#but don't quack dog quacking is annoying
harocat · 1 year
Why People (Especially Gay People) Should Watch Mysterious Lotus Casebook
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Thirty plus year old former greatest martial artist in the world, Li Lianhua, travels around in a poor man's version of Howl's Moving Castle dispensing sometimes quack, sometimes seems to be pretty accurate medical care to people throughout the land for a quick buck. He is dying a potentially preventable death because he was poisoned ten years ago and refused to seek treatment from his martial arts sect because he felt like he let them down (a lot of them died, and they think he died too). Hopefully he doesn't die for real at the end. He's been stripped of 90% of his martial arts powers, so he basically is just some guy. He does not GAF about almost anything. He likes to cook. He's smarter than everyone. He's our hero.
He has a cute dog by the way. Its name is Fox Spirit, but it is very much a dog.
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Along the way he meets Fang Duobing, an annoying, oblivious to class consciousness (but still lovable) rich kid who makes it his mission to travel together with Li Lianhua so they can solve crime. He has huge puppy energy. He wants to be an official detective, and he needs LLH to help him out. He has a serious case of heart eyes for his shifu, and he shows zero interest in any woman ever. He believes, due to a previous encounter, that he's destined to be Li Xiangyi's student in martial arts. Oh and Li Xianygi is Li Lianhua's true identity, so he's kind of like, FDB's shifu twice over. He has no idea that LLH is actually the swordsman of legend.... yet.
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Along the way they solve murder mysteries and also get involved in tomb raiding adventures complete with Indiana Jones style booby traps, backstabbing, and weird, creepy kids.
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By the way, LLH's archrival from a decade ago, before he left the martial arts world, was Di Feisheng. He leads up an alliance that LLH's was pitted against, and one that was viewed as a scourge in the martial arts world.
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LLH's last battle before his 'death' was with DFS, so the martial world believes DFS killed him, as does DFS. Di Feisheng finds him again, and is super DTF (fuck, or fight? actually both), but when he finds out that LLH lost his martial arts powers, he makes it his mission to restore them so they can have the final showdown they deserve.
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The fight scenes rule.
Were they friends in the past before they became rivals? We don't know yet. All we know is that they have extreme divorced energy, and DFS wants nothing more than to get remarried. He's gay. He's so gay. He's legitimately confused when he finds out that LLH has an ex girlfriend. He's seriously like 'I NEVER THOUGHT YOU'D BE INTERESTED IN WOMEN.'
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You bet your ass LLH is wearing a wedding dress here.
So all three of them travel together to solve murders, which they do, with aplomb. The whole time DFS pretends he doesn't care while making moon eyes at LLH and making sure no harm ever comes to him. Fang Duobing is confused and probably jealous.
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Yeah he really did pledge to marry Li Lianhua in like, episode two.
He also, at that point, has NO idea the true identity of either of them.
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Right now DFS is no longer traveling with them, but I believe he'll be back to them soon (he's still plenty involved in the story and present), and the three will continue their shenanigans. And anyway, he's still annoying LLH despite them not traveling together (to be fair, pretty much everyone annoys LLH). There's also sect drama! Secret alliances! Completely wack murder mysteries! And always with a side-dish of heavy homo. They're going to be the best found family.
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There's eighteen episodes of forty out right now, and it's streaming on IQIYI or wherever you choose to pirate your Chinese Dramas. It's EXTREMELY entertaining every single episode; funny, addictive, and yeah, pretty gay.
