#but anyway!! sorry that's a LOT ahahahaha but yes i really really really love film
inkykeiji · 6 months
Totally random question, what types of live action shows/movies do you like? I can’t for the life of me get into anime even though I really want to, I feel like I can’t relate to any of your interests and I want to so bad because you seem so cool :((
aw anon!!! you’re so sweet!!! (〃ノωノ) well i absolutely love film, like so so so so so much. i don’t watch too many shows, but i really love stranger things and i enjoyed the first season of house of the dragon! OH OH I LOVE TWIN PEAKS!! i also really enjoyed mad men and loved atlanta! we also just finished alice in borderland like a month ago, which is a live action anime adaptation so i’m not sure how much you’d be into it, but i thought it was quite well done!!
in terms of movies, i could talk your ear off forever so i will just say i love the work of wes anderson, quentin tarantino, stanley kubrick, david lynch, alfred hitchcock and greta gerwig. also a massive fan of mafia movies (the godfather, goodfellas, etc) and golden age hollywood cinema. horror is my all-time favourite genre, especially slashers of the 1970s-1980s (halloween!!!). in terms of popular franchises, star wars will always have a very special place in my heart (+ batman too!)
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eyrieofsynapses · 3 years
so today I just watched the first episode of Almost Paradise! And I’ve gotta say, I am impressed. I already had it on my watchlist but I was planning to wait to watch it for a while until I could let Eliot fade a bit from memory, just so I wouldn’t automatically think of him while watching Kane. But I ran into an article this weekend about how it was filmed in the Philippines and the details of that, and my curiosity was piqued considerably more, so I figured... why not? 
(I also started White Collar this weekend and that was very enjoyable, but that’s a post for another day.) 
Anyway, my brain’s buzzing now, so have some first impressions and reactions, plus initial meta-analysis because I am intrigued. In hindsight I probably should have recorded first impressions while I was watching, but I’ll do my best to remember the bits that stuck out. Warning for... exceedingly long post.
ooo, okay, so he’s got a medical condition. I faaaaintly remember reading about this in the summary but I didn’t pay much attention to that, oops.
telling a guy played by Chris Kane not to get his heartrate up! that’s definitely gonna happen. definitely. one hundred percent. not like this guy loves fighting or anything
(also tbh the joke about, ah, sexual dysfunction admittedly left a sour taste in my mouth, because I do not go for that kind of thing, but... this is Devlin and Kane, so I’m trusting, based off Leverage experience, that they aren’t gonna be too inappropriate. [In hindsight there are actually interesting meta reasons for this so the sour taste has dissipated somewhat.])
this poor doctor. she’s so done with him. 
...he’s definitely not gonna pay attention to the monitor is he
that journal’s gonna get zero use oop
(I was duly impressed when he actually did use it later)
huh, liking how we immediately dive into the effect tourism has had on the Philippines. so we’re getting some commentary here too? I can deal with that
...wow. bad shop. eek
I’m sorry but I am loving the touch with the floorboards and such breaking beneath Alex. the look on his face is just perfect
and the monitor goes off! for tbh the last reason I expected it to first go off for, excellent 
MOTORCYLE? did they give him a motorcycle?!
awww no it’s the baddies who have the motorcycle :(
hmm this should be interesting. loving the look of this leader guy tho
--aaaand good asthetic guy is dead! with an ice pick! creepy and creative! 
bar. no way this could go wrong
internal battle! understandable that Alex wants out, buuuuuuut if he’s anything like I suspect he is--
--yup, picking a fight, with a damn pool cue--
--not picking a fight?
...picking a fight. by being friendly. *sigh*
yuuuuuuuup. that’s definitely good for your heart
badass fighting scene! with a pool cue, that’s a new one! love seeing Kane take ordinary objects and turn them into fighting tools
(ngl this had Eliot vibes. that said I am thrilled to see how damn good these fight scenes are and this is making me even more excited for Redemption)
aaaaaaaaaand oh fuck this was a police setup. which. I actually did not see coming, huh
ahahah they’re pissed! because he messed up their bust? or because he just saved their asses? 
...probably technically the former but I suspect the latter is also true
refusing to get Involved being foreshadowed by his indecision earlier! of course he’s going to get Involved anyway, only question is how
pfffffffffffFFFFFT the meditation, oh gods
that voice. oh Alex. 
