off."
"We are having brunch today, with Wifi."
"Don't. We're waiting for you at the cafe."
"I love you guys but I don't want to deal with anything today."
"Fine." and she simply hung up. You thought she was pissed off, and decided on going back to sleep.
'I'm in an L.A. mood
I don't wanna talk to you
She said, "Give me a day or two"'
The knock on your door was loud enough to hear from the bedroom.
"Give me a minute!" you yelled going for the door.
"Good morning." and there she was again. "I dropped Wifi off, and came to see you, I brought your favorites." she said handing you the bag.
"You brought me brunch?" half surprised. "I thought you were angry, when you hung up the call."
"I was. But then I remembered it's not like you to cancel plans like this. You were doing a little better no? So, qué pasa?" she asked you softly.
"I was just on insta. And a friend my ex and I had in common, messaged me asking how I was doing, then proceeded to tell me they've moved on.
Like two weeks? Really? I'm getting over them but at the same time it made me feel sort of meaningless."
"You have to stop basing your value on other people's actions towards you. You can't let this pull you back into the dark. You have people who love you right here!"
'I'm here, right here
Wishing I could be there for ya'
You reaction was to simply cry. You knew she was right. She had tried everything to bring you up. All the girls did. And still you could only keep your mind in the bad things, blinding you from feeling better. From feeling the love, that was constantly poured on you.
She hugged your side, soothing your back, calmly.
"I don't deserve you. You're like the sun in my orbit, making sure I always have what I need. And I'm like the moon bringing the darkness along were ever I go."
"You know that's not true. You're just going through a phase. Like the moon always does. And the moon doesn't bring darkness. She reflects the light, to guide others through the dark in the night. You have guided me many times before. Even if you have no idea. You shine bright like a full moon."
"Only because I have your sunshine. Thank you for never leaving me alone."
"I've tried." she joked "But I can't."
I can see you're lonely down there
Don't you know that I am right here?
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joesheistyy · 1 year
Cold Feet
two lil blurbs :)
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The chilly Cincinnati weather wasn't welcome when it came to you. While you preferred to be cold, you didn't mean THIS cold.
It was a chilly Sunday evening in the off season and you and Joe were spending it on the couch. Could he afford to turn up the heat? Yes. Was he raised to keep it cool even in the winter? Also yes.
The house was kept at a brisk 65 degrees. If it were that way during the warm months, you'd love it. But when it was 28 degrees outside? Absolutely not.
You had been up and around the kitchen, gathering snacks and drinks to have a small movie night. The hardwood floor felt like you were walking on ice, even when wearing socks. Your XL nike crewneck and Christmas plaid pajama pants clad your body. Your bare feet were freezing.
After you placed a bowl of popcorn and two Angry Orchards on the coffee table, you grabbed your favorite cozy blanket. Joe was sitting on the middle cushion of the couch. You were most comfortable when your back was against the arm rest and your legs were draped over Joe's lap.
You sat down, throwing the blanket over your body. Your knees were propped up as you tucked your feet under Joe's thighs.
"Jesus Christ y/n, your feet are so fucking cold," Joe whined as he felt your icicle feet through his sweats.
"Yeah cause someone won't turn up the heat," you replied sassily.
"Can't you just put on socks?" he responded, growing an attitude.
"I mean yes, but that's a lot of work and your thighs are warm," you stated simply with a shrug.
"y/l/n, just put on some damn socks,"
Spring was just around the corner, but you were in the staple midwest second winter phase. The day had been nice and in the mid 50's. You spent your day in the sunlight of the window on the couch reading your favorite book.
As the day progressed and the sun went down, the wind made the nice evening turn brisk. Joe had been out training most of the day, so he had become acclimated to the outdoor weather.
The house stayed cool and you moved away from the window that let in a slight draft. Joe arrived home after dinner time having eaten with the team at the stadium. You cooked yourself a bowl of tortellini with sautéed spinach and a glass of wine. The boiling water helped to heat up the kitchen a bit.
After Joe's arrival home, he made his way upstairs to take a hot shower. You both were in the mood to go to bed early.
Keeping the house cool at night was the right way to go for Joe to get a good night's sleep. Most of the time you could handle it because Joe was your own personal furnace, but some nights, your feet were too cold to sleep.
After you both had done your night time routines, you climbed under the blankets. Joe was partially sat up while he checked his phone one more time before bed. You, however, were all snuggled in.
"Joey lay down, I'm cold," you whined and tugged at his arm.
"Fine fine, c'mere you little icicle," he said as he plugged in his phone and turned off his bedside lamp.
