#but caitlin and i ran me through some screens and i don't think it's my SI joint and it isn't muscular. so.
versary · 1 month
i'm not prone to back pain usually but my lumbar spine has been so stiff recently but it hasn't affected training or my life or anything and i figured it was just because i hadn't been deadlifting (because i have deadlifted once a week since like 2016 but not regularly since like may) so i started back up with the DLs again just to recondition my back and also have been making sure my hips aren't getting tight &c. anyway on wednesday i jumped in with caitlin's deadlifts and did a 5x5 @ 110 kg (which, btw, is over 70% of my all-time best ever deadlift so i was happy about that) and they moved well ANYWAY on thursday i woke up and i was so stiff and sore i really thought i'd done something serious but it wasn't the usual deadlift DOMS, it was sort of very generalised lumbar spine pain but i could still squat and hinge and rotate, so i still, like, carried on. i trained with caitlin and then walked to the shops with josh and then later on it felt kind of fine, and today's been even better (only a few very specific positions hurt it) so it's really just confirming my belief that my body really does spontaneously heal itself.
0 notes
harrisonwellishot · 3 years
The Flash [1] [Harrison Wells x Ellie Allen] - Chapter 2
Ellie's Voice Over: "This is the part when I'm supposed to do the whole inthro thingy. Ellie Allen, fastest woman alive... But you know all that already. All right, let's get to the good stuff."
It was a middle of the day and there was a fire happening in a building.
Ellie's Voice Over: "You see that smoke? That's a fire on Western and 3rd in downtown Central City. And that blur? That's me on the way to it. I'm going 352 miles an hour. And it's a slow day.
Two fire trucks were rushing towards the fire downtown.
"This is Ladder 52. We're still at least two minutes out." The firefighter said.
"People are gonna die in there."
"I know." The firefighter said.
Then Ellie zoom past them in another direction.
"Ellie? Ellie!" Cisco said through Ellie's ear piece.
"What? Did I miss it?" Ellie asked.
"You overshot by about six blocks." Cisco said.
Ellie sighs then says, "My bad."
Then she quickly run out of there anf go to where the fire actually is. At the fire, most of the people have gotten out of the building.
"Paige! My daughter! Has anyone seen my daughter? Paige!" A woman said.
The Ellie zoomed past the woman and entered the building.
Back at S.T.A.R. Labs.... Cisco was in front of the monitors, helping Ellie out.
"You there yet?" Cisco asked.
Caitlin was standing behind him as she says, "What are you doing?"
Cisco turns off the computer screens, quickly turns around in his chair and says, "Nothing."
"Who were you talking to?" Caitlin asked.
"No one." Cisco said.
"Are you talking to Ellie?" Caitlin asked.
"Who?" Cisco said.
"Ellie Allen? Dr. Wells' soulmate? Struck by lightning? Was in a coma for nine months? Woke up being able to run faster than the speed of sound? Ring a bell?" Caitlin said.
"No... Haven't talked to her." Cisco said.
With Ellie... She was now insode the burning building.
"Cisco, there's fire everywhere! Cisco, are you still there?" Ellie yelled.
Then at the end of the hallway, a little girl walked into the burning hallway.
"Mom? Mommy!" The little girl said.
Then seconds later, the little girl was out of the buring building and out of harms way.
"Mommy!" The little girl said.
The mother of the little girl ran over to her as Ellie saved the last remaining people in the building. Then Ellie zoomed into an empty alley way...
"Everybody's out. What else you got for me, Cisco?" Ellie said.
"Ellie, it's Caitlin." Caitlin said.
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"Hey Caitlin... How's your day?" Ellie said.
"Get back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Now." Caitlin said.
"On my way." Ellie said.
Then as ellie was about to take off, Ellie got a painful headache and got dizzy, but it only last for a second then she took off running...
Later at S.T.A.R. Labs...
"Have you lost your minds? Who do you guys think you are?" Caitlin said annoyed.
"Well, I'm the eyes and ears, and she's is the feet." Cisco said.
"This isn't funny. You could have gotten yourself killed. You can't be running around the city like some supersonic firefighters." Caitlin said.
"Why not? This is what we talked about; us using my speed to do good." Ellie said.
"We talked about you helping us contain other people who might have been affected by the particle accelerator explosion. Meta-humans. And aside from Clyde Mardon, we haven't found any." Caitlin said.
