#but alas I'm writing terrible junk yet again
cruelfeline · 4 years
Please Consider, a Concept:
She's been relaxing all evening, basking in the heady mix of relief and jubilation common to them all in the wake of Prime's defeat, but that does not mean that Adora’s powers of observation have waned. Though, she supposes, it would not take a particularly impressive level of observation to notice that Hordak and Entrapta are not among the celebrating crowd. Or, oddly enough, among the somber clones being gently shepherded to their first night’s rest outside of recharging pods.
So, while everyone else busies themselves with pitching tents and securing sleeping arrangements, Adora searches.
It doesn't take her long to find them. They're only a short way off, settled under a heavily blooming tree. Hordak is asleep, curled up at Entrapta's side and half-covered by a blanket of lavender hair.
Once upon a time, this is a sight that she would have had difficulty imagining, but after all she's seen today (though her eyes and She-Ra's), her only reaction is a small smile.
Entrapta meets her smile with a cheerful grin-and-wave of her own, though Adora does not miss the very subtle, very slight (yet very present) frizzing of the hair draped over Hordak. Or the way it curls and twists, numerous locks arranging themselves to settle between her and the pair.
"Hi Adora! Did you need something?"
Entrapta's voice is as cheerful as her smile, though quieter than Adora is used to hearing it. Beside her, Hordak tenses a touch, seeming to shudder, before curling tighter against her. He does not wake. A strand of hair moves to rub his upper arm, though Entrapta's eyes remain on Adora.
"No. No, I was just... I wanted to check on you guys. See how you were doing."
"Oh, we're fine! Hordak's a bit tired; getting possessed by the soul of a mind-controlling entity is pretty taxing, you know?"
Adora swallows, smile fading. The memory of that vicious darkness, of its enraged screams at being vanquished, of the exhausted mind left in its wake, makes her throat tighten. She nods stiffly.
"Yeah. I know."
"So he's just taking a little nap."
"That's... good."
It occurs to her now, as she's having this unexpected conversation, that Entrapta's face is pinched and drawn. There are dark circles evident under her eyes. Her hair isn't as glossy as it normally is and, following its initial burst of activity upon Adora's approach, lies limp and lifeless.
Hordak, curled up and pressed into her side, looks strangely small in his plain clone garb. His face is the same stark-white it's always been, but his cheeks are noticeably pale, a lighter grey than the slate-blue Adora is used to seeing. Every so often, his shoulders tremble; a lock of hair snakes up to stroke his upper arm, as before, until they still.
As she takes in all of these details, Adora becomes aware of sounds of celebration coming from the camp behind them. Laughter and cheering. The crackling of a bonfire. Music, too; someone seems to have procured a flute and has begun to play a jaunty tune.
Something in Adora's chest tightens, and she sets her jaw.
"Do you need anything?"
The words come out somewhat strained, but Entrapta doesn't seem to notice. She glances about and hums for a moment.
"A blanket or two would be nice!"
Entrapta waves her off as Adora makes her way back to camp.
When she returns a few minutes later, two thick blankets folded over her arms, Entrapta greets her not with a smile but with an expression of plain confusion.
Adora crouches down, beginning to unfold the blankets. She holds one out.
Entrapta blinks at it.
"You... you brought them."
Adora offers that small smile again.
"Yeah. Here."
A lock of hair flips her visor down, and Entrapta remains still for a few breaths before silently taking one blanket in both hands. She studies it from behind the insectoid eyes of the mask.
Suddenly, in one fluid motion, she drapes it over Hordak's form, hair rustling to life and busying itself with the task of tucking the folds tightly around him. He does not stir as she works, though his body seems to relax from its tight curl. His shoulders cease their intermittent trembling.
Adora releases a breath she only now realizes she's been holding.
Once Hordak is properly covered, Entrapta grabs the second blanket and wraps it around herself, pulling it securely over her shoulders. It is only when the both of them are settled - she returns, for a moment, to adjust Hordak's blanket so that it's pulled up to his chin - that she turns back to Adora. After another brief pause, she lifts her visor.
Entrapta's eyes are a little red, a little watery, but she's smiling again.
"Thank you."
Adora returns her smile in kind.
"You're welcome."
She leaves them for the night, turning back once to see Entrapta nestling her head into the curve of Hordak's neck. Now he does stir, sleepily draping a blanketed arm over her. Then they are still.
Adora continues her way back to the camp, to songs and happy chatter. To crowds of friends and allies. To Catra.
Tomorrow, she'll return. Perhaps with some tiny food, or a fizzy drink. Perhaps with some amniotic fluid, if she can find a vial.
Perhaps just to ask:
Do you need anything?
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