I genuinely cannot tell if this is him actually trying or if this is him begrudgingly making an attempt because he has to
lacquering(?) the doors, which, hey, actually look pretty nice--this place is gonna look good when it’s done isn’t iii--
oh fuck Alex is being attacked
(this is definitely something to be concerned about. yes. totally. not like we haven’t already seen him take down a bunch of guys.)
with a garrot! this is definitely totally not how he’s gonna get Involved
oh my gods the detail with the paint. nothing says Competent like getting irritated at how the baddie interrupted your house restoration
hehehehe Involved
oooh, hmm, he thinks they sent the guy after him? what kind of corruption has Alex faced? I mean it’s not an unreasonable fear, but jeez, it sounds like this has happened to him before. doesn’t say much good about the DEA...
huh, this is a level of disturbed I haven’t seen from Kane before. which, granted, I have only seen him in Leverage, but I’ve never seen him pull this out before. the voice crack is an excellent touch
also, worth noting, Alex is definitely a notable level of... hmm, paranoid? this is just a tad bit frantic, though that’s understandable from a guy who almost got killed while in the middle of an attempted meditation
oh god being cocky in the middle of a briefing. poor Kai 
--being cocky and competence porn! of course he takes the watch and turns it into a lesson
...he must be a hell of a teacher
(also, bonus points for actually using the journal. maybe he’s taking this health thing more seriously than I thought he would?)
uh-huh, you’re so not involved, definitely, Alex, not like you’re gonna get pulled straight into this or anything
Ernesto is just watching to see how things play out, Kai is... trying to do things the right way, and Alex...
...Alex gives precisely zero fucks. buddy you are so not subtle
right, walking straight into the lion’s den! radiating confidence! terrifying
this is a disturbing level of truth he’s sharing for this lie. I mean, best lies are crafted from truth, but... jeez
hm. so is Alex also a “I don’t like guns” type guy? 
(probably not for the same reasons as Eliot doesn’t [his is definitely more in the “they make it too easy to kill” department whereas I would guess Alex has either more tactical or PTSD reasons], but, hmm. this is something to watch for)
(did they know they were bringing back Leverage when they set up Almost Paradise? I’m genuinely wondering if they didn’t write some Eliot traits into Alex specifically bc they knew Kane missed playing him)
this is a fantastically confident level of grifting--what exactly did he do in the DEA, precisely?
...ah. cool asthetic guy. stuffed in the freezer. gotta admit, I definitely didn’t see that one coming. creepy! 
(and it looks like you actually managed to shake Alex a little, hah)
aaaaaand in the meantime we have Kai following his advice! in an... interesting way. hm. 
(surprisingly this does not annoy me that much in hindsight. not sure why)
and understandably, this does not go over well! except, oh, fuck, DEA guy. this ain’t gonna be good
...worse. worse than I thought. what happened to you, Alex? former partner? whaaat
this gonna be the typical “traumatized white dude has Anger Attacks” type thing? 
honestly I immediately went “probably not” given how it was handled in Leverage. wasn’t sure though. but that does leave the question of what sort of attacks? it doesn’t seem like it’d be meltdowns, so what does that leave? 
hmmm. DEA guy is an Ass. we Do Not Like him. I’ve known Alex for less than half an hour but you do not do that to him. you do not use trauma against your guy, Jerkface. 
cutting a deal? this should be interesting
...well shit. I. am sincerely hoping Kai isn’t about to walk in on anything too bad
this definitely isn’t gonna be a fight though, that I called right off the bat
--bottles. dammit
oh, Christ. attempted OD or just drunk?
just drunk! good! well, very Not Good, but better than the other thing
pffffft dunking him in the water and then him going straight back to the water when he sees her, that is both absolutely hilarious and deeply concerning
aaand I’m agreeing with Kai but also, poor guy just got confronted with a hell of a lot of things that would raise his trau--
...mm. yeah. that’d be it. 
...I. was. not expecting that much backstory info straight off. holy cow, Alex. that is. messed up. someone get this man a hug
“one of the guys that cared too much”
(...like you?)
(or is that why you won’t let yourself care now?)
fuck, there was a lot more to that boat scene than I thought. ow
partner who betrayed him like that? I’m just. gods. 
