#but because of the aforementioned rain my dad didn't let me drive to school that day
hanniejji · 2 years
Modern au where Phoenix is wait for Diluc to come pick them up for school and they end up waiting for over an hour in the rain :(
Either Diluc forgot for some reason or he was very busy and forgot to tell someone to pick them up
And Kaeya ends up picking up Phoenix and brings them home to get a bubbly bath
What do you think Diluc would do if he finds out he left poor Phoenix? 😭 or if he would actually forget because of his busy schedule?
(- From the same person who sent the echo toy thingy - I still don’t know what they’re called 🥲)
that's actually the worst fucking feeling oh my god, i used to go to school and go home alone because no one would come get me and it's horrible and lonely asf :( anyways I wanna call you 🌵 anon if that's fine, because of the robot cactus toy that wiggles ehe
kaeya best uncle slash father figure we been knew
phoenix would be so fucking distraught. other than the small talks that they have with their dad, going home with him is the only time they could spend with him. the ride to school and to home is not that short, so it's always what they look forward to. so for him to not appear would make them the saddest bean :(
kaeya picking them up from school is fun tho, because he's always driving them to get their favorite snack and hang out before he drives them to home. where he can beat the shit out of diluc >:)
"you could've seen the look on their face."
"what?" diluc looks up from his papers to kaeya's form at the door, arms crossed and a deep frown on his face. the aforementioned man rolled his eyes, pushing himself away from the doorframe and striding straight to diluc's desk, glaring at the clueless man.
"god you're even worse than i thought."
"excuse me?"
"you didn't even tell anyone to pick them up from school? you can't even take a few seconds to call or text someone, heck even me, to pick them up? you can't even spare them a few fucking seconds? did you know how sad they were, being left at their school for almost two hours, knowing their so called father didn't remember them? do you fucking know how insignificant they must've felt about their self for you to forget them just like that?"
kaeya wasn't in the mood to be gentle about this. if what diluc needs it a punch on the face to finally see shit better then he'd give him more than two punches.
"go and fix your mistakes before it becomes irreparable."
diluc would be staring up at kaeya with a gaping mouth, his brain slowly processing what he just said. by the time he realized what went on, kaeya had already gone and slammed his door shut.
"fuck," he groans from frustration, pushing his chair back to hang his head on the edge, looking up at the ceiling.
shit, shit, shit, shit.
he groans once more, pushing himself up from his seat to arrange his desk and leaving to phoenix's room, knocking gently to see them already looking over their books.
one look into their eyes and he could already tell that they've spent a good amount of time crying. cursing himself mentally, diluc forces a small smile on his face, awkwardly scratching at the nape of his neck.
"are you studying right now?"
"mhm." no, i was just hiding my tears.
"do need any help?"
"i, uhm." say no, say no, say no. don't be a bother to him. say no.
"i just finished a couple of papers for work, if... if you need help, you can always ask me."
phoenix goes quiet for a few seconds, looking at their book and back to diluc a couple of times, before nodding shyly.
"mhm... i kind of having a hard time understanding this." not really, i've studied in advance but if it meant spending time with you, then i'd go over this over and over again.
diluc sighs in relief, pushing the door open and gesturing outside.
"let's go to the library, is that okay with you? i could ask adelinde to get something for us too if you want."
"i... i'd like that."
i would fucking love that.
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gottagobuycheese · 6 years
Tag Thingy
Thanks @indezaisive for tagging me! This is a welcome distraction from studying for OSCEs though I really should get on that :P
Name: Cheese 
Gender: Meeeeeeee 
Sign: Gemini 
Height: allegedly 160.5 cm, which is somewhere around 5′3″? 
Sexuality: Ace! (aroace probably but because of this one brief weird time from high school the jury’s still out) 
Lock Screen Image: That generic bright blue space photo on iPhones because I have no personality and also like space 
Ever had a crush on a teacher?: Nah 
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: cremated uhhh let’s see, ten years, ten years. That’d be...2028? So ideally, if everything goes according to plan and I don’t shoot myself in my remaining foot, I’ll be a couple years into a job, unless I somehow get into some fancy pants specialty that requires more than a standard residency (but I’d have to get a decent grade in pathology for that so whelp) 
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?: The ISS, or Antarctica, or Denali, or somewhere equally wide open where I could pretend I don’t have any pressing responsibilities and feel that awesome wonder you get when you see a sky which a bunch of stars. Or if that’s too outlandish, Japan because that was the greatest break I’ve ever taken 
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: I dressed up as the bubonic plague one year for extra credit in my history class and had a grand old time. Everyone who dressed up (for extra credit) was supposed to give a presentation about their historical relevance, and my teacher loved my costume so much she made me come back for her last class of the day to do it again. A lot of other people were creeped out by it, which was extra fun. I still have this bald patch on the back of my hand from where I had to yank off this one stubborn raisin 
Favorite 90s TV Show: I don’t know what TV shows I presently enjoy were from the 90s, but at the time I loved Digimon. Still enjoy it, but mostly for the nostalgia at this point. I think I also just enjoyed that whole feeling of getting up super early on a Saturday with my brother to watch the latest episode of whatever season was playing at the time 
