#but fr tho why do they make will's love for mike so in our face all season- if it's just gonna end in rejection
crxzytogether · 1 month
I see so many people, milven shippers and others, say that it'd be better if Will just moved on and got a boyfriend at the end and that'd be his like happy ending. And I would agree with that, like if the show so far was written differently I would be satisified with that, even if he ended up alone but like 100% came to terms with himself and accepted and loved himself I'd be okay with it. It would all be nice and well except they've made it basically impossible that Will could get a happy ending without Mike. Like season 4 they really solidified and hammered in the fact that Will is irrevokably in love with Mike, like he is down bad and it's not a fleeting crush or gay awakening or anything like that no he loves Mike for all that he is with all that he has. If they didn't make it so explicitly clear to us that Will is in love with Mike then for sure he could move on and find somebody else. But with the way they've shown and told us Will's love for Mike, he's not moving on anytime soon and unless theres like a 10 year time jump or something he's not gonna love Mike any less and even then part of him would probably still love Mike. So all this to say Will literally cannot have a satisifying ending without Mike and that's one of the biggest differences between Will and El's relationships with Mike. Eleven could have a satisfying ending without Mike because we've been shown time and time and time again how much she grows without him. Lol I rambled for a bit but I saw a comment that made me mad
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boognish-worshipper · 3 years
the second part/continuation of Sunrise, Sunset!
this boutta get interesting……. it gets kinda messy but don’t worry, it isn’t over yet 🙏🙏🙏 also trevor can’t spell over text to save his life
Lamar didn’t sleep that night. He couldn’t. He just kept thinking the whole situation over, trying his hardest to connect the dots. Make some sense of it, or at least find some logical way to deny the truth. Had it always been Franklin? It’s not like Lamar ever had a long term girlfriend, or even a chick he was hung up on like his… friend. How long had he been completely naïve? He felt stupid for not noticing sooner. He didn’t even have anyone to confide in. He obviously couldn’t confide in Frank right now. Shit. How would he face him? Lamar screwed his eyes shut tight. What the fuck was he gonna do? He tried thinking about who to turn to. Michael was obviously a no-go, what with the dynamic those two had. Then he thought about Trevor. Maybe he’d help. Maybe. It wouldn’t hurt to just ask, right?
crazy guy
wut leroy. u need smthn?
uh, yeah
sort of
wut iz it?
some complicated bs again. nothin new.
cant u go 2 frank 4 whtevr prblm ur having
not exactly
can i meet u somewhere private?
wut 4
u tryna fuk me leroy?
loco. no.
jus. meet me @ vanilla unicorn asap
Lamar sighed heavily, starting to wonder if this was gonna be a bad idea to try and talk to him about this. But Trevor was kinda fruity anyway, so at least he wouldn’t judge. His phone buzzed again.
alrdy hear bro
Lamar raced over to the strip club, going through the back entrance. Trevor was sitting on his desk, already waiting for Lamar’s arrival.
“LD! What brings you to my fine establishment at this time?” He stood up, but remained leaning against the desk behind him.
“Listen man, it’s.. it’s serious.”
Trevor’s faced lifted, looking surprised. Or.. whatever concerned looked like by his terms.
“How serious we talkin’ bro?”
“Ion know, just some stupid shit I’ve been tryna wrap my head around.”
“Uhh, elaborate on that?”
“It’s gotta do with Fr-…eaky shit going on with me.”
Trevor squinted at him, like he was trying to read Lamar’s mind.
“Something to do with love, I think?”
“Oh. Well. Why’d you come to me for help?”
“Because I..” He said, the words deflating in his mouth.
“I think you’re the only person who could understand where I’m coming from?”
“…I’m not reading ya. Just say it, Lamar. Jeez.”
“I think I’m in love with someone.”
A long pause filled the air with tension.
“That it?”
“Well, not exactly.”
“Jesus bro, what is the matter with you right now? You look like you’re gonna faint.”
“It’s, it’s someone we know, alright? There.”
Trevor squinted his eyes again, but not for long. His eyebrows flew to his hairline, and he stood upright from the desk he was perched on.
“Wait a minute…”
Lamar looked down at the ground, embarrassment swirling around in his stomach. He felt like some child that had been yelled at for stealing some candy. He didn’t like it. He was a grown fuckin’ man for crying out loud.