After a couple minutes of snuggles, Joe turned away to face the wall, the way he normally sleeps.
You were still cold, especially once Joe turned over. His breaths evened out and you knew he was sleeping. Disrupting his sleep was something you hated to do, but you needed his warmth. He knew that if your feet were cold, you couldn't sleep.
You mischievously tucked your feet in-between his calfs. He stirred a bit, letting out a string of curse words as he felt your cold feet.
"Babe, put on some socks or something," Joe spoke, still half asleep.
"But you know I hate sleeping with socks on, and you're just so warm," you said as you snuggled yourself into his back.
"Fine, but this won't happen next time," Joe said before falling back asleep.
You smiled into his back, slowly but surely starting to warm up.
My house is freezing so I came up with these lil ideas! I hope y’all enjoyed!! <3 much love
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blackopals-world · 2 years
Hi and happy fall :3
I read your fic about the dancer yuu and absolutely loved it! Could I request a yuu with an interest in poetry and baking with Azul, Jamil or Malleus? You could often find them singing to Frank Sinatra while making treats! Feel free to ignore and I hope you have a pleasant day 😁
~You guys are so sweet~
I don't know how to fit poetry and singing but I can see what I can do.
Three Times fem!Yuu was caught by surprise
Ramshackle does have a kitchen, its not big but it was cozy. Yuu had put a lot of love into keeping it stocked with flour and spices. Grim had his several bowls on the counter for his meal times, each with a different design. Grim was very spoiled because Yuu made his every meal and snack.
"My henchmen makes the best food ever! She even cooks better then Tray and Jamil!" Grim boasted as he ate his lunch especially made by Yuu.
His tuna sandwiches were cut in cute cat heads, with beautifully glazed mini croissants along with a fruit parfait. With it was a little note from Yuu.
"Be good. For gods sake be good. Love you!"-Yuu♡
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The word got around and many people wanted to try it. While Ace and Deuce could play the best friend card others had to take different routes.
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Azul wasn't able to ask Yuu directly but he wanted to eat at Ramshackle. Instead of being direct he asked the tweels to help him.
Jade and Floyd would remark on how morose Azul has been and how he has lost his taste for most sweets. Azul was hardly eating now.
Yuu of course was distressed to hear this.
"Poor Azul! Is it something to do with him being a mer?" Yuu asked innocentlyvwith her head tilted slightly like a puppy.
"Yes, he's withering away as we speak. At this rate we may have to return to sea for the sake of his health." Floyd said holding back a laugh.
Yuu bought it immediately because they know nothing about mer physiology.
Jade suggested that the best way to help Azul is trying someone else's cooking.
Yuu offered to invite the Octotrio to her home for dinner. She would prepare something great for them.
Yuu set to cooking as soon as she gathered ingredients.
Azul hated healthy food so no salad.
Wait a minute.
"Those eels have probably been letting him eat whatever he wants and now he can't eat!" Yuu yelled as she started cutting chicken.
Almost immediately she switched up the menu. Ratatouille, baked marinated chicken, and for dessert as a treat, tiramisu.
Azul won't be enthusiastic, but he won't have a choice
The Octotrio arrived around 6 pm as Yuu was mixing the tiramisu. She was too distracted to hear Grim opening the front door and letting her guest in or hear the footsteps headed to the kitchen.
"Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waitin' for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailin'"
Yuu hummed as she poured the coffee mix over the final layer and grabbing a piping bag.
Azul wanted to originally greet her but after watching her focus on her cake, he didn't want to interrupt.
It was a cute song.
Somewhere beyond the sea
She's there watchin' for me
If I could fly like birds on high
Then straight to her arms, I'd go sailin'
Yuu frosted the cake as she sang. When she tuned to grab the cocoa powder she shrieked.
Azul looked like a dark shadow as he lingered in the doorway and had spooked her.
"Sorry! Sorry!" Azul held up his hands defensively as she screamed.
"DONT DO THAT!" Yuu yelled trying to calm down. "Azul, you could have just come in."
"I didn't want to interrupt you." Azul wanted to sound apologetic but couldn't manage it. Her face was a pretty shade of pink just like a shrimp with the size to match. Floyd was onto something.
Despite the food not being his usual fair Azul relented and found it being pretty good. Even if it was mostly veggies. When the coffee cake was served Azul finally got to eat something he really wanted. If he had to suffer eating nothing but greens again for Yuu's desserts he'd do it again.
Fortunately or unfortunately Yuu would be taking special interest in all of Azul's meals from now one.
You know what they say: "Men live longer when a woman is in charge."
