#but i WILL comment on these tags hello???? soooo intriguing i have to watch this interview first chance i get (in 4 hours when i clock out)
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laxtolhr · 4 years ago
Hello! I’m here to ask you about your top ten Louis moments for this year. And please feel free to tag a few people because I love reading them! Love you lots 🌼♥️🌺
Hello! Who are you and why aren’t we friends? Anywho, I’m going to try my best to do this because I’m shit at remembering anything so I’m like 👁👄👁 what happened this year? Okay. Off we go.
the Zach Sang interview. I’ve watched this interview like 100 times this year. I don’t know why, but the honesty in this interview and the questions and the overall vibe to this is just amazing. (After typing all this, I realised this interview was in 2019, but I’m still counting it because I found it in 2020.)
receiving my Walls vinyl in the mail. So I actually got the picture disc now that I think about it, but I was putting this on here more for the fact that the album art that came with it was signed and I was looking at it under a light and I realised it was sharpie, not a stamp so like... Louis had touched it. Like, that sounds so cringe, but he took the time to hand sign that stuff and my heart melted.
the tour that didn’t happen. I know this is weird to put on here, but the it was the tweets that did it for me. You could feel how genuinely gutted Louis was about tour. I had two other solo 1D concerts planned this year and when they were cancelled/rescheduled I didn’t feel like the artist was terribly upset. With Louis it was palpable.
release day of Walls. I think this moment will make everyone’s lists. This was the greatest day of the year. I remember sitting down and listening to the album and the first maybe five or six songs are all previous singles so it didn’t hit me that I finally had a full album of just Louis until Habit started playing. I cried.
the aftermath of Walls release day. I’m sure that all the footage Louis put up on his IG of him looking up at the billboards for his album were taken on release day, but he posted them after soooo. He just looks so happy and overwhelmed like he can’t believe it’s real. I love him.
the Walls street art. It’s crazy to think that was in 2020 since it feels so long ago, but it was. Everyone finding out about the picture and the aesthetic and the track listing. Louis randomly strolling by to see how it was coming along. Was a great morning.
joining with Marcus Rashford for children in need. We all know that Louis has a heart of gold, but seeing who he decides to help is so intriguing. He does his research before pledging support or asking his fans to follow blindly. For him it’s not about the publicity for the charitable act, it’s about the people he’s helping and making sure the charities and organisations he funds are reputable and actually helping those in need.
fan interaction. While Louis has said multiple times that he hates social media, he has embraced the good that can come out of it. 2020 has been a year of uncertain times for music and artists and even fans. He’s tried so hard to bridge that gap by replying and talking to his fans. He answers their questions, comments on their funny stuff, or even tells them how sick their art is.
louis tomlinson live from london. Again, this is one I think will be on everyone’s list. It’s so fresh on everyone’s minds! I think this one is a mix of a few of my previous points all in one, but oh well. He was so ready to own the stage and be on tour that he decided to basically make a concert movie for his fans. All the proceeds from the virtual tickets were given to charities and used to pay his touring family. This was his Christmas present to the fans and it was much appreciated.
grey hair. This one doesn’t focus on Louis’ personality or his achievements of 2020. This one is a bit vain and superficial of me, but I can’t help it. I love Louis’ greying hair and I thank 2020 for giving us the opportunity to see that while nothing else about him ages, his hair is starting to grey.
I’m sure a ton of you have already done this, but I want to know y’all’s thoughts on my list and want you all to create your own as well!
@ssfoc @tomlinsno @silverfoxlou @seasurfacefullofclouds1 @he-will-win @comradelouis @niallandtommo
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curlswithcreativity · 7 years ago
Attention - Tom Holland x Reader (Part One)
Prompt: Brittney and I like to send pictures back and forth. Sometimes in happens when I’m in class. We came to the realization that Boyfriend!Tom would almost definitely do it just for the joy of making you feel flustered. Some of the dialogue is stripped right from our conversation
A/N: I’m so sorry. It’s literally been so long since I posted that I had to look up how I formatted my fics. I’m back at school full time and it’s kicking my ass!! Also this is my first TH fic soooo... comments would be lovely! Also, this is a two parter because I didn’t like how it was turning out, so I just split off the end. I’ll post the rest tomorrow
Marvel & Marvel Cast Masterlist | Complete Writing Masterpost
Part Two
A tired sigh escaped your lips as you scribbled down your notes, your professor’s tangent failing to hold your attention. Your four-hour block of classes was almost done and you couldn’t wait for the short 30-minute break before the final four-hour block began. You needed to grab something to eat and quickly.
