#but holy shit the behemoth that is nancy's imagine
faceachefics · 3 years
Nancy Downs, Bonnie Harper, and Tiffany Valentine w/ a Demon S/O
This imagine is brought to you by Anon: 
Hiii could i request a witches x reader hc for their witch s/o being a demon 👀 kind of like Jennifer check vibes with nancy downs, tiffany valentine, bonnie? (The craft if you write for her)
I decided to take a few artistic liberties by combining Jennifer Check’s abilities and personality with my own understanding and interpretation of demons. Hope you enjoy <3
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Nancy Downs
“Oh my god... it actually worked!”
The three witches sat in a triangle, around the spacious circle with your sigil inside it
Nancy is the first one who gets to see you. Rochelle and Bonnie can feel your energy, but they can’t see nor hear you. They have to watch their friend look up at and talk to basically nothing the whole time
She asks you to make her powerful and you’re like “fuck no″. The mood entirely changes from there
It’s very difficult to take her seriously when she’s clearly a novice. This was apparently her first time summoning, and she didn’t even know that you’re not one of those demons who give out powers like free candy
“So is there anything else you want? ‘Cause I have shit to do”
Nancy was dumbfounded by your attitude. She had no idea how to react. Before she could even say anything else, you disappeared into your home realm
Bonnie and Rochelle insisted that they just find someone else, but Nancy was persistent in getting something from you
Same shit, different day. You begrudgingly made a deal with her: you would tell her everything she wants to know about witchcraft, and she would give you your desired offerings
After that, the coven would regularly hold summoning rituals for you. Nancy, for a short while, would act as a middle-man for communication between you and the other two girls. They all would be able to hear you after a few evocations
She gets more curious about you as a non-human entity. She’ll ask you about your past. “Were you born like this?” “Have you killed anyone?” “What’s the freakiest thing you ever saw?” If you decide to answer your questions, she’ll lean closer to you and listen very intently
Because you’re a demon, you have a ‘human’ form you present to those who summon you, and the true inhuman form you remain in the rest of the time, mainly when you’re in your home realm. Nancy thinks your main form is very cool, or “sick” as she puts it. Since then, you alternate between appearances around her
Now listen, neither of you are romance people in this case. You’re gonna be kinda grossed out by your feelings for each other for the same reason: it makes you feel weak
If both of you can manage to get past vomiting out the words “I love you”, the relationship will get better from there
You’ll wear her clothes sometimes. If there’s anything that girl’s got going on, it’s her wardrobe. She’s caught you once or twice
“Hey! Is that my shirt?”
“Yeah, and it’s cute. What about it?”
She gets really flustered when you do that
Nancy once asked you to follow her to the metaphysical shop and stuff a bunch of things in her pockets since you’re invisible to most humans. Unfortunately, the clerk was, in fact, able to see you
Being a witness to some of your powers makes her want to be a devil like you. She’s asked you a few times if you could turn her into one Whether or not you could, your answer always ended the same: “Enjoy your short human life while you still have it. As awesome as I am, your time as a demon can really fuckin suck. Ask me again in like 30 years”
You two still aren’t very lovey-dovey, but you show your care for each other in subtle ways. Nancy avoids wearing silver around you. That narrows her accessories to a select few items, but if it’s to prevent you from getting hurt, she’ll deal with it. Before she performs her spells, you make sure she takes proper precautions (i.e. protection jars, warding, making a circle)
It’s an odd relationship between similar individuals from very different worlds, but it’s a fun and happy one -- happier than you like to admit
Bonnie Harper
You presented yourself to her first. She was the only one who could see and hear you, which made Nancy and Rochelle (especially Nancy) jealous
Before they were able to see you, she went on and on about how pretty you were
After the first few interactions, a co-dependent relationship between you and Bonnie forms. She has a tendency to confide in you a LOT. But you’re a demon, dammit, not a therapist!!
But because you pity her, you still give her advice whenever you can, but made it clear that you were not to repeat yourself
Your attitude is less “I can fix her 🥺” and more “Fine, I’ll fix her 🙄”
You get a little offended when she calls herself a monster and voices her fear of you leaving because of that. Throughout your lifespan, you had seen horrors beyond any human’s comprehension; and she actually thinks you’d abandon her for some childhood burn marks? You were having none of that
“I will only say this once, so listen: Your scars are a symbol that you went through hell and survived it. Whoever that loves or respects you less after seeing them is a pussy. Now you’re not gonna insult me by continuing to talk down to yourself like that, right?”