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flickys-courage-club · 9 months
My Courage The Cowardly Dog Headcanons
Courage loves Shirley, but he doesn't want to show it to others
He has anxiety
Courage is Panromantic
Muriel is infertile, meaning she is unable to have children of her own, but when she raised Courage, she thinks of him the child she would had
Eustace is shown to be sentimental with children though he doesn't show any emotion towards them
He does get beaten by Courage outsmarting him since he has more abilities and skills than him
Freaky Fred
Fred was raised by his mother(and Muriel's sister) Dorothy
He is really fond with animals, mostly dogs and rodents
His obsession with hair could be that he was born with trichotemnomania or OCD
He was sent to Muriel as an adult by Dorothy for his obsession to be taken care of
He is Pansexual
Shirley is Asexual
She is secretly dating Courage, although the two don't show it to others
Since she is skilled in playing saxophone, she is even skilled in playing sitar and bagpipe
If she met Bunny and Kitty, they would be friends on good terms
Katz is Aroace
He leads his gang of Courage's enemies and himself as The Revenge Six
Katz's favourite colour is red
Katz takes everything really serious, even when his allies find something that sets them off
Katz does take pleasure in things such as his spiders, himself, making candy, playing sports with his victims, aiding his right hand Le Quack in his crimes and tea
He and Le Quack are considered to be close allies
Katz is really professional in acting as impressive villains
Le Quack
Le Quack is Gay, although he isn't interested in a relationship with someone
His favourite colour is blue
Le Quack does swim in water like an actual duck
Le Quack enjoys stealing not only people's valuables but anything from their homes in which he brings it all to his own hideout or the Revenge Six's hideout
He interests in French culture
He and Katz are in a leader-right hand relationship and consider eachother to be close allies
He does get annoyed pretty easily
Bunny and Kitty
Bunny is Bisexual
Kitty is Lesbian
Kitty is very protective of Bunny and she would stand against anyone who hurts her
The two are the only ones who knew about Courage's relationship with Shirley and they likely support him
Bunny and Courage are close friends, she does like giving him forehead and cheek kisses
Kitty's mouse was made and given by Bunny. Bunny made it out of fabric and added a bell at the end of its tail
Bunny is shown to like making clothing and plushies out of fabric and wool
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salternateunreality2 · 6 months
A lovely commenter asked me to map the cast between Courage the Cowardly Dog and FF7.
I have never seen Courage, so I decided to watch some on YouTube and do my best. Feel free to laugh at my failures and successes.
President Shinra - I'm 1:05 min in and he's the guy telling "Jennings" to acquire the moon. I don't care if he's an unnamed, non-recurring character or a staple of the show. I've already picked the rich asshole as Shinra.
Reeve might be Jennings, but I doubt it.
Update: 2:02
Shinra's shadow is scaring small, innocent children and their ice cream. I chose wisely. Jennings also betrayed the rich old man. He is Reeve and I'm feeling good about this.
Update: 5:56
Maybe the shadow is Hojo or Jenova: it's running around fucking with everyone.
I'm getting Genesis vibes from Grumpy Old Man (Eustace?), and Angeal vibes from Kind Old Woman (update: Muriel?).
Update: 8:22
This could totally be superstitious baby Zack (Courage) hiding in Momgeal's apartment, to the eternal frustration of his bf Genesis.
Update: 10:55
The shadow monster just wanted tO ROAM THE STARS ROFL IT IS JENOVA 🤣🤣🤣
Update: 12:33
If this wasn't a kids show, I get the feeling Eustace would be speaking like Cid.
Update: 13:19
As soon as Genesis found out his Angeal didn't remember Courage, he booted the pupper all the way out, lol. Jealousis is canon.
Update: 13:53
The computer is almost as sassy as Cloud, Kunsel, or Sephiroth. Also, Genesis foisting his chores onto Angeal sounds valid.
Update: 15:31
Dr. Le Quack is running around wreaking havoc. Cough Hojo cough.
Update: 18:46
"That little doggie is quite a Houdini!" Yes, yes Zack is.
Update: 20:58
He is so loyal he faced a vacuum. This can be none other than Zack. Genius in crisis, loyal to the bitter end, annoys Genesis, adores Angeal, has sassy buddies, and thanks the mouse for helping him. A people person and a wonderful friend. I also get Wedge vibes from the fear, but he's more Zack in the end because pupper.
Closing thoughts:
Courage - Zack Fair with a splash of Wedge
Eustace - Genesis Rhapsodos
Muriel - Angeal Hewley
Random rich guy - president Shinra
Random shadow - Jenova
Dr. Le Quack - Hojo
Computer - some unholy combination of Scarlet, Reeve, Cloud, Sephiroth, and Kunsel. Scarlet contributes computer stuff and assholery. Reeve contributes computer stuff and insider knowledge. Kunsel contributes knowledge and sass. Sephiroth and Cloud are just here for the sass, and helping their friend.
Jennings - Reeve
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avernale · 2 years
Have You Seen These New Pokémon? Have you SEEN Them?
I'm going to have to start tagging these so I can find them easier. I haven't done a proper HYSTNP since Grafaiai, apparently, and I had to search by the Pokémon's names to confirm. Another one has just been revealed, so let's see all the ones I've missed real quick.
