#but OTOH i'd also get why one would look at that & go 'this guy's crazy he's limiting us the same way neltharion did'
alteredphoenix · 2 years
Two reasons why I think Azurathel calls Turalyon a zealot:
(1) The most likely: His first introduction to the Alliance is being met with soldiers that have him and the dracthyr surrounded point blank right outside Stormwind and sees the place is crawling with SI:7 scouts that are keeping tabs on them and mages that can see through their visages at any given moment. This is an example of being wary of a new entity that’s finding refuge/a new home from a black dragon that was at one point under Alliance custody for playing both sides in the Pandaria Campaign plus the history of fighting between the Alliance and black dragons a’la Onyxia, so it makes sense that the trust isn’t there. However to him this probably verges on the grounds of paranoia (because, again, there’s no way Azurathel has any idea of the history between the Alliance and black dragons at this point in DF), so while Azurathel understands the precautions he’s thinking along the lines “yeah, this guy’s may be a good soldier and leader but he’s also cracked, he doesn’t need a Titan artifact to watch what we’re doing” - and Turalyon understands the wariness.
(2) The least unlikely: Azurathel heard about Turalyon being a Light worshipper (despite not having any idea what the Light would be, being asleep for millennia), saw him decked in that golden armor, equated that to the Primalists’ worship of the Incarnates and usage of their shamanic magic, and had warning klaxons go off.
(3) The devs know how much people are salivating over having a (white) Human Male Paladin being made a villain for a change (due to a number of player HMPs in RP realms being alt-right/channeling their fascism/xenophobia through Scarlet Crusade RP) and threw in the “zealot” crack as a nod to the fanbase that want villain!Turalyon despite there not being any buildup between Azurathel and the dracthyr being led to Stormwind and him meeting Turalyon off-screen) a’la See Point 2.
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