#but he's royalty and purple is the colour of royalty so meh- its good
istan-idraw · 1 year
Gift for @balsamfue (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
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I'm the kind of human struggling to decide their future career and recently Fue advised and helped me with it. I'm exploring more options now. And then I thought, you know what I need to draw her something and bam- this.
Hope you like it Fue (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
And I think pretty much everyone already knows this but her liveblog @fueliveblogs and artblog @fueart are worth checking out!
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a-chan-san · 7 years
@prfm-uk tagged me in this like 5 months ago.. heheh
I tag my one friend on Tumblr @p-r-f-m :)
What is your middle name?
Nicole (Oh god I keep fucking with the format I’m sorry)
How old are you? 23. Practically a senior citizen on Tumblr
When is your birthday? May 1st
What is your zodiac sign? Taurus
What is your favorite color? Light blue, light purple and white
What’s your lucky number? meh maybe 14
Do you have any pets? 3 kitties :)
Where are you from? True north strong and free! Close to Vancouver 
How tall are you? Not sure? Maybe 5′7
What shoe size are you? 8 but who cares
How many pairs of shoes do you own? Probably like 10 but wear only 3
What was your last dream about? I can’t remember but I woke up mad at my boyfriend :P
What talents do you have? Uh. I do’t really have talents. I can speak Japanese semi decently and can make paper stars. That’s about it.
Are you psychic in any way? Nah but I think I have pretty good foresight 
Favourite song? Queen Charlotte of the Hyenas-Chucky Danger, Magic of Love, Party Maker, Koi wa Zenkei Shisei-Perfume, Watching You-Pogo
Favourite movie? Pride and Prejudice, UP, Kiki’s Delivery Service 
Who would be your ideal partner? My bf is pretty aight
Do you want children? I want to want children...kids suck so much though 
Do you want a church wedding? Nah
Are you religious? I was but now nah 
Have you ever been to the hospital? Probably 5 times due to broken bones and asthma 
Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Nope!
Have you ever met any celebrities? Carly Rae and lots of hockey players. Also the band Cat Empire if anyone other than me cares!? (it was amazing)
Baths or showers? Showers are more practical but I am a Lush bath bomb slut
What colour socks are you wearing? No socks
Have you ever been famous? Neigh
Would you like to be a big celebrity? I would like to be a middle class celebrity 
What type of music do you like? I can’t really block myself into a category. My taste is all over the place.
Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yeah I just went last month!
How many pillows do you sleep with? 2, but 4 on my bed
What position do you usually sleep in? On my side
How big is your house? 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 3 stories but very skinny
What do you typically have for breakfast? Instant oatmeal being as I work at 730 am 
Have you ever fired a gun? Nope
Have you ever tried archery? Yeah I used to be hella good
Favorite clean word? I’m sure I could remember if I sat and thought about it for long enough but I can’t be bothered.
Favorite swear word? Good old fuck is my go to
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? Probably like 37 hours or whatever it was on the way/first day of my Japan trip
Do you have any scars? One on my knee form whiping out during Terry Fox run ‘05
Have you ever had a secret admirer? nnnno?
Are you a good liar? Oh my god no. It’s so bad.
Are you a good judge of character? I think so 
Can you do any other accents other than your own? Yes but not well. So actually no.
Do you have a strong accent? Nah I probably just sound like an American. No ones ever pointed it out to me.
What is your favourite accent? Aussie maybe?
What is your personality type? Marshmallow 
What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Oh god I just spent $95 on a pair of TOM runners. I don’t even run wtf.
Can you curl your tongue? Yis
Are you an innie or an outie? Innie. I feel weird answering that. 
Left or right handed? Right
Are you scared of spiders? Yes. The bf comes in handy because of this.
Favorite food?
Perogies, pizza, Sandwiches, curry 
Favorite foreign food? Ramen or Indian food on a whole mmmm
Are you a clean or messy person? Messy but improving 
Most used phrase? I’m really bad about using phrases to death but I can’t think of one atm
Most used word? I asked bf and he said it’s ‘BOIII’ right now. Kill me.
How long does it take for you to get ready? for work? 20 mins, to go out like an hour
Do you have much of an ego? Nope. At work I can be a bit cocky tho
Do you suck or bite lollipops? NO BITE >:(
Do you talk to yourself? At work alll the time
Do you sing to yourself? Yeah
Are you a good singer? Not really since leaving choir 
Biggest fear? Social Anxieties mess with me real bad. 
Are you a gossip? Uhh Unfortunately lol
Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Saving Private Ryan. That counts right?
Do you like long or short hair? on other people? Idc. On me I like it short but currently trying to grow it out and it is a mega pain. 
Can you name all 50 states of America? Lol no 
Favourite school subject? Japanese and Music 
Extrovert or Introvert? Extrovert with unfortunate anxieties 
Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope
What makes you nervous? My scary man boss, Thinking about job hunting, having to do shit in public by myself 
Are you scared of the dark? Not scared but if I sleep in pitch black I’ll have panic attacks and or sleep walk lol 
Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Depending 
Are you ticklish? OH YES
Have you ever started a rumour? Nope
Have you ever been in a position of authority? Hmm probably but I can’t remember. I guess at work sometimes. 
Have you ever drank underage? Just tastes 
Have you ever done drugs? Weed but like barely 
Who was your first real crush
Hmm it’s hard to say when it gets real. Let’s say Paris in grade 8
How many piercings do you have? 3 if you could each ear :P
Can you roll your ‘R’s?
Hmm maybe?
How fast can you type? Meh
How fast can you run? so so slow 
What colour is your hair? Dark Brown 
What colour are your eyes? Hazel 
What are you allergic to? Dogs. With a side of lots of asthma triggers 
Do you keep a journal? I used to but it fizzled out :(
What do your parents do? Nada. Ma is on disability due to a broken back. 
Do you like your age? Sure but it doesn’t mater? Knock on wood I get to try them all 
What makes you angry? Hm why am I having so much trouble thinking of something. When I bonk my head while getting into the car >:( 
Do you like your own name? Yeah I didn’t when I was younger but I was a stupid kid who thought it was cool to hate your name. My name is my name. 
Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Looove the name Neil even though its a stereotyped nerd name
Do you want a boy a girl for a child? One of each or just a girl
What are you strengths? Honestly, frugality, strong morals in some aspects 
What are your weaknesses? Shyness, slow learner 
How did you get your name? I think I’m unfortunately named after a country singer. Old men like to believe I was named after a car tho.
Were your ancestors royalty? No. But I think my great grandpa was very famous/important in Vancouver for some reason 
Do you have any scars? uh
Colour of your bedspread? Pink. Even though I hate pink...
Colour of your room? Foresty green
Does it ever get better?
It does. It really great to age and look back on who you were and be aware of your mistakes and see your improvements. (sorry I couldn’t get this line to format properly (apparently formatting isn’t where I’ve improved)) 
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