Maybe I've posted about this one. I know I've talked about it elsewhere. It was revealed in a Japan-only stream of Pokémon scientists or something viewing footage of Pokémon in Paldea. Then they see this thing and are utterly confused and discussing whether or not it's a Paldean Diglett. Nope! It's Wiglett, a Water-type Pokémon that just bears a striking resemblance to Diglett.
I imagine a lot of people think this is a lazy design. I have to wonder how many different faces they went through before giving up and using Diglett's. Or if that was the plan all along. Either way, I feel like this is Game Freak trolling us. It's like one of those Garry's Mod videos where they stretch and distort characters for a joke (and probably can't animate them properly).
When I saw it first in the video's thumbnail, I thought it was merely Paldean Girafarig. Nope! It's Farigiraf, its new evolution! I don't see how this justifies having a palindrome for a name in and of itself, but okay. I suppose its four horns could be interpreted as legs if it were upside-down?
I feel like someone created this on accident while messing with Girafarig's model and accidentally inverted its back half. The result kinda looks like an astronaut, though I would've given that honor to a Flying type. This Pokémon instead remains Normal/Psychic. I suppose its Cud Chew ability, which allows it to eat the same berry twice, is interesting.
Might as well discuss the Electric Gym Leader Iono a bit. She's a V-Tuber. Well, in-universe she's a streamer, but to us she might as well be a V-Tuber. I have to wonder if they intend to use her as a V-Tuber going forward. Hopefully not in anything I'd be inclined to watch, because I already find her annoying. I mean, she's a great character and all, but she's a little too high-energy for me.
Also, have you noticed the name puns? If you haven't, you've probably been pronouncing her name wrong. It's "Eye-On-Oh," like "Ion" (an atom or molecule that holds a charge) or, more importantly, "I dunno." Like in her catchphrase, "Whozawhatsit? Iono!", or her game, "Who's Iono's Partner? I'unno!" I notice people pronouncing it "Ee-On-Oh," and it annoys me a little. You don't have to wait for an official English pronunciation! It's right there in the captions!
When I saw Bellibolt in the thumbnail, I didn't think it was very interesting. Then Iono pointed out its "nostrils" are its real eyes, and for some reason I found it's design way more interesting. It's some kind of plasma ball avocado frog, and I am here for it. Will I put it in my party? I'unno! Maybe if I run into it soon enough.
And, finally, the latest reveal. Some PokéPundits were invited to a hands-on demo, and some mentioned seeing a new Pokémon that the NDA wouldn't allow them to elaborate on. I haven't checked to see if this was it, though, so I have to wonder.
Greavard is a great name. I assume it's a portmanteau of "Grave" and "Bernard," though it's not nearly as big as a Saint Bernard. It appears to prey on unsuspecting travelers by draining their energy as they play with it.
I feel like I've seen this exact design somewhere before. Like in a Hannah-Barbera cartoon or something. I can imagine they're at least an influence. A lot of cartoon dogs, usually bloodhounds and sheepdogs, have hidden eyes like that, but I feel like the whole thing is giving me déja-vu.
So what's my planned team look like now? Let's see...
Quaxly - "Señor Quacks" Ralts - "Señora Carena" Cyclizar/Miraidon - "Señor Huffy"/"Saint Akira" Ceruledge - "Señor Crisis.EXE" Klawf - "Señor Crabs" Wildcard
Honestly, the last two slots may as well be wildcards. It took me too long to remember Klawf, and I'm not sure if I'm as into it as I was when it was revealed. I don't know how long I should keep those slots open, though, but I also want to try and avoid rotating Pokémon in and out of my party like I seem to do every generation.
Also, I've decided to include nicknames this time around. I like to come up with a naming convention sometimes. A lot of Pokémon I caught in Shield have names that end in "-ington" or "-sworth" or begin with "Sir," though for Legendaries and Mythicals I use the title of "Lord" (and a few have "Lady") and Ultra Beasts have "Prince" or "Princess." In Legends Arceus, I end their names with the archaic Japanese honoriffic "-dono," except for Legendaries and Mythicals, which get "-sama." And Alphas get α (the lower-case of the greek letter alpha) at the beginning of theirs. And shinies I generally try to give astrological or sci-fi names.