Those words stuck with her, and whenever she sees her burn marks, she thinks about what you said
To further prove your point, you’re in your true form a lot more when you were around her. Over time, she realizes she still loves you, even when you look like a literal monster. After that, she’s more careful with how she talks about herself
While you’re trying to help her out, you also have your own inner conflict going on. These mushy, gross human feelings are starting to get to you. You were actually starting to... to... care about her 🤢
She made you both matching bracelets out of embroidery floss and a few tiny charms. If this were anyone else, they’d be on your shit list. But since it was Bonnie’s genuine attempt to show appreciation for you, you were like “Ugh fine I’ll never take it off and cherish it for eternity I guess”
Even with how nonchalant you tried to be, she could tell you actually meant it
Bonnie likes to touch you. She’s a very touch deprived person, so physical affection is very important to her. Your body temperature’s a little higher than the average human’s, which is very comforting for her. She leans onto you when she’s cold, and sometimes she asks you to lie with her at night until she falls asleep. 
Your touch also reminds her that you’re real. It’s rare for anyone to acknowledge her existence. As mean as you can be sometimes, you still treat her like she’s important, and someone deserving of intimacy. The fact that a demon makes her feel like a human being is something she struggles to believe sometimes
During some of your late night conversations, she would ask you about the afterlife. If there was one, what it looked like, if you lived there, etc. One question that stood out among the rest:
“When I die, would I still be able to see you again?”
Much to her dismay, you couldn’t give her a straight answer. What happens to human spirits after they leave their bodies isn’t up to you. But that doesn’t stop her from hoping she can be with you forever, even after death
Tiffany Valentine
She summoned you with the purpose of helping her find this guy named “Chucky”. Her offerings consist of wine and fresh corpses for you to feast on. As a demon, nothing quite shocks you these days, but a human willingly sacrifice another for you isn’t something you encounter often, if at all
《NSFW mention ahead》
"Well aren’t you a looker.”
She took quite the liking to you right away. Her eyes were solely on you when you spoke. This is no surprise, considering her type is people who practically wear “DANGER” signs with big, red flashing lights wherever they go
When you ask Tiffany about her long lost lover, she only talks about the ‘good’ parts of their relationship, which sounded to be few and far between. Before she says anything bad about him, she stops herself and gets quiet every time. You have to press her on the topic if you want all the details
Once the full story is presented to you, you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. She spent 5 years looking for some git who never gave her appreciation nor respect? Was she fucking for real? 
And he wasn’t even that cute :/
Your dynamic is a role reversal from all of Tiff’s other interactions. She normally gets herself stuck with guys who try (and fail) to impress her. But in this case, she’s the one trying to impress you
Speaking of role reversal, you’re the one doing the seducing. While she eagerly reciprocates, you started the sweet talk and lingering touches. If we’re being honest here, you’re really hoping to make her fall for you and forget about her shitty excuse of a partner
Listen, she’s pretty hot and she deserves better, so it’s justified
She flirts with you a LOT. Because your sensibility is unlike that of a human’s, she really doesn’t hold back
“I wonder what your anatomy’s like below the belt~”
“Wanna find out?”
You admire her boldness, and enjoy the affection she gives you
And yes, you do end up falling for her, too. Normally that wouldn’t sit well at all, but Tiff’s constant raving about romance had affected the way you view it. Romance is a vulnerable thing -- that much is true, but the fact that it had led a couple to kill for one another means it can simultaneously be one of the most powerful emotions someone can have
At some point, you both have to acknowledge the feelings you have for each other. However, that doesn’t take care of the one thing you were tasked to do. While Tiff loves you, she still wants to find Chucky. At this point, she feels she’s in to deep because of how many years she sank into this case. Where do you go from here? Well there’s two options:
If you commit to helping her find her beloved ‘boyfriend’, there’s gonna be some adjustments that both you and Charles have to make. You two will butt heads quite frequently, especially on how he treats Tiffany. When they argue with each other, she’ll quote you on one of the many things you’ve told her about companionship. Unfortunately for him, since he can’t kill you, he’d have to cave to the pressure eventually
If you convince her that she deserves better than Chucky, she’ll ditch the search, and you’ll be her new partner in crime. As a sign of trust, you’ll bite her, which will grant her some of your abilities. From that point forward, you and Tiff would be partners in crime for as long as you’re together
Either way you choose, Tiffany loves you dearly, and you will always have each other’s backs. That love won’t be taken for granted ever again
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