#but better to be safe than sorry esp considering this is my main LMAO
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Jason Todd x GN!Reader in: Movie Nights with the (Bat)Boys™ Pt. 3
12 Days of Batmas || Day 8—Watching Holiday Specials
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↞ previous: firelight in gotham || decorating your home
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|| dames day 8 | dick day 8 | tim day 8 ||
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This man is all about getting cozy with you.
He’ll take any excuse to cuddle up with you—not that he actually needs one, of course—so naturally movie nights are right up his alley.
The most wonderful time of the year just got even better…
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↠ Requested By: No one, technically ((but given the fact that I’ve been working on this series since last year I’m sure you’re all ready for me to wrap this ish up lmao)) ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: SFW fluff ((but my blog’s 18+ so if minors want to consume my sfw stuff while still respecting my wishes of them staying out of this space, they can head over to my AO3)) ↠ CWs/TWs: Brief talk of a handsy Jay; slightly suggestive, but nothing to write home about, really. ↠ Betas? Nah, we don’t do that here. ↠ Total WC: 700~
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So there’s no ficlets this time around folks. sorry about it but I just couldn’t come up with anything sadly. But! They’re pretty lengthy (they’re all 700+ words) so that’s something ig. Anyways, that’s enough rambling from me—have at it and (hopefully) enjoy!
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Headcanon || WC: 700~
🌟 This man is all about getting cozy with you.
He’ll take any excuse to cuddle up with you—not that he actually needs one, of course—so naturally movie nights are right up his alley.
Warm, soft blankets, yummy snacks, and his boo all wrapped up in his arms while you veg out in front of the television? That’s prime date night material right there.
Loves to spoon during movie nights, doesn’t really care who’s wrapped around who, tho if you’re tinier than him he’s gonna tease you a bit if you wanna be the big spoon lol.
Lots of “My cute lil jetpack”s and “Can you even breath/see back there” and the like.
((but lbr—this boy loves having you hold him; tho he’ll rarely admit to this aloud, he won’t deny it if you say it))
🌟 Providing work hasn’t worn him out, he’s the type to stay up for the whole of things.
Even if you tip off he rarely follows suit, choosing instead to hold you tight and enjoy the feel of you in his arms, alive and well and safe.
If he does fall asleep he’s gonna be so sad! This was time that he was meant to spend with you, and he’s wasted it by sleeping.
Will promise to make it up to you, no matter how much you tell him that isn’t necessary, so just let him, okay? It’s as much for his sake as it is for yours.
🌟 V. much a commentator—esp. if the movie is one you’ve already seen before and-or he finds the plot to be overly ridiculous.
He’ll pull back if you want to watch the film in peace, but the minute those credits roll he’s gonna rip into it lol.
He’s v. indiscriminate with his critiques, has to be given his love for B-movies. There’s just something about the jank of those films that just does it for him; like were the creators actually trying to create something good, or were they self-aware? Either way he’s here for it.
🌟 He’s… also got a tendency to get a bit, let’s say handsy, if he finds the movie boring.
What? He’s gotta keep himself occupied somehow, and it’s not like he’s legit feeling you up from the start. Really it’s more of a caress that can easily turn into more if you give him the go ahead.
If that’s not the vibe he’s more than happy to keep it PG-13, much like I’m trying to do with these HCs lol.
🌟 As for what he likes to watch…
No matter the time of year, this is v. much a weekly thing for you, so he’s not too fussed about the lineup…
…Well so long as you don’t pull a Tim and try to marathon the Die Hard series lmao. They’re movies that take place during Christmas—that’s it, that’s all.
In a somewhat similar vein, he does consider Nightmare Before Christmas to be both a Christmas and a Halloween flick. This spicy take is not born from an actual strong opinion, btw, but rather from his love of trolling Damian lol.
There are a few standards that he’ll want to get at some point during your sessions; i.e. The Year Without a Santa Claus, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Home Alone. These films never fail to get him in the holiday spirit.
