#but i can't bring it up to her bc she'd interpret it as an insult probably and
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heimeldat · 3 years ago
fandom ask for 80s Who, please! (Or all of DW if you like, I just like to break it down for these asks bc otherwise it gets overwhelming)
Ok, 80s...that's the tail end of Four up through Seven. (I have trouble with dates.)
Favorite character: Five.
Least Favorite character: Adric. He feels like a little kid tagging along trying to be part of the big kids' games, and (idk if this was a deliberate choice or just the actor's natural voice) he has a whiny/pushy tone of voice that grates on me even when I otherwise like his role in the story.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Four/Romana. Um...hm, I don't really ship a lot of people. Delta and Billy were fun, in a ridiculous sort of way?
Character I find most attractive: I'm not usually attracted by physical appearance, but personality-wise, Five.
Character I would marry: As much as I love Five, I'd have to go with Nyssa. Everyone else (including lots of side characters) has way too much chaotic space-hobo energy for a stable relationship.
Character I would be best friends with: Nyssa again. She's got a calm intelligence that I both admire and relate to. She'd be good company.
a random thought: I want the new show to do a follow-up episode to Battlefield where the Doctor first takes the role of Merlin to close the loop on Seven's shenanigans.
An unpopular opinion: I'm glad Adric died. Not in a "he got what's coming" way, but in a "that was a good narrative choice" way. It actually made me like him a lot more retrospectively. He always seemed like more of a problem than a solution, but ending his arc with a noble self-sacrifice made him feel valuable to the team just in time for them to lose him, which was unexpectedly poignant (and opened the door for plenty of drama and character growth for the survivors too).
My Canon OTP: Well...kind of canon? Assumed by most people to be canon even if never officially confirmed? Four/Romana.
My Non-canon OTP: I would have loved to see Romana stick around. Her no-nonsense force of personality would have been an interesting contrast with Five's calmer take on things, and she and Six would have been a freaking badass power couple. They would have argued and snarked at each other nonstop at high volume and freaked out the other companions until they realized that was their version of flirting. Then they'd suddenly switch gears to perfect unison back and forth one-liners that come within an inch of insulting the villain to death. Dang it I have to write a fic about them now.
Most Badass Character: Five. Everyone seems to remember his sweet/cute/bumbling moments, but he was unstoppable when he wanted to be. I mean: Androzani, enough said.
Most Epic Villain: In concept if not quite in execution, the Great Vampires. I'm also rather fond of the Mara. And an honorable mention has to go to the Black Guardian and the surprisingly cool-looking bird on his head.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Five with any of his space-kids. Just no. Of all TARDIS teams, this is the one that most deserves to be called "fam." I can't say I'm a fan of Nyssa/Tegan either; I love their friendship and it kind of bothers me how often people interpret really close friendship as romance.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Well, Six kind of goes without saying. Mel never really got the development she deserved, either.
Favourite Friendship: Nyssa and Tegan. I also really like the development of the Doctor and Turlough dynamic, one of the rare situations where they really develop a Doctor and companion friendship instead of it just -- happening.
Character I most identify with: probably Nyssa.
Character I wish I could be: Um...none of them, really. I'm a homebody who likes to play it safe. I don't want to run off and see the universe, I don't want a life of adrenaline and danger, and no offense to the Doctor, but I don't want to be part of anything that would bring him to town.
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letkeithinfodump · 8 years ago
ok so i talked to my big sister about how i think my younger sister's autistic and she said she thought so too so!! also i talked to her about how it'd be a Dangerous Subject for anyone to bring up to mom and also about how we can at least try to let her have a semi positive childhood experience cos like our family makes fun of the Probably Autism Things she does a lot my big sister included but i talked to her about that so i think she knows to be More Careful now?? cos like the stuff they make fun of her for was what i got made fun of for when i was younger and it fucked me up. also about how i wanted to buy our younger sister a chew necklace or chewable jewelry of some sort and then we looked at pictures of chew necklaces and there are a lot of fun designs i think she would like and my big sister seemed impressed by how Stylish chew necklaces could be hffhg you know that droplet design that a lot of chew necklaces have?? she showed me one of those and was like "i would wear this one just cos" gugghgf it was gr8. so i think we are one day buying our little sister a chew necklace. i don't have money Yet but. One Day
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