Trust Issues is definitely gonna be a Thing isn’t it
can we just take a second to appreciate how Christian Kane is playing the absolute hell out of this character
aaaand Kai brings him back to the city for a Heartwarming Reminder of why he was in the game! this is very tropey but it is, as John Rogers has pointed out, an instance of the “well-worn writing tool” rather than feeling cheesy! 
holy crap Kai has lost. a lot of people. oh man
ahahahaha classic “why did you bring me here?” line! you know why, Alex. you know why
oh, and Ernesto gets a chance to help him out! I’m already enjoying this so much
awww and Kai shows up to help encourage him! with coffee! supportive friend and very obvious but honestly okay love interest! good!!!
(what the heck is with Devlin and his crew and sticking Kane with two besties? based on Ernesto’s dynamic with him I’m guessing this isn’t gonna be an OT3 but. I am loving the trend)
“I’m gonna regret this in the morning” pfft
huh, working with the DEA agents. not like he’s gonna go off script or anything. that’s totally not gonna happen is it
hehe irritated look while they’re putting on the mic. he is so very unimpressed
--”little episodes”--episodes? 
moment of appreciation for the un-forced-feeling diversity in these police squads
“how’s the anxiety?” I’m sorry what
hold up, when we say “episodes”--are we talking panic attacks? does Alex have actual goddamn anxiety? 
...actually with PTSD? that would make complete sense. I am... intrigued. I am really hoping that that’s the case, actually, because having seen how well they handled Parker and her PTSD in Leverage (as well as Nate’s and Eliot’s) I have a lot of faith that they could pull that off really well, actually. That would be good. 
wait what. you’re telling them everything? what’s your game here? 
“get that frikkin gun outta my face!” yup, not a fan of guns! no disarming though? huh
(also can we just. appreciate how Kane manages to make “frikkin” sound just as much like the cuss it’s replacing?)
oh. OH
hi Ernesto! hi Kai! I see what y’all doing
ohhhhhhhhhh Alex you goddamn genius. Getting rid of all of the drugs so there’s no way the precise thing he was claiming to be doing can happen. I like this
Alex please tell me you know how to disarm a gun. please. guns are not effective at that distance
got ‘em! murder confession, how did I not see that coming? good stuff
Kai can fight! 
I am very much appreciating Kai right now
also is that a FLYING KICK from Ernesto?
they better give these people more fight scenes
aaaaand straight into the water, oh god. I’m assuming this was a choice made because Alex is familiar with this territory? ...I do not think I want to know where Alex learned to fight underwater.
(I really really really want to know.) 
how the fuck has your monitor not gone off by now Alex
choking him out underwater, okay, wow 
what size are your lungs? this is long
extra kudos for excellent underwater filming and wow I am hoping the actors actually came up for air
(this is also unreasonably beautiful for a scene where you’re choking out a drug lord. the water is so pretty)
Evil DEA guy (no I am not going to learn his name, he doesn’t deserve it) is gonna be Alex’s Agent Sterling, isn’t he? this should be interesting
heh, police chief is taking his side! good stuff, good stuff
(it is very nice to see Alex getting some people in his corner after knowing what hell the DEA put him through)
Alex has fallen so damn hard for Kai. this is very very adorable actually
awww he’s really getting into fixing up the shop, isn’t he? I’m sincerely looking forward to seeing how he gets this up and going, it really looks like he’s enjoying himself
somehow I am starting to wonder if the cocky “oh yeah I’m opening up a gift shop how exciting huh” thing at the start wasn’t... actually genuine. he... is enjoying this, isn’t he? good. very good
I am unreasonably invested in this man’s wellbeing for one episode in
giving him his reason to keep going! yes! yessss
oh Alex you are attached now. you are very attached. good luck my dude and don’t let the trust issues get in the way
this is a good show. this is a heckin awesome show. 
also, side note, it is SO PRETTY
I am just loving loving loving all of the scenery. competence porn AND landscape and city porn. beautiful. perfection. excellent
...that was. much longer than I anticipated oops 
anyway, conclusion: hot damn this is a fun show! I am very excited to keep watching this. Alex officially has my heart, even if he’s a bit of a cocky bastard sometimes. Kane is fucking hilarious. (More reasons to be excited for Redemption!) Kai and Ernesto also have my heart, and I am extremely interested to see their character development. 
Honestly, the beauty is surprising. I didn’t expect to just enjoy how pretty it is. The blues of the ocean, the intense tropical colors, even the run-down gift shop--there’s such a gorgeous aesthetic to it all. If I wasn’t already invested in the characters and plot, I’d be invested for that alone. 
So... I have some thoughts on Alex and the show structure.