"Caitlin, people in this city still need help. [Caitlin sighs.] And we can help them." Ellie said.
"We all can help them." Cisco said.
Caitlin sees Harrison and says, "Will you please say something?"
Ellie turn to Harrison wheels in.
"I think what Caitlin is saying, in her own spectacularly angry way, is that we are just beginning to understand what your body is capable of. Not to sound like a broken record, Ms. Allen... I do caution restraint." Harrison said.
"Dr. Wells... I doubt restraint is how you got to be the man you are today." Ellie said.
"In a wheelchair and a pariah. Lack of restraint is what made me these things... Know your limits." Harrison said as he wheels away.
"Don't expect me to patch you up every time you break something." Caitlin said as she walks away.
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"Hey, uh... Anything happen out there today? The sensors in the suit was kicking back some weird telemetry, like your vitals spiked for a few seconds." Cisco said.
"Never felt better." Ellie said.
Then Ellie's phone vibrates and Cisco hands Ellie her phone.
Ellie sees it's Joe, answers it and says, "Hey, Joe, everything all right?"
"Great. I got a fresh crime scene... A dead body... your brother...  Detectives interviewing witnesses... miles of that yellow tape stretched over eveything. I'm only missing one thing. Can you guess what that is?" Joe said.
"I'll be right there. [She hungs up.] My day job as an intern beckons." Ellie said as she zooms out of the lab.
"When do you think she'll realize she didn't take her clothes?" Harrison said.
At the crime scene, there was idistinct police chatter when Ellie arrived... The she noticed she was still in her suit.
After going into the shop and getting new a new outfit and getting dress, Ellie joins everyone else.
With Joe and Singh were inside a pawn shop where the crime was committed.
"Perp made off with a bunch of handguns, at least six Glock 19s fitted with extra ammunition magazines. Somebody's looking to do a whole lot of bad." Joe said.
Ellie finally walked through the door.
"Hey, soory I am late. I won't be late again." Ellie said.
"Uh huh. Just like your brother." Singh said.
Joe hands Ellie gloves then she walked over to crime scene where Barry was when Eddie walked up.
"I downloaded the surveillance footage off the video camera." Eddie said.
In the video it showed a mask man shooting the shop owner and shooting out the sureillance camera.
"Looks like only one perp." Eddie said.
Barry and Ellie were looking at the crime scene when Barry notices something.
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"Footage may only show one, but it was six guys. Look, the tracks. They're all crossing each other." Barry said.
"He's right... Six sets of footprints. Six guns stolen. We should be looking for a crew." Ellie said.
"Huh... Weird. The shoes, it looks like they're all the same size. Men's tens, I'd guess. Just like you, Captain. Not that you're a suspect, sir. I..." Barry said.
"Barry, please stop talking." Ellie said.
Singh rolls his eyes as him and Eddie walk away.
Back at the police station, Joe, Ellie and Barry walk out of the elevator...
"Your ability to multi-task is truly remarkable. The way you can embarrass me, Ellie, the captain, and yourself all at the same time." Joe said.
"Joe, I'm sorry." Ellie said.
"I'm starting to think 'Joe, I'm sorry' is my actual name considering how often you two say it to me." Joe said.
"Joe, I'm just dealing with a lot right now." Ellie said.
"Look, I know you are. Believe me, I'm dealing with, Barry's dealing with it, too. I've always had a very simple set of beliefs. Gravity makes things fall. Water makes things wet. And up until a few weeks ago, I believed the fastest person could ran a mile in four minutes. Not four seconds." Joe said.
"Bet I could do it in three." Ellie said as she looks at Barry.
Barry shakes his head.
"Not relevant." Ellie said.
"You both haven't said anything to Iris about all this, have you?" Joe asked.
"Nope." Ellie said.
"We both made you a promise. I keep my promises." Barry said.
"Keep on lying like that. Both of you get up to the lab. Start processing the evidence from the gun store." Joe said.
Barry and Ellie quickly walk upstairs.
A young Barry and a young Ellie were running down the street when a cop car stops in front of them... It was Joe and he drove Barry and Ellie back to his house where they would stay. When they walked through the door a young Iris was there.
"Hey, Iris." Joe said.
"Did Barry and Ellie ran away again?" Iris asked.
"Unless that's one of your homework questions, little lady, it's none of your business. Go on back to your room." Joe said.
"Okay. See you later guys." Iris said.
