#but also I'm glad you the creative licenses awaauugh ;C; / <3
jeeaark · 6 months
(Omg sorry it was to answer the note below the comic about the patch updated that implied Empy didn't like us anymore, that was not a criticism, I absolutely love what you do with the comic I'm sorry it sounded otherwise I absolutely love what you do and please do take all the creativenliberties you need ♥️♥️♥️)
Ah! My Bad! Yeah, I like to think it's all words with Emps, with Greygold anyway, but after that epilogue update....Hard to tell! For various reasons!
Off-Topic Confession! I coulda lived with this time-line if it weren't for that epilogue. Woulda wrapped this dang story up with a pretty bow with only this timeline! But NAY.
Dang epilogue tossed my loophole out the window! (gonna draw it anyways because silly, but still) Got me loopy-looping the loophole with another loophole because of those patches. So. On the bright side, Greygold's story isn't over after this. The down side, heard there's officially no DLC or BG4, So. I get to officially wrap it up instead of.... Leaving things in the air. so. Here we go!
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