Since Paldea is generally based on Spain, Portugal, and the general Iberian peninsula area, I thought I'd go with "Señor" or "Señora" based on gender (probably shortened to "Sr"/"Sra" to save space) and "Saint" for Legendaries. I also considered a system revolving around Tera types (in Shield, I gave Gigantamax-capable Pokémon, and sometimes ones I just caught in Max Raid Battles, names with "Max" in them), but I thought that might be too complicated for a mechanic that might not extend beyond this generation. Especially since it applies to every Pokémon in this game, whether you caught it there or not. (And I'm still expecting a reveal of bespoke Terastallized forms, too. Ulterastallization! Make it real!)
Well, that's all I have to say for now. I'm sure I'll have more to say when more Pokémon are revealed, but that remains to be seen.
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charliedawn · 3 years
What gifts do you get them for Halloween?
Halloween is a very special day for the hospital. It is as important as Christmas and the patients always seem the most agitated on that day. As it is a special day, they are allowed to party and ask for anything to eat. You also are allowed to give them gifts. This is why you have to be careful about what you give them. For a wrong gift may end upsetting one of them..and make the night a disaster.
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A radio. His eyes brighten at the little box. He always complained about the lack of music around the complex..He automatically puts it on and starts dancing to the music. He then extends his hand towards you suggestively and you only roll you eyes playfully before taking it. He smiles widely before you both dance around like nobody's watching..Unfortunately, it isn't the case.
" Take off your pants !", Freddy finally shouts before whistling and Jason only looks at the two of you curiously with a tilt of his head. He has absolutely no idea of what is going on,but finds it entertaining nonetheless. However, Pennywise appears at the door and smirks when he understands the situation.
" Battle of the bands, and nobody invited us ?!"
Penny, at the word dance, gets in the room and starts to dance his usual strange mix between some Russian dance and freestyle. Arthur glares at them and is about to tell them off when you intertwine your fingers to get his attention back on you, and it succeeds. He looks back at you with slightly widened eyes as he sees your hands before understanding your gesture to be a way to calm him down.
" Come on, Arthur. Don't mind them. Just keep dancing. It's your day."
He finally smiles gratefully at you and whispers while pressing his forehead gently against yours.
" Thank you, Y/N.."
Special meal : A baked potato. It may sound simple, but Arthur grew up with that meal and is expecting it to be perfect.
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Sunglasses. You noticed how his eyes seemed to narrow in discomfort each time he was in his garden. It had taken quite some time to search for the right sunglasses that wouldn't irritate his burned skin, but definitely worth it. When he sees them, he grins widely and automatically tries them on.
" So how do I look ?!"
Pennywise is about to answer with some sarcastic comment when you cut him off.
" You look wonderful, Freddy !"
This is Freddy's day, as much as everyone else's, and you want him to receive a compliment. You glare warningly at Pennywise that only grumphs.
" You look..nice."
Freddy's smile widens and he then exclaims proudly.
" Be prepared, bitches ! I'm never taking them off and all the ladies will be mine !"
You can't stop Pennywise from throwing his head back in laughter and finally letting out a smart-ass come back.
" Yeah..I'm sure they'll all fall for the lonely burnt motherf*cker with sunglasses !"
In an instant, they are at each other's throats and you only sigh before leaving the room. Those two love each other, even if they fight a lot, it is their way of showing affection.
Special meal : A hot-dog. To make dirty jokes all night, no doubt. But, it wouldn't surprise you that it was also a big part of his diet when he was outside. You had read his file, he had grown up in an environment that surely didn't provide hot home-made meals very often.
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Something to make noises. Anything to annoy Jason at 4 a.m in the morning. He grins widely at the thing that you had bought at your nearby store..It didn't really take you a long time to find his gift actually. You just knew it had to be loud and annoying enough for Pennywise to use it.
" Hey ! Jason !"
Jason looks up to see the clown grinning mischievously down at him. He then gets out his gift and starts making an infernal sound that forces Jason to groan loudly while covering his ears.
" Happy Halloween ! Ahahahah !"
Special meal : raw sheep meat. Nothing special from his usual diet actually..
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A rubber duck. You may find it silly, but Penny is a child at heart. He likes to play in the water and is very happy about his gift.
" Quack quack.."
He says while looking at the duck, imitating its sound in delight. He finds it very funny, especially when you hold it under water and it starts swimming on its own. His eyes literally shine when he uses it.
" 5 little ducks went swimming one day, over the hill and far away..Mother Duck said.."
" Quack Quack Quack !"