"We want to see our dad." Barry said.
"I already said no, Barry." Joe said.
"He didn't do those things. He didn't hurt our mom. We were there that night. We saw. There was a man." Barry said.
"Yeah, I know. We've gone through this already." Joe said.
"Then why can't we go see him?" Barry said.
"Because I said so." Joe said.
"You're not our daddy! You can't tell us what to do!" Ellie yelled.
"Right now, I am the only adult that gives a damn what ahppens to you two, so yes, I can tell you what to do. Now go to your rooms." Joe said.
"I hate you!" Barry and Ellie yelled as they runs upstairs.
End of Flashback.
Up in Barry's lab... Ellie put the evidence inside the machine to test it but the machine wasn't working.
Ellie takes the tube with the evidence inside, smiles and starts shaking it with her speed.
"Really?" Barry said.
Ellie shrugs.
Then when Ellie got off her stool and starts walking across the room, she gets light headed and starts to stumble backwards, but Barry steads her before she falls.
"You okay?" Barry asked worriedly.
"Yeah... I'm fine." Ellie said.
"El... You been getting light headed lately and this is the second time... We should probably talk to Dr. Wells about this." Barry said.
"Barry, I'm okay... seriously. I don't have to bother Dr. Wells about this. I'm fine." Ellie said.
Iris walks in a white dress and says, "This is all of your fault. I could have taken European floklore to cover my sociology requirement, but no. You said, 'take journalism, Iris. Reporters have all of the fun.' Guess what, Barry? Reporters have none of the fun. Journalism is boring. I'm bored. I blame you."
Barry just stares at Iris.
"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" Iris asked.
"You look really nice." Barry said.
"Thanks. Why don't you two look nice?" Iris said.
Ellie and Barry look at her confused.
"This afternoon? Suit and tie? Nice dress? The university is giving Simon Stagg..." Iris said.
"Simon Stagg." Ellie said.
"Some big award. And you agreed..." Iris said.
"To explain the science stuff for your article." Barry said.
"And to be there to support you... It's all coming back to us now." Ellie said.
"How fast can you both get home and change?" Iris asked.
"Uh, pretty fast." Ellie said.
Eddie walks in and says, "Hey Allen, Ellie. Joe asked me to see where you both are at on the evidence from the gun store shooting... Oh, hey, Iris."
"Detective." Iris said.
"Please, guys, just kiss already." Barry said.
"Yeah... We already know, remember?" Ellie said as Barry walks away.
Eddie quickly walks over to Iris and she smiles as they kiss each other.
"Ah. Thanks for being so cool about this, you two. I know it's not easy keeping a big secret." Eddie said.
Ellie sighs.
"We're getting used to it." Barry said.
Later at the university... Everyone was applauding as Simon Stagg went up on stage.
"I fine it quite remarkable, having once been a timid freshman at Central City University, to be standing before you now, the regents choice for man of the year. While I very much appreciate the award, the real honor for me is knowing that my work in organ transference helps give people a second chance at life. Thank you all very much for coming." Stagg said.
Everyone was applauding as Stagg stepped off stage.
Barry turns to Iris and says, "Okay. All right, first things first... Simon Stagg's work in cellular cloning has led to huge advancements in the future of organ replacement..."
Harrison wheels up to the group and says, "Right you are, Mr. Allen."
Ellie turns to Harrison and says, "Dr. Wells, what are you doing here?"
Harrison smiles at Ellie and says, "Stagg is an old friend of mine. Also call me Harrison."
Ellie smiles at him.
Iris sees a waiter walking with a tray with four glasses of champagne, gives one glass to Ellie, Harrison and Barry then says, "Are journalists allowed to drink on the job?"
Barry takes the drinks, sets them down at a table and says, "Okay. If you are bored already, just wait till we get to the science behind cellular regeneration."
"I have missed this, El. I feel like we all haven't spent any quality time together since you woke up from the coma." Iris said.
"Yeah, we've had a crazy few weeks, we know." Ellie said.
"I thought maybe you guys have been avoiding me because of Eddie. I know you both think it's wrong, me dating my dad's partner, and I just..." Iris said.
"No. That is not it. At all." Barry said.
Iris sees Stagg walking passed her and says, "Oh! Oh! Mr. Stagg, I was wondering if I could get a quote from you for my article."
"Not now, miss." Stagg's bodyguard said as he and Stagg walk away.
