#but cmon...the bar is so low it licks the ground
semischarmed · 4 years
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“Let me ask again- the FUCK do you think you’re doing!?”
I tremble in fear and stare in silence at the massive man in front of me, rank with the sweat of his daily session.
In my hands lay his used gym clothes, inches from my nose. My eyes widen. He was supposed to be showering. My eyes are drawn to the bar of soap among the pile in front of me. Shit. 
Fear becomes arousal when he leans down to my ear, tantalizingly close, and whispers. “If you wanted me inside you so bad, all you had to fucking do was assssk”. He draws that last word out with his teeth, lacing it with venom and seduction.
“Cmon, fucking say it faggot. Say you want me inside you” he taunts.
Ashamed. Terrified. Spellbound. He had reduced me to my most minuscule self. I reply meekly to answer him. “...I want you inside me.”
I hear the corners of his face widen into an unsettling smirk. “Good Answer”.
In the blink of an eye, he vanishes from in front of me, rushing past my side to my back before I can even react. Oh shit this is really happening. I am prepared for the night of my life. “Strip.” I comply.  I hear him make some movements and then... then... silence.
“What the hell?” I chuckle nervously as I look behind me in confusion and see his naked form crouching in a low squat with his hands clasped in a praying motion. I admire his massive sweaty muscles. He catches my gaze, looking up and giving me wink. I smile back awkwardly. “So-“
I am cut off by searing, unimaginable pain from the motion of him piercing my ass with his hands as he lunges toward me. Pound after pound of his thick arms shove up my asshole with so much force, he pushes me forward several feet. I stay still, breathing heavy for a few moments- not daring to look back- not daring to move an inch out of our precarious position. My mind races. “Shit. Shit. Shit. What was that!? God, was he ok?”
I finally muster the courage to look behind in horror. I could only see his shoulders. Shit. How is this even possible? God. Shit. I couldn’t see his head…he was probably dead- and judging by how far he pushed into me, I probably would be soon too. I whimper, tears streaming down my face, as recount my life and start fumbling for my phone. I felt sick to my stomach. How could this go so wrong? Every fucking time something good happens. Well… at least if I’m going out, I’m- My stomach churns. Wait. That... wasn’t my stomach. 
Impossibly, I felt worms squiggle inside me- no they weren’t worms. I dial in on the sensation. They were fingers. His Fingers. He was moving his fingers. I feel them claw at my throat from the inside. My mouth opens uncontrollably as his digging hands choke me from the inside, scrambling for a grip. I reach up trying in vain to get him to stop. Shit Shit Shit. As my consciousness begins to dip, the hands have finally found a patch of my flesh around my shoulder. I pant in momentary relief.
With each patch of my flesh they touch, I feel our nerves intertwine, tangling into each other until I myself could feel his fingers as a supplement to my own. What the hell was going on? Then, I feel him wrap his arms around more of my flesh and bundle more of our nerves together. Whatever this was, whatever he was doing, it was intentional.
He uses his arms as leverage and pulls the rest of his sweat-slick body inside, almost forcing my own to the ground. I fill up. Near-bursting. Impossibly full. As I stagger to stand, I watch from the mirror as he shimmies more and more of himself into me. I retch unprompted, dry heaving at what was occurring before my very eyes, but the motion only seemed to suck in his fleshy mass further inside me. Still, I couldn’t help but begin to get hard. Him being in here was hot as hell.  
I take shorter and shorter breaths, which again only slides more and more of him inside me, until the very last parts of him- his grimy toes- get slurped up in my asshole. My body wants to collapse from the strain of having to stretch to accommodate both our forms. Instead, I watch as his body is imprinted in my skin -near my stomach and chest, pulling me impossibly tight while he cemented himself in a fetal position. My legs begin to buckle from the pressure. 
Before I fall, he stretches out his legs out inside my skin, stacking his over my own. They are sticky when they slide over my bones and musculature, likely from the sweat he was aiming to wash off with his shower. As he fills into my skin, my toes are lifted off the ground as my body rises to accommodate his far-larger form. My very own body betrays its owner, as it is drawn to his legs over my own and he hastens the process by corralling my skin to realign to match his legs instead. I can only watch and feel in silence as I feel the skin covering my toes detach from myself and overlap over his. I feel pricks as our nerves entangle together. His legs then digests mine, inflating themselves from my added mass. My skin constricts in turn around his legs, crushing them from all sides. From the depths of my body, a moan in his voice escapes my still-hanging mouth. Skin constricts even tighter and I wince in anticipation from the pain. Instead, I am met with pleasure as nerves fire and I reconnect to my new legs. Oh my god. This was everything… I’ve never been this tall nor my legs this muscular. 
