#but go play meridian 157 the first chapter is free and it's on mobile so they're not expensive
whump-captain · 1 year
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- Day 17 -
What inspires you to create?
Oh now that's the question isn't it lol. Lots of things do, honestly, which is the fun thing about inspiration - you never know where it will come from.
I think most often I'm inspired by music. There is no overstating the power of A Blorbo Song lmao. Other stories tend to get the ideas flowing too and honestly, bad stories as well as good ones - good stories make me want to create something similar; bad ones are very much a petty "i could do this better" feeling lol.
A pretty niche place I get whump inspiration specifically are puzzle games. They tend to be light on the plot but heavy on mystery which is a perfect invitation to spin my own versions of the story. There's also very often a tense atmosphere of peril that steers my thoughts straight to whump lol. My Kintsugi story is actually inspired entirely by a game called Meridian 157 - and while the story has evolved and changed a lot, it's probably immediately clear when you compare them lmao.
And honestly, my biggest inspiration as in "the thing that makes me want to put ideas down" is feedback and engagement. Im an entertainer at heart, so I love seeing people react to the things I make and it always makes me excited to create more (◡‿◡)
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