"I'll just make something up." Iris said.
Ellie laughs.
Then all of sudden they hear gun shots go off and they see the rest of the guests drop to the floor as masked men with guns walked in.
"Quiet down! All of you!" The masked man said.
"Oh my god." Iris said.
Barry grabs Harrison, Ellie and Iris. Barry, Ellie and Iris all kneel down to the ground.
"Quiet! How considerate! You're all wearing your finest jewelry! Almost like you knew we were coming to rob you! Now everybody line up!" The masked man said.
Minutes later, everyone did as they were told and got in a line then gave the robbers their jewelry.
Ellie was about to try to stop the robbers.
Harrison stops her and says, "Don't. Don't."
Then just as the robbers were leaving, walks in the security guard.
"Freeze! D-drop your weapons!" The Security Guard said.
Then the robbers shoot at the security guard, but Ellie uses her super speed to to the guard. Ellie zoomed the security guard somewhere safe and ran to the alley way where the robbers had got in their van, but when she got there... Ellie got very light headed and that's when she collapsed to the floor.
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"Ellie. Ellie. Ellie!"
Ellie's eyes shoot open. Iris was there.
"I turned around and you were gone. What happened? Are you okay?" Iris said.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I went after them to try and get the plates." Ellie said.
"Wha...?" Iris said.
"And I... I fainted." Ellie said.
Later the police had arrived and looked over the scene when Iris and Ellie walked in.
"Hi." Iris said.
"Iris." Eddie said.
Joe looked at Ellie then says, "Where were you?"
"Dad, go easy. I found her outside." Iris said.
"I fainted." Ellie said.
"You want me to get you a paramedic?" Eddie asked.
"No, I'm fine. Thanks, Eddie." Ellie said.
Then they started listening to the security guard give his statement.
"I thought I was dead. I saw the gun go off, and then... boom. Suddenly I'm outside. I have no idea how I got there." The Security Guard said.
"Let me talk to you for a second." Joe said.
"Yeah." Ellie said.
Then Ellie walked away with Joe...
"You chased those gunmen, didn't you?" Joe asked.
"Yeah, they must be the same guys that knocked over the gun shop earlier today." Ellie said.
"And what were you going to do when you caught them? Huh? Ask them nicely to pull over? You aren't bulletproof. Wait, are you?" Joe said.
"No..." Ellie said.
"Okay. No more heroics. Chasing bad guys in not your job. It's mine. You are a cop. Promise me." Joe said.
"Promise." Ellie said.
"And you know Iris is not stupid. Start making better excuses then 'I fainted.'" Joe said as he walks away.
Later at S.T.A.R. Labs... Ellie told everyone what was happening to her.
"You lied to us. How could you not tell us you're experiencing dizzy spells? We're your doctors. God knows what's going on inside your body. Your cells are in a constant state of flux. You could be experiencing cardiopulmonary failure or a transient ischemic attack." Caitlin said.
Ellie turn to Harrison.
"Mini stroke... Probably not." Harrison said.
"You of all people should know that in science, we share. We do not keep secrets." Caitlin said as she storms off.
"Wow... I haven't seen anyone make her that angry since Ronnie." Cisco said.
"Ronnie was Caitlin's fiance? The one that died the night of the accelerator explosion?" Ellie asked.
"Yeah. He is... missed. How... Let's figure out why this is happening to you." Harrison said.
Minutes later, Ellie was about to start running on the tread mill...
"We're all set. A little padding. Just in case." Cisco said.
Cisco then walks out of the room.
Ellie walks on the tread mill and says, "You're sure about this, Cisco?"
"Most home treadmills have a maximum speed of about 12 miles per hour. This one has been Cisco'ed. Trust me. It can handle your speed." Cisco said.
"Okay." Ellie said.
Then Ellie starts running on the treadmill then she starts to go really fast.
"Heart rate, blood pressure, nerve conduction all normal." Caitlin said.
"For Ellie." Harrison said.
"Brainwave function within standard limits." Caitlin said.
Cisco laughs then says, "I told you the treadmill could take it."
"Caitlin. Look at the glucose levels." Harrison said.
Caitlin looks at the screen and says, "Oh, my God. Of course. It's was so obvious."
"Glucose levels. Ellie! We think we know why you keep... passing out." Harrison said.
Later at night at Barry's Lab, Joe walks through the door.