Penny often asks you to sing him a lullaby when he is in the bath and you don't have the heart to say no.
Special meal : raw reindeer meat. In his file, it is written that he is Scandinavian, maybe it reminds him of his homeland ?
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As soon as he would know that there is a gift for him somewhere, he would look around frantically. Gift ?! Gimme ! All other plans ? Gone. He has to find it. He will spend the previous night looking around and getting frustrated by the minute. He will insist on being the first one to receive his gift. For Brahms, it needs to be something special, something made for him. This is why you often bake some things for him. This time, it's cookies and he nearly cries in happiness when he sees them. Brahms is a sweet boy and will always thank you for anything you give him.
" Th..Thank..you.."
He isn't used to using his tongue and every word has to be important. Whenever he would make the effort to speak, you know it is because it comes from the heart. He would even hug you, if you'd let him that is. The major problem when he first stepped in St Louis is that 1) He was extremely shy and 2) didn't know his own strength. It took month for him to trust you, and even more to teach him how to not crush your lungs while hugging you..
Special meal : Apple pie. The favorite dessert of his mother. It reminds him of when he was a true kid.
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You may sound mad, but Michael is truly amazing with a knife..and not just in the murder business. He also is a very talented cook. This is why you asked him to help you cook the meal for tonight. Honestly ? You didn't know what to offer him, but he seemed to enjoy cooking with you enough. He has a very..distinctive way of cooking. The way he cuts the meat makes you a bit scared that he may lose a finger in the process. But, at the end, you are always impressed by the result. He can cook anything to perfection and you are glad to have him to help you or you would have been well over your head. However, something unexpected happens when you're finished, he tentatively raises his hand to gently pet your head. He ruffles you hair a bit, but you don't complain. It is the first time you've seen him act so..human ? But the moment is cut short when Freddy barges in, accompanied by Pennywise, to steal some food before running out. You and Michael both sigh in defeat before running after them.
" Come back here, you rascals ! Those are for tonight !"
You scream, biting you lip not to explode in laughter as they both raise their middle fingers at you at the same time.
" It is ours now ! Deal with it !"
For just the fraction of a second, you could have sworn having heard Michael chuckle beside you..But that is impossible..Right ?
Special meal : unknown.
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You asked Jason what he wanted. He answered ice cream. Problem is..You don't know which flavor to buy so, to the biggest pleasure of Jason and the biggest misery of your wallet..You bought all flavors you could find. As soon as he sees, his eyes lit up and he starts staring at them in awe, like a child hearing the ice cream truck. To your greatest surprise and amusement, he asks if he can share with the others. (more or less tilts his head towards the others) You chuckle and nod in approval. He claps his hands together excitedly before you both take the role of ice cream vendors. The others start queuing and at the end, you have a bunch of happy men slurping on their ice cream. To your surprise, Jason gives you an ice cream as well with your favorite flavor. You look up at him with wide eyes, wondering how he knew ? He seems embarrassed for a moment, massaging the back of his neck before tilting his head behind you. You then hear some cackling behind you and see your co-workers laughing between themselves. You roll you eyes at them with a playful smile. Of course..You then ask them to approach and the most courageous do, eyeing the slashers warily. However, Freddy breaks the ice by making a joke.
" Yeah yeah..We're super hot. We know. Don't worry, we're crazy, but even we respect ice-cream time. We won't ruin it by spilling blood tonight. The pistachio flavor is to die for by the way."
They laugh and decide to step inside. Soon, you have some of your co-workers queuing as well. Some are even as bold as sitting besides the slashers..You are happy to see that some could even warm up to them, like you did.
Special meal of Jason : Squirrels and rabbits ? He is a wild one.
But then, you see Five glare at anyone who would dare want to talk to him. Maybe was it time to give him his present ?
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You take his hand and drag him towards the hallway, ignoring his complaints. You then cover his eyes and whisper.
" Hope you like my present.."
You then uncover his eyes and he is shocked to see all of his brothers and sisters in the great hall.
" Surprise !"
They all say at the same time and Five frowns in incomprehension. He is happy to see them of course, but Father had clearly specified that they were not to enter the facility..How did you manage to get them all here ? He turns towards you with widened eyes and you instantly understand his silent question.
" I asked a favor to one of the doctors. He allowed them to enter for the night. The nurses are all upstairs, enjoying themselves and I thought that they wouldn't mind some company at dinner.."