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Jamil didn't try anything underhanded to taste Yuu's cooking. He didn't even need to say much.
"I'm trying a few new recipes. Do you want to come to the Scarabia drom to help?" Jamil asked as they packed up their books after class.
"I'd love too!" Yuu smiled excitedly as she practically dragged Jamil off to the dorms.
Jamil was caught off guard but relented since he was used to this from Kalim. However holding Yuu's hand wasn't something he was used too. It felt warm like the sun on a breezy day.
Yuu immediately took over the Scarabia kitchen as they began prepping.
"Let's try making baklava or jam rolls." Yuu pulled out the mixing bowls as she watched Jamil sigh and grab the eggs from the fridge.
He wanted to be slightly annoyed by her but he found her excitement endearing. She really enjoyed cooking while Jamil thought it was just a chore, something he had to do.
The two carried on as Jamil focused on making dinner and Yuu on her desserts. Every so often their hands would brush against each other to grab something and breaking the bubble of their own worlds. It was harder to focuse but eventually they silently worked together.
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away
If you can use some exotic booze
There's a bar in far Bombay
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away…
Yuu sang under her breath as she rolled out dough. Jamil couldn't hear her at first bu his ears picked up a whisper.
Come fly with me, let's float down to Peru
In llama-land there's a one-man band
And he'll toot his flute for you
Come fly with me, let's take off in the blue
Okay now he could hear it over the sound of the samosas he was frying. When he looked up he could see Yuu very focused on her buns as her tongue poked out trying to get it just right.
Once I get you up there
Where the air is rarefied
We'll just glide
Once I get you up there
I'll be holding you so near
You may hear
Angels cheer, 'cause we're together
Yuu looked so cute as she cooked.
Jamil was so distracted that he didn't notice his samosa were starting to burn. He panicked when the smoke caused the fire alarm to go off and there was alot of yelling.
Yuu tripped and long story short a bowl of frosting landed on her head. It was a mess.
As mad a she was at first Yuu burst out laughing as Jamil frantic tried to stop the alarm.
" So the new recipe was harder then you thought?" Yuu laughed.
Jamil turned to see her on the ground in her own sorry state and couldn't help laughing himself.
"Speak for yourself. Those buns better be worth it." Jamil said taking a towel to wipe the fosting off Yuu's cheeks.
They were in the end but next time they would be more careful in the kitchen.
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Yuu had been concerned for the welfare of the students of Diasomnia after seeing Lilia cook. Whe mix up sugar and salt and didn't preheat the oven. She started a crusade to help the poor souls who had to eat Lilia's food.
It stated with Yuu whining that she made too much pasta last night and it would go to waste but Ruggie was somehow summoned from the ether and happily took it off her hands. Yuu swore that last time Ruggie was at her dorm she had stuffed him like a pig and feed him until he begged her to stop. ( RIP Ruggie, Yuu's grandmother instincts are stronger then Trey's)
After that Yuu would invite Diasomnia members to dinner but the invites got lost or Grim burned them because he didn't want anymore guests.
Yuu's last plan was to leave baked goods in goodie bags around the dorm. Unfortunately cookies and cupcakes popping up at random doesn't make people want to eat them. Unless your one of the more unhinged students on campus. Ruggie, Ace, and Floyd began hunting down the treats. Which lead to a race among students to get as many as they can like a scavenger hunt. Rook took the hunt part too seriously and used the sweets as lures.
Malleus became aware of the the hunt when he found a bag of cookies inside a gargoyles mouth. It had a note inside.
Homemade cookies are sweet to eat
Fun to bake and good to eat
I hope these few will bring you cheer
To last long after they dissappear
Malleus was fascinated by what he believed to br a human tradition or part of a holiday. He began finding more of the goddie bags and collected each of the poems. He went as asking everyone in the dorm for their bags so he could collect them all.
He boasted about having the biggest collection as he talked about the cute drawings that were written on the papers that were clearly meant for him.
They say life is unfair and I know it's not true
Because I made cupcakes and they are just for you
His curiosity lead him to searching for the bandit that was leaving these treats everywhere.
One night he spotted a figure leaving a brightly colored bag in the mouth of a gargoyle.
"Excuse me?" Malleus called from behind.
The figure jumped in surprise as their basket dropped to the ground.
Malleus bent over to pick it up and tired to apologize to scarring them he looked up the recognized those eyes.
"Good Evening Miss Yuu. I didn't mean to scare you."
"OH, It's only you! I'm glad it wasn't a monster." Yuu sighed in relief.
"Is a monster after you?" Malleus asked concerned now "Perhaps you should walk with me in case it tries to grab you."