"Barry! Ellie!" Joe called out.
Then he notices something behind the map on Barry's bulletin board. Joe rolls the map up and sees the crime scene information for Barry and Ellie's mom.
Joe walks through the front door with grocery bags while a young Iris was sitting on the kitchen table doing her homework.
"Where's Barry and Ellie?" Joe asked.
"Barry's taking a shower and Ellie's in her room." Iris said.
"At three o'clock in the afternoon? [He points up the stairs.] If I go up those stairs, am I gonna see Barry and Ellie Allen? Or are you gonna be grounded for a week for lying to me?" Joe said.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. But don't worry. I know where they went." Iris said.
"Me too." Joe said.
End of flashback.
Joe looks at Barry's bulletin board for a few seconds then turns and looks at Ellie's desk chair to see the sweatshirt from S.T.A.R. Labs.
Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Ellie was waking up from passing out... again.
Ellie groans and says, "I passed out again?"
"Total metabolic failure brought on by acute hyoplycemia." Caitlin said.
"The reason you pass out is because you're not eating enough." Barry said.
"So an I.V. bag and I'm good to go?" Ellie said.
Cisco chuckles and shows her te 40 empty I.V. bags that she used up.
"Try 40. Guess you were thirsty." Harrison said.
"We're gonna need to fashion you a new diet based on your metabolic changes." Caitlin said.
"I've done a few calculations. You need to consume an amount equal to roughly 850 tacos. Unless we're talking chesse and guac, which is like a whole other set of equations." Cisco said.
"For Mexican, I recommend Tito's. On Bruckner Avenue? Best burrito in the city." Joe said as he walks in.
"Detective West. What brings you to S.T.A.R. Labs?" Harrison said.
Joe turns to Barry and Ellie as he says, "When I couldn't find the both of you at Barry's lab, I started doing a little research. Turns out there's been reports of a red streak around the city, stopping muggers, rescuing people from burning buildings."
"You didn't tell him we were working together?" Harrison asked.
Barry shakes his head.
"Joe, we can explain." Ellie said.
"You two already have a job in law enforcement. I suggest you get back to it." Joe said.
"Mm-hmm." Caitlin said.
Joe turns and looks at Caitlin.
"Don't look at me. I'm on your side." Caitlin said.
"Detective. We all want what's best for Ellie." Harrison said.
"If you wanted what was best for Ellie, you'd try to talk her out of this luncay instead if encouraging her to go out there risking her life." Joe said.
"You saw a man control the weather. What are the police gonna do against someone like that? Since the accelerator explosion we suspect there may be more like him." Ellie said.
"And what are you gonna what? Catch them? Are you insane? You think because you can run real fast that you are invincible? You're not! You're just a kid. My kid. Barry is too." Joe said.
"We're not your kids, Joe. And you're not our father. Our father's sitting in Iron Heights. Wrongfully convicted. You were wrong about him. And you're wrong about this. Now I may not be able to help him, but if I can save someone from a burning building or stop some armed thieves, I'm gonna do it. ANd you can't stop me. So don't try." Ellie said.
"You think you're so smart. All of you. But you don't know what you don't know. And I hope that you're clever enough to figure it out before somebody gets killed." Joe said as he turns and walks out.
The next day at Barry's lab... Ellie had just finished eating boxes of doughnuts when Joe walked in.
"Come to yell at Ellie again?" Barry asked.
"Simon Stagg's head of security was murdered last night. The coroner took some skin samples. Hopefully they belong to the killer. See if you both can find a match." Joe said as he hands Ellie the samples.
"Can't be a coincidence that Stagg's benefit was attacked last night." Ellie said.
"I'm going to interview Stagg now." Joe said.
"We'll come with you." Barry said.
"Your jobs are in here. Stay in here and do it." Joe said.
Iris walks in and says, "Hey, Dad."
"Hey, baby. Gotta go." Joe said as he kisses Iris on the cheek and walks out the door.
Ellie hands the skin samples to Barry and he puts them into the machine.
"Why is my dad mad at you two?" Iris asked.
"Mostly at me, but yeah... It's work stuff. [SHe notices that Iris is mad.] Who are you mad at?" Ellie said.
Iris points to Barry.
"Why are you mad at me?" Barry asked.
"You were supposed to meet me at Jitters to give me some scientific background for my article." Iris said.
"And I didn't show up." Barry said as he face palms himself.
