#but her style just doesn't work for a 'Layton Game'
quantomeno · 12 days
I had this idea ages ago for a Professor Layton sequel/spin-off centred around Luke called
Doctor Triton
Set about ten years after Lost Future.
Luke is back from America, studying zoology at Gressenheller and is completing his PhD.
Layton is semi-retired. He still lectures but has decided to leave most of the mystery-solving behind so he can (finally) focus on his students.
Luke now solves mysteries with Flora in his spare time.
Flora is always calling Luke Dr Triton, to impress their clients, and tease Luke, and Luke always tries to correct her that he’s not a doctor yet but he just gets flustered and embarrassed.
Katrielle exists in this universe, but she’s not related to anyone. She’s a massive Professor Layton fan and believes she is a better ‘heir’ to the Layton legacy than Luke.
As a result, Katrielle forms a one-sided rivalry with Luke.
She’s always popping up when they least expect her, like Chloe in Touch Detective.
Emiliana replaces Chelmey as the Scotland Yard representative. Hastings is her Barton, though he outranks her since she is a newer member of the force.
Emmy reappears, perhaps with a mystery for Luke to solve.
Clive is out on parole (I realise due to his crimes he probably wouldn't be but let's pretend ok), but he’s unable to find work after the whole trying to destroy London thing. So, he turns to Luke and Flora to ask if they’ll give him a job at their mystery-solving office thing or whatever. Luke accepts since a true gentleman always forgives others.
Clive will have his colour scheme be mainly green since blue (Luke), orange/red (Layton, pink/red (Flora) and yellow (Emmy) are already taken and purple won’t suit him (though maybe it could…).
Flora has learnt fencing from Layton.
Flora is feisty and tough, but still has her cuteness and sweetness.
Luke is more mature and he tries to act like Layton would, but is still a bit of an idiot. He tries to avoid going to Layton for help if only because he wants to prove himself
Clive is the one who balances the group and is usually the one who stops arguments between the two.
Alternative idea:
Layton has taught Flora his mystery solving skills and decided to retire from mystery solving.
Flora, unfortunately, ends up with a case she is stuck on.
Luckily, Luke is back to complete his doctorate in zoology at Gressenheller and Flora forces him to help. It turns out that Luke’s ability to talk to animals comes in handy and they make a breakthrough.
Luke ends up becoming an ‘animal detective’: his clients are animals who lead him to mysteries that need solving.
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ivyial · 1 year
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after my previous reblog, i feel compelled to write a "short" post (love letter) about (to) this game
so for those of you who haven't played it, or never even heard of it, professor layton vs phoenix wright: ace attorney is a crossover game between the two franchises (you'll have guessed it from the title) and it is PAINFULLY underrated :,) (i also hear that it is now hard to get physical copies of this game at a decent price so i'm glad i kept mine)
essentially used to be my favourite game of all time before it got dethroned by the resident evil 4 remake (but i will forever remember it fondly). i remember my parents gifted it to me for easter back in 2014 (so i was around 12 back then) and i don't think they realised how much this would change me. like this is one of the reasons why i started thinking about studying law later LMAOO.
essentially layton and phoenix both end up helping this young girl, espella (i played it in french back then and her name is aria so their english names are a struggle for me) who is being hunted by witches and then put on trial in london for the assault of a ship's crew member. then the wildest thing happens and they get sucked into a book and are sent back to medieval times. yes it sounds insane. but in this small town called labyrinthia, witches are real, and so are witch trials (DOESN'T IT SOUND COOL AS FUCK??).
they've all forgotten who they are, though. phoenix doesn't remember being an attorney and layton doesn't remember anything either. they find espella again, and she's put on trial AGAIN, for witchcraft this time. the game alternates between the usual layton riddles and ace attorney's investigation/trial phases. the odds are high this time around, because those found guilty of witchcraft are shoved into a metal cage and plunged into a pit of fire. they're not messing around.
of course, it wouldn't be layton or ace attorney without a massive plot twist at the end. i'd argue this one is probably the most insane out of all layton games (it's even a bit far fetched tbh, but just saying, you do not see it coming) (okay it's even full of plot holes and i haven't revisited the ending in years but if i did, i think it would be detrimental to my mental health).
the art style is amazing - i'm in love with the later ace attorney art styles, starting from dual destinies and this game, and particularly the latest great ace attorney chronicles. here are a few of my favourite character designs from the game:
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but overall, one of the best things about the game has to be the soundtrack. it is the perfect mix of both franchises' music and it is a CRIME that neither level 5 nor capcom have released this on spotify (capcom i know you have all other AA soundtracks on this app. add this one. i am begging you). if you've never played an ace attorney game before, then you do not know the sheer adrenaline of phoenix shouting OBJECTION and the music speeding up. here's one of my favourite tracks:
tell me this doesn't make you immediately want to confess to 47 crimes you haven't committed.
it's kind of the perfect crossover game if you're into the genre, it's perfectly balanced between riddles and trials. the stakes are also a lot higher and there's actual executions. maybe i shouldn't have played this at the age of 12 actually - at some point (spoilers ahead), maya is wrongly executed and the scene will forever haunt me for some reason:
(go to 18:06 if the youtube timestamp doesn't work) i chose the french version of the cutscene because it's the one i played back then and i find that the french dub is a lot more compelling than the english one (somehow? the french haven't produced a good dub in decades so). also maya's screams are downright heartbreaking and the scene was traumatising asf when i was a kid
ANYWAY. please play this game, it's so much fun. for the AA enthusiasts, there's an edgeworth cameo at the very end. i very much fear that this game will be forgotten eventually, but it warms my heart to see that there are still people talking about it on the internet.