At the word dinner, both Klaus and Five look at you with raised eyebrows.
" Wait..We're staying for dinner ? Free food ?"
When you nod, Klaus raises his hands in the air in triumph.
" Yes !"
" They're staying for dinner ?"
Five repeats, as if wondering if it is all just a dream. You smile widely and nod, as if to as sur him that is is very real.
" The hospital insisted on some more security, just in case. But yes, you are all welcomed to stay tonight. This is an hospital, and nobody deserves to be alone on Halloween.."
Five is flabbergasted, but still manages to smile genuinely at you.
" Thank you."
You nod understandingly and look at his family with a wide welcoming smile.
" I'm honored to meet you all. I didn't know if you would be able to come. Five has told me a lot about you and I am eager to learn more about all of you. I will leave you alone for a little bit, make sure he doesn't try to escape."
They all smile back or nod in agreement and you then turn on your heels to walk towards the dinning room. However, it doesn't stop you from hearing the one you could only guess as being Klaus exclaim loudly.
" Wait ! She's the hottie you were talking about ?! Man..She's way out of your league.."
You can also hear a moan of pain two seconds later. You smile, amused, and even laugh a little to yourself.
" Interesting family you got there, Five.."
Special meal : truffles and caviar. ps: rich bastard.
Bonus : Their gift to you!
It is only the next day that they corner you, as you make sure that everyone is gone before the director or the doctors arrive. You smile, wondering what they want. It's Five that steps up and gives you some kind of talisman. You can see that it is hand-made and made of multiple things that the slashers could have gathered (pearls, buttons, various pieces of fabric..).
" It's very pretty.."
You say before taking it and putting it around your neck.
" It's not just pretty..it's a calling talisman. Just, stay with it and we'll be able to feel if you are in danger..okay ?"
Five adds, looking at the floor with his cheeks a little red.
" What Five is trying to say is..If you need us, we'll come to help you. Always."
Joker explains and you smile genuinely at all of them before replying with a nod.
" I'll keep it. Thank you."
You wrap your hand around the talisman and they suddenly have the irresistible urge to look away or cough in embarrassment at your bright smile. It is almost endearing.
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wychive · 4 years
about me tag !
again ty to @yunwoo for tagging me follow her, she's so sexc kisses (with consent!!) 😁
tagging: @neo-shitty, @hwanami, @closer-stars and others who would like to do this <33
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what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
alachi but in a shorter form kai !
when is your birthday?
april 11th <3
where do you live?
sarawak, malaysia 🚶‍♀️
three things you are doing right now?
watching james marriott, breathing, doing this tag <3
four fandoms that piqued your interest:
harry potter (i just love Harry James Potter sm, you don't even know), mcyt & dream smp (mainly wilbur, tommy, and quack!), bungo stray dogs (kisses atsushi and kunikida), genshin impact (DILUC COME HOME PLS)
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how has the pandemic been treating you?
it has it's rough and calm times but overall, stressful, tiring! at times it can even be the worse day ever,, but enough about that :') on th positive, i get more creative outbursts so <3
a song you cant stop listening to right now?
striptease by carwash,, def recommend
recommend a movie:
dead poets society and kill your darlings! big NEED to watch if you're into light/dark academia aesthetics
how old are you?
16, as of date
school, university, occupation , other?
school cries
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do you prefer heat or cold?
depends. heat like the spring's sun, very gentle NOT like summer sun where it's blazing. cold, like air conditioning on a night you can't sleep NOT morning cold when you've just woke up
name one fact others may not know about you:
i like reading physics theories
are you shy?
to my father's and mother's peers, yes but not to people around my age (younger to older by 10 years)
she/him !
biggest pet peeves:
people eating with their mouth open, when my sadness turns into rage, when people advise things that i can do on my own (im vv annoying im sorry)
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what is your favourite dere type?
kuudere and tsundere! (possibly kamidere too,,)
rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
7-8 rn
whats your main blog?
this one hehe
list your side blogs and what theyre used for:
@bktboyf - for shits but i havent used it in a long time sksk
is there something people need to know about you becoming friends?
just that- i dont like chainmail,, not even the positive ones, im sorry. they're just vv annoying,, if you wanted to tell me something just use them in your own words tyvm friends,, and also that i am a major extrovert so i tend to not use tone indicators that much but i do on MAJOR things that could be seen in a joking way but other than that im always here 4 you !
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