"And now I have to come up with a new article topic in 24 hours or I fail the assignment." Iris said.
"Iris, I..." Barry said.
"Don't say that you're sorry. Okay, I know that you are." Iris said.
"This looks like a private conversation, I'm just gonna go... Get some coffee." Ellie said as she walks out the door.
Later at the police station, there was urgent chatter happening around as Ellie and Barry walked downstairs.
Ellie sees Singh and asks, "Captain, what's going on?"
"Not now, Ellie. An armed gunman is shooting up Stagg Industries." Singh said as he walks away.
"Joe's there." Barry said to Ellie.
Then Ellie quickly run up to the lab and grab her suit.
Back at Stagg Industries, Joe, Eddie and Stagg were behind some barrels as they were being shot at by Black.
"Get him out of there. I'll cover you... Ready? Go." Joe said.
Then as Eddie took Stagg out of there, Joe shot one of Black duplicates and then he watched Black make more of himself. Then they started shooting at Joe and when they got close to Joe, that's when Ellie arrive and took Black's guns.
"Go!" Ellie said.
"No." Joe said.
In seconds, Ellie had moved Joe safely outside, away from Black. Then she when to stand in front of Black and his clones.
"Whoever you are, give yourself up." Ellie said.
"Sorry. We are not going anywhere... Until Simon Stagg is dead." Black and his clones said.
Then Ellie knock out two of Black's clones, but he just makes two more. When Ellie punches Black in the stomach, two more jump out. Then Black and his clones started beating Ellie up. When they were about to shoot Ellie, she super speeds outside.
Later at S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin was treating Ellie's wounds.
Ellie groans as Caitlin was tending to the cuts on her face.
"Sorry. The abrasions are already rapidly healing." Caitlin said.
"Yeah, I got my ass handed to me." Ellie said.
"You got blood on my suit." Cisco said as he was cleaning Ellie's suit.
"I think some of it belongs to him. Another not-so-friendly meta-human." Ellie said annoyed.
Harrison puts Black's picture on screen and says, "Danton Black. [He sighs.] He's a bio-geneticist specialized in therapeutic cloning. Growing new organs to replace failing ones."
"Apparently Stagg stole his research and then fired him." Caitlin said.
"I saw Black create duplicates from his own body." Ellie said.
"That's pretty ironic. The guy specialized in cloning and now he can make xeroxes of himself." Cisco said.
"If he was experimenting on himself when he was exposed to the dark matter wave released by the particle accelerator explosion..." Harrison said.
"Meet Captain Clone." Cisco said with a huge grin on his face.
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"Don't worry. I'll come up with something cooler." Cisco said.
Ellie starts walking towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Caitlin asked.
"Joe was right. I'm in way over my head. Yeah, I'm fast, but I'm not a warrior. Man, I could barely fight one meta-human, let alone six." Ellie said.
"Ellie. I understand. Today was a setback. But any grand enterprise has them. And we can never learn to fly without crashing a few times." Harrison said.
"This wasn't a grand enterprise, Harrison. This was a mistake." Ellie said as she walks out.
Ellie was running through the city.
Later at Jitters, Ellie had just finished eating a lot of food.
"Guess you were hungry, El." Iris said.
"She's stress eating." Barry said.
"I came to say I'm sorry. And you're right. I have been distant." Ellie said.
"Correct." Iris said.
"And I'm been kind of a jerk." Barry said.
"You should apologize more often. You are really sensational at it." Iris said.
"Yeah, he is." Ellie said.
"Hmm." Barry said.
"Hmm. So... What were you going to tell me the other day?" Iris said.
"I  thought Ellie had to do something. Something I thought was important, but it turns out that it hurts her." Barry said.
Iris looks at Ellie then Ellie says, "I'm okay. [Barry looks at her.] What? You're just really good at doubting."
"What I am good at is being your friends. [He turns to Iris.] So if you need help coming up with a new topic for your article..." Barry said.
"I found one. Something that actually interests me. [She walks over to her laptop.] I know this is gonna sound crazy... It's been all over the Internet this week. At a building fire... At a bank heist... Even the other night when those robbers shot at the security guard, he said he was whooshed outside. Something out there is saving people." Iris said.
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"We thought you were taking journalism. Not science fiction writing." Ellie said.
"Ever since I have known you two... You have believed in the impossible. What if you both were right? What if you were right about the night that your mom died?" Iris said.