I wait in anticipation of his next move. His arms unfurl from their place, and I watch them slip over my shoulders. I look hungrily at my soon-to-be biceps. Yummy. This time, I put no resistance, as readily I allow his pythons to coil around my two stick-appendages. I give these arms of mine to him willingly, which he happily assimilates. Then, a massive tension in the skin of my arms, as they are forced to spread out, rocketed outwards from the mass of his flesh filling into them. By all accounts, it was uncomfortable, but knowing what was soon to come had overwritten any fear, any doubt, any discomfort I could ever have with lust. My arms were never buff, so watching him rearrange his arms to become mine makes me go lightheaded with an abundance of elation and desire. As his nerves join with mine, and I finally feel the strength inherent in my new arms, my head leans back from the sheer sensation of our parts being one. He flexes our new arm together, before caressing it over the imprint of his body still in my chest and stomach. This was a dream come true. Still… more to come.
I watch expectantly as the large mass of his head begins to travel up my neck. I prepare to accept my new self. I could want nothing more than to live as this god of a man as his new flesh. Before his head can reach me, however, I watch as the remainder of his body fill into mine, including that perky ass. My arms are helpless to my whim as he commands them himself. He smears my skin around the outline of his body, slotting his abs over my flat stomach, tracing their indents as they fill over, and giving me the exact very same six-pack I had always fantasized over. He pinches my nipples- holy shit- stretching them forward, before releasing. They rebound back, slotting into their rightfully place- right over his. They’re rock hard. 
When the bare outline of his forehead head begins to peek over my neck, I feel him flex our entire body. He tenses our entire form, forcing my skin to compress even tighter around him. He continues until I feel a pop in myself. I look down and see the results. I see his wavy hairs pierce and poke through my skin. The scene was bizarre. He was literally wearing me. Though it was my normally supple skin, it was dotted by the roughness of his hairs. When our pores align, I finally release some excess heat. The scent was immaculate. I sweated his sweat, emanated his scent. By all accounts, I am his body. There would be no turning back. In the continuing process, I feel his organs and blood rush into mine. He was I and I was him. We now shared the same insides. With his blood rushing through us, I felt invigorated. Fuck. God. This was what he felt like every fucking day. I happily invite his wellspring of strength and energy as my own. This is what I am going to be feeling like every day from now on. We could do a million pushups right now without breaking a sweat. With him driving me, we would be unstoppable. My trance is broken when I noticed my dick in disappointment, unchanged from the whole process.  
I licked my lips as his head finally slotted over mine. I screamed from the pain of my face being stretched out to accommodate both of ours. He had far better control of us and instead contorted my outer face into a crooked smile. He began panting and moaning as the force of my skin stuck our heads closer and closer together. At long last, I feel sweet release when some arbitrary barrier inside me breaks and a spark lights in me as his head accelerates and smashes into mine. I welcome him inside with open ‘arms’. ‘I want you inside me.’ 
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He complies, greedily overlaying his very being into me. In all my memory, in all my thoughts, feelings, perversions, there he was and there he would be. I yield them all willingly, allowing him to become me, to transcend me. Our shared eyes close from the wealth of new identity he has captured as he and I become one. We would have each other in a way no one else ever could. It was beyond intimacy. With his tongue inside mine, he sticks it out of my face with a sneer. It’s a face I never made, but with our new selves, this just felt right. He guides them over my teeth. My jaw redefines itself on his terms, nose corrects itself to his shape. Altogether, he was wearing me as his own, comfortably taking and rearranging me to be a better vessel for him. Fuck did it feel good to be his outer shell. I think we both looked better like this- greater than the sum of our parts.
Dirty, lewd thoughts mix with my own as his personality bleeds into mine. I reflexively try to shake it off, but he is relentless. In his barrage of self into me, tears well in my face. Still… he continues to inject more and more of his self into me. And then... I finally let go. This felt good. Being his. Who’s to say if it was my thoughts on their own or our combined derangement, but the thought of him forever using me, forever being me? Sheer Fucking Ecstasy. This felt great. He subjugates my sense of self to forever be a part of him but I offer it willingly. Becoming me probably shaved a few years off him. Like my skin, He stretches my personality around his, further and further until we congeal into one. Goddamn. Fuck Yeah. This is fucking great. We lick our lips.
I feel a rush of confidence. The new me is brimming with it. We are alpha. My mouth and body move in a way that was alien to myself. He stands up straighter and cracks our neck, getting comfortable in our new form. We take our first real breath together as a new person, taking in more air than my old lungs had been used to. Amazing.