"Don't say stuff like that. What if something does show up?" Yuu said bitting her lower lip in worry.
Malleus didn't respond wondering if she forgot who she was talking to.
"What are you doing here. Did you perhaps wish to meet me here to walk it me instead of at your dorm?"
"Oh no, I was just putting more cookies out. I remembered that you always come to this spot during your club activities so I wanted to leave something here for you. Ace and the others keep finding all my other spots. Cater is making it worse because he keeps posting about what spots he's found." Yuu pouted as she slung her basket from her hand to the crook of her elbow.
Malleus was shocked but it melted into warmth as he realized what she was actually doing.
"So you wanted to give these to me?" Malleus asked fondly.
"Yeah, but every plan I make gets interrupted." Yuu said still pouting as she counted her remaining bags.
"Then why don't you just give them to me directly?" Malleus smiled teasingly taking the cookie bag from the gargoyles mouth.
Yuu opened her mouth to respond before immediately shutting it. Her face turned red as she realized how needlessly complicated she had made this.
Malleus laughed at his child of man who came up with the oddest little schemes. She was too cute.
Even the note she left was adorable.
Life is like a thorny rose
Not perfect but always beautiful
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lucy90712 · 1 year
reader and gavi going on holiday with gavis family and her getting all nervous round them
WC: 1.8k
After a very long season with not only the league but the World Cup it's finally done which means it's time for everyone to relax and make the most of their time off. This includes my boyfriend Pablo as he has worked so hard and played a lot this season so he definitely deserves some rest and to have a bit of fun and that's exactly what's he's going to get as we are going on holiday with his family. Originally it was supposed to be a family holiday but Pablo wanted me to come too which his family agreed to so now I'm going with them. I can't lie I'm actually really nervous about going because even though I've met Pablo's family a few times I have never spent extended periods of time with them. I don't want to go out there and for them to realise I'm not who they thought I was and for them to dislike me I also don't want them to think I'm trying to take Pablo from them as I was fine with not going but he wanted me to. 
All of these worries have been keeping me up at night for a few weeks now but especially recently I have barely been sleeping as I'm just so worried about what's going to happen on this holiday. What was supposed to be a relaxing break so far has caused me a lot of stress but I'm hoping once we are there I'll feel a lot more relaxed. Due to slightly conflicting schedules Pablo and I are on a different flight to the rest of his family and we will arriving a lot later which means I've had all day to pack but also all day to worry about everything that could go wrong. Pablo has no idea that I'm so nervous about this holiday as I don't want him to be stressed too as he is supposed to be relaxing after the season. 
Pablo was busy this morning but when he got back we pretty much went straight to the airport which he is more than used to but I'm not as I don't fly very often. Luckily we work well together as he had our passports and boarding passes prepared while I had our suitcases packed and ready because on our own we would've forgotten something. Pablo seems to know everything about getting through airports quickly as we made it through check in and security in no time at all which meant we had a lot of time to kill before our flight. I wanted to just sit down and relax but Pablo had other ideas as he made me walk around to look at all the things in the airport. We also made the most of the fact that Pablo doesn't have to be on such a strict diet as we brought loads of snacks to share which were astronomically priced but that's part of the fun. 
Our flight got delayed but after eating far too many snacks and watching a few movies we finally made it to the Maldives which is where Pablo suggested we all go. By the time we got there it was dark out already so we headed straight to the resort and our little cabin we're sharing. Originally we were going to go to dinner with his family but it was too late when we arrived so instead we just had dinner on our own and unpacked ready for the morning. It was kind of relief for me that after stressing about the flight that Pablo and I were going to spend the evening alone but he seemed a bit down about it so without thinking I promised him one other evening we would have spent together we would spend with his family. Right after saying that I regretted it but I want Pablo to be happy so I will somehow get over my nerves and I'm sure we will all have a good time. 
The sun shining through the curtains woke the both of us up early but we made the most of it by going outside to enjoy the sunrise while sat together on the chair on the balcony. We stayed out there for a while before we needed to get ready to meet Pablo's family for breakfast. While Pablo was in the shower I tried on everything I brought with me but none of it seemed right for the situation as I didn't want to dress to casually but I didn't want to dress like we were going out to dinner either. When Pablo got out the shower he saw the mess I had made and offered to pick an outfit for me so I let him as most of the time he has good style. He picked out a nice summer dress so I put that on and straight away he was giving me loads of compliments which made me feel a lot better. 