 Absent-mindedly, your hand trailed over to your phone to check the time. When the light of your screen came on, the familiar Snapchat banner that accompanied a new message derailed you. The small little red ghost icon followed by the name “Tom 🐸 💖” made you smile instinctively.
 Tom would frequently send you snaps to brighten your day and to help break up the monotony of your long lectures. The thought of a cutely framed photo of Tessa had you clicking on the banner urgently, your desire to see a cute dog in an equally cute or funny scenario incredibly strong.
Upon opening the app and message, you nearly dropped your phone in your haste to discreetly hide your screen. Tom apparently fresh from the shower had sent you a shirtless photo, his damp curls stuck to his forehead as he gave you a mischievous smirk. The towel he was wearing hung low around his hips providing ample view of his wet, well-defined abs. It was nothing you hadn’t seen before, but in the context of your lecture hall, you felt your cheeks quickly gaining a healthy flush.
 The banner that flashed across the top of your screen showed another new snap, and you twisted your hand to cover your face as you clicked on it warily. The photo showed the towel that had previously been wrapped around Tom’s hips now in his outstretched hand. The white towel was a stark contrast against the warm colours you had chosen for your bedroom, and considering Tom’s toned forearm and that damn towel were the only thing in frame, you had little else to focus on.
 This time when the small ghost appeared again at the top of your screen, first red, and then purple to indicate he had sent you a video, you turned your phone’s screen off and placed the device face down against the desk. Your face burned hotly and your heart raced as you squirmed in your seat.  You forced yourself to breathe deeply, reaching for your pen and re-entering the password to your laptop that had fallen dark in your moments of distraction.
 Right, you thought as you shook your head, focus on the Olympian Twelve. Do not think about the fact your incredibly attractive boyfriend almost definitely just sent you nudes.
 The subtle buzz of your phone against the lecture hall desk drew your attention away from the discussion regarding the nuisances of myths and legends. Your brow furrowed; you had your phone set to do not disturb, with the exception of a very select group of individuals. Ever since you had started dating Tom, your previously respectable number of notifications had skyrocketed, and the constant chime of your phone was not welcome in academic settings.
 Once more, curiosity got the better of you and you reluctantly turned over your phone to discover that although the banner was different, the sender was the same.
 You pulled down the notification with a swipe of your finger and quickly scanned the messages.
 “Why didn’t you open my picture 😞”
“I made you a special video, darling ;)”
“Love you, gorgeous xxx”
“Answerrrrr myyyyyy messagesssss”
“Do you not love me? If you did you would open my video ;)”
“Respond plz”
 You turned off your phone completely after that. There were only 20 minutes left in your lecture and he could wait that long. Maybe you would make it longer if he continued in his current vein, you thought as an email from him with the subject “LOVE, COME ON” flashed in the upper-hand corner of your laptop screen.  You didn’t bother to read the preview.
 The next 10 minutes were rather uneventful, and you hoped that Tom had finally gotten the hint. He was well aware of your schedule’s busy nature despite its stark contrast to his own. For the most part, he respected that.
 “Hey guys, it’s me, Tom Holland.”
 Your head whipped around in your seat, the sound of Tom’s voice coming through a tinny phone speaker an unexpected occurrence in your Classic Mythology lecture. The girl who was holding the phone shot you an apologetic look devoid of recognition as she lowered her volume. You sunk into your seat- despite the new sound level you could still hear the clear, familiar chatter of your boyfriend’s voice.
 “Oh, hello marj1091 and… sorry, I can’t see your usernames anymore, they’re going by too quickly.” There was the familiar sound of your creaking bed and a loud huff, which made you think that Tom had thrown himself down in his typical fashion.
 “Right.” Tom stated, a small pause following his voice as the sound of things moving flowed through the speaker. “I’m on live right now because I’m feeling incredibly ignored by a certain someone who is very dear to me.”
 You had been so distracted by his dialogue that you had missed your class dismissal. Suddenly, the seats around you were emptying and Tom’s voice was being covered by the sound of squeaking chairs and hurried steps. As you gathered your things, you stared at your phone hesitantly before turning it back on. You were intrigued now, if not still a little irritated, about what he was saying about you. Walking outside of the lecture hall, you clasped your phone tightly in your hand as you scrolled through your folders to find the multi-coloured camera icon. You cringed when you noticed you had been tagged in a photo and now had almost 1500 new notifications and mentions.
The newest addition to your tagged page had Tom’s face filling your screen, his hair much less damp than in the photos he had sent you and his muscled chest now covered by a heather grey t-shirt. He was pouting as he clutched tightly to Tess, the dog somehow managing to look forlorn as well. The caption read, “When she’s ignoring you because she’s “being responsible”… Quite sure Tess thinks she’s gone forever.”