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Then, his hormones rush through our body. Fuck. I feel an outpouring of raw, sexual energy. Our body steams up in the heat- look at me, who wouldn’t- and, before I could react further, he starts pumping my dick in manic glee. Fuck. As it stiffens, I hit my old body’s limit. Average. Our grin widens by his command. “Time for an upgrade, baby” I say with a jock-like inflection in my voice. It sounds immediately comfortable, self-assured, and it rolls off my new tongue naturally. It feels wholly unnatural. He speaks in a lower register than I normally do. Still I yield to him, trusting in my new owner and allowing his parts to coalesce into my vocal chords. A disturbing itch runs through my throat as our voices meld together but I know it’s for the best. This newer, hotter me needs a newer, hotter voice. We take a deep breath before roaring “FUUUUUCK YEAH! Muuuuch better!” in a voice that resembled a harmonius mix both of ours. 
The itch courses through the rest of my body as I allow him to fully wear the rest of me. He brings my head to face the new me in the mirror for a closeup giving another wink. Beautiful. I watch as my eyes water uncontrollably. His amber eyes then eclipse mine, and we blink away the tears. In my head, I feel his thick, wavy hair push out beside my own, as my old hair merge into his. In its place, we now wear a crown of his hair signifying my new place as royalty. He drags my now-vascular hand across our chin, pulling slightly while a bit of scruff grows where bare skin used to be. He quickly nods our new head in approval as more of my features contort to accommodate their new owner. Yeah. We were fucking hot.
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Then, I feel his thick dick slot into mine, filling it out. Jesus fucking christ it was so big. It stretches me further and further, until I am hit by another wave of paralysis, until my skin snaps back into his, constricting weapon and sheath together. The sheer pressure merges them into one. Goddamn we were huge. Our shared tongue hangs from our open mouth, as we release a massive wave of cum. It rockets everywhere, covering me in my new, alpha seed. We sample a taste of our shared genetics. Fucking delicious. 
God we were so hot together. The feeling is surreal. There was nothing like it in the world. I was forever his. I am wrack in permanent pleasure from being us. He walks over to his old pile of clothes, putting them on. As they brush over my new body, I am flush with a sense of completeness. A perfect match.
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Ok, Ok, so not as ‘light’ as I would have expected. I was gonna make something cute for Valentines day, but got sidetracked by... I mean... look at him.
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A Gift For The Engineer💚
Pt three
Tags. @weird-and-unusual @shy-ginger-in-the-graveyard @angeli-fucking-cat @needs-serotonin @iwasjustablur
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The noise from the vent was still coming up making you shudder in your raggy clothes. What the hell was down there? And where were you? One minute you were hiking in the woods and the next..-
“SHUT YOUR FUCKING HOLE!!!!” a loud voice from in the vent startled you enough to make you fall out of your chair surprising the Lycan. He sniffed you, nudging your side checking to make sure you were okay and lightly nibbling at your shaking tail.
“Im.. im ok..” you assured the confused Lycan as you moved the hair from his face. “Your.. very nice..”
“Rr..!!” the Lycan scooted closer to lean on you sighing deep as if he was content. He was not a really roughed up Lycan; hsi chest was deep blue grey with some gashes but nothing too bad. Big alert eyes , some teeth missing and ripped pants that looked more like shorts. You pulled the overcoat close around yourself again sighing low. “Where am i …” you asked yourself. The Lycan flopped into your lap and the hat fell off your head. You picked it up looking at it, rubbing out the edges and dirt from it. “I guess.. “ you reached down to scratch the Lycans ear. “Monsters are real?”
“Rr..!!!!!” He hugged your hips, getting comfortable while you scratched behind his ear.
“Do you have a name?” you asked the interesting creature. He did not answer of course, hmm.. “Well.. how about.. Mm.. do you like Arthur? “
The Lycan licked at your stomach moving all around and you chuckled petting his head. “Okay, Arty it is.” you told the happy Lycan.
It was maybe an hour later when Heisenberg returned. The sound of heavy steps getting louder and louder woke you up along with Arty. You had laid down on the floor with the coat over you as a blanket with the hat next to you and Arty curled up on your side asleep. Heisenberg's eyes wandered around the room till they found you. You rubbed your eye sitting up looking up at this man. Arty sneezed himself awake jumping up to his feet in front of you to see Heisenberg, he moved to the side so the man could yank you up.
“Sleepy huh? I'm surprised you could sleep through all that ruckus.” he gestured to the vent. “Now then, your room is ready and ive got a present for ya!” he told you, letting you go to put on his hat and coat. “Cmon, cmon” he turned, moving back to the door making his way out.