Ellie's phone vibrates, she sees that it's from S.T.A.R. Labs, answers it and say, "Look, I told you I'm through."
"I know, but you need to get to S.T.A.R. Labs right now." Caitlin said as she was freaked out.
The reason Caitlin was so freaked out was because in front of her and Cisco was Black... Minutes later, Ellie zoom in and she see Black... She was shocked as well that he was there.
"Ellie, it's okay." Caitlin said.
"It is not okay. Black is here, and he's just.... Standing there. That's not him, is it?" Ellie said.
"It's one of his replicates." Harrison said.
"How did you get it?" Ellie asked.
"I grew him. I isolated a sample of Black's blood from your suit to see if I could trigger the in vitro cultivation process and learn how Black multiplies. So I exposed the target cells to a protein gel, and they began replicating... Into that." Caitlin said as she points to the clone.
"Why isn't he... It doing anything?" Ellie asked.
"We did a brain scan. Involuntary motor functions are active, little else." Harrison said.
"We think it's acting as a receiver." Cisco said.
"THe clones are an empty shell without Black. Shut down the real Black, and you might shut them all down." Caitlin said.
"But how do I know which one's the real Danton Black?" Ellie asked.
"That occurred to me given your own passing out. Black has limits, just like you. Controlling all of those clones must require a tremendous amount of phyical strength. So, look for the one showing signs of weakness or fatigue. He's the prime." Caitlin said.
"Just a theory... But one you might want to put to the test." Harrison said.
Cisco walks over to Ellie, hands her a protein bar and says, "Plus, I whipped up this high-calorie protien bar for you to keep your metabolism up."
Then Black's clone starts moving, Caitlin screams but the Black clone get shot down by Joe as he and Barry walked into the lab.
"Any more of them?" Joe asked.
"Nope." Caitlin said.
"Why did it start moving?" Barry asked.
"The prime. My guess, the prime is on the move. This one heard the summons to battle." Harrison said.
"And I know where he was summoned to... Stagg Industies." Joe said.
"You should call it in." Ellie said.
"Police can't fight this, Ellie." Barry said.
"What Black's become, like Mardon... Beyond me. Maybe way beyond them, too. The only person it's not beyond is you. You gotta do this. I get it. [Looks at Ellie.] So for once in your life, do what I tell you to do. Go stop him." Joe said.
Then at Stagg Industries... Stagg was in his office, talking on his phone.
"Just get me those figures by morning, okay?" Stagg said as he hangs up his phone.
Black had arrive with his clones when two security guards came at him.
"Freeze. Don't move." The Security Guard said.
With Stagg, he could hear gun shots coming from outside... He walks out of his office and heads to where the gun shots where coming from and he found two dead security guards on the floor... He also came face to face with Black and his clones.
"Hello, Danton." Stagg said.
"Goodbye, Simon." Black said.
Then just as Black was about to shoot him, Stagg gets zoomed away by Ellie back into his office.
"Stay here." Ellie said.
Then Ellie zoomed back to where Black was and he had duplicated himself even more.
"We know Stagg stole your research, but that doesn't give you the right to murder." Ellie said.
Then Black shoots at her and she move out of the way of it... Then Ellie was fighting off the clones searching.
"You think this is about my job... This is about Elizabeth. She was my wife. She had a degenerative coronary disease. She'd been on the transplant list for years, but... Time was running out. So if I couldn't get her a new heart..." Black said as he was looking for Ellie.
"You were gonna grow her one." Ellie said.
Black shoots at her, but she moves out of the way.
"I was so close. Until Stagg stole my research. So he could reap the glory. And I got to bury my best friend. Now... I'm alone." Black said.
Ellie tackles one of the clones as Black starts making even more clones... The clones started ganging up on her and Ellie super speeds outside the building.
"Remeber, Ellie. Find the prime." Caitlin said, through the ear piece.
"There's too many of them to fight." Ellie said.
"You need to isolate the prime." Harrison said.
"I can't. It's impossible." Ellie said.
"Nothing's impossible, Ellie. You taught me that." Joe said.
Then she was pushing all the clones out of the way until she found the prime and knocks Black out.
Ellie was heavy breathing as she see all the clones unconscious on the ground.
"Ellie. Ellie... Ellie, are you all right?" Barry asked.
"I'm fine. I'm fine. It's done." Ellie said.