 It would have been cute if it weren’t so blatantly manipulative.
 Your teeth ground together as you looked for a safe spot to stop that was not in the way of the ongoing foot traffic. Settling on a nearly empty bench, you sighed despite yourself; you had to admit… he did look good. And that was infuriating given your current need to focus on getting through your school day. His stream was still running, and against your better judgement you pulled it up to catch him in the middle of a conversation.
 “Look, I love that she’s going to class and learning. She’s absolutely brilliant and I’m so proud of her. But being home alone all day is rubbish. What am I supposed to do—?” Oh come on, Thomas, you thought, I’m sure you can think of something. “—Just wait? She should just stay home, it’s better for all of us.” He trailed off, his lips quirking up into a faint smile as he read through the comments, shifting in his spot as you let out a small huff. He nodded his head, reaching for something just out of frame as he spoke.
 “Right, if you’re just joining us now,” Tom said as he held up a photo to his phone’s camera. Your face, smiling brightly as he planted a kiss on your cheek, came into focus as he repositioned the photo and let out a dramatic sigh. “The live stream is dedicated to remembering my girlfriend, Y/N. She’s not dead, she’s just ignoring me because she’s in lectures all day.”
 You rolled your eyes and resisted the urge to comment, allowing others to do it for you.
“tom ur such a little baby”
“omg Y/N sucks. Who cares about school when you’re dating Tom Holland????”
“take off your shirt!!!”
“tom, you’re literally the loving boyfriend meme and its gross”
“uh, I’m pretty sure I just saw her join the stream?”
 The last comment made you pause, and you watched as Tom processed the slow feed.  He had apparently missed the notification that you had joined in his dramatic presentation, his face breaking into a beaming smile. You felt your lips lifting upwards instinctively despite your mild irritation.
 “Did she actually? That’s brilliant, I thought she would have turned off her phone. Y/N/N, are you paying attention to me now, love?”  He was smiling broadly as he clicked through the viewers before finally finding your username. “You are.”
 “I’m not.” You typed angrily while pursing your lips, chiding yourself. You had no doubt in your mind that this would only encourage him. When the comment finally made its way into his view, he let out a booming laugh.
 “You’re so stubborn.” He shifted in your bed, adjusting himself so that he could sit up more comfortably. “But since you’re here, you really should open the snap video I sent you. Maybe not in class though.” His voice had the same mischievous air to it that his texts had conveyed.
 “what snap video??”
“what’s the video?”
“video? Why are you making it seem like a sexy video? Did you send a sexy video?”
“tom why are you like this?”
“are you sexting her in class, what is this”
“puppy tom no!”
“fuckboy tom at it again”
 The request to join the Instagram live stream flashed across your phone, and you glared at it for a moment before declining. It took a second or two for your action to catch up to Tom’s device, and his face twisted into a comical pout at the rejection.
 “Aww, come on now, Y/N/N. You’re not in class now, yeah? Just-” The comments that were coming now were fast and overwhelming.
 “omg tom let the poor girl learn”
“let Y/N get a degree 2k18”
“take your shirt off!!!”
“girl drop out & be a housewife. id live off that spider man $$$”
 “-join for a moment so that I can see your lovely face.” He was relentless, you thought with a small shake of your head.
 You settled on a suitable response and taped it out hurriedly; you had less than 10 minutes now to get over to your new building and you would have to skip lunch, which was truly tragic. “Pictures exist for a reason, Thomas. Stop being a baby. This is a home discussion! And! I’m! Busy!” You weren’t surprised when he chose to ignore the second half of your message.
 “Well, yeah but it’s not the same, is it, love? And I’m not being a baby. Forgive me for wanting to spend time with my girlfriend.” Tom replied with a hint of a pout that was nowhere near as convincing as it could have been had it not been replaced almost immediately by a childish grin. God, he was infuriating.
 You sent “✌️👶”, a sentiment that you thought succinctly conveyed the message you wanted to get across, and rolled your eyes as you left the stream despite your boyfriend’s whines. His incessant contact had thrown you off your groove, and now it was a struggle to get where you needed to be. You grumbled to yourself as you bolted across campus. “Do I call him repeatedly when he’s on set? Does he get roped into live streams because I haven’t seen him in 5 hours?”
 The answer was a resounding no.
 Boy, was he going to have hell to pay when you got home.
Please let me know if you want to be added to my tag list!
@thetenthdoctorscompanion @inkstainedfanfics @reid-187 @galaxies-behind-my-eyes @kkiyomizu @saint-august-8 @twilightparker @watchoutforfrostbite
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