When we were both ready we headed to breakfast and met Pablo's family who were already there. They all greeted him while I stood behind until Aurora gave me a hug and then his parents followed. Everyone talked while we ate while I just sat quietly not really knowing what to say as I had nothing to add to the conversation as they were talking about the last games of the season. I was beginning to feel like I really shouldn't have come on this holiday as it was supposed to be a family trip until Pablo invited me and I just feel like I'm intruding on their family time. I get along with Pablo's family just fine but there is sometimes family events that I don't go to as it's supposed to just be for the family and I feel like this is one of those.
After breakfast it was decided we would go to the beach so we all went to change and then headed to the nearest beach which was only a few minutes walk away. Even though we were going to the beach I made sure to stay somewhat covered up at least until I plan to go into the water as I didn't want to show too much skin. Pablo tried to tell me that his family wouldn't care but I wasn't going to take a chance on that one. When we arrived at the beach we set up our stuff and I made sure Pablo put sunscreen on as otherwise he will forget and then complain later when he is sunburnt. I put some on the parts of his back that he can't reach first then he eagerly did the same for me. He spent a long time rubbing sunscreen onto my back before he then started putting it on the rest of my body for me. Something like that would make me smile on any normal day but today I could feel my cheeks getting red knowing that his parents were watching us. When he was done I thanked him and sat back down to read some of my book I brought with me. 
While I was reading Pablo went into the water to go and swim and Aurora came to sit next to me. I have talked with Aurora quite a bit as usually she's in Barcelona more than Pablo's parents but we aren't as close as we could be as I just get too nervous when talking to her. My main problem is I always worry what people think of me especially when I want them to like me which means I struggle to just be myself all of the time. 
"Hey girl are you ok?" She asked 
"Yeah I'm good" I replied 
"Are you sure you seem really quiet" she said 
"Oh yeah I'm just trying to stay out the way and let you guys enjoy some time as a family without me intruding " I said 
"Do you really feel like you are intruding?" She asked 
"I mean a little bit this was supposed to be a family trip until Pablo wanted me to come" I admitted 
"You don't need to feel that way my boyfriend would've come but he was busy plus we all love you especially my mum she is always telling Pablo to make sure he treats you right as she wants you to stick around" she told me 
"Really" I questioned 
"Yeah of course you are part of the family now whether you like it or not" she joked 
Hearing that made me feel so much more relaxed. I've always been nervous that his family don't like me as they've never said anything that made me realise they had accepted me into the family. I think you could see my smile from space I was that happy to know that they liked me. As much as I was over the moon that Pablo's family actually liked me I tried not to freak out as much as I wanted to at least externally and keep talking with Aurora. When we started talking we quickly realised that we actually have a lot more in common than we first thought. The two of us talked for ages until I felt wet arms go around my waist and a kiss be pressed to my cheek. 
In no time at all I had been picked up and carried from the beach and thrown into the water. I was determined to get Pablo back for that so Aurora and I worked together to push him under the water not just once a but a few times just to make sure he knew not to mess with me again. Once Pablo got the idea I let him be and we enjoyed messing around in the water for a while before I started to get tired. Instead of getting out the water like I wanted to Pablo stopped me and just held me so that my feet weren't touching the floor anymore. He held me tightly to his chest while smiling at me and pressing kisses to my nose every so often, it was a really nice moment that a few hours ago would've left me embarrassed because his parents would be watching us but now I don't care as I know they aren't going to judge me. 
We all stayed at the beach for a bit longer before heading back to get ready for dinner. This time I wasn't nervous at all I was actually looking forward to spending time with Pablo's family and hopefully showing them the real me and not the version of me that's been trying to impress them. Hopefully if they really do like me they will like the real version of me that Pablo loves even better. 
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candied-boys · 11 months
Catboy Charles x F! Reader - Part 6
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Tags: fluffy fluff, Charles likes his kibble still but not his clothes
Part 5
You did try to hide the kibble while he was napping. You really did. But it would seem his scent perception is just as good as a human as it was as a cat, and he easily finds the sealed bag under the kitchen sink behind the garbage pail while you're busying yourself hanging up the wet laundry.
“Are you hungry?” you ask when you return to the kitchen to put in another load only to find him sitting cross-legged on the hardwood, munching on handfuls of the stuff with a giddy smile like it's a bag of popcorn and not pet food.
“A little,” he answers meekly after the plastic crinkles loudly as he clutches it to his chest like you're going to rip it out of his hands.
You suppose he isn't used to asking for food since you always just left a bowl out for him to graze on throughout the day. Now you're going to have to feed him yourself, but the problem is what. He didn't like much of what you gave him at lunch, and beyond those fishy tubes snacks you don't know what he genuinely likes.