He’s obviously very disillusioned. There’s a lot of nods to the idea of war--he’s commonly referring to himself as a soldier, as a veteran, maybe as a casualty. I’m gonna take a totally wild guess here and say this show is going to be focused on the drug issues in the Philippines. (Wow, Synapse, how the heck’d you guess that?) I do find describing the war on drugs as a war, and going into the terminology that comes with it, very appropriate, and I like how this show is actively calling this to attention rather than using it as a convenient plot. They’re actually addressing the issue and discussing its impact. And given how overlooked certain aspects of the impact of the drug war on the Philippines is, this is a good choice, especially in order to alert American viewers to the issue. I’m curious to see how they handle that.
Again, interesting drawing parallels to war, too, and comparing it against the likes of WWI and Vietnam. It really gives that sense of weight to the issue and defines a vital aspect of it: the impact of the war on drugs on the people involved. It emphasizes that the people who are fighting it suffer consequences and PTSD just as a soldier in the field does, and it also emphasizes, with Kai, that it isn’t just the people actively fighting who bear the consequences. It’s also the people on the sidelines--it’s the families, the people on the streets by the gunfights, the economical impact, etcetera. 
But there’s also an element to Alex’s character that automatically makes him relatable to a lot of people... and it has nothing to do with the PTSD, nothing to do with the war on drugs, nothing really to do with the main issues. It is, simply, the intense hopelessness and depression that comes with trying to make a difference. In his case it’s making a difference on a severe worldwide issue. But the vast majority, if not all, of Almost Paradise’s audience should be able to relate to a feeling of never doing enough. And there’s certainly a large section of that group who can relate to being part of a fight that never seems to end. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing--if it’s driven at helping, it rarely ever feels like you ever do enough. But the advice given is excellent. One of the best things to do, when you’re feeling hopeless over this, is to focus on and take deep joy in the impact you do make. 
Alex is an expression of a frustration that a lot of people deal with. This, I think, is one of the reasons why he instantly drew me--and presumably the rest of the audience--in (outside of a fantastic actor and great humor). He’s relatable. He’s something that most people can see a part of themselves in. 
Anyway, symbolism and real-world talk aside, this is just... fun. It’s genuine fun. We’re covering rough issues, but there’s a lot of well-written tropes in here too that are written in that way that makes them enjoyable to relive rather than painful. The humor is delightful and plentiful. There’s a lot of beautiful feel-good moments. I’m suspecting this’ll be a comfort show, and I am perfectly all right with that. 
Onto the next episode!
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somuchkdrama · 6 years
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
Episodes 3 & 4
Dae Woong the Man-Child
@rocknghorss: Daewoong is such a frustrating man-child!!! I get that Miho is.. screwing up his game with noona but why can't he treat her more nicely?
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@dramajib: I think he's being plenty nice as it is actually. Like he could just ditch her entirely, but he's put up with her (until now anyway). Mostly out of fear, but still. It's not just noona she's screwing up for him, basically since he met her he's got no money, can't go home for (misguided) fear of her eating his family, he's discovered that most of his friends were fake friends..
rocknghorss: I know :( I'm just biased...
dramajib: Ahahahaha aren't we all. 
That whole ship thing at the end of episode 3 took me by surprise though, I was like... Dae Woong is a selfish manchild, sure, but he hasn't been MEAN up to this point. And that was really mean
rocknghorss: it was! He'd had a pretty disappointing day, but still, that was downright mean.  I guess from his point of view, everything was Miho's fault. So why not? Especially since as far as he knows, the water can't actually hurt her.
dramajib: It's awful. I hope he gets very contrite and fixes it somehow. Preferably NOT by diving in the water and swimming after the boat and getting pneumonia
rocknghorss: Lol.
The Greatest Love Story: Aunt and Elevator Guy
rocknghorss: Speaking of fixing things, I like how Miho is inadvertently fixing Daewoong's relationship with his Grandpa
dramajib: And helping his aunt and the elevator guy
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rocknghorss: Oh yes lol. Although! I was a bit confused about why elevator guy thought that aunt was married?
dramajib: In the previous episode, when she runs away cos she thinks his daughter is his gf, he sees her standing in front of the mannequin at the men's underwear section of the department store, and when the sales woman asks her if she's buying undies for her husband she says yes, cos embarrassed
rocknghorss: Oh. I'm glad you remembered, b/c I was completely lost.  That said, I was quite amused just how EXTRA they both are. The soft lit sunset behind elevator man as he was (I guess) wallowing in despair was ridiculous and I loved it.