“You don’t mean..”
He stood there, saying nothing and grabbing his arm protectively. The silence was back, lingering for too long.
“I fuckin’ knew it.” Trevor said, almost inaudible.
“Wh.. what?” Lamar spluttered out, looking up.
“I fucking knew it!”
Somehow hearing those words comforted and pissed off Lamar. Obviously Trevor wasn’t planning on judging him for it, but how did he know before him?
“What the fuck you mean you knew?!”
“Oh please, Lamar. You aren’t a very subtle person.”
“I am too!”
“No. You’re not. You’re really not.”
“Tell me. How, how am I not subtle as a motherfucker?”
“Hmm… I can think of a few instances to count, but honestly a perfect example was that conversation we had dropping those cars off for he-who-shall-not-be-named.”
Lamar cocked his head sideways, confused. Trevor shook his head before starting his sentence back up.
“Remember when you ah… inquired about Michael and I? Our past?”
“Yeah, what of it?”
“You compared us to some.. I don’t know, divorced couple or something. Figuring it was romantic?” He averted his gaze, turning pink.
“Well, I mean after the whole rundown of our partnership, I asked you about how you and our boy Frankie met.”
“And you gave me some weird, uncomfortable story about you having a threesome with him- Which he apparently wasn’t even apart of to begin with. Didn’t know why he even appeared in that memory, but I guess it sort of makes sense now. It was also the fact you.. uh, deciphered my relationship, and tried to compare it to you and Frank. That’s how I started to catch on.”
“I mean I… I was in the same boat as you, kid. You were right, y’know.”
“I was?”
“Michael and I… were never perfect. But back then I was,” His voice lowered.
“…Am.” He corrected, voice barely above a whisper. Coughing, he continued.
“In love with him. Or something.”
“Shit, for real?”
“For reals homie. I know what you’re going through. Only difference is Mikey uh.. was a little more repressed than I was. But you didn’t hear it from me.”
Lamar stood in shock, eventually flopping down on the couch.
“What the fuck am I gon’ do, Trevor?”
“Well, I know I’m friends with him but I’m not exactly as close to him as you or Mike. So I can’t exactly say whether or not he’s like Michael in that regard, you know?”
“Fuck, man…”
“Hey.. I uh, I’m sorry if I wasn’t much help. I never really knew how to deal with those feelings towards Mike. It’s like, even harder to manage when you have a bond like that.”
“No, no. I needed this I think.”
“Go home, Lamar. Try to get some rest or something.”
As he got up, he placed a hand on Trevor’s shoulder.
For the first time since they met, Trevor gave him a genuine smile. He patted his hand and scooted him out the door. Driving back, he still felt sort of restless. Even if he did sleep, it wasn’t gonna be enough. When he got back home and in his bed, he pulled out his phone.
So you’re back.
i thought about what you said
Wait - really?
yeah. i’m a fuckin idiot
Doesn’t take a psychic to know that.
that’s uncalled for lady
What is it you need? It’s very late you know - is what I said keeping you up?
bingo bitch
and uh yeah, i need to know what the fuck u said to franklin
what does he know?
All I told him was that I saw you at his house - very frequently I might add.
I might’ve mentioned you were there in his old room all the time, in his bed with someone he knew - an older woman, perhaps? He didn’t take it too well.
wait a minute
his auntie? i mean she bad and all but
i never.. like did anything with her. not like that
He thought differently. The implications might’ve been misread - why would you choose his childhood bed for something like that? Shame on you
and i might’ve picked the wrong fuckin person to speak to
lady, what the fuck? i never fucked his auntie!
i wouldn’t do that to him, even if she got a dumptruck ass
You are a strange man Lamar. All I saw was you two in his bed, very, very often.
I wouldn’t have known you felt anything for him had you not contacted me - and even now you still made a pass at her!
all we did was talk! n there’s nothing wrong wit admiring ass.
Whatever you say - oh wait…
I’m seeing something
it better be good
I’m seeing you two again - and you’re right. You’re talking… about Franklin?
why else would we be in his room. if i was gon fuck his auntie we would’ve done it in hers or sumn
or in the livin room maybe.