((and yes, he is well aware of the fact that you can make the same argument for Home Alone as you can for Die Hard, but he also doesn’t care lmao))
This is also one of the few times you’ll catch him singing without a hit of embarrassment or restraint. Unsurprising given that most Christmas movie soundtracks slap.
Ngl, he finds most of the newer Made for TV movies to be terrible, but at the same time the season just doesn’t feel complete without watching at least one cheesy holiday flick.
((his favorite is Holiday in Handcuffs, but tbh he loves anything with Melissa Joan Hart in it; he’s kinda had a thing for her ever since her Sabrina days lol))
🌟 Overall movie nights with Jay are just *chef’s kiss* 10/10—would highly recommend cuddling up with this giant teddy bear of a man while you binge.
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🌟 Up Next: Day Nine || Kissing Under the Mistletoe ((check back tomorrow!!))
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2021 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol...
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mimi-kurusu · 6 years
BNHA ask: All of them you havent already done
hhhHHHHH YEEEES! ok this got really long so i put it under a read more!
1: What part of the anime/manga piqued your interest?tbh i watched it on a whim with one of my friends because we were bored and procrastinating on homework one night and we looked at the plot summary on crunchyroll and went “yeah sure!”
2: Did you think Midoriya would be a good protagonist in the first few chapters/episodes?yes!! immediately i loved him and only wanted the best for him; i have always thought that he makes a wonderful protag!
3: How do you think Midoriya’s conflict with Bakugou will end?not really sure! i just want them to be on good terms ;w;
4: What was your first reaction to Bakugou’s treatment towards Midoriya?i was not happy to say the least, but knew that his character would evolve :D
5: What do you think of All-Might as a hero?i love that man oh my god
6: Do you think that Midoriya deserved to get OFA?yes!!! are you kidding me??? he’s a good bean who just wants to help everyone!!
7: Aside from Midoriya, which character in the series do you think has had the most character development?iida and todoroki!!
8: Favorite unpopular character?i’m not 100% in-tune with the fandom so i can’t tell who is unpopular really so i may be wrong in saying mina and hagakure?
9: Favorite overall character?…. aizawa and uraraka
Pink: What are your main/favorite ships?midoriya/uraraka, midoriya/todoroki, aizawa/mic, kirishima/happiness and good fortune, endeavor/being alone and miserable forever
Blue: Do you have any NOTPs?any of the adults/any of the kids, endeavor/his wife or anyone else for that matter
Yellow: Favorite fanfiction about your OTP?i love all erasermic fanfics
Green: Any preferred rarepairs?not sure if they’re really rare, buuuut allerasermic, iida/todoroki, mic/all might, midnight/aizawa, aizawa/mic/midnight, midoriya/shinsou, uraraka/mina, kirishima/kaminari, jirou/kaminari, and jirou/momo are all very good and i love them
Purple: Do you have any works centered around your OTP?nah
Orange: Fluff or Angst?angst that ends in fluff is THE BEST!!!!
Red: What do you like the most about your favorite ship?the dynamics between the characters!
Turqoise: What do you hate about your favorite ship?canon can be unhelpful ;A;
Lavender: Does your ship get a lot of hate? If so, why?i’m not sure since i don’t really pay attention, but i certainly hope not? the fandom (or at least the small section i’m in) seems very relaxed about shipping!
Grey: Realistically speaking, will your ship ever become canon?one of them, maybe (midoriya/uraraka). i consider erasermic basically canon x3c
Pop: Do you think the “Dabi and Shouto are brothers” theory is true?i’m unsure, but it’s a good theory! it’d be really interesting, but dabi doesn’t look anything like shouto and the rest of the todoroki kids, so i’m on the fence :0
Indie: Opinions on the Traitor Kaminari theory?please no ;A; my heart can’t handle it
Punk: Opinions on the Traitor Kirishima theory?see above ;;;A;;;
Rock: What do you think of the “The doctor from Midoriya’s childhood is affiliated with the League Of Villains” theory? (in reference to this post)oh…. my god…. i’m stunned! i have never seen this particular theory before but WHOA WHOA WHOA! my mind is BLOWN!