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sheepwithspecs · 8 months
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @slusheeduck for this! Thank you for the tag :) I tag @lynmars79, @shivasdarknight, @risingsoleil, and @haku23 (as well as any writer mutuals who want to do it! I can't remember who all posts on Ao3 and who doesn't, lol)
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos
Apology: my very first Coco fic, written after I returned from the theater
Week of the Full Moon: a Hellsing fic that's on semi-permanent hiatus until I rewrite it in full (why do people like this one so much?)
Coming Home: another Coco fic
Shadows: yet another Coco fic LOL
Knock Her Socks Off: the only Kill la Kill fic I ever wrote (shameless gamagōri x mako fan)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to comments, even if it's just "thanks! glad you enjoyed it!" or something like that. Of course, if people ask me questions about the plot or make specific comments, I will always do my best to answer them (though maybe not always in a timely fashion...)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I would say probably Paramour. Not to give too much away, but near the end Darklaw has to make a very hard choice. It's up to the reader to decide whether the choice was right/necessary or not.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I usually end up writing best case scenario fics... I think I would choose Surrender, though that might surprise some readers. I think that's the most realistic happy end that this couple would have (realistic = in terms of canon-compliance).
7. Do you write crossovers?
Does it count if you're writing for a crossover game? [Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney] Probably not.... I'm more prone to write AUs than crossovers.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
LOL yeah.... there are a few that I can think of off the top of my head:
when I was actively writing Hellsing on ff dot net circa 2013-2015 there was this bozo who kept telling me I was going to hell for writing about this evil twisted demonic... vampire anime
comment on a fic with a clearly stated master/slave femdom tag "I tried to read this but it's too much like a degrading bdsm slave relationship!" (woah... really???)
"your ocs are really lame!" thanks so am I 👍
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
aren't there jokes about ace people writing the nastiest smut or something... yeah of course I write it! I actually struggle with it though because I'm ace so I don't really... know what people find sexy? Readers have told me "this was so hot" and I'm literally like "thanks! (was it????)" I love reading smut though so I do what any good art student does (study masters, then try to fit my own style to what I learn).
I really like gfd (gentle femdom) so my writing tends to slant in that direction... What could possibly be more sexy than a loving exchange of power? Especially if you add enemies to lovers to the mix and that exchange involves a larger-than-normal amount of trust and vulnerability > i.e. "yes we literally fight to the death every Tuesday but you're the only person I trust to have me tied up like this" No one asked but personally I think I did very well with the rewrite of All Bets are Off... every time I read it I'm just like "wow op made this so yummy"
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I did, I don't know it. Funny enough though someone once tried to flag me that someone stole my work... that someone was me under a different pseudonym... so I've stolen from myself!
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I have a pretty laid-back policy; as long as you name me as the original author + give me a link to the translated work, you're allowed to translate my writing into any language.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, but I'm not sure if any escaped the Skype logs... I don't even know if they're accessible now. But I did co-write fics back in the day with friends! I'd love to do so again sometime.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Franken Stein x Marie Mjolnir from Soul Eater (For the record i also like Stein x Medusa bc I read either "I can fix him" or "I can make him worse" depending on my mood)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Pas de Deux. It's not that I don't think I'll finish, but more that I'm not at the skill level I want to be yet so I can't bring myself to work on it.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Readers say that I'm really good with dialogue but I'm not sure... personally I can't say if it's a strength but I love when I can deep-dive into a character's emotional state and tear apart their personal fallacies while also pretending they are truths for the sake of the narrative... I hope I'm good at that.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes. I can't write fights to save my life. Also setting descriptions.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Personally I learned a lot from reading blogs like Writing with Color and Writing with Disabilities etc. about how to write non-English dialogue (or maybe a variant like ASL). I've tried to incorporate what I've learned in my writing and now I notice things, like when someone overuses foreign language or they write with a very strong accent for the character. Some things I've learned are also contextual! For example, FFXIV writers include accents in their dialogue boxes. That's why I allow Rhoswen to speak with the "ye / fer / n' / 'o" etc. in her dialogue in my fics. But for a character like Father Anderson, in my rewrites it's easier to mention he has a Scottish accent, then maybe include one or two variants in the dialogue rather than having the entire thing be nigh-unreadable.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Unpublished: A Bug's Life. I wrote a fanfic comic for my younger brother on notebook paper one day when we were kids
Published: Hellsing. I published a fanfic in 2012 with an OC main character not realizing that people thought that was cringe (but I still got a lot of positive comments for it so!!!) I started revising it in 2015 so there's an unfinished version you can read here.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I keep saying I'm going to write for the Paper Magician series but it's genuinely so good that I don't know what I could possibly add to it.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
There's no way I can choose just one fic, so here are my top three:
The Rites of Spring: I think these two should kiss and also dance in the town square. I hope OP finishes it one day.
A Curious Attraction: The original had more words than a standard novel. I hope OP finishes it one day.
Architects of the Ashes: Zenos should not be fixed but he should be put in a sandbox sim. I hope OP finishes it one day.
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