Last Kiss: Probably my dad? That was months ago before I started Hell Semester 2.0, but I'm fairly certain he was the last person to see me off to the airport so. Probably 
Have you ever been stood up? The bus...it keeps ghosting me. This whole week has been an exercise is betrayal. Like, you get up at 7-whatever so you can catch the 8:02 bus to make it to your 9 o’clock class, but nooooo, by the time you get to the bus stop, the 8:02 bus doesn’t exist! So you have to wait for the 8:17 bus! But that bus is late! And by the time it finally reaches your stop it’s so full of people that were betrayed at all the previous stops that you can’t even get on! And then you have wait for the next bus and be atrociously late for class and walk in shame through the front of the room right in front of the lecturer to the only available seats left in the lecture hall, or you try to sprint to the next stop before it gets there so you can nab a spot once some of the people disembark that only worked once though and it was because the traffic lights were in my favor. Or take a cab, but that’s so expensive 
Ever been to Vegas? Yup! Twice, I think. Once when I was around 6 (which could mean I was anywhere from 4 to 9, because I ascribe almost every vague childhood memory I don’t have a specific time period for to “when I was 6″) and once for New Year’s 2017. A better experience the second time since we didn’t lose any precious stuffed animals, but it was quite loud and drunk because it was New Year’s. But we did go see a magic show, so that was neat. And it wasn’t a creepy magic show and they didn’t rope us in for audience participation, so that was even better 
Favorite Shoes: I really like these velcro sandals of mine, but they’re so old and tattered I feel like the straps are just going to fall off soon. My foot is already breaking through the body of the sandal into the hollow space inside, and there’s basically no sole left. I should probably get new ones, but meh 
Favorite Fruit: Oh jeez this is a hard one. Fruits have grown on me so much. I do love mangoes, but tangerines are such a good regular reliable snack, and I’m more picky about mangoes than tangerines. Oh but I had these insanely good mandarins in Japan once that tasted like actual heaven, especially because it was so hot and they were so cold. So maybe those after all 
Favorite Books: I haven’t read in so long I’m sorry I think the most recent book I enjoyed was Howl’s Moving Castle or The Martian, but those were more oh-no-I-have-important-things-to-do-let-me-procrastinate-harder reads. I guess if we’re talking comforts reads that I know I can enjoy at pretty much any time, probably Harry Potter or Warriors, but I know I’ve read a lot of other books I really enjoyed at the time. Unfortunately, I have the memory of Mouse AB#310013 so I cannot recall what they were 
Stupidest Thing You’ve Ever Done: gonna take a leaf outta Zai’s book and say going to med school because let’s face it the way things are going this isn’t gonna end well for me or for the general public. In terms of actual, genuinely, 100% beyond-a-shadow-of-doubt stupid things I’ve done, probably this one time in high school where I made the mistake of trying to wear a dress. I was home alone, about to leave for a school performance, and I thought to myself, “Hey, since this is already here, instead of wearing my normal funeral performance clothes, what if I try this out?” I didn’t know that the bows on those kinds of dresses could be untied (I thought it was just stitched in as part of the design), so I tried to squeeze my head and arms through the darn thing by sheer force of will (in hindsight, I may have been trying to go to the armhole instead of the head hole because I’m just That Bad at wearing anything but a t-shirt and shorts). At some point my vision started to go spotty and I toppled over, and the only reason I am still alive to tell you this story is because I had the foresight to remove my watch. I managed to squeeze one arm through next to my head and yanked on that bow like my life depended on it which it did and freed myself from its murderous grasp. And I haven’t ever tried to wear a dress since because I’d probably die :D 
Best Thing You’ve Ever Done: In sixth grade I let this low-key annoying stranger borrow my valve oil in our first few days of band class and now they’re one of my best friends so I’m grateful for that
Why do my answers keep getting so long every time 
Tagging @pachelbelsheadcanon, @averybritishbumblebee, @christlovez, @sailorlock, @stealingyourdreams, @eiramew, @shingeki-no-korra, and YOU! If you want to. But don’t feel obligated! 
#Cheese's personal molasses#tag game#tag thingy#actually maybe the stupidest thing I've ever done was (again in high school)#try to respond to this note someone left on my car telling me to ‘get out and park somewhere else!’#with what I thought would be a very courteously drafted letter articulating my reasons for parking there#and what I assumed were their reasons for wanting me not to park there#it was supposed to be raining the next day (back when it actually used to rain there lmao) so I left them two hand warmers as well#but because of the aforementioned rain my dad didn't let me drive to school that day#pretty sure if I left that note there I would've gotten my teeth punched out because looking back on it now#there is nO WAY to read my note and not think I'm being terribly sarcastic and snarky#which maybe I was a little bit but I was also sort of genuine#probably a good thing I didn't engage though 'cause I found out from their next note they were just a racist jerk#that was kinda scary to learn because that meant they'd seen me but I hadn't seen them and that meant they had more power than me#but I showed the note to our parking security guy and he took care of it (I assume)#plus I didn't even have to drive to school after that week so nothing came of it#ANYWAY I got terribly sidetracked again so I'm gonna go either study the marksheets for tomorrow's osce#or procrastinate by writing another story I don't have time for#but in either case thanks for tagging me!#it was fun#I'm gonna post this and see all the hundreds of typos I made and kick myself but whatever
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