#but alas i cannot write and also don't have the patience to get better at it so it is not somethig i can post
i was just reading kell's pov in acol where he goes down to see holland in the cells, how he feels hollands eyes scraping against his own, and back in adsom where its described as two stones sparking together. not only does that make me want to go insane, it also makes me wonder if holland feels that too or if its just kell? its not mentioned as far as i can remember in any of hollands pov and not even in their first meeting flashback. the absence of it from holland's pov is a bit of a shame really though it does suggest that its just kell and the effect holland has on him... its also mentioned briefly when lila gets her antari prosthetic eye (in the sense that kell feels glad that he can look her in the eyes without that friction) which makes me wonder, if lila had both eyes would there be that sparking sensation between her and kell? would it not as their black eyes are on the same side? why would that sensation be only due to the presence of the marked eye? it's clear that kell and lila DO have a connection but then again so would most people who went through what they did together (especially as kell is quite dramatic about what he cares about). it would just be a shame to have this connection between antari be a real thing and it not be developed past a couple of brief mentions one of which to enhance a ship. the antari could be endlessly more strange so it's a shame that, even when bonded with the rings, they are essentially just very powerful magic users and not something altogether else...
#give me some STRANGE#also actually i was thinking about if there was an actual bond between antari whether they like it or not#and how lila and holland would navigate that#i tried to write a lila pov fic about this that was mainly just a stream of consciousness actually#about when holland is torturing lila in adsom to get kell to come back#and despite the fear and hatred she felt like she could lean back and through into him like ink into water#meeting something made from the same stuff as her and that feeling of connection being new and utterly terrifying#but alas i cannot write and also don't have the patience to get better at it so it is not somethig i can post#i just really wanted them all to be more weird about it lmao#i can imagine holland turning up to deliver letters and people being like “ah theres holland. he and kell have something weird going on”#or kell being consumed with grief about having to kill one of his own kind but not being able to express it to anyone especially rhy#and feeling this overwhelming wrongness thinking its just that he killed holland#not knowing its actually holland having osaron in his head thats causing the inexplicable wrongness#or just lila hating that she has any kind of bond with holland wishing she could seperate the two of them#but if she were to take a knife to remove him from her she wouldn't know where to start cutting#wow thats a lot of words today#adsom ramble#adsom#shades of magic#holland vosijk#lila bard#kell maresh#anyway i do love and adore these books but it doesnt mean i can't be sad about missed opportunities
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nkn0va · 4 months
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This your man? This the guy you want?
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Alright, apparently I got two asks about this in the span of 10 minutes so clearly we need to talk about this.
Before I get into that though, the other Blazblue writer's old blog has since been deleted. I signed out to look for their writing and it is all gone. That old blog is in fact deleted.
First off, I never ever once said I wanted Trump in office again, please do not put words in my mouth. Those DMs have since been deleted now so I cannot provide screenshots (I never thought I'd need to, fml). I do remember though that admittedly my choice of wording was pretty much as poor as it could've been and made a rather poorly timed joke. Also there was a lot of things on my mind that I unfortunately was not able to articulate before I was blocked. However I was simply stating an objective fact that the economy was largely better under Trump's presidency than Biden.
This is a huge multi-faceted argument in and of itself that I don't have the time or patience to talk about, including the fact that covid really fucked things up, but that's really not an excuse for the state of the economy 4 or even 2 years later. Inflation hit an all-time high under Biden's presidency and prices are higher than they've ever been. The cost of living is only climbing higher and higher with no current signs of dropping anytime soon. The statistics do not lie, inflation was dramatically lower under Trump's presidency than it currently is under Biden's. Popular opinion when looking at both responses to inflation and the inflation itself point to the economy doing better under Trump's term.
If you really want you can read on the topic in more detail here
Now does that I mean I support him?
Not quite.
Look, I don't think I need to tell anyone old enough to vote that Trump isn't exactly a saint. I recognize that and support the notion that as a person he is not fit for presidency in many ways despite the good he did for the economy. People are not black and white, it is not a bad thing to admit the good qualities of a person even when they're still bad outside of their deeds. Mother Teresa is a prime example. Despite all the great things she's done she's been proven to have severely neglected and at times even abused and humiliated the people in her care all in the name of indoctrinating people into the Catholic church.