I’m seeing something else now - he’s taken the place of his aunt. Oh. Wow…
what? what is it?
what do u see?
I… completely misinterpreted Franklin’s reading. It seems like it was supposed to be him in her place.
I’m not sure how he read it exactly - my best guess was that it wasn’t the latter.
And seeing as he no longer lived there, the vision got mixed up some how for both of us. You did have some connection to her though - don’t lie. That was most likely the problem.
i mean yeah. i hit on her a couple times
maybe thought it about it once or twice
More than that.
whatever. still, i ain’t do shit to her, ion stoop that low lady
Then I apologize. But I cannot fix this problem for you - you’re going to have to talk things out
Because right now, he’s assuming you’re acting weird because you actually *did* something with his aunt.
Fuck me man
this sucks
ur evil lady, u know that?
Hey, I’m not the one hanging out with his aunt. Now go to bed. I’ll deal with you another time.
hey wait
come back
“God fuckin’ damn it not again!”
He chucked his phone against the wall, and began yelling into his pillow. He wasn’t gonna sleep right at all until he fixed this mess. Fucking psychic lady.
The next morning when Lamar passed by his mirror he audibly gasped. He looked like shit. He looked like he was definitely hiding something. And he knew he couldn’t see Frank today. His phone buzzed and as soon as he glanced down he felt the urge to throw it across the room. Speak of the fuckin’ devil. Franklin was fucking calling him. Taking a deep breath, he hit answer.
“Hey L. How you feelin’?”
“Better. Thanks.”
“Yeah man. You know what was up wit’ you or…”
“I.. I think it was some sort of stomach bug man. Doin’ alright now tho.”
“Glad to hear.”
“So are you callin’ me for something or-“
“Actually yeah. I wanted to talk to you.”
“Later. Sunset? That cool wit’ you?”
“Uh yeah, yeah. Heard it’s a full moon.”
“Dope. Been meaning to talk about this for a while anyway, and you always dragging me around to go see the sunrise.”
“Makes sense.” More sense than the shit he was in the middle of.
“See you then?”
“Of course dog.”
Click. Lamar dropped his shoulders, which had grown tense during the duration of the call. He didn’t have a whole lot of time to understand what he was dealing with better. He thought to himself that he couldn’t possibly be gay, because he loved himself some hoes now and then. But at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel the same around Franklin. Women and men… was that possible? Could you be into men AND women? He looked it up on his phone, and found a definition that fit him. Bisexual? That’s a thing? He thought it was just, gay and straight. That you couldn’t be both. But… at least that was accounted for. Putting his phone away, he moved on to the next part of the puzzle. What was he going to do when night time came? He couldn’t straight up tell Franklin. That would ruin everything. But how would he explain that he didn’t fuck his Aunt? He had to have a reason to back it up. Either way, he was screwed.
Night came too quick. Lamar kept pacing his room, not taking his eyes off his phone that rested on his bed. Any minute Frank would call him. Any fucking minute now. He still didn’t have a plan. What was he going to do? The phone lit up, buzzing loudly. Oh no. He practically dove to answer it, feigning a nonchalant tone. It wasn’t very impressive.
“Heyyy Frank. I was waiting for word from you.”
“Hey. I’m on my way, be ready.”
He swallowed the lump in his throat.
“See you in 5 L.”
Even after Frank hung up, he didn’t lower the phone from his ear. Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, ohshit. He was panicking now, phone dropping to the floor. Not noticing how long he was standing there, he heard a car pull up, then honk. Oh, shit. He raced out the door clumsily, trying to shove his phone in his pocket. Opening the car door, he was hit with the now overwhelming scent of Franklin. Something along the lines of weed and the same cologne he’d be buying for years. He remembered how Tanisha had gotten it for him back when they first started dating as a gift. The detail only made him more nauseous.
“Hey LD.”
“Get in homie, I got a good spot for us, real sick view n shit.”
“Ah.. aight.”
The car ride wasn’t entirely awful for Lamar, listening to Collard Greens play loudly through the speakers. Franklin had taken them to some secluded spot near Vespucci beach, where no one would bother them. As they got out of the car, Lamar got a clear view of the sunset. It was even better than a sunrise. They found a bench to sit on, and Lamar felt like there wasn’t enough space between them. Did it magically fucking shrink as soon as they sat down? Shit. He cleared his throat, trying to seem neutral and not like he was internally freaking the fuck out.