Jazz: What do you think will happen now that Eri has been saved? look, i only know that eri exists because i am bad at blacklisting spoiler tags. i know she exists, but i have managed to avoid anything about her like her quirk, who she is in relation to everyone else, and what happens with her, so i’m not really sure! (i am not caught up with the manga since i mainly just watch the anime, btw)
11: Dekusquad or Bakusquad?both!!
12: Most underrated student?kouji hands down
13: Dadmight or Dadzawa?uhhh obviously BOTH! two dads are better than one
14: Whose quirk do you think is the most unique?aizawa, mineta, momo, kurogiri, jirou, midnight, sero, aaaand tokoyami
15: Aside from Midoriya, who do you think has the most potential to be #1 Hero?i believe in my kids and know they can all be great heroes, however, i want to say that iida, momo, todoroki, and bakugou are pretty high tier. as for who is #1 between them… it’s a good toss-up. :P
16: Should Mineta be replaced by Shinsou in the hero class?nah just add shinsou in. the more the merrier!! give aizawa more kids 2k18
17: Favorite student(s) outside of Class 1-A?shinsou and mei
18: Any HCs for the entirety of Class 1-A?each one of them has slipped up and called aizawa ‘dad’ once or twice. momo keeps a tally for each student in a notebook. hagakure, todoroki, midoriya, mina, and momo herself have slipped up the most. aizawa never flinches nor does he mind when this happens and is fully aware of the tally. he keeps his own mixed in with papers to grade and important files.
19: Do you remember their seating arrangement by heart?lmao nope (sorry kids!)
20: Which of the students do you think has the most potential to become a villain?i impulsively want to say bakugou, but when i actually think about it, i just can’t picture that?? the show (and manga that i’ve read) have made it a point to show and explain that he is a flawed, angry kid who does terrible things, but learns from people calling him out and losing and making mistakes and all that. so it just seems to whittle his characterization to bare bones by saying he might become a villain because of these things, ya know? so i guess the real answer is none of them XD
Techno: Favorite villain?kurogiri
Classical: Eight Precepts of Death or League of Villains?shhh i don’t know the first group so i gotta go with the league
Soul: Shigaraki or Chisaki?i don’t know who chisaki is but i absolutely do not want to choose shigaraki >>
Alternative: Most obnoxious villain?SHIGARAKI LMAO
Apple: Favorite popular HC?actual father dadzawa, esp when he adopts the kids with crappy family situations. c:
Strawberry: Who is your favorite pro-hero?aizawa, mic, all might, midnight, thirteen, gunhead, selkie
Banana: Which of the pro-heroes’ quirks fascinates you the most?mic’s!!! i relate!!! so much!!!
Cherry: Should Endeavor die like right nowYES. REST IN SMITHEREENS, ASSHOLE
Pear: What was your reaction to Todoroki’s backstory?i despised endeavor so, so much and wanted to adopt todoroki immediately. sorry endeavor, but he’s MY son now. it made me love that boy as much as i do and now i just want him happy and safe more than i did before learning his backstory
Kiwi: Should the BNHA girls get more spotlight/recognition?UH. DUH!!!!!!!!
Pineapple: What do you like the most about BNHA, as a whole?the wide range of characters!!! everyone is so cool and fascinating and there’s so many!
Watermelon: Dub or Sub?i love both! :D (tho i like mic’s japanese voice better since his entire thing with all the “YEAHHHHH!”s and other little english remarks he says makes more sense when he’s not already speaking 100% english. XD plus it’s higher and more… uhhh well, over-the-top in a good way!)
Coconut: How do you think Hokiroshi is doing, in terms of the plot?i love it so far! i’m having a great time watching and coming along for the ride and really look forward to season 3!
Blueberry: What makes BNHA unique from all the other shonen animes/mangas out there?the characters!!! both in design and personality and how the writing treats them, idk, it just feels different, ya feel?
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