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dramajib: It's so cheesy I can't stand it but I also simultaneously love it
Dramajib Goes Off On Noona
dramajib: Kristin have you finished episode 3? I haven't watched 4 yet but I have an itch to talk about noona and all her noona issues
rocknghorss: I’m down for discussing noona (and continuing to call everyone by their title rather than their name for the rest of the drama lol) whenever
dramajib: Hahaha sorry I'm just useless with names!
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rocknghorss: No worries Ekta :) It’s all good! I can’t be bothered to learn names of characters nowadays... I’m too lazy
rocknghorss: I was wishing the other day that Seunggi’s character had a shorter name lol
@triangularlily: Doesn't Miho just call him Woong a lot of the time?
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rocknghorss: Ooh you’re right.  Kristin you’re awesome. My thumbs thank you lol
triangularlily: Hahaha you’re welcome.
<note: at this point some of us hadn’t yet finished watching episode 4…>
dramajib: Since we're all done with three: KRISTIN, I TAKE BACK everything I said about noona. What a cunt!
rocknghorss: LOL
triangularlily: LMAO EKTA.
triangularlily: Like she is horrible but I kind of like her actually? When she is tired of waiting for Woong so she just drives away??
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rocknghorss: Man-child Woong and Noona kinda deserve each other right now…
triangularlily: I guess I like that she isn’t like bending over backwards to get the guy like a lot of second leads do she is like super confident and scheming about it instead. But maybe I will take back my words too cause I really don’t remember her character at all
dramajib: I was SO PISSED with noona's dress scheme in episode 3, hence my indignation. Like, fine, I was all on her side at first because it IS ridiculous the way Dae Woong is behaving out of the blue and not giving legit reasons. I did love how she drove away.
But when she pulled the dress thing, when she KNEW she wasn't wearing that dress, and she let him lose his chance at auditioning, she lost me as a fan cos that's just cruel. You know this is the big break he's been working towards, and if you really cared about him you wouldn't sabotage that just to throw shade on your competition
rocknghorss: I both hated and enjoyed her pettiness.  Just like Kristin said, I kinda liked that unlike many “villainous” second female leads, she was unrepentantly nasty to her “competition” and wasn’t shy about it. I hated it of course, because it was just gross and had the consequence of more meanness thrown Miho’s way
<...some time later…>
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dramajib: Okay I just finished episode 4, and I'm wavering again about Noona. Like, everything she says to Dae Woong about wanting him to be clear about his feelings is totally valid and fair. But the way she behaves about getting this lead role in the film is horrendous - and I don't quite understand why she calls him when she finds out that Mi Ho is the girl elevator guy had his eyes on
Hip Hop Guy, Guest Starring Ma Wang
dramajib: I am epicly confused by incongruent hip hop ost second male lead's deal. Is he just trying to restore balance? Kill Mi Ho? Steal her bead? Is he falling in love with her? Like what is going on there
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rocknghorss: I’m watching 4 now. When you guys watched it did it seem like the monk knew that hip-hop guy was some sort of Demon Hunter/supernatural being?
triangularlily: Hmmm idk like he seemed very matter of fact about it like oh u can put the fox back nice!
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rocknghorss: Right? It was kind of weird but I guess if the monk does actually believe in a nine tailed fox, why wouldn’t he believe that some random veterinarian could bring the fox back to the painting? Lol
dramajib: I love that his name is now hip hop guy. We’re so good at naming characters
rocknghorss: Lol. We are
dramajib: But didn’t Mi Ho call him a fake monk?
rocknghorss: Ooh, you’re right! But maybe that was supposed to be an insult, since he’s been keeping her captive in the painting?
dramajib: Yeah, that’s what I thought at first too. Also cos he keeps telling her story potentially incorrectly?
triangularlily: Oh true yeah
dramajib: Maybe hip hop guy gave them the painting in the first place? Cos he also gave them to the temple dog to guard it?
rocknghorss: I don’t know guys. Hip-hop guy’s backstory is the most confusing so far
dramajib: Right?? Cos I’m like.. Who even is this guy? He’s been passing as human since before Mi Ho got trapped in the painting, which means the girl he killed was even before that, so is he like in exile now? Is he good? Bad? On a different moral scale altogether?