Kneeling down next to him you ruffle his hair, then reach into the bag to try one for yourself. Maybe it'll give you a clue as to why he's so fond of it.
It's not helpful. It literally just tastes like salt and dry cornmeal with a hint of mystery meat. You don't buy the cheapest, but you really can't afford the top grade food that's only sold at the vet's.
Sitting down and leaning into the cupboards with him, you pull out your phone and start looking up what cat food is made of, what cats eat on a natural diet, what they like and what they don't like. Unsurprisingly, the answer is mostly meat. Much to your disbelief, however, apparently cats can't taste sweetness. Entirely derailed by curiosity, you pull out a bag of candy you keep hidden in the back of the pantry and unwrap one each.
“Try this Charles and tell me if you like it!”
He takes it willingly and pops it in his mouth, but just shrugs after chewing.
When you ask what he tastes his answer is simple.
“Kind of like my food I was just eating?” With which he takes another handful of kibble and begins munching again.
You try again with a few grapes, but he's even less impressed. He doesn't mind the crackers, but he isn't fond of nuts. You already know he likes dairy and won't eat salad. Debating what vegetables might be palatable, you end up thinking about what pairs well with meat and stumble upon steak and fries, which are salty and bland like his kibble. Not as crunchy, but maybe he'd like it.
“I'm going to run out and pick up some dinner for us. Could you wait to eat more until I get back? If you don't like what I bring, you can keep eating your kibble,” you offer tentatively.
Charles nods and reluctantly hands you the bag, round eyes looking up into yours as he asks sheepishly, “Will I have to use a fork again?”
“Maybe, but you'll be okay, Minou,” you tell him truthfully and kiss his cheek.
At the same brasserie where you first met your little kitten, you order steak frites and also decide a hamburger might be a good backup too. While they prepare the order, you visit the corner store to hunt for anything else he might like - jerky, crisps, yogurt, dehydrated vegetables, and so on until your arms are full.
When you get home you nearly trip over Charles, who is lounging in the entranceway. You forgot your cat always waits for you by the door. You remind yourself you're going to have to talk to him about that, and many, many other things at some point.
But first, food.
Dinner passes with more ease than lunch. He likes the steak better, but ends up eating both the slices of meat and the fries with his fingers after watching you dip your potatoes in ketchup without touching a fork.
Exhaustion settles in sooner than most nights, and you find yourself washing up and showing him how to brush his teeth by nine o'clock. It turns out that, just like his tongue, his teeth are more catlike than human too. Though when you count them you find out he has thirty, which is more than you after getting your wisdom teeth removed.
With a few too many questions swirling in your head, you tell Charles through a yawn that you'll sleep on the sofa today.
“Okay me too,” he smiles contentedly.
“No, I meant you sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on the sofa, Charles,” you correct yourself.
“Why? We always sleep together…” Those round eyes and floppy tail are all too familiar.
“Yes, but you were smaller.”
Disappointment tugging his ears down now too, he protests, “There's enough room for two on the bed. You sleep with other guys on the bed.”
It's true. You sleep with total strangers from time to time, but that's precisely because you don't live together and have to face them the next day that you can. But trying to explain the complexities of maintaining a platonic relationship with the opposite sex while sleeping together in the same bed sounds like a horrible idea right now.
“You're not going to let me sleep alone, are you?”
“No. I want to sleep with you like always. I hate being alone…”
Relenting, you abandon the sofa in favour of the bed, eagerly crawling beneath the covers to embrace slumber.
“Why are you wearing clothes to bed? You never wear clothes…” you hear Charles ask as you pull up the blanket.
“Because you're here…” you mumble.
“I've always been here…”
“Yes…” Words are starting to fail you. “But anyway, this is more comfortable today.”
“Okay. Can I take mine off now? They're really uncomfortable…” he asks softly, clearly worried you'll say no.
Hardly awake, you don't even know what the question was by the time you answer, “Mhm, whatever you want, Charles.”
Part 7
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mayullla · 1 year
( Heyyyy so i've had issues with my ask's so i'm sorry if you already received this [ its happened across tumblr ] if so feel free to ignore me )
But Hey Mayulla! i was reading your writing for the 13 step brothers AU and | really enjoyed the one where she had a crush! So | was thinking]
What is she actually got a byofriend??
Like imagine she got a boyfriend and her boyfriend is like an only child, that would be interesting he's like ' :0 ' when he finds out she has like 13 step brothers.
And what if she kept it a secret as well?
Like with how they reacted when she has a crush on a guy they'd sure react 100x more extreme. So she keeps it a secret so their relationship is more clam because she's like 100% sure they'd like spy on their dates and stuff or like try to intimidate him??