This is in no way to compare her and Trump, I merely bring her up to emphasize my point that bad people can still have good qualities and vice versa. Thinking that a person is pure good or pure evil is immature, childish, and is exactly what a lot of people in power want. To create drastic divides in the American people in order to further advance their own agendas, whether we agree with them or not.
Now who might I be voting for is the question?
Frankly, I still have no idea. I don't want to skip out on voting, both on principal and especially the fact that this will be my first election, but unfortunately ERB Lincoln's worst fears have come true. The president shall once more be who the public decides is the shiniest of two turds.
I am not a Trump supporter nor a Biden supporter, just someone that wants the best for this country. Alas, as long as these two fucking idiots are our candidates, we'll have to hang in there for another four years.
This topic shall no longer be talked about on this blog publicly. If you wanna discuss anything political stop hiding behind the anonymous feature and discuss this with me in DMs like a intelligent, civilized person. Any future asks regarding this topic will be promptly deleted.
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 7 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
7. The devil you know
Safin browsed through the maps of Palana, the refuge of a former KGB member who was on the list. The new drone picture allowed him to view the streets and paths of the small village they had to infiltrate.
Two of his soldiers were already working among the population, acting as Geo scientists.
The submarine laid at telescope depth, the engine a warm hum in the background.
Luc came in with tea and sat beside him. He handed a steaming mug to Safin. "Do we have an escape route?"
"Yeah, look." Safin pointed on the picture and swiped to make it bigger. "Here in the hinterland is a path back to the bay. We have to have a motorboat ready. 15 minutes, no longer."
"That is tight.", Luc dared to say.
Safin smirked into his mug. "Watch me."
"Hey, boss. All good. If you say you will get it done in this amount of time, then you will make it happen. I have no doubt about that."
"Thank you, my friend. What is going on with the next name? Did your source in Afghanistan report back?"
"Not yet." Luc looked slightly embarrassed.
Safin sipped some tea before he answered: "Patience, my friend. Patience.", he hummed.
"I, as well, want to get back home soon. But impatience brings mistakes."
"Yes, of course.", Luc sighed deeply, which made Safin smile at him.
"I don't know you that well.."
"May I have permission to speak openly?"
Safin raised both his eyebrows. "Go on?"
Luc cleared his throat and began: "I can only speak for myself, but, wasn't it better without SPECTRE? Being on our own? Getting things done that WE thought were important? I feel, especially you personally, haven't really gotten a promotion but, instead, have been put back on a leash."
Safin looked deep in thought as he stared into his tea, before he answered.
"I understand your objection. I... feel the same...partly.", Safin confessed. "Alas, the special connections which some of the members have are beneficial. For myself, I like to think it was worth it."
"What then, when it is no longer enough?", Luc threw in.
"As you know, one cannot cancel the membership with SPECTRE."
"I know!", Safin hissed. He took a deep breath and repeated himself. "I know. I have a wife. I have children. I cannot act before they are truly safe."
Both men drank their tea in an uncomfortable silence, both knowing they had stepped onto a path that could get them both killed. Them, and also their loved ones.
Eventually Luc dared to speak up: "Tell me, when you are ready."
Safin understood, it was not the mission Luc was talking about.
"I will."
Safin felt sick after the chat with Luc. He knew Luc was right. He had simply not allowed himself to think about it.
He looked at his hands. Lean and bony, also aged. More than thirty years he had been a free member of SPECTRE. Never official, until now.
When he was younger, and probably naive; he had wished for a position like the one he had now. He had literally killed for this. And now, when he had everything he wanted, it had made him more vulnerable.
Not because he was married.
Not because he was a father.
But because of his closeness to Blofeld.
He remembered other, former members, who were dead. Some, he had killed. Sometimes a wife or a mother. For some unknown reason never a child. Not yet.
Fascinated he wondered if his moral compass had changed. Or was it Blofeld's moral, which had crumbled?
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