What Ellie didn't notice was that Black tackled Ellie to the ground and then jumps out of the window, Ellie quicky gets up and grabbed Black as he was dangling out the window.
"Hang on!" Ellie yelled.
"No!" Black yelled.
Then Black used his power to pull out of Ellie's grip...
"Don't!" Ellie said.
Black got out of Ellie's grip and fell to his death.
Ellie looks down at Black's dead body.
Later back at S.T.A.R. Labs, they were watching the news on TV.
"Central City police officials are now confirming former employee Danton Black..."
"Tried to save him." Ellie said.
Harrison puts his hand over Ellie's, trying to comfort her.
"Doesn't sound like he wanted to be saved. Some people, when they break... They can't be put together again." Harrison said.
"Some people heal even stronger." Barry said.
"I hope so." Harrison said.
"Well, at least Multiplex won't be able to hurt anyone else. Told you I'd come up with a cool name." Cisco said.
"Yeah, I may be the one in the suit doing all the running... But when I'm out there helping people, making a difference. You're all out there with me. Finally realized something, we were all stuck by that lightning." Ellie said as she walk away.
Later in Barry's lab where Barry and Ellie were, when Joe came in with three boxes of pizza.
"Hungry? Two of them with pepperoni. Just the Ellie likes it. The other one with pepperoni, olives and jalapeño. Just the Barry likes it." Joe said.
"Thank you." Ellie and Barry said in unison.
"You were wrong." Joe said to Ellie.
"She's been wrong a lot this week. You're gonna have to be more specific." Barry said.
Ellie playfully pushes him.
Barry chuckles.
"You said that one of the thing driving you to run around out there was that you couldn't help your dad. [He rolls up the map on the bulletin board revealing the crime scene of Barry and Ellie's mom.] You can help him. You both can. We all can. We're gonna figure out who or what killed your mother that night. And then we're gonna get your father out of prison. Together." Joe said.
"Joe, what I said about you not being our father..." Ellie said.
"I know. I know I'm not your father." Joe said.
"You're right. You're not. You're just... The man who kept us fed and in clothes... Who sat beside my bed at night until I fell asleep because I was afraid of the dark... Helped us with our homework... You taught us how to drive and taught me how to shave... And you dropped us off at college. Sounds a lot like a dad to us." Barry said.
Joe nods and smiles as he sits down with Ellie and Barry... They start eating the pizza together.
Ellie's Voice Over: "Every kid dreams of being a superhero. Having powers. Saving people. But no kid thinks about what it's like when you're a hero and you're not saving people. Truth is... Not much else changes. You still hurt. You still love. You still wish and hope and fear things. And you still need people to help you with all of it. In some ways, that's the best part."
Iris was at Jitters when she gets a notification of the streak being spotted in town... Which was true... Ellie was zooming around town.
"Ellie, an armored car was just hijacked on Griffin Avenue. Get your ass over there." Caitlin said as she smiles.
"I got it." Ellie said.
Ellie's Voice Over: "Actually... The best part? It's this."
Ellie zoomed really fast through out the city.
At Stagg Industries... Stagg was in his office when the elevator dings and Harrison wheels in.
"Wells... Who the hell let in here?" Stagg said.
"You been having a party out there?" Harrison asked.
"I'm sure you saw on TV. A former employee of mine tried to kill me." Stagg said.
"Former employee with the ability to replicate... Faced off against a woman who could move at super speed." Harrison said.
"You've seen her too, haven't you?" Stagg asked.
Harrison nods and says, "Indeed, I have."
"Extraordinary. The power she posses, it's like the-- it's like the Gods of old. It's like Mercury on Earth. Can you imagine if you could control her power? If you could--if you could harness it? You could change what it means to be human. The woman in the red suit is the key, and I'm gonna get her." Stagg said.
Harrison takes off his glasses and says, "The woman in the suit. She's called the Flash. Or least... She will be one day."
Then Harrison get up from his chair and stands up in front of Stagg.
"What the hell?" Stagg said as he is surprised to see Harrison stand.
Then Harrison stabs Stagg in the stomach with a knife.
Stagg grunts in pain.
"Forgive me, Simon. I worry you think that you will think this is personal, and it's not. It's just that the woman in the red suit... The fastest woman alive... She must be kept..." Harrison said as he pulls the knife out.
Stagg drops to the floor... Dead.
"Safe." Harrison said.
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