But what if they found outtttt
Like they all accidentally find out when they go to some fancy restaurant for ' bonding time’ and they're all talking and Xiao just points at them and they see her on a date
I feel the calmer ones ( Zhongli, Diluc, Albedo, Thoma, Xiao, Chongyun and Bennet) are like ' is that really [ name ]? | think they'd be shocked and wonder why she didn't tell them ( Definitely Xiao and Zhongli ).
The Cheeky but clam ones ( Keaya, Kazuha and Ayato ) would be like ' Oh? Is that our little sister there? With a boy?? | feel they'd just find the situation interesting and wouldn't really be to bothered by the situation. But they definitely would be the type of intimidate her boyfriend if they ever has a dinner together.
Then you have the hyper-active ones ( Childe, Venti and Itto ) Venti would like dramatically pretend to faint and then start quietly sniffing and fake crying. Itto would be like asking Ayato or something if he knows anything about the guy or something. Then Childe would be like trying to walk over to then but Diluc would be holding him down.
I can only imagine what would happen when they confront her and her boyfriend cones over
Don't worry about it, I did receive it but it took a while to answer, so it is also my fault too really ^^' But dear this is totally adorable and yes that is probably what is gonna happen lmao
This is more elementary like grade 1 or 2 reader or maybe kindergarten but I don't think she would really be proficient in lying if she is still so young. If she is still young like in elementary still, how reader would lie is essentially someone (probably Childe or Thoma, and to a certain point I am willing to bet on Diluc) asking you how your day was only to suddenly be ignored as you looked elsewhere but him. Poor man, the guy would be wondering what has he ever done to you. The smarter ones would know that something was up. (Zhongli, Ayato, Kaeya)
But somehow you avoided that whole situation and oh! you have a date at the playground later but you were not allowed to go there cause the boy you liked lived a little farther than your nearest playground. So you need to ask someone to take you there, and you can't just ask any brother! It would feel like you admitting to doing a no-no that Zhongli told you not to do like being friends with bad kids or touching a cigarette!
So you have to think if who to ask, Zhongli and Childe were definitely a no. Ayato would ask too many questions and in the end, you will never go there! Most of your brothers have school or uni and you can't bother them. Thinking you were heading to the kitchen when you saw Kaeya on the huge living room sofa relaxing with a white tee and gray joggers on.
"Oh, out from your room? Are you hungry? My workplace brought a lot of snacks and wasn't able to finish everything so they gave me some." Looking at your laid-back brother Kaeya, you considered him. He never reacted too hugely to anything you said, sure he would tease you sometimes but he was always willing to help you out. So you took your chance.
Kaeya definitely didn't miss this opportunity to tease you pinching your cheek and asking when you have grown so much to have a boyfriend now. But when you asked him why he had got up all of a sudden, he told you that he can't be taking you to your date only in joggers.
Really brother Kaeya is the best!
It was really a playdate at this point when you got to the ice cream place near another playground. The boy was waiting for you with his mom saw you and waved as you waved back with Kaeya right behind you.
While you and the boy played with each other Kaeya and the boy's mom chatted with each other and at the end of the day when the sun was going down you finally went back home. (the boy's mother's face was definitely not red dear...) In your hand is a small wildflower you picked at the side of the playground that you showed to Kaeya. "Oh, why did you give this to your little boyfriend?" Kaeya asked teasingly, the car still didn't start as you were beside him putting the flower on his hair. "Cause you are my favorite!"
Kaeya definitely laughed asking if you were trying to convince him to help go to your next date which you just grinned. "My little sister is starting to act a lot like me." Kaeya joked ruffling your hair.
You guys were caught at one point, but it didn't really matter. Kaeya had become the person you often go to tell him your secrets to even as you grow older. So when you became old enough to go on dates by yourself, while everybody was shocked as you walked away holding a boy's hand not even noticing them at the small cafe Kaeya can't help but smirk as he watched his brothers. After all, he already knew.
Tho Kaeya won't always there when you came back home only to be confronted by everyone. Kaeya didn't help you much as you try to explain yourself to them. If you were gonna keep a secret from the family you better know that if you were caught he won't be saving you from everything.
(You giving him puppy dog eyes won't be helping your situation either.)