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triangularlily: I’m really trying to remember but can’t
dramajib: lol not the most memorable villain I guess. If he even counts as a villain.
triangularlily: I think he’s technically the second male lead lol
rocknghorss: Hm. Maybe he’s being punished like in Hwayugi.  The way Iron Fan was?
dramajib: Oh noooo the Iron Fan thing was TRAGIC I don’t want to sit through that again!! Ma Wang being mopey in his little throne room ugh
rocknghorss: Ugh yeah. Everything about Hwayugi was tragic.
dramajib: Well not everything. Ma Wang’s fashion gave me life
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triangularlily: Lmao
rocknghorss: Lolol Fashion was good, it’s true. But how is he the second lead if he’s trying to kill/capture Miho is what I want to know
triangularlily: Lmao
dramajib: Well he loved Mi Ho’s lookalike, so I can see him starting to grow fond of Mi Ho. And like, try to keep spiritual beings together instead of letting her fraternize with humans
triangularlily: Yeah I think its something that develops and maybe we should talk more after u finish 4 Marie
triangularlily: Cause there is some development in that area in ep 4
rocknghorss: Ah. Oky doky!
<...some more time later…>
rocknghorss: I finally finished episode 4 you guys! And started episode five!
rocknghorss: And I find it super cute that the way the audience is supposed to know Miho is falling in ~love~ is that she wants to feed/eat with Woong, not just freeload off him
dramajib: I love her interaction with the neighbourhood mean girl ahjumma. And the whole hunting down coupons thing
rocknghorss: Yes! Mean girl ahjumma was hilarious.  Her voice was perfect lol
dramajib: Did finishing episode 4 give you any further insight into hip-hop guy?
rocknghorss: Ehhh. Hip hop guy is pitiful. I’d like to understand why his role appears to be “monster hunter” because that was still not cleared up unless I missed something.  But I can definitely see why he’s billed as the second male lead. He’s got it bad for her, in his own way
dramajib: I assume we get more of his back story? Because as it stands, it seems like the way he's hunting her down is probably the big plot point, and I don't really get it yet either
rocknghorss: I think we do? I can’t really remember.  He seems to lack a lot of urgency in getting her back to the temple tho.  Like if it was that big of a deal why is he slowing around and letting her decide on her to go back?
triangularlily: Yeah I cant remember either I think we do
triangularlily: *get more backstory I mean
dramajib: At first it seemed like he'd been waiting to catch her forever. Then it seemed like he was guarding society and making sure she's safely locked up. Now it's like he's hunting her for his own pleasure. So confused
rocknghorss: That’s exactly why I said hip hop Guy was pitiful btw. I think he likes her or is confusing her with her previous incarnation(??) and is struggling not to confuse his feelings for the other girl with Miho. So he’s got this artificial choice of duty or love, but he doesn’t even know Miho really.
triangularlily: Yeah he also has been by himself for so long. Like the whole can’t make human connection thing
rocknghorss: Yeah!
dramajib: The connection thing - was living with humans his choice, or forced on him? And if it was his choice, he's also chosen to live isolated, soooo… Not that I don't feel bad for him, I'm just being contrary for the sake of it
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triangularlily: Yeah I just mean I can see how he became a bit twisted is all
dramajib: That whole scene where he's sitting with her in his house and telling her what her options are was sad. But I also don't trust him so I'm like... Are you just telling her things so that she'll choose to do what you want her to?
Ending On A Less Angsty Note
dramajib: But I also love that grandpa loves Mi Ho without even meeting her yet
rocknghorss: Yupo.  He’s just super enamored that someone was able to make his grandson grow up.  Grandpa doesn’t want much lol Also! I like that he doesn’t rib Aunt too much about her crush. Even though she’s wayyy too into it (again apparently lol)
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dramajib: Lol aunt and elevator guy are great though. I can't wait for his daughter to find out that Dae Woong is going to be her cousin
triangularlily: Looool I didn't think about that
rocknghorss: Hah
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tagged once more
... I is having trouble keeping up with all these tag game thingys, ack. Thank you, though, @pleasantdreamsart <3 
I appreciate all the tags from everyone! ^^
1. Are you named after someone?
Mhm! My mom's best friend =)
2. When’s the last time you cried?
... oh wow, that's kind of personal? I'd rather not go there.
3. Do you like your handwriting?
Yup! Most of the time, anyway. It gets to be like chicken scratch when I become too emotional, sometimes, and then I'm like ... wtf is this. Who wrote this - wait.