“So uh… what’d you need to talk to me about?”
Franklin sighed, and Lamar’s stomach was in knots.
“It’s.. just somethin’ I been thinkin’ about for a while. I really jus’ didn’t know how to bring it up or whatever. But let’s jus’ enjoy the sunset right now.”
In contrast to how every sunrise went, the sunset contained shades of pinks and purples. There were also mixed shades of green, from the combination of yellow and blue clashing together. It was a miraculous sight. Frank was right, why didn’t they see sunsets more often? He watched the light sink down past the water, replaced by moonlight not much later. The two sat in silence, as stars filled the sky. The view had grown darker, but he could see the moonbeam reflect in the calm waves. He turned to Franklin, who had a serene expression on his face. He was blue in the moonlight, and it made Lamar feel all kinds of things he never felt for anyone before. Franklin side-eyed him, sitting upright. Here goes nothing.
“Lamar… I just. I gotta ask. I uh.. heard from someone,” Fucking psychic lady.
“That you uh.. and my.. Denise. My Aunt. Were uh.. you were at my house or something with her?”
Lamar eyes were wide. Franklin looked anywhere but him, clearly uncomfortable bringing the topic up. He kept tripping over his words, not knowing how to ask.
“Are.. and I won’t be mad if you are, but are you… and my Aunt.. Are y’all foolin’ around?” He scrunched his face up getting the words out. He almost looked hurt, like he was betrayed at the thought of it all.
“Are you fuckin’ my Auntie or what man?!” He forced out.
“Franklin. What.”
He knew the psychic lady had said he got the wrong idea, but hearing it out loud from him was just mind boggling.
“Jesus Christ Franklin, no. I’m not! Why would you even think that?!”
Now he felt hurt. Did he really think Lamar would do something like that?
“You say shit about her all the fuckin’ time! I don’t even know why, because she’s fuckin’ nuts man! I have heard a million and one remarks about her from yo bitchass self!”
“Yeah but I would never-“
“And in my fuckin’ bed man?! Are you for real?!”
“I’m not fucking her! I never was!”
“That’s not what I fuckin’ heard dog! And don’t think I haven’t noticed how weird you’ve been actin’, all guilty n shit. I knew you were hidin’ shit from me, I jus’ didn’t think it’d be my absolute worst fuckin’ nightmare!”
“Franklin! For fucks sake bro that’s not why I’ve been actin’ so weird!”
“Then tell me, exactly, what the hell your problem is!”
Lamar’s mouth hung open, looking for what the fuck to say.
“Homie. It’s not like that. I’m seriously, seriously not fucking her. I’m… just-”
“What, Lamar?!”
“I think I’m in love.”
Shock covered Franklin’s face. Complete, utter shock. His face then twisted into a furious expression.
“Are you fuckin’ for real right now? You’re not fuckin’ my Aunt, you’re in love with her?! Fuck you man!”
“Wait, no that’s not what was I was implying-“
Franklin shot up from his seat, throwing his hands up.
“You’ve officially lost yo mind dog. You two enjoy each other. I’m fuckin’ out of here bro.”
“Franklin, wait-“
“No, no. I.. I need to go. I need to clear my mind or whatever the fuck, because I am just… unbelievably pissed right now.”
“But I’m not-“
“Save it, LD. I’ll… catch you later. Or something. Bye.”
Franklin walked back to his car, abandoning Lamar. Some how, this was worse than confessing to him. He felt sick to his stomach. How the hell was he gonna fix this mess? He remained seated, watching the water lap at the shore. He needed to fix this. And he knew, although he wish he didn’t have to, that’d he’d have to come clean. He didn’t want to ruin his friendship, and some how still did by just not blurting it out. Soon. Soon, after Franklin was ready to talk to him again. He prayed to a higher being, hoping desperately it’d all work out.
//end of pt 2!!!!! i’m sorry this is kinda angsty or whatever :( but i am gonna write a happy ending for this!! lamar deserves the world i love his character sm *sobs* (also sorry this part’s longer than the last one LMAO)
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