“uhm.. Ok..” you pat your thigh getting the Lycans attention. “Cmon Arty”
“Rr!!!!” the happy lycan jumped to your side and Heisenberg looked back with confusion on his face. His brows bunched up in curiosity. “Did you name my Lycan?”
“Yeah.. i .. his names Arthur.. Arty for short..”
Heisenberg cocked his head at this; “did ya now? Well i hope you got more names” he tapped his hammer roughly on the steel bars alerting the many many more lycans all around you. “Cuz ive got a whole lot more!! Hahaha!!!”
“Heh,..” Chisel hurried up behind the humorous man following him up some stairs to a large empty room with one single door in the corner. Heisenberg taped on the reinforced walls with his knuckles. “Nothings getting in here. Except me of course. “ he swung the door open strolling in with his hammer on his shoulder and you behind him with Arty.
It was…. Well it was a room like he said but… it did not have much in it, well. Anything in it for that matter. You wiggled out in front of Heisenberg to walk around the room. It was clean at least but it had nothing in it. ..
“Like it?” he asked, putting his arm around your neck and his other hand on his hip.
“Uh .. well.. Yes but..”
“Can it have a window?”
“Haha!! A window!? Were under ground Chisel!! What cha wanna see? The bugs?!”
“N-no i .. okay…” you looked down at your hands seeing something shiny in the corner of the room.
Heisenberg pouted at the answer he got. Awww. fine fine fiiiiiineeeee “let me see what i can do , just for my Chisel, oh and. There's something for you over there” he pointed as he left the room.
Arty had made himself comfortable in a corner curling up just to stretch and roll onto his back then back to his side running in place til he got tired.
Chisel walked over to the corner kneeling down to see a metal collar staring at her. It had the name “Chisel” on it and a interesting crystal hanging off of it. “Is.. is he serious..” you picked it up feeling the goosebumps on your fingers. You managed to put the collar on adjusting it as best you could till you were comfortable. “Heavy.. “ you said to yourself touching some rusted scrap, poking at it. It fell over revealing what looked like coins to you. “Hmm?” you picked up the handful of coins reading them . “lei..?”. Before you could inspect further your neck jerked and your body moved up on its own and you were dragged to the door where Heisenberg was. The collar was sticking out into the air near his raised finger.
“Like it?” He dropped his hand and the collar fell too . you fell into him choking for a minute and he pat your back. “So how about a sun roof hm? Il move things around. And I guess i can look outside for a blanket or something.” he was rubbing your back now, in slow motions.
“Uhm.. okay.. Id.. like that.”
“Seee im not a bag guy eh?” he taunted walking out of the room bringing you with him. “I GUESS i can find clothes. Tsk tsk tsk, already costing me a fortune , Chisel. “
You were outside the factory now, Arty was running around with other Lycans and Heisenberg was throwing things in the air while he looked through his scrap and what not. You were wandering the grounds taking in the scenery; a huge factory.. A castle.. Waterfall and a.. Village? This was an interesting place...it has ot be some kind of magic right? Maybe other world? Supernatural..-
“WELL what do we have here?” said a jolly man in the distance.
You jumped looking over to see a carriage by the cliff. “Was that there.. Before?” you hurried over , the collar jingling around your neck . you saw a carriage and a large man sitting in it with a smile on his face.
“Chisel… nice to finally meet you”
“How.. how do you know..”
“I know many things! A Merchant must know his customers. Now then, those clothes look pretty tattered , fancy a look in my shop?”
You blinked trying to put this together, so this.. Uh. “whats your name?”
“You can call me the Duke,feel free to peruse”
The Duke had some clothes that were the perfect fit for you which was strange.. You offered the Duke the Lei you found and he happily exchanged with you. “Thank you for your patronage!”
The clothes you picked out were some boots, pants and a winter coat along with a long sleep shirt. It was nice to be warm… “uh .. thank you..” you came back around a rock to see the carriage gone. Instead you saw a bridge that was… not there before..
“y/n….. y/n….”
“..huh?” you stepped towards the bridge. “who..Wh whos ..”
You saw a figure on the other side of the bridge , they looked blurry and seemed to be waving.. “Cmon y/n… lets go home…..”
“Huh? Wait .. who are you!” you hurried making your way across the bridge , in the distance a laughing doll could be heard in the trees while Heisenberg was searching his grounds. Arty noticed you were not around and started barking.
“Mutt-!!.. Arty!!! SHUT UP-- .. Chisel?” all the metal around him fell and he whipped off his glasses seeing the bridge was up. “Oh shit.”
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