#but first they'd fight a lot. they'd fight themselves. each other. the entire fuckin world
Bileven & Eddissy for ship bingo :)
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cvpidarrow · 2 years
This is gonna be my thoughts of the Doodlers powers and in talking about it this kinda turned into a lil bit of a Lark and Sparrow analysis.
Massive spoilers for Lark,, Sparrow && Barrys arcs && Spoilers for a LOT of S2- basically- if u haven't completely caught up and finished up to S2 Ep7 then i dont recommend clicking read more
Ok,, so,, as we know from both Lark stabbing Henry at the end of S1 and Anthony describing what happened to Abe: It's safe to say that the Doodler takes the worst in people and amplifies it- like a catalyst of sorts
Going back to S1 with the Doodlers affect on the twins i think that it fed off their need for power and to be strong- and at the end of S1 Larks hatred for Henry. Because sure, the twins are very destructive, but they're also clever,, sneaky and know what they want and how to get it. And the fighting pit along with the pit they were about to send people down so they could spill blood and find the unsung hero? i feel like if it werent for the Doodlers push they wouldn't have done something as big as that. Thinking about this from a logical standpoint- these things dont really do anything for the boys. They dont require some sneaky plan and they dont really give the boys anything in return.
( For the Unsung hero pit they didnt create it because they wanted to do it, they did it because it was just the easiest way to get to the Doodler. They wouldn't have even had that in the first place if they didnt know about the god)
The Lords of Chaos crave violence- as seen in bascially every scene where they're fighting- so why did they have a pit of others fighting? You'd think that they'd jump into the action themselves since thats all they ever want to do. That's because the Doodler pushed them to this point. Because it's one thing to hurt others yourself- its another to be able to get others to hurt each other- and be able to watch as you see them kill one another. Technically, you have no blood on your hands, but you were the person who encouraged them to grab the knife.
With the effect of Barry- it's one thing to be somewhat self centered and enjoy praise- and its a whole 'nother thing entirely to create a whole ass cult dedicated to you. Like,, aint no way the Doodler didnt have anything to do with that.
With all this information i feel like the kind of effect the dads in S2 said the Doodler had on them is pretty clear.
Grant could have gotten better but he's definitely still thinking about his time in Faerun. How could he not ? Its his entire job now. And this would probably cause him to think about the shit that happened to him back when he was a kid. The killing and the feelings he had when he either hurt others or himself. And the fact that even after all this time,, after all the help hes gotten,, somewhere deep down he still feels that way? That's probably fucking him up.
・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・ This one might be a bit of a stretch but with Sparrow i feel like theres a chance not everyone was very accepting of the "love wolf". And even if they were,, its not like he immediately changes his entire world view and doesnt still think those chaotic thoughts anymore. But,, everyone was so proud of him for becoming this "Love Wolf". For being the kinda and understanding one- for being the more normal of the two. Proud that he wasn't as destructive as he used to be. But theres no fuckin way he didnt still feel like causing chaos.
He began to "improve"- but everyone immediately jumped on that and treated it like he was doing this for years. But he wasn't. But everyone kept praising him like he was- which at some point probably made him feel guilty about those thoughts. Why couldn't he just be the Love Wolf he wanted to be? Why did he still think these mean thoughts- everyones acting like he should be over them by now but hes not- why wasn't he?
It's like if someone tried to stop drinking and they managed to not drink for a week. And everyone praises them and acts like they've been 3 years sober or something and is never going to drink again. Then every time that person gets the urge to make themselves a drink-they'd start feeling guilty.
And uh yeah ! Thats kinda all i got so far ! Hope my ramblings were actually somewhat coherent (;・∀・)
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gxrlcinema · 2 years
bucky boi mentoring a teenager 🤔 I'm thinking thoughts but pls do tell yours ma'am
Omg I feel like Bucky was set up for a plotline like this.
Like, Bucky's this old-timer who only listens to music from the 40's and read the Hobbit when it came out. He's perpetually grumpy and grappling with how he wants to exist in a world where he has the power and skills of an ultimate assassin but doesn't want to be the villain he was forced to be for so many years. Becoming a mentor figure to a young person - maybe one dosed with the serum or some similar power acquisition - would give Bucky an opportunity to work through that and do something positive. And it would create funny hijinks.
I had an OC a while ago based on this idea. Her name was Basia (she went by Baz) and she was essentially HYDRA's response to the fact that Bucky would die one day and it'd be easier to groom a child into being the soldier than it would to try and abduct a full grown adult, especially in the internet age. Somewhere either during or after TFATWS they'd reconnect again to have to take down remnants of HYDRA. It was supposed to thematically center around forgiveness; Baz's of Bucky for his treatment of her as the soldier and both of theirs of themselves for what they were involved with. I put Baz around 17-20, so she's a slightly older teen/young adult.
A couple of random headcanons about Bucky and Baz:
Bucky's definitely the type to tell her that she can't wear something he considers inappropriate, which sparks a rant about feminism and creepy old men policing women's bodies.
Bucky patiently listens to the whole thing before calmly telling her that it's about some vital area of her body being completely exposed to any sort of attack and she needs thicker material.
"But nice speech, kid."
Bucky absolutely calls her "kid", "kiddo", "champ", etc. She pretends to hate it.
She absolutely calls him variations of the name James ("Jimmy", "Jaimie", "Jimbo" etc.). He 100% does hate it.
So many fights about who picks the music when they're in the car. I can either see Baz being really into like, BTS or Olivia Rodrigo or something equally as teen girl-esque, or being sort of an emo kid and subjecting Bucky to the entire Black Parade album. Like, I have such a clear mental image of a shot of Sebastian Stan in the front seat of a car groaning like he'd rather have an anvil dropped on his head than listen to the modern music this teenager screams the words to.
Because Baz was raised by HYDRA, Bucky's the one who taught her to fight. This infuriates her because he can accurately predict a lot of her moves. It also leads to ANGST when in training together again, Bucky realizes that she favors her left arm in fights because she's trying to shield herself from punches from his metal arm.
I thought a lot about violence as sort of Baz's first language, and how it would likely be the one she reverted to when she was experiencing intense emotions. This might involve hitting herself when she fucked something up, physically hitting Bucky when she's mad at him, wanting to spar or train when she's upset, and being very physically stand-offish about affection.
The first time she hugs him is a moment.
I also have a whole scene in my head where Baz attacks Bucky in a fit of rage, and instead of defending himself he just lets her beat him up. It only pisses her off, and she starts screaming at him to fight back.
This continues until she just sort of, sags into his chest, sobbing. And Bucky brings his arms up around her and holds her.
And it's silent, like it should be.
They're so unwilling to admit that they care about each other but would fuck someone up for talking shit without a moment's hesitation.
Family dinners where Baz is on her phone and Bucky is annoyed.
Sarah Wilson listening to Bucky complain about something Baz is doing and nodding and smiling until he's done.
"Welcome to fatherhood, Bucky."
Bucky's eyes going wide because oh shit he's the kid's fuckin dad, isn't he.
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