#but come ON guys you are not communists you're not even anti capitalists lol
truecorvid · 1 month
i need to get off of the internet i can't stand online "leftists" anymore i can't do this
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babybluebex · 3 years
hi bex!! i love your works so much, and i know you have the danny bunch reacting to “put a baby in me,” but how would they react if reader was actually pregnant? thank you so much for taking the time to read this!!!!
hi there!! it's been a while since i've written a danny bunch list lmao, let's see if i still have it in me! maybe writing short headcanons will give me the juice to write longer things hehe
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alex kerner: telling alex that you're pregnant is like a Big thing. you do it super nicely, arrange with ariane to have the apartment empty that night, and you present him with the multiple positive tests. his face goes all red and he mumbles "we're having a baby?🥺" from then on, he's a menace about you. he finds a good job and works a lot to save money so he can move out of his mother's apartment, and he does All the work when you're moving. he's convinced that you're like glass when you're pregnant and treats you gently. he'd build the crib and swear he doesn't need help, even if he curses and pinches his fingertips, but he gets it done. every night, he loves to hold you in bed and kiss your belly, even before you start showing. of course he's nervous about raising a child in the post-communist world bc he never really knew anything BUT that, but he'll do whatever it takes to make sure his baby is safe, happy, and healthy.
jan weingartner: ok i have a whole thing ab jan as a dad. he would be off doing his little revolution busking and of course you get pregnant by accident, but it doesn't stop him at all. when he holds rallys, people show up and ask him if he plans to raise his baby as anti-capitalist like him, and he's like "yeah?? that's the whole point, for future generations to benefit from the system that we advocate for". i feel like money would still be tight even if he got another job, so you guys stay in the apartment with jule and peter, but he likes having someone to watch over you when he's gone. he and peter keep on doing their edukator business but are a lot more careful now, and jan starts his petty thievery back up to get little things to get by. he'll softly sing to your belly at night, and he's so so tolerant of little things that your body does. like if you start lactating in public and it stains your shirt, he'll change shirts with you and give you his jacket to cover up. and yeah he's maybe a little sad that he can't take you on adventures to rooftops to drink cheap wine anymore, but he comes to find that he enjoys laying in bed and rubbing your tummy far more.
andrea marowski: ok andrea is Feral when you're pregnant. he already had like. Mommy Issues. we know this. and finding out that he's gonna be a dad is like not easy for him but he likes the thrill of it. he's infinitely clingier than he ever was before, he always wants to be holding you somehow. his arm around your shoulders, waist, holding your hand, stroking your knee with his thumb. he needs to be there all the time. he gets a nice little salary from the orchestra and from teaching private lessons so i imagine that money likely isn't an issue, and he'll be good and sweet to you whenever you're tired or your body hurts. he might also surprise you with a composition that he wrote in honor of your baby, and he'll hum it every time he touches your belly. he LOVES to kiss you all over too, any bit of your skin is going in his mouth if he can manage it. we KNOW how he is with breastfeeding lol so yeah he'll help relieve any pain, and he'll also go down on you a lot. he's another that thinks you're so sexy when you're pregnant, and he likes the idea of having you be pregnant several times. he's suddenly struck with the idea of having a lot of babies and having a whole litter around the house, and he's determined to have that future (as long as you do, obvi).
álex garel: i feel like, obviously, he's a little nervous about being a dad because even though eva was like. not a real child. he's still emotional over her loss and wants to make up for never being in her life, so he's going to be a great, GREAT dad. he'll take a sabbatical from teaching and spruce up the house to accommodate a baby, and he'll forever be building the baby little toys and small robots to play with. gris is a little jealous of all the attention that you're suddenly getting, but álex makes sure to cuddle him (almost) as much as he cuddles you. he also keeps you all bundled up in sweaters whenever you have to go outside because he's terrified of you catching a chill, and he'll kiss your cheeks every time. basically like 10/10 father-to-be
niki lauda: niki is a tough one, because i feel like it's easy to assume that he's gonna be pissy or whatever when you tell him you're pregnant, but he's not. you tell him, and his eyes go wide and he sorta laughs a little and goes "hmm. guess the condom broke. i'm really gonna be a dad?" like je's more awestruck than upset. you ask him not to stop racing because you know how much he lives for it and you can't ask him to stop just because of you, and he's like "no no no, if i die on that track and leave you alone with that baby, i'll be going to hell". he takes the next season off and settles you in italy so that he can still work closely with ferrari, and every week a package will come from a driver congratulating you and niki. your favorite was a small basket from james hunt, containing a bottle of sparkling grape juice with a note not as god as the real stuff but what can you do? ;) he'd use his garage ingenuity to make all of the baby stuff, the crib and dresser and changing table, and you have to fight him on naming your kid after ferrari. (of course, once the baby's born, he gets them a little red ferrari jumpsuit to wear on race days)
baron zemo: listen, zemo has a LOT of trauma revolving children. like. it's a hallmark of his character. he wouldn't be the zemo we know and love if he didn't know how losing a child felt. so, you approach the conversation very seriously and carefully. you tell him that you understand that this is hard for him and you'll accommodate him wherever you can, and you expect zemo to get emotional and leave the room, but he just hugs you so, so tightly. he might cry a little bit and later pretend like he did nothing of the sort, and he promises you that he'll love and cherish this child with everything he has in him, even if it kills him. he doesn't really lay off of the illegal goings-on, but you find out that, even though he's STILL being an international menace, he's got a nice tidy savings set aside for you in case something happens to him. he'll be a perfect house-spouse too when you're pregnant: he'll make you tea all the time and deliver it to you in bed, he'll fly in your favorite sweets from paris or japan if you were craving it, and he def goes overboard on getting stuff for the baby. outfits, stuffed animals, toys, everything; if he thinks it might be used, he's getting it. and uncles bucky and sam are super good with you too. if zemo ever has to be separated from you at any point during your pregnancy, he's employing bucky and/or sam to watch over you. "you protect my draga and my beba with your life. do you understand me?"
schmidt: schmidt is another one where he initially seems abrasive and like you're a little nervous to tell, but he takes off his glasses and wipes his eyes and hugs you. he'll be a really capable father-to-be, he keeps his cool like 99% of the time and does a lot for you, and he won't tolerate you getting up and doing too much physical work when you're pregnant. he wants you to be as comfortable and at ease as possible. he'll wash your hair for you when you take a bath and make you dinner and everything. he'll probably lower his hours at nasa, even though you tell him not to, but he wants to be with you at all times. he'll call your baby his little star, and he'll draw on your belly and connect your freckles and smile at his star's constellation
laszlo kreizler: i mean, i covered this PRETTY extensively in my series good doctor kreizler so i won't really repeat what i said there, but he's a great father-to-be and is very attentive of your needs and will literally go to the ends of the earth to provide for you.
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