#but her mom was like 'he looks ridiculous two year olds cant dress themselves!'
obsidianmama · 1 year
Watching L's sense of style evolve over the past year or so has been so cool. She loved dresses for a while, then for several months she wouldn't have anything to do with them, and the past couple months she's been super into skirts and dresses again. She can spin now and that makes her skirts twirl and she's very into that. When she first started getting a say in her outfits she showed a strong preference for green and pink; now blue seems to be her favorite color. Wild to me that there's parents out there treating their children like dolls and insisting their toddler isn't old enough to have a say in what goes on their body. My kiddo's been doing it since she was one, and the autonomy she gained made her much more agreeable about having to get dressed, and on top of that I get the amazing experience of watching my little one express herself and develop her sense of style.
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