#but considering that apparently some of the guy's hairstyles are based off of boyband looks...
the-alexel-lucas · 1 year
roast damuel + philine pls
Look, I know they're laynobles but they could be a bit more confident. They're a part of the dominant faction serving the most op archduke candidate, ain't nothing touching them if the kept their chins up. Damuel is denser than month old pound cake who doesn't think through the implications of his love life, of course Bridgette would want to go home that's all she talks about and how can he not see the neon sign of hints Philline has laid out for him is beyond me. And Philline, girl, you know he's a dense idiot who needs things spelled out for him, just say your feelings. Really the best thing that ever happened for both of them was Philline getting paired up with Clarissa, yeah she's kind of a bad influence but a kick to the groin and a knife to the throat is really the only way their relationship is going to make progress.
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