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Note: I definitely went off topic there lol i really just can't help myself when it comes to ask sometimes TvT
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socheckitout-mikey · 1 year
Hey! How r u? Uhm- I totally loved "cuddling with brett" because I'm seriously in love with him..but I was hoping if you can do a "cuddling with Jordan Parrish"? It's totally okay if you can't! Btw I love ur writing sm :)
heeey! thanks for requesting. i have never written for jordan before, so i hope that these live up to his character. i hope that you also enjoy what i came up with. it makes me really happy that you enjoy my writing! :') - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Cuddling with Jordan Parrish Hc's:
° Jordan loves cuddling with you. Showing love through physical affection is something he enjoys, but he never wants to overwhelm you.
° He's always gentle with his touches. He enjoys playing with your hair, rubbing your back and drawing little patterns into your skin. This is a sure way for you to fall asleep, and he just softly gazes at you every once in a while before pressing tender kisses to your temple or forehead.
° Jordan never wants to leave once you've both started cuddling, especially when it's in the morning. Everything is so relaxing in this space when the sun is just coming up and peeking through the curtains. Nothing is better than being in his arms. However, if it's not a weekend, the important duties of being a deputy keep nagging him.
° You're half asleep yourself, trying to savor his presence and touch. He doesn't mind if you fall back asleep, but you're stubborn and want to be somewhat coherent as you snuggle into his chest.
° He laughs into your hair when you mumble about something strange from one of your dreams. It's muffled so he can't exactly hear it, but it greatly amuses him. He's wide awake and you're not.
° He prefers it when you fall asleep so he can slip away and leave a cute little note on his nightstand, but a lot of the time you wake up the second he's made the move to slip out of bed.
° "Where are you going? I was comfy!" You pout sleepily, your weary eyes peeking over the puffy comforter.
° "I know you were, but duty calls, sweetheart." He grins at you, somewhat saddened to go.
° "Five more minutes," you counter with those sweet eyes begging him to stay.
° "Five more minutes was fifteen minutes ago. I still have to shower and I've got to leave soon." He tries to reason with you.
° But you always win.
° "Fine, but it's only for five more minutes," he sighs, lifting up the blanket to settle down next to you.
° You make a pleasant noise, laying on top of him as if that could ever prevent him from leaving. He just laughs, wondering what type of excuse will warrant lateness to Sheriff Stilinski.
° Cuddling after long shifts of work is something you both love to do, especially when you're watching your favourite TV shows or movies. Sometimes you chat and other times you are quiet as you snack.
° Wholesome vibes all around!
° Jordan likes to cuddle when he's had a hard day. It starts when you're just fixing up a quick dinner in the kitchen when he's just gotten home. He engulfs you from behind, burying his face into the crook of your neck and sighing. Taking in your familiar scent, you know the tight hold he has on you is the way he lets you know he needs you.
° "Hey sweetheart, how was your day?" Jordan never fails to check in with you first like the true gentleman he is.
° "I'm okay. Are you doing alright there?" You ask, which provokes another sigh from him.
° Jordan likes to rest his head on your chest, right over your heart on these types of days and just listens to your heartbeat. It's the most soothing sound in the world that's accompanied by your fingers carding through his dark short hair. He falls asleep this way or just waits up, which depends on how hard of a day he's had. Being a deputy is not easy.
° Sometimes he likes to sneak up on you when you're busy and pick you up to take you to the couch or bed. You protest with laughter the entire way, but relent because he uses those gorgeous green eyes to his advantage. He calls the latter payback for making him late to work three times this week.
° He likes to rest his head on your belly when you're reading. He's always asking you to read out loud to him, even if it's right in the middle of a book. Sometimes he's annoying though because he wants you to give him a rundown of characters and the plot so far so he can understand what's going on.
° You just softly bonk him on the head.
° Jordan is like a radiator, so it gets really warm fast. It's good when it's autumn and winter, tolerable in spring, but in the summer it's way too hot for you to handle. You're then forced to swat him away when he advances for cuddles.
° "Get! You're like an active volcano with your heat." You protest, trying to worm your way out of his hold.
° "That's not very fair you know. You put your cold feet on my shins all winter! Summer is my time for payback." Jordan teases you.
° "That's different! I'm a humble human who needs extra warmth during the colder months." You retort with your nose stuck in the air.
° "And I'm an overheated Hellhound that needs to cool down in the hotter months." He counters.
° "Stick yourself in the fridge then," you giggle, but it's too late because he's got you locked in his strong hold.
° Being the big and small spoon interchanges in your relationship. Whatever is most comfortable for you both.
° Cuddling with him feels like home. His scents, sounds and touches are nothing short of pleasant. You're familiar with him and he's your soulmate. He loves you deeply and in these sweet moments you both can really feel each other's love.
° On the scale of wholesomeness ya'll are 1,000,000/10! <3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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