4. What’s your favorite lunch meat?
Hmm, quite the question to ask someone who worked part-time in a deli for quite some years. I have a favorite cheese, but lunch meat. Never really thought about it?? I guess I like peppered turkey.
5. Do you have kids?
Nope. Unless you count my fluffy babies and then I got three.
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
Oh hell no, I'd tell myself to go take a hike and get lost on the journey ... just kidding. I think I would?? Idk, like minds often end in either hate or love.
7. Do you use sarcasm?
Oh boy, do I!! ... all right, not all the time. Just sometimes. And usually as jokes and jokes alone.
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
An unfortunate yes.
9. Would you bungee jump?
This seems really cool??? I'd be scared af and crying into someone's, anyone's shoulder, but I'd want to do it. They have this neat event in West VA that I've always wanted to try!
10. What’s your favorite kind of cereal?
When I do eat cereal, it's usually Fruit and Yogurt from Kellogg's. Most of the time, though, I stick with fruit in the morning. It's just easier to take my iron with than milk >.<
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Ahahahaha, NO. Me @ my future self: good luck, binch
12. Do you think you’re a strong person?
Physically? Yeaaaah. Mentally? Kindaaaa. Emotionally? Ahahahahaha.
13. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Vanilla Bean! Keeping it simple, babe~ (though I do like Moose Tracks once in a while, if anyone knows what that is, or a banana split xD)
14. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Interesting question. Let me think. Physical feature? It would be their eyes. Otherwise ... uh. I guess online, it would be their writing style?? lol
15: Red or pink?
Red tops pink and pink tops purple. (Sorry, Sargie, don't murder meeeee)
16. What’s the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
My face??? It round, and my chubby cheeks never seem to have left. Do you know how hard it is to be taken seriously and not called 'cute'??? Like, I am danger. Fear meee.
17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
Magenta and barefoot, lol
18. What’s the last thing you ate?
19. What are you listening to right now?
Nothing. Silence. My buzzing thoughts.
20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Probably gray. 
21. Favorite smell?
22. Who’s the last person you spoke to on the phone?
My best friend, who is an ASS. God, mean, how dare yoooou. I'm kidding, I love you too.
23. Favorite game?
The World Ends With You <3
24. Hair color?
Brown with lots of natural highlights -still sobbing about that one white hair though-
25. Eye color?
26. Do you wear contacts?
I should give it a try, but no. I. Can't get over touching my eyeball. I freak when I just have to remove an eyelash.
27. Favorite food to eat?
Pastaaa, but I am old and rarely eat it now -cries some more-
28. Scary movies or comedy?
... I guess ... comedy? Because I end up laughing too much in horror films to take them seriously. At least with comedy, it's not meant to be taken serious xD
29: Last movie you watched?
Shakespeare in Love~!
30. What color shirt are you wearing?
Magenta to match my pants, color coordinated pjs~
31. Summer or winter?
Summer. Bring on the fresh air and pools and boats and the sea.
32. Hugs or kisses?
Hugs. I am ... actually not a very touchy feely person. And it makes me kinda sad sometimes.
33. What book are you currently reading?
Demian by Hermann Hesse
34. Who do you miss right now?
Oh jeez. Friends, I guess. And let's leave it at?
35. What’s on your mousepad?
I have a kitty one I used to use. The kitty has sunglasses on and says, 'Fun in the Sun'.
36. What’s the last TV show you watched?
Documentary on Attila the Hun.
37. What’s the best sound?
The click clack of the keyboard. The sound of the wind over the ocean as waves roll into shore. A little bird singing its song while you walk along in the woods. A babbling brook trickling over stones. A baby's first gurgling laugh. Kittens mewing in want of attention. Sweet words whispered into your ear after a long day.
38. YouTube mashups or ambient noise?
Ambient noise.
39. What’s the farthest you have ever traveled?
The Caribbean.
40. Do you have a special talent?
Being an Super Duper Adult Level Worrier.
41. Where were you born?
Over the Rainboooow. Want me to be your pot of gold? ... pfft, still in tacky pick-line mode, can you tell.
42. People you’d like to participate in this survey?
... gosh. Uhhh. @crazyanime3, @fragranceofroses, @reimeijennoir, @mikoe24, @pchoo, @nahiishirota, @faecakes, @sleepyshirota, @laycotton and @birdsandpipers. Only if you want